Vaas on snorkeling (Michael Mando & Christopher Mintz-Plasse)

Twitter: (@mandomichael) Facebook: Instagram: michaelmando Imdb: Website: This little scene is taken from The Far Cry Experience web series, starring Christopher Mintz-Plasse and Michael Mando (Vaas). Inspired by the video game where Mando also does the full motion capture and voice of the infamous Vaas.

Vaas on snorkeling (Michael Mando & Christopher Mintz-Plasse) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 35

Snorkeling 12 years ago 358,419 views

Twitter: (@mandomichael) Facebook: Instagram: michaelmando Imdb: Website: This little scene is taken from The Far Cry Experience web series, starring Christopher Mintz-Plasse and Michael Mando (Vaas). Inspired by the video game where Mando also does the full motion capture and voice of the infamous Vaas.

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Most popular comments
for Vaas on snorkeling (Michael Mando & Christopher Mintz-Plasse)

Jay D33
Jay D33 - 7 years ago
I died laughing. Vaas needs a brochure appearance.
Mads SSO
Mads SSO - 7 years ago
Okay this is just acting right???
Ruslan - 7 years ago
Where is this place ?
CmdKnight - 8 years ago
Cok sukar 0:37
Extremely Moist
Extremely Moist - 8 years ago
"One time is funny, two times is fucking annoying, no?"

This is the funniest Torture Scene
Jesper - 8 years ago
Andy Stockman
Andy Stockman - 9 years ago
fuuuuuuuuuuuuu ck
djlobb - 9 years ago
How did they do the snorkel? Is that a stuntman under water and they just dubbed audio over it?
Boppledink - 8 years ago
tube under sand attached to the snorkel and going off camera with someone blowing into it
XLBrand - 10 years ago
So yeah... When is Michael Mando's first movie?
Rain Chicken
Rain Chicken - 10 years ago
"Next time you come to my island, come and do some snorkling for free. For you, your wife, your children... all your whole fucking family. Come vacation here. c:"

10. comment for Vaas on snorkeling (Michael Mando & Christopher Mintz-Plasse)

Kharn526 - 10 years ago
I had tears in my eyes when he punched him through the water. Also " come play wit da feeshes and all kinds of fucking things " buhahaha
Sorry Creations
Sorry Creations - 10 years ago
oh how could i resist? OMW!!!
WolfJounin - 10 years ago
Billy Ramli
Billy Ramli - 10 years ago
Marília Gabriela
Marília Gabriela - 11 years ago
what a pretty smile, beaultiful akcent... love u vaas <3
BlackIronKalameet - 11 years ago
Id go there
Alcatraz Crysis
Alcatraz Crysis - 11 years ago
+Jason Brody You mad bro? xDDDD Now you will know that is better to be alone without any brothers or sisters.
Jo-ChIGames Walinga
Jo-ChIGames Walinga - 11 years ago
i can't stop lauging
Snaker57 - 7 years ago
Jo-ChIGames Walinga same
Tyzzila - 11 years ago
Benedek Tóth
Benedek Tóth - 11 years ago
Who are you? Ah the next Christopher Mintz... Good luck...

20. comment for Vaas on snorkeling (Michael Mando & Christopher Mintz-Plasse)

cuppatea - 11 years ago
Vaas vs The Joker. Burn.
Connor Mason
Connor Mason - 11 years ago
I'd like to book a snorkeling trip for three...
Snaker57 - 7 years ago
Skreek The Skaven sure right this way
shahrul shibba
shahrul shibba - 11 years ago
Vaas is the best Villain on the game EVER!!
strelok son
strelok son - 11 years ago
michael you are so great
Void Walker
Void Walker - 11 years ago
i would recomend an ak-47 an desert eagle and only for caution a RPG-7 before you get to Rook island -Ass Jason Brody P.s:Vaas you suck
zombieslaya30 - 11 years ago
Jason was the one underwater with the snorkel. :D
zombieslaya30 - 11 years ago
is it me or does it look like he's actually on an island? nice Vaas costume btw. :3
jootai - 11 years ago
do you have clips with your sister?
nick janik
nick janik - 11 years ago
Oh vass I would live to vacation on ur island
WhiteRoseSamurai - 11 years ago
0:30 Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, FUCK YOU!

30. comment for Vaas on snorkeling (Michael Mando & Christopher Mintz-Plasse)

TroutButter - 11 years ago
Vaas, I want to fuck your sister. Hard. I'm going to make her scream. What choo gonna do bout it huh?
HotGamerchick228 - 11 years ago
Vaas is defiantly a guy I would do snorkeling with
Alex Karpiński
Alex Karpiński - 11 years ago
Do I know you?
Assasin Wing
Assasin Wing - 11 years ago
you got 209 ups and 1 down. Fuck yeah.
Viddan - 11 years ago
EssentialEvil98 - 11 years ago
Depends on your definition of "chill"
Vincent Jurg
Vincent Jurg - 11 years ago
Did I ever tell you the definition of snorkeling?
Nagy Balázs
Nagy Balázs - 11 years ago
Vaas, you like that place?
GhillahOnThe360 - 11 years ago
If I go on vacation there... Do I get to chill with Vaas?
HatAmazing - 11 years ago
did you ever do a reaction vid with the class?
Brony's are the bane of my Existence™
Brony's are the bane of my Existence™ - 11 years ago
Maybe i killed her, Maybe i didnt.
Ser Bronn of the blackwater
Ser Bronn of the blackwater - 11 years ago
Maybe what? Remember Vaas, I`m not your Hermano... lol
Brony's are the bane of my Existence™
Brony's are the bane of my Existence™ - 11 years ago
subieflow04 - 11 years ago
I Love you Vaas :D
Ser Bronn of the blackwater
Ser Bronn of the blackwater - 11 years ago
Ser Bronn of the blackwater
Ser Bronn of the blackwater - 11 years ago
... In your opinion ofc, I found him terrific, Tom Hardy did a magnificent job.
Ser Bronn of the blackwater
Ser Bronn of the blackwater - 11 years ago
What a ridiculous comparison. A video game villain compared with a cinematic batman villain, waaaay different characters, settings, everything. And for the record, they are both great.
Ser Bronn of the blackwater
Ser Bronn of the blackwater - 11 years ago
Been a while since you left with your friends, are you still together with Liza?
Gerardo Azofeifa
Gerardo Azofeifa - 11 years ago
How'd it go?
sonicteam2k1 - 11 years ago

50. comment for Vaas on snorkeling (Michael Mando & Christopher Mintz-Plasse)

