Top 10 Revealing Moments in Women's Diving 2015

Top 10 Revealing Moments in Women's Diving 2015 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 730

Snorkeling 9 years ago 2,310,476 views

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Most popular comments
for Top 10 Revealing Moments in Women's Diving 2015

EASYTIGER10 - 7 years ago
5:27 that's NOT the way to get rid of your used sanitary towel..
SuperBirdie11 - 7 years ago
Sword Fish
Sword Fish - 7 years ago
beautiful music oh and they're diving
Photo Alley
Photo Alley - 7 years ago
I thought this was going to be just diving wow you all need a god damn life
Learn play
Learn play - 7 years ago
all these years wasted watchuing soccer
Ravage Gonza
Ravage Gonza - 7 years ago
Gonna get all these bitches pregnant!!!
Teheráni Veterán
Teheráni Veterán - 7 years ago
Justin Patterson
Justin Patterson - 7 years ago
I would have sex with her wet sexy body right after she comes out the pool.!!!!!!!
Wisdom of Nod!
Wisdom of Nod! - 7 years ago
Think of the mindset of people that go around half-naked all the time with huge camera 6" inches from their big, fat, bobbling booty? We like it. They love it butt pretend otherwise.

Women are total, complete freaks but we're supposed to be the bad guys butt WE DON'T STRUT AROUND NAKED WITH OUR DICKS SWINGING IN THE WIND either.

10. comment for Top 10 Revealing Moments in Women's Diving 2015

احمد شيحان
احمد شيحان - 7 years ago
ماتستحين كحبه
Kami84 - 7 years ago
A.) Whoever designed these costumes deserves a gold medal
B.) New life goal = become an olympic camera man
celso bigliazzi
celso bigliazzi - 7 years ago
Meninas lindas ! Isso é show !
aVeX Droid
aVeX Droid - 7 years ago
And this is why I watch the Olympics
walter cook
walter cook - 7 years ago
ya mom said I could
ya mom said I could - 7 years ago
There were only a couple that was even worth looking at
Jason Jackson
Jason Jackson - 7 years ago
The girl in the dark blue Arena suit .... perfection. Also, the music was spot on!
we'll call you k
we'll call you k - 7 years ago
Thats her Pooper
Mike John
Mike John - 7 years ago
"you kno why im here" marshawn lynch voice
Todd Toure
Todd Toure - 7 years ago
Definitely Turn on

20. comment for Top 10 Revealing Moments in Women's Diving 2015

Justin Patterson
Justin Patterson - 7 years ago
I would have sex with everyone of those women divers they all have sexy asses and sexy feet.!!!!!!!
cohen eisenrosenbergthalsteinweitzthal
cohen eisenrosenbergthalsteinweitzthal - 7 years ago
I want to spank her.
Reptile Guy
Reptile Guy - 7 years ago
Women are so beautiful.
Shaun Pierce
Shaun Pierce - 7 years ago
Woman always look sexier when they're wet
D4N OctEmber
D4N OctEmber - 7 years ago
1:44 MMMMMM!
Praise God!!
Mohi 58
Mohi 58 - 7 years ago
irrelevant music .. :- ... sick mind
GSXR RIDER - 7 years ago
1:00 girl on girl diving! :D
CosmicUndeadElf - 7 years ago
This just makes me glad to have been born
Defer Payment
Defer Payment - 7 years ago
I want to see lesbian girls checking out butt
James Jacobus
James Jacobus - 7 years ago

30. comment for Top 10 Revealing Moments in Women's Diving 2015

Red Patriot
Red Patriot - 7 years ago
Lot of awsome asses
user2kffs - 7 years ago
Diving with burka next
Tony Singh Gill
Tony Singh Gill - 7 years ago
hot girl videos
Artur H
Artur H - 7 years ago
6:41 you are welcome
dave oneil
dave oneil - 8 years ago
Had no action for 6 years now oh man, wish i had some cash!
dave oneil
dave oneil - 8 years ago
Im starving!
dave oneil
dave oneil - 8 years ago
This video is in my favourites now
moshe avnon
moshe avnon - 7 years ago
Liverpool- Klop pre match interview about Seville
anno nimus
anno nimus - 8 years ago
They all seem to rearange their swimsuits. ..why don't they make them more confortable. ..
Photo Alley
Photo Alley - 7 years ago
Simon Tay no they arent... they have tighter than usual swimsuits
Simon Tay
Simon Tay - 7 years ago
The suits are designed that way on purpose, probably by men.
Иван Шурупов
Иван Шурупов - 8 years ago
ASSMAN/FEETMAN - 8 years ago
Screamers Ltd
Screamers Ltd - 8 years ago
Awesome stuff x
keda9853 - 7 years ago
Crazy Videos
Thought Frankly
Thought Frankly - 8 years ago
too young
George Douglas
George Douglas - 8 years ago
i know the bums are good but what the music whaaaat
718robin - 8 years ago
Michael Grey
Michael Grey - 9 years ago
was expecting a bigger splash from the thick black girl
jon travon
jon travon - 9 years ago
thank you
Richard rios
Richard rios - 9 years ago
ass nice brasil lol
John P
John P - 9 years ago
Are kidding? You're a pervert!
jumpsuiit - 9 years ago
camera man deserves an Oscar!
goat 68
goat 68 - 9 years ago

