What Happens when you Snorkel Upside Down?

What happens when you swim upside down in a full face snorkel mask? Get a full face snorkel here: Seaview 180: http://amzn.to/2usyP8r Vaincre 180:http://amzn.to/2tjZXXa

What Happens when you Snorkel Upside Down? sentiment_very_dissatisfied 25

Snorkeling 8 years ago 134,711 views

What happens when you swim upside down in a full face snorkel mask? Get a full face snorkel here: Seaview 180: http://amzn.to/2usyP8r Vaincre 180:http://amzn.to/2tjZXXa

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Most popular comments
for What Happens when you Snorkel Upside Down?

Far Reach Engineering
Far Reach Engineering - 7 years ago
Go Cougars! (wristwatch @ 0:23)
Bull Dog
Bull Dog - 7 years ago
So this mask let’s u breathe underwater?
Mike Dimond
Mike Dimond - 7 years ago
I see it's GoPro compatible with another action cam work or does it have to be the GoPro
Hitorhike - 7 years ago
Like this product, please click on my shop!!
the russian machinists
the russian machinists - 7 years ago
it will really fill up if you try to take a breath up side down...
Gabriel Rader
Gabriel Rader - 7 years ago
Hey, Scheff! I have wanted to purchase one of these for a while and I have one burning question. Can you go FULLY submerge the mask and take a couple of breaths? THanks! Keep making the awesome vids :)
thurstonhowellthe4rd - 7 years ago
Hiya, when you are right side up the mask is full of air, when you flip upside down the mask is still full of air, hence the water can't come in. That's what I'm thinking anyways.
Bone Powell
Bone Powell - 7 years ago
I love your name
themini gamer
themini gamer - 7 years ago
you live in bKersfield
SHEFF - 7 years ago
+Jonathan Armijo No, Colorado

10. comment for What Happens when you Snorkel Upside Down?

Erik Van de Putte
Erik Van de Putte - 7 years ago
My name is sheff :)
Petros Sokhoyan
Petros Sokhoyan - 7 years ago
My name's Jeff
Ole Geertsema
Ole Geertsema - 7 years ago
Erik Van de Putte proficiat erik
Desley I
Desley I - 7 years ago
godverdomme erik
EthanPlays Games
EthanPlays Games - 7 years ago
Erik Van de Putte Nobody cares :)
Beau Garrison
Beau Garrison - 7 years ago
even if the pressure doesn't hold the ball in, and it floats up when you're upside down, that hole is at the bottom, so the air cannot get out. sorta like holding a cup of air upside down in water. that could be why you are getting water in the mask
Alex Maples
Alex Maples - 7 years ago
I have​ that mask
Riley's Room
Riley's Room - 7 years ago
can you breath in it? for how long can you stay under water in one breath
Mr Katz Von Cocain
Mr Katz Von Cocain - 7 years ago
Alex Maples me 2 gonna try it out in mexico
HeyWhaaat! - 7 years ago
Is it just me or is the music really loud?
Flavius Zeddies
Flavius Zeddies - 7 years ago
Cristel Garcia music is to loud
EthanPlays Games
EthanPlays Games - 7 years ago
Cristel Garcia just you
vegan monkey
vegan monkey - 7 years ago
Hi, what about equalizing? How can you equalize with these if you can't pinch your nose? Thanks for the videos. Your great by the way. :)
vegan monkey
vegan monkey - 7 years ago
Scott Robinson
Scott Robinson - 7 years ago
vegan monkey get a nose clip even though as said above it's not intended for going deep enough to need to equalise
Linguine Snek
Linguine Snek - 7 years ago
You just can't. It's only intended for surface use as you can't really equalise normally. Some people don't need to hold their nose but then due to the air in the mask it is more difficult to descend anyway.
Belinda  Lopez
Belinda Lopez - 7 years ago
Great video Sheff, I'm planning on purchasing a full face mask for some SoCal snorkeling and your videos answered several of the questions I had. Thanks!
David Seymour
David Seymour - 7 years ago
Try the triborg easy breath. I would like to see you're review.
David Seymour
David Seymour - 7 years ago
TooLateNow - 7 years ago
Ya'll need to calm down. Nazi Grammar Police in action.
Lucky Cat
Lucky Cat - 7 years ago
[ You're = You Are ]
So we say 'your'.
SeikiBrian - 7 years ago
* your
jj g
jj g - 7 years ago
is this good for people who can swim
Linguine Snek
Linguine Snek - 7 years ago
Jay Aven Benitez
Jay Aven Benitez - 7 years ago
Hey thank you for this~! and that other video where you explained the difference between Flat and the Rounded Mask. :) thumbs up! thanks very much!
The Mute
The Mute - 7 years ago
Hello Brent. Owners of other similar products complain about the lack of optimum airflow, making it unfit for vigorous swimming or occasional holding breath(diving) for a few seconds. Can you tell your opinion of the Seaview mask regarding airflow? Thank you!
belize4a2belize - 7 years ago
Brent Sheffield what part of Belizw
SHEFF - 7 years ago
+dvdrwsor I just spent the day snorkeling in Belize and it was great for me. I tried two different brands and it wasn't an issue.

