Snorkeling 7 years ago 7,103 views
Ultimate Thailand islands tour with unbelievable snorkeling, secluded beach paradise and jungle trekking. The Surin Islands are a little out of the way compared to the more popular island tours near Phuket, but the extra few hours is well worth it... times a million! See for yourself! We got hooked up with "Suntan Tour," A small tour guide that took care of everything. Never once did we feel uncomfortable. Ahlee, owner and tour guide showed us the time of our lives. In all, words fail me. You just have to watch the video. We rented comfortable tents right on the water at the Mu Koh Surin National Park. I noticed they are building a resort there, so by the time you read this, the resort might be up and running with more luxurious accommodations if that's your thing... But for us, camping in Thailand right on the beach was the way to go and extremely cheap. Near the campsite is a restaurant that provides good food breakfast lunch and dinner. If you hear something wrestling outside your tent at night, don't worry, it's probably just a 7 foot long monitor lizard looking for a snack. You don't need a tour guide to snorkel, as you can swim out directly from the National Park beach. That is if you don't mind being alone with a million fish. I've snorkeled in Hawaii, Florida, Cozumel Mexico and Koh Rok Thailand. Those places do not compare to the Surin Island Snorkeling. There are trails that go around the island for jungle trekking. We went in December and pretty much walked around barefoot. No mosquitos bothered us and unfortunately we couldn't find any snakes. You'll hear and see the macaques (monkeys) doing their thing as well as assortment of other wildlife. We were very fortunate enough to visit the Moken Village. The Moken are a tribe of semi-nomadic sea hunters and gatherers. Many Moken are born, live and die at sea, but this band has permanently settled here in the Surin Islands. Studies have been conducted suggesting that Moken children have superior underwater visual and focus. Aside from ancestor worship, the Moken have no religion. If you ever wondered what kids do when they don’t have TV, smartphones and video games, They climb trees and wonder in fields. They observe nature and play together like there’s no tomorrow. I wouldn't be surprised if the words "complain" and "whine" and absent from the Mokin language. They are the happiest people I've ever seen. Super special extra Thanks goes out to Ahlee from SunTan Tours for making our trip the best ever! Be sure and check out Bee and Ben's youtube channel "Life Out Loud" Video by Bee, Ben, Nat and Hank. Music: composed by Hank Schyma Song: "Monster Show Adagio" by Pecos Hank Ukulele: by Spencer Schyma
10. comment for THAILAND ISLANDS VACATION - Snorkeling Paradise
(Im Thai btw :p)
Did you ever get a motorcycle taxi?
20. comment for THAILAND ISLANDS VACATION - Snorkeling Paradise
30. comment for THAILAND ISLANDS VACATION - Snorkeling Paradise
Lmao "and Josh taught them violence". Love your sense of humour.
I love your tornado and lightning videos, i am inspired by you, now i want to be a storm chaser like you! So since im too young i have a youtube channel that i just made and when it comes to storm season im gonna do storm videos. I hope you watch one soon.
50. comment for THAILAND ISLANDS VACATION - Snorkeling Paradise
Loved it as ever :-)
Living The Life. ✌
Você é incrível! Sou fan do seu trabalho.
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