This Cryptic Underwater Maze Holds Life That Survives on Methane

John Pohlman and David Brankovits dive into underwater caves to study organisms that feast on methane in total darkness. Plummet into a labyrinth of sinkholes and tunnels in the Yucatan Peninsula and see what it takes to collect untapped data. Experience intense, unique, and sometimes dangerous moments with scientists working in the field, as they explain first-hand the kinds of risks they take to find answers. There's so much more to being a scientist than being stuck in a lab. Watch every Wednesday for new episodes of Science in the Extremes. Diving Into the 'Twilight Zone' to Save a Vanishing World Read More Cave Diver Reveals Earliest American Rare Creatures: Photos "In 2007 divers mapping the underwater caves on Mexico's Eastern Yucatán Peninsula, about 12 miles north of the city of Tulum, stumbled into a very large chamber. "The floor disappeared under us, and we could not see across to the other side," Alberto Nava of Bay Area Underwater Explorers, told Discovery News. They named the pit Hoyo Negro (Spanish for Black Hole)." Deepest Underwater Cave Discovered "Polish explorer Krzysztof Starnawski, who led the team, first explored the cave -- named Hranická Propast and located near the Czech town of Hranice -- in 1999, and instantly knew it was an unusual find. He told National Geographic, which sponsored his most recent expedition, that hot water saturated with carbon dioxide bubbled up like a volcano, and made his exposed skin itch." Bones in Submerged Cave May Be Earliest Native American "The girl skeleton found by divers in Mexico's Eastern Yucatan Peninsula is 12-13,000 years old and shows a genetic link to modern Native Americans." ____________________ Seeker inspires us to see the world through the lens of science and evokes a sense of curiosity, optimism and adventure. Visit the Seeker website Subscribe now! Seeker on Twitter Seeker on Facebook Science in the Extremes on Facebook Seeker Written By: Anna Campbell

This Cryptic Underwater Maze Holds Life That Survives on Methane sentiment_very_dissatisfied 34

Snorkeling 6 years ago 48,549 views

John Pohlman and David Brankovits dive into underwater caves to study organisms that feast on methane in total darkness. Plummet into a labyrinth of sinkholes and tunnels in the Yucatan Peninsula and see what it takes to collect untapped data. Experience intense, unique, and sometimes dangerous moments with scientists working in the field, as they explain first-hand the kinds of risks they take to find answers. There's so much more to being a scientist than being stuck in a lab. Watch every Wednesday for new episodes of Science in the Extremes. Diving Into the 'Twilight Zone' to Save a Vanishing World Read More Cave Diver Reveals Earliest American Rare Creatures: Photos "In 2007 divers mapping the underwater caves on Mexico's Eastern Yucatán Peninsula, about 12 miles north of the city of Tulum, stumbled into a very large chamber. "The floor disappeared under us, and we could not see across to the other side," Alberto Nava of Bay Area Underwater Explorers, told Discovery News. They named the pit Hoyo Negro (Spanish for Black Hole)." Deepest Underwater Cave Discovered "Polish explorer Krzysztof Starnawski, who led the team, first explored the cave -- named Hranická Propast and located near the Czech town of Hranice -- in 1999, and instantly knew it was an unusual find. He told National Geographic, which sponsored his most recent expedition, that hot water saturated with carbon dioxide bubbled up like a volcano, and made his exposed skin itch." Bones in Submerged Cave May Be Earliest Native American "The girl skeleton found by divers in Mexico's Eastern Yucatan Peninsula is 12-13,000 years old and shows a genetic link to modern Native Americans." ____________________ Seeker inspires us to see the world through the lens of science and evokes a sense of curiosity, optimism and adventure. Visit the Seeker website Subscribe now! Seeker on Twitter Seeker on Facebook Science in the Extremes on Facebook Seeker Written By: Anna Campbell

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Most popular comments
for This Cryptic Underwater Maze Holds Life That Survives on Methane

