Solo Sailor Girl 520NM and LOTS of BOOBIES!!!

Episode 26... Another Adventure heads north out of Grenada solo sailor, solo boat for 183 nautical miles to Le Marin Martinique to visit Elizabeth and assist in a lil Papagino relocation where she will soon have mast installed and be sailing! then im off again solo for 345 nautical miles all the way to St Thomas! through high winds and rainbows I quiet literally set the boobies free on this one!!!!! ;) ENJOY! Thank you ALL so much for watching! If you would like to become a Patreon and help support Another adventure please visit or donate directly through

Solo Sailor Girl 520NM and LOTS of BOOBIES!!! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 619

Snorkeling 6 years ago 613,068 views

Episode 26... Another Adventure heads north out of Grenada solo sailor, solo boat for 183 nautical miles to Le Marin Martinique to visit Elizabeth and assist in a lil Papagino relocation where she will soon have mast installed and be sailing! then im off again solo for 345 nautical miles all the way to St Thomas! through high winds and rainbows I quiet literally set the boobies free on this one!!!!! ;) ENJOY! Thank you ALL so much for watching! If you would like to become a Patreon and help support Another adventure please visit or donate directly through

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Most popular comments
for Solo Sailor Girl 520NM and LOTS of BOOBIES!!!

Brian Clarke
Brian Clarke - 6 years ago
I cant lie i came here for the boobies and got way more than i bargained for, " boobies in bikinis" and then a free the boobie section ! dont get any better than that .
gary rimington
gary rimington - 6 years ago
Those fish were a gift from mother nature. So you dont starve. Eat them and thank her.
gary rimington
gary rimington - 6 years ago
I bought a 22' camper and moved into it at the beginning of the year with my pregnant cat. She only had one kitten. It's a test to see if I can solo. My wife thinks I'm crazy. It's a little stressful now and then. Otherwise I'm good.
Muskrat Outdoors
Muskrat Outdoors - 6 years ago
Add the word "Boobies" and guaranteed viral video...…..why do ya think I'm
watching? But you never said they had blue feet! HA! Got me!
mersparks - 6 years ago
Nice job your graphics are great
Tim Elwood
Tim Elwood - 6 years ago
boobie click bait....anything for
John Foden
John Foden - 6 years ago
Nice one!
doscincos - 6 years ago
Made 14 minutes, looked great, then waves an recall seasick from 60 years ago, on mucovitch party boat, port Aransas Texas, have fun.
Dennis England
Dennis England - 6 years ago
Wow what a Cool Brave woman But a Wonderful life She must have. You are my Hero for the day Stay STRONG sweetheart and you continue to break hearts and piss off Governments everywhere because they can not put you in a grid. Good job your new friend and Admirer

10. comment for Solo Sailor Girl 520NM and LOTS of BOOBIES!!!

Barry Brady
Barry Brady - 6 years ago
Fair dues to you
Jeff van wieren
Jeff van wieren - 6 years ago
Sailing, run hand lines instead of using poles, that way you don't have to try to stop the boat, pull it in with the fish skipping on the surface.
QuadCopter 102
QuadCopter 102 - 6 years ago
Click Bait.... the Boobies are a sea bird.....
oldrrocr - 6 years ago
The boobs you are talking about are those of us who clicked on your bait.
Ed Valencia
Ed Valencia - 6 years ago
Brave girl and very skilled! I praise you! salute!
Doug Dickerson
Doug Dickerson - 6 years ago
That looks awesome but I’d be afraid something would happen and I’d get knocked over and my boat would sail away without me. I’d need some sort of wireless thing that would stop my boat and bring it back to me. Some real James Bond type stuff.
shawn K
shawn K - 6 years ago
Click bait, NO real boobies to speak of.
David - 6 years ago
Damn girl! Me and u should be talking about you sailing to my place :)
kenneth. HandSome
kenneth. HandSome - 6 years ago
I wish I still had my 35 foot sailboat
Myrrydyn - 6 years ago
Need a good and competent deck hand?

20. comment for Solo Sailor Girl 520NM and LOTS of BOOBIES!!!

66flamer - 6 years ago
About twenty-some years ago I was in St John. We were there for a little over a week. It was just cool to hear you mention Saint Thomas. Great travels to you.
Ken Johnson
Ken Johnson - 6 years ago
I was in the army 22 years. I'm Air Assault, EFMB, and an expert martial artist. However, it looks absolutely terrifying to be on a sail boat in the ocean at the mercy of the waves, the sharks and whatever else might get you. Solo Girl, you are a freaking badass.
manfred schmalbach
manfred schmalbach - 6 years ago
I find people in general and those with "goals" especially much more exhausting or frightening then any gale-stirred saltwater could ever get to be honest.
Adi Pete
Adi Pete - 6 years ago
Yup, the classic "booby trap"!
hank smith
hank smith - 6 years ago
I’ve caught seagulls , pelicans, cormorants. Cormorants were the toughest to land and get the hook out safely for me and the bird (Santa Barbara channel).
I enjoyed your video very much and like the reference to “southern cross”
William Harvey
William Harvey - 6 years ago
came for the BOOBIES , also known as tities , and stayed for ... umm , the rain !
Ken Elliott
Ken Elliott - 6 years ago
Gregory Fortner
Gregory Fortner - 6 years ago
Do you ever invite guests along on your trips?
Kenneth Williams
Kenneth Williams - 6 years ago
Cheers Sailor Gal, Enjoyed this video because I did this 34 years ago also solo. I had a sextant and did mostly DR. or a shot of the sun at 11 am then another at 1pm for a running fix. I made land fall from G Canary to Antigua in 22 days . I had wintered in Alicante Sp. Also did the Canal Du Midi from UK and Breast. to the Med. Still sailing and have my boats behind the house, E mail if ever in Gulf of Mexico lots of room to tie up. Have a hurricane hole here. St Petersburg Fl USA Uokayiokay Ken ps those flying fish are great for breakfast.
Vincent Barry
Vincent Barry - 6 years ago
jameswilsonf - 6 years ago
Stopped by for the boobies stayed for the sailing adventure. Thanks for sharing.

30. comment for Solo Sailor Girl 520NM and LOTS of BOOBIES!!!