50. comment for Top 10 Revealing Moments in Women's Diving 2015

Sleazeball Gato
Sleazeball Gato - 9 years ago
I saw the thumbnail for this video. But after watching 30 seconds, the words: "Get a life." inevitably come to mind.
I really thought I was going to see some incredible dives. Silly me.
HetzaUnit - 9 years ago
Guilt free booty
Joe Mamma
Joe Mamma - 9 years ago
They should just dive in the nude!! Muff dive, that is... lol...
Eric Durant
Eric Durant - 9 years ago
This feels so insanely pretentious.
Anthony Scully
Anthony Scully - 9 years ago
who is the arse hole who put the score at the bottom of the screan
J9B - 9 years ago
campeonato olimpico 2015
Red Car
Red Car - 9 years ago
The girl in the blue at the beginning (repeated loops of same sequence) has a skinny ass. Unattractive.
Hailee Oxford
Hailee Oxford - 9 years ago
They all have nice butts
mrdougeran1 - 9 years ago
When they watch themselves back on camera, I wonder what they think when they realize how close to death they are when they see a shot like 2:26
Simon Tay
Simon Tay - 7 years ago
Some divers have hit their head on the board before and been seriously injured.
1banana2kiwis - 9 years ago mean top 10 wedgies in womens diving
Douglas Simpson
Douglas Simpson - 9 years ago
The new slogan for speedo. "We may not be number one, but we are right UP there.
rubberfresh 1
rubberfresh 1 - 9 years ago
The girl on the left at 1:02 is just 17. Omg, Brazil really is a different world. 17 year old girls in thong bikinis, you gotta be kidding me.
MrBeard17 - 9 years ago
Synchronized swimmers ass.. and then they go shower together. giggity
MrBeard17 - 9 years ago
Dat swimmers ass.
dreik roses
dreik roses - 9 years ago
I started to like diving :) for some reason...
Juan Manuel Hernández Alvarez
Juan Manuel Hernández Alvarez - 9 years ago
Very nice music you've chosen! From Tchaikovski's NutCracker! And the video is nice also...You know... I have a ...something with young women's rear... I don't know. Maybe I'm just sorta perverted dirty old man!
Teunis Swart
Teunis Swart - 9 years ago
The nothing much revealing moments.
Evan Tee
Evan Tee - 9 years ago
You can always count on the Brazilians to have the skimpiest trashiest costumes. Dirty ho"s!
Ivana Notyers
Ivana Notyers - 9 years ago
Amazing what an actual healthy female body looks like.... here in America we know all about Pork Roll Lard ass bodies.....
Pollo Frito
Pollo Frito - 7 years ago
James Lewis

Exactly. Get out of that small town in Mississippi and move to a city, like Phoenix, and you'll see bodies like this every few minutes. Fit chicks are EVERYWHERE and I'm in America.
Pollo Frito
Pollo Frito - 7 years ago
Ivana Notyers

