Turks and Caicos - Power Snorkeling

Excursion 1 - Turks and Caicos (Power Snorkeling) http://youtu.be/_bOxMoOJMDk Excursion 2 - St. Thomas (Hiking Adventure) http://youtu.be/d3hrxfsdggY Excursion 3 - Bahamas (Jet Skis) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zHlPe1X0Xs ****see all vlogs from the caribbean cruise here http://www.youtube.com/TrishasLife *** **************************************************** Shop my Feel Like Trish skin care line http://www.FeelLikeTrish.com ************************************************** SUBSCRIBE TO MY VLOGGING CHANNEL!!!!!!!!!! http://www.youtube.com/TrishasLife tweet me or find me on instagram @trishapaytas ***************************************************** ::::::::::MY BOOKS "The History of My Insanity" : http://www.amazon.com/The-History-Insanity-Trisha-Paytas/dp/1482660067/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1395761429&sr=8-1&keywords=the+history+of+my+insanity "The Stripper Diaries" : http://www.amazon.com/The-Stripper-Diaries-Trisha-Paytas/dp/1490428801/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1395761422&sr=8-1&keywords=stripper+diaries "Tease" : http://www.amazon.com/Tease-Trisha-Paytas/dp/149439152X/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1395761419&sr=8-3&keywords=tease+trisha+paytas "Curvy and Loving It" : http://www.amazon.com/Curvy-Loving-Trisha-Paytas/dp/1497522803/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1400226769&sr=8-4&keywords=curvy+and+Loving+it ::::::TRISH JEWELRY (use code "trishxoxo" for special gift w/ purchase) bow ring: http://www.princesspjewelry.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=6429&search=trish fish ring: http://www.princesspjewelry.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=6467&search=fish My Trisha P. by Princess P. jewelry line http://www.princesspjewelry.com/collections/queen-p-collection EBATES!!!!!!!!!! get cash back for shopping online!!!! http://www.ebates.com/rf.do?referrerid=i2M4rkOtO%2F2lsBgTMrHL1Q%3D%3D :::::::MORE PLACES TO SHOP TRISH Trish skin care line: http://www.feelliketrish.com Trish perfume: http://www.trishperfume.com signed books : http://www.trishapaytas.bigcartel.com tshirts: http://www.trishapaytas.spreadshirt.com ************************************************************ Hair Extensions I Wear!!! (14" Peruvian iTip #613) http://www.valenciarosehair.com?a_aid=53307e3304552‎ *********************************************************************** ::::::::MORE TRISH ON THE WEB instagram @trishapaytas twitter @trishapaytas facebook: http://www.facebook.com/OfficialTrishaPaytas blog: http://www.trishlikefish.blogspot.com ***************************************************************** for business and bookings ONLY: tpaytas@hotmail.com ********************************************************************* ftc: not sponsored THANKS FOR WATCHING!!!!!!!!! ox Trish

Turks and Caicos - Power Snorkeling sentiment_very_dissatisfied 171

Snorkeling 10 years ago 249,120 views

Excursion 1 - Turks and Caicos (Power Snorkeling) http://youtu.be/_bOxMoOJMDk Excursion 2 - St. Thomas (Hiking Adventure) http://youtu.be/d3hrxfsdggY Excursion 3 - Bahamas (Jet Skis) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zHlPe1X0Xs ****see all vlogs from the caribbean cruise here http://www.youtube.com/TrishasLife *** **************************************************** Shop my Feel Like Trish skin care line http://www.FeelLikeTrish.com ************************************************** SUBSCRIBE TO MY VLOGGING CHANNEL!!!!!!!!!! http://www.youtube.com/TrishasLife tweet me or find me on instagram @trishapaytas ***************************************************** ::::::::::MY BOOKS "The History of My Insanity" : http://www.amazon.com/The-History-Insanity-Trisha-Paytas/dp/1482660067/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1395761429&sr=8-1&keywords=the+history+of+my+insanity "The Stripper Diaries" : http://www.amazon.com/The-Stripper-Diaries-Trisha-Paytas/dp/1490428801/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1395761422&sr=8-1&keywords=stripper+diaries "Tease" : http://www.amazon.com/Tease-Trisha-Paytas/dp/149439152X/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1395761419&sr=8-3&keywords=tease+trisha+paytas "Curvy and Loving It" : http://www.amazon.com/Curvy-Loving-Trisha-Paytas/dp/1497522803/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1400226769&sr=8-4&keywords=curvy+and+Loving+it ::::::TRISH JEWELRY (use code "trishxoxo" for special gift w/ purchase) bow ring: http://www.princesspjewelry.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=6429&search=trish fish ring: http://www.princesspjewelry.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=6467&search=fish My Trisha P. by Princess P. jewelry line http://www.princesspjewelry.com/collections/queen-p-collection EBATES!!!!!!!!!! get cash back for shopping online!!!! http://www.ebates.com/rf.do?referrerid=i2M4rkOtO%2F2lsBgTMrHL1Q%3D%3D :::::::MORE PLACES TO SHOP TRISH Trish skin care line: http://www.feelliketrish.com Trish perfume: http://www.trishperfume.com signed books : http://www.trishapaytas.bigcartel.com tshirts: http://www.trishapaytas.spreadshirt.com ************************************************************ Hair Extensions I Wear!!! (14" Peruvian iTip #613) http://www.valenciarosehair.com?a_aid=53307e3304552‎ *********************************************************************** ::::::::MORE TRISH ON THE WEB instagram @trishapaytas twitter @trishapaytas facebook: http://www.facebook.com/OfficialTrishaPaytas blog: http://www.trishlikefish.blogspot.com ***************************************************************** for business and bookings ONLY: tpaytas@hotmail.com ********************************************************************* ftc: not sponsored THANKS FOR WATCHING!!!!!!!!! ox Trish

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Most popular comments
for Turks and Caicos - Power Snorkeling

Laura Walls
Laura Walls - 7 years ago
Who else is watching this in 2017!!!
Miss seeing Trisha going on trips like this :(
Athena Myzelle
Athena Myzelle - 9 years ago
I'm so happy to see that all the positive comments are on top! Love to you Trisha XOXO
Thatlovelygirl3 - 9 years ago
looking fierceeee mamaaa
Katy Stroop
Katy Stroop - 9 years ago
Katy Stroop
Katy Stroop - 9 years ago
aww trishy the fishy lol ily so much! i wish i coukd go on a curise
Jenny Chau
Jenny Chau - 9 years ago
What swimsuit are you wearing?
XaoifeX - 9 years ago
I love when people make a hate comment , and then people comment on it loads of bad words (childish to refer to them as 'bad words' but I'm not going to wright them on the public internet) saying "you should be ashamed" , um exuse me the comment u just made to the other hate comment is ten times worse , but hate comets are pathetic
Izipunn - 9 years ago
you have a very warm voice ^^
Airshii Simmer
Airshii Simmer - 9 years ago
That thing you were floating around in the water with lol I have one of those at my condo in gulf shores and its soooo fun In the pool :-)

10. comment for Turks and Caicos - Power Snorkeling

Isis Juarez
Isis Juarez - 9 years ago
i wanna do that
Skyhighblu - 10 years ago
dw_93 - 10 years ago
Does anyone know what kind of camera Trisha was using?
Catherine Candy
Catherine Candy - 10 years ago
I love hearing the water slapping the camera and the soothing sounds that come from it. It's define glue the most amazing thing.
hellokitty89881 - 10 years ago
she's a floaty hhahaa
chloe S
chloe S - 10 years ago
Does anyone know what she used to get the underwater footage?
Alexandra Ioannidis
Alexandra Ioannidis - 10 years ago
I went there too!!! And I went snorkelling
Minx Lush
Minx Lush - 10 years ago
Trish if somehow you're reading this just know that 99.9% of the people leaving hateful comments wouldn't have the balls to say it to your face in real life.because,they're a bunch of weak cowards. don't let any of this bullshit
Get to you. I mean just go to some of these peoples Google+ and, look at what they look like. lol it's laughable that they have the balls to even say something about another person's physical appearance.
Minx Lush
Minx Lush - 10 years ago
I'm sure everyone who is leaving hate calling the beautiful Trish fat are just perfect bodied individuals. I dare you to pose in your swim suits on YouTube . maybe then everyone can hate on your gut,no boobs,no ass,big ass,flabby arm,cellulite ass. ;) youre not perfect .sorry to break it to you. have you noticed how successful she is? Are you mad?
Danniella Blake
Danniella Blake - 10 years ago
your butt is on fleek <3

20. comment for Turks and Caicos - Power Snorkeling

daredevil - 10 years ago
oh Trish ..you are so sweet and beautiful!!!!!

i wish you all the best my dear..have fun on your vacations!!!
anapao89 - 10 years ago
Fuck it Trish! Remember those that are tying to bring you down are already below you!
k kwassup
k kwassup - 10 years ago
listening to the water is so relaxing!
moonunit - 10 years ago
Wow you have the life, I'm so jealous.
182- pilots
182- pilots - 10 years ago
not being a hater at all but at times this guy isn't that good at holding the camera
Cloyne enyolC
Cloyne enyolC - 10 years ago
whale whale what do we have here
cloud g
cloud g - 10 years ago
As lovely as the water looks the snorkeling doesn't look that great
37Munchie - 10 years ago
Hi Fishies! I can see why you all love Trish so much! She's adorable! How do you combat the hate? You ignore ALL hateful comments. People can't stand to be ignored. Haters want reactions. Haters want you to be angry. Stop falling into their trap and stop responding. Fishies should pledge to only make positive comments! There are over one million subscribers! You have the power to stop the hate! 
Nick s
Nick s - 10 years ago
I didnt know orca whales swam so far south.  You learn something new every day.

So you needed a water version of a rascal scooter basically?  Why not get some exercise on your vacation.  It wouldnt kill you. 
The countess
The countess - 10 years ago
I haven't saw cali in any of the vacation vlogs, how come she didn't come?

30. comment for Turks and Caicos - Power Snorkeling

chimneys thighs
chimneys thighs - 10 years ago
jeez, these comments are so mean.... shes just having a good time
Vanessa Lee
Vanessa Lee - 10 years ago
what is the thing trisha is holding on to (with the motor fan?) when shes going under water??
clytie - 10 years ago
this looks soo fun cc:
Hazel Rance
Hazel Rance - 10 years ago
Some people are sooo rude why does everyone comment on her weight, she is a person who has feelings, i think that she is an inspiration to a lot of women out there although i myself am not chubby i still think she's amazing an inspirational, keep rocking it girl from england 
ninja - 10 years ago
I think Trisha is such a sweet person. Its just her being herself. All these mean comments need to stop.
Jaedyn Williams
Jaedyn Williams - 10 years ago
Trish looks great in a swimsuit :)
linnea dicaprio
linnea dicaprio - 10 years ago
I have a house on grand Turk
Lauren Zena
Lauren Zena - 10 years ago
Im sure Trish is over getting all the "youre a whale" "youre so fat" comments. I mean really, if youre gonna criticize her at least find something new because seeing comment after comment about how fat she is just shows you have nothing else to say about her.
jorgito198 - 10 years ago
2:11 - 2:13
lovely booty.
steph y
steph y - 10 years ago
Its such a great place to be.I got the worst sunburn there though.
Elpixxie1122 - 10 years ago
Looks like so much fun!
Jessica Wang
Jessica Wang - 10 years ago
I think what you did was amazing! I wish I could do that :) 
M B - 10 years ago
Trisha, i'm sure there's a low chance of you seeing this comment seeing as you're constantly making videos now and you probably don't want to read anymore of the comments on this thing. You are an amazing person. I'm not just saying that because you're my favourite youtuber or anything, but you are seriously amazing. Watching all of your vlogs and seeing the REAL you (by real I mean it's not a trolling video) made me realize how much of a down to earth person you are and how you are so compassionate, happy and beautiful. You don't deserve any of this hate, not one bit and I hope you don't get to the low of it making you upset because you're gorgeous and you're strong as hell and you're so much better than the people who have nothing more to do than spread negativity. love you Trish xoxo
Naturally Unconventional
Naturally Unconventional - 10 years ago
Ugh I love the sound of that slurpy water from the camera 
Nick Bivens
Nick Bivens - 10 years ago
I went on a cruise to Grand Turk also and we went snorkeling (not with those machines tho) but we got to swim with a reef shark it was so cool, there was also a barracuda at the bottom too but it didn't bother us.
1425jackie - 10 years ago
for everyone having mean things to say i mean its her life , you only have one life am i right? its not great putting others down well if people are judging the way she looks then stop watching her vidoes! its simple stop wasting everyones time !-.- only write positive things !
Brittni Starkey
Brittni Starkey - 10 years ago

Absolutely perfect. (: your'e so beautiful and your body is perfect. Love you a
1987rsfeild - 10 years ago
I went snorkeling in the Bahamas a few years back and fell in love with ocean! It is such an amazing experience.. you get to see all fish, sea life and taking in all of the beauty the world has to offer just by being in a calm place! I've never done power snorkeling before but it looks really fun, it looks difficult to maneuver but fun nonetheless!  So glad to see you having fun with your family. We must cherish good times and positive energy with loved ones. Peace, love and good wishes to you! :)
Daissysaiyan Heyy
Daissysaiyan Heyy - 10 years ago
Everytime the camera went underwater I kept holding in my breath and then I thought wait what am I doing lol .
josephine clayton
josephine clayton - 10 years ago
I want to visit here soooooo badly!! Looks like so much fun! Ps that swimsuit looks amazzeee on you :) love the video

50. comment for Turks and Caicos - Power Snorkeling

sweet.helena - 10 years ago
Tbh I don't know why people are posting these rude comment just because u dont like her and the smart thing to it is if u don't like her why r u still watching her videos and who ever posted the whale comment u can really be on hush mouth because
1 your jealous
2 stop hating because she has more success then u do
3 if shes a whale what r u ( krill )
Janice Dickinson
Janice Dickinson - 10 years ago
Why can't Trisha go under water her machine is like struggling to work do you hear it sputtering????
Caelina - 10 years ago
What a lovely vacation :-)
Giggles - 10 years ago
Trish is fat and she seems to not think she is.. That is why people make fun of her because she is delusional.. Ironically that is why I love her.. She is just clueless.. SHE IS HUGE
Giggles - 9 years ago
Rude but true ... Have you seen her lately? Her belly looks like she is ten months pregnant
nyatapia - 9 years ago
That is rude
Wendy Brookelle
Wendy Brookelle - 10 years ago
It makes me so happy seeing you have fun. You're so cute Trish! 
ConceitedVon - 10 years ago
Damn TRISH Can I have some of your haters??
JessieGoGreen - 10 years ago
Trisha's weight really seems to bother some people, and it is beyond me as to why. Does Trish being a large woman make you gain weight? No. Do her eating habits cause you health problems? No. Does her feeling confident and proud of her body make you feel less confident about yours? No.Do people who hate her body or just her in general want her to just live a hobbit life or something? It makes no sense how watching her videos can get people so butt hurt to the point where they need to write rude comments like "whale". You know what I  personally get out of watching her videos?...the desire to want to make more money so I can afford lavish gifts for friends and families, and go on fun trips such as this cruise she went on. Get your priorities straight people!
Nicole - 10 years ago
i hate the sound of the gopro underwater haha
Tracey Haze
Tracey Haze - 10 years ago
Why do you guys watch her videos if you don't like her so much..?
Rani Garton
Rani Garton - 10 years ago
Dear haters: Jokes on you, dipshits. You keep calling her names and sayin stupid shit while Trisha is getting paid for your commenting and your views .. So suck a dick and sit in your rooms while paying for Trisha's trips.... Love oxoxxo suck a dick
Lauren Brown
Lauren Brown - 10 years ago
God there are some really fucking mean people on the internet. 1. Why would you click on this video if you don't like Trisha? Everyone's entitled to their own opinion but that doesn't mean you should click on something you know you won't enjoy just to leave hate comments.
I mean really it's so fucking nasty to sit here and comment on someone else's body, when you just sit behind your own computer screen. Ironically most of this people don't even have icons so we can't even see what you look like.
2. I genuinely think Trisha has a lovely body shape. Sure, she's not stick thin but she actually carries her weight well and she has a beautiful thick body. Don't even get me started on her booty haha.