Troy Currie
Troy Currie - 6 years ago
Who came here for BOOBIES!!! A little disappointed they had feathers... I must say.
Greg Wilson
Greg Wilson - 6 years ago
Lol lol lol lol lol lol yea me too
whoknows - 6 years ago
I usually check the comments section before wasting my time, no boobies no watchie. It's like that comedian said, "If you've seen one set of naked boobies you've seen them all." You wanna see another? "Hell yeah!"
Garold Jackson
Garold Jackson - 6 years ago
What the hell... I didn't see any boobies... All I seen were birds.
Garold Jackson
Garold Jackson - 6 years ago
Not the kind of boobies I expected to see.
charles lytle
charles lytle - 6 years ago
boobies are birds-didnt you know that?
BeaglesGuy - 6 years ago
I don't know how I came upon this video, but I love it. Subscribed with notifications. Please keep posting once in a while as I plan to somewhat live vicariously through your adventures. Thank you.
BTW: Great photography and editing.
Billy18963 - 6 years ago
I wish
Tim Graaff
Tim Graaff - 6 years ago
Good job!!
Hooverdarnit - 6 years ago
I should have made a video documentary of my solo 4,000 mile voyage in my homemade 16 foot sailboat. (OCT. 1994 - MAY 1995) This girl was on a luxury cruise compared to what I went through.
Hooverdarnit - 6 years ago
+Another Adventure I have six sailboats in my back yard. Wanna buy a dinghy?
Another Adventure
Another Adventure - 6 years ago
And I’ve worked hard building this boat for years to make it a luxury cruise...
Bo Simmons
Bo Simmons - 6 years ago
Nice.. Your living my dream. Maybe one day I will be out sailing along and seeing the vast sea of dreams.
Greg Wilson
Greg Wilson - 6 years ago
Ok who you kidding you won'
Klug Farms Klug
Klug Farms Klug - 6 years ago
So do you carry a fire arm, to ward off possible pirates?
Zymondo - 6 years ago
I am building a small pontoon boat to get out on the water... I would think you might bring a book, or several, for such a long journey... I mean, you can only look at so much water, so much wind and rain and so many dolphins! My plan is to spend nights just drifting on Lake Pontchatrain (the boat is 3 - 14ft pontoons) and the deck will be 16x6... that should work for me! (and a date?) Safe travels young lady !
Bill Callahan
Bill Callahan - 6 years ago
Good for you Zy! I bought one way too long. 22.5 feet. It was difficult to launch, retrieve, park etc. If I buy another it'll be in the 16 to 18 foot range. Good luck! They're a lot of fun to laze about on.
Tony hood
Tony hood - 6 years ago
Charles Eagan
Charles Eagan - 6 years ago
Always wanted to learn to sail, but living in Kansas didn’t help much. Now I’m too old!
Bill Callahan
Bill Callahan - 6 years ago
Hey Sailor Gal! Get a drone! It'll add a lot to your already spectacular videos. You can launch it on your sailboat after you've had some practice. Start with a cheap one first! They go for $35.00. You'll crash a few. Let me know if you need any advice.
Douglas Street
Douglas Street - 6 years ago
! am soooooooooooooooooo jelous. That would be a blast. Good for you luv.
Jack Owens
Jack Owens - 6 years ago
wow! Wish I could be as brave as u sweetheart! U amaze me!!!!
Slarty Bartfast
Slarty Bartfast - 6 years ago
You sure are cool.
mitch rawles
mitch rawles - 6 years ago
colin-man yeates-clan
colin-man yeates-clan - 6 years ago
Hey Holly, I was raised on a 56 ft Cutter 63 ft double diamond rig. As a kid of 6-12 my favorite place was the cross stays.... I love windsurfing and designed my own boards... but for the last ten years have been working 18hr days 7d a week to help people against the corrupted courts. I'm ready for a vacation... problem is that they have taken all my properties and tried to take me out with 2 SWAT teams... so very little funds. But I did railway work for a few years and contracting for about 20... need some exercise but still in good enough shape to get fit.
When I saw the wind out there i thought how cool it would be to launch from the boat, wind surf for awhile and then land aboard again. How cool would that be!!!
Any suggestions should I either win a case or give up and cut loose? I don;t want to be a vagabond either but always thrifty. Where is a good place to find work and possible cheap boat for repair? As i remember mechanics and good repair people were hard to find (and I weld well enough)...
Blessings and thanks for the reminder.... let me know if you have time... my heart is aching.... for the life but I must do all I can to stop the criminals in suits from making a friend homeless.... also how do you fund your adventures? I'm gonna try gofundme to raise some for this case but perhaps there are other ways?? I'm doing my best without funding and it is really tough. Gonna do all I can, but after that if things do not change drastically as Q is indicating ... I'm outa here .... truthmonger6 at the gmail place Thanks
J Quinn
J Quinn - 6 years ago
You, Solo Sailor Girl are amazing. Thank you for sharing your life at sea with us.
Charles Mayeux
Charles Mayeux - 6 years ago
Great to have a life jacket. If you are not tied to the boat, it would help keep you alive for a slow death in about five days.
sup dog
sup dog - 6 years ago
Awesome video..awesome gal.

50. comment for Solo Sailor Girl 520NM and LOTS of BOOBIES!!!