RabbitGirl - 11 years ago
I know! He has all of the qualities. But Hoyt does a pretty good job of being a boss.
westben2000 - 11 years ago
he should have been the main boss
RabbitGirl - 11 years ago
I dont hate him ;)
RabbitGirl - 11 years ago
Vaas has the most beautiful eyes ever *-*
westben2000 - 11 years ago
Vaas is a bad guy you love to hate....great game
Boomspeed - 11 years ago
Come to Vaas Island for Far Cry 3 experience xD
The Brilliant And Amazing Gamer
The Brilliant And Amazing Gamer - 11 years ago
did you?
Robert Penington
Robert Penington - 11 years ago
what kind of class do you show a snorkeling advertisment
Zonnex Necton
Zonnex Necton - 11 years ago
30 people are not pleased with the way Vaas treated Christopher. You heard the folks. Bring in more torture. Christopher also talk shit about Vaas mother behind his back. A lot.
FireKing - 11 years ago
Everyone hah
KoriSithApprentice - 11 years ago
i want you to, please tell me you did it
hd150 - 11 years ago
i did not even play the game but the lets play and vids i love fary cry 3 vass is a troll/villian lol make a far cry movie based on far cry 3 the last fry cry movie i did not like it
Rose Frozen
Rose Frozen - 11 years ago
of course, this would be awesome
Lord Aulex
Lord Aulex - 11 years ago
Gavyn Schultz
Gavyn Schultz - 11 years ago
J. F.
J. F. - 12 years ago
Awesome :)
Alexandra Middleditch
Alexandra Middleditch - 12 years ago
@0:51 vaas should come close to the camera more often
Banned Inc.
Banned Inc. - 12 years ago
Vaas vs "The jackal"?
Safiroshi - 12 years ago
show your teacher this hahaha introduce your teacher to Vaas :D
huntdog11 - 12 years ago
yup, they laughed for 20mins and now snorkeling is now an inside joke with the class XD
Nindzsaaa - 12 years ago
Did you show it them?! :D
Vaas Montenegro
Vaas Montenegro - 12 years ago
DemonQueenfOreVER - 12 years ago
farcry 3 the movie please!!!
Praetorian - 12 years ago
bluestyle - 12 years ago
1 time is funny 2 time is fucking annoying you know ? BAM hahahhaa
chimaira1221 - 12 years ago
i wonder if michael mando knows how bad some fan girls want to rape him...:) oh man
Red Man
Red Man - 12 years ago
Vaas will you do some snorkeling for me?
Grandtemplar1191 - 12 years ago
Was Christopher stuck up?
Va as
Va as - 12 years ago
Come Bring the whole family!!!
Joe (USA)
Joe (USA) - 12 years ago
Do we look like we don't know that? Vaas has spared you many times.. If he wanted you dead.. You would've been already.. So shut up.. You could always get a new friend.. Keep your brothers in your heart.. Ive seen death multiple times.. You need to learn to get over it.. Death is everywhere sadly..
EnkiReadsHorrorStory - 12 years ago
MegaWilliam315 - 12 years ago
am i also gonna get present
Kazuo Hirai
Kazuo Hirai - 12 years ago
You're welcome to my island.
MegaWilliam315 - 12 years ago
vaas can i come to your island
TenchyTV - 12 years ago
Raul Menendez vs Vaas!!!!! :D
TenchyTV - 12 years ago
Norman Bates
Norman Bates - 12 years ago
Why don't you come to my motel, you can have cabin one; it's close to the office if you need anything.
Massar Alkhudair
Massar Alkhudair - 12 years ago
His cigar was fucked up when he punched him
Vaas Montenegro
Vaas Montenegro - 12 years ago
why dont you come to my island i will give you free scuba diving lessons huh hermano
Jason Brody
Jason Brody - 12 years ago
I still fucking hate you Vaas... Nobody can bring my brother back...
Doggyps3 - 12 years ago
when he punches him under the water its the funniest thing ever... this dude Makes VAAS so unique its like what Heath Ledger did with the Joker... its like the greatest villain from a videogame... of Course Mark Hamil's version of the joker was freakin insane too but still... VAAS FTW i really hope he wins some awards for this acting...
dudeitzmimi - 12 years ago
vaas is so nice he gives us free snorkeling
Ryan Tang
Ryan Tang - 12 years ago
vaas is so fucking funny
Adam Henley
Adam Henley - 12 years ago
Far Cry 3 - Real Life Experience ( Must Watch ) close as well get
CartDerbi - 12 years ago
Gamecommunity1. No shit sherlock!!
Mrallthewayforward - 12 years ago
Vaas should work for Expedia
Daniel Charilaou
Daniel Charilaou - 12 years ago
Please show this it would be awesome!!
Olle_Snow - 12 years ago
He says fucking alot of times
huntdog11 - 12 years ago
my teacher asked me to find an advertisment for snorkeling...who wants me to show my class this??
SourceOfMC - 12 years ago
vaas is so funny

100. comment for Vaas on snorkeling (Michael Mando & Christopher Mintz-Plasse)