I really don't just understand why people would be so nasty overall. Would you like someone constantly sending you messages or commenting on your Facebook profile saying that you're 'a whale' or 'ugly' or what not? Can you even imagine what it would seriously be like to receive that amount of hate on an everyday basis? Yet Trisha stays strong and continues to make videos for us, it's incredible that she hasn't stopped.

Everyone who reads this: please consider what you comment. You may think your offensive comment is funny, but it can cause a world of damage. I think I have a similar figure to Trisha, and I would hate to think what people would say about me due to all the hate Trisha gets.

PLEASE, if you have nothing nice to say, FUCK OFF. Keep your rude ass comments to yourself. ✋
Charlene Tan
Charlene Tan - 10 years ago
why am i so in love with the sound of the water
Jack McCann
Jack McCann - 10 years ago
The water looks so good.......
Alena Marie
Alena Marie - 10 years ago
People calling her a whale and such hurtful things, I just wanna know, what do you get out of calling someone names? Nothing. Trish can give 0 fucks about your negativity so stop wasting your time and find something better to do.
laura salas
laura salas - 10 years ago
I feel like I can swim faster than the power snorkel.
Ken - 10 years ago
She's always so happy, it's contagious! I subscribed to her channel because she puts a smile on face. Coming from a person with depression. :D
krystalmac - 10 years ago
Ok so calling someone fat is so overused. Skinny isn't in anymore people. A woman with curves is just as beautiful as anyone else if not more. Wish people would look past someone's body and look at the person's heart and personality.
Deimos Hentai Crusader
Deimos Hentai Crusader - 10 years ago
Wow... I´ve never snorkeled. But the sensation of the video is... horrible. Now I know that I hate snorkeling or diving.
Kylina Matteoli
Kylina Matteoli - 10 years ago
I love how Trisha was swimming like a mermaid :) She is definitely no whale! I don't know about you, but I can't swim that elegantly and I'm 5'11, 125 lbs. Size has nothing to do with beauty and elegance and Trisha definitely knows how to portray both of those.
Lola Hammouda
Lola Hammouda - 10 years ago

erin rogalski
erin rogalski - 10 years ago
She totally has cellulite all over she looks like a beached whale
erin rogalski
erin rogalski - 10 years ago
You are way to fat to be wearing a swimsuit
David W.
David W. - 10 years ago
I love these new adventure type-go new places and try new things videos Trish! Beautiful waters to be in for sure! ;D
GIRL GO - 10 years ago
I feel Trish has learned to love herself way more it's great
Gina R
Gina R - 10 years ago
Oh my god I've been exactly where you are! The same spot and everything! Hahaha gorgeous place!
Ellen Pugh
Ellen Pugh - 10 years ago
Anyone know where Trish got the red swimming costume? I absolutely love it, reminded me of baywatch.
Molly Smith
Molly Smith - 10 years ago
Live there haha
merp - 10 years ago
You look gorgeous and slim fuck the haters <3 Love u Trisha :*
kelsey carroll
kelsey carroll - 10 years ago
It actually worries my to think how many people there are out there with no lifes, like wtf do use have nothing better to do no matter what anyones says use will never stop use are sick use are pathetic and horrible like its funny to think actually the fact use waste ur time to come on trishas videos and start commenting on them, like have use got nothing better to do NO thats right use dont use have no lifes use are bullys use are fucking idiots but yet use can sit and call trish all this fucking shit well what does that say about you, because we all know ur not fucking perfect. there are really sick twisted people out there and use are fucking one of them, shes not a whale how sad can you be really does that make u feel good putting something like that on her videos when u can see shes clearly so happy living her life to the fullest you see. what is that all u can say about trisha somebody who clearly is happy that shes a whale shes fat etc.. well guess what atleast she has a life u lowlife fucking idiots fucking come back when ur perfect bitch.
Swimfan260 - 10 years ago
so fun!! and your brother saying "oh trisha" lol loved it! great video!
rachelBmc - 10 years ago
That looks so fun id love to do that 
Zaynah barker
Zaynah barker - 10 years ago
This looks amazing!!!!
Renee_ - 10 years ago
So jealous! XD
Tinker Doodle
Tinker Doodle - 10 years ago
Some one awnser me when u go on holiday and go in water do acrylics come off I'm going Egypt and not sure weather my nails will come off I'm getting the fresh done for holiday thanks xx
Sara knips
Sara knips - 10 years ago
my family took us to key west in  march and it was the most amazing thing i have ever done. i would kill to go back there.
septemberblue19 - 10 years ago
Does anyone know where her swim suit is from?
Imani Love
Imani Love - 10 years ago
The sound of the water literally made me do thirsty!!
Grym Coin
Grym Coin - 10 years ago
I don't care if it was her brother or someone she knew... He obviously didn't care about the male viewers as there was hardly any shots of her round ass
never cyber bully because its wrong
never cyber bully because its wrong - 10 years ago
Hey mommy is that a whale swimming  our way of no hunny its just a fat blode girl with fake hair and boobs that are at her knees but stay away don't  you see her pound of makeup all in the water 
Dalal Dashti
Dalal Dashti - 10 years ago
when her brother was like 'oh my god trisha' i laughed so hard lol! love you so much trish. fishy since 2011.
GamerEmilyn - 10 years ago
For some weird reason I started feeling like me ears were getting clogged with water
Lilly Pad
Lilly Pad - 10 years ago
Me ears?
emblr - 10 years ago
Trisha you looked beautiful :)
Pamela Sprague-Tomas
Pamela Sprague-Tomas - 10 years ago
That was soooo cool!!!! Thanks 4 sharing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
xxBrixx - 10 years ago
+blndsundoll4mj body looks amaaaazing in the one-piece walking pays off, huge inspiration.
beautyplayground - 10 years ago
That place looks beautiful :) 
sanam lofty
sanam lofty - 10 years ago
This is litterally so offensive I'm a competitive swimmer and seeing these people kick is like watching a puppy droning....I could go 10x faster than them without the motor thing
King Loz
King Loz - 10 years ago
Is their a way that she deals with cellulite? Sorry, I have cellulite and was just wondering. Xx
Makenzie Riley
Makenzie Riley - 10 years ago
Was the water cold at all?
Cassie Reynolds
Cassie Reynolds - 10 years ago
TRISH! your body looks rockin in this video, dont listen to what people say!
morgenashli - 10 years ago
Love how happy you look in this video

100. comment for Turks and Caicos - Power Snorkeling

AustinAndBrianaTV - 10 years ago
TRISH!!!!!!! That looked like sooo much fun! I would really like to try it one day for sure! Thanks for giving it a chance and recommending it to us:) Also, I thought you looked really pretty in that bathing suit! Was it part of one of your hauls?? I can't remember lolz. Anyways, glad you had a good time and cant wait to see your next adventure!

Peace out from a fellow fishy!~
Amanda Michelle
Amanda Michelle - 10 years ago
am i the only one that loves the sound of water when captured in audio? lmao I'm probably weird for this but idk 
Rose G
Rose G - 10 years ago
Don't you think just kicking would make move faster? Plus they're so loud would scare the fish away lol
CupcakeLove - 10 years ago
I've Gone Snorkling & Scuba Diving ,But Never Power Snorkeling. Looks FUN
Tobias Johnson
Tobias Johnson - 10 years ago
TBH u pretty and u cute at the same time tho u have a kik
Karla McClintock
Karla McClintock - 10 years ago
Awesome video Trish!! :)
Chichirinoda - 10 years ago
It's so beautiful there! I went snorkeling every day when I took a trip to hawaii, it was such an amazing experience!
floridamermaid16 - 10 years ago
I love the camera you use but did you use the same one under water?
Summer M
Summer M - 10 years ago
Awesome video Trisha!! :) :)
Much love from Australia!!
x x
unniexoxo - 10 years ago
That looked like so much fun!! I'm planning my vacation soon, and I think it's going to be somewhere I can snorkel!! Thanks for the inspiration.
alinabeena90 - 10 years ago
You are fucking bad Trish!! You have so much confidence, i love you so much. ps i like the way the water sound in the video.
Kat L
Kat L - 10 years ago
Anyone who calls Trisha a whale I instantly know they are 12 or younger.
claudia jennings
claudia jennings - 10 years ago
Trisha you look a lot slimmer in this video! Sexy curvy body, don't listen to the haters xxx
Natalie Grande
Natalie Grande - 10 years ago
well i have donuts
Ryan Garloff
Ryan Garloff - 10 years ago
Wait, Trisha's a whale? Then all you haters are a bunch of krill because Trisha's killing you guys with all of her success and happiness. She honestly doesn't care about the things you have to say, You're really only hurting yourselves by being rude ugly nasty hating bitches and we can all see that you hate your life because if you didn't, You wouldn't be on YouTube taking the time to type out useless comments that are only making YOU look like a horrible person. Trisha is a beautiful person inside & out (Like I've said before) and it's really sad and pathetic to see all you haters trying to bring her down. She deserves to be happy and successful just like the rest of us. She deserves to not be hated on every single day. She deserves much more than you haters that do nothing but create useless meaningless drama over the internet. PLEASE get a life of your own and stop worrying so much about things you don't care about. You obviously don't care about Trisha so why don't you just stop watching her videos and do something more useful with your time. UGH, I hate rambling on in a YouTube comment but seriously, It just pisses me off. Stay flawless Trisha, Never change and never give up on your dreams! I'll always be here to show you my love & support! :)