Richard Browne
Richard Browne - 6 years ago
Oh, Boobie,s are birds?
william holliday
william holliday - 6 years ago
Where did I miss the BOOBIES ?What I saw was 2 EGGS, sunny side up.
Scott Gibson
Scott Gibson - 6 years ago
boobies as promised,but speaking for dirty old men everywhere,Inwas hoping for your boobies.Thanks for the video
Evans Potvin
Evans Potvin - 6 years ago
Too much boobies and no clothes on them. Too much for me sorry lol
Beemermarine - 6 years ago
Came for boobies and got birds and a cool video...:)
Rick Robinson
Rick Robinson - 6 years ago
You have a very pleasing voice for narration of your videos, safe travels.
Maj. Boot
Maj. Boot - 6 years ago
Awesome video!!!!
Joe Hicks
Joe Hicks - 6 years ago
Edward Demasi
Edward Demasi - 6 years ago
no boobies what the hell
TravelCoach24 - 6 years ago
Hi. Would be nice to know what kind of Video/Audio you are using.
BTW I Love your boat and the utmost useful suncover.
I would like to switch my life to the life you are living.
carlo Fedeli
carlo Fedeli - 6 years ago
TravelCoach24 ,00
Gary Raymo
Gary Raymo - 6 years ago
Ah ,I envy you ,I miss the water ,however I had to return to land to take care of my elderly mother ,I shall return to the sea one day
MORGAN DOUGLAS - 6 years ago
your a dummy for no safety rope........................
MORGAN DOUGLAS - 6 years ago
your hair nasty looking
Mark C
Mark C - 6 years ago
Those were freakin awesome boobies!!!!!!!! More cowbell though! Lol. You are young and lots of fun ! ! I be old and nearly done . And this is the only way i will take a boat ride....from my couch! Rock on!
Fred Quimby
Fred Quimby - 6 years ago
Why do I have a feeling the BOOBIES in this video will be of the avian kind and not the female chesticle kind? Not that it will make for a bad video, mind you. Any time you can view the Tropics is a good time! But chesticles would make it better.
Gonads1259 - 6 years ago
Man, I thought she said she was getting her tits out!
Tom Trapp
Tom Trapp - 6 years ago
Love it !!
NeverforgetElvis - 6 years ago
No worries on the click bait. Once I saw your chest i realized i wasnt missing a thing. You make a great pirate.....cuz you already have the sunken chest. Hee hee
Steve OL
Steve OL - 6 years ago
Yep, she got me to!
Spencer T. Blessman
Spencer T. Blessman - 6 years ago
great boobies~!!!
Spencer T. Blessman
Spencer T. Blessman - 6 years ago
you had me at LOTS
Jason Ray
Jason Ray - 6 years ago
Only thing needed to make this video perfect is John Denver music. Wonderful job!
C.L H - 6 years ago
haha no boobies (not needed, not required) , nice video, the title probably sucks in a lot of...suckers! Viva solo lady sailors.
joe cucch
joe cucch - 6 years ago
It's a nice lifestyle if you can afford it. Here's to following seas and a gentle breeze.
Grant Bratrud
Grant Bratrud - 6 years ago
I clicked in as a lover of sailing adventure hoping to see blue-footed boobies, my favorite. No blue feet, but I did see a beautiful blond sailor woman on passage!
Friends, here is intrepid womanhood. You won't find this on Manhattan's streets, in academia, or even, regularly, in port. This is real, strong, intrepid, womanhood.
Another Adventure
Another Adventure - 6 years ago
Just the brown booby’s for now one day once I get through the canal I will hopefully find some blue footed ones! And thank you for the kind words!
Michael Grimes
Michael Grimes - 6 years ago
I ended up being the booby!
Without wings!!!
Roy Boy soon
Roy Boy soon - 6 years ago
Very nice rain or shine.
carlos alvarez
carlos alvarez - 6 years ago
Came for the boobies but video was still cool.
scott Gue
scott Gue - 6 years ago
If you want company let me know
scott Gue
scott Gue - 6 years ago
Lol boobie is interesting, but cool what your doing ,
yoyohooyo - 6 years ago
Keith steffen
Keith steffen - 6 years ago
Wow!!! Well I wasn't a subscriber, but happened to catch this video... ok.. the boobies caught me too.... so now I am a subscriber. Your artistic abilities are evident to me.. Your video work is wonderful and the mesmorizing musical notes keep me alive with hope!!!! Keith In Florida
kevin easton
kevin easton - 6 years ago
Boobies always look better without bras..........
Steve 100
Steve 100 - 6 years ago
I'm applying for first mate job.
kenneth. HandSome
kenneth. HandSome - 6 years ago
I think I will have to bump you off that list ha ha ha ha
donna gilligan
donna gilligan - 6 years ago
Beautiful sailing!! Your one brave woman!!
Alfred Brown
Alfred Brown - 6 years ago
Me tooo. And I bet batteries by the box too. Toys get a good workout
james brock
james brock - 6 years ago
good to see places I will never get to see in person
Shane Beaudrot
Shane Beaudrot - 6 years ago
You are so brave!
grateful dead
grateful dead - 6 years ago
your playlist??? more of!
Freedom Sound
Freedom Sound - 6 years ago
Nice camera work on the boobies! Seriously- you are good at quite a few things including the camera!
Vince Cox
Vince Cox - 6 years ago
ben there done that,,,,,,love you
lostpuppy - 6 years ago
So many girls are afraid of what getting wet ..go sis have fun
Tom Corinne
Tom Corinne - 6 years ago
How faking lucky rich do you get to be to do that! Dam you did it! So well done Girl so jealous
edro1973 - 6 years ago
Damn, I got click bated again.
doug graves
doug graves - 6 years ago
I love this video! The boobies brought me in, but you delivered more than I expected. You make me wish I were young again! Keep going and may you always have fair winds.
some dude
some dude - 6 years ago
Not the boobies I was expecting.
Jeffery Pettit
Jeffery Pettit - 6 years ago
Ill come sail with ya lil lady
Landslave - 6 years ago
Can you please wear your tether so I can enjoy watching these videos?
Jay Mcmanus
Jay Mcmanus - 6 years ago
Absolutely gorgeous
joe Manzani
joe Manzani - 6 years ago
Wow. You are brave. Kind of envy you. Any info on your boat?

100. comment for Solo Sailor Girl 520NM and LOTS of BOOBIES!!!

Dan Richards
Dan Richards - 6 years ago
I've always wanted to do that, even if cannot afford my own but maybe someday!
John Patterson
John Patterson - 6 years ago
I spent two hours on a small sail boat in Oklahoma four years ago and had the Time Of My Life ...thank you for shareing
michael shoffner
michael shoffner - 6 years ago
the only boobies were the ones that were watching for the boobies
Ranaldo Bobsled
Ranaldo Bobsled - 6 years ago
I think the boobs are us for believing this horse sheot.
RAM - 6 years ago
That cloud looked like Trumps head.
NeverforgetElvis - 6 years ago
Well done....
RAM - 6 years ago
I came for nothing , and got a pleasant surprise . Please meet me at the Statue of Liberty I'm waiting .lol nice music .
stephen molasky
stephen molasky - 6 years ago
I love to sail but with someone else doing the work. Can I rent you out... (No worries I am a very safe 78 year old man who fell in love with Popeye when I was 5!
Joseph Tuscano
Joseph Tuscano - 6 years ago
Wish I was there
Steven Bramschreiber
Steven Bramschreiber - 6 years ago
caught a seagull much the same way years ago!!!!!!!!!!
Rat Rage
Rat Rage - 6 years ago
One tiny pair of tiny titties,, No Boobies at all... I feel sad and confused....
Bill Whitley
Bill Whitley - 6 years ago
Love the Boobies
Jon Jonson
Jon Jonson - 6 years ago
AND!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no tits
Clayton Vant Hoff
Clayton Vant Hoff - 6 years ago
I myself love spending time alone, and have spent a ton of time on the water, but do you ever get lonely out there?
Van Inn
Van Inn - 6 years ago

