Travel Vlog: Girls Trip to Turks and Caicos #GorjessTravels

Me and my girls had the best time in Turks and Caicos! Check out this vlog to see all of our adventures as well as tips on where to stay, eat, and things to do! Follow me on social :) Website: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: Snapchat: Heygorjessxo

Travel Vlog: Girls Trip to Turks and Caicos #GorjessTravels sentiment_very_dissatisfied 54

Snorkeling 7 years ago 107,142 views

Me and my girls had the best time in Turks and Caicos! Check out this vlog to see all of our adventures as well as tips on where to stay, eat, and things to do! Follow me on social :) Website: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: Snapchat: Heygorjessxo

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Most popular comments
for Travel Vlog: Girls Trip to Turks and Caicos #GorjessTravels

Oscar Miler
Oscar Miler - 6 years ago
awesome videos
Luis Garcia
Luis Garcia - 6 years ago
All of you ladys are so hot and beatiful.
A Day With Shay
A Day With Shay - 6 years ago
you remind me of parker lol
Sheretan - 6 years ago
omg natural hair goalssss!
shaydel - 6 years ago
Where did urll get these bathing suits?
Jermaine Lee
Jermaine Lee - 6 years ago
Looks fun
van kk
van kk - 6 years ago
you are all so beautiful.I love the darksin girl's hair. from a white man
Inao Masaki
Inao Masaki - 6 years ago
Your editing skills is amazing!
Mixology DJ's
Mixology DJ's - 6 years ago
Its brings me great pleasure when u guys come to my Island and enjoy yourselves. Anytime u back in town hit up MixologyDJS for the party spots
follow us on FB, IG, TWITTER - MIXOLOGYDJSTCI. Just ask for DJ FLOW or DJ FLEXX

10. comment for Travel Vlog: Girls Trip to Turks and Caicos #GorjessTravels

Gem Floral
Gem Floral - 6 years ago
Can you do a video on outfits you pack for vacations like these? :)
Arnelle S
Arnelle S - 6 years ago
That’s where my moms family is from. My sister and I use to go every summer and stay with my grandmother.
Shavon Hermanstyne
Shavon Hermanstyne - 6 years ago
I live in the turks and caicos
chillchi - 6 years ago
I couldn't see much of the island in this video, as i had 4 extremely gorgeous black women in my eyes.
Kendace forbes
Kendace forbes - 6 years ago
Stop doing that to her and I live here
Kendace forbes
Kendace forbes - 6 years ago
Girl u are dump
Jedidiah David
Jedidiah David - 6 years ago
Can i ask a question?....Are things priced in U.S. Dollars or turks & caicos dollars?..
Kadejah Tate
Kadejah Tate - 6 years ago
Jedidiah David U.S. dollars
Mansa Musa
Mansa Musa - 6 years ago
Those cant be USD prices??? Tell me it aint so..
Nancy Noel
Nancy Noel - 6 years ago
Beautiful girls trip I need to go
Maserati Holly
Maserati Holly - 6 years ago
what camera u use for underwater ??
———ig @maserati_holly

20. comment for Travel Vlog: Girls Trip to Turks and Caicos #GorjessTravels

Omeka Moore
Omeka Moore - 6 years ago
Beautiful video ladies
Marcus Nez
Marcus Nez - 6 years ago
Looks like paradise there...Heaven on Earth
Nisaa Elleo
Nisaa Elleo - 6 years ago
such a great vlog! i wish i had friends to travel with.

also, which camera are you using to vlog? is it a flipped screen camera?
Krystal Klear
Krystal Klear - 6 years ago
Just No.
Just No. - 6 years ago
I live inTurks and caicos
Hannah Chhay
Hannah Chhay - 6 years ago
You and your shorty are dimes. Good lawd
Jess Koernig
Jess Koernig - 6 years ago
Check out my travel vlogs! Thailand and Bermuda...more to come
bryrob77 - 6 years ago
Ire is not one of our words
That guy seems like a poser and he don’t sound like us Turks islanders
seems like he doesn’t comprehend english that well
He can be from a different country living in TCI
Chadi Jarmoun
Chadi Jarmoun - 6 years ago
I get instantly happy, when i'm watching you're video's at the moment ur my favourite Youtuber & you know i'm looking up to you you're such a good person keep doing this !xxx
haile 89
haile 89 - 6 years ago
good god their all too damn fine