Elias Gallegos
Elias Gallegos - 6 years ago
Hey, that metal strip maker? is the one Cody has!!!
conor fort
conor fort - 6 years ago
I love when we discover stuff like this it just proves that there is probably life on almost all planets. Life is so versatile and has only one goal to live.
SmartElectricCar - 6 years ago
Terrible audio overdub. Do NOT over embellish the video with useless sounds and menacing tones. The science content and visuals were stunning. The audio was terrible. Love this channel, but disliked the way this video was edited. This is the one any only video I clicked on dislike on this channel.
Evolute Creator
Evolute Creator - 6 years ago
Debris much?
Ryan Peters
Ryan Peters - 6 years ago
That means that there is an even higher chance of finding life on titan, titan is covered in methane but is very cold... maybe a creature can survive there?
HisBlood - 6 years ago
david toulon
david toulon - 6 years ago
You know how they've sent voyage 1 out in space? Well, why don't scientist send a special underwater craft to explore the ocean in order to find new species out there?
Daniel “Hess” Heindrich
Daniel “Hess” Heindrich - 6 years ago
They always high
Ravinian - 6 years ago
Video states bacteria thrive in the area that Oxygen from the ocean reaches nutrients in the UN-oxygenated fresh water. This indicates quite clearly to me that this ecosystem seems to be surviving on oxygen (like so many others), yet title states vid is about an ecosystem that survives on Methane.

10. comment for This Cryptic Underwater Maze Holds Life That Survives on Methane

Rafał Stec
Rafał Stec - 6 years ago
Eons? You are saying that the age of this cave is 541 Ma?
Stellar - 6 years ago
So you didn't find creatures living on methane down there yet? I say ClickBait!!!
Cameron Kellogg
Cameron Kellogg - 6 years ago
Life on Titan??? Life could adapt on Titan to drink eat or breath methane and ethane
Adventure Peaks
Adventure Peaks - 6 years ago
Life on titan
Ontario RockHound
Ontario RockHound - 6 years ago
What reason could there be for dislikes on this video ? lol . Buncha goofs
Raven Littles
Raven Littles - 6 years ago
Wow imagine creating an energy source from methane like those organisms
Jayson Davis
Jayson Davis - 6 years ago
Meh, lotsa people survive on meth...
Carlos A. García T.
Carlos A. García T. - 6 years ago
More of these videos!!!!!
Seeker - 6 years ago
Thanks, Carlos! We have another episode coming out next Wednesday, be sure to come back and check it out!
BinauralMind - Experimental, Relaxing Music
BinauralMind - Experimental, Relaxing Music - 6 years ago
Wow, this is astonishing.
Kevin Singh
Kevin Singh - 6 years ago
We should send them to mars

20. comment for This Cryptic Underwater Maze Holds Life That Survives on Methane

Sebastian Elytron
Sebastian Elytron - 6 years ago
Nice to see Seeker still know how to put out a good video once in a while.
The Laughing Hyenas
The Laughing Hyenas - 6 years ago
Interesting. My question is whether there are any cyanobacteria that can eat methane. If so, would they be able to live on Mars in areas with volcanic methane as a food source?
Seeker - 6 years ago
Funny you should ask! Definitely tune in next Wednesday for our next episode, which will talk exactly about cyanobacteria and life on Mars!
Space duck
Space duck - 6 years ago
Methane based life? Don't we have planets in our solar system so that that a methane atmosphere? Would be cool to land some on one :)
Travis Brown
Travis Brown - 6 years ago
Space duck
It's not methane based life. The video is about life that need oxygen and water to survive in liquid methane.
Awesome Al360
Awesome Al360 - 6 years ago
So if these microbes can eat methane, can we use this to help with the greenhouse gases that are produced by animal farms and natural gas leaks?
jamruhhh - 6 years ago
We have to go to Titan now.
radd - 6 years ago
But if water is Made out of oxygen how can it exist without it
Theren Stormwind
Theren Stormwind - 6 years ago
Different compounds have different properties. They refer to it lacking diatomic oxygen (O2). Yes, there are oxygen atoms in water, but water doesn’t have the properties of oxygen. Also, water is relatively stable, so it won’t break apart without stimulus.
Michael Mueller
Michael Mueller - 6 years ago
This was very interesting, but I was watching and thinking. Why are they not using rebreathers to prevent "CO2 Contamination" of the enviroment. The CO2 that they exhale and that bubbles up would contaminate thier samples. A rebrether would prevent this exhaust of CO2 and provide better data and prevent contamination of the enviroment.
OMNIVERSAL HOAX - 6 years ago
Captain America has Soul Stone
Subash Neupane
Subash Neupane - 6 years ago
This thumbail make me think of shadow fight 3 for first .
milkbox - 6 years ago
My phone cut off the "ane" in the title. XD