No boobs
Goodtohave Inajam
Goodtohave Inajam - 6 years ago
You must have been talking about sea birds; those are about the only boobies on here.
Another Adventure
Another Adventure - 6 years ago
twohorse2 - 6 years ago
too many boobies, not enough tits.
nkryptchn 02
nkryptchn 02 - 6 years ago
daluzsoares - 6 years ago
a lot of little tits!!!!!
smokeystriper - 6 years ago
Great video! your photo work is fantastic and your narrations remind me of Warren Miller.
Chris OConnor
Chris OConnor - 6 years ago
520 nano-meters??? i dont get it
Another Adventure
Another Adventure - 6 years ago
Typically we use nautical miles on boats. Crazy I know ;)
Brad Nygren
Brad Nygren - 6 years ago
Funny, and fun.
Muskrat Outdoors
Muskrat Outdoors - 6 years ago
Got us all I think!
Gary Norden
Gary Norden - 6 years ago
click bate
Shawn Kilbane
Shawn Kilbane - 6 years ago
Discover E she got me too and it was well worth the trip, less the boobies.
Lycoming320 - 6 years ago
Saw lots of Blue Footed Boobies in the Galapagos. Two weeks of paradise.
matt sez
matt sez - 6 years ago
oh......birds..........never mind
Skakum5 - 6 years ago
what model of autopilot is that?
Another Adventure
Another Adventure - 6 years ago
robertlongo telstarlimousine
robertlongo telstarlimousine - 6 years ago
stopped me in my passing by tracks, boobies" then i realized no boobies with Nips, just feathers, lol but i enjoyed it and will watch you again, i'm now following you, thanks.
John Wayne Pettimore
John Wayne Pettimore - 6 years ago
Came for the boobies, realized it was click bait so now I'm leaving and giving you a thumbs down. Good day madam.
Dennis Meulensteen
Dennis Meulensteen - 6 years ago
Now if they'd filmed Waterworld with you, it would have been totally believable!
1997wolverine - 6 years ago
I knew better but I am primordially programed to view ALL boobies. Sadly even the feathered type.
Rob Ellis
Rob Ellis - 6 years ago
I love you crazy sailor lady.
H5-Phil - 6 years ago
So, solo anything always peaks my interest. I'm curious what happens if you were to fall off the boat while 'auto' navigating?
Steve Scherer
Steve Scherer - 6 years ago
She's wearing a safety harness in one of the shots. Stay safe!
SolarNova - 6 years ago
How do I become crew on this boat?
Safet Hamzagic
Safet Hamzagic - 6 years ago
Hey no boobies :( nice vid
Heinz Deubler
Heinz Deubler - 6 years ago
I am so envious. I sold my 28" boat a couple of years ago because I just don't have enough time.
Intrepid Corsair
Intrepid Corsair - 6 years ago
Searching the web all day for boobies and I finally found them. Thanks.
River Gypsea
River Gypsea - 6 years ago
the mountain at 5:34 looks like a bald eagle from the back with his wings spread.
Owen Luck
Owen Luck - 6 years ago
Happy Sails.
Welby Cox
Welby Cox - 6 years ago
As the father of five beautiful independent daughters, I am in awe of the cut of your jib...loved the presentation and wish to thank you for sharing.
ioan dumitru
ioan dumitru - 6 years ago
Can you sail a wind ship for transports ?
john g
john g - 6 years ago
Man you had me at boobies but alas you click baited my ass? Guess if you are chasing boobies you have to go to Sailing Doodles.
Louis Warmoth
Louis Warmoth - 6 years ago
One hand for the for you ! Tether ? Floatation ?
Christopher Stube
Christopher Stube - 6 years ago
I came over to look at your boobies by Papageno. I subbed because of the ship handling and maintenance because it becomes clear that people should call you captain. You also seem to know your way around filming equipment. When you were flipping off the blue footed one, why did you address it as "he"? I never could see how one could tell gender on them. It becomes clear that you know your way around the Caribbean. It is very convenient of the bait to present itself on deck.
Another Adventure
Another Adventure - 6 years ago
Well thank you thank you! And I had no reason for calling it a he. I’m not sure how to tell the difference between the mails from the females. I just happened to say it that way I guess
Ben A1
Ben A1 - 6 years ago
Being by yourself, if you fall over board what happens? I don't see a kill switch mechanism. Do you carry a beacon and a visual signally device on your PFD? Be careful and stay safe out there. Thanks for sharing and bringing us along.
Another Adventure
Another Adventure - 6 years ago
Falling overboard is absolutely not an option. I am tethered with an inflatable PFD 90% a of the time... and I do where an e-perb 200% of the time ! unfortunately on a solo sailing vessel with auto pilot there is no such thing as a kill switch. Once you set up your vessel and tell it what to do the hopes as it continues. If you fall off it does not know and just continues to do it’s job so exactly what you think happens would happen... :/ I feel like this should be something we have engineered with the technology we have today... Like a personal signal you could attach to yourself that would transmit a certain distance and if you get outside of that distance your auto pilot could just hard the rudder to port or starboard... Solo it would at least give you a fighting chance to get back on board and with any crew on board they would obviously notice the abrupt change. Seems so simple but technology is not my forte...
Ranger Hanson
Ranger Hanson - 6 years ago
did I miss it? where's the 'boobies'? Cilck bait
Capt. Steph
Capt. Steph - 6 years ago
