Turks and Caicos - Power Snorkeling
Snorkeling 10 years ago 249,120 views
Excursion 1 - Turks and Caicos (Power Snorkeling) http://youtu.be/_bOxMoOJMDk Excursion 2 - St. Thomas (Hiking Adventure) http://youtu.be/d3hrxfsdggY Excursion 3 - Bahamas (Jet Skis) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zHlPe1X0Xs ****see all vlogs from the caribbean cruise here http://www.youtube.com/TrishasLife *** **************************************************** Shop my Feel Like Trish skin care line http://www.FeelLikeTrish.com ************************************************** SUBSCRIBE TO MY VLOGGING CHANNEL!!!!!!!!!! http://www.youtube.com/TrishasLife tweet me or find me on instagram @trishapaytas ***************************************************** ::::::::::MY BOOKS "The History of My Insanity" : http://www.amazon.com/The-History-Insanity-Trisha-Paytas/dp/1482660067/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1395761429&sr=8-1&keywords=the+history+of+my+insanity "The Stripper Diaries" : http://www.amazon.com/The-Stripper-Diaries-Trisha-Paytas/dp/1490428801/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1395761422&sr=8-1&keywords=stripper+diaries "Tease" : http://www.amazon.com/Tease-Trisha-Paytas/dp/149439152X/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1395761419&sr=8-3&keywords=tease+trisha+paytas "Curvy and Loving It" : http://www.amazon.com/Curvy-Loving-Trisha-Paytas/dp/1497522803/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1400226769&sr=8-4&keywords=curvy+and+Loving+it ::::::TRISH JEWELRY (use code "trishxoxo" for special gift w/ purchase) bow ring: http://www.princesspjewelry.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=6429&search=trish fish ring: http://www.princesspjewelry.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=6467&search=fish My Trisha P. by Princess P. jewelry line http://www.princesspjewelry.com/collections/queen-p-collection EBATES!!!!!!!!!! get cash back for shopping online!!!! http://www.ebates.com/rf.do?referrerid=i2M4rkOtO%2F2lsBgTMrHL1Q%3D%3D :::::::MORE PLACES TO SHOP TRISH Trish skin care line: http://www.feelliketrish.com Trish perfume: http://www.trishperfume.com signed books : http://www.trishapaytas.bigcartel.com tshirts: http://www.trishapaytas.spreadshirt.com ************************************************************ Hair Extensions I Wear!!! (14" Peruvian iTip #613) http://www.valenciarosehair.com?a_aid=53307e3304552 *********************************************************************** ::::::::MORE TRISH ON THE WEB instagram @trishapaytas twitter @trishapaytas facebook: http://www.facebook.com/OfficialTrishaPaytas blog: http://www.trishlikefish.blogspot.com ***************************************************************** for business and bookings ONLY: tpaytas@hotmail.com ********************************************************************* ftc: not sponsored THANKS FOR WATCHING!!!!!!!!! ox Trish
Miss seeing Trisha going on trips like this :(
10. comment for Turks and Caicos - Power Snorkeling
Get to you. I mean just go to some of these peoples Google+ and, look at what they look like. lol it's laughable that they have the balls to even say something about another person's physical appearance.
20. comment for Turks and Caicos - Power Snorkeling
i wish you all the best my dear..have fun on your vacations!!!
So you needed a water version of a rascal scooter basically? Why not get some exercise on your vacation. It wouldnt kill you.
30. comment for Turks and Caicos - Power Snorkeling
lovely booty.
Absolutely perfect. (: your'e so beautiful and your body is perfect. Love you a
50. comment for Turks and Caicos - Power Snorkeling
1 your jealous
2 stop hating because she has more success then u do
3 if shes a whale what r u ( krill )
I mean really it's so fucking nasty to sit here and comment on someone else's body, when you just sit behind your own computer screen. Ironically most of this people don't even have icons so we can't even see what you look like.
2. I genuinely think Trisha has a lovely body shape. Sure, she's not stick thin but she actually carries her weight well and she has a beautiful thick body. Don't even get me started on her booty haha.
I really don't just understand why people would be so nasty overall. Would you like someone constantly sending you messages or commenting on your Facebook profile saying that you're 'a whale' or 'ugly' or what not? Can you even imagine what it would seriously be like to receive that amount of hate on an everyday basis? Yet Trisha stays strong and continues to make videos for us, it's incredible that she hasn't stopped.