30. comment for This Cryptic Underwater Maze Holds Life That Survives on Methane

Evil Otto
Evil Otto - 6 years ago
Enjoy caves. Enjoy driving. Cave diving TERRIFIES
Seeker - 6 years ago
I agree — I don't think I could go through with it like these guys! It looks tough (but beautiful)
Jaycee Williams
Jaycee Williams - 6 years ago
So they got the mf who cutting the vines and leading them through the jungle, also carrying they heavy ass oxygen tank?
Grem - 6 years ago
At least this will bring some hope to the planetary systems out there, a methane-filled life.
Saqlain 1020
Saqlain 1020 - 6 years ago
Wouldn't divers exhaling oxygen into water under the cave disturb the ecosystem?
Like air gathering on top and changing level of dissolved gases in water?
ThunderGun2 - 6 years ago
I didn’t even get a notification about this video.
Ase - 6 years ago
ThunderGun2 i did
TheEnabledDisabled - 6 years ago
Can this tell us how life can exist on Titan?
faez ezzy
faez ezzy - 6 years ago
its soo clear
Brian Ribbits
Brian Ribbits - 6 years ago
What was that piano musical ballet called?
colin Paterson
colin Paterson - 6 years ago
This type of research ties in with what the scientists are doing in space with the search for extrterrestrial life.
blaze9525 - 6 years ago
I think the headline is a bit misleading and clickbait-y.

It implies relevance to the viability of the idea that there may methane based life on other planets (*or one of Jupiter’s moons*), but it seems to have nothing to do with that and be completely dependent on oxygen and water being present.
TheyCallMeNewb - 6 years ago
That is remarkable. These researchers must have some manner of hypotheses?
Winennimi - 6 years ago
Thats really nice to know. But wouldnt it be interesting to know were this cave is located? They never mentioned it.
pieter zeeuwen
pieter zeeuwen - 6 years ago
Yucatan Peninsula, which is in Mexico. Coordinates were shown in the video
Mr.J - 6 years ago
I think life is possible at titan...
Chemosynthesis is being applied here...Opran was ryt
Jenifer Strong
Jenifer Strong - 6 years ago
I love it when the truth is told!

The truth is in the bible! There is a hidden secret within the word of God! Please go see it for yourself!


Please don't believe me, instead of believing me, go see it for your very own self! Prove me wrong!

Instructions on how to live with a door that no man can shut because I saw and read the truth about Jesus Christ!

Get a brand new set of scriptures and use a highlighter to highlight only the positive words. Now go back and read what you highlighted!

Follow the light which are the positive words.

Tell me what you see?

Jesus Christ is above ALL because he never kept score on any human or any other living thing!

God the father is exactly the same as our Lord and savior Jesus Christ! BECAUSE......Jesus Christ followed the example of his God the father!

Jesus Christ is a direct copy of his God the father!

Jesus Christ and God the father never kept score on any human, animal or any living thing!

We are to be direct copies of Jesus Christ!

He is the teacher and we are the students!

Every living thing that has eyes to see and ears to hear, will give an account because we are all witnesses!

These words can be found in more than one place in the bible!

Separate the negative which is darkness from the positive which is the light!

Read the positive only!

Remember,..... Jesus Christ is the positive light because of his example!

Once you see what it is that I speak about, you will see the proof for yourself!

Once you have the proof,......

No one, no,..... not even man can shut this door that is completely open and given freely as it was given to me!

Always practice seeing and reading only the positive!

I promise you,.......

It will be life changing!

These are the instructions that I myself have followed.

As I look back at my life now, all I ever see is positive light because that is all the memories that I have!

Do this, ...... day by day and watch your entire life change!

Soon,.... You will also only see the positive of your life just like what I see!

Fill your lamp with oil so you will know how to recognize our Lord and savior Jesus Christ when he comes!

Practice these things in all you do every day!

Over time with lots of practice, ...... You will be able to see the light immediately in all things!

I will forever know that Jesus Christ is our Lord and savior and that he died on the cross for the sins of the entire EARTH and was resurrected by God.