Every developed nation has fat fucks. Also, every developed nation has very fit bodies, America is no exception. You're just trolling, right?
James Lewis
James Lewis - 8 years ago
what? You don't live where I live. The fat:fit ratio is like 1:19. 'MERICA!
MasterMech77 - 9 years ago
"Top 10 Revealing Moments in Women's Diving" ? What was revealing, and where was the top ten?
szalonyrenifer4 - 9 years ago
ass you know Im cunting on camera man
Davidu - 9 years ago
Jeffery Smith
Jeffery Smith - 9 years ago
As a man, I think this is as close to haven as we can get. These women are simply beautiful
Hiro Otake
Hiro Otake - 9 years ago
Why all of em have a Huge Butt ? Except Ugly ones... I mean Ugly Butt...
Daegog The Wyrdmake
Daegog The Wyrdmake - 9 years ago
There are literally millions of videos on the internet that show more than this.. probably billions.. There is no good reason to watch this.
Vavazelus - 9 years ago
Wow. that BRA team has the most perfect asses. Damn.
PhobiadiTravian - 9 years ago
Qualcuno ha visto i tuffi??
wecontrolthevideo - 9 years ago
You could edit this right into 2001 A Space Oddessy during the squence flying to the moon.
david smith
david smith - 9 years ago
Man, the Brazilian girls have fantastic asses.....
Shostakovich8 - 9 years ago
so fucking sexy
QuoteToad Jr
QuoteToad Jr - 9 years ago
came for the ass, stayed for the music
Christopher Ewing
Christopher Ewing - 9 years ago
What is the name of this soung
Mark Harrison
Mark Harrison - 9 years ago
And the reason for their ass cheeks hanging out is ????
Simon Tay
Simon Tay - 7 years ago
They wear suits that are 1 or 2 sizes too small and they pull them up their asses on purpose to show off. Its the only reason men watch diving and the girls know it.
Hari S
Hari S - 9 years ago
Diving, when you reach the water the wave just push their swimsuits into their ass
Jolly - 9 years ago
+Mark Harrison They don't have balls and dick to anchor the swimsuit bottom - my own citation. You are allowed to use it only in quotes and with my name after the quotation mark.
Yesnoyeswait - 9 years ago
+Mark Harrison By accident. Swimsuit got that way under water.
Haz and Chaz Games
Haz and Chaz Games - 9 years ago
Pablo Seykata
Pablo Seykata - 9 years ago
Nice video....
Ed Smelly
Ed Smelly - 9 years ago
That was awesome. Great choice of music too.
David Power
David Power - 9 years ago
That music could only come from the mind of a man. Beautiful
Steve Boshboy
Steve Boshboy - 9 years ago
Canadian Lady is awesome !!! :) can't remember her name, just her ass !
John Spofforth
John Spofforth - 9 years ago
Revealing? What, 'cause their maximus gluteus (asses, butts) are more 'squishy' than men's when seen from the rear walking? Or that the women have no pouch in their bottom front? Or that they have breasts? Or just what... could it be their dives, dodos?
Hyparkos - 8 years ago
+Abhay Gupta b-b-but muh sense of superiority
Abhay Gupta
Abhay Gupta - 9 years ago
+John Spofforth Yes, you whiny baby.
pyrotechnic5254 - 9 years ago
Well, I guess we won't be seeing any Arab girls in the swimming competition anytime soon.
Tango Delta 2
Tango Delta 2 - 9 years ago
Swimsuits simply stand NO chance against a Brazilian booty!
TheMagnumr - 9 years ago
what is the name of music playing in background?
Eric-Scott Bloom
Eric-Scott Bloom - 9 years ago
the art of repetition....!
Radar-Mirror - 9 years ago
that's awesome
2k - 9 years ago
I can see a fierce competition between Brazilian and Russian babes!
mojoworld1 - 9 years ago
+2k Are you talking countries or styles of waxing?LOL
ATOPWRENCH - 9 years ago
The beauty of the female form catches my attention every time !
ATOPWRENCH - 9 years ago
I concur . They are , indeed , a dish best served q-u-I-e-t-l-y . I , like others , do not enjoy Aunt Flo's monthly visit .. .. .. 
mojoworld1 - 9 years ago
+ATOPWRENCH Yes, until they speak. But until then, utter perfection...oh and the bleeding bit. 
ATOPWRENCH - 9 years ago
L.o.l. ! And holds us captivated .. .. ..  
mojoworld1 - 9 years ago
+ATOPWRENCH It crotches mine too.
Laszlo Zoltan
Laszlo Zoltan - 9 years ago
sad- these women have achieved an excellence in a sport the OP will never be able to comprehend. A sad, little life.
Fatih Temizer
Fatih Temizer - 9 years ago
i was watching gyroscope on iss how did i end up here
Daniel Lewis
Daniel Lewis - 9 years ago
Some of these girls look like they are underage, wearing those skimpy swimsuits. I aint complaining though.
Carlos Alberto
Carlos Alberto - 8 years ago
Tubecreeper - 9 years ago
+Daniel Lewis Underage? Are you a complete moron? They all look 25, and most are. You would probably break down and cry if you saw an actual 18 year old girl getting fucked.
mojoworld1 - 9 years ago
+Daniel Lewis Shhh...don't ask we won't tell. Heres some candy in case.
Daniel Lewis
Daniel Lewis - 9 years ago
Why are the butts so revealing compared to the rest of the suit? Is it so that men, like me, will watch?

100. comment for Top 10 Revealing Moments in Women's Diving 2015

Sean Lamb
Sean Lamb - 9 years ago
My daughters would not be in this sport ...who's focusing on the diving :P
notatechie - 9 years ago
They think we are marveling at their skill when all we see is their ass. Those swimsuits are obscene but I like them. My granddaughter will not be a diver.
mojoworld1 - 9 years ago
+notatechie Thank you Grandma from ALL OF US!
Stephen Box
Stephen Box - 9 years ago
Camel toes and ass cheeks!
Tormentor - 9 years ago
This is super delicious!!!!!
circe anice Salazar
circe anice Salazar - 9 years ago
this is sports. however, to a muslim, this is porn!
Tubecreeper - 9 years ago
+circe anice Salazar A goat behind a barn is porn to a Muslim. That or a six year old female child.
Kadir Korkmaz
Kadir Korkmaz - 9 years ago
Really watch the diving or not? Confess yourself.
mojoworld1 - 9 years ago
+Kadir Korkmaz There's diving?
Zeppolino100 - 9 years ago
There isn't a good looking bum in the entire video! What as curse to live in the age of the fat ass. :-(
Dave Young
Dave Young - 9 years ago
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Matti Suutarinen
Matti Suutarinen - 9 years ago
I want the last one
MKZMZK - 9 years ago
the camera man in the min 4:57 its just a badass thug!
Larry S
Larry S - 9 years ago
John Thomson
John Thomson - 9 years ago
This is just sad...
Benny Watts
Benny Watts - 9 years ago
Gotta love that music~! The Emperor's New Clothes...
Rádio Mixmania Ltda
Rádio Mixmania Ltda - 9 years ago
So boringggggggggg !!!
Vera Evans
Vera Evans - 9 years ago
4:57. The entire video could have been about this one.
Join The Progress
Join The Progress - 9 years ago
+Vera Evans
Subjective perfection.  For me, the Pro Bikini competitors (search "Pro Bikini" on YT, you'll find plenty of stage competition examples) are perfection.  Some men don't like the ultra-fit look, but others see it as "perfect," like me.  That body type has not really even existed prior to five years ago. 