30. comment for Travel Vlog: Girls Trip to Turks and Caicos #GorjessTravels

andrea J
andrea J - 6 years ago
Beautiful women love it ❤️❤️
Happey67 - 6 years ago
This is a British territory so yeah, they drive on the left hand side of the road.
Happey67 - 6 years ago
Wow! Costly but the does the American currency goes far?
Chalinya Misick
Chalinya Misick - 6 years ago
I live in the Turks and caicos provo
Toi Glover
Toi Glover - 6 years ago
Wait I thought you said you did Airbnb but you said you have a beach resort all exclusive help me understand please I am going on a trip for my birthday in August
Angryconsumernerd - 6 years ago
Why are you mulattos and yes you are half white.. always rich
Özgür Özcan
Özgür Özcan - 6 years ago
`Surreal` means `super real`, which means over the reality... Guillaume Apollinaire started to name it first `super-natural` and then after Andre Breton wrote the surrealist manifests starting from 1924, you should really check them out. You are super kind and good, it is fantastically nice to see your video. Greetings from Berlin, Oz.
who?? - 6 years ago
Everyone in your group is so gorgeous.
Rob M
Rob M - 6 years ago
Took a little to see your video. Glad I did. You guys truly enjoyed yourselves.
Vanessa - 6 years ago
You are all so gorgeous!! I def need to visit Turks & Caicos. I watched all your travel vlogs this morning and I need more please!
Devin Pondexter
Devin Pondexter - 6 years ago
boi gimme dat Dark chocolate with that lipstick on . ohh Lawd
MAOR     JUDAH Israel
MAOR JUDAH Israel - 6 years ago
Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful.
Quinn Johnson
Quinn Johnson - 6 years ago
Atoya Garner
Atoya Garner - 6 years ago
I appreciate you for showing the real costs of grocery items! So helpful.
MrsHouse2Home ____
MrsHouse2Home ____ - 6 years ago
This was an amazing vlog!! So they allowed you to eat at Beaches all inclusive even though you didn’t stay there? We are going in a few months . So excited .
tiffany doris
tiffany doris - 6 years ago
Does anyone have a secret flying invitation code? For signing up for the site? Or how to get an invitation code?
Andrianna Leonard
Andrianna Leonard - 6 years ago
Not to be a creep but it looks like someones boob was out at 16:39
Tumi Yukii
Tumi Yukii - 6 years ago
seeing black travel vlogs makes me so happy :']
Jazmyne Hankerson
Jazmyne Hankerson - 6 years ago
Tumi Yukii I love seeing this kind of stuff too! I watched this video too and now I’m wanting to go to Tokyo!
Mellissa-Sue Anderson
Mellissa-Sue Anderson - 6 years ago
LOVE IT!!!!!!!
Cecilia Dale
Cecilia Dale - 6 years ago
Oh heck naw thoseprices