Always keep Jesus Christ above ALL!

Did you know,.....

Jesus Christ is even above every single prophet there ever have been or is yet to come?

Were you aware of this?

Once you see the truth, ...... freely give the same true knowledge away to another human being because it is freely given to you so that you can fully experience Jesus Christ!

Always let the student highlight the true positives that they themselves make a choice to highlight! Let each person do the work in the highlighting because they themselves need to be able to see the proof!

What do you see?

Much love coming your way from me to you!

These are the words that I highlight within the word of God in the Bible!

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him, have everlasting life!"

This is only a small portion of what secrets are in the bible!

Go see John 3:16 and compare what they both say! Pay attention to every single word! Take notice of which words I did not highlight! This is how you learn to see the opposition in all things! The light which is Jesus Christ and is the positive words and then being able to see the sins which are the darkness and is the negative words! The words......, "should" "not" "perish" "but" are all negative words! Leave them there and do not highlight them! Then and only then, after you have highlighted only the positive because you also read the negative to see the positive, then try reading it again and only reading the positive words and you will be able to see all things!

These are the hidden secrets of the Bible which every word was created by him! He even tells you that he created both!

You can go find this out for free!
Jami Rahkonen
Jami Rahkonen - 6 years ago
I can't tell if this guy is serious or just trolling Christians
PalPenny Soupcan
PalPenny Soupcan - 6 years ago
Gg Happy
Gg Happy - 6 years ago
I guess we now know that there might be life in titan one of saturns moon
Mitchell Maytorena
Mitchell Maytorena - 6 years ago
This place hasn't been under our feet for eons. Humans have only been here for 200,000 years.
Soham Talekar
Soham Talekar - 6 years ago
So is it a shadow biosphere
TheLux008 - 6 years ago
Still not a good enough reason to use the word penetrate.
Andoman YT
Andoman YT - 6 years ago
Top 50 comments!!
undertakersarmpit - 6 years ago
so they have a large pool of liquid methane? I don't get it, how can you have water that doesn't contain h20?
Jami Rahkonen
Jami Rahkonen - 6 years ago
undertakersarmpit. It's not a pool of liquid methane is a gas that has the bliling point of about - 160 degrees celsius. The methane gas is just mixed in the water just like oxygen gets mixed into water
Phboy - 6 years ago
undertakersarmpit there is normally microscopic bubbles of oxygen.
They meant that there's a lack of bubbles.

50. comment for This Cryptic Underwater Maze Holds Life That Survives on Methane

Jacinda Lacroix
Jacinda Lacroix - 6 years ago
I wish more people are like these scientists, curious and putting in hard work and efforts to find the answers, instead of being conspiracy theorists who never do extensive researches like this to find the real answer.
Gabriel Rader
Gabriel Rader - 6 years ago
wait, plenty of planets and moons have methane that also have oceans, does this mean...
priyani wonder world
priyani wonder world - 6 years ago
WILD CATS - 6 years ago
What about the sixth extinction and cloning extinct animals.?
Mark Lacey
Mark Lacey - 6 years ago
I'm not a scientist nor have much scientific knowledge.. But I have a question.. How can water have no oxygen if it's made up as H2O.?
ashutosh Mishra
ashutosh Mishra - 6 years ago
Mark Lacey the oxygen we use is O2 but in H2O there is only one atom of O, interesting right...... do you know H and O are very flammable gases but when they combine as H2O it becomes water used to put out fire.
stoeger 2
stoeger 2 - 6 years ago
No dissolved oxygen,
Ariana M
Ariana M - 6 years ago
Because h2o ("water" in this case) isn't o2. Plus, h2o is a pretty stable molecule. Meaning if water aerates, the o2 will simply be mixed in
Samantha Johnsons
Samantha Johnsons - 6 years ago
Mark Lacey ikr... I'm always thinking that
Ottla Kafka
Ottla Kafka - 6 years ago
That sounds like the book ''the swarm''
Syn's Arcade
Syn's Arcade - 6 years ago
I love that we are consistently finding life in places we did not expect before on our planet. I love that we are learning more and more about these ecosystems.