I work with female models, so I'm exposed to a lot of near-naked women, and the Pro Bikini body is what I consider to be "true perfection."  They however make up only about 20% of the models.  But therefore, they also stand out.
Vera Evans
Vera Evans - 9 years ago
+Join The Progress Okay. I'll give you Margot Robbie. But that's as thin as I'm going. I still think Lopez, Kardashian and Christina Hendricks (from the waist up) are the classic standards of beauty that will never fade. But to the tell you the truth, to get true perfection you've got to go all the way back to the 50's, 60's and 70's.
Join The Progress
Join The Progress - 9 years ago
+Vera Evans How old are you, like 90? Ariana is 22 and hotter than both those ladies, sorry. Nothing against them as icons, you're really comparing apples and oranges, but Ariana is today's hottie; super-cute and very fit, and not a twig. If you want twig, search Eugenia Cooney on youtube. Ariana practically looks chubby in comparison.
Vera Evans
Vera Evans - 9 years ago
+Tubecreeper This "Ariana Grande" is a tweenish twig. I hope, for her sake, that she's not older than 16. Because if she is, she's in trouble. And so is anybody else who holds her up as a standard of beauty over Marilyn Monroe and Elizabeth Taylor, from the neck up AND down. 
Tubecreeper - 9 years ago
Kim Kardashian is a fat, ugly whore. Jennifer Lopex is just as bad. Ariana Grande is the norm all these fucking fatties need to get back to. The reason why these fat, ugly women try to hoist those fat celebs up as a standard is because then they can stuff their faces and really let themselves go while being able to tell themselves they are pretty and normal. Looking like a diseased whale is not normal.
Vera Evans
Vera Evans - 9 years ago
+Tubecreeper Then, you must be very attracted to this lady. Because the only thing fatty on her is those hips and there is nary a spark of ugliness in neither that nor her face. Is Kim Kardashian fat? Is Jennifer Lopez ugly? And they are this diving woman's superior, i.e., faces and hips. Fatter hips even. The world disagrees with your assessment of beauty. As does history. But you are entitled.
Tubecreeper - 9 years ago
+Vera Evans Yeah, I'm not attracted to ugly fatties.
Vera Evans
Vera Evans - 9 years ago
+Tubecreeper If that's a flabby ass and an ugly face, than yes. Absolutely.
Tubecreeper - 9 years ago
+Vera Evans If you like flabby asses and ugly faces.
Gockle of Geer
Gockle of Geer - 9 years ago
The man who invented the Zoom lens and slow motion filming should be extremely proud !
Johnson Steele
Johnson Steele - 9 years ago
2:32 - 3:09, Paola Espinosa from Mexico was my personal favorite, though it is quite hard to choose.
Update: Oh hell, who am I kidding? Having watched the rest of the video, they're basically ALL my favorite, lol.
Gabor Sogor
Gabor Sogor - 9 years ago
+Johnson Steele Yup herself and Ingrid from Brasil ;)
p n Schildt
p n Schildt - 9 years ago
+Johnson Steele - U nailed it !
Eddie Enigma074
Eddie Enigma074 - 9 years ago
+Johnson Steele Yes and they dont need plastic surgery or deface their bodies with tatttoos either...My ex is Russian she was tall blond with a swimmers body. Im looking for another..
Johnson Steele
Johnson Steele - 9 years ago
Yeah, you can never go wrong with Russian women. They're hot as hell and not big on Western political correctness bullshit, including feminism. They're basically better-looking than most American women without the entitlement complex and other predictable hangups. In other words, they're the world's most perfect women.
Eddie Enigma074
Eddie Enigma074 - 9 years ago
Im going with Russia
Vid3oJo3 - 9 years ago
EXCELLENT!!! It's a shame 121 fags had to come on here and give this clip a Thumbs-Down.
mojoworld1 - 9 years ago
+Vid3oJo3 Those were the hard core bros that got to lubed and hit the wrong key trying to find pause or wipe off the keyboard.
Rick9482 - 9 years ago
Your purpose seems derogatory to the girls and not very professional. Why you have access to these events is a real puzzle.
DukeLaCrosse20 - 9 years ago
I am awarding a 10.0 to each and every one of them, and their diving is pretty good to.
mojoworld1 - 9 years ago
+DukeLaCrosse20 I am awarding them each little over 6"
James McDonald
James McDonald - 9 years ago
This is crap. Don't bother watching as the title is misleading. Thumbs down.
mojoworld1 - 9 years ago
+James McDonald Your avitar suits u.
69mannynj - 9 years ago
You managed to make ass boring.
DH Dowi
DH Dowi - 9 years ago
Ingrid de Oliveira and the dark girl near the start, around 1:50
Anthony Thomas
Anthony Thomas - 9 years ago
And this is why 'Adam' ate the forbidden fruit.
Byron Gates Jr
Byron Gates Jr - 9 years ago
Piece of shit video...b
mojoworld1 - 9 years ago
+Byron Gates Jr God damnit grandpa, told you Murder She Wrote was on the TV! Sorry, he was expecting Angela Lansbury to jerk off to.
AND take your teeth...fuck sake.
Jose - 9 years ago
James Raven
James Raven - 9 years ago
06:40 - Lick right up inside that.
guitarvideos777 - 9 years ago
Yoni Veo
Yoni Veo - 9 years ago
Great asses's selection!!
Tiger H. Lore
Tiger H. Lore - 9 years ago
Those swimsuits really get up in there. Doubt it helps the ladies dive better. But it helps me watch them dive better ;)
daniel pedrasas