50. comment for Travel Vlog: Girls Trip to Turks and Caicos #GorjessTravels

The Twin Diaries
The Twin Diaries - 6 years ago
Me and my twin are going in march! This video makes me so excited to go! Looks beautiful!
ImSo Vita
ImSo Vita - 6 years ago
This vlog was lit. You ladies look like y’all had a ball of fun
comar lightbourne
comar lightbourne - 6 years ago
QUEEN M - 6 years ago
Does the one with the long natural hair have a YouTube? If not I need her ig she’s gorg
Andre Sangster
Andre Sangster - 6 years ago
You ladies are so down to earth, easy going and fun to be around. Keep up the good living!!!!
Cry Joy
Cry Joy - 6 years ago
Love ur travel videos
Maurice Markray
Maurice Markray - 6 years ago
You driving on the right side of the car looked so scary i was worried for you lol nice vlog i enjoyed watching
Monifah 2youboo
Monifah 2youboo - 6 years ago
Tropical LifeStyle
Tropical LifeStyle - 6 years ago
Saw this video couple months ago ,n decided to take the trip ,super awesome place happy I made the trip...
fhxs - 6 years ago
Nah nah nah I need to know where the girl all the way on the left (0:01) got her one piece !! You all slayed!
Awanna Scott
Awanna Scott - 6 years ago
What type of camera did you use?
Kritrina Foster
Kritrina Foster - 6 years ago
I loving seeing all these beautiful black women
Samantha I
Samantha I - 6 years ago
Loved this! Funny how we progressively see you get darker from start to end x
Kim Auguste
Kim Auguste - 6 years ago
She had twist hair I have to get one for my cruise
Kim Auguste
Kim Auguste - 6 years ago
Where did your friend get her bathing suit the all black with the slashes on the side see through?
pwetty4r4 - 6 years ago
need friends like this!
ayuana bradford
ayuana bradford - 6 years ago
pwetty4r4 sadly it rare
Roxroy Williams
Roxroy Williams - 6 years ago
i love the vibes and vlogs, very nice vacation video, i enjoyed every bit of it. very beautiful girls having fun, awww. :) its turnt up
Sasha and Mariano
Sasha and Mariano - 6 years ago
love your videos!!!! so glad I stumbled onto your page. We just got back from a trip to Jamaica and would love if you could check out our video and let us know what you think!!
monari_ michelle
monari_ michelle - 6 years ago
CatsAndPokemon - 6 years ago
You guys should try to be more natural in the intro shots.... It's like I could tell you were trying to be cute.
itzz maliha
itzz maliha - 6 years ago
the ppl that put thumbs down are haters
Paula Mugabi
Paula Mugabi - 6 years ago
itzz maliha they r on crack
Sarah2ill - 6 years ago
You are SO prudy
yvette reed
yvette reed - 6 years ago
I'm planning a trip to Turks and Caicos. I'm looking at so many videos. I love your video. Very nice.
Tiff J
Tiff J - 6 years ago
The lady walking backwards on the beach is actually a form of spiritual cleansing i believe...its said that it removes negative forces in your life...
Heed2evalastingword - 6 years ago
+Milli Onare Amen! Tell them people do that when they deny the Lord Jesus Christ and do not want to obey him. They better repent and get right with the Lord Jesus Christ.
Milli Onare
Milli Onare - 6 years ago
Spiritual cleansing , remove negative energy??? Look to God, and save yourself the trouble of backward walking. God gave you eyes to walk FORWARD into the light,not backwards.
mickey Clare
mickey Clare - 6 years ago
why why did u not come on the stage and dance?? thanks for coming out to the fish fry
Aby N
Aby N - 6 years ago
Hey girl, did you shoot all this with your iPhone?
Trinity London
Trinity London - 6 years ago
Where is the price control?
Will B
Will B - 6 years ago
Damn beautiful women
SusannaOge _
SusannaOge _ - 6 years ago
hey girl ! so jelly of your girls trip - seemed so much fun and soooo beautiful ! ^ _ ^ Btw is there any way we can get to know where your and your friend's (long luscious brown fro) black bathing suits are from? xx
Naya Rol
Naya Rol - 6 years ago
yea ire is jamaican
Zoeniete - 6 years ago
New Subscriber <3
여행 유튜버 Rollin Joint
여행 유튜버 Rollin Joint - 6 years ago
ahahaha the girl screaming before getting into water is so me
Precious - 6 years ago
this main girl recording is so annoying.
Paula Mugabi
Paula Mugabi - 6 years ago
Precious are u INSANE
Patti Cake
Patti Cake - 7 years ago
Y'all talkin bout Montclair, NJ?
Sheena Rehema
Sheena Rehema - 7 years ago
I wanna go on holiday now looks stunning there
Sandy Moreno
Sandy Moreno - 7 years ago
Love your vlog
Samantha Stewart
Samantha Stewart - 7 years ago
Enjoyed this vlog as well..
Sirano Hunt
Sirano Hunt - 7 years ago
when are you back?
Nikki_DMV - 7 years ago
TCI is my favorite place!!! I've gone every summer for the last 5 years. Next time you all should take the boat over to North Caicos and drive to Middle Caicos.
Gopher Lee
Gopher Lee - 6 years ago
Nikki_DMV that's funny. Most people don't even know place exists.
Axel Paff
Axel Paff - 7 years ago
Beautiful Black girls you are ready to have White guys boyfriends.
Shavonne Ritchie
Shavonne Ritchie - 7 years ago
WHAT THE F... the prices are crazy for cereal and tampons WOW...
AllThings_Lakirah - 7 years ago
Live life!! I loved this vlog so so so much!
Crissy samuels
Crissy samuels - 7 years ago
You need to hold the camera with steady hands, the shaking is making my head and eyes hurt can't even finish watching the vlog and it's interesting.
Jazmyne Hankerson
Jazmyne Hankerson - 6 years ago
B. Dominique I love seeing that too! And I watched this video too now I want to go to Tokyo!
Gem Floral
Gem Floral - 6 years ago
B. Dominique Check out Naturally Neicey's vlog channel & my favorite Maryjane Byarm! ^^ I love seeing black women travel!
Monicaluvsu2 MMM
Monicaluvsu2 MMM - 7 years ago
The darkskin girl her hair is life ❤️❤️❤️
ayuana bradford
ayuana bradford - 6 years ago
Monicaluvsu2 MMM Brown
ayuana bradford
ayuana bradford - 6 years ago
Monicaluvsu2 MMM she brown
JustSy Things
JustSy Things - 6 years ago
it is real.
ayuana bradford
ayuana bradford - 6 years ago
Monicaluvsu2 MMM most black girls add in hair that look natural now days as well
ayuana bradford
ayuana bradford - 6 years ago
Monicaluvsu2 MMM is it real?
Lori Jane'
Lori Jane' - 7 years ago
Hey guys!! I just posted my second vlog- I pranked my mom on her BIRTHDAY into thinking she would be on Family Feud go check out and subscribe please!!!
Yolanda Reyes
Yolanda Reyes - 7 years ago
Looks like so much fun!
harajukukid126 - 7 years ago
She looks like parker from my wife and kids
bever98kb - 7 years ago
Thanks for visiting and Turks and Caicos glad you had a good time hope you come back sometime to visit us