I just wish we would learn how to better live in harmony with all of the ecosystems we thrive in and use on this planet. It is irresponsible of us not to.
Lachlan O'Neil
Lachlan O'Neil - 6 years ago
It's called evolution mate, heard about the white rhino? It's extinct now because it wasn't good enough to survive. Get over it you tree hugging hippie. That's how we fucking evolve to better species. I hope every animal on the planet dies. Humans are superior we just have to get energy for our selves from the sun directly and we are all good.
Lachlan O'Neil
Lachlan O'Neil - 6 years ago
Syn's Arcade no I just don't care about them at all.
Syn's Arcade
Syn's Arcade - 6 years ago
Lachlan O'Neil
Don't like being reminded that our species is irresponsible and fallible?
Lachlan O'Neil
Lachlan O'Neil - 6 years ago
Syn's Arcade stfu
Saint Laden
Saint Laden - 6 years ago
Why can’t we go to Europa already?
Guilherme R
Guilherme R - 6 years ago
And don't forget about dem moneyz
Saint Laden
Saint Laden - 6 years ago
Erik Holgersson I see
Erik Holgersson
Erik Holgersson - 6 years ago
We are. It's just that space missions take time to prepare and execute
perfect Shots
perfect Shots - 6 years ago
LEEboneisDaMan - 6 years ago
Wait wait wait hold on a second. You found a big, dark, body of water under ground... in the middle of nowhere... filled with methane... and you were just like... let's go for a swim! 1 kilometer underground! Repeatedly!
Bless the men and women braver than me who do this for science XD
Fatoeki - 6 years ago
Peter Salucci ah cmon you'd do it although you'll probably regret it before you go in. It'd be worth it though.
Peter Salucci
Peter Salucci - 6 years ago

Really? eh I probably would’ve done the same. I dunno?
stefanos2691 - 6 years ago
LEEboneisDaMan               I wouldn't dive in there if they gave me the entire world's wealth and made me emperor of the planet.
Calm n Crazy Hacker
Calm n Crazy Hacker - 6 years ago
Cicada 3302
Cicada 3302 - 6 years ago
Oh my god

The comments are freaking stupid except for two of them that actually mention something about the video
Adidi Kh
Adidi Kh - 6 years ago
Cicada 3302 at least you admit it is stupid
Plus you calling me "moron" only proves that you are one because "read my comment again" I never called you stupid I called your comment one
milkbox - 6 years ago
Oh, the hypocrisy.
akash yadav
akash yadav - 6 years ago
talk about irony...
Cicada 3302
Cicada 3302 - 6 years ago
Adidi Kh At least it's less stupid . moron
Adidi Kh
Adidi Kh - 6 years ago
Cicada 3302 your comment is equally stupid if you consider the comments that don't mention the content of the video stupid
Alec Beans
Alec Beans - 6 years ago
Could this suggest there may be life on Enceladus or Titan?
Jay Singh
Jay Singh - 6 years ago
It's so amazing that so many people have same doubt as me when they watched this video.
Peter Salucci
Peter Salucci - 6 years ago
Samita Pan