daniel pedrasas - 7 years ago
Tiger H. Lore ñ
mojoworld1 - 9 years ago
+Tiger H. Lore Aero-dynamics ...if not the would sputter
SuperStig23 - 9 years ago
+Tiger H. Lore Well said Brother
Carl Xross
Carl Xross - 9 years ago
I find real mule's ass more attractive than any of these skinny ass human women!
david smith
david smith - 9 years ago
You should go into stand up with your remarkably witty comebacks
david smith
david smith - 9 years ago told should try stand up with your remarkably witty humor
david smith
david smith - 9 years ago told should try stand up with your remarkably witty humor
david smith
david smith - 9 years ago told should try stand up with your remarkably witty humor
Carl Xross
Carl Xross - 9 years ago
+david smith
My dick is not tiny like yours, tiny-dick!  These pathetic ass will only suffer!
david smith
david smith - 9 years ago
You should come up to my farm....mule fucker...any one of these girls has a phenomenal body, toned and athletic
HEEE HEE HAWW HAWRE - 9 years ago
+Carl Xross HEE HAWRE !
Mike Uher
Mike Uher - 9 years ago
+Carl Xross .... these are ATHLETES. Not starving models. This is how fitness looks.
SuperStig23 - 9 years ago
+Carl Xross We have some real Purdy sheep near me but a Mule ?  man that's really sick, I hope you are the Sex Offender List :)
ViralTuber - 9 years ago
6:40 pretty sure I glimpsed her ovaries
SlackHax - 9 years ago
ingrid de oliveira ... just watch
BrazilianTVHD - 9 years ago
Yeah, it's more than 10, but who's counting?
szalonyrenifer4 - 9 years ago
+BrazilianTVHD Im very cunting on this
Spider - Man
Spider - Man - 9 years ago
+Ctwentysevenj Yeah, you'd be thrown to the sea off 27m high boards...
mojoworld1 - 9 years ago
+Ctwentysevenj No, only the women getting their pictures shown would be.
Ctwentysevenj - 9 years ago
Imagine they showed this in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan or any of those backward Moslem countries, you be executed!
liveyourlifeb4end - 9 years ago
I didn't even notice until I read this lol
YManCyberDude - 9 years ago
The Nutcracker . . .
Simon Tay
Simon Tay - 7 years ago
mateohermej - 9 years ago
Ahhh, Tchaikovsky.
guaropelao - 9 years ago
Min 6:40 #OMG
Peter Kroll
Peter Kroll - 9 years ago
Come on pole. nothing really nothing. Every public swimming pool has more to see.
Jessica Mia
Jessica Mia - 9 years ago
Love the high cut designs toooo
Jessica Mia
Jessica Mia - 9 years ago
They r so fit n i love the cut out swimsuits....
John A.
John A. - 9 years ago
They are beautiful and have strong upper bodies.
Glenn - 9 years ago
often female athletics is dependent on getting attention by using sex to sell the sport - the lack or diminished level of athleticism is a poor sell otherwise - it is sad comment however when these female divers feel that they need to exploit their bodies rather than simply display their athleticism - by their OWN choice - no one is telling or forcing them to wear such revealing swim suits - they do themselves a great dishonor by doing so because in general I have a lot of respect for divers - male and female - it is a brutally difficult sport - there is NO need to walk around with your ass hanging out girls - as nice as they are - the dive itself is ENOUGH ladies - you are your OWN worst enemy and bring the port into disrepute with such callous behavior - your athletes not strippers
Glenn - 9 years ago
+mojoworld1 CLOWN
mojoworld1 - 9 years ago
+Glenn Really? That's what you got...This is my reality speak when spoken to. For now, STFU.
IF I choose to listen to your garbage I will take the gag from your mouth. For now, you have no opinion...Process that you old dick.
Glenn - 9 years ago
+mojoworld1 - once a clown always a clown - bring something of value to the discussion or stay out of it
mojoworld1 - 9 years ago
+Glenn Thank you for the soapbox lecture.
You and Trump...God is great, Lawrence Welk is king and all that keen other wholesome rhetoric to boot. Golly. Blah, blah, blah.
You still think that it was porn when Barbara Billingsley said during an episode of Leave it to Beaver... "Gee Ward, don't you think you were a little hard on the Beaver?"
Glenn - 9 years ago
+mojoworld1 women need to learn to respect their bodies and sport - selling yourself out for TV air time by blatant exhibitionism might titillate some viewers like the females who have been arguing otherwise - but all that makes it is cheap porn - there is no place for sexy in sport girls - if you want to prostitute yourself out go to the red light district - if you want to dive then try to be a little more HUMBLE and RESPECTFUL to your body and sport ... - good "point" mojo ? - if only anyone knew what you were talking about - best to keep your trash to yourself
mojoworld1 - 9 years ago
+esceptikonuio REALLY? This was an actual debate? Two words for Mr. Glenn...HORMONE REPLACEMENT
esceptikonuio - 9 years ago