100. comment for Travel Vlog: Girls Trip to Turks and Caicos #GorjessTravels

LGnLA - 7 years ago
Tiara Everyday
Tiara Everyday - 7 years ago
Wow, this was a lit girls trip! Looks so much fun!
Runwright Reads
Runwright Reads - 7 years ago
Oh my, those prices in the supermarket were really unbelievable. 
And so random, I used to follow your friend Sunita on IG.
B E A U T Y F L I X X - 7 years ago
Hi, I was wondering who did you book this trip through?? looks like y'all had a blast.
Cosmic Dragon
Cosmic Dragon - 7 years ago
Yes queen goddesses LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE
Macy Horsford
Macy Horsford - 7 years ago
Wow nice ok
ImStarrB - 7 years ago
Hey Jess, nice video. The beach looks so beautiful! I'll have to travel there someday. I heard you mention your iphone7 did you record with it for the entire video? If not what camera?
A Beazer
A Beazer - 7 years ago
I love that you guys capture most of the islands in your vlogs, compared to most peoples videos. I hope to one day live on one of these gorgeous islands when I retire and you give the best view.
Un Known
Un Known - 7 years ago
Gotdamn they all bad af
Rocc Vlogs
Rocc Vlogs - 7 years ago
Looks like an Awesome time you ladies had, great vlog! I cant wait to be there myself in two months :) Sidenote: You are beautiful!!!
Zinny Fitness
Zinny Fitness - 7 years ago
Yasss!!! love this.What do you recommend for accommodations?
PrenellDD - 7 years ago
I have to share this video on Facebook and tag the guys in it. I live where you vacation! looking forward to your return.
DefiningDiane - 7 years ago
Your bodies are amazing
R P - 7 years ago
Glad you enjoyed my little paradise island
Beee EZ
Beee EZ - 7 years ago
Nice vid, but could you put the cost in the description block?
Tae Jobson
Tae Jobson - 7 years ago
My girls and I go the 2 weeks, I can't wait! Thank you for Vloging about your trip.
Heygorjess - 7 years ago
You're so welcome!! Hope you have fun!!
Heygorjess - 7 years ago
Aw thanks so much !! Where are you going?! My bday is in October too!
Alex Godinez
Alex Godinez - 7 years ago
Hey! I love this video-the content is amazing. I just posted a travel vlog about my recent trip to Turks and Caicos. Check it out and let me know what you think! Thanks!
Candace Reed
Candace Reed - 7 years ago
Loved this! I'm from NJ and I'm doing a girls trip in 3 weeks to T&C. I can't wait especially after watching your vlog. We're renting a car and staying in an Airbnb.. super nervous about that. I really like your hair style. I'm thinking about doing something similar before my trip. Do you recommend it?
Eb - 7 years ago
summer clothing haul pu-leeeeees
Julio Blazquez Jr
Julio Blazquez Jr - 7 years ago
Wow! you girls are beautiful, beautiful video. Love Turks and Caicos, never seen such a beautiful beaches so close to home.
thank you,
Heygorjess - 7 years ago
Thank you!!
Zoe Richard
Zoe Richard - 7 years ago
You girls are stunning, SLAY!!!! Your videos are so good, what do you use to edit btw?
Naturalista Neekz
Naturalista Neekz - 7 years ago
Awesome you visited where I live and I did not know
Naturalista Neekz
Naturalista Neekz - 7 years ago
Heygorjess Thank you for your kind words. So happy you enjoyed it.
Heygorjess - 7 years ago
Aw you have a beautiful home!
whytho1 - 7 years ago
God damn that dark skinned girl is fucking amazing
Rute Augusto
Rute Augusto - 7 years ago
I love this so muchhhhh