What video software do you use? I like the way you make them and the fun stuff you add! Great music selection!
Another Adventure
Another Adventure - 6 years ago
It’s a program called Wondershare Fillmore... And the Music is just stock tune is out of the YouTube library
TimH Metal
TimH Metal - 6 years ago
Liked your boobies required!!!
Rusted Salt
Rusted Salt - 6 years ago
Great title! One awesome chica!
brooks duncan
brooks duncan - 6 years ago
What size is your boat
brooks duncan
brooks duncan - 6 years ago
+Another Adventure really cool! I've always wanted to sail and explore.
Ur videos are amazing. Keep up the good work
Another Adventure
Another Adventure - 6 years ago
She’s an Idylle 13.5 Which translates to just over 44 feet
Truck - 6 years ago
I dream of being like you, Holly. Had you and your adventures on my mind all night long!!! Geese you're driving me nuts!!! Told my wife I've gotta find a way to get off this damn truck after 21 years and find my way to Holly's world. She said hell yea, but then I said the usual american stuck sad stories, though I really have zero overhead. But how can I support myself is my question. I just want like a 25 footer simple sail. I do not know anything about sailing other than your videos, so I need to crawl before I walk. What's your advice... where do I start?
Jan Sveen
Jan Sveen - 6 years ago
You are a lot better and true than Delos. That crew is just alcoholics at sea chasing comfort all the time. Respect to you for your infinite ways in the universe without set roads to travel
Steven Lovett
Steven Lovett - 6 years ago
TheMonkeyrock77 - 6 years ago
I'm a Freeman too. Nice video.
Ed Smith
Ed Smith - 6 years ago
I don't see all the boobies ?
Hakan Ünal
Hakan Ünal - 6 years ago
I would like to surround with boobies too.
SailorSam - 6 years ago
How many years are you sailing? love the channell, I starting this year with no experience :)
John sweda
John sweda - 6 years ago
Why didn't you eat the birdie are they're not very tasty
Another Adventure
Another Adventure - 6 years ago
Well I never got an onboard or I might have considered it LOL probably not I’m not sure if boobies are good or legal to eat.
John Smith
John Smith - 6 years ago
only saw two boobies
Beach & Rivers
Beach & Rivers - 6 years ago
This girl is every single-handed sailor’s dream partner , just love your independence, powerful !
Gerry McGuire
Gerry McGuire - 6 years ago
is this about how much a crap sailor you are or showing everyone you have tits and no cosmo just a deadlock druggie weed queen
Hans Etter
Hans Etter - 6 years ago
Great video!
Ve9a Centauri Bergeron
Ve9a Centauri Bergeron - 6 years ago
Ted Gayer
Ted Gayer - 6 years ago
I love that you have a life jacket on. You are awesome and I'm becoming invested in your safety and well being! Thanks for the great vids!
Jeff Betts
Jeff Betts - 6 years ago
Great video! Nice boobies!
Steve Mazz
Steve Mazz - 6 years ago
Sorry I can't watch any more of your videos.... everyone I watch asks for support to help thru patreon. If I gave even a dollar to all the videos asking it would be $100 of dollars per video.... my guilt won't allow me to watch for free.
The Pat1480
The Pat1480 - 6 years ago
Watch mine for free. You are welcome
Another Adventure
Another Adventure - 6 years ago
That is just silly. You watching for free actually helps everyone of us just a little fraction of a penny adds up to be so much more. It does seem a bit odd to ask for support in making videos but it is a very time-consuming process and it seems as though it is norm for everyone to pay for their entertainment. I however will never make it a requirement I will always keep my pager on voluntary and never withhold any information or videos from my viewers for not making donations. It is completely voluntary and I hope that you will enjoy Another adventure guilt free in the future! :-) Happy sailing
tom horn
tom horn - 6 years ago
ugh I came here to see lots of boobs lol
ChefGiovanni - 6 years ago
Cool sailing. You know how to sail for sure. Your boat is a mess, you need a mate.
Another Adventure
Another Adventure - 6 years ago
Oh yes! When in Harbor Another Adventure usually explodes inside as there is plenty to be done here! LOL... When it gets time to start making passages things go back together, start getting lockdown, tied, or moved to a safeer location...
Christopher Stube
Christopher Stube - 6 years ago
+Another Adventure I was observing that the boat seemed to be more shipshape when it got underway, an observation that i learned from Two Years Before The Mast. I presumed you had it all taken apart when you were stationary.
Another Adventure
Another Adventure - 6 years ago
Boats are an ongoing project. It’s a one step back two steps forward world so something is always torn apart. And yes it is very hard to sail do projects and keep everything tidy so it comes and goes in waves ... :)
rodger gona go
rodger gona go - 6 years ago
one brave young girl well-done u respect well and truly earned x
Assassin Mongoose
Assassin Mongoose - 6 years ago
I'm just curious, just how do you stay afloat financially. it has to cost money to sail, and to live on a boat. you have to buy diesel, food, tools, and supplies occasionally? I have a hard time balancing this, and formulating a budget in my head. I don't think that the average person can do this, unless they have a trust fund. imho