20. comment for What Happens when you Snorkel Upside Down?

RealTech 9ja
RealTech 9ja - 7 years ago
how long can you stay underwater with this? can you breath at all?
Linguine Snek
Linguine Snek - 7 years ago
Ibrahim Shaka, you can only breath at the surface when the snorkel stick thing is out of the water.
Isaac L
Isaac L - 8 years ago
Can you take a few breaths under water with that mask on?
Melting Man
Melting Man - 8 years ago
Can you breath underwater
Linguine Snek
Linguine Snek - 7 years ago
Mr. Adventure, yes, if the tube party is out of the water. If that is submerged, then most certainly not.
GamePlayer 452
GamePlayer 452 - 8 years ago
do you live in Krebs,Mcalester,OK ?
GamePlayer 452
GamePlayer 452 - 8 years ago
Brent Sheffield I thought you lived in Krebs because your t-shirt has the exact same logo as their team
SHEFF - 8 years ago
Nope, Colorado.
TheBluefox Network
TheBluefox Network - 8 years ago
Where can i buy this?
Chi Smith
Chi Smith - 8 years ago
TheBluefox Network
TheBluefox Network - 8 years ago
Brent Sheffield thanks!
SHEFF - 8 years ago
Randome Videoer I got mine on Amazon.com
Adam Shelton
Adam Shelton - 8 years ago
How deep can you go with this mask ?
Drenamow - 8 years ago
Like 8-10 ft
HiBeast - 8 years ago
Is there a Scuba mask mini with air storage
Isaac McDaniel
Isaac McDaniel - 7 years ago
we wish
Emil Utberg
Emil Utberg - 8 years ago
its cool and all but how does it do on deep diving not like alot but lets say 5-10 meters ? guess i gotta clamp your nose with something to be able to equalise the pressure for the ears
Kelly Saha
Kelly Saha - 7 years ago
Emil Utberg nose plugs or using your jaw
Darlene Pino
Darlene Pino - 8 years ago
;Thank you for the video. I'm ordering this mask and that was a question I had. I appreciate your video.
TheGlamoureboy - 8 years ago
How will I know my size, I'm 5'8" medium built, normal headsize for the height, small? Medium? Large? Which one?
Drenamow - 8 years ago
There is a sizing guide on the mask you decide to buy, otherwise then i dont know as they differ from brands.

30. comment for What Happens when you Snorkel Upside Down?