Xo, Isa
Sarah Kuczkowski
Sarah Kuczkowski - 7 years ago
seems completely awesome! I am trying to convince my parents to take me and my best friend here!
Danzel Harvey
Danzel Harvey - 7 years ago
Turks & Caicos Is The Place To Be!! Everyone Friendly & It's A No Sleep Town
Sarah Kuczkowski
Sarah Kuczkowski - 7 years ago
it looks gorgeous this best friend trip looks like a dream come true!!! keep making videos!!!
Heygorjess - 7 years ago
You should go you'll love it!!
TheTribinTribe - 7 years ago
Awesome video! You all are so cute. My husband and I went to Turks and Caicos for our honeymoon (: We just uploaded it, we'd love for you to check it out!
Stylist Jasmine Woolfork
Stylist Jasmine Woolfork - 7 years ago
Love this, you ladies look amazing! I HAVE to go to Turks & Caicos now.
Heygorjess - 7 years ago
Aww thank you! And yesss you'll have so much fun!
Organick - 7 years ago
THis was awesome! Next time youre in town try flyboarding with " Tours By Free"!
ceedotare - 7 years ago
I love Turks and Caicos. My husband I went there for our honeymoon and stayed at Grace bay resort
Heygorjess - 7 years ago
Isn't it amazing!? We had the best time!
secarr09 - 7 years ago
Absolutely beautiful!! The beaches too!
Naturally BigBritt
Naturally BigBritt - 7 years ago
loved the vlog, looked so fun and those beaches were incredible omg! Serious squad goals, all my fav gals :)
Heygorjess - 7 years ago
Awww you're soo sweet thanks so much!
Nia The Light
Nia The Light - 7 years ago
LMAO at the lady walking backwards!
Heygorjess - 7 years ago
Hahaha I was so confused as to why lol!!
DassahMariee - 7 years ago
How fun! Would love to visit there one day.
Heygorjess - 7 years ago
You have to!
beauty0409 - 7 years ago
Those store prices were crazzzyy! makes me appreciate what we have here in America
Heygorjess - 7 years ago
Right soo expensive!!
ahall98 - 7 years ago
Yes to a travel vlog! I love watching them because I feel like I'm on vacation too. I went horseback riding for the first time in life when I was in Jamaica a few months ago. I won't be doing it again. Lol!
Heygorjess - 7 years ago
Aww yay so glad you enjoyed it!! Yeahhh I think I've done it enough times I'm good now LOL
Denise Paige
Denise Paige - 7 years ago
Your trip looks amazing!! Are you using just your iPhone 7 to record? And what case do you have to be able to use it in the water?
Heygorjess - 7 years ago
Iphone 7 plus for video and go pro for under water :)
cupidgal - 7 years ago
Great Vlog! Keep them coming!!
Heygorjess - 7 years ago
Yayy so glad you liked it! I definitely will!
Heygorjess - 7 years ago
Aww yes you're going to have so much fun!
Heygorjess - 7 years ago
Yayyyy snap chat fam!!! <3

Hahahaha I was way off "Jarred"! LOL I'm so glad you enjoyed it thanks so much for watching!!
Heygorjess - 7 years ago
Oh this is from January! Did you like it?
JerikaSyncere - 7 years ago
Yaaaas to a slaying girls trip! I'm here for it!! I need to plan one!
Heygorjess - 7 years ago
Thanks girl!! Yesss they're sooo much fun!
Miya - 7 years ago
It's so beautiful there!
Heygorjess - 7 years ago
Sooo pretty I loved it!
Oustin - 7 years ago
I couldn't stop smiling when watching this haha! You seem to bring out the best of people :) I am loving this channel more and more! Great quality vids! You always beat my expectations! Proud to support such spectacular content. Keep it up! I can't wait to see what's next! :) Have a nice day! :)

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About Travel Vlog: Girls Trip to Turks and Caicos #GorjessTravels

The "Travel Vlog: Girls Trip to Turks and Caicos #GorjessTravels" video is part of the snorkelling, underwater, diving category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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