Snorkeling with Whales in Maui, Hawaii
Snorkeling 11 years ago 47,915 views
The most amazing thing I have ever done. This video doesn't even begin to capture these few moments. I went kayaking out of Olowalu, Maui on a kayak and jumped off as a whale swam toward me. This is the result!
10. comment for Snorkeling with Whales in Maui, Hawaii
While viewing marine mammals, you should ensure that your actions do not cause a change in the behavior of the animals you are observing. Since an individual animal's reactions will vary, carefully observe all animals and leave the vicinity if you see the following signs of disturbance.
Whales and Dolphins (Cetaceans)
Much of the disturbance for these animals is related to direct pursuit or from underwater sound produced by a vessel's engines and propellers. Ensure that your presence does not disturb them.
Cautiously move away if you observe any of the following behaviors:
Rapid changes in swimming direction or speed.
Erratic swimming patterns.
Escape tactics such as prolonged diving, underwater exhalation, underwater course changes, or rapid swimming away from your location at the surface.
Female attempting to shield calf with her body or by her movements.
Sudden stop in important breeding, nursing, feeding or resting activities after your arrival."
Thank you for posting this. Although it seems "so cool" and I am sure it is, laws should have been followed for the protection of both mammals; the stupid human one, and the smart cetaceans. These creatures are protected. Moreover chasing them obviously interferes with the very important job they have, which is rearing the young for a 7,000 mile journey. If you love them, then get educated. Everything on the planet is not for human consumption and enjoyment. Respect them. There are appropriate ways to view them, not this.
20. comment for Snorkeling with Whales in Maui, Hawaii