B Adventures Travel Vlogs
B Adventures Travel Vlogs - 8 years ago
Thanks for explaining how it actually works. Thumbs up =)
SN - Old channel
SN - Old channel - 8 years ago
Can you breath with this mask underwater? I knows that people can breath with normal snorkels, as long the thing is over the water. :)
SHEFF - 8 years ago
SN - Old channel this works just like a normal snorkel mask. You can only breathe when the breathing tube is above water.
Matthew Loud
Matthew Loud - 8 years ago
Hi Brent, can you breathe underwater with this thing (when it's fully submerged)
Craig Harrison
Craig Harrison - 8 years ago
Matthew Loud like he said, the ball covers the breathing hole when underwater. You tell me, could you breath?
Saulo Sauce
Saulo Sauce - 8 years ago
Can you breath underwater with this thing.
Nikki The Fox
Nikki The Fox - 7 years ago
It's a snorkeling mask... what is the difference between snorkeling and diving?
SHEFF - 8 years ago
Saulo Sauce Not unless the breathing tube is out of the water
ronyoutu - 8 years ago
Yes, Just starting breathing in REAL deep
Siveon Farcloud
Siveon Farcloud - 8 years ago
Noticed that there are several near copies of this mask, some of which have a flat visor. Considering that this one is rounded, how's the distortion while under water?
SHEFF - 8 years ago
Siveon Farcloud I just made I new video explaining the difference
dominic barbas
dominic barbas - 8 years ago
Hi I think its great haven't tried one yet would love to only problem is equalising seems it would be as I am a free diver normal dives are 3 to 6 meters with time line of 1:30 minutes .
Rick Gram
Rick Gram - 8 years ago
besides costing way more than a normal mask and snorkel, it looks pretty ridiculous and naming it ninja only makes it even more so...
KAW GAMING - 8 years ago
I like the way it looks...
Games For Cykits
Games For Cykits - 8 years ago
Interesting thanks for this
Larry Johnson
Larry Johnson - 8 years ago
This is really cool. Would you please tell me if one can breathe inside the mask? I realize this may sound silly, but is the air trapped in the mask sufficient to take short puffs of breaths while wearing this mask underwater? Thanks!
Larry Johnson
Larry Johnson - 8 years ago
Cool. Ok, thanks!
SHEFF - 8 years ago
You can't breathe in. You have to hold your breath. When you breathe out the air escapes and you can't pull more air in.
Yossan Yishak
Yossan Yishak - 8 years ago
I want to buy one but it's not available here, so the only option sis to buy it online. Any suggestions for online sites where I can but the original one?
SHEFF - 8 years ago
I purchased mine on Amazon.com. I'm sure you can find them elsewhere as well.
Dimitrios Topouzidis
Dimitrios Topouzidis - 8 years ago
The music is too loud when you talk, it's annoying.
PreOAP - 8 years ago
how easy is it to clean and het all the water out so it doesnt mold over long periods of not being used?
SHEFF - 8 years ago
+PreOAP Mine came with a storage bag that allows the mask to breathe. That helps it dry out.
SHEFF - 8 years ago
+PreOAP Mine came with a storage bag that allows the mask to breathe. That helps it dry out.
jazzh100 - 8 years ago
I'm curious how you pressurize your ears while diving deeper, with this mask on? with a regular snorkel mask you can still squeeze your nose to relieve the pressure
SHEFF - 8 years ago
These masks are intended more for surface snorkeling and not diving really deep. Part of the problem with the masks is that you can't do the valsalva maneuver with these masks and the pressure on your face increases quickly as you go deeper.
Captain Jack
Captain Jack - 8 years ago
Something I just thought of. This mask might not work for me because I have a beard.
Captain Jack
Captain Jack - 8 years ago
+Brent Sheffield Awesome! Just put the word out in your area, and someone might know a bearded guy that would be willing to try it out. The company might even be interested in your results and even post your video on their website. Regardless, I think this would be a fun video to make and watch.
SHEFF - 8 years ago
+Captain Jack Hmmmm, let me think about that. No one comes to mind. I'll update if I can find someone.
Captain Jack
Captain Jack - 8 years ago
+Brent Sheffield It's probable that this mask might work for me. Here's the thing, I work at the Seattle Aquarium. They have a full face dive mask with a microphone installed so they can talk to the guest while they are feeding the fish in the large aquarium. I asked if anyone has tried using the mask with a beard? She said, yes and in fact a larger beard than mine. They had to tuck it in a bit more, but they were able to get a good seal.

Brent, do you have a bearded friend that could test out the mask? This would be the ultimate test!
Captain Jack
Captain Jack - 8 years ago
+James M It's still a fact in the military, for not only gas masks, but also fire fighting masks have to have a tight seal. Also note, water needs larger holes for the droplets pass through because if its higher viscosity.
James M
James M - 8 years ago
that's why shaving became popular during world war 1 because you cant use a gas mask with a beard! :D
SHEFF - 8 years ago
Yeah. That would be a problem
Mike Carr
Mike Carr - 8 years ago
Seems sand could cause the ball not to get a good seal, maybe not recommended for ocean diving.
Miriam Gould
Miriam Gould - 8 years ago
Can you use one of these masks skiing or walking in frigid/windy weather...???
SHEFF - 8 years ago
Good question. I probably wouldn't. My guess is it would fog up.
Emilia Sings
Emilia Sings - 8 years ago
what's the name of the mask
SHEFF - 8 years ago
Mine is the Wildhorn Outfitters Seaview 180 from Amazon.com
Tax Rex
Tax Rex - 8 years ago
Thanks for video. Can you please provide brand name and model (version) of the mask.
SHEFF - 8 years ago
I purchased the Wildhorn Outfitters Seaview 180 on Amazon.com
franziskum - 8 years ago
Nice video
How many time can you stay underwater with this mask?
SHEFF - 8 years ago
That depends on how long you can hold your breath. If you swim at the surface with the breathing tube sticking out of the water you can keep your head under and breathe just like a normal snorkel mask.
Eric Stolworthy
Eric Stolworthy - 8 years ago
How well can you communicate with others while wearing this?
SHEFF - 8 years ago
Honestly, that's tough to say. I haven't really tried it out but I think I'll have to see next time I go to the pool.

50. comment for What Happens when you Snorkel Upside Down?

AlabaiCA Channel
AlabaiCA Channel - 8 years ago
Did you have any problem with tube valve? In my test it was spontaneously blocked when I surfaced from under the water.
SHEFF - 8 years ago
+alabaiCA I didn't. Worked like a charm afterward.

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The "What Happens when you Snorkel Upside Down?" video is part of the snorkelling, underwater, diving category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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