Everyone who reads this: please consider what you comment. You may think your offensive comment is funny, but it can cause a world of damage. I think I have a similar figure to Trisha, and I would hate to think what people would say about me due to all the hate Trisha gets.
PLEASE, if you have nothing nice to say, FUCK OFF. Keep your rude ass comments to yourself. ✋
100. comment for Turks and Caicos - Power Snorkeling
Peace out from a fellow fishy!~
Much love from Australia!!
x x
Kissy from your little baby fishy! <3
her voice is so calming
Jk I'm not that fucked up
Says the person who writes a whole paragraph about her.
i'm not against makeup btw. she just wears too much.
I have no fucken faith in humanity anymore, were any of you taught the golden rule when you were a child? Treat others as you wish to be treated? What is the point in being mean to someone that never personally did anything mean to you? (those were rhetorical questions).
Please ignore the haters, they got nothing better to do with their lives so they waste it on being mean to others
They are just jealous of you !!!
Plus, she isn't even that big. I mean she is not the typical skinny girl but I didn't think she looked that 'fat' in this video.
Your gorgeous Trish. Thanks for sharing your life with the internet! <3
And why is everybody so disrespectfull she loved it and you cant compare her with a wale, she is beautiful.
At least Trisha is doing things with her life. The haters that call her "fat" and say they cannot stand Trisha will still continue to watch her videos every single day.... in spite of the fact that they say they hate her. Wow, it must suck to have nothing better to do with your life than watch videos of someone you hate. And I hope Trisha never feels bad about the hate she receives because the VAST MAJORITY of people gave this a THUMBS UP in comparison to the thumbs down. And in regards to the people who gave this video a thumbs down, they are still subscribed and continue to watch her everyday!!! CHA-CHING FOR TRISHA!!!! Your fishies love you Trishy!!!! <3
I said minority, LOL.
YouTube doesn't count per ads watched, sorry to burst your bubble. Companies pay YouTube to put ads on videos, YouTube pays the content makers per video views.
YouTube knows pretty well about adblock and just so you know, it's the vast minority who uses adblock.
"She'll make another video and cry about it later." that's not exactly the nicest thing ever lol....
Shit, people are getting all rowdy for saying she looks goods, I hope you are also sending hate to the people calling her a whale.
Ps. Heres some links.
Btw that's not "New York slang"
Stop using your pretend language.
You have a cheap hair cut
You user name is stupid
you look gay
You look like you try way to hard to be attractive
And your ugly and probably hiding all the fat below the camera
I hope your happy ...being judged first hand ... I hope your feel like golum shit on you ..little bitch
On a random note, am I the only one that loves the sound of the water in this video?! LOL
This post will continue to forward to your phone no matter if I, or someone else were to reply and/or post a comment. Either way, this post will continue to pop up on your phone.
As far as I am concerned, it doesn't matter if it's online or wherever. You are still talking to real human beings here and posting comments which I believe could have been handled in a much better and "professional" way.
You don't know where I get my news from, and who gets DAILY world news from books? When did I judge a country?
Blaming the US for another country actions & reputation is pure ignorant. Not even going there
Too much exaggeration. The people who love visiting the US, outweigh the people that don't. I guarantee visitors have left your country or another never returning
America is the MOST SHITTY PLACE to live!!! I get goosebumps thinking about living there... so much stress, so much unhappy, fat people. This is proven to be true, actually. Nothing personal!
Assuming and bringing up she meant the president had power in every comment is not mature. Again, your hypocrisy is showing. The fact that you think you are acting mature amuses me. Sorry you are mad I agree with her, and got in your business in a public thread. Not.
Have a good one.
Bye. The next comment you put to me will be ignored.
Bye, again.
I mean what's the deal? Why are you responding? I get you weren't trying to. How do you know I wasn't doing the same thing you were? Was I yelling, no. You are the one putting caps on your points.
I was explaining how you misinterpreted it, and to move on. You told me to explain it better. I already did in the conversation. It is your problem, if you keep beating a dead horse. That's a way of "attacking", or arguing.
I explained the very second you criticized my comment.
You don't seem to get how the president influences American citizens to vote certain ways in the government. It's not my fault you didn't get my point, and that it SEEMS I think otherwise to you. It's your wrong interpretation. Move on.
Just because he's mostly powerless in decision and law making doesn't mean he doesn't influence people. That's the kind of power he has. There is a reason we have a president. As one person to represent our county and it's decisions. If he was useless we wouldn't have him. There would be no reason. That is my perspective. Now from here on in, you are just arguing for the sake of arguing at this point.