Have you ever felt, or been in a situation where you felt unsafe, like when dealing with other people sailing up to you?
E Wood
E Wood - 6 years ago
Assassin Mongoose - another Texan here, also 50. Our lotto chance is Wednesday!! I’ll race ya to the yacht broker lol (if only) I’d need a crew as I’m clueless to the wonderful world of boating.
It’s inspiring watching Holly for sure.
Assassin Mongoose
Assassin Mongoose - 6 years ago
+Another Adventure I'm very impressed, you are a brave soul.
So true of about your last part of your statement. I always try to maintain a positive attitude with every stranger I meet, and by not treating them as strangers I've been luck to have met 100's of thousands of people in my 55 years of life, especially when I worked at DFW Airport. Those experiences have helped me when dealing with all sorts of people from all walks of life. But always kept fully aware of my surroundings, kept an open ear, and proceeded cautiously. As a mentor of mine once said to me.
I've had people tell me, that I'm the bravest person they've met. What they don't realize, that that takes a lifetime of practice. It's part of growing old and wise.
Good luck on your next journey Holly. I wish you the best, and good luck with your repairs and upgrades. Stay cheerful, hopeful and safe on your life journey.

I'll think of you, when I buy my next Lotto ticket. lol
Another Adventure
Another Adventure - 6 years ago
Financially life has never been easier for me since I have gotten on a boat. Part of life being easy Simplicity and self-sufficiency. Two things I want to get a lot more involved talking about on my videos but there’s simply not enough hours in the day. Right now I have actually stopped to do a little bit of work and make extra money so that I can make a few upgrades. So I do not have as much time to commit to YouTube but that will change very soon. And I’ve had a few boats purse that may have made me a bit uncomfortable but I think we’ve all had somebody passed us on the street or follow us in the car but seemed a bit odd. For the most part that is never an issue just like in standard life.
Dave P
Dave P - 6 years ago
Can I come live on your boat with you?
Jim Romero
Jim Romero - 6 years ago
Who doesn't love lots of boobies...
Tom Baker
Tom Baker - 6 years ago
Love the videos! I'm on an old Gulfstar trawler in So Florida. I love my trawler but you have me thinking sailing.... I would love to take a trip down to St Thomas. I may have to plot a course down there. Have a great one!
Vail Clewley
Vail Clewley - 6 years ago
Have a look at Elley Grey a grp St. Malo pilot cutter replica from 1896 . delivered 2012 built for a couple to sail the world with speed comfort and safety stunning and for sale .
john  pacetti
john pacetti - 6 years ago
I just stumbled across your channel and I have to ask, are you the inspiration for the character in "Trawler Trash"? By Ed Robinson?
Another Adventure
Another Adventure - 6 years ago
Lmao... Why yes sir I am! Ed and Kim are both good friends of mine! All his writings are fictional because they are from his mind but apparently I have inspired some character that has been well enjoyed by many! Hope you enjoy getting to know the real me :-)
randalljames - 6 years ago
Your work ethic reminds me that NOT all the youngers are phuckn lazy azzes waiting for their trust funds... What do you want for Christmas?
Another Adventure
Another Adventure - 6 years ago
To be able to afford a gosh darn new main sail to replace the one I blew out back in Lupron! Keep watching! Your helping ;)
The VW Spot
The VW Spot - 6 years ago
Just subscribed the other day. Enjoying the technical aspects you show of the sailing. These channels get me through the cold winters (and my own rebuild projects that is). This spring will be the first full season that I will have with my 19.5 O'Day Mariner 2+2 and while I've sailed sunfish and such this boat is a different animal. I've only gotten to sail it 2x and am really looking forward to this season.
Андрей Климов
Андрей Климов - 6 years ago
Молодец! Так держать. Все здорово. Мне все нравится.
HuskyBlooMoose390 - 6 years ago
Just discovered your channel, super cool to see you doing your thing solo!! I’m a Rocky Mountain guy, Salt Lake City, Utah/Loveland, Colorado!! Looking to head to the blue waters of the Caribbean in three years!! I’d love to see a video where you detail what your advice is to new sailors looking to head off!! Great job!!
Blue Tube
Blue Tube - 6 years ago
She looks like a nice solid boat. Nice video. Thanks for sharing.
Bold Guy
Bold Guy - 6 years ago
Waaaaaah.............You click baited me, thought you were going to show off your boobies!!!
Nice vid though, good channel too:)
ole sejr
ole sejr - 6 years ago
I like your boat bcos i wonder how much it costs and how much you needed to upgrade. I saw an advice from a Captain there's giving free tops. I dont know the exact words but about having the storm jib ready too with two rollers.I say also if i won 10.000 in lotto would i ask you too teach me sailing for one month.I like your mood.I dont know about sailboats but i sailed small coastere world wide and respect the ocean.
Another Adventure
Another Adventure - 6 years ago
I saved my boat with over 9000 gallons of water in it. A story I need to make an episode about one of these days. But long story short my boat was practically given to me and I gave that gentleman my smaller boat in trade. Another adventure was badly damaged and I have brought her back from the grave. A process I recommend for everyone as self-sufficiency and knowing your vessel out here is one of the most fluid ways to simplify your life and make it!
Paul Gabov
Paul Gabov - 6 years ago
Nice :)
I Ship
I Ship - 6 years ago
I love your video ( be safe)
Brayden Sullivan
Brayden Sullivan - 6 years ago
I was just saying to myself that it's a miracle she didn't catch a bird
EAA 1202 Farmville
EAA 1202 Farmville - 6 years ago
We did snag one going by the Los Aves. Had to haul him in to release him.
Brayden Sullivan
Brayden Sullivan - 6 years ago
+Another Adventure love the show, can't wait for the next one
Another Adventure
Another Adventure - 6 years ago
It’s Americal that’s the first one I have ever caught in many many years!
Terry - 6 years ago
I'm watching your first video and when you caught the bird it didn't look like you had a Safety Line Hooked to you. I hope I'm wrong but just in case you didn't. I really wish you wouldn't do that again. My friend was 36 and was messing around and jumped up on his boat and started dancing around and fell off and drown. And that was in a lake. Out there. It would be bad. So just a thought. Thanks :)
Terry - 6 years ago
+Another Adventure I just want you to be around a long time. I want to see what you do next. Ha :) Your Great !!!
Another Adventure
Another Adventure - 6 years ago
I can agree with that! :-) I do try
Terry - 6 years ago
+Another Adventure OK > Sounds good but myself. After what happened to my friend. I think you should always be Hooked Up. Thanks and I'll be watching. :)
Another Adventure
Another Adventure - 6 years ago
I tried to run a tight ship always but Nothing in life is 100%. I did have a life jacket and e-perb on but I do not believe I was actually tethered at that moment... Depending on seastate and where I am located on the boat Varys how precautious I am. Not saying it is right to be relaxed but it is impossible to be perfect since we are human :-) I do always always always always have a e-perb on my body even when I am sleeping
Terry - 6 years ago
Well hello from Cold Kentucky. First time I've seen you. Got some videos to catch up on but will be watching and Jealous. Ha You New Subscriber & Liked. :)
Ivansgarage - 6 years ago
Wow, just found your videos, Beautiful MyLady
Kevin Eidsmore
Kevin Eidsmore - 6 years ago
up for dating or solo girl forever!? @Eidsmore on Twitter or email:
Chuck Jones
Chuck Jones - 6 years ago
Salty! Find some waves! keep it up. you look healthy. love the boobies!
mike Francis
mike Francis - 6 years ago
Good videos congratulations, the world needs more people like you on the water. Thx
Tod Loeffelholz
Tod Loeffelholz - 6 years ago
You could have freed the boobies to free the boobies
Joe surfer
Joe surfer - 6 years ago
Iv spent many years out in the ocean sinse before you was born surfing scary waves and training without a leash. Almost drown many times before stopped using leash's (that can break). I'm wondering if you have ever jumped overboard with your harness on and practiced pulling yourself back on board? May turn out to be the most important thing you ever did. Start practicing while anchored. Graduate to the point you can fall over towards the wind and pull yourself back on. (I dont know much about boats. I just paint them as a professional artist). Remember if you fall in, you will have a limited time before sharks show up. Especially if you are on your period or you got cuts on you. (I'm sorry I say ignorant things sometimes).
irench - 6 years ago
The boobies are amazing. The way they can just spread their wings and power into the air.
Tool Maker
Tool Maker - 6 years ago
Hola HOLLY are YA BIZ or WeBalin Wobblin Around Feb 16 MOANIN!!!!~~~~^~~~~O*~~~^^^
Andy Weaks
Andy Weaks - 6 years ago
I love Sula's, cheers.
simon talbot
simon talbot - 6 years ago
Funneee, putting your boobies on a boobie
An Englishman in France
jayomjarmo - 6 years ago
you are amazing thanks for sharing !
Rimas Meleshyus
Rimas Meleshyus - 6 years ago
Great video,I love it you doing very well,great sailing video.very impressive absolutely awesome,many thanks.i am sailing too alone the to sail is alone.i sailed from San Francisco,California to Vietnam, Da Nang. Fear wind and falling seas you doing good job. I wish you all the best.
Kathleen Potts
Kathleen Potts - 6 years ago
Great video!!
Jan Petr
Jan Petr - 6 years ago
Tetraskele - 6 years ago
Nice to see another YouTube sailing adventure serial. Hats off to you, Holly. I in a 500 women would be willing to do what you are doing, and only 1 in 10,000 could pull it off! Peace, Dorian
Tetraskele - 6 years ago
Only a woman exposed early to the ocean, and sailing (especially scuba diving, when they become familiar with what is under the surface ... what scares them ... makes a big difference. Still, even the number of women divers to males (that actually pursue the sport on their own — not because they hubby/boy friend wants them to) is a very low ratio. Same could be said of surfing. Oceans are scary, an unknown. Women are programmed for filing secure and safe ... it is genetic: NESTING/Nuturing programming.