+Glenn neither you or I can set western society dressing standards, the whole society does. A women showing her ankles was a blatant exhibitionist in 1900, nowadays wearing a string bikini is neither inmorality or exhibitionism. And these female divers, with their high cut swimsuits, but chests fully covered (after all they're sporting outfits) are showing way less skin that others women do at beaches, public pools, discos, halloween parties, sometimes at jogging tracks or parks and even in the streets, and of course in TV Shows. Granted, there's more skin exposed in female diving than let's say, 35 years ago, but this kind of bathing suits became popular in the 80's and the trend hasn't gone any further, so there won't be thong diving or nude diving. I rather doubt judges get distracted by their asses, you may enjoy the pleasant view when they're walking and climbing to the plataform or getting out of the pool, but if you're a jury, at the time of the dive you focus in that and not anything else.
Do you thing these ladies get their points and medals by showing their asses? Why there hasn't been females athletes in jury-panel scoring based sports (diving, sinchronized swimming, gymnastics, ice-skating) complaining about better looking competitors being favored over the better performing ones? BTW in last olympics and swimming world cups chinese female divers had almost monopolized the podiums, and usually they aren't the hottest ones but quite the contrary. And that's my point, neither those swimsuits are inmoral nor these women get medals and sporting success by showing off their bodies.
Glenn - 9 years ago
+esceptikonuio there is no need to wear a swim suit that exposes your ass to the world - if you do - sure I will look - it is hard not to look when you are sticking your ass in my face - it holds no practical purpose in terms of diving - other than to win advantage with the judges - even the so called 'professional' judges - please do you really think they do not look? - seriously? - and to try to gain an advantage over your competition whose ass may or may not be as 'nice' as yours - if you doubt that then you are very VERY naive - the fact that your competition is also looking at your ass and comparing it to their own is also quite evident - face it ladies - you have NO argument to support the so called need to show your ass while diving - it is blatant shameless exhibitionism - as for holding in your loose bits - I presume you refer to a woman's breasts? - I think a woman could dive just as well nude as she could in any bathing suit - or maybe tops only and no bottoms? - the erotic appeal would make female diving a huge spectator sport - massively successful - isn't that why you really do it? - its great advertising and when you cannot compete heads up with male sports and fail to grab the TV exposure as 'equals' - sex sells right? - expose your bodies and the TV audience will come but your respect for yourself and others will go with it - who would not want to see nude female diving - male or female? - where do YOU draw the line? - I fail to see your point because none of you have offered one - the 'present day standards' - what are those? - by whose criteria? - yours or mine or ??? - who is setting these 'standards' you speak of? - OK - "they" let us show legs - now let's try to show ass - OK they let us show ass why not show vagina - OK we got away with that too for the most part face it - it is not that hidden anymore - OK they let us show vagina why not nipples - oh we already show nipples - - where do you stop in your 'standards' settings? - men and women will ALWAYS want to see MORE - what message do you send young girls (and young boys) who see your ass cheeks and pretty much everything else hanging out? - THIS is what it takes to be a successful female diver - show your ass to get ahead girl do whatever it takes (and focus on this boy because this is what defines who a woman is) ? - where is your greater responsibility to set an good and modest example to others while you pose nearly nude on live TV ? - I apologize but your argument is weak and holds no merit - what is 'leaving body appreciation for the intervals' supposed to mean? - are you getting aroused looking at the competitors during the intervals? - seriously ? - do you see this as some kind acceptable society standard to allow you to watch soft core porn for your own sexual arousal? is this why you support it? - morality is not a bad thing - modesty is not a bad thing - having and showing some respect for your body is not a bad thing - I - a voice of ONE - do NOT condone your behavior
esceptikonuio - 9 years ago
+Glenn blatant exibitionism by showing your bare legs and ass cheeks? by present days standards those suits are quite modest. Sounds like an overstatement to me. And covering a mediocre performance by showing off your body may work at an amateur level or in reality shows, not at professional levels (besides almost every other female diver wears the same kind of swimsuit). btw when I'm watching women diving or gymnastics or ice-skating I do focus on the performances and scores, leaving body appreciaton for the intervals. Finally answering your initial question I do think swimsuits do their job by holding male or female loose body parts.
P.S.: as you've surely noticed I'm not a native English speaker so I apologize for any mistake I made in my writing
Glenn - 9 years ago