It has nothing to do with what shit he can't or can do. Get it?
I didn't say he had most of the power, but apparently the American citizens think so. Might as well vote for someone who can talk and debate on television looking smart, and seeing both sides, since Congress is all shut up in their little offices. He's more of the public government figure for the U.S. I didn't say Congress shouldn't change, but a decent president can be a start.
Like I said, I don't think that the people are bad there, I just think they have more prejudice against women. I do not think that men don't allow women to drive and whatnot. It's really silly and an overexggeration. I am saying women are expected to have more household roles there, than in the U.S.
I visited there. I talked to people. It's not brainwashing it's statistics. I would rather live here than a lot of places. I'm sure a lot of people from certain countries would agree depending on the area.
Being half american and half middle eastern I constantly travel back and forth. I love both places but I just hate how the US portrays the middle east. Silly things such as women can't drive or women can't wear jewelry or women can't have a boyfriend is all a lie.
Just look at Dubai, they've grown so fast and so modernly. These images that are portrayed to you guys is as you can see completely contradicting to the truth. Dubai has announced to be one of the most economically developed country by 2016. Jordan is famous for the Dead Sea, Aqaba and Petra, one of the wonders of the world. Egypt is full of history. Jeddah is a religious rich place.
The U.S. isn't perfect, and I live in Fresno, California, which is a pretty bad area with crime. Safer than 5% of American cities as a matter of fact, really low. I just know that other 3rd world countries are probably worse with crime than the U.S. That's not to say America is perfect, but it's better than a lot of areas.
I've hated the American government ever since Bush. It seems after that it's all gone downhill. I miss the good days of the American government. I wish we didn't have parties. It just isn't working. It seems we need someone who can see both sides of the political spectrum at the moment. That's just my input.
Calling other foreigners obnoxious just shows how we Americans have developed.
Here's a thing. I'm half American and half Iraqi. Yep, shocker of a combination isn't? Very rare to see people like me. But here's the thing. I judge from experience. 9 years in Maryland/Usa in general and 4 years in spain, 3 years in the middle east and 3 years in Italy. I've been all around the world and living in the middle east I see very little crime. Yes the government is basically shit, but people know how to stay on their feet and act alone, without other people imposing decisions on what they as a whole country does.
Now, take into consideration what Obama is doing. A lot of individuals don't like him, I don't either. He's ruined a lot but of course not as much as Bush. Bush ruined my other half which is Iraq. Instead of what Obama could have done which is repair the country, he's decided to help the extremists Jews with weaponry in order to bomb Palestine.
Don't even get me started with Isis.
Yeah, you think it's funny saying "Everyone hates America", but that's stooping really low along with being ignorant and hypocritical. A lot of Foreigners are too busy pointing fingers they don't see their faults. They dish but can't take it.
Yes, there is racism in other countries, it's just with other races/nationalities
I see stuff on serial killers,murderer's,murdered and missing in Canada.Tons of remote places to dump bodies to never be found, and that's what happens a lot
I may not agree with the government, but like I said, I'm happy here and theres nowhere else I'd rather be. There are much worse screwed up countries.
It has nothing to do with being close minded because I could say the same about you. YES, there ARE third world countries that are really bad about violating human rights against innocent, not to mention the civil wars they are continuously fighting because they can't even get along with their own people, yet you claim they're such "peaceful" countries. Not the one needing to open my eyes
I'm also American, but crime rate is ridiculously high in the states. those 2 comments that you just posted contradict each other. First you say "The middle east has some of the most dangerous cities int he world" then go off on saying "You can's blame America on violence. "You can't blame a whole country foe what someone else does"
That's also funny, because if you haven't noticed and I'm SURE that american television doesn't say this, but the states has been supporting the Jews for years and with that support they've damaged Palestine big time, killing millions of people. Open your eyes.
I was like, 14- or 15 at that time!
The fact that you assume you will die just because there are sharks shows how narrow-minded and uneducated you are +Anna Renolds . You should really inform yourself and do proper research about these magnificent creatures before assuming every shark is out to kill you. Everyone has these misconceptions because of movies or the news who showcase attacks when they happen once in a blue moon. I swam above hundreds of black tip and white tip reef sharks, along with hammerheads while I was snorkelling in the Galapagos Islands. They are peaceful creatures living in their OWN habitat and we are the visitors. You should treat them with respect and that starts with not believing they are killing machines. Get a grip.