Cheezay Ballz
Cheezay Ballz - 12 years ago
Those are real actors on a real island. Watch the whole 30min. movie from ubisoft: Far Cry Experience, and the making of is cool too :)
tAnKblackops - 12 years ago
Hahaha fucking funny
Heitor Fernandes
Heitor Fernandes - 12 years ago
SouthbyNorth - 12 years ago
robensate - 12 years ago
/watch?v=qKfXatOMMXY :)
Mike Hunter
Mike Hunter - 12 years ago
Vaas is the best villain ever. He's funny but he's evil!
thousandsunny627 - 12 years ago
man you are THE MAN
Guilherme Cardoso
Guilherme Cardoso - 12 years ago
Vaas cara de chibata kkkkkkk
Diego Pablo
Diego Pablo - 12 years ago
AVG Tube Allan Volpi Gamer
Guilherme Cardoso
Guilherme Cardoso - 12 years ago
Vaas is death :)
Kenan Muhamedagić
Kenan Muhamedagić - 12 years ago
i like this show; it's a nice fucking show.
LucasDaviBom - 12 years ago
tinha certeza absoluta que o allan volpi iria ver esse video
John 95
John 95 - 12 years ago
que loko mano é muito parecido gostei
Anonimo 00
Anonimo 00 - 12 years ago
vass seu vagabundo
Adriano Angelo
Adriano Angelo - 12 years ago
quem passou o link pro canal do cara foi eu pro allan volpi gamer
Gabriel Menezes
Gabriel Menezes - 12 years ago
João Victor Alhadas Mauricio Ferreira
João Victor Alhadas Mauricio Ferreira - 12 years ago
AVG Cara de borracha
Samueldmc - 12 years ago
dinesh thapa
dinesh thapa - 12 years ago
Badd ass
Nelson Ellis
Nelson Ellis - 12 years ago
Well with a offer like that, how can I refuse?
jennifer arce
jennifer arce - 12 years ago
i love you vaas or Michael Mando
zdravko tripkovic
zdravko tripkovic - 12 years ago
Warning zone hahhah D
Томислав А.Ц.А.Б
Томислав А.Ц.А.Б - 12 years ago
Yabba - 12 years ago
*Your brother *What I'm 'Cause not Cause' You're welcome Vaas. I have a question, too. What is... Insanity?
Raul Menendez
Raul Menendez - 12 years ago
What about me?
VelaToNorma7 - 12 years ago
eagle3zio - 12 years ago
where's citra anyway?
MyJinx25 - 12 years ago
i want to go vacationing there!!!
Long Chamnap
Long Chamnap - 12 years ago
One time is funny, two times is fucking annoying you know?
CeratedWaffles - 12 years ago
Where the hell are all the Vaas' coming from? Can you do witchcraft and come back to life or something? Did Citra teach you?
Akbalaak - 12 years ago
yeah!! i want tos ee the movie
The Liberty Chick
The Liberty Chick - 12 years ago
"uh christopoher how are you doing today" gets splash by water
UMADROMANNICK - 12 years ago
I would go just to meet him
SamWise Gamjee
SamWise Gamjee - 12 years ago
Thank you!
Alex Mason
Alex Mason - 12 years ago
I do whatever the Hell I want.
►kaekimaster♫ | LetspGedönsGerman
►kaekimaster♫ | LetspGedönsGerman - 12 years ago
Looks like Vaas is the new Mr. Scratch XD
ISetYourFaceOnFire - 12 years ago
I'm sick of seems to have become a huge trend. It'll pass...just have faith and make sure to keep the safety on.
Buck Hughes
Buck Hughes - 12 years ago
Well thank you brother!
Bambi Hughes
Bambi Hughes - 12 years ago
Well you're one handsome devil mate. I can give you an invite anytime.
MJack - 12 years ago
Do a Battlefield 3 Vaas Theme Please!!!!
BladerMKD - 12 years ago
Fuck you and that fucking movie! I had to watch 30 minutes of fucking cats on youtube so that i can go take a piss after watching it.
tpwnGE - 12 years ago
funny vaas shot grant ONCE in the throat
E_ D
E_ D - 12 years ago
Where is this island i want to know whats the definition of insanity :-)
Fizzy Moneycz
Fizzy Moneycz - 12 years ago
one time is funny 2 times is ´fuc*ing annoying NO
Mistehepic - 12 years ago
I would love, To have a vocation here Vaas, Just won't bring my Baby Brother
xDEKEx007x - 12 years ago
Yeah, I know right! These roleplaying Assholes, take the fun away from the character, and ruin the character. They're going on what they think, and what they say. They also get mad likes, like Wtf!! They really are sickening, man, like really...
Janyboy666 - 12 years ago
Klick "show comment" and the story of a few Nerds begin!
Marshall Kee
Marshall Kee - 12 years ago
DaOnLyDude01 - 12 years ago
Was that really not in the Script???
Marshall Kee
Marshall Kee - 12 years ago
you're a pedophile
Aentreri1 - 12 years ago
U are the best as actor(sry my eng)
GTAVdev03 - 12 years ago
I like the way you play with yourself here in youtube but it's kind of boring. It would be funnier if say like Jason, Vaas and Buck were different people but it's just a waste of time so el mano stop doing that pls.
Kuro - 12 years ago
Definitely coming.
Jason Brody
Jason Brody - 12 years ago
Verbose, my friend. Very verbose.
tom farrington
tom farrington - 12 years ago
haha i love the way he just punches him at 0:33 XD
TheTreyVidz - 12 years ago
Well, I guess you play the part of Vaas well because I don't see him as very educated with grammar.
98 To infinity
98 To infinity - 12 years ago
Ooh. I'm so stupid.
julius vidal
julius vidal - 12 years ago
lol until fc3 i didnt know more han one perso could have the same name on outube so i could not believe how the owner of the vaas montenegro account (and the j brody one) had literaly already watched every single fc3 video iwatched and i thought maby ubisoft payed them to get into arguments and have top comments on as many vids as possible
julius vidal
julius vidal - 12 years ago
he hooked the radio towers up with free wifi
ballbabyjin684 - 12 years ago
bunch o homos thinking its cool like planking
Grant Gitschlag
Grant Gitschlag - 12 years ago
I was hoping Grant would be the main character, I wanted for once to have a main character with my name (other than Jurassic park)
Genstafa - 12 years ago
Genstafa - 12 years ago
It'd been a whole fucking lot funnier if you spelt it right. Besides, that joke is old, dude.
Ub3rGoob3r - 12 years ago
Hahahahaha ohhh my god these videos are hilarious! "Hey Chris! How are you do--" "...alright, first time's funny, second time is really fuckin annoying" *PUNCH*
POWERFUL Furtive Pygmy
POWERFUL Furtive Pygmy - 12 years ago
I wish everyone that made their name a character to this legendary game dies fr om the device they use to watch youtube
beyond9900 - 12 years ago
dont worry...assassins creed has this thing to...altairs connors...ezios everywhere
Mirco Cassani
Mirco Cassani - 12 years ago
o well nice :) holidays for free
POWERFUL Furtive Pygmy
POWERFUL Furtive Pygmy - 12 years ago
Ive never seen this on any other game vids...why is everyone making their names characters..
FAKE - 12 years ago
Vaas doesn't want the whole family to be there! If the whole family goes. Who is paying for the ransom?
Hunter Freeman
Hunter Freeman - 12 years ago
Who is the actor in this video? It can't be michalemando :O I'm looking at an interview with him and he doesn't look nearly as lean.
Jason Brody
Jason Brody - 12 years ago
Huh, you shot him ONCE in the neck, when you were clearly going for a headshot. Quit your fucking bragging if you have nothing to show for it, asshole!
Jason Brody
Jason Brody - 12 years ago
He never did come off as being very bright. Funny, considering all those "History lessons" he indulged me with.
Jason Brody
Jason Brody - 12 years ago
