Toyota Hilux - Thank goodness for a Snorkel

Early June 2007, there was a severe weather event on the NSW central coast. I was had to transit this road. The water depth markers indicated 0.6M - this is no problem in my car - so I continued cautiously. It turns out the water was actually more like 1.2M deep & this is a problem for my car - it comes up to the windscreen! *** CAUTION *** Do not try this unless you are experienced & 100% sure of your vehicles capabilites - otherwise, you may get stuck, your vehicle may get extensively damaged - or worse, you may die.

Toyota Hilux - Thank goodness for a Snorkel sentiment_very_dissatisfied 11

Snorkeling 17 years ago 209,911 views

Early June 2007, there was a severe weather event on the NSW central coast. I was had to transit this road. The water depth markers indicated 0.6M - this is no problem in my car - so I continued cautiously. It turns out the water was actually more like 1.2M deep & this is a problem for my car - it comes up to the windscreen! *** CAUTION *** Do not try this unless you are experienced & 100% sure of your vehicles capabilites - otherwise, you may get stuck, your vehicle may get extensively damaged - or worse, you may die.

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Most popular comments
for Toyota Hilux - Thank goodness for a Snorkel

Emile Rossouw
Emile Rossouw - 7 years ago
craziest shit ever
Andrew Morgan
Andrew Morgan - 7 years ago
People exaggerate deep water crossing especially with the splashing and wake formed from speed, but this is truly deep!
Toyota Hilux
Toyota Hilux - 7 years ago
This is me, trying to swim
Brad & Amanda 4x4
Brad & Amanda 4x4 - 7 years ago
lol... Oh that was scary lol.... Boody hell on the edge of my seat ...
Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla - 7 years ago
Balls of steel!!! Nice job mate!!!
Tom Aud
Tom Aud - 8 years ago
How come manufuckturers do not install snorkel by default?
TitanChains 27
TitanChains 27 - 7 years ago
Tom Aud I think in Dubai and other countries Toyota do give you the option for a factory snorkel for land cruiser 70 series and 200 series.
Cringe Bros
Cringe Bros - 8 years ago
I wouldn't be able to handle that! I would be having anxiety attacks!
Toyota Fortuner
Toyota Fortuner - 8 years ago
Alief Adha
Alief Adha - 8 years ago
Evi1M4chine - 8 years ago
Lol. I like how you just keep driving. ^^
Gotta be careful though…

10. comment for Toyota Hilux - Thank goodness for a Snorkel

Hazardbone - 8 years ago
.6 of a metre more like 1.6
Hazardbone - 8 years ago
Evi1M4chine a 4x4 ute
Evi1M4chine - 8 years ago
This is a car, not a truck.
surfingtim23 - 8 years ago
Benjie Bautista
Benjie Bautista - 8 years ago
is it ok to still use my car (with this snorkel) if it heavily rains? will this water that enters my snorkel damages my turbo and engine? thanks so much
TitanChains 27
TitanChains 27 - 7 years ago
Benjie Bautista Yes it will be fine, if you feel unsure just turn the air ram looking backwards.
Benjie Bautista
Benjie Bautista - 8 years ago
what if it rains heavily, of course water will enter into my air filter and it probably goes inside my turbo and engine, what will be the bad effect of such water coming in?
saph - 8 years ago
it will do crud all