Marco Aurélio Lima do Nascimento Junior
Marco Aurélio Lima do Nascimento Junior - 6 years ago
It was not clickbait, the title says exactly what it shows in the video. But yes, it could lead to that
Sick Dece
Sick Dece - 6 years ago
Life adapting to an environment is completely different to life sparking on an environment.
Samita Pan
Samita Pan - 6 years ago
Hey you stole my comment!!!
blaze9525 - 6 years ago
anthony crescenzo yeah the headline makes it seem like there’s some big discovery related to that.
anthony crescenzo
anthony crescenzo - 6 years ago
Alec Beans I was expecting to find out more about this as well, especially since Titan has practically a complete water cycle with liquid methane.
blaze9525 - 6 years ago
No, but the misleading clickbait headline gets people to think it does. That’s how they got me to click too.
Harsh Kovela
Harsh Kovela - 6 years ago
Alec Beans same doubt!
Pursuits of Life.
Pursuits of Life. - 6 years ago
I was actually thinking of that, it would be quite the possibility if they seem to survive with little oxygen
kawaii nyan cat :3
kawaii nyan cat :3 - 6 years ago
EARLY if you are here before 1K VIEWS
II R35PECT II - 6 years ago
840th XD
hakosuka 72 gt2x
hakosuka 72 gt2x - 6 years ago
GoPro did it better
Fist The Fury
Fist The Fury - 6 years ago
So, does this mean that there is a possibility that life could live on that moon that has liquid methane? Or am i just a dreamer?
BWX - 6 years ago
That has nothing to do with topic at hand, I'm not arguing that point. the question was about life forming and evolving on TITAN at -300F in liquid methane. The answer is a solid NO. Argue all you want, you're still wrong.
Sophie Blunt
Sophie Blunt - 6 years ago
BWX it's called exaggerating to get a point across. I'm trying to make you realise that there's a lot out there and we cannot be the only ones. There's no way. And whatever else is out there is very unlikely to have or require the same living conditions as us.
Plus they are actually considering that there's another kind of universe.
BWX - 6 years ago
"Do you really think we're the only ones in the whole universe??? Don't be dumb." No I do not, but does that have anything at all to do with the question of whether or not life can evolve and take hold on a planet where the temperature is -300F degrees and there is zero water or oxygen.
BWX - 6 years ago
Know what you mean? No I don't because it makes zero sense.
BWX - 6 years ago
Stay in school kids.
Sophie Blunt
Sophie Blunt - 6 years ago
BWX oh come on, you know what I mean.
BWX - 6 years ago
Sophie - every single universe? WTH are you even talking about?
Sophie Blunt
Sophie Blunt - 6 years ago
BWX and you say keep dreaming as if there's no other species able to survive on a different planet? Do you really think we're the only ones in the whole universe??? Don't be dumb.
BWX - 6 years ago
R B, but not evolve there, moron.
Sophie Blunt
Sophie Blunt - 6 years ago
BWX again. OUR physics. OURS. we aren't every single species in every single universe are we? Sorry to burst your bubble.
R B - 6 years ago
bacteria has been proven to survive in space, moron.
BWX - 6 years ago
Sophie. Physics. Keep dreaming.
Sophie Blunt
Sophie Blunt - 6 years ago
BWX that's too cold for US to survive. How do you know about other species on different planets??? Are you from a different planet? Didn't think so. Your life must be so boring if you're that closed-minded.
BWX - 6 years ago
Tedzy How much you want to bet you're wrong?
BWX - 6 years ago
- 290F degrees. What don't you understand about that? You grow up, and stop being so dumb.
Official Tedzy
Official Tedzy - 6 years ago
BWX we may need a certain way to live due to the way we are being made up of water and blah blah blah, they may have a completely different exoskeleton and internal organs that function and act different to ours, like certain fish, they can breathe under water, can we? Nah. So who knows what type of things they need to survive. May not need oxygen, may not need heat. We don’t know cause we aren’t advanced enough to find out. So YOU don’t be dumb :)
Sophie Blunt
Sophie Blunt - 6 years ago
BWX how is it dumb to think that a completely different species on a completely different planet would need completely different living conditions? Grow up.
BWX - 6 years ago
Physics are the same everywhere in the universe. Don't be so dumb.
rdmteen - 6 years ago
Sophie Blunt yep exactly
rdmteen - 6 years ago
BWX Earth's Physics
Sophie Blunt
Sophie Blunt - 6 years ago
BWX that's OUR physics. Who knows if it's theirs too. They might NEED freezing temperatures to survive.
BWX - 6 years ago
rdmteen - 6 years ago
BWX who says that aliens need to have the same enviroment as we have to survive
BWX - 6 years ago
No way. -290F, WAY TOO COLD. End of story.
Christophe Labonne
Christophe Labonne - 6 years ago
