Solo Sailor Girl 520NM and LOTS of BOOBIES!!!
Snorkeling 6 years ago 613,068 views
Episode 26... Another Adventure heads north out of Grenada solo sailor, solo boat for 183 nautical miles to Le Marin Martinique to visit Elizabeth and assist in a lil Papagino relocation where she will soon have mast installed and be sailing! then im off again solo for 345 nautical miles all the way to St Thomas! through high winds and rainbows I quiet literally set the boobies free on this one!!!!! ;) ENJOY! Thank you ALL so much for watching! If you would like to become a Patreon and help support Another adventure please visit or donate directly through
watching? But you never said they had blue feet! HA! Got me!
10. comment for Solo Sailor Girl 520NM and LOTS of BOOBIES!!!
20. comment for Solo Sailor Girl 520NM and LOTS of BOOBIES!!!
I enjoyed your video very much and like the reference to “southern cross”
30. comment for Solo Sailor Girl 520NM and LOTS of BOOBIES!!!
BTW: Great photography and editing.
When I saw the wind out there i thought how cool it would be to launch from the boat, wind surf for awhile and then land aboard again. How cool would that be!!!
Any suggestions should I either win a case or give up and cut loose? I don;t want to be a vagabond either but always thrifty. Where is a good place to find work and possible cheap boat for repair? As i remember mechanics and good repair people were hard to find (and I weld well enough)...
Blessings and thanks for the reminder.... let me know if you have time... my heart is aching.... for the life but I must do all I can to stop the criminals in suits from making a friend homeless.... also how do you fund your adventures? I'm gonna try gofundme to raise some for this case but perhaps there are other ways?? I'm doing my best without funding and it is really tough. Gonna do all I can, but after that if things do not change drastically as Q is indicating ... I'm outa here .... truthmonger6 at the gmail place Thanks
50. comment for Solo Sailor Girl 520NM and LOTS of BOOBIES!!!
BTW I Love your boat and the utmost useful suncover.
I would like to switch my life to the life you are living.
Friends, here is intrepid womanhood. You won't find this on Manhattan's streets, in academia, or even, regularly, in port. This is real, strong, intrepid, womanhood.
Without wings!!!
100. comment for Solo Sailor Girl 520NM and LOTS of BOOBIES!!!
No boobs
Ur videos are amazing. Keep up the good work
Have you ever felt, or been in a situation where you felt unsafe, like when dealing with other people sailing up to you?
It’s inspiring watching Holly for sure.
So true of about your last part of your statement. I always try to maintain a positive attitude with every stranger I meet, and by not treating them as strangers I've been luck to have met 100's of thousands of people in my 55 years of life, especially when I worked at DFW Airport. Those experiences have helped me when dealing with all sorts of people from all walks of life. But always kept fully aware of my surroundings, kept an open ear, and proceeded cautiously. As a mentor of mine once said to me.
I've had people tell me, that I'm the bravest person they've met. What they don't realize, that that takes a lifetime of practice. It's part of growing old and wise.
Good luck on your next journey Holly. I wish you the best, and good luck with your repairs and upgrades. Stay cheerful, hopeful and safe on your life journey.
I'll think of you, when I buy my next Lotto ticket. lol
Nice vid though, good channel too:)
An Englishman in France
It is only THIS society, that tries to make women into men and portray men as dandies, has lost this truth. Nature tries very hard to ensure our species survives. This programming is HARD to overcome, but it can be. Solo Sailor Girl is a rare bird indeed ... and nearly extinct: WARRIOR WOMAN! : )+Josef
Fair winds.
Its only write right Wright. YOU'RE THE MENTEL CASE.l health
You know, seeings how this video has sooo much BOOBAGE throughout!!! Ha! <3;) Grrrrr.