Rain does not enter at such a great rate that it enters the engine wet .
it may lay in the bottom of the filter housing but intake charge
absorbs it as humidity though the air cleaner and its combusted as if
its a high humid day . As the moisture runs down the snorkel intake
tube most of it is evaporated and if it doesn't it condenses and
dampens the air filter and is evaporated as air travels though the
filter. In seriously heavy Darwin down pours a snorkel still copes
with it . any moisture getting close to the turbo is evaporated into
humidity. its not like is dealing with the amount of water you give it
when you submerge an engine in a creek. there is a huge volume of air
going in and water doesn't stand a chance of doing harm from just
Bill Purdie
Bill Purdie - 9 years ago
l did that with a triton once never did it again no snorkel lucky it was a small river crossing in Qld near Moranbah
Colonel Harland Sanders
Colonel Harland Sanders - 8 years ago
Even a Toyota Innova done that too . its just mpv
Evi1M4chine - 8 years ago
Bill Purdie: Gotta learn how to use punctuation mate. This is not ancient Latin where they hadn’t invented those yet. The ambiguity caused by your laziness makes people not want to listen to you.
Mike Perry
Mike Perry - 8 years ago
+Bill Purdie surprised it didn't blow up in the middle of the river lol
DSM - 9 years ago
A new come hero...
M Bro
M Bro - 9 years ago
At some point your wipers become water scoops. lol
niclna - 9 years ago
are you driving with a stick shift, sir? and did you adjust the choke so that the engine will rev higher
RB26DETT - 7 years ago
niclna he was in low range, so that's why it reved higher
stephen smith
stephen smith - 9 years ago
Andhiko setyawan
Andhiko setyawan - 9 years ago
i didn't knew if it happened to my car

20. comment for Toyota Hilux - Thank goodness for a Snorkel

Forgott3n Gaming
Forgott3n Gaming - 10 years ago
Eh just floor it
slayersdeath - 8 years ago
it does not work like that
Bill Blinky
Bill Blinky - 10 years ago
I just love it. It feels like I'm a passenger in someone else's car and I don't have to worry about insurance, wrecking the motor, the electrics, hitting obstacles or worse still.......drowning. You sound so damn calm. I'd be either freaking out or absolutely silent. But you're like 'Oh that was scary'!   
Ian Daykin
Ian Daykin - 10 years ago
Do you have tubes for the breathers in your tranny and diffs? I did a crossing in my 4runner a month ago (video is posted) and  my transmission is now dead due to water getting in.
rumerboyz - 9 years ago
My old 2005 ford superduty had a snorkel and I could not extend the trans breather, just the transfer case and the axles. Never had a problem with the trans and it was underwater. If you can extend your trans do it.
Gill Nostrefau
Gill Nostrefau - 10 years ago
no shit. this is so Fun
Darkcore - 10 years ago
2015 Ford Expedition might do it
CentralCoastBoyz - 10 years ago
This is Hamlyn Terrace/Warnervale on the NSW Central Coast
ruby spitfire
ruby spitfire - 10 years ago
i have a gas powered hilux and love it. diesel is even better
david trystman
david trystman - 10 years ago
your balls hang lower then mine dude. i want a snorkel on my 90 4runner but i would never do this. not unless my family was in danger.
Axeman Games
Axeman Games - 10 years ago
The Hilux is unsoppable
soup 1223
soup 1223 - 11 years ago
he said he changed into low range while he was already under water, that is a big no no for anyone that comes into a situation like this, depressing your clutch pedal while there is water inside the bellhousing may cause the clutch to slip and you will lose all power and pretty much wont be able to move

30. comment for Toyota Hilux - Thank goodness for a Snorkel

Wesley Williams
Wesley Williams - 11 years ago
Like a BOSS!
Bish Kek
Bish Kek - 11 years ago
That's nuckin futs!!
norwayjohann - 10 years ago
Hahaha nuckin futs xD made my day
scaff eightysix
scaff eightysix - 11 years ago
Fair play thumbs up
Robert Matthews
Robert Matthews - 11 years ago