Kissy from your little baby fishy! <3
Ryan Garloff
Ryan Garloff - 10 years ago
Oh & I forgot to say, That looks like so much fun! I definitely want to do that at some point in my life. :)
Jade Lees
Jade Lees - 10 years ago
I actually thought your body looked great. bitches be jealous xo
koobsx92 - 10 years ago
God forbid someone who doesn't look like Eva Longoria takes a picture or video of her self, the ridicule is insane! Idk if any of you assholes who are calling her a whale have ever been outside before, but ALL people are ALL different shapes and sizes. You're probably a fucking "whale" too. If you think your comment is anything original or necessary-- its not!! The negativity you put out into the world comes right back to you full circle, and I wish I could see it when it hits you. 
Harrison Zemcik
Harrison Zemcik - 10 years ago
Court Haller
Court Haller - 10 years ago
she cant even show us her adventures without getting hate..... She does these videos for us, it'd be a lot easier for her to not worry about a camera the entire time. Her body looks perfectly fine and shes out doing things a lot of people cant, show some respect, she doesnt do anything to yall, all she does is show love for us and all yall do is tear her down. smh.
Kristi c
Kristi c - 10 years ago
You are beautiful. Don't let the negative people get to you. Clearly they don't have anything better to do then to talk about someone else , they aren't perfect themselves. You look great and you have a good personality forget the hate and continue to be happy with the way you are.
XTAYLORXBOYX - 10 years ago
Ive snorkeled once and i have to do this again after seeing you have so much fun....
Emily WArfOrd
Emily WArfOrd - 10 years ago
At 4:00 I was like really
Rizza Diaz
Rizza Diaz - 10 years ago
Honestly i think Trish looks curvy in her little onesie swimsuit. Idk why you guys talking shit for.... This is why this generation is fucked up because and people commit suicide because of you people making dumb comments because you have no life.... Watching a video just to hate on someone. You look even more pathetic.
Liz - 10 years ago
LOL!! Your brothers comment when you opened your suit more LMFAOO!
Pink Tinsel
Pink Tinsel - 10 years ago
Err no need to be rude I was asking I didn't know I posted the comment before I watched the whole thing so calm yourself
cjaea13 - 10 years ago
You do know that you were on the island of Grand Turk and not Turks and Caicos, right? They are two completely different islands located near one another. Grand Turk isn't the greatest island, it is actually quite boring. Turks and Caicos on the other hand is beautiful and the beaches are much nicer.
Yun Ni
Yun Ni - 10 years ago
Maybe cause Trisha can swim , good film
Zoey bby
Zoey bby - 10 years ago
You look so skinny here❤️
B - 10 years ago
You look hot Trish! I'm jealous, sitting on my couch wrapped in 3 blankets with a hot cup of coffee looming out at another rainy shifty day! Such a beautiful place
Geena McElroy
Geena McElroy - 10 years ago
Trish where do you get all your bikinis!? Serious question I can't find any!
Iris Hanlon
Iris Hanlon - 10 years ago
Did you see any sharks?
Maddy Deering
Maddy Deering - 10 years ago
I just watch u on the x facter
Lili - 10 years ago
You mean America's got talent?
Yo Sammy!
Yo Sammy! - 10 years ago
looks os beautiful and so much fun. i would love to do this. ive dont snorkling before but not with one of those machines. what camera did you use to film this?
Yo Sammy!
Yo Sammy! - 10 years ago
+Shae Green do you know what one?
Whitney!! - 10 years ago
I didn't really expect a reply, but i at least hope you took the time to read this!
kevin2you00 - 10 years ago
Have fun!
Beauty By Tay
Beauty By Tay - 10 years ago
i lovvveee trish ::)
her voice is so calming
LovelyBones - 10 years ago
why wasnt she going deep down to the bottom the whole point of snorkeling is to experience the fishes environment close up :/ 
Brittany Hamilton
Brittany Hamilton - 10 years ago
Honestly, these comments are so sad, and depressing. She goes out of her way to share her life with us. How sad of a human do you have to be to bash someone. Stop bullying behind a screen. It's like you're telling one of Gods creation that they are disgusting. Would you tell him that face to face? Would you say all the hateful things you say right in front of trish? Probably not. Smh.
Sara D
Sara D - 10 years ago
super cool trish! 
Laura W
Laura W - 10 years ago
You look great Trish! Thank you for sharing your trip it looked amazing! Also dont let the mean comments get you down those people are clearly jealous idiots! Much love xx
melina juslin
melina juslin - 10 years ago
she's not a whale she's a beautiful mermaid
Penny - 10 years ago
But where's the outfit video??? the one you were working onnn.... i want to watch that so bad.
Anja - 10 years ago
There is no such thing as FAT okay every person is diffirent I mean I'm skinny as fuck cause we have that in genes and I get bullied cause I'm skinny my friend is chubby and gets bullied for that like no matter what size you are there still gonna be some people hatin on you its just so sad to me that haters don't have anything better to do with their lives than just be in front of a computer waiting for trish to upload a video so they can write a hate comment.
HeyMugi - 10 years ago
looks like so much fun!
Diana T
Diana T - 10 years ago
Ugh I want to go cruising now
2BrokeBitches - 10 years ago
Obviously Trisha is doing something right because, she has 1 million + subscribers. I can't get enough of her!!! Love you girl and keep working it beautiful!
2BrokeBitches - 10 years ago
Ohh my goodness I hate just seeing mean comments on anybody's YouTube videos like shoot it hurts me to even glance at it cause I feel for them.
Nature Taylor
Nature Taylor - 10 years ago
Looks like so much fun but at the same time scary.
Melina1985 - 10 years ago
Trisha i'm so happy that you are dating with Kale.I hope he treats you well and it would be great to see a boyfriend tag!
Niky147 - 10 years ago
Guuurl you look sooooo good in your bathing suits! Wow amazed!
Beach Baby
Beach Baby - 10 years ago
That was awesome! Good vid
Chant'e Smith
Chant'e Smith - 10 years ago
I will have to go to Turks and Caicos looks like so much fun  Ive been too the Bahamas twice one time being this past year and it was amazing I'm glad you enjoyed your time there in Turks and Caicos
Alma Godinez
Alma Godinez - 10 years ago
What happened to arika?
Diana - 10 years ago
Trish your voice during the voice over was so nice. It wasn't like your regular voice in your videos it sounded so natural and relaxed.
Eve W
Eve W - 10 years ago
stupid fans making a fat whore rich and what she give back in return!! NOTHING but fatter
Eve W
Eve W - 10 years ago
u will definitely  sink because you are so fat 
Murakami R
Murakami R - 10 years ago
Trish looks so good in that swimsuit! I died when she unzipped it a little while posing haha it must be cool to be so inhibited. This trip looks beyond fun :)
Adelinawrites - 10 years ago
I'm literally seeing snow and dead trees out my window. This makes me wanna cry.
Arcadia Combs
Arcadia Combs - 10 years ago
You look great in your bathing suit Trish. It's nice to see you having such a great time on vacation!
Grey Foo Choong Zhiang
Grey Foo Choong Zhiang - 10 years ago
I dont know why but i feel like im watching one of those horror movies where people get lost at sea
Leah Cloud
Leah Cloud - 10 years ago
I went there this summer! It is absolutely perfect there!!
kellybelly274 - 10 years ago
I'm sorry Trish but you looked so adorable with the snorkel on in the water Lol that looks amazing I so want to do that too you're so lucky
Sandra Blevins
Sandra Blevins - 10 years ago
That looks like so much fun I would be scared to do that
Sarah Li Piano
Sarah Li Piano - 10 years ago
GUYS she's really not that overweight! it's rude to pick on someone for their size, if you disagree with her beliefs or lifestyle, go ahead and state it, but don't call her a whale or a fatty - how rude of you!
Andrew Russel
Andrew Russel - 10 years ago
....can we just establish the fact that they went on a boat to go 20 feet from the shore line xD
Ashlynn Marie
Ashlynn Marie - 10 years ago
Who is Rick Mirandis?
TheGirlWho HatesYou
TheGirlWho HatesYou - 10 years ago
You look cute in the one piece I like the red colour it is pretty.
Zee Amasha'
Zee Amasha' - 10 years ago
It's crazy how everyone is calling her fat. But really she's the real version of "thick". Before thick was having a huge ass and no waste. Thick was in the middle of skinny and "fat". I love her body (this all coming from a skinny ass black girl). I don't think she should lose weight or worry about how she looks. If you ever see this trish just know that you should never worry about how you look. God put us here in his image so why try to change it. For those who don't believe I'm sorry if I offended you. In all honesty I couldn't see her skinny I don't think it will fit her. Stay the way you are!!!!!
imapineapple15 - 10 years ago
To the trolls calling Trish a whale: ugh if you want us to think you're hilarious or original, we don't and you'd quickly get booed off stage and the smallest whale is 8ft long and 550lbs so jokes on you bahaha.
SenpaiSarah - 10 years ago
What's the difference of regular snorkeling and power snorkeling?
I am milan
I am milan - 10 years ago
Probably that motor thing they were holding is power snorkeling
Ericarosie - 10 years ago
To everyone on here who is defending Trish and to everyone who is not you have a right to your own opinion, most of the comments on here are have become nasty names and slurs towards the opposing opinion. Keep in mind that two wrongs do not make a right. Love you Trish.
Haven Kirkpatrick
Haven Kirkpatrick - 10 years ago
When I went snorkeling with my family in Mexico, it was one of the most fun things Ive did in my life. So glad your trip went great and you look great!:)
Megan Lynn
Megan Lynn - 10 years ago
The filer was like drunk
Hannah Noelle
Hannah Noelle - 10 years ago
People that comment about her weight are crazy in my opinion. She has a sexy body. And I know everyone has heard this a million times, but if you don't enjoy the videos don't watch them, plain and simple. I love you Trish! Keep doing what you're doing!
Lil Savage
Lil Savage - 10 years ago
Trish got them cakes. I love it!!
Sophia Corinne Makeup
Sophia Corinne Makeup - 10 years ago
And btw, whoever is making "whale" comments are so stupid. Awesome that you were raised to pray on people no matter where they go or what they do..get a life! Can't believe how amazing trishs body is. People are just jealous girl! ✋
WHATUPMONIKA - 10 years ago
that looked like so much fun! 
Sophia Corinne Makeup
Sophia Corinne Makeup - 10 years ago
So glad you're having fun!
AMG - 10 years ago
That's awesome! Looks like a lot of fun, I'd love to do that one time! Thanks for sharing the adventure with us! :) Enjoy your trip!
Makeupartistunique - 10 years ago
I Love you trish! Fishie for life
Emily Hoggleworth
Emily Hoggleworth - 10 years ago
Am I the only one that got a little dizzy watching this? Or kind of a little seasick?
gwendolynmia - 10 years ago
i dont normally comment on yt but trish looked really cute snorkeling and seems like she had a really fun time.
Kim Jones
Kim Jones - 10 years ago
That looks like so much fun!!!
Naruto Uzumaki
Naruto Uzumaki - 10 years ago
It's a whale in its natural habitat lol
Jk I'm not that fucked up
Dee - 10 years ago
Y'all know Naruto , just trying to get attention.
*Sarcastically Gasps* -.-
*Sarcastically Gasps* -.- - 10 years ago
Wow that's really fucked up... Why would you even put that up? That could've been kept to your damn self. Fr
AMG - 10 years ago
"Lol" yeah you are that fucked up actually...
Joahna Johnson
Joahna Johnson - 10 years ago
Bitch....you did say it and you probably hurt her feeling ...yes asshole she has feelings ...."jk" can't be your excuse for everything..
kayla marcano
kayla marcano - 10 years ago
well then what was the purpose of commenting that. keep your negative comments to yourself
Spencer Morris
Spencer Morris - 10 years ago
Did someone go on the cruise with Trish?
Spencer Morris
Spencer Morris - 10 years ago
Never mind ignore this comment.
bayuhhlee - 10 years ago
Trishas beautiful
Brooke Shadden
Brooke Shadden - 10 years ago
I thought this video was going to be boring, but honestly is was super relaxing to listen to the water and it made me smile to see all the lovely sun and sand and beaches. I live in Illinois so it's cold and I've never been to a beach or an ocean before. I have seriously had the worst beginning to my year. Thanks for sharing this and making me smile. I haven't smiled in a while. God bless
sbdyeah - 10 years ago
Pleeeease pose your plump, blonde soles in those flip flops! you have amazing archy tanned soles and your fishy footie fans want to see them:D
Sonrisa - 10 years ago
Omg so original
XTAYLORXBOYX - 10 years ago
Dont go making fun of her when i can snap you like twig stupid bitch.
prettyjoyfab - 10 years ago
You have no subscribers yet u feel relevant?? If ur hear to just watch videos.Just watch. Ur opinion is not needed
AMG - 10 years ago
Your disgusting! You must be some kind of monster to be able to speak to people like that and think it's okay. I literally feel embarrassed for idiots like you who feel the need to make fun of other people just for their own satisfaction. Grow up, and get a life you fuck tart!!
Joahna Johnson
Joahna Johnson - 10 years ago
You bitch.... jealous your not as confident in your body as she is? ...your a bitch and if you really don't like her ...why did you watch HER video ....go do something productive instead of hurt people ...bitch ass hoe
Heather McLeod
Heather McLeod - 10 years ago
"oh my god trisha" hahahahahaah dying. you look amazing tho!!
kidcudibaaby - 10 years ago
wtf is the point of talking so much shit. calling her a whale isnt gonna get you on that cruise im sorry youre depressed, kids LOL
Anna Klein
Anna Klein - 10 years ago
How fun Trish :) thanks for bringing us with haha :) love you xoxo
hahaxD72 - 10 years ago
Go pro
Beth R
Beth R - 10 years ago
Soo jealous! I wish I could be in the water right now
Mia Lano
Mia Lano - 10 years ago
Silly silly haters. Didn't you see her safe sun PSA? She's a mermaid , not a whale. Your the whale. Fuck off.
Jazzy Nicole
Jazzy Nicole - 10 years ago
Looks fun... Wish I could be in the warm weather right now swimming outside.
Gretchen Wieners
Gretchen Wieners - 10 years ago
It reminded me of the movie Open Water. 
Kristin - 10 years ago
You look beautiful Trish! Happy and comfortable! LOVE You!!!
Kielbasa Worshiper
Kielbasa Worshiper - 10 years ago
Who was filming? lol
Junior Casemiro
Junior Casemiro - 10 years ago
Whenever I see snorkeling I get a bit anxious... the breathing tube is too short, I always imagine water coming inside of the tube and me choking to death LOL
E - 10 years ago
Can everyone just leave this fat bitch alone? There is so much more to comment on. Like her ridiculous tanning lotions, her self promotion, her trolling, her fake crying, fake relationships, fake friendships, her thirst, her constant manipulation of her audience. Trisha is a sad, angry, internet troll. She gets thrills out of irritating everyone because she secretly is hurt and envious. Envious of youth, envious of the fame that escapes her. She always has an issue with someone. She even has an issue with +Gigi Gorgeous . Everyone can see it. She hates on everyone's grind yet mimics their grind. She wants to help smaller YouTubers not because she is kind, but because they are not a threat to her.
sma1616 - 10 years ago
the fact you know SO much about her, or at least have so many points to say.. LOL you watch her videos more than she makes them. go outside lol
xHarlequin - 10 years ago
"Can everyone just leave this fat bitch alone? There is so much more to comment on."

Says the person who writes a whole paragraph about her. 
Zelda Zonkin'
Zelda Zonkin' - 10 years ago
ok gossip guru! lol jealous of youth? shes a girl in her 20s lmao
Mackenzie Rose
Mackenzie Rose - 10 years ago
Dont watch then jealous cunt
XTAYLORXBOYX - 10 years ago
Lmfao dumb cunt...
Kellie Hill
Kellie Hill - 10 years ago
You a Bitchhhh and you just hating on people cause you can't be like them !!!
I am milan
I am milan - 10 years ago
+Deceptatronic oh, there is so much irony in your comment if only u knew.
Joahna Johnson
Joahna Johnson - 10 years ago
I think you should chill the fuck out Bitch...just cause your jealous she's doing what she wants and having a blast cause she doesn't mean you can come around and bitch at her ....if you really hate her so much leave no one wants a hater like you around anyways .....and why do you care about her weight... your not in charge of who she is and what she does, so back it up... I'm sick of assholes like you bringing negative words to harmless video and if you have nothing better to do with you miserable life go do something useful like join that army ...bitch ass hoe ..leave
Avery Do
Avery Do - 10 years ago
she looks incredibly pretty without fake tan and cake on makeup.
i'm not against makeup btw. she just wears too much.
RAPHAEL HAWKINS - 10 years ago
if i was trish i would disable the comments everytime i upload a video tbh
cutiepie44507 - 10 years ago
I know I'd be terrified of sharks
Emily Curtice
Emily Curtice - 10 years ago
that looks so fun Trish! was the water cold?
Mackenzie Hartman
Mackenzie Hartman - 10 years ago
cutiepie44507 - 10 years ago
Love you Trish, you look beautiful **(like a mermaid))** and I love the sound of the water LOL
Mambo Kingz
Mambo Kingz - 10 years ago
Is this the same bitch that was whinning and crying about cyber-bullying? OK...
crystal jones
crystal jones - 10 years ago
Fucktard ? dead
Dalal Dashti
Dalal Dashti - 10 years ago
your point is motherfucker?
Delaney S
Delaney S - 10 years ago
I feel like those power snorkel things would just scare all the fish away. Still liked the underwater footage though :)
Caitlin Murphy
Caitlin Murphy - 10 years ago
You should maybe try putting music in the background of videos like this to make the montages cooler (:
Sharmaine Nelson
Sharmaine Nelson - 10 years ago
How do you videotape underwater?
E - 10 years ago
You stick your iPhone underwater
Caitlyn Dwyer
Caitlyn Dwyer - 10 years ago
A gopro
Jess - 10 years ago
Does anyone know what she filmed this with? I'm guessing a GoPro Hero, but which one.
Karla Mendoza
Karla Mendoza - 10 years ago
Momma fishy swimming with fishies so cute the water looks amazing <3
TINA ROSE - 10 years ago
Trish not gonna lie you look sort of hilarious getting towed by that thing.. but glad you had fun! I personally am kind of scared of the ocean so you're pretty brave!
jenferlyn84 - 10 years ago
I'm about the same size as Trish and if that makes me a whale too then so be it. She's beautiful!
Athena Myzelle
Athena Myzelle - 9 years ago
All that matters is that you are happy :) I hope you are.
chandra reed
chandra reed - 10 years ago
Trisha it looks like you,and the family had a great time its very beautiful.Love the color of the water!Plz dont pay any mind to the trolls  your very lucky,and a sweet girl just remember that...
Cherrylin Bookwitch
Cherrylin Bookwitch - 10 years ago
wow looks like so much fun!! you all are so lucky!!
kimmisshort - 10 years ago
Trisha is a cute little FISHYYYY snorkeling! 
Jasmine MacNeil
Jasmine MacNeil - 10 years ago
I went to Turks and Caicos this year! It was amazing, never tried power snorkelling tho :(
BeccaBxo - 10 years ago
i love the sound a go pro makes underwater! am i crazy or are other people obsessed with the sound too?
OfficialIMVUMusicVid - 10 years ago
Brendan Leitch
Brendan Leitch - 10 years ago
The sound of the water is so nice and this looks so relaxing
OhhItsRachael - 10 years ago
The fuck is wrong with you people here? Seriously if you have nothing nice to say about someone, don't watch the video.