Good for you, you played the story straight as an arrow. But, I still cant help but feel an anger deep inside, like I have some unfinished business...
Jason Brody
Jason Brody - 12 years ago
Eh, chill out guys. It was all just fun and games. I was surprised to see it has gone on this long as well. At least Jason Brody isn't quite as tired as Chuck Norris, heh.
Buck Hughes
Buck Hughes - 12 years ago
And you dont invite me ? What a shame mate...
98 To infinity
98 To infinity - 12 years ago
Wasn't sure. Sorry for asking a question.
RoyalGaming - 12 years ago
There's laptops all over the island along with electricity and tv's you think they don't have internet?
Orion1367 - 12 years ago
é Filipe,Não Felipe!
98 To infinity
98 To infinity - 12 years ago
How does Vaas get internet connection over there?
Josip Fabijančić-gamingkanal
Josip Fabijančić-gamingkanal - 12 years ago
Josip Fabijančić-gamingkanal
Josip Fabijančić-gamingkanal - 12 years ago
Lane Green
Lane Green - 12 years ago
i hate them too but the youtubers who make the account cant spell right and have you noticed that people are ONLY impersonating people from this game?i cant look at the cover any more cause those people ruined the game for me
Lane Green
Lane Green - 12 years ago
lol hes in shallow waters
Lane Green
Lane Green - 12 years ago
we all know that would be the most BADASS game ever
Lane Green
Lane Green - 12 years ago
ok how many people named vaas and shit like that are starting to turn into 12 year olds?cause the buck comment cant even spell shepard its not sephards
Lane Green
Lane Green - 12 years ago
lol these "videos" were supposed to be made before jason actually landed on the island watch the far cry experince chris's fate and in the end someone will come up and say "vaas six skydivers just landed on the island"
3234POKER - 12 years ago
How do you get Wifi in that island??
Hoyt Volker
Hoyt Volker - 12 years ago
Really? Well thats just fucking great isn't it!
Hoyt Volker
Hoyt Volker - 12 years ago
Really? Well thats just fucking great isn't it!
Jimmy Struthers
Jimmy Struthers - 12 years ago
I'm pregnant.
Hoyt Volker
Hoyt Volker - 12 years ago
The system was designed that way, we pull the strings!
ryuhinomaru - 12 years ago
Vaas could/should have been the main character, blasting one liners while you fuck shit up.
Kite - 12 years ago
I love these videos but Jesus fucking Christ, how long will I see these god damn impersonation comments here!? It was funny at first but now It's god damn embarrassingly annoying! I miss the old YouTube...
Logan Dino
Logan Dino - 12 years ago
I want to go to his island
Buck Hughes
Buck Hughes - 12 years ago
You have to know vaas, we here, are not the savages , we are the sepherds.
Jason Brody
Jason Brody - 12 years ago
And some time has passed since then. I had time to get captured, meet the locals, kill Vaas AND Hoyt, and then leave. Where were you during all this?
Ashley Barringer
Ashley Barringer - 12 years ago
After being stabbed himself. People live through crazy shit, little boy
Hybridtheory32 - 12 years ago
Seriously fucking stop. He stabbed Vaas in the chest.
Hybridtheory32 - 12 years ago
Faggot, you fail at this shit, this is before the events of Far Cry 3.
MrMatention - 12 years ago
Actually, we have all of the Far Cry 3 characters in the comment ! Lol
Vaas Montenegro
Vaas Montenegro - 12 years ago
hermano who the fuck are you, il put a bullet in that fucking face of yours
Vaas Montenegro
Vaas Montenegro - 12 years ago
hey mother fucker, wanna do some snorkeling on my island? il do it for free
Vaas Montenegro
Vaas Montenegro - 12 years ago
hey riley, you miss me, i miss you and hows the hole in your shoulder COME BACK HERE IL PUT ANOTHER FUCKING BULLET IN THE OTHER ONE ok, hermano?
Riley Brody
Riley Brody - 12 years ago
Hey, did you like how my older brother Jason stabbed you in the head? I sure as hell did. I also enjoyed helping him blow the fuck out of your Air Strip.
Ocean Man
Ocean Man - 12 years ago
Greg Villanueva
Greg Villanueva - 12 years ago
Riley Brody
Riley Brody - 12 years ago
I don't want to come back to this island.
Sam Becker
Sam Becker - 12 years ago
Want play play some cards, huh Hoyt..oh you cant because you stabbed me, this makes me sad
Sam Becker
Sam Becker - 12 years ago
Calm down meine Freunde, lets play some cards ja?
Captain Arf
Captain Arf - 12 years ago
your* also i'm pretty sure that was one shot
Yusuf b
Yusuf b - 12 years ago
I'm here to kill all of you.
amoon monkey
amoon monkey - 12 years ago
funny thing is, your dead
NighTeLfgLoW - 12 years ago
Just asking, Do you still have the tatoos?
Bayu Saputra
Bayu Saputra - 12 years ago
you don't say.
Hoyt Volker
Hoyt Volker - 12 years ago
who the fuck are u ?
The frenchy
The frenchy - 12 years ago
ahahaah this is hilarious
Jason Brody
Jason Brody - 12 years ago
Matupereyra - 12 years ago
he is not bullshiting you jason..
diablogamer1 - 12 years ago
you make vaas pay i had to go to rook island for vaca vaas and hes men killed my parenets frieands and pets i killed alot of pirates i escaped like you but was severly beaten so kill all those fucking pirates oh yea and do me a favor leave vaas in a pool of sharks
Spartanjpbn023 - 12 years ago
bitch please you got your ass kicked as many times as the number of Far Cry 3 that were sold worldwide, gtfo and stop embarassing yourself :D
Hoyt Volker
Hoyt Volker - 12 years ago
ChengProd - 12 years ago
and you're not smart enough to see that it's a joke :D
GameDoctor21 - 12 years ago
BADASS level over 9000
Citra Talugmai
Citra Talugmai - 12 years ago
You are not hot enough bitch
WrathOfThe Llama
WrathOfThe Llama - 12 years ago
shut the fuck up you weird ass crazy ass bitch
ArtioStormfront - 12 years ago
Can't see that I forgot to put stuff in I was speed typing on a phone
David Davidson
David Davidson - 12 years ago
Never go full retard.
Danny Bartelink
Danny Bartelink - 12 years ago
No, really?!
ArtioStormfront - 12 years ago
This is the guy who played Vaas in the game
Stephen Gerloff
Stephen Gerloff - 12 years ago
Cool! I get to go to Vaas's island!!
Ethan Ricks
Ethan Ricks - 12 years ago
Only on youtube would there be three accounts all titled Jason Brody.
Jackson Le
Jackson Le - 12 years ago
He Is Funny As Ever Yo I Wish I Could Meet Him.
dylan tent
dylan tent - 12 years ago
i hate it when people to this, so unoriginal
dylan tent
dylan tent - 12 years ago
are you the same person replying to yourself?.. Saaaad
XxTheApprenticexX - 12 years ago
Fuck off, Vaas.
gdh6200 - 12 years ago
You're so good it's scary lol Good acting man!
Jason Brody
Jason Brody - 12 years ago
ill take your head imposter ill put it besides hoyt's and vaas's head
Jason Brody
Jason Brody - 12 years ago
hey imposter, GTFO
Jason Brody
Jason Brody - 12 years ago
I'll kill you again Vaas with the same knife I used to kill you the first time. And that bubble head you made, she's not beautiful
DesertStateInEu - 12 years ago