out with the jeep, hello toyota...
steven uy
steven uy - 11 years ago
hi.. is your computer box sealed?
Blake Ferrell
Blake Ferrell - 11 years ago
Awesome. Gotta love a diesel.
Genki Dama
Genki Dama - 11 years ago
"Well.... this bad" HAHA awesome video.
thebigboy007 - 11 years ago
what's the model of your engine? 5L?
Pie - 11 years ago
Like how calm he is when the water is half up the windscreen lol
Joshua Wray
Joshua Wray - 11 years ago
That diesel sounds so angry and determined. I wish they offered the diesel engines here in America. I'd love to have one in my 4Runner.
scotty Q.
scotty Q. - 11 years ago
warnervale road?
Jordan Balmer
Jordan Balmer - 11 years ago
He is in NSW?
Fernando De Pinho
Fernando De Pinho - 11 years ago
that is incredible, .. really.. thats why you gonna love a hilux!
mx4life9 - 11 years ago
Is this a turbo diesel hilux ?
David Swann
David Swann - 11 years ago
mean as bro that's how we rock in NZ
Martyn8020 - 12 years ago
Don't try this in a Nissan
Симаков Иван
Симаков Иван - 12 years ago
kwpowerluva - 12 years ago
Your a weapon mate! no way I'd do that. water just freaks me out!
Kendrick Rayford
Kendrick Rayford - 12 years ago
why yall people dont never show the water coming in?
Rayyyyy - 12 years ago
Do you use gear 1 all the way, sir?

50. comment for Toyota Hilux - Thank goodness for a Snorkel

RS1 - 12 years ago
craigslist ad. clean engine, never abused..
bentleyontheair - 12 years ago
since you said water came in through the air vents, did it come in anywhere else like through the doors or through the carpet?
papatooth1 - 12 years ago
i ran through a 3 foot deep flood and my #6 spark plug on my jeep liberty blew. was a sad day for my adventure driving...
neworder18 - 12 years ago
Well now you know the chassis is clean ;)
danyofdeath - 12 years ago
did water come into the interior
danyofdeath - 12 years ago the title
iwannabawannab - 12 years ago
Mad effort
skratchkamot - 12 years ago
No wonder why it is indestructible. Top Gear tried to destroy one of these but it simply kept going back to life. What an awesome machine.
Deuce Nukem
Deuce Nukem - 12 years ago
dude.. i come back to watch this video a few times every year... I still don't know how you stayed so calm.
skratchkamot - 12 years ago
What year model is your Hilux?
SSThunder763 - 12 years ago
Yeah, mine was a stock 2.4 litre petrol. Upgraded suspension, wheels and tyres. The air intake on that model was right behind the headlight so I attached some radiator hose that was horse shoe shaped so that it wouldn't suck in water on deep crossings. A snorkel is a much better idea tho!
Cj Dunlap
Cj Dunlap - 12 years ago
did you have just stock exhaust?
SSThunder763 - 12 years ago
Ive done a few similar crossings in Cairns during wet season in my 96 Hilux which was lifted 3inches and had 33's under it. Had to rescue a bloke in a Rodeo cause he thought he new what he was doing......detonated his standard diesel rig, so I towed him to Toyota to buy a new LUX! He wasn't happy......
WELL RANTAI - 12 years ago
Alexander Vaughan
Alexander Vaughan - 12 years ago
Bad ass
ronny g
ronny g - 12 years ago
and this my friends is the reason you buy a toyota hilux as. AMAROK, TAKE NOTE.
Adam Ph
Adam Ph - 12 years ago
Really impressive performance. Probably too good. Convinces half wits they can easily cross running water. I've got a 3" lifted, front and rear locked petrol 100 series, snorkel, winch, 33's sliders ect and wouldn't EVER consider that. I know there's lots of vids like this but I wonder how many people are dead because they crossed water after watching something like this. Cool Vid but needs a warning for dumb folk that its still water and crossing swift moving water = death.