I have no fucken faith in humanity anymore, were any of you taught the golden rule when you were a child? Treat others as you wish to be treated? What is the point in being mean to someone that never personally did anything mean to you?   (those were rhetorical questions).
PinkyBelle - 10 years ago
your adorable trish, and everytime I see you I smile
Victoria S
Victoria S - 10 years ago
you're so beautiful trish, it's so awesome that you got to travel here! can't wait till i can do that in the future to!
Uchechi Ihenacho
Uchechi Ihenacho - 10 years ago
You guys where calling Trisha a whale while her supporters were actually looking at snorkeling and the beautiful water. I actually though Trisha looked a lot healthier then the skinny legs swimming with her.
Meghan King
Meghan King - 10 years ago
She's not even that chubby ... Everyone chill
Rachel N
Rachel N - 10 years ago
It's funny how the haters take time to make a stupid, childish comment because they're basically paying her with the views xD
Sofia Garcia
Sofia Garcia - 10 years ago
Stephanie Biela
Stephanie Biela - 10 years ago
Love snorkeling... How I wish I were there- My neck of the woods is getting snow tomorrow!  :(
Carmen Bourn
Carmen Bourn - 10 years ago
Wow u looked stunning ur body is slaying me xxx
Jodie Turner
Jodie Turner - 10 years ago
So lucky ❤❤❤
monszbella - 10 years ago
Looks so beautiful there!
Kaylee Boles
Kaylee Boles - 10 years ago
This would be really good exercise! ☺️
vivivixen09 - 10 years ago
Joahna Johnson
Joahna Johnson - 10 years ago
Your a little bitch... get off her channel and don't come back....asshole.....didn't your mother ever teach you to respect other , cunt ass loser
kayla marcano
kayla marcano - 10 years ago
ur a dick goodbye
Dana Marie
Dana Marie - 10 years ago
Are people serious? Trisha isn't even fat.. She's beautiful. 
SasuNaru and other junk Dogs anime animal crossing
SasuNaru and other junk Dogs anime animal crossing - 10 years ago
Hi Trish this looks like awesome fun! Lucky you!

Please ignore the haters, they got nothing better to do with their lives so they waste it on being mean to others