It is only THIS society, that tries to make women into men and portray men as dandies, has lost this truth. Nature tries very hard to ensure our species survives. This programming is HARD to overcome, but it can be. Solo Sailor Girl is a rare bird indeed ... and nearly extinct: WARRIOR WOMAN! : )+Josef
Josef - 6 years ago
+Tetraskele No, I meant it's probably more like 1 in a million, instead of 500. I spent about 15 years dating with that goal and never got a positive response to it.
Tetraskele - 6 years ago
Well ... in their minds (not in practice) they'd commit to the idea. Sure, few would give up the 'creature comforts,' that's for sure! It's a nesting/security fear things. Apparently SSG is from viking stock! : )
Josef - 6 years ago
I doubt that many are willing.
Peter Ellams
Peter Ellams - 6 years ago
Hey Holly, Your videos alway bring a smile to my face...and I usually learn a thing or two I never would have thought of. You are a natural, your production style is so uncontrived. Love the voiceover and narrative, totally takes me back to watching Jacques Cousteau, on the Calypso, when I was a kid. You get the joy and the melancholy of being at sea just right All the best.
Peter Balazsy
Peter Balazsy - 6 years ago
Sorry but I can't find info about this boat? Where is it? What make boat is it? Why is it hard for me to find this info.. sorry? lol
Another Adventure
Another Adventure - 6 years ago
Another adventure is A 1984 Beneteau Idylle 13.5
Florida Fly Fishing
Florida Fly Fishing - 6 years ago
I'm not entirely sure but I'm thinking I totally love you...
Florida Fly Fishing
Florida Fly Fishing - 6 years ago
+Another Adventure i love spearfishing love polespear and gun, come to think of it i love lots of things. I thought that my life was full of saltwater until I started watching all of these sailing YouTube videos your channel is amazing keep doing what you're doing
Another Adventure
Another Adventure - 6 years ago
Well I’m still on the hunt for somebody who can keep up! But you might have to trade your fly fishing rod for a pole spear! :-) LOL
rv sorce
rv sorce - 6 years ago
Just finish binge watching your video's, I like your mind set on life, Unless I missed it I haven't seen anything on how it all started or the type of boat you have, I ask because I'm thinking buying a used boat and checking out a lot of you tube channels on what others are doing ( Just to give me a starting point on what to look for ). then theirs the whole learning to sail without killing myself thing too LOL.
rv sorce
rv sorce - 6 years ago
+Another Adventure except in this case I've never been on the bike and the last trike I was on was 596 ft long with 2 nuclear power plants and 28 yrs ago LOL
Another Adventure
Another Adventure - 6 years ago
Another Adventure is a 1984 Beneteau Idylle 13.5... And sailing is just like riding a bike. You jump on and skin your knees a few times And before you know it to find a balance that works for you
beozzie690 - 6 years ago
Totally surprised you didn’t get a tuna!
etikkboksen - 6 years ago
Lol clickbait, you sure hell had me fooled:-) But it's okay, your videos don't need tons of boobs to be interesting.
Fair winds.
ray Nic
ray Nic - 6 years ago
Any recipes for flying fish out there?
Jeff Slaven
Jeff Slaven - 6 years ago
Great to see you back! Love the vid!
John Conner
John Conner - 6 years ago
I need more of this in my life like once a week :)
Sailing La Luna Negra
Sailing La Luna Negra - 6 years ago
Just discovered you and your channel. Refreshing to see a young soul sailing solo. (Say that three times fast). I’m an old guy refitting my boat in preparation for a solo adventure as well. My journey is beginning fall of 2019. Love what you’re doing. Keep up the good work.
captain magic
captain magic - 6 years ago
Use the wobler when you approaching the school of fish, it will get much deeper and birds will be safe from confusion you creating and really great fish is much much below... squalls are not brain storms during the day... watch the wind and if you chasing one you'll be safe... always look behind you tho. Good job with the jack lines.
Dave Jones NPC #7388299
Dave Jones NPC #7388299 - 6 years ago
Boobies rock.
+@#*& - 6 years ago
haven't seen them
Grey Silverback
Grey Silverback - 6 years ago
Thanks for sharing! I really enjoyed seeing all the boobies.
ItsmeDave H
ItsmeDave H - 6 years ago
I love your spirit and adventure! I just became a Patron on Patreon.
Jack Overfield
Jack Overfield - 6 years ago
Freedpm for the vets USA
Its only write right Wright. YOU'RE THE MENTEL CASE.l health
mjcooke2 - 6 years ago
Out of all the Hollys I know, you are the best!
Frank Mills
Frank Mills - 6 years ago
-10 degrees here. Feeling a little jelous!
Silas Marner
Silas Marner - 6 years ago
Izzat a Foehn? 5:48
Another Adventure
Another Adventure - 6 years ago
Jarek Maras
Jarek Maras - 6 years ago
Hi, love your spirit. What kind of boat you sail?
Another Adventure
Another Adventure - 6 years ago
Another Adventure is a 1984 beneteau Idylle 44
Beardy - 6 years ago
OMG the title was soooooo misleading. j/k
Ramble Ron
Ramble Ron - 6 years ago
im thinking of selling everything and going solo sailing..
americo silva
americo silva - 6 years ago
great vids just wondering what model of boat you have maybe you can have a boat tour episode
Edmilson Silva
Edmilson Silva - 6 years ago
americo silva, I agree with you Mr.Silva.
Bums on a Boat
Bums on a Boat - 6 years ago
One of the only fish that ever said thank you Holly.
Bums on a Boat
Bums on a Boat - 6 years ago
Boobies boobies! Boobies everywhere!
Colin Boniface
Colin Boniface - 6 years ago
your's is one of the most natural channels on youtube... you just do it. Live your life on the sea... Respect to you...
David Vine
David Vine - 6 years ago