Matt Barnes
Matt Barnes - 12 years ago
low range would have been smart, then again not putting himself in a situation where the SES or police might have to rescue him instead of someone more deserving would have been a better idea.
75SINCE - 12 years ago
well done mate........go toyota
BagFullOfBalls - 13 years ago
Mate you got balls! Good work by the Lux too! I'd buy you a beer, or 10
75SINCE - 13 years ago
thats a true aussie .well done mate..........go the hilux ...i have one also......nice flood crossing
nooki1102 - 13 years ago
@rshenanigans thats good reason to worry hahahaha
rshenanigans - 13 years ago
dont worry toyota tuff
Pooshooter5k - 13 years ago
lol at first i was like pthpth they dont need a snorkel then all the sudden i was like ooooooooo sh*%!
Mohammed Aldaqqaq
Mohammed Aldaqqaq - 13 years ago
@jalit oh ok thnx
Jalit - 13 years ago
@MrMohammed420 It puts the air intake higher so it is harder for water to get sucked in.
banksy2012 - 13 years ago
that my friend was amazing, nice driving. Why did you have to drive through or just for the hell of it brilliant.
captianpikachu - 13 years ago
Holy shit mate, you are game
Tim Martin
Tim Martin - 13 years ago
Nice controlled driving
Mohammed Aldaqqaq
Mohammed Aldaqqaq - 13 years ago
how does the snorkel work and help
aunshiwho - 13 years ago
I will now buy a hilux
grizznatty - 13 years ago
that was badass
Jimbo Jones
Jimbo Jones - 13 years ago
I tip my hat to ya mate... you started pretty confident but when she started comin up on the windscreen you got a bit shakey...
wilnoy - 13 years ago
yes it was very scary... i had goose bumps watching your video...
brandon gonzalez
brandon gonzalez - 13 years ago
hey did u have it in low range an what gear where u using?
benwhit3 - 13 years ago
I love how your just soo chilled out, like "this is bad". i think i'd react a little differently lol
Mrphatbastard1 - 13 years ago
Oh, for crying out loud, I sure my 79 Town Car could have done the same damn thing, after all, that's why everyone calls it a boat!!! Right?
Harrizon Andasan
Harrizon Andasan - 13 years ago
@srkcarshummer how can u use a defogger when the water is goin thru the vents...hahahaha
dragonmekill - 13 years ago
The funny part about this was the windshield wipers, I don't know what it was about it, but the wipers on with the car dunking under was just hilarious :D Great vid though :D nice driving.
Zach84932 - 14 years ago
i think i would have went back home lol
l337pwnage - 14 years ago
Your windshield got foggy at the end, air conditioning malfunction?? ;p
xXTheTrainKidXx - 14 years ago
Okra CRPF - 14 years ago
MrJasonsecret - 14 years ago
thats amazing but INSANELY stupid and could have been a disaster you sir are dumb but have balls of steel
Christian Johnson
Christian Johnson - 14 years ago
WOW. I wonder what the guy passing you at the end was thinking...."Well if he did it maybe...ah screw it im going for...oh damn im stuck."
Joey - 14 years ago
the indestructable car.
William Briscoe
William Briscoe - 14 years ago
When the water is ON the windshield, having your wipers on is useless.
s14duma - 14 years ago
Truck = boat WIN!
Kevin T.
Kevin T. - 14 years ago
Thoughest car on the planet. Proved by Top Gear :-)
Kevin T.
Kevin T. - 14 years ago
Thoughest car on the planet. Proved by Top Gear :-)