You know, my final opinion on this game is, that Michael Mando is a legend. Vaas is not my only favourite character, Michael Mando too :-D He did an amazing job with this game and these little movies, and this is my favourite of all v=IRItQl4osjQ
Vaas Montenegro
Vaas Montenegro - 12 years ago
Hermano, you think you're all fucking heroic and shit, huh. Well guess what, you're brother Grant had the same fucking attitude as you, and I fucking shot him. I fucking shot him over and over again, until I ran out of fucking bullets. And that's what im going to do to you, Hermano. Cause' I rule this fucking island, and when you step on it, you become my bitch.
bentep0511 - 12 years ago
@MrCoolEmblems tfue, grue
The Dead Immortal
The Dead Immortal - 12 years ago
Somebody already pointed my sincerely ignorant mistake before :). He told me that Hermano means brother.
Rich - 12 years ago
Honey! were going on vacation!
Matt Skora
Matt Skora - 12 years ago
the more you know, lol
Connor Berry
Connor Berry - 12 years ago
not enough vaas in FarCry 3.....just saying
Rob Ben
Rob Ben - 12 years ago
awesome graphics!
gamerboom2 - 12 years ago
Thanks but no thanks
The Dead Immortal
The Dead Immortal - 12 years ago
Thanks buddy :D! I didn't know that. I tried to verbally translate what I always heard Vaas saying. And it sounded like "Ammano." Mistake of an ignorant, really. Sorry about that :)
agentjello - 12 years ago
Uhhhh vaas what u did to Jason I DONT WANNA FUCKING GO THROUGH THAT!!!!
vadym armour
vadym armour - 12 years ago
i cant wait to go it looks fun
Matt Skora
Matt Skora - 12 years ago
you know it's not armano... it's hermano, the spanish word for brother... the h is silent
Josh - 12 years ago
Ha, this my favorite one. The tide comes in, so he just shoves a snorkel in mouth. Brilliant.
Zomb_ - 12 years ago
i think the multiplayer its actually the samething every franchise
Lane Green
Lane Green - 12 years ago
anyone notice that no liveshave been making fake accounts of people from video games?
Lane Green
Lane Green - 12 years ago
STILL no comment you no life
Lane Green
Lane Green - 12 years ago
no comment you cock bag no life
Rattler - 12 years ago
Oh for fucks sake, you're so pathetic, we've been talking about the same shit all along, look at the comments retard
Eziocreeper 1342
Eziocreeper 1342 - 12 years ago
Im packing my bags now were do i get the tatal
Pierre Fouquet
Pierre Fouquet - 12 years ago
And you stole that from me! Damn you Hoyt! I mean....HOW FUCKING DARE YOU!!
D4L JAGUAR - 12 years ago
0:56 - "problems which wouldn't be three what you want children what your local" WAT?
Maximus Meridius
Maximus Meridius - 12 years ago
this guy is the best actor i ever seen so far and by the way come to my island on vacation PLZ
Randomusername 69
Randomusername 69 - 12 years ago
I didn't take it seriously.
spicyd2 - 12 years ago
Good job trying to change the subject. Can't even answer a simple question...
Rattler - 12 years ago
spicyd2 - 12 years ago
Are you fucking retarded? what did you think I meant by "watch the video" exactly...
Red_Dragon_Scale - 12 years ago
Alright kids, pack up your bags we are going on a vacation! "Yay! Where are we going daddy?" Rook Island, I hear they have free snorkling.
Ali Doumbia
Ali Doumbia - 12 years ago
Did he ever tell us the destination of vacation?
Misha Vasiljuk
Misha Vasiljuk - 12 years ago
Lets go!
Adam Sawiris
Adam Sawiris - 12 years ago
Randomusername 69
Randomusername 69 - 12 years ago
Nehh Vaas still rocks.
school1is1for1punks1 - 12 years ago
whatever fag.
Jason Brody
Jason Brody - 12 years ago
School is for punks, is it? Then I'm the biggest punk around, just ask any of my friends! I don't know what that makes you, though.
Jason Brody
Jason Brody - 12 years ago
Let's throw YOU into a remote island jungle teeming with pirates that would rather rape you, steal your wallet and leave you for dead. Then have the leader of their group kill one of your family members right in front of you, in cold blood. No remorse, no passion. They don't give a FUCK about you, all they care about is fucking, and money. I gained the strength of the Rakyat, without that I would not have survived against those odds. It was them or me, and I wasn't done living yet.
Pathstalker - 12 years ago
What a graphic :D
Rei - 12 years ago
I absolutely have to thank Michael Mando because if it wasn't for him, Vaas wouldn't even exist.
jakob samudio
jakob samudio - 12 years ago
vaas is badass
NOJ - 12 years ago
i misread where manddo also does the full motion "where mando also does the full moon"
CMDR Apex - 12 years ago
This is epic
sr71sr71 - 12 years ago
Vaas has got to be one of my favorite game villains in a loooong time.
Obey Johnson
Obey Johnson - 12 years ago
Vaas WILL be back
Randomusername 69
Randomusername 69 - 12 years ago
fuck you jason you vaas is fucking badass and not like you remember the begining jason was acting like a fucking pussy and fuck your brother grant and i dont give a fuck that he is dead vaas fucking rooks and he will kick your ass motherfucker!!!!!
school1is1for1punks1 - 12 years ago
shut up fag.
The Dead Immortal
The Dead Immortal - 12 years ago
Vaas On Video Games: "Do you know the definition of insanity? It's doing the exact same thing, over and over and over and over again, but expecting shit to change. THAT, is crazy. Just like the entire fucking COD franchise you know? Lemme tell you amano, these motherfucking guys who makes the fucking COD games are more fucking insane than me. Don't you agree?"
SteezyTeej - 12 years ago
Lolol this is by far my favorite episode because he socked him lolol
Elcangry035 - 12 years ago
Is the rook island real? Lol or is everything just a game?
Josip Fabijančić-gamingkanal
Josip Fabijančić-gamingkanal - 12 years ago
o.k. but can i help you with making vaas pay?
Cave Rave
Cave Rave - 12 years ago
"It's when you go somewhere far away... and never come back" - Forrest Gump's mother.
TheKodiak72 - 12 years ago
Love his acting. So well done.
Jason Brody
Jason Brody - 12 years ago
ARE YOU INSANE?! You must have some sort of death wish! Vaas has taken countless lives, torn countless families apart. There are other ways to live on the edge, don't make the same mistakes I did.
Jason Brody
Jason Brody - 12 years ago
I put a knife through his chest, I stabbed the fuck out of him until I had no strength left to hold the knife. I swear I saw his soul leave through his eyes, yet he's alive and well. I'm going back to that island, and he will PAY for what he did to Grant!
Jason Brody
Jason Brody - 12 years ago
What, you thought this story was make believe? I escaped that hell hole, and I can tell you firsthand the horrors of rook island.
Somebody - 12 years ago
yes, that's the guy
Jordan Bennett
Jordan Bennett - 12 years ago
I hate to admit it. But I want to be tortured by vass before I get old.
WaistlandSurvival - 12 years ago
:38 had me laughing forever!!!
Kev TV.
Kev TV. - 12 years ago
jep he is
Kuntis - 12 years ago
Is that the legit actor for Vaas?, i hope so cause he seems cool
That_Guy - 12 years ago
far cry 3 is nothing without Vaas
kelly torres
kelly torres - 12 years ago
Cody Gallagher
Cody Gallagher - 12 years ago