They are just jealous of you !!!
FrenchFriesandFairytales - 10 years ago
You have such a beautiful body!!!!! I'm obsessed!
Karolina Kali
Karolina Kali - 10 years ago
Anybody know the camera she used? Or could recommend a good underwater one
OfficialIMVUMusicVid - 10 years ago
Use a gopro silver. Gorgeous and cheap
Chiara - 10 years ago
Gopro . She said that in one of her vlogs :)
Paris OfPhrance
Paris OfPhrance - 10 years ago
Trish looks good I don't see the problem
Alyssa H
Alyssa H - 10 years ago
I didn't know you could film underwater, thats so cool, looks like you had a blast, I know I would have, I've always wanted to go snorkeling. :)
Janiek - 10 years ago
she was having the time of her life, why are people calling her a whale? So rude. If she is confident with her body it's all fine. she is beautiful. you can just keep it for yourself and not give her those mean comments.
sarahbeauty94 - 10 years ago
I'm glad you had so much fun, you are so beautiful
19muzikluv - 10 years ago
E.F p
E.F p - 10 years ago
I went to that same beach in grand turk when i went, just last august. It was horrible! They were experiencing thunder storms and there was logs and garbage washed ashore, stray, incredibly skinny dogs begging for your food. We caught the first bus back. Glad your time there was better!
Sun Shine
Sun Shine - 10 years ago
to be as rude as some of you are is just sad, let her live her life and share what part of it she wants, if you dont like it dont watch it you pricks. xo i hope all you negative people find happiness in your lifes because obviously your miserable people.
laura majore
laura majore - 10 years ago
laura majore
laura majore - 10 years ago
I loooooooved this!!!! You are so beautiful inside and out:-):-):-) xxx
Freja H.
Freja H. - 10 years ago
I really don't understand it. Its so rude calling someone a whale. She's presenting some of her private life and people feel the need to comment such rude things?
Plus, she isn't even that big. I mean she is not the typical skinny girl but I didn't think she looked that 'fat' in this video.
Your gorgeous Trish. Thanks for sharing your life with the internet! <3
Elisa Sunshine
Elisa Sunshine - 10 years ago
Wow this must have been such a nice experience. The water is so clear and that beach looks so gorgeous and peaceful :)
keepcalmandloveblue - 10 years ago
When i went to turks and Caicos it was so fun ( i live in the USA) my mom got this hotel condo thing there were maids and stuff but we had to get and cook our own food. I actually got to experience life there instead of staying in a hotel. I went to their grocery stores and met some of the locals. Everyone that i met was so nice and welcoming. I would go back there any day. Love u trish <3
Melissa - 10 years ago
It's so nice to see her having fun and spending her money on experiences, I think those are the ones that are definitely worth it
kelly romario
kelly romario - 10 years ago
Hey guys im gathering 5 people from across the world 2 create an SOS channel wher we do Q&A and give advice :) reply if srs
Brandon Eska
Brandon Eska - 10 years ago
Looks so fun!
Andrea Gorochow
Andrea Gorochow - 10 years ago
These top comments... Ppl are dicks
Suelly .D
Suelly .D - 10 years ago
Some backwards comments
Sarah Routledge
Sarah Routledge - 10 years ago
This totally reminded me of open water.
Laquanta Moultry
Laquanta Moultry - 10 years ago
Looks like so much fun I've never been snorkeling. Definitely wanna try now. Oh and lol @ the part when ur flip flops kept coming off. Happens to me all the time. Can't wait for more vids. Xoxo.
Manon F
Manon F - 10 years ago
Whale* last comment.
YFabu - 10 years ago
4:01 "oh my god Trisha"........ translate: 'stop embarrassing our family' 
Joahna Johnson
Joahna Johnson - 10 years ago
I bet your an embarrassment to your family as rude as you are you little punk ass wanker .....go get a life and leave Trish while she lives hers... go join the army or someone
HelloItsSaada - 10 years ago
I wonder if she went to margaritaville in Turks and Caicos! So fun!! But idk if Carnival only does that.
Manon F
Manon F - 10 years ago
I loved the sound of the water touching the camera! :)
And why is everybody so disrespectfull she loved it and you cant compare her with a wale, she is beautiful.
noellemarie112 - 10 years ago
I wish I could just hide these terrible comments from her. :( Love you Trish
jordyjoslinMUA - 10 years ago
Why would you wear a life vest? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of snorkelling? You can't go down deep enough wearing a life vest
Hannah Robinson
Hannah Robinson - 10 years ago
Why are there so many mean comments? I thought she looked BEAUTIFUL!!!
Naomi - 10 years ago
Good for you! Looks so fun!
kenna - 10 years ago
So glad that you had a great time Trisha, you deserve a getaway! <3
msjenanicole - 10 years ago
So fun! Thank you for sharing! Absolutely ignore any negativity! What a sad way for people to start of a new year! Thank you for being authentically you!!
Lindsey Diane
Lindsey Diane - 10 years ago
That looks really fun. I've never been in the ocean. Or the beach. I'm gonna do this one day :)
Holly Frawley
Holly Frawley - 10 years ago
Loved all of the videos but I can not find the link for Excursion 3 - Bahamas (Jet Skis) Does anyone see it? Thanks
Dafina Ferizi
Dafina Ferizi - 10 years ago
That looked like so much fun!!!
Sarah Oleary
Sarah Oleary - 10 years ago
Hahahhahahahaha UR brother is so funny when he says oh my god Trisha I burst into laughter!!! Ilysm
Yeeeep08 - 10 years ago
Trish, you're beautiful. Ignore all the uncouth people and comments. Unfortunately there's always going to be hateful people in this world. 
Bethanie Kingston
Bethanie Kingston - 10 years ago
Trish please come to Australia!
Melissa Amezquita
Melissa Amezquita - 10 years ago
Hi trish my name is Melissa love watching ur videos also ur vlogs... I'm a mother of two little boys and I also am attending beauty school I'm 22 years old... Trying to do something for my kids future... I would love to do a swap with u also with another YouTuber I love watching along with u... I just have a few little goodies I thought u would like .. I have a channel of my own but it's nothing big and Im not trying for it to become big if it does it does if not I'm happy too... I just wanted to start the new year in a positive way ... Don't worry it doesn't have to be a swap I can just simply send u the goodies with no strings attached like they say... Just wanted to show u and my other favorite YouTuber that I love watching your girl's videos let me no what u decide ..
sincerelymaliha - 10 years ago
This makes me want to go on a cruise so bad! 
aalivahxo - 10 years ago
Honestly she's not even fat, she got curves which is 100% better than bein a stick .
maryxoxo9 - 10 years ago
every single person who left a negative/rude comment on this video is a pathetic loser. what a miserable life you all must have
Quinn D
Quinn D - 10 years ago
I LOVE GRAND TURK! I went there over Thanksgiving, beautiful! Did you see the Governors beach? We went there and it was picture perfect!
Ciera Paige
Ciera Paige - 10 years ago
Agreed Ally Vee
Samantha R
Samantha R - 10 years ago
omg i was just at turks and caicos!!!!
draingang - 10 years ago
How dare you guys compare Trisha to a whale. Whales aren't fat, they are naturally huge big boned animals. Trisha on the other hand is obese by choice.
BreAnna Neubauer
BreAnna Neubauer - 10 years ago
Small world, I went on the exact same excursion in Grand Turk this past summer when I went on a cruise. The exact same place and everything! I had a blast doing it and it looked like you did too! Love you!
Dream Catchers
Dream Catchers - 10 years ago
Love this! It looks like y'all had fun. The water looks so clear.
Alyssabeauty4mj - 10 years ago
Can anyone subscribe to meee
Monica Grier
Monica Grier - 10 years ago
I've been to Turks and Caicos! my family and I went to the Beaches resort there :) we loved it
lacybogard55 - 10 years ago
OMG my family and I went to Turks and Caicos like 5 years ago and it was like the dream vacation!  We will never forget it!  Like literally the best water ever!  
lovey bugmaria
lovey bugmaria - 10 years ago
Aw trish I use want to hate you. They changes you have made are amazing and thanks for sharing.
Ann Biasetti
Ann Biasetti - 10 years ago
your rlly pretty in this vlog
Sarah〈3xxx - 10 years ago
Your beautiful inside and out :)
Lilly Keizer
Lilly Keizer - 10 years ago
This should be a goal for all the rude people commenting. Learn to shut da fuck up
Kristi - 10 years ago
Wow looks like a blast!!!
Acacia - 10 years ago
Like if you're watching this in 2015
Fire_Fly - 10 years ago
I absolutely love snorkeling! Looks like an amazing vacation Trish! 
Megan Paige Whitaker
Megan Paige Whitaker - 10 years ago
This was like the fist time i saw your bare legs and you are not fat I can't believe some people
Harley Reaves
Harley Reaves - 10 years ago
Turks & Caicos was absolutely beautiful when I went. I took a week cruise with Princess Cruises
Hannah Venn
Hannah Venn - 10 years ago
I don't get why she gets all the hate because she is average sized and everyone Is not the same size as a stick. So just leave her alone.
Remy Dolce
Remy Dolce - 10 years ago
I would be so scared to do that! the ocean is full of scary things. Awesome video trish!
Destiny Mincak
Destiny Mincak - 10 years ago
Does anyone know where she got her bathing suit? Its so cute.
mike cawyer
mike cawyer - 10 years ago
You are cool from mike
aj2674 - 10 years ago
Over 10% of the population is subbed to you and not one of them knows Rick moranis?
Olivia Fisher
Olivia Fisher - 10 years ago
Hi trish...that seemed really fun!!!
Amanda Ellis
Amanda Ellis - 10 years ago
THE JOKE IS ON THE HATERS!!!  Their views paid for this trip!  
At least Trisha is doing things with her life.  The haters that call her "fat" and say they cannot stand Trisha will still continue to watch her videos every single day.... in spite of the fact that they say they hate her.  Wow, it must suck to have nothing better to do with your life than watch videos of someone you hate.  And I hope Trisha never feels bad about the hate she receives because the VAST MAJORITY of people gave this a THUMBS UP in comparison to the thumbs down.  And in regards to the people who gave this video a thumbs down, they are still subscribed and continue to watch her everyday!!!  CHA-CHING FOR TRISHA!!!!  Your fishies love you Trishy!!!! <3
Ryan Garloff
Ryan Garloff - 10 years ago
I definitely agree with you but I'm pretty sure her dad paid for the trip. Haha :P
Junior Casemiro
Junior Casemiro - 10 years ago
+queen bae
I said minority, LOL.
catalina kiss
catalina kiss - 10 years ago
+Junior Casemiro is it the vast majority? whenever im on a friends laptop it seems that no one even knows about adblock
Junior Casemiro
Junior Casemiro - 10 years ago
YouTube doesn't count per ads watched, sorry to burst your bubble. Companies pay YouTube to put ads on videos, YouTube pays the content makers per video views.
YouTube knows pretty well about adblock and just so you know, it's the vast minority who uses adblock.
Junior Casemiro
Junior Casemiro - 10 years ago
Mimi D
Mimi D - 10 years ago
Lexie Rae
Lexie Rae - 10 years ago
This comment is everything. Thank you! :)
Ilse Verboom
Ilse Verboom - 10 years ago
Omg wish i was there!!!
liz howle
liz howle - 10 years ago
how anyone can call you fat Trish is madnesssssss!! looking so good! x
0kaythatsc0ol - 10 years ago
now, fishies, we introduce into the sea.. a land whale. back in the day they used to be a very rare sight in the ocean, but we're rapidly seeing their population growth.
Malakai L
Malakai L - 10 years ago
I live there
pay your fucking taxes
pay your fucking taxes - 10 years ago
The first time I went snorkeling was when I was ten, then I did it for three years. And when I was 13 I tried scuba diving and that shit is fun! XD
short nerdy
short nerdy - 10 years ago
Thanks for sharing Trish. I can't wait for the day I get to see clear beautiful waters like that with white sandy beaches. Travel vlogs make it seem so much more real. Hope to see more!
ChateauDeErdel - 10 years ago
This makes me want to get over my fears and do that! I don't like huge bodies of water but that looked so fun!
Breanna Noble
Breanna Noble - 10 years ago
ignore the haters Trish, i've been watching your videos alot and all I can say is that you're my favorite youtuber who doesn't play video games. You're beautiful, inside and out,  don't let anyone tell you differently. <3 
stoneyem - 10 years ago
The water looks so beautiful! I'm glad you had fun, it looked like a lot of fun!
Dom - 10 years ago
Who else predicted the hateful "whale" comments >.>
Veetz Rose
Veetz Rose - 10 years ago
Yep and absolutely no fucks or sympathy given.
Maripie - 10 years ago
I totally did and it's so sad cause it was the first comment I read. Ugh. Idk what people gain from being so mean.
Dom - 10 years ago
+Norcalmma Nothing better to do in their lives
Georgie Pretzels
Georgie Pretzels - 10 years ago
You're not alone. I also predicted them (and the first comment that popped up, sure enough, was a whale comment!) And I'll never understand why people would follow her just to talk shit about her lol.
Moi Moi
Moi Moi - 10 years ago
And I think she is looking so fine there. Totally would have had hots for her if I had been there.
Dom - 10 years ago
Buuuuut, whales are gracious and intelligent creatures that could kill you >:3
angie thompson
angie thompson - 10 years ago
SarahM424 - 10 years ago
Thanks for filming your vacation, so cool to see all of these experiences!!! xx
Cindy Ramirez
Cindy Ramirez - 10 years ago
Andreas papastef
Andreas papastef - 10 years ago
kayla marcano
kayla marcano - 10 years ago
ha! that was cute
Andreas papastef
Andreas papastef - 10 years ago
+kayla marcano monkey?
Joahna Johnson
Joahna Johnson - 10 years ago
Awwww don't be a little bitch.... show your face so we can judge , punk ....you think your so cool hiding. Judging other people... didn't anyone ever raise you better asshole #noexuses little bitch
kayla marcano
kayla marcano - 10 years ago
miap - 10 years ago
Happy New Year Trish! What a great way to start 2015! Looks like fun! 
GQB - 10 years ago
+funforlouis does this kind of stuff everyday haha
Deanna Singleton
Deanna Singleton - 10 years ago
What an awesome experience Trisha! I'll definitely have to plan for this some time.
Nichole Rochelle
Nichole Rochelle - 10 years ago
That water is so beautiful
Mandy Shutters
Mandy Shutters - 10 years ago
This looks magical!! You look beautiful even soaking wet lol!!!!
Cindy Godoy
Cindy Godoy - 10 years ago
Omg that water is beautiful! How amazing!
No-uh aMdnria
No-uh aMdnria - 10 years ago
Hey look a whale. Lol. Jk.kinda
destinee stratton
destinee stratton - 10 years ago
Love it I would love to try it
Shelley Halls
Shelley Halls - 10 years ago
Love you Trish!
CaliforniaGirl49 - 10 years ago
I love when you do this kind of stuff. It really brings out the true TRISH!
Helga G Pataki
Helga G Pataki - 10 years ago
Reading these comments is so sad and ridiculous..i don't know how Trish can handle it..making jokes about someones weight and calling them an whale is super childish and played out,what are yall like in 6th grade??..you people need to find a life...but yet you trolls/haters are putting money in her account each time you click on her video to make a rude comment..LOL
Athena Myzelle
Athena Myzelle - 9 years ago
I'm glad this has 682 likes, I'm like #683! Much deserved, because we all need more positivity and to encourage happiness!
daunfadeable - 10 years ago
I do too
Minx Lush
Minx Lush - 10 years ago
+daunfadeable and I love her
daunfadeable - 10 years ago
Either your going to love her or hate her there is no in between.
Minx Lush
Minx Lush - 10 years ago
+daunfadeable exactly
daunfadeable - 10 years ago
She is laughing at everyone ass right to the bank lol
♡strawberryswirrl♡ - 10 years ago
+Daneen Covino-Rogers I cant wait I will be counting down the days until I get called out by the infamous "Daneen Covino-Rogers"
♡strawberryswirrl♡ - 10 years ago
+Daneen Covino-Rogers nothing like she is today... IT WAS HER PAST GET OVER IT! 
Ash - 10 years ago
+James Skuller Highly doubt I said anything along those lines..........
♡strawberryswirrl♡ - 10 years ago
+Daneen Covino-Rogers I Will:
"She'll make another video and cry about it later." that's not exactly the nicest thing ever lol....
Ash - 10 years ago
I couldn't agree more, I would be so embarrassed as a woman to actually sit and take my time to insult another woman, to me personally, that  is when you have officially failed and lost as a woman.
I want the best for you
I want the best for you - 10 years ago
honestly don't let it faze you. im here for trish and myself, not some irrelevant ass trolls
kenna - 10 years ago
People are so rude and hurtful, she's so strong to not let it bother her too much and just enjoy life no matter what
Sam Berger
Sam Berger - 10 years ago
Yes girl! These losers just making her that $$$
Moi Moi
Moi Moi - 10 years ago
So true... I really feel so so bad for Trish and for the haters also. I just can't understand why not spread positivity instead of negativity. If someone feels good after being rude to others... well that is just sad for everyone.
♡strawberryswirrl♡ - 10 years ago
+Daneen Covino-Rogers which you will then click on and put a rude comment like you did there. therefore putting money in her account so.....  
Raina Mihaichuk
Raina Mihaichuk - 10 years ago
Awsome job trisha ! I could never do that I have a phobia of water and oceans and sharks. I actually had to fast forward a bit of footage when you guys were in the water I started to cringe.
GABBA GABBA TV - 10 years ago
Did you go to Margaritaville I went there like twice it's so much
sahra - 10 years ago
I like how calm and relaxed her voice is in this video:)
Jill Garcia
Jill Garcia - 10 years ago
Thx for sharing <3
Josie Kardashian
Josie Kardashian - 10 years ago
loved this video!!!!!!! power snorkeling looks like SOO much fun! Love you trish <33
Micheal David
Micheal David - 10 years ago
Trisha would make such a beautiful mermaid :)
Rachel Friedlander
Rachel Friedlander - 10 years ago
I love when she narrates her videos. It's so much better than when she talks in them.
Moses Gabriel
Moses Gabriel - 10 years ago
I have a fun giveaway going on for the first time in my channel check it out if you want, you can be the lucky one to win
Tristan Sacrey Productions
Tristan Sacrey Productions - 10 years ago
Ruby Corder
Ruby Corder - 10 years ago
Sonoko Akashi
Sonoko Akashi - 10 years ago
Trish U are absolutely awesome. U are the only youtuber I actually watch on a regular basis and check everyday whether U have a new vid up!!! Love ya!! ❤️❤️
Addy Dodd
Addy Dodd - 10 years ago
Trish looks amazing in that swim suit
OkayImKat - 10 years ago
Yaaaas. I've always wanted to go snorkeling.
Stephanie Franco
Stephanie Franco - 10 years ago
Damn...this makes me wish I was on vacation.
Sara Paul
Sara Paul - 10 years ago
Wow so proud of u
Sara Paul
Sara Paul - 10 years ago
Trish omg u r a great swimmer
Not Poods.
Not Poods. - 10 years ago
5:11 when you're forever alone..
ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇᴜᴅᴏɴᄏᄏᄏ - 10 years ago
Looks like so much fun Trish! glad you had a great time! xx
Special01101011 - 10 years ago
Incoming more unoriginal whale comments
Melanie Aguilar
Melanie Aguilar - 10 years ago
I absolutley love the sound of this video tbh jaja. Am i the only one?
DustinBowyerOfficial - 10 years ago
love the scenery! also are you going to do a what i got for christmas video?
Ivy Delaney
Ivy Delaney - 10 years ago
You looked so cute! :)
Ray O
Ray O - 10 years ago
Stop calling her a whale. It's just cruel. Trisha is beautiful and shouldn't have to put up with that kind of crap. Just because she gets a lot of comments, doesn't mean she doesn't or can't read them. It just goes to show how people these days are so freaking judgmental and ignorant. Trisha, you look amazing, ignore the morons. 5:09 cutest face ever hehe love you.
Ray O
Ray O - 10 years ago
Dom - 10 years ago
We all do. We all have haters
Ray O
Ray O - 10 years ago
+DomoDino Yeah true. It's just so sad that she has to deal with crap like that as do so many other people too :( 
Dom - 10 years ago
+Makenna L Not even criticism. Just to be rude. And people will never stop. That's life sadly. Just because she's packing on more pounds than society wants, she gets hate. Hell, even if she was like, 120lbs, she'd still get hate for something she likes/does. /you just can please people, only yourself. Trish looks like she's pretty pleased with herself so far, so good for her.
Ray O
Ray O - 10 years ago
+DomoDino Me too! People need to stop criticizing her!!
Dom - 10 years ago
I think she has a beautiful boy. Her thighs are amazingly shaped, couldn't stop starting.
Emily Rashkovan
Emily Rashkovan - 10 years ago
What do you use to recrod your voice overs?x
D Lastname
D Lastname - 10 years ago
ash gana
ash gana - 10 years ago
"Oh my god, Trisha" lol
Natalie p
Natalie p - 10 years ago
omg your so gorg ur body is perfect! <3
Kala Williams
Kala Williams - 10 years ago
lool the most unsteady filming
Tatyanna London
Tatyanna London - 10 years ago
This honestly looked like a great experience! The water sounds were so calming and beautiful
anthony schaefer
anthony schaefer - 10 years ago
those thighs thrisha! you looook sickening in the baywatch suit 
Aimfayce - 10 years ago
+Shae Green sickening is a good term in this context.
anthony schaefer
anthony schaefer - 10 years ago
+xtaylorxboyx your avis a cartoon tho please do not come for me when you dont even have the confidence to post a picture of yourself please guys just leave me alone i was trying to compliment someone and yall just jumped down my throat last time i comment anything jeez.
anthony schaefer
anthony schaefer - 10 years ago
+Monet-Paris Alleyne-Budge thank you
XTAYLORXBOYX - 10 years ago
That hair! Omg what are you a damn cone head?
Niky147 - 10 years ago
Agreed! She looks amazing
Monet-Paris Alleyne-Budge
Monet-Paris Alleyne-Budge - 10 years ago
Lol this is too funny. People, sickening is a good thing, even in England we use Sick as a good thing, it doesn't make sense but its slang that people use every day. Urban dictionary it before you come for people.

Shit, people are getting all rowdy for saying she looks goods, I hope you are also sending hate to the people calling her a whale.

Ps. Heres some links. 