100. comment for Toyota Hilux - Thank goodness for a Snorkel

Matt3608 - 14 years ago
1dptwin - 14 years ago
wtf yeah that would be scary
Chase Vestal
Chase Vestal - 14 years ago
OMG wow you have some balls to drive thru that
littleboblives - 14 years ago
Toyota Hilux, favorite submarine of australia
zorkor - 14 years ago
@JaydenBeardsley yes it does get in.
Chaser Harper
Chaser Harper - 14 years ago
Wow... thats why i buy Toyota! very nice video
W3TFART - 14 years ago
U have got a large set of Nuts !
Deuce Nukem
Deuce Nukem - 14 years ago
You handled that so much better than /so many people/ would have. Pretty convenient you had that snorkel, eh? Now I wanna put one on my blazer... just in case...
cole a
cole a - 14 years ago
have you ever broke your fan blades from driving through the water? great video.
L900000 - 14 years ago
Awesome video! You are a legend!
Argyle The Galactic Nomad
Argyle The Galactic Nomad - 14 years ago
All I have to say sir is ...balls...well done sir..
stratsareus - 14 years ago
Thank you for not having some idiot going "woo woo woo" in your clip.
RichyVida - 14 years ago
Wow, awesome work there mate! I have the Hilux Surf, 2nd Gen, and totally love it. Great off roader!
RyDaBan - 14 years ago
Haha this is my third time in a row watching this and its still entertaining. nice video
MrXispas - 14 years ago
wow! That's brave stuff. Good video and great to watch!
manny i
manny i - 14 years ago
i wonder what that water will do to my EFI 22re? even with a snorkel.
wootness3000 - 14 years ago
@goober239 Lol no, coils get wet, no spark, dead in water.
A L P H A R D - 14 years ago
even if that was unnecessary it was totally awesome.
bonsa100 - 14 years ago
That was spectacular, when it went deep i bet you thought oops.......... and then you said it! LOL Now thats what i call a well engineered vehicle.
Tom S
Tom S - 14 years ago
I know that vehicle snorkels are used in the military for remote control vehicles they can go under until it reaches the snorkel.
offitcock - 14 years ago
dude that was awesome
A Crustacean
A Crustacean - 14 years ago
think a 2003 s10 zr2 pickup would do this?
cliffey1989 - 14 years ago
this is amazing
A.J. Hall
A.J. Hall - 14 years ago
now if toyota still made trucks like this then they wouldnt be considered a joke lol. I hear these old trucks can take one hell of a beating. nice video!!!
simonjapan4 - 14 years ago
Really good video
Nathan Percival
Nathan Percival - 14 years ago
oh what a SHITBOX toyota!!!!.....get a disco u wont roll or get water in your vents.....
beaverbox - 14 years ago
Top class
sir simmo
sir simmo - 14 years ago
hilux power right there !!! the good old luxys cant be stoped :P
MicMogul - 14 years ago
@timbo69b here, here, my parents bought a Range Rover in 1990 following a head-on smash of a campervan travelling on the wrong side of the road with a Ford Station wagon. Thinking it'd be a substantial car, they were wrong and along with my Grandad's reservations of British made cars (having seen it all before decades ago), they were set for 11 years of heartache with about half the cost of the car ($74K in 1990) spent again in repairs. Every holiday, there'd be a breakdown.
dug10u - 15 years ago
if it did die, im doubting its ever going to start again lol
Discovery2TD5 - 15 years ago
I take my hat of to you sir!!! AWESOME!!
ChaplainC - 15 years ago
I love it "Well that was scary" HAHA No kidding. By the by, if you pop the hood latch next time, it will allow water to vent out of the front easier. (because it was being moved by your fan) and that will make it easier on the engine to run. just a thought... nice vid, SO glad you did not decide to just stop in the middle! Cheers
TTFJ120 - 15 years ago
It would never enter the exhaust while the engine is running. But if the engine did stop water would travel up the pipes. Not all the way to the engine but far enough to cause starting problems due to back pressure. In some cases the pipe will explode if enough pressure builds.
shawn cox
shawn cox - 15 years ago
that was sweet...:)
zackattatck - 15 years ago
u already have air coming out of he exaust so the water cant get in there. and the engine can get wet its okay. but if he eletronics get wet ur screwed.
johndeeremudder - 15 years ago
i cant wait til it floods im going to do the same thing lol
mrmuttley - 15 years ago
Damn that wasn't far enough from going swimming there.
ThelenShar - 15 years ago