Hey Holly; your videos are absolutely great. You are amazing !! What a talented sailor, mechanic and survivor !! A true “Sea Gypsy” If you’re ever in SoCal I’d love to go sailing with you. I’m at Channel Islands Harbor, just north of LA. “S.V. Grayce” (Hunter 31)
SailingKayode - 6 years ago
Well done as always!
EARTH Explorer
EARTH Explorer - 6 years ago
Happy for you ..... omg I need my boat back. I’m dying on land. Hope to see you on water.... soon :) Fair winds !!! You rock.
Piper McDermot
Piper McDermot - 6 years ago
Just binged on your videos - great fun and what an upbeat, inspiring lady! Can't remember now if it was this one or an early one where you talked about making a cage for the mind with "can't & don't know how" or our minds can set us free...loved it. Still learning, but thanks for the positive reminder! And very glad the dinghy saga worked out well. My son was in St Martin around the same time - another one who will never recommend the place, and doesn't want to go back, ever. They got totally $c#d over on a job for an Italian bloke, ended up stranded in Grenada. Worked out in the end thanks to the real sailing community.
Brien Eaton
Brien Eaton - 6 years ago
Hey Captain Holly. Another beauty vid. As always . I had a similar odd catch years ago, up north in Ontario. I was fishing for Northern Pike , using a top water plug. Seagull dived down, outta the blue LOL, And flew away with my plug. Picture me, Fighting a giant flying , fish ? , 50 feet above the river.! Stay safe Captain.And keep having a blast.
A Rottie
A Rottie - 6 years ago
" I like it! I like it a lot"!! To be honest. I can't believe youtube hasn't taken this one down!
You know, seeings how this video has sooo much BOOBAGE throughout!!! Ha! <3;) Grrrrr.
jj black
jj black - 6 years ago
Yo holly!!!! You are an inspiration. I'm currently planning my escape to Florida to buy a boat. I love your attitude and willingness to always help people out whenever you can. You're awesome!!!!!! Peace, Love, JJ
W W - 6 years ago
I’m jealous and admire you!
W W - 6 years ago
Was really impressed when you yanked the tranny out of one of the sailboats...your a bad ass!!
W W - 6 years ago
I retire in 1.5 years and it’s a dream I’ve had for years.
Another Adventure
Another Adventure - 6 years ago
Don’t be jealous! Get out here! :-)
ralewine03 - 6 years ago
Always great to see the awesome Holly
RobinEsch - 6 years ago
Another great video!
Grins - 6 years ago
Thanks for posting. Was that the old one or a new spoon? Maybe why it's called "fishing" and not "shopping." Still have the giant bag of wasabi powder... ginger too! s/v good karma
Another Adventure
Another Adventure - 6 years ago
That was the old rusty spoon but it has since died. Well... it just needs a new hook. The hook became so rusty that it broke. Lol it almost landed me an incredible mahi on this trip but it managed to shake loose
Georgia Outlaw
Georgia Outlaw - 6 years ago
I know nothing about sailing and I'm sure I would not like weeks or months of being by myself at 7 to 8 knots speed. However, that being said I really like your channel. The adventure of what you are doing and the joy that you have for this, makes me feel good. I retired from the rat race 2 yrs ago so I cannot help financially, but know that you make my day when you post a new video.
Another Adventure
Another Adventure - 6 years ago
Art Of Hookie
Art Of Hookie - 6 years ago
S/V Another Adventure hey! WTH is your PayPal link?
Art Of Hookie
Art Of Hookie - 6 years ago
S/V Another Adventure I’ll pay it foreword for Georgia :)
Another Adventure
Another Adventure - 6 years ago
Awe!!!! Well that’s worth way more than a buck in the bank! Thank you for following along on the adventure! :-)
californiakayaker N6GRG
californiakayaker N6GRG - 6 years ago
All Right ! something from my fav sailor girl. Nice sail. Loved the boobies. In fact, I like flying boobies and swinging ones lol. Don't forget to tell people to click the "bell" next to the "Subscribed" so they get a blast from youtube when you have a new vid. Michael
Mike H
Mike H - 6 years ago
Cool video we really enjoyed that one Seems like there’s a bit of time between videos about forgot about you. Stay safe
ianluk11 - 6 years ago
One of the best sailing channels on YouTube!
Jayhearts - 6 years ago
What’s a trip to paradise without boobies.
Tool Maker
Tool Maker - 6 years ago
My Dad Used To call Girls BIRDS.Holly I Know There's No T&A Now I'll Watch!
Me Here
Me Here - 6 years ago
Ah love the title, looks like your boat could use some seamen an I am the perfect crew,lol take care be safe
Paul C
Paul C - 6 years ago
Ah well, any working watermaker will get you out of trouble on long passages. That is, if you keep your tank topped up.
Kenneth Williams
Kenneth Williams - 6 years ago
Water usually not a problem Note in her film it was pouring rain after the sails get washed down from salt spray you channel the water running off into your water tanks then use a filter connected to the pump and faucet, But this gal has a osmotic water maker connected to sea water. .She makes all the water needed this way.
Ray S/V Love Sea 3
Ray S/V Love Sea 3 - 6 years ago
I would sail with you anytime. video
G MAN - 6 years ago
ooh no, the title is so misleading. :)) Cheers!
dabprod - 6 years ago
Excellent. Surrounded by BOOBIES,......well, I can think of worse things.
Malama Robinson
Malama Robinson - 6 years ago
To bad the rusty spoon only caught a booby! Consolation is the flying fish and beautiful sailing conditions!!!!
Cawffee_ Tyme
Cawffee_ Tyme - 6 years ago
BOOBIES are always a good thing on a boat......or even around a boat.
Barefoot Sailing Adventures
Barefoot Sailing Adventures - 6 years ago
+A Rottie hey hey brotha man!
A Rottie
A Rottie - 6 years ago
Sssup my brutha.

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