Joahna Johnson
Joahna Johnson - 10 years ago
Your an asshole...get a life
Btw that's not "New York slang"
kayla marcano
kayla marcano - 10 years ago
r u retarded, I'm from new york and "sickening" is negative.. u just couldn't handle people calling u an asshole
MLG Quickscoper
MLG Quickscoper - 10 years ago
+anthony schaefer your edge is so sharp it cut me
Mackenzie Matthews
Mackenzie Matthews - 10 years ago
+anthony schaefer lmao so tru! we should chat more about trish if you know what i mean hehe 
Bella Bianchi
Bella Bianchi - 10 years ago
You needed to say that her thighs were life though
Not Poods.
Not Poods. - 10 years ago
Why are people even complainig?..
anthony schaefer
anthony schaefer - 10 years ago
+Lena Alvecnovia girl why bring negativity keep it to yourself thank you
Leia02 - 10 years ago
+anthony schaefer new york slangs ha! stupid slangs i gotta say
Sazokashi - 10 years ago
Sv Vr
Sv Vr - 10 years ago
+anthony schaefer they don't understand the gay slang 
anthony schaefer
anthony schaefer - 10 years ago
+Dan Hansher you need to watch your attitude, no one was being disrepectful or even rude so dont tell me i better be sorry cause i relly have no reason to be sorry since no one was saying anything offensive
MLG Quickscoper
MLG Quickscoper - 10 years ago
+anthony schaefer better be sorry
anthony schaefer
anthony schaefer - 10 years ago
damn yall coming for me i said sickening shes slaying.giving it,turning it out,killing it, serving pam anderson realness in her baywatch suit and her thighs looook amaze, new york slang sorry guys
Not Poods.
Not Poods. - 10 years ago
Maybe he meant it in a positive way. Like she looks good. Idk
Night Reader
Night Reader - 10 years ago
And you are perfect?
S - 10 years ago
Super cool exprience, Trish! 
Jamie Snyder
Jamie Snyder - 10 years ago
Did you see any sharks or stingrays at all while there??
sophia.LK - 10 years ago
i absolutely loove the shape of your body girl you own that shit ;* 
ThisDudeDavid - 10 years ago
Trisha you're beautiful and amazing and you just seem like such a sweet person <3
iAutumn179 - 10 years ago
That looks so fun! Thanks for sharing!:D Can't wait to see more!
meghan thomas
meghan thomas - 10 years ago
meghan thomas
meghan thomas - 10 years ago
Wheres the jet sky excersion one?You didnt give a link and its not on either channels ???
jay Parker
jay Parker - 10 years ago
we did that exact same thing last summer in turks the waters so beautiful.. its more fun with out the life jackets though
Nikisworld - 10 years ago
Oh banana girl...where r you.....? Ur no where to be found today..why cuz well she's getting exercise an there isn't anything u can say! An btw she's more beautiful than u ever will be!!
Isabelle Scott
Isabelle Scott - 10 years ago
trisha your beautiful im only 12 but love your figure under water also this looks soooooo funnnn!!!!!!!!
Ryanosaurus - 10 years ago
So kwl to see her having a good time :) u go Trish!
Alyssa Ricca
Alyssa Ricca - 10 years ago
I'm so jealous, it looks amazing. Thanks for sharing that with us! ❤️
maria melly
maria melly - 10 years ago
looks like that fan thing is working overtime ;)
CaseyTheJanitor - 10 years ago
I went to the Turks and Caicos! I went to a beaches resort though.
Attiyah Dais
Attiyah Dais - 10 years ago
+Ashley Rose lolololol
Ashley Rose Bryant
Ashley Rose Bryant - 10 years ago
+Mackenzie Matthews Also it's: don't* give* fuck* want* to* bitch*
Stop using your pretend language.
Ashley Rose Bryant
Ashley Rose Bryant - 10 years ago
+Mackenzie Matthews What language are you even speaking? Betch? You sound so tough, too. What are you going to do? Caps - lock her to death?
Mackenzie Matthews
Mackenzie Matthews - 10 years ago
Mackenzie Matthews
Mackenzie Matthews - 10 years ago
James Lasco
James Lasco - 10 years ago
I've been as well!! Such a beautiful place!!
Leora Kalili
Leora Kalili - 10 years ago
Same! it was one of the best trips i've been on!
Maddie Gambale
Maddie Gambale - 10 years ago
cute bathing suit! 
hiitsann - 10 years ago
I was so excited for a cruise vlog! SOOO glad you put it up. Stay you. Stay beautiful! Lot of love!:*
chloe frump
chloe frump - 10 years ago
It looked like you were having the time of your life out there! It's good to see you happy! Love you trish!
FlowerRFabulous - 10 years ago
trish! you didn't say hi! i was at the bottom of the sea with you :(. i'm biting next time  :{
capen Squeekie
capen Squeekie - 10 years ago
Please donate for a friend Megan Woodman http://www.gofundme.com/jkntdk
That Sam
That Sam - 10 years ago
Does she have butt implants? Not being rude just curious
That Sam
That Sam - 10 years ago
+Ash H Yeah that's what I was wondering I saw some of the video where she talked about it
Ash H
Ash H - 10 years ago
in a video she said she only had breast implants and lip injections 
urthebest1122 - 10 years ago
Trisha, has anyone recognized you on your trip there?
Seth Allen
Seth Allen - 10 years ago
michelle peterbilt
michelle peterbilt - 10 years ago
Excuse me? Who the fuck do you think you are? You are a complete idiot. who the fuck uses "thirsty" and "felicia" anymore? Get over yourself, and take your outdated terms with you!
Seth Allen
Seth Allen - 10 years ago
AR - 10 years ago
Having a fat ass is actually a compliment
michelle peterbilt
michelle peterbilt - 10 years ago
Was my comment solely directed to you? NO. it was not. 
XTAYLORXBOYX - 10 years ago
And why would you fucking care!? Lmao. You are shit... You got nothin on her so what up
michelle peterbilt
michelle peterbilt - 10 years ago
How is +samsam24242 fat?!!! ahah you crazy cunts. He looks way more attractive than your gay-rainbow cake. 
Joahna Johnson
Joahna Johnson - 10 years ago
Why don't you get your unwanted fat ass out of town. You knew Trish was going to be in this video seeing how it is her account!!!! If you just came here to give hate and waste your time you are the detention of an asshole... want me to judge you first hand? ;
You have a cheap hair cut
You user name is stupid
you look gay
You look like you try way to hard to be attractive
And your ugly and probably hiding all the fat below the camera
I hope your happy ...being judged first hand ... I hope your feel like golum shit on you ..little bitch
michelle peterbilt
michelle peterbilt - 10 years ago
I feel better.
Haley Campbell
Haley Campbell - 10 years ago
So do you fell better about yourself now or...? Because I have no idea why this comment was ness assay at all...
huggybear0922 - 10 years ago
Ok but the propulsion things scare off the fish..
Christie Ressel
Christie Ressel - 10 years ago
This looks like so much fun! 
On a random note, am I the only one that loves the sound of the water in this video?! LOL
APianoPlaysMusic - 10 years ago
I was thinking the exact same thing! So calming.
Tee Mariposa
Tee Mariposa - 10 years ago
LOOOL deff not
HydroponicFlower - 10 years ago
No, me too XD I dont know why
Bianca Sophia
Bianca Sophia - 10 years ago
Asmr is a really big thing now for relaxing and stuff, I love it, it's so cool! If your stressed, or have trouble sleeping, check out GentleWhispers
Del Hawk
Del Hawk - 10 years ago
I was gonna suggest ASMR but looks like someone beat me to it ^,^
Jakeline Rios
Jakeline Rios - 10 years ago
I liked the sound also, but my little sister thought it was scary. Lol
Queenie ASMR
Queenie ASMR - 10 years ago
The calming/relaxing feeling is a form of ASMR :) Check out johnnielawson's channel. There are heaps of water sounds videos that I listen to when I do my homework, haha. x
brutalxlovexo - 10 years ago
I like it too! its kinda soothing haha
Maripie - 10 years ago
It kinda freaks me out. I have a fear of the ocean. Lol
MacKenzie Simpson
MacKenzie Simpson - 10 years ago
same, I thought I was the only one!
catherine latimer
catherine latimer - 10 years ago
Everyone calls Trish fat, but in reality she has a lovely body
MsLegalRegal - 10 years ago
i live where you guys vacation--lucky me:)
MsLegalRegal - 10 years ago
+Christopher Hernandez yes!!! hahahah I am so glad you get it!
Ysve Valverde Martinez
Ysve Valverde Martinez - 10 years ago
no im in highschool i live her with my parents 
Ysve Valverde Martinez
Ysve Valverde Martinez - 10 years ago
+*o* i live in houston too! Im mexican tho and i go to mexico every summer and winter break its gorgeous
Hannah Tate
Hannah Tate - 10 years ago
+nostalgia ultra what do you meant "be stuck where you are all the time"...? americans are known to hardly vacation at all!! 6% of you have passports..I've met adult Americans who have never left the US. your comment is confusing 
MsLegalRegal - 10 years ago
+TheRabbitwithGlasses you again???
TheRabbitwithGlasses - 10 years ago
+MsLegalRegal I wasn't attempting to "school" you in anything. Simply bringing up a point which I think should be brought to attention.

This post will continue to forward to your phone no matter if I, or someone else were to reply and/or post a comment. Either way, this post will continue to pop up on your phone. 
MsLegalRegal - 10 years ago
+MsLegalRegal reply*
MsLegalRegal - 10 years ago
+TheRabbitwithGlasses it pops up cause you keep replying and it comes to my phone...and i started the comment by SIMPLY SAYING i live where you vacation...you cannot even dear school me on professionalism even though your lack of typos blessed my heart...now if you do not want me to keep popping up..quit hitting the repky button to bring this post to my attention...
TheRabbitwithGlasses - 10 years ago
+MsLegalRegal You're correct, this isn't a professorial "setting", but looking back at your comments which seemly pop up everywhere on this post and the way you reply to some individuals (case in point, calling me and others "simpletons"). I have got to wonder to the professionalism of such a person, who claims to own a law firm of all things. 

As far as I am concerned, it doesn't matter if it's online or wherever. You are still talking to real human beings here and posting comments which I believe could have been handled in a much better and "professional" way. 
MsLegalRegal - 10 years ago
+TheRabbitwithGlasses last i checked this was not a professional setting...simpletons
MsLegalRegal - 10 years ago
+TheRabbitwithGlasses damn right i do..and i curse like a pirate too enjoy Trish's new vid!!
TheRabbitwithGlasses - 10 years ago
+MsLegalRegal You own your own law firm yet talk like you do in previous comments? real professional.......
Kamisa - 10 years ago
+Ubaldo Rodriguez When was I talking to you? You're telling me to read, but did you bother to read the name? No, you didn't.. All you're doing is looking foolish jumping the gun not paying attention, especially calling me narrow minded when all the nonsense you're spewing had zero to do with my comment.You can't even hold a civil conversation without cursing and name calling, so why don't you grow up and learn decency 

You don't know where I get my news from, and who gets DAILY world news from books? When did I judge a country?

Blaming the US for another country actions & reputation is pure ignorant. Not even going there
Ubaldo Rodriguez
Ubaldo Rodriguez - 10 years ago
+Keemz ! I AM AN AMERICAN YOU STUPID BITCH. Listen to your rambling! You're the one that doesn't feel "safe" thinking about other countries that have a bad reputation because of AMERICA. You're judging me for judging you when you're doing the exact same thing, you hypocrite! Pick up a fucking book and make a judgement on other counties based on that not what fox news tells you. Fuck you and your narrow minded views on the world. 
Kamisa - 10 years ago
+Andromeda Edeluaisoua  You're sitting there judging name calling Americans, but how do you think that makes you look stooping to a low level making all kinds of insults, judgments,and assumptions against people you don't know that have done nothing to you? Yeah, real classy.. That's kinda like me saying your entire country is trash all because you're rotten. I'm better than that though. You aren't representing your country in a good light. You love to hate, and people like that are what's wrong with this world. 

Too much exaggeration. The people who love visiting the US, outweigh the people that don't. I guarantee visitors have left your country or another never returning 
Zeek - 10 years ago
+Ubaldo Rodriguez Grow up... You don't know jack about my education. Yeah, You sound so educated and mature with that nasty rude mouth.. NOT!!!..  Lol
Ubaldo Rodriguez
Ubaldo Rodriguez - 10 years ago
+Zeek that's because you're and uneducated/ ignorant little cunt! :) <3
Andromeda Edeluaisoua
Andromeda Edeluaisoua - 10 years ago
+Joahna Johnson  I'm SO HAPPY I'm not living where you live!!! I've been there, some of my friends too... and everyone hates it sooo much they never want to go back... just everything is so LOST... people are not people anymore... they are monsters there!
MsLegalRegal - 10 years ago
those who can read will see..now..run go..Trish has new vids.. enjoy
MsLegalRegal - 10 years ago
MsLegalRegal - 10 years ago
as for the abuse part yes dammit-- go shop--visit all over--get the education and the training and then head to hell home..that my dear is the "abuse"
MsLegalRegal - 10 years ago
this back pedal was epic...either ways---what does it matter to my first comment?? who cares what they do? ensure you are giving back and producing to society why care what they do?  you think only America's system is abused?  this is what happens everywhere so  why cry boohoo.  Leave ya own damn legacy.  What is for a man so shall he reap.  at the end of the day I STILL LIVE WHERE YOU VACATION!  That one little comment has sparked all this back and forth...Shall remember to go to the beach this weekend and lounge.
MsLegalRegal - 10 years ago
and yes they are smart---when they return the foreign currency to their countries....the diaspora (google it) ensures they send their remittances...that my dear makes them smart!  why give Uncle Sam everything
MsLegalRegal - 10 years ago
the thing that makes me laugh is the response from people like you who know nothing about me...nor who i am...and i find it amusing..so i troll and post crap on here--because i am not sure when my innocent comment turned into this nonsense--i care nothing for what other foreigners which make up a large percentage of the USA either way do with their lives--i live quietly in the Caribbean--working hard--travelling quite a lot and living a very comfy lifestyle--i have the option of going to America and returning.  I do not care who stays or why they stay...never have ibeen called lazy as I own my own law firm...God forbid i engage in a couple back and forths with ppl online because it makes me laugh...but you sit here and tell me i give my people?? a bad name?? LOL at assumptions they always make an ass of you
MsLegalRegal - 10 years ago
+Jessi flooding to buy--use and abuse AND RETURN TO THEM COUNTRIES--we SMART! 
Joahna Johnson
Joahna Johnson - 10 years ago
+Andromeda Edeluaisoua ...don't trash talk my country fool...
Andromeda Edeluaisoua
Andromeda Edeluaisoua - 10 years ago
+nostalgia ultra
 America is the MOST SHITTY PLACE to live!!! I get goosebumps thinking about living there... so much stress, so much unhappy, fat people. This is proven to be true, actually. Nothing personal!
MsLegalRegal - 10 years ago
+nostalgia ultra i probably am more educated--have more access to social care AND WILL GLADLY ENJOY MY FREE HEALTHCARE---YOU SWALLOW DAT YA TWO TEET CUNT
MsLegalRegal - 10 years ago
you sound so stupid--i live in BARBADOS dumb ass the top most developed Caribbean country in the world---go google that ya ass
nostalgia ultra
nostalgia ultra - 10 years ago
How am I a troll when you live in an area that barely even is a country? With probably NO government? Hope you have a tsunami or something bitch. Lmao
Lizzy The Wonder Girl
Lizzy The Wonder Girl - 10 years ago
+Scenexx​ You started it yourself, and should blame yourself. You apologized, while calling her a bitch, so it's not even an apology. No, I'm not her friend. I never said anything hypocritical, you did. You started something first in a public thread, it's everyones business. Again, you're assuming I'm a teen and female. You assume too much. I don't need to block you it's in public thread. I can respond if I want. Saying "stfu" makes you seem like an idiot kid yourself. You are not letting it go with me or her because you respond every time. That's the opposite of letting it go.

Assuming and bringing up she meant the president had power in every comment is not mature. Again, your hypocrisy is showing. The fact that you think you are acting mature amuses me.  Sorry you are mad I agree with her, and got in your business in a public thread. Not.