+esceptikonuio WHAT is the reason divers wear anything at all? - why not have nude diving? - are you telling me that wearing a bathing suit is a necessity? - why? - can you not dive without wearing a bathing suit? - what is my point? - simple the bathing suit is worn to exhibit modesty and not a tool with which to flaunt your body - women who cry for equality are going to have to learn that MERIT counts more than SEXY - flaunting your body to cover up deficiency in skill and talent or to try to win over male AND FEMALE judges by sticking your bare ass in your face is the ONLY reason women wear such high thigh cut suits - when you cannot beat your competitors fairly you expose your ass to gain an advantage - all apologies but MOST women identify as bisexual so I am sure the women judges are just as much or more turned-on by all that flesh as the men and mark accordingly - if you doubt that than you are naive - what I am saying is - let your REAL talent define you - I can assure I have a lot of respect for female divers talent and skill - but NOT for this blatant exhibitionism - you cheapen yourself when you behave in such manner - and all apologies but most everyone's eyes - male and female - are glued to looking at this girls ass - exactly where she wants them to be - and not on her dive - which I say is SAD comment because she worked damn hard to get here ... why cheapen the effort - why hide the skill and talent and turn it into a sex show - one day I hope women will learn to stand on their own merit and not try to gain advantage (ab)using their bodies to get ahead ... maybe one day - for all your feminist rhetoric and outright propaganda you are far from 'equal' to men in that regard
esceptikonuio - 9 years ago
+Glenn every sport has its dressing codes: sleeveless shirts are banned in soccer but in basketball they're the norm, like polos in rugby or long jackets and top hats in ecuestrian sports. And in diving, one-piece bathing suits with high cut-outs at the thighs and bare backs are the code for women, as speedos are for men (and I'm sure you won't accuse male divers of being more interested in showing their bodies than in their performance). IMHO those colorful suits add to the beauty of their dive, like the shiny thights used by female gymnasts or ice-skaters. And judges are professional enough to let aside the sexyiness of the diver, beside being usually both-gender panels. More skin covered won't make those women better divers.
Glenn - 9 years ago
+samgod - if I want to watch ~~~ sexy ~~~ I will go to a strip club ( no I don't go there) - if I want to watch a diver I will go to the pool - don't mix the two - I do not consider your ass cheeks hanging out as sexy - it is disrespectful to yourself - it makes you look cheap not sexy - it makes it look like you are trying to cover up for lack of talent or ability or skill - to divert people's eyes away from the athleticism and focus on the 'sexy' - it does not show confidence or empowerment - it shows a lack of confidence and weakness - what part of I want to watch diving NOT sex appeal don't you get? - oh now you are saying they have a decision to wear or not wear hose bathing suits - before you said they didn't - being respectful about your body is not about being ashamed and hiding it - if you are so damn unashamed why dress at all? - why do they even bother to wear a suit if they are so proud of their bodies? - women do not have the spine to stand on their own two feet without having to add sex appeal because they have an inferiority complex - if there is one thing that feminism has taught me is just what a psychological self-inflicted basket case women are these days - its not about scoffing - if I go to a ball game I watch to watch baseball not some women with her breasts hanging out trying to be sexy - NO sports is NOT abut being sexy - your Greek argument is weak - please - sports is about overcoming adversity - acquiring skill and precision and demonstrating that to others - it is not about showing your ass off to cover up for your inadequacy in acquiring these things - I can be intelligent without letting my brains hang out of my skull - yes I am sure you inherently bisexual women are never looking at her ass either - puhlease - sure she has a nice ass but I did not come to see her ass - I came to see her dive - who knows if she can dive - her ass is stuck in my face - what do you mean you had no problem focusing on her beautiful figure? - she's a diver not a model - she does not have to have a beautiful figure - sure she can have one but that is not a prerequisite or is it? - for female athletics it seems it is more and more simply a soft porn sex show - same with tennis and singers - how much crotch can you show - who cares if you can sing - how much crotch or nipple slips - OH yes I know - that is just SEXY right? - some of us want TALENT not fluff - samgod quit while you are ahead ...
samgod - 9 years ago
+Glenn your premise is flawed. First, you assume that being sexy is not respecting yourself or your body. Wrong. Being confident in yourself, your body, and your sex appeal, and choosing to make your own decision to either hide or show it off it respecting yourself and your body rather than hiding in shame because others scoff at you. Also, sport is not about being sexy? The ancient Greeks competed naked and honored their athletes with grand statues symbolizing sexual virility. Sexiness is everywhere, from intelligence, to talent, skill, and physique. Also, perhaps you're unable to focus on her skill as an incredible diver by being distracted by what you seem to be excessive skin, but don't assume everyone else is. I had no problem focusing on her beautiful figure and diving form and precision. People can be sexy at work, the grocery store, and anywhere else they like. Or they can choose not to. Either choice is fine.