Sounds like a good fucking time.
TheWonderfulMisterNoob - 12 years ago
Vaas imma comin' down to the rook islands! We're gonna have alooooooot of fun. >:)
Erik Cooper
Erik Cooper - 12 years ago
I want to go there! Free snorkeling! When do you see that every day?
John Poe
John Poe - 12 years ago
This was befor Jason landed on the island
Kenneth K.
Kenneth K. - 12 years ago
:| *runs into other room* mom, dad, get the suit cases!!!!
Rattler - 12 years ago
You're the fucking dumbass seeing as you're saying watch the video...
Gezoes - 12 years ago
THIS should be a TV show, this is G R E A T :-D
Josip Fabijančić-gamingkanal
Josip Fabijančić-gamingkanal - 12 years ago
Jason Brody
Jason Brody - 12 years ago
I was able to overcome the mind control of the Rakyat and leave the island. But these videos were made before my friends and I even arrived. I can't believe Vaas has the power to publicly torture innocent people. I will be back, and I WILL KILL HIM!
Josip Fabijančić-gamingkanal
Josip Fabijančić-gamingkanal - 12 years ago
I forgot something. WHERE IS JASON???
Josip Fabijančić-gamingkanal
Josip Fabijančić-gamingkanal - 12 years ago
Josip Fabijančić-gamingkanal
Josip Fabijančić-gamingkanal - 12 years ago
Vaas i won't come to your island sorry but i can't because I am afraid you are going to kill me
Noxikins - 12 years ago
because they're the same person :3
The Red Avenger
The Red Avenger - 12 years ago
subbed fking amazing
joshua240597 - 12 years ago
the ingame vaas is michael mando... new technology
The Vindicator
The Vindicator - 12 years ago
OMG! this guy looks EXACTLY LIKE THE REAL ONE! And he talks like him too. How did they find an actor like that?
sc0pl355 - 12 years ago
Hoyt Volker
Hoyt Volker - 12 years ago
So that's where my cigar went.....GOD DAMN IT VAAS!
tzDub92 - 12 years ago
... for free?
spicyd2 - 12 years ago
That's what I'm saying dumbass...
Marian Kolo
Marian Kolo - 12 years ago
Putain on dirait lui
KombinoHun - 12 years ago
omg he is real
Rattler - 12 years ago
Meaning that they've both taken a quote out of something to do with the game, AMRPHIS took the one out of this video, commenting on the comment gamekoning1 made. Do you understand now?
m0ltar - 12 years ago
I just read that in Vaas' voice
spicyd2 - 12 years ago
watch the video...
Radioactive monkey balls
Radioactive monkey balls - 12 years ago
Why hasn't anyone gone to help him this is sick
Rattler - 12 years ago
Umm, what?
Rattler - 12 years ago
Stop reposting this comment, you keep on posting it and thinking "Ooh maybe this time I'll get more likes!
Eres - 12 years ago
I almost died from lughing XD
AMRPHIS - 12 years ago
One time is funny, million times it's fucking annoying, you know?
Wulfenstin - 12 years ago
These videos put me in such a strange conflict between laughing and being disturbed.
SilverPlasmaGuy - 12 years ago
So welcoming... makes me wanna go ther and snorkel XD
Han Solo
Han Solo - 12 years ago
Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity? Insanity is doing the exact same fucking thing over and over again, expecting shit to change. That is crazy.
Morgaith - 12 years ago
I like your comment, it's a nice fucking comment.
MaelstromFilm - 12 years ago
lol I think everyone knows that, but thanks for the incite. I would just be pissed if a film was made and they put a big name celeb in place of Mando.
Dishonored - 12 years ago
0:18 christopher doing to- (splashes in Michaels Face)
oomerimunni - 12 years ago
Vaas... I'm on my way!
PixelBloxProductions - 12 years ago
If you mean Vaas, The guy playing him here, he's the real actor for Vaas :D
Woods - 12 years ago
Now I need a one way ticket to Papua New Guinea's Rook Island.
TheMohingan - 12 years ago
Fucking subed for this
MegaDrain - 12 years ago
well since he asked so nicely...
MaelstromFilm - 12 years ago
I wouldn't be opposed to a far cry movie, as long as this guy was in it.
Groshni - 12 years ago
:O He's gone 1:03
TheKiroshi - 12 years ago
I'm sure hed be more than pleased to take a hand from you! But unfortunitly, he does, in fact, have both his hands still.
zorgon_1337 - 12 years ago
If this Island excists , plz send me a ticket and let me be Vaas second hand
alfredisonfire - 12 years ago
this guy's fucking awesome. he's my hero!
Anton - 12 years ago
Good guy HomemadeIndie, warn in a proper way before spoiling
TheXtraGuy - 12 years ago
Honey we're going on a vacation.
TheEcarix - 12 years ago
fck yea I'm coming! FREE SNORKELING!
Con5tantine | The Head Set Guy
Con5tantine | The Head Set Guy - 12 years ago
This scene is actually found in the game. You get an achievement for it.
HomemadeIndie - 12 years ago
Soilers ahead stop reading! spoilers ahead stop readin!?,!......He dies way to early in the game!
rub ber
rub ber - 12 years ago
lol i like that comparsion
Dan Menard
Dan Menard - 12 years ago
Hard to tell who wins villain of the year, Handsome Jack or Vaas.
Spaceman2921 - 12 years ago
Fuck it, I'd go.
MrBritishBadger - 12 years ago
booking a flight now
afterbirthtycoon - 12 years ago
AWESOME OMG This made me realize how great the graphics in FC3 are. It was hard to tell if it was graphical or live.
Diogo Reis
Diogo Reis - 12 years ago
VAAS ! the best
Blastoplastify - 12 years ago
I wanna go snorkeling :D
Joni Yousuf
Joni Yousuf - 12 years ago
where is this island exactly??
rechelieu - 12 years ago
Man, he is awesome. I already took his invitation. We are going to dance, Vaas.
IEpicWolfI - 12 years ago
Booking a flight to Rook island for some snorkeling.
Antrimboy99 - 12 years ago
are tickets and snorkel included
John t
John t - 12 years ago
Hahahahaha thats awesome!
lulu1night4ever - 12 years ago
Yeah, he's like the Joker. He's vile, cruel and has no remorse... yet you can't hate him as he's the funniest and has to be the most optimistically smartest villain ever. They both have great views on the concept of social structures etc.
darkcuda1 - 12 years ago
Vaas super troll
rohannesburg - 12 years ago
LOL He's kindly inviting your whole family into a death trap, love Vaas
2kwgenius - 12 years ago
damn. i cant argue with that. this is good
John Dunham
John Dunham - 12 years ago
Not just an awesome voice actor, but actor as we
40kanon - 12 years ago
i would go there and get vaases autograph :D
Shukushatsu - 12 years ago
Micheal Mando you are fucking amazing I love your strong, gigantic sense of humor, and you play the best villian ever imo so kudos to you amigo, and keep up the good work :) P.S. I would love to come to your island and chill out with you man.
Dr. Gino DiGiannantonio
Dr. Gino DiGiannantonio - 12 years ago
real life far cry haha
Julian Cisneros
Julian Cisneros - 12 years ago
Weres the island
InsanePalmNinja - 12 years ago
Am going to pass on your Offer Vass.
Jack Armstrong
Jack Armstrong - 12 years ago
" Free snorkeling for you, your wife, your children" XD
RunWithDaggers - 12 years ago
fuck ya I'll va ca there
Hoyt Volker
Hoyt Volker - 12 years ago
keep up the good work, Vaas.
6RadaR6 - 12 years ago
This is my most favourite one :)
Cooper Swider
Cooper Swider - 12 years ago