Have a good one.
Lizzy The Wonder Girl
Lizzy The Wonder Girl - 10 years ago
+Scenexx​​​​ Don't put stupid shit online. Her reasons are justified already, and you commented to her first. If you keep replying you aren't letting it go. Shut the fuck up hypocrite. I hate hypocrites and people who make false assumptions, and smart lip comments, that why I responded. Don't comment dumb crap in public if you don't want a response, moron. You are the one being stupid assuming things about people.
Ms Regressive Hate
Ms Regressive Hate - 10 years ago
+A. WolfAmongGeeks​ Yeah, I don't understand how he/she doesn't get it, when I told him multiple times why. He just can't shut up or let things go.
Lizzy The Wonder Girl
Lizzy The Wonder Girl - 10 years ago
+Scenexx Why are you replying to her? You started talking to her first as if she didn't know anything. You are being hypocritical because you had the last word. You just aren't worth it. I don't blame her for the way she reacted to your comments. It reminds me of a smartass trying to be smart.
Joahna Johnson
Joahna Johnson - 10 years ago
+Scenexx your a dick sir and and you really shouldn't go hating on America ....after all aren't all the Mexicans trying to get into America because they have a better chance ......watch what you say about countries and their people seeing as how I'm going to be fighting for America soon... say I'm a bitch for being loyal to my country but ..I can't help it ...and the danger only really depends if your looking for trouble or your just in a bad place .....I would be disgusted if an American trashed on the Mexican.. and I am ..but what you said was not right ..so get you act together... don't disgrace your home
Ms Regressive Hate
Ms Regressive Hate - 10 years ago
+Scenexx​​​​​ Are you still talking? You kept saying I don't get how the government works repeatedly. So most people would be "bitchy" after that. Don't call me a bitch and you wouldn't be a dick. You apologized after calling me a bitch.

Bye. The next comment you put to me will be ignored.
MsLegalRegal - 10 years ago
+Mark Tatro they don't :)
MsLegalRegal - 10 years ago
crap this still happening?
Ms Regressive Hate
Ms Regressive Hate - 10 years ago
+Scenexx I would've stopped if you hadn't called me a bitch or said I was bitchy. My "bitchiness" was justified before. I explained why. I'm not being a bitch anymore. I was done a long time ago. You are really sensitive.

Bye, again.
Ms Regressive Hate
Ms Regressive Hate - 10 years ago
+Scenexx I was being like you. So it'a a pot calling the kettle black. You call me a bitch, I call you a dick. It's eye for an eye.

Ms Regressive Hate
Ms Regressive Hate - 10 years ago
+Scenexx "Are you or something?" Is what I said. Well, why are being an annoying dick, if I already told you the reason why I'm "attacking" you? You said snarky comments, so I did back. You kept assuming I don't get things over and over.

I mean what's the deal? Why are you responding? I get you weren't trying to. How do you know I wasn't doing the same thing you were? Was I yelling, no. You are the one putting caps on your points. 
Ms Regressive Hate
Ms Regressive Hate - 10 years ago
+Scenexx You were being snarky in your comments, so I was back. I'm not butthurt. Are you or something?
Ms Regressive Hate
Ms Regressive Hate - 10 years ago
+Scenexx "Not my fault if you don't know your government." That statement came across as a passive aggressive way of saying I'm ignorant or stupid about politics.  I already told you I knew that the president was powerless in government, yet you brought it up again.

I was explaining how you misinterpreted it, and to move on. You told me to explain it better. I already did in the conversation. It is your problem, if you keep beating a dead horse. That's a way of "attacking", or arguing.
Ms Regressive Hate
Ms Regressive Hate - 10 years ago
+Scenexx Maybe you shouldn't assume and comment, unless you know for sure. You came at me first. Not everyone is as dumb as you think they are. It's simple politics you are throwing at me that I knew.

I explained the very second you criticized my comment.
Ms Regressive Hate
Ms Regressive Hate - 10 years ago
+Scenexx I know my government plenty. I wasn't implying that he had power in making decisions or laws in the government.

You don't seem to get how the president influences American citizens to vote certain ways in the government. It's not my fault you didn't get my point, and that it SEEMS I think otherwise to you. It's your wrong interpretation. Move on.
Ms Regressive Hate
Ms Regressive Hate - 10 years ago
+Scenexx I never said that. I meant him as a public figure to the American public and representing us. Having someone whose a public figure who only supports a certain side, not the middle of the spectrum, whether they have power or not, is not going to help American citizens come together in politics right now. I think if we had a president who could do that, it would influence them to make better voting decisions in Congress.

Just because he's mostly powerless in decision and law making doesn't mean he doesn't influence people.  That's the kind of power he has. There is a reason we have a president. As one person to represent our county and it's decisions. If he was useless  we wouldn't have him. There would be no reason.  That is my perspective. Now from here on in, you are just arguing for the sake of arguing at this point.
Zeek - 10 years ago
+Scenexx Yeah, ok, whatever.. I love it here and you can't change my mind.. It's my opinion so drop it..  If you don't like it here you're free to leave because you're not forced to stay
Ms Regressive Hate
Ms Regressive Hate - 10 years ago
+Scenexx What part are you not getting about my statement? The president represents us as a public figure or do YOU not get it? It doesn't have to do with who has the power. That was never my point in the first place. He REPRESENTS us, and talks to the public more than Congress does, so why would you want a bad president to speak to the public and other countries on one political side? You don't. He's a public figure head, the Congress isn't. Heck, a lot of people don't know the names of people in Congress.

It has nothing to do with what shit he can't or can do. Get it?
Ms Regressive Hate
Ms Regressive Hate - 10 years ago
+Scenexx I know Congress has more power, but the president has a certain power too. He is not completely powerless. He can decide to go to war, and he can veto things as well. The president still has a purpose. He also represents the U.S. in foreign affairs wether he has power over the decision or not. The past two presidents have not made us look good.

I didn't say he had most of the power, but apparently the American citizens think so. Might as well vote for someone who can talk and debate on television looking smart, and seeing both sides, since Congress is all shut up in their little offices. He's more of the public government figure for the U.S. I didn't say Congress shouldn't change, but a decent president can be a start.
Ms Regressive Hate
Ms Regressive Hate - 10 years ago
+Len Senpai I never said everywhere was bad. Egypt is more in Africa, but anyways I know how good a lot of places are there. I love the history, and after all the first civilizations and religion came from that region. I'm just saying prejudice against women and certain groups is a lot higher in areas in the Middle East, than the U.S., and crime can be just as high in areas there. I do not think that people from the Middle East are as bad like the American media portrays them to be. I just think that religion, more than in the U.S. plays a big part in certain prejudices they have, and a bigger role in their government. 

Like I said, I don't think that the people are bad there, I just think they have more prejudice against women. I do not think that men don't allow women to drive and whatnot. It's really silly and an overexggeration. I am saying women are expected to have more household roles there, than in the U.S.
Ms Regressive Hate
Ms Regressive Hate - 10 years ago
+Scenexx Yes, but that doesn't mean the president doesn't do anything at all. The government and president are bad either way.

I visited there. I talked to people. It's not brainwashing it's statistics. I would rather live here than a lot of places. I'm sure a lot of people from certain countries would agree depending on the area.
Bash c:
Bash c: - 10 years ago
+Geeky Lizzy I understand why you would hate to live in the Middle East, but I'm just saying don't believe what the stuff about our countries is being put out there.

Being half american and half middle eastern I constantly travel back and forth. I love both places but I just hate how the US portrays the middle east. Silly things such as women can't drive or women can't wear jewelry or women can't have a boyfriend is all a lie.

Just look at Dubai, they've grown so fast and so modernly. These images that are portrayed to you guys is as you can see completely contradicting to the truth. Dubai has announced to be one of the most economically developed country by 2016. Jordan is famous for the Dead Sea, Aqaba and Petra, one of the wonders of the world. Egypt is full of history. Jeddah is a religious rich place. 
Yui_Connor - 10 years ago
I see typical ignorant American in this comment lolllollolololl...
Ms Regressive Hate
Ms Regressive Hate - 10 years ago
+Len Senpai As a woman, I would hate to live in the Middle East, no offense. It certainly isn't the best place to live for certain groups of people. It depends really on the areas, just like here. A lot of places there are very beautiful, and I know not everyone there thinks women are lower, but it seems a lot do in those regions. More so than the U.S. I've been there too, and I liked being a tourist and visiting the areas, but I wouldn't want to be a woman living there.

The U.S. isn't perfect, and I live in Fresno, California, which is a pretty bad area with crime. Safer than 5% of American cities as a matter of fact, really low. I just know that other 3rd world countries are probably worse with crime than the U.S. That's not to say America is perfect, but it's better than a lot of areas.

I've hated the American government ever since Bush. It seems after that it's all gone downhill. I miss the good days of the American government. I wish we didn't have parties. It just isn't working. It seems we need someone who can see both sides of the political spectrum at the moment. That's just my input.
Bash c:
Bash c: - 10 years ago
+Zeek Sadly, you have your eyes closed. You're making the US sound like it's a place that has very little crime, and that other countries in comparison is in dust. 

Calling other foreigners obnoxious just shows how we Americans have developed.

Here's a thing. I'm half American and half Iraqi. Yep, shocker of a combination isn't? Very rare to see people like me. But here's the thing. I judge from experience. 9 years in Maryland/Usa in general and 4 years in spain, 3 years in the middle east and 3 years in Italy. I've been all around the world and living in the middle east I see very little crime. Yes the government is basically shit, but people know how to stay on their feet and act alone, without other people imposing decisions on what they as a whole country does.

Now, take into consideration what Obama is doing. A lot of individuals don't like him, I don't either. He's ruined a lot but of course not as much as Bush. Bush ruined my other half which is Iraq. Instead of what Obama could have done which is repair the country, he's decided to help the extremists Jews with weaponry in order to bomb Palestine.

Don't even get me started with Isis.
Valerie Miranda
Valerie Miranda - 10 years ago
same, wishing I could see her haha, she should do a meet up!
Zeek - 10 years ago
+Scenexx Yes, Everyone has their own experience in all countries good and bad. There are people that have good experiences saying just the opposite to what you say. I know of people that have good experiences when going to the US.. I know of people who had bad & good experience in other countries. I personally have come across many rude obnoxious foreigners. I have also come across some nice ones

Yeah, you think it's funny saying  "Everyone hates America", but that's stooping really low along with being ignorant and hypocritical. A lot of Foreigners are too busy pointing fingers they don't see their faults. They dish but can't take it. 
Zeek - 10 years ago
+Scenexx Do you know how many foreigners leave hate comments about Americans? I see it almost DAILY. Those People that do obnoxious things like that give their own countries a bad name and have no room to even be talking about how bad another is when they're much worse. I see way more hostility coming from people in other countries for no reason. I see many foreigners starting crap with Americans they don't know for no reasons.

Yes, there is racism in other countries, it's just with other races/nationalities 
Marky Pants
Marky Pants - 10 years ago
+Mslegalregal your the narrow minded ass for thinking Americans are trolls, and assuming that they don't know anything about the Carribean.
Zeek - 10 years ago
+What's nine plus ten? Some people in America are uncivilized, but not most. I see uncivilized foreigners too.

I see stuff on serial killers,murderer's,murdered and missing in Canada.Tons of remote places to dump bodies to never be found, and that's what happens a lot

I may not agree with the government, but like I said, I'm happy here and theres nowhere else I'd rather be. There are much worse screwed up countries.
MsLegalRegal - 10 years ago
+nostalgia ultra who says I am stuck you stupid person...you do know that most of us..unlike Americans travel regularly?  I have heard so many persons say they never left the island.  I probably travel more than you--but why feed the troll...
MsLegalRegal - 10 years ago
let me help the internet trolls and narrow minded asses--I said I live where you vacation.  No one bothered to read and just smile and say ohok or ask well which island.  All the narrow minded people on Trish's vid just assumed.  The caribbean is a host of other countries..Mind you Trisha went to the USVI-which stands for the UNITED STATES virgin islands.  However since Trisha was so excited about the activities and how beautiful it is I made the statement..I live where you all vacation.  In that the scenery etc is how I live daily.  No one needs to agree or discuss where they live.  I could give a flip.  Everyone's country is awesome I am sure.  I don't care.  I visit most places and I gladly return to my island--no complaints.  Now tell me how many of you travel and enjoy other cultures or you just sit here and troll vids insulting what you think you know
MsLegalRegal - 10 years ago
+Michael Naness I truly meant the Caribbean poor you...you think it is one Caribbean Country huh now do you...but really I meant the Caribbean on a whole...you do know there are more right?  Ignorant
Michael Naness
Michael Naness - 10 years ago
Its better than europe and the rest of the worlds economy right now... 
Zeek - 10 years ago
+Len Senpai I'm just curious, where you get your info from? What makes your info any better? People like you always use the "don't trust media" thing as an excuse to divert attention from what is really going on..

It has nothing to do with being close minded because I could say the same about you. YES, there ARE third world countries that are really bad about violating human rights against innocent, not to mention the civil wars they are continuously fighting because they can't even get along with their own people, yet you claim they're such "peaceful" countries. Not the one needing to open my eyes
Bash c:
Bash c: - 10 years ago
"Where people have no human rights" And where did you read that? That's so funny. Once again people can toy with your little mind, and you would believe every single word. You can keep a close mind for all I care, I'm just gonna repeat the same thing I said before: Open your eyes.
Michael Naness
Michael Naness - 10 years ago
To be honest your contry is utter crap other than the beaches i mean on the way to the hotel i saw more homeless than i can count on two fingers
Zeek - 10 years ago
+Len Senpai I didn't contradict anything.. You and everyone thumbing you up should PROPERLY READ BEFORE REPLYING.. I SAID YOU CAN'T BLAME A WHOLE COUNTRY FOR WHAT SOMEONE ELSE DOES, and it was in response to the other person. NOWHERE DID I SAY YOU CAN'T BLAME AMERICA FOR VIOLENCE.. You assume I watch the media. I already told you I don't have to watch media to know what happens in third world countries.. Don't assume what I believe.. The violence is bad in certain third world countries where there's so many human rights violations against innocent peeps and are ran by dictators, plus their media and government is very corrupt. I'm not going to bother getting into all that because obviously you have your eyes closed.. Not going to keep going on about this
Bash c:
Bash c: - 10 years ago
+Zeek I never blamed Media for everything. To put it simply, people like you who see a few seconds of a robbery on TV end up believing the country is a mass destruction site.