my question is, even if the input air flow was miles above the water front, what about the exhaust? how did they stop the water flooding right up to the cat/exhaust manifold? im assuming there must have been enough pressure to keep it away from there, but say the engine died momemtarily, and the water flooded up, wouldn't it reach the piston level?
Larry Landry
Larry Landry - 15 years ago
Awesome video were you in a 70 series cruiser?
bryce hutcheson
bryce hutcheson - 15 years ago
Jose Soto
Jose Soto - 15 years ago
WOOOOOOW simplemente sin palabras!!! como me hubiera gustado ver el video en otro angulo diferente, tal vez de enfrente
Ben Collings
Ben Collings - 15 years ago
Yer hamo
Stephen Dempsey
Stephen Dempsey - 15 years ago
if that got higher you would die
1hdsquad - 15 years ago
Okay, thank you :)
wodanowitz - 15 years ago
Cause in most clutch disk's, you will get water, mud and dirt in between and you will ruin the clutch instantly. BUT....not every clutch will die...... there are several different makes of clutches.
1hdsquad - 15 years ago
Why dont you change gears?
wodanowitz - 16 years ago
The only 2 things I have to agree on are: Never change gears in such deep water! There might be hidden obstacles under the water that can stop your drive and bring you in deep deep trouble. Logs, road washed away....what ever. Did something happen in reference to the wrong indicating depth markers? Did they replace them or change something toward safety?
wodanowitz - 16 years ago
Dond't listen to all these assholes! Fact is... You got a Diesel vehicle with a snorkel. That's far more then enough to tackle a (wrong) indicated water depth of 0.6 meters. And to this idiots talking about this bow wave shit. The depht markers show how deep the water is. If it is indicated at 0.6 then this is with out bow wave !!! And 0.6 is nothing for a diesel vehicle with snorkel, with or without bow wave. Go for it timbo. Did some thing happen in reference to wrong indicating marks
refns2005 - 16 years ago
lol nice response
rumerboyz - 16 years ago
Great video! I've been in water that deep and it was a little scary. You have to talk to the car to help you make it to the other side. And yes, thank God for safari snorkel
Anthony Russell
Anthony Russell - 16 years ago
imagne me in my 97 mazda 323f driving through this :P
clarda1 - 16 years ago
Holy shit, bravest man ever, good truck also
shaned8845 - 16 years ago
HAHAHA, I've never considered that but its not far from the truth, My guessw was so they didn't have to walk to get help
jefejefejefe - 16 years ago
just get a ranger they dont even need a snorkel
rwconen .rwconen
rwconen .rwconen - 16 years ago
if i ever go through water like that, which i probably never will, i'll be ready with my snorkel too!
Ryan Callas
Ryan Callas - 16 years ago
That was awesome !!!!! I am glad I have a snorkel too. Great video !!
SPitFyRe666 - 16 years ago
demander11 - 16 years ago
I just had to write a comment for this one, absolutely increidible! Now I see how the video got its' name. Speechless.
floorit001 - 16 years ago
"Bloody impressive" mate even thats an understatement lol!
floorit001 - 16 years ago
i would love to have seen this from the outside aswell..amazing
Kreat0r1 - 16 years ago
yeah just google Hamlyn Terrace, i live 15mins away from there.. Its an awesome place for 4x4s when it rains for more than a few days
icutemall - 16 years ago
Aaron Lloyd
Aaron Lloyd - 16 years ago
lol very very impressed mate
Steven Burns
Steven Burns - 16 years ago
Chris - 16 years ago
Dude thats fucking sweet lol
mvgg - 16 years ago
I saw some fishes...
garynz345 - 16 years ago
i love this video every time i see it, only a hilux could have done it hahahaha!!!
acccrew01 - 16 years ago
This looks and sounds like australian to me, so his on the left side of the road for good reason.. its the side we drive on..
wodanowitz - 16 years ago
Yeah, changing all oils and greases is best you can do. Your Hilux did very well. It would have been to awesome, if someone would have filmed it from the outside. But I bet, you were the only one to make it trough. Good job, great video!
wodanowitz - 16 years ago
Jesus, that was awesome deep, sure at least 3 feet! Great that your Toyota did it. How much water did get into the car? Amazing!
appcookie - 17 years ago
Guille Rodriguez
Guille Rodriguez - 17 years ago
star112345 - 17 years ago
its a toyota submarine!
Trendywun - 17 years ago
Aussie Aussie Aussie lol. You needed a trailer just for your balls mate!