I would LOVE to go snorkeling
MrEriktheman11 - 12 years ago
vaas is the best
Ninja Techniques
Ninja Techniques - 12 years ago
he's FUCKING FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Silver Design
Silver Design - 12 years ago
My favorite quote "Did I ever told you the definition, of Insanity"
vidaett - 12 years ago
Final episode???? :(
Captain Bartholomeow
Captain Bartholomeow - 12 years ago
Well isnt that wonderful?
Dabostoy - 12 years ago
jay snorcklinng :D !!!
The Agent Of Chaos
The Agent Of Chaos - 12 years ago
I know where I'm going this holiday vacation...
daniel mcewan
daniel mcewan - 12 years ago
vaas is a boss
jesuz999 - 12 years ago
I agree, Vaas has gigantic potential that was not developed even in half, Hoyt had his 'positive' aspects but Vaas dominated him in every aspect.
Colin Vinson
Colin Vinson - 12 years ago
MAJOR SPOILER!! I wish Vaas was the main antagonist of FC3 not Hoyt. That or I wish I killed him at the end of the game, not the god damned middle.
Lethanial - 12 years ago
BEST.VILLIAN.EVER. vass is like the only person i'd rather not kill. hoyt, on the other hand..
TheRandomSpider - 12 years ago
This is some good acting man! You made the best villain (in my opinion) ever man! Love to see more of your work!
pashuu100 - 12 years ago
Michael, you really need to get someone to make Far Cry 3 into a movie. I really hope that it wasn't the end of Vaas when you kill him in the game. I can say that me and many other people would love to see him in the future. You did a really, really great job playing Vaas in the game, and in Far Cry Experience. Thank you.
Anthony Ortega
Anthony Ortega - 12 years ago
Copro Luv
Copro Luv - 12 years ago
Joe Toft
Joe Toft - 12 years ago
starcrazy077 - 12 years ago
I want to see this guy in a movie of Far Cry 3. let's make a fire with this idea!
SKRlll3X - 12 years ago
i love Michael when he is playing Vaas you are the best !!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Potato Haagen-dazs
Potato Haagen-dazs - 12 years ago
I'll probably get loadsa hate on this, but I think Menendez is just about as good as him. Because they both have reasoning for their actions, Vaas because of Citra (I think) and Raul because of Josefina.
Multi Colored Psychopath
Multi Colored Psychopath - 12 years ago
Dun trust him
kianakeino - 12 years ago
this is awesome!
Studd Muffin
Studd Muffin - 12 years ago
what the hell
brayan sabillon
brayan sabillon - 12 years ago
vaas!!! rocks all though he is a bad guy he is right in the ending of the game his sister is a bitch n i know cause i watched the end its pretty sick!!! GOOOO VAAS!!!!
Dat Rambo
Dat Rambo - 12 years ago
This guy cracks me up how he doesnt give a fk.He's funny yet dangerous
vidaett - 12 years ago
Last episode????
Koala Mus
Koala Mus - 12 years ago
Did i ever tell you, you are fucking AWESOME!!!!!!
Behemoth29 - 12 years ago
Yeah man definitely, either through a prequel or if it is revealed that Vaas didn't really die
Strider - 12 years ago
Poor McLovin ;(
Conner Grant
Conner Grant - 12 years ago
Is it just me, or is the place where they filmed this really quite beautiful? :O
OttawaBillail - 12 years ago
Mando all the way!!!!!!!! Fans from ottawa
Charles Swart
Charles Swart - 12 years ago
My parents already bought the tickets to go to the island. I knw wat my first island activity is gonna be?! :D
Iamwolf134 - 12 years ago
vaas is a lovably insane villain
SniperGang Kodak
SniperGang Kodak - 12 years ago
Very funny
Ltspongebob3 - 12 years ago
Vaas is giving away free snorkeling sessions?! He isn't all that bad after all :D
Roy Calderón
Roy Calderón - 12 years ago
Simple, Vass is badass and so is Michael.
Charlie Boyle
Charlie Boyle - 12 years ago
Dude why 410? Go 12 gauge if you want to get stuff done.
Xanroc GovOdinDor
Xanroc GovOdinDor - 12 years ago
I hate to be the guy that was smirking or some shit
LolVermillion - 12 years ago
You just ruined Far Cry 3 for me. God dammit all to hell.
Mr Cat
Mr Cat - 12 years ago
Please have vaas be in Far Cry 4! He's been one of the most interesting villains I've ever seen, and the voice+acting by Michael Mando is just so good!
shane mahoney
shane mahoney - 12 years ago
Free snorkelling hows next wednesday
DavyDave1313 - 12 years ago
NERD alert.
Psycokiller338 - 12 years ago
Psycokiller338 - 12 years ago
Krusedullen - 12 years ago
I'm not saying that I would ever want to meet this guy, but Vaas has to be the best developed character in FC3.
MrProfessorpineapple - 12 years ago
richtofenkevin - 12 years ago
Ok I'll vacation there with my eod armour m95 two desert eagles mgl on back flashes and smokes oh and my 410 gauge judge
OtakuTaeguSan - 12 years ago
vaas would be the best buddy ever, if he wasn't trying to kill me all the time
SchizoidRadio - 12 years ago
i am loving this!!
Frenzy - 12 years ago
What's the location for this place? I'd love to go have a vacation with my mother in this beautiful island and go snorkeling some day. Worth dying for!
sean travis
sean travis - 12 years ago
Vass is one of my favorite bad guys along with the joker
zBIGFRIIZZz - 12 years ago
If they make a Far Cry movie.... YOU NEED TO BE THE BAD GUY.
MegaDrain - 12 years ago
Well since he asked so nicely.
Behemoth29 - 12 years ago
Fucking awesome... I really want to see more of Vaas in the next Far Cry
BioshockFreak93 - 12 years ago
Mando is and amaxing actor if this doesnt set his career off i dont know what will.
EpicWHEAT_BIX - 12 years ago
sounds fun
TheJamesPotku - 12 years ago
Oh man, I'm really wanting to get Far Cry 3 more and more just because of him..!
Um Canal Nerd Qualquer
Um Canal Nerd Qualquer - 12 years ago
You need to make a live action definition of insanity monogue. PLEASE!
Fooljuice - 12 years ago
Gottlieb Elend
Gottlieb Elend - 12 years ago
Joker was an absolutely incomparable psychopath but let's face it, Vaas is much more entertaining)
John Gadetti
John Gadetti - 12 years ago
Superiour acting. One question, and I really hope for a reply. Is there going to be seasons of these series or was it just 4 episodes ? :)
BLAK11111 - 12 years ago
0:18 XD
Marcus Olsson
Marcus Olsson - 12 years ago
Can't tell if real or CG...
Ernis P
Ernis P - 12 years ago
Oh yes
QuarterMasterGaming - 12 years ago
We need a Farcry movie with Vaas in it now please! Michael you have helped create a truly fantastic villain. LOVE VAAS!
Gam3Junkie - 12 years ago
When will we see you on Kimmel?
Shiik - 12 years ago
"One time is funny, two times is fcking annoying, you know." I just love it, great great actor and you've created one of the best villains of the last 5, 10, maybe more years.
Um Canal Nerd Qualquer
Um Canal Nerd Qualquer - 12 years ago
VGA best actor for sure.
Iovoslav Iovchev
Iovoslav Iovchev - 12 years ago
man, I laughed a lot when at 0:34. That was very very funny.
Einari i
Einari i - 12 years ago
this is so damn funny, you truly are a great actor and perfect for the role of Vaas ! Really entertaining to watch ! :D
Nick Kunwar
Nick Kunwar - 12 years ago
That's exactly what I was thinking. He reminds me of the Joker (Heath Ledger one). You know Insane but genius at the same time.