I'm also American, but crime rate is ridiculously high in the states. those 2 comments that you just posted contradict each other. First you say "The middle east has some of the most dangerous cities int he world" then go off on saying "You can's blame America on violence. "You can't blame a whole country foe what someone else does"

That's also funny, because if you haven't noticed and I'm SURE that american television doesn't say this, but the states has been supporting the Jews for years and with that support they've damaged Palestine big time, killing millions of people. Open your eyes.
Zeek - 10 years ago
+Scenexx Shouldn't say "America" is big on violence.. I'm not big on violence. You can't blame a whole country for what someone else does. Most of the crime in in places like Detroit etc. There are places in the US that don't really have any crime. You're free to live where you want, but I love it in the US and where I live it is peaceful
Lovely Bookish
Lovely Bookish - 10 years ago
just uploaded my first ever video on my channel, it would really help if you guys could check it out and perhaps subscribe? thank you:)
GS monster
GS monster - 10 years ago
This was so cool! And your family looks very fun as well c:
ilovedavygrolton - 10 years ago
Looks so much fun!
dbryan8166 - 10 years ago
just a tip, you should mute the footage and go over it with music so you don't hear that annoying motor for future vlogs!
Lyn Baez
Lyn Baez - 10 years ago
i snorkel in my tub
BubblesBeauty888 - 10 years ago
Love the genuine feel of her recent videos, excited to see more of these great videos in 2015
I am milan
I am milan - 10 years ago
That was so cool! I hope there's extended footage of this.
Oshi Juji
Oshi Juji - 10 years ago
On her second channel Trisha's life there is a vlog of the whole experience and all the extra footage from this video.
Donda Nana
Donda Nana - 10 years ago
Look at Trisha's body ahh lawd <3
Athena Myzelle
Athena Myzelle - 9 years ago
I live in Florida :)
King Loz
King Loz - 9 years ago
+Lilo Marquez id looooooooooooooooove to live in new yorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrk it can be 122 degrees farenheit in australia
Abi Rose Homersaurus
Abi Rose Homersaurus - 10 years ago
It's 1degrees on the Isle of Lewis.
Breona  Glanton
Breona Glanton - 10 years ago
Lol its 40° here in Florida. Lol go to the beach if you wanna literally gonna freeze
LaCienega Boulevardez
LaCienega Boulevardez - 10 years ago
It's kinda cold in Cali right now :( well at least so cal....
vanessa valentine
vanessa valentine - 10 years ago
he said "oh my God trisha"
Makeup Fiend
Makeup Fiend - 10 years ago
You are so ugly
Changinitup McGee
Changinitup McGee - 10 years ago
Probably gets old being around someone so narcissistic all the time
Kenna Tupper
Kenna Tupper - 10 years ago
+mypasteldinosaur what have been the recent temps?
jake - 10 years ago
I'm going on a cruise this February and I'm also going to be doing this! Hope you had lots of fun!
Daniel E Carroll
Daniel E Carroll - 10 years ago
+blndsundoll4mj  cool, turks and caicos. glad you had fun power snorkeling and on the beach just fooling around. glad this excursion was fun.  hope your having an even better day today.
PinkFabulous - 10 years ago
This looked like so much fun!!! Thank you for sharing this beautiful experience with us!! Love you trish, you're super gorgeous!! I can't wait to see more videos!!!
Captain Jack Sparrow
Captain Jack Sparrow - 10 years ago
I do this all the time! It's a blast ❤️❤️
R E A N N E - 10 years ago
I've always wanted to go snorkeling! I went to Caribbean and never got a chance to! Looks amazing, hope you're enjoying yourself! ♡
K SIN - 10 years ago
Like if you're watching in 2015!
Ahlam Chagdali
Ahlam Chagdali - 8 years ago
2017 ✋
Emily yy
Emily yy - 10 years ago
This doesn't work unless you commented that in 2014 lmao
Jess Jones
Jess Jones - 10 years ago
Aw dammit I'm watching in 2012
K SIN - 10 years ago
+jeremy arbesfeld You stupid piece of shit...there are other years you could be watching this. Dumbass. 
Jay Dee A little bit of Everything
Jay Dee A little bit of Everything - 10 years ago
Jeremy some will be able to watch it in 2016
5k Without Any Videos?
5k Without Any Videos? - 10 years ago
What other year would someone watch this in? Dumbfuck
Hanna Rebecka
Hanna Rebecka - 10 years ago
I love being here before all the rude comments flood in! Love you girl, This looked amazing! Happy 2015 <3
Fluffy Bunny
Fluffy Bunny - 10 years ago
so lucky to get to experience something as magical.... 
pastpresentfuture - 10 years ago
what did you use to film under water? the audio is awesome
nyatapia - 9 years ago
Shay green that was not the go pro
AMG - 10 years ago
I agree. I'd love to know! Such clear footage!
SimplyShevy - 10 years ago
ohhh okay :) +Leora Kalili 
Leora Kalili
Leora Kalili - 10 years ago
+ShevySayHix3 she said it was a go pro in one of her vlogs.
SimplyShevy - 10 years ago
Probably a gopro
Glowz - 10 years ago
Love you Trisha!! So want to do this one day!
Kendall Alfred
Kendall Alfred - 10 years ago
I'm so jealous! I want to do a cruise soon ❤️ it looks like so much fun and much better than upstate New York weather
maia e
maia e - 10 years ago
That go pro is no joke! I want one so bad lol
Emma Jane
Emma Jane - 10 years ago
Qhy where life vests? Can't they swim?
Addicted High
Addicted High - 9 years ago
+Emma Jane in the US not everybody knows how to swim im 15 i dont know how but i think they wore them for extra safety precautions
Emma Jane
Emma Jane - 10 years ago
Still seems weird to me, because I have been on many trips and I never saw anyone wear life vests except for the really small children. I don't live in the US so I don't know much about swimming lessons but isn't it normal to have several swimming lessons when you are 5 because that is the standard here in the Netherlands. Or are the waves just really strong at that beach? Didn't look like it but that might be the case.
D M - 10 years ago
OMG don't even explain. I have made sooooo many mistakes, haha.
Emma Jane
Emma Jane - 10 years ago
+D M haha I know but English isn't my first language as you probably saw, just wasn't thinking right. It was a stupid mistake.
D M - 10 years ago
wear* I am not being rude, just thought you would want to know the difference for future reference.
Laura De Jaegher
Laura De Jaegher - 10 years ago
+Slend R Man Not all places FORCE you to wear life jackets while snorkelling. It's usually mandatory while on the boat, but once in the water it is optional because some people cannot swim very well and need the assistance. 
Leanne 리안
Leanne 리안 - 10 years ago
They force you to wear them.
Ashley Hale
Ashley Hale - 10 years ago
Every time I've ever snorkeled, they've been required. Probably some sort of protection from lawsuits.
urthebest1122 - 10 years ago
Whenever someone goes on a snorkeling excursion usually life vests are offered to wear unless they are an experienced snorkeler/diver. Even the experienced ones often wear life vests as well, especially if they are in deep water.
Emma Jane
Emma Jane - 10 years ago
Hmm maybe the waves are very strong over there because when I was ix I went snorkeling and even then I didn't need a life vest.
GurlProblemz - 10 years ago
Well anytime I went snorkelling they offered life jackets for people who weren't very strong swimmers.
Amy D
Amy D - 10 years ago
snorkeling looks so fun! but im so scared of sharks ,even if there couldn't be sharks in that area ,i'd imagine there could be xD
dreamcatcher xx
dreamcatcher xx - 10 years ago
trisha has the best channel i love you trish <3
Karen Gonzalez
Karen Gonzalez - 10 years ago
Trish, you look so beautiful and happy.. I wish the best for you.
MissTooni - 10 years ago
Very cool; thanks for sharing. :D
pasteldaisies_xo - 10 years ago
Kyle Nolan
Kyle Nolan - 10 years ago
I love you Trish, your awesome, I have been watching since the very start!!! 
I was like, 14- or 15 at that time! 
Chris D
Chris D - 10 years ago
Wow power snorkelling looks like good fun!! I went regular snorkelling for the first time last year in Mexico and i loved it :) that beach looked so nice too!
Jessica Not
Jessica Not - 10 years ago
Aisling Moran
Aisling Moran - 10 years ago
Trish, I can honestly see the effort youre now putting in your videos and tbh its great to see! It makes me enjoy the video and so happy knowing that youre really caring about what youre putting out for our enjoyment
Alyssa Ruiz
Alyssa Ruiz - 10 years ago
Under 175 club
Justice - 10 years ago
Isn't there sharks out here lol?
aj2674 - 10 years ago
They're not rare in certain beaches in Florida either.
Strawberry Pop-Tart
Strawberry Pop-Tart - 10 years ago
+Laura De Jaegher  "You have a lack of understanding and respect for our earth's creatures which is unfortunate for you." SHUT THE FUCK UP! I didn't say I want to kill sharks just I don't want to swim in shark infested waters. Respect is staying out of another animals territory not infringing on their property for a "adrenaline rush". If you want to be bitten by a shark go the fuck ahead. Once they see a prey response they will bite you so go right ahead you see the risk but still want to be a pigheadded ass towards anyone who disagrees with you and cares about other's safety.
aj2674 - 10 years ago
Lol, ok let's change the statement then. I hope no sharks curiously bite anyone out there. You must be in high school or under right? People die from curious shark bites idiot. Saying much more than that is a waste of time, but I could.
Laura De Jaegher
Laura De Jaegher - 10 years ago
+Anna Renolds When a shark bites a human, which is rare, its because they are curious and it is their only way of understanding whether or not it is food for them. If a shark ever bites a human, they will bite and then release when they realize it is not food.  Also, just as I mentioned in my first comment, I did swim in "shark infested waters", and it was a wonderful experience :) You have a lack of understanding and respect for our earth's creatures which is unfortunate for you. 
Frida - 10 years ago
+Anna Renolds No, a shark would never eat a human, no matter how hungry the are.
Frida - 10 years ago
+Laura De Jaegher Lol exactly what I meant. A shark would NEVER eat a human voluntary, it's so weird and stupid how everyone thinks that. A donkey is waaay more dangerous than a shark for example. 
Strawberry Pop-Tart
Strawberry Pop-Tart - 10 years ago
+Frida Something that CAN eat you. I'm not saying all will but if you get hurt (on rocks, equipment, ANY DAMN THING) it can trigger a prey response. Are you all stupid go in shark infested waters if you want. The hungry/sick will eat anything and it's better you than a smart person. +Laura De Jaegher
Anique Mckie
Anique Mckie - 10 years ago
Sharks aren't always found in Caribbean waters, not saying that they don't exist out here, but just saying they not everywhere... I live in Jamaica and we rarely see any sharks
Laura De Jaegher
Laura De Jaegher - 10 years ago
+Frida  Lol the ignorance is real here...
The fact that you assume you will die just because there are sharks shows how narrow-minded and uneducated you are +Anna Renolds . You should really inform yourself and do proper research about these magnificent creatures before assuming every shark is out to kill you. Everyone has these misconceptions because of movies or the news who showcase attacks when they happen once in a blue moon. I swam above hundreds of black tip and white tip reef sharks, along with hammerheads while I was snorkelling in the Galapagos Islands. They are peaceful creatures living in their OWN habitat and we are the visitors. You should treat them with respect and that starts with not believing they are killing machines. Get a grip.
Frida - 10 years ago
+Anna Renolds Omg. Do you even know what a shark is?
Strawberry Pop-Tart
Strawberry Pop-Tart - 10 years ago
+Frida Not everyone wants to die...
Frida - 10 years ago
Yeah so?
Red Lemon
Red Lemon - 10 years ago
FUCKINGGGGGGG LOVEEEEE YOUUUUUU !!!!! xoxo your an inspiration trish!!! xxxxx
Felipé Charming
Felipé Charming - 10 years ago
You're so fucking cute, & this looks like so much fun! .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. SIDENOTE, Fuck a user, You should hold a YouTube Contest for smaller channels instead of giving away free mentor-ship make us WERK for it :)
Gabriella DeCologero
Gabriella DeCologero - 10 years ago
That looks amazing ^•^ ❤
Sophie S
Sophie S - 10 years ago
It looks SO fun omg!! 
megan nguyen
megan nguyen - 10 years ago
Thanks Trisha daddy for blogging this
Summer Lawrence
Summer Lawrence - 10 years ago
Looks so fun!! you're so beautiful ! xoxox.
Maya Elliott
Maya Elliott - 10 years ago
kenzie w
kenzie w - 10 years ago
Beautiful video btw:)
Kate Bradley
Kate Bradley - 10 years ago
Hi Trish! I hope your ankle is all better and I wish you the best xoxo
daniella - 10 years ago
"Oh my god trisha"
Isabelle C.
Isabelle C. - 10 years ago
Yay! Under 301 club! I love this video Trish it makes me want summer so bad
AnnaBug - 10 years ago
Love you mommy fishie!!
MorrisVanChex - 10 years ago
Love you so much Trisha!!! Looks like so much fun! You're so beautiful and inspiring and my absolute favorite YouTuber!
Madison Tae
Madison Tae - 10 years ago
Hey! I always try to watch you video and comment before their is to many to notice mine. Please reply? :)
Michelle Lough
Michelle Lough - 10 years ago
Hey Trish! Love the video! I watched your New Years Resolutions video and know that you were talking about trying to help out smaller channel. I just moved to LA and would love to hang out with you sometime!! Please let me know. Thanks mama fish!!
Ashley Smith
Ashley Smith - 10 years ago
Loving these cruise videos!! You're  awesome!!! Love you and your videos!!! <3
Mia Madeline
Mia Madeline - 10 years ago
Ezequiel Ramirez
Ezequiel Ramirez - 10 years ago
Wow I wish I was there with you
Jasminda Fee
Jasminda Fee - 10 years ago
Emily Pugh
Emily Pugh - 10 years ago
I love you Trish so so much !!!!! X
kenzie w
kenzie w - 10 years ago
Mia Sarenac
Mia Sarenac - 10 years ago
daniella - 10 years ago
Love you trish!! Looks like so much fun
Arina Zaher
Arina Zaher - 10 years ago
You are truly the best trish! Love your vlogs and you are such a role model for us curvy gals. love from Sweden!!!
Eli Beth
Eli Beth - 10 years ago
The water looks so pretty !
Tom - 10 years ago
First comments! Yay! Trish you're awesome! I've always wanted to go on a cruise :))
Arina Zaher
Arina Zaher - 10 years ago
Love you!
Sarah Alba
Sarah Alba - 10 years ago
Amber Duncan
Amber Duncan - 10 years ago
This looks like so much fun! :)))

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