Dion den Braber
Dion den Braber - 17 years ago
Really nice vid!
polyurethane610 - 17 years ago
hey timbo, great vid! did you have the snorkel head turned around backwards? i have the same truck as yours, only mines a 2004 model. where you mentioned the depth was over twice the indicated 2x600 = over 1.2m, i doubt it highly mate. 1.2m is just below the windows and since you were moving id say the bow wave would have taken the water to the top of the windscreen if it was, if in fact you didn't float away first. regardless, great truck hey. better than a new generation lux IMO
UGSAce - 17 years ago
wow that was crazy
Jason - 17 years ago
hi hate (im jason)
tassiehunter - 17 years ago
Nice, does get the heart rate going a bit doesn't it, plus you find out how many leaks the 4wd has, I can wade in water in my 2.8 hilux up to 1.5m, but only in still water. I ended up fitting a pair of marine bilge pumps on the floor and done a bit more sealing around the steering shaft and gear stick tunnel covers. I extended the breathers from all suspect bits (F & R diffs, gearbox and transfer, power steer, brake and clutch res, winch motor, and fuel tank into the cab at roof level. top video
Ryan Kirkbride
Ryan Kirkbride - 17 years ago
that is excellent,my worst nightmare has just been given hope,question though,although the jeep had a snorkel wouldnt the water make its way up the exhaust and get in that way? did you have many electrical problems afterwards?
BrentReyno - 17 years ago
Marvellous video... You seemed pretty calm and collected when you casually said "this is bad" It would have taken good driving to get through that... Don't listen to the other nob heads on here tryin to bag you... Well done
crwlx4 - 17 years ago
I grew up up just on the other side of the hill for 23 years and never seen it that flooded before
Sean Twomey
Sean Twomey - 17 years ago
Wow! By snorkel you obviously meant on the vehicle! Thank god indeed! Very cool! My home town Terrace, BC was just flooded, people there could have used a snorkel though the river would have swept them to their deaths. Good for slow, or still water only!
SOT03Y - 17 years ago
What type of car was it?
RockyOneAustralia - 17 years ago
Wow! You had a ton of guts even to tackle it..Your ride deserves a little commercial also like what it is..Did a good commentary noting voice showed little panic considering what could have happened..Use hair drier on low..Thanks
Dave Maunder
Dave Maunder - 17 years ago
Heh! This is a beautiful valid reason to the RTA and the gubberment body that controls the ADR's as to why 20" lifts and 44's are required in NSW! With the above lift and tyres your floorpan wouldn't have even touched the water....
txhog - 17 years ago
So you made that video to whinge that indicater depth was wrong, wad you going to do complain to council, HTFU
Kourtney27 - 17 years ago
What state and city in Au was this?
wingman358 - 17 years ago
"this is bad" haha, that's a hard-working truck right there. Only by Toyota! Good thing you didn't need to swim.
BlueD0g - 17 years ago
Great vid mate. Must've been scary. Where is that filmed, ie what road..?? At first I thought you sounded a lot like my brother ;) Glad you made it safely across, and your right, it does show that depth markers are usually wrong! Cheers, Si (Aussie in UK)
Mick W
Mick W - 17 years ago
good going mate! trusty diesel and a snorkel!!!
Moiz Arbaz
Moiz Arbaz - 17 years ago
My mates patrol went in that flood easily. are the floods starting to carm down a little?
garynz345 - 17 years ago
awesome vid, hilux could handle anything, have you seen the Top Gear episodes with the Hilux??? top marks!!!
garynz345 - 17 years ago
the best thing a landy could do in that situation is not get swept away as they are way to heavy!!!
Chris Ould
Chris Ould - 17 years ago
WOW, WOW, turn around, go back, oh boy ! What a GREAT video clip !!!!
billy jeff
billy jeff - 17 years ago
thats good enough for me, bit of a landy nut, but i got a soft spot for hilux's
billygoatUK - 17 years ago
woh dude, i didn;t think you were gonna make that! Man that was deep! You're either brave or crazy , but thanks for the amazing vid.
utedriven - 17 years ago
great clip looks like a bit of White knuckle stuff!!! Go the Hilux!!
billy jeff
billy jeff - 17 years ago
"got water comin in" lol. that made me laugh. Is it a Land Rover by any chance?

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