itzjake6 - 12 years ago
Exactly, an insane movie. I'm also trying to go into acting and from now on I'm looking up at M.M. as my role model. I'll be practicing his lines around my house lol, but I will never be able to get that same exact insane look.
ye - 12 years ago
Play wit Damn fishies. Lol
Cretaker - 12 years ago
it's funny how nobody gives a fuck about McLovin
Julian Caraci
Julian Caraci - 12 years ago
Ubisoft should really consider doing a movie based on Far Cry 3 and obviously using Mr. Mando. That movie would be excelent to say the least.
Alex Gagnon
Alex Gagnon - 12 years ago
Wow I started watching these little far cry experience clips and now I'm trying to find all of them. You're playing this role so fucking well and now I gotta pick up this game. Awesome stuff man and cheers from Quebec.
PerfectHit - 12 years ago
Vaas is absolutely great! Any chance we might see more of him in the future?
Stut29 - 12 years ago
'normal talk', are you 14?
sailentxx - 12 years ago
Yes at first I did, his accent differs a lot from normal talk. I figured by the lips later. I thought I'd then remove the comment before some hillbilly replies to me but I didnt oh well :P
Stut29 - 12 years ago
You seriously thought using software was more likely than him doing it naturally? Besides, this is the actor
sailentxx - 12 years ago
About Vaas.
Stut29 - 12 years ago
What are you talking about?
Jerrod Rivas
Jerrod Rivas - 12 years ago
I killed vaas yesterday
KezoInGame - 12 years ago
Tu imagine pas comme tu joue le rôle principale de fc3 !! Tu as ramené au moins 30% du public, et il n'y aurait pas pu y avoir une meilleur voix ou un meilleur acteur pour vaas ^^ JUSTE PARFAIT !! Ton personnage (qui te ressemble à 100%) et à l'affiche de tout les magasins, sites, etc de jeux vidéos ! Tu es une star du jeu vidéo maintenant ^^ Tu as un style dans tes films qui fait de toi un super acteur qui se démarque ! Bravo à toi et à Ubisoft !!
Help Me.
Help Me. - 12 years ago
You know its the real guy behind the voice of vaas right?
Cheebameister1 - 12 years ago
ah ok thats why he looks so identical xD but i think ingame hes still more convincing
Aaron Brown
Aaron Brown - 12 years ago
The whole family! HELL YEAH
Hypogeek - 12 years ago
Tomas Ferreira
Tomas Ferreira - 12 years ago
wait if they are torturing him and at the beginning they blew him up with an RPG and he was with his camera man for like 2 days does that mean all these tortures thet Vass has done on him was in 1 day
Ayano Otomo
Ayano Otomo - 12 years ago
Jesus christ Michael Mando why are you not in every major movie, you are the best actor I have seen in the past decade
Toshi Station
Toshi Station - 12 years ago
You do know that he is the same guy right? He is the Vaas in the game...he did the voice and movements and that's his actual face.
ChickenCatch - 12 years ago
this guy is fucking epic, i want too be kidnapped by him
Cheebameister1 - 12 years ago
dont know what you belive is skilled he looks like vaas hes doing funny job there but vaas in the game is still much better his synchro is unbelivabel amazing nearly a fuckin joker but now one can beat the joker so hes doing a pretty nice job at least :P
Static988 - 12 years ago
great voice and acting !
RichmanMoneyEye - 12 years ago
Huy Nguyen
Huy Nguyen - 12 years ago
Did I ever tell you, the definition of Special Tactics?
R3fug33 - 12 years ago
He's only been in work for about 5 years so you shouldn't feel that bad.
Max House
Max House - 12 years ago
Vaas et le Joker = Duo Parfait ! Faite un film avec Vaas pls :)
BORICUAxSaint - 12 years ago
Where's the island bro?
Fariz Bey
Fariz Bey - 12 years ago
this guy is super talented actor
itzjake6 - 12 years ago
Mr. Mando may I say you're an amzing actor and I'm quite sad I only recently found out about you in the debut of Far Cry 3. To me you playing Vaas is art. I truly do believe you fit the role of a Heath Ledger, who gets into characters so well, and that Vaas is your Joker. I hope to see you in a major movie production sometime soon so that the whole world can see how great you are. I don't know how to end this long paragraph but I'll just say again, your amazing.
Gabe Gurwin
Gabe Gurwin - 12 years ago
Even without saying a word, this dude can just scare the crap out of your with the look in his eyes. Brilliant actor.
haloxxkiller - 12 years ago
Where is the island?!????!??!
MVT7100 - 12 years ago
Youre Insane........
MistaFantastico - 12 years ago
now the game is out and your playing a big role in it there is 1 thing I want to ask for a long time (do you play farcry 3 two?)
Mr Taker
Mr Taker - 12 years ago
Je n'ai pas vu de prestation scénique aussi incroyable depuis Heath Ledger dans The Dark Knight. Ubisoft DOIT faire le long métrage ! This is the best performance i have seen since Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight. Ubisoft MUST do the movie !
Colin Erklin
Colin Erklin - 12 years ago
Dear Michael mando, I would like to say that Vaas is now my #1 psychotic villain on my video game villain list. You remind me of Tyler Durden just crazier and more awesome, I am just blown away.
Bruce Wayne
Bruce Wayne - 12 years ago
Love this !!
swordofcoke - 12 years ago
Argg, salt water would burn your eyes so bad.
RichmanMoneyEye - 12 years ago
I would love to come to your island and find you. Just tell the location
pauliusb11 - 12 years ago
Where is your island? I realy want to visit
pauliusb11 - 12 years ago
Thats amazing
Rubbin' is racin'
Rubbin' is racin' - 12 years ago
M. Mando is a terrific actor. If video games had Oscars for best voice work. He would win by a mile!! Check out my video portraying Vaas guys, let me know what you think.
matas. ramosh
matas. ramosh - 12 years ago
Wheres island that? I came to vass. From Lithuanian
TheJugernaut94 - 12 years ago
they should make a mod or dlc or something, where to play as vaas:D
thelinedrive - 12 years ago
I've kind of guessed after the last showing of Far Cry 3 at E3 2012 I fealt like you do kill him but Jason still sees him
PharmArtist - 12 years ago
im jus going to say this, vaas is not highly featured in the game as it lead you to believe, infact his appearances in these episodes are more longer.
Sir Picklestein
Sir Picklestein - 12 years ago
0:52 I like how he turned the tooth into a necklace.
Ageir9 - 12 years ago
I'm not reading the comments, the third comment I saw was a HUGE spoiler.
Slayback2102 - 12 years ago
Like i said 3 times before, no problem mate, you are welcome. By the way: You kill Hoyt,too :'D
KibolLP - 12 years ago
Thanks for a spoiler, you dumbass.
Slayback2102 - 12 years ago
No prob, mate.
Cole Phelps
Cole Phelps - 12 years ago
Umm, yeah, thanks for the spoiler...
CasperHD - 12 years ago
I swear you play a psycho better then anyone on the planet yet in all your interviews your the most humble guy haha.
plplove - 12 years ago
you just read my mind! lol beautifully explained. wish he didnt die so fast in the game..

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