Snorkeling with Whales in Maui, Hawaii

The most amazing thing I have ever done. This video doesn't even begin to capture these few moments. I went kayaking out of Olowalu, Maui on a kayak and jumped off as a whale swam toward me. This is the result!

Snorkeling with Whales in Maui, Hawaii sentiment_very_dissatisfied 8

Snorkeling 11 years ago 47,915 views

The most amazing thing I have ever done. This video doesn't even begin to capture these few moments. I went kayaking out of Olowalu, Maui on a kayak and jumped off as a whale swam toward me. This is the result!

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Most popular comments
for Snorkeling with Whales in Maui, Hawaii

trent foldager
trent foldager - 7 years ago
Lotta whale law experts on here... awesome video I’m beyond jealous!
Jake Harris
Jake Harris - 7 years ago
That guys brave. Was sick
Buddy Prescott
Buddy Prescott - 8 years ago
I'm pretty sure it's fake
Buddy Prescott
Buddy Prescott - 8 years ago
U guys know it's fake right?It looks totally animated
Kathy Boyette-Watson
Kathy Boyette-Watson - 8 years ago
That is so cool!
MyGuyInMaui - 8 years ago
Dude, this is awesome!
Steve Woan
Steve Woan - 8 years ago
Incredible footage!!
David Stapleton
David Stapleton - 8 years ago
Wow that would have been an experience! They must have been nice and curious of you as they hung around for a while, how long did they stay with you before they swam off? Im going to be in Hawaii soon for 2 months, hopefully get some solid snorkelling in!
AB - 9 years ago
1:15 you went too close to the mother and calf, MAN, I am not too sure if this is entirely safe (or within the rules to go so close), but sure as heaven this wass Awesome.

10. comment for Snorkeling with Whales in Maui, Hawaii

Maria Whittle
Maria Whittle - 9 years ago
Chris, this made so happy!
Rumple Stiltskin
Rumple Stiltskin - 9 years ago
Forget about those folks with superiority complexes and bask in the sunlight of a most amazing and unique experience! Well done.
Geo - 8 years ago
+Rumple Stiltskin Really? All this is about superiority complexes? The one with the superiority complex is the jerk in the water who thought it appropriate to chase these creatures.
Ross McD
Ross McD - 10 years ago
20 seconds in-the whales are all set with this dude and going away-he could have stayed put and took video of them gliding away... Instead all you hear is frantic paddling of him chasing down the whales.
Ross McD
Ross McD - 10 years ago
To Savvy and any other idiot that thinks CHASING AFTER WHALES is a good idea. Piss off and stay out of the water. This video would've been fine if he wasn't CHASING after the whales like a madman as they tried to get away from him... Jump in, hold on to your kayak and watch. DONT CHASE
Ross McD
Ross McD - 10 years ago
The guidelines: "Overview | Detailed Guidelines | For Boat Operators | Recognizing Disturbance

While viewing marine mammals, you should ensure that your actions do not cause a change in the behavior of the animals you are observing. Since an individual animal's reactions will vary, carefully observe all animals and leave the vicinity if you see the following signs of disturbance.

Whales and Dolphins (Cetaceans)

Much of the disturbance for these animals is related to direct pursuit or from underwater sound produced by a vessel's engines and propellers. Ensure that your presence does not disturb them.
Cautiously move away if you observe any of the following behaviors:
Rapid changes in swimming direction or speed.
Erratic swimming patterns.
Escape tactics such as prolonged diving, underwater exhalation, underwater course changes, or rapid swimming away from your location at the surface.
Female attempting to shield calf with her body or by her movements.
Sudden stop in important breeding, nursing, feeding or resting activities after your arrival."
Geo - 8 years ago
+Ross McD
Thank you for posting this. Although it seems "so cool" and I am sure it is, laws should have been followed for the protection of both mammals; the stupid human one, and the smart cetaceans. These creatures are protected. Moreover chasing them obviously interferes with the very important job they have, which is rearing the young for a 7,000 mile journey. If you love them, then get educated. Everything on the planet is not for human consumption and enjoyment. Respect them. There are appropriate ways to view them, not this.
Ross McD
Ross McD - 10 years ago
That escort must've realized you were being stupid cause I've seen them get violent both mother and escort when you get that close... One breach/slap of the tail and you'd be dead
Ross McD
Ross McD - 10 years ago
Two thoughts here. One yes this is a great privilege and honor to be so close to nature. Two. You were OK In the water, HOWEVER, you can't swim toward them or chase them. There's serious laws on that-same as turtles. You can snorkel and park over/near a turtle(or whale) and hope he comes to take a look at you but it's a situation where you've gotta give way to them at all times. Especially the whales! They could kill you with one swoosh of the tail.
Todd Wilder
Todd Wilder - 10 years ago
This would definitely be illegal in Hawaii, are you sure you weren't in some 3rd world country with no conservation laws? :)
Kellen Cole
Kellen Cole - 7 years ago
If they swim toward you it’s not illegal
Bryan Miner
Bryan Miner - 10 years ago
Wow Bro, you better delete that video asap. That video can land you in jail and a huge fine. It is blatantly obvious that you were swimming after them, catching up to them while they are obviously swimming away from you. That's very illegal. Learn the law. This video could fry your ass!
jivapav - 10 years ago
wonderful...what a privalege

20. comment for Snorkeling with Whales in Maui, Hawaii

chigusa saga
chigusa saga - 10 years ago
so beautiful. their stillness in the water. 
Taramarie - 10 years ago
Wow!!!  They are beautiful animals! Thank you for sharing!
Marty Norton
Marty Norton - 11 years ago
Unbelievable video! Love, love, love it!! And you were in the water with these huge dudes!!!
bkoell - 11 years ago
How far out were you from the shore in Olowalu? 
Sean Newcamp
Sean Newcamp - 7 years ago
bkoell it was about a mile out
runnerazzi - 11 years ago
Awesome video quality, were you using the Gopro?  I didn't get out that far to see the whales. Went for a swim and got pulled in by the lifeguard on the jet ski because of a shark in the water.  Great video!
Sean Newcamp
Sean Newcamp - 11 years ago
I was using a gopro hero 3+. Love that thing. I was approximately 1 mile off of shore but it was difficult to tell. Such a cool experience

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