There could be life in our solar system (Europa or Titan) and we might not know about it, yes. Also, as proven by Antarctica, life can also be found in extremely cold places, so, yeah, life might be anywhere even in places close to us! The next century is gonna be awesome!
Mr.Maniacle - 6 years ago
Zuzu Cunt
Zuzu Cunt - 6 years ago
But what will happen if they found a Subnautica creature?
Aiman Naim
Aiman Naim - 6 years ago
Better hope that it's not Sammy the Safety Reaper
Deitra - 6 years ago
call Neebs The Costumer Service for Passenger 00 FU
DmanAS1989 - 6 years ago
YATO_ GUMMY - 6 years ago
you capture and make love with it like the shape of water
Sips of Hell
Sips of Hell - 6 years ago
vitez simunkovic
vitez simunkovic - 6 years ago
Supp from croatia
pukar Adhikari
pukar Adhikari - 6 years ago
iOS Gamer
iOS Gamer - 6 years ago
Sub Tim sub to you I swear but put a link for your channel
Pratham Verma
Pratham Verma - 6 years ago
the fact is amazing.the best channel full of amazing facts.thanks for such facts
Cyrus Fornoles
Cyrus Fornoles - 6 years ago
its the first time ive watch a video while it still has 2 views....achievement unlocked
Neeraj Singh
Neeraj Singh - 6 years ago
Neeraj Singh
Neeraj Singh - 6 years ago
kawaii nyan cat :3
kawaii nyan cat :3 - 6 years ago
Neeraj Singh
Actually you are 3
gyanant nigam
gyanant nigam - 6 years ago
The Communist Party
The Communist Party - 6 years ago
Make a video on how America is slowly destroying the world
Bram van der Waal
Bram van der Waal - 6 years ago
Ryan Peters it doesnt better, big companies have the power of the world there is nothing the governments can do to stop them, neither communism or anything else
Ryan Peters
Ryan Peters - 6 years ago
Oi westerners, capitalism isn’t better than communism. There needs to be a different and better democracy or whatever it is, stop arguing about which is better and start thinking on how to make a better system, and argue about what NEW systems u created are better instead of arguing about communism and capitalism
Daniel “Hess” Heindrich
Daniel “Hess” Heindrich - 6 years ago
Arunava Bala look at every communist country in the world: only one survived... its a hit and miss
Supernova X
Supernova X - 6 years ago
Humans are destroying the world.
shashank meena
shashank meena - 6 years ago
The Communist Party communism is manifestation of huge pile of shit itself it's a failed experiment and each and every communist party member need to murderd along with their every living relatives whenever they show their fangs because if left untreated those fangs would lead to mass exodus of many hundreds of millions folks so by killing communist and brutally torturing raping and murdering his wife,sons,daughters and every living relative we would actually be doing great service to this world
Ontario RockHound
Ontario RockHound - 6 years ago
Destroying ** xD
Ontario RockHound
Ontario RockHound - 6 years ago
Not just Amuurikaa . The world is killing the world lol . We are fucked
Deitra - 6 years ago
you don't need video for it mate, you need newsfeed
The Communist Party
The Communist Party - 6 years ago
Justin Carnes Making up stuff so you can make fun of communism interesting
Justin Carnes
Justin Carnes - 6 years ago
Communism will only work once the human race has conquered the solar system and we have super advanced technology that allows us to harvest material and resources more easily. Collectively, we’re too poor for communism to work right now. I’m not trying to be a government slave that gets everything handed to them/ taken away anyways.
The Communist Party
The Communist Party - 6 years ago
Obviously Not Damian it will
dskmb3 - 6 years ago
The Communist Party No I don't
Obviously Not Damian
Obviously Not Damian - 6 years ago
The Communist Party communism will never work
Lesbo Shibe
Lesbo Shibe - 6 years ago
This dude is probably just memeing lol
The Communist Party
The Communist Party - 6 years ago
dskmb3 you mean millions saved
dskmb3 - 6 years ago
The Communist Party Lol every time communism has been tried millions have died. It's worse than fascism.
The Communist Party
The Communist Party - 6 years ago
Lara Croft communism work people don't use it right
Swapnadeep Kapuri
Swapnadeep Kapuri - 6 years ago
Most of the sanitary companies are based in india you fucking Communist Party
Lara Croft
Lara Croft - 6 years ago
The Communist Party communism has and will never work
Arunava Bala
Arunava Bala - 6 years ago
But communist ideology is good and I like it. One of my relative are supporter of communist
Arunava Bala
Arunava Bala - 6 years ago
Shift ting what
The Communist Party
The Communist Party - 6 years ago
Arunava Bala still shitting on the streets?
Arunava Bala
Arunava Bala - 6 years ago
The Communist Party that's why Indian Congress didn't like communist
Mr.crashinaitor 24
Mr.crashinaitor 24 - 6 years ago
kawaii nyan cat :3
kawaii nyan cat :3 - 6 years ago
Mr.crashinaitor 24
CONGRATULATIONS Mr. Crashinaitor 24

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