Glenn - 9 years ago
+samgod - there is NO room in sport for 'sexiness' - if you want to be sexy go downtown and walk the red light district - when a women feels she needs to stick her ass in your face to get noticed it distracts for their actual talent and skill - it cheapens them and you lose respect from someone who feels they need to depend on sex to get by in life - all apologies - the women have EVERY say in the swimsuits they wear - that is a cheap crutch - you put them ON you agree to wear them - why not stand up and say NO? - or bring one that is respectful of yourself AND the sport - do you honestly thin they would not let you dive? - if so then tell them to go to hell - your silence speaks volumes - your argument is weak and quite frankly pathetic - you wonder why men have little respect for women - because they are too quick to sell themselves out - decency is not a dirty word - respect for ones body is not a shameful act - if you want to dive nude I will watch your body - is that what you want me watching? - am I at fault? - it is not about personal views of what is excessive or not - what is tolerated or not - you women know very well where that line is and you crossed it long ago - show some respect for yourselves and maybe men will respect you a little more too - act like a hooker and expect the same in kind - you are both at once the problem and the solution - try taking some responsibility for your own actions and behavior and stop trying to claim it is societal constructs or men who make you act the way you do - YOU act the way you do - men are not blameless but point the finger at yourself first and make the necessary change THEN you can go after the rest - I can blame the world for all my problems too OR I can look to myself for the solutions - stop using sex as a crutch which you use to exploit for personal gain in the world and men will come to respect you (more)
samgod - 9 years ago
+Glenn It's unfortunate that so many associate sexiness with exploitation. First, I'm not sure the women have much say in their swimsuit design. Besides, people shouldn't restrict their appearance based on what others consider excessive. Sexuality and respect are not mutually exclusive.
Rodrigo Pedreros Becerra
Rodrigo Pedreros Becerra - 9 years ago
anglomik - 9 years ago
Goddesses & angels! Should be a nightly series!
liyon316 - 9 years ago
The real reason why we're all here 5:12 .
lewisdean22 - 7 years ago
liyon316 Thank you for the Heads up at 5.12
Antônio Fernandes
Antônio Fernandes - 9 years ago
+liyon316 Com certeza. A melhor de todas.
Mike Barbarossa
Mike Barbarossa - 9 years ago
No pause! Loop 6:38 to 6:43 and stroke away
Bob Walker
Bob Walker - 9 years ago
+Mike Alstatt I paused it there and put it on full screen so I could jack off. lol
Bob Walker
Bob Walker - 9 years ago
+liyon316 Are you sure you didn't mean the sexy ass @ 5:00?
Spider - Man
Spider - Man - 9 years ago
+liyon316 yes sir
Mike Barbarossa
Mike Barbarossa - 9 years ago
+liyon316 the vag  peek is at 6:40
urdivine - 9 years ago
We'll have to watch for her in the next summer olympics in Brazil
TyrannoFan - 9 years ago
glad we got a sequel
Kevin Roberts
Kevin Roberts - 9 years ago
What a great video, well done!
Kevin Roberts
Kevin Roberts - 9 years ago
These incredible women with there beautiful physiques!
Simon Tay
Simon Tay - 7 years ago
With their beautiful asses. There fixed it.
mojoworld1 - 9 years ago
+Kevin Roberts Hey, stop it...this is ass & vaginas' don't ruin it for us married guys with physiques talk!
Ash Ketchum
Ash Ketchum - 9 years ago
why am i watching this? :(
mojoworld1 - 9 years ago
+Ash Ketchum with a name like ASH KETCHUM...were surprised as well.
BurnRoddy - 9 years ago
ooh! rumple smooth skin
Mackenzie Adrien
Mackenzie Adrien - 9 years ago
It is very annoying when they reply the same thing over and over a couple of times
greg j
greg j - 9 years ago
The girl at the very end may as well be performing in the nude.
mojoworld1 - 9 years ago
+greg j Have my vote.
Ryan Shivers
Ryan Shivers - 9 years ago
I like how the camera-man zooms in on her ass!
networkbike543 - 9 years ago
Absolute perfection straight 10s. Do men have diving comps but then again who cares.
Julio García
Julio García - 9 years ago
Beautiful women, beautiful music and beautiful sport!
Chaosflower - 9 years ago
erm.. I know gym literally means naked in Greek.. but why are women athletes these days wearing more and more revealing costumes?
mojoworld1 - 9 years ago
+BingBong again...goes right back to Greek.Olive oil and assholes.
Stephen McGuire
Stephen McGuire - 9 years ago
I could not stop laughing. All I could think about is the pool scene from Caddyshack!!! Bhaaaahahhaha. You girls are awesome! Do not let me non-stop laughter while watching give you the wrong idea!!
Grizzleback07 - 9 years ago
lmao I was thinking the same thing!
Fred Peart
Fred Peart - 9 years ago
The Brazilian and her tan line. Yikes!
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