6 Year Old Catches Huge Fish!

After catching a huge hammerhead, we went out to catch some tarpon. Reed was the first angler to catch a tarpon. The fish was bigger than him! He is only 6 years old! I was very impressed on how he handled and fought the tarpon. His tarpon weighed over 100lbs! GEAR USED: Bait Used --- Mullet Hook --- 7/0 Eagle Claw circle hook Leader --- 60lb Fluorocarbon Reel --- Quantum Cabo 60 Line --- 50lb Seaguar braid Rod --- 7ft Quantum Blu PT 12-25lb SPONSORS: http://barrettrods.com/ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ABOUT BLACKTIPH ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ BlacktipH Fishing brings you some of the most exciting fishing videos on the web. Our host, Josh Jorgensen, is an extreme angler who has an adrenaline seeking appetite for monster fish! Whether it's catching monster fish from the beach, from a kayak or from a boat, Josh pushes the limits of big game fishing. Our content has been featured on Discovery, National Geographic, Today Show and many more! ► NEW VIDEOS EVERY TUESDAY!! ► Click Here to Subscribe → http://bit.ly/blacktiph-subscribe ► Website → http://blacktiph.com • Facebook → http://bit.ly/blacktiph-fb • Instagram → http://bit.ly/blacktiph-instagram • Twitter → http://bit.ly/blacktiph-twitter • Google+ → http://bit.ly/blacktiph-GPlus • Periscope → http://bit.ly/blacktiph-periscope • Snapchat → BlacktipH ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ RELATED VIDEOS ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Tarpon Fishing on the Beach: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKoeOlopuTA Monster Beach Fishing Tarpon: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZqxqNj_utI Tarpon Crashing Mullet: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifeIS9yOkkw

6 Year Old Catches Huge Fish! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 507

Sports 11 years ago 2,559,796 views

After catching a huge hammerhead, we went out to catch some tarpon. Reed was the first angler to catch a tarpon. The fish was bigger than him! He is only 6 years old! I was very impressed on how he handled and fought the tarpon. His tarpon weighed over 100lbs! GEAR USED: Bait Used --- Mullet Hook --- 7/0 Eagle Claw circle hook Leader --- 60lb Fluorocarbon Reel --- Quantum Cabo 60 Line --- 50lb Seaguar braid Rod --- 7ft Quantum Blu PT 12-25lb SPONSORS: http://barrettrods.com/ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ABOUT BLACKTIPH ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ BlacktipH Fishing brings you some of the most exciting fishing videos on the web. Our host, Josh Jorgensen, is an extreme angler who has an adrenaline seeking appetite for monster fish! Whether it's catching monster fish from the beach, from a kayak or from a boat, Josh pushes the limits of big game fishing. Our content has been featured on Discovery, National Geographic, Today Show and many more! ► NEW VIDEOS EVERY TUESDAY!! ► Click Here to Subscribe → http://bit.ly/blacktiph-subscribe ► Website → http://blacktiph.com • Facebook → http://bit.ly/blacktiph-fb • Instagram → http://bit.ly/blacktiph-instagram • Twitter → http://bit.ly/blacktiph-twitter • Google+ → http://bit.ly/blacktiph-GPlus • Periscope → http://bit.ly/blacktiph-periscope • Snapchat → BlacktipH ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ RELATED VIDEOS ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Tarpon Fishing on the Beach: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKoeOlopuTA Monster Beach Fishing Tarpon: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZqxqNj_utI Tarpon Crashing Mullet: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifeIS9yOkkw

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Most popular comments
for 6 Year Old Catches Huge Fish!

rackety pancake
rackety pancake - 7 years ago
I thought my 5 pound bass was big...
Savage Kid
Savage Kid - 7 years ago
Not 100 pounder
ezilpha plays
ezilpha plays - 7 years ago
nice catch buddy ur im older than u and i cant catch a fish like that ?
ezilpha plays
ezilpha plays - 7 years ago
Brayden fishing and More
Brayden fishing and More - 7 years ago
No the fish was tired out
Igorha Chlad
Igorha Chlad - 7 years ago
Waw the best of fish
Kevin Kallick
Kevin Kallick - 7 years ago
Probably recorded the boy with a snag and then they caught a tarpon. Then they recorded the boy with an empty rod near the tarpon. Terrible faking. Lost respect.
Jjjj888 aj Jones
Jjjj888 aj Jones - 7 years ago
Me the first time i watched this vid ( i was 10 ): That's a shark, not a tarpon, morons. -.-
Me 4 years later: OMG!!!! HOW??? HOW?! WTF?
What actually sadly, happened:
I was watching this, THEN, i was saying " OMG!!! HOW??!! HOW ??" Then, my DOG took my phone, and broke it.
| RIP |
J's phone. |
Killed by Sandy. |
" I liked you, but you had viruses. " | |
Srry for horrible gravestone. :( On new phone.
Anr Gfzi
Anr Gfzi - 7 years ago
I love when older people get hooked and give it the younger ones

10. comment for 6 Year Old Catches Huge Fish!

TheGoldenRoar - 7 years ago
"IT'S LIKE A 100 pounder"
Harrison Kennedy
Harrison Kennedy - 7 years ago
Thats Awesome
Shank Plays
Shank Plays - 7 years ago
who was half way through the video and noticed it was blacktipH
Owen - 7 years ago
I caught a 600 pound goliath when I was 2 weeks old
ToxicPlayz - 7 years ago
That  cant be 10 pounds probably 70-80
Lumberpickle 03
Lumberpickle 03 - 7 years ago
Dang the dad is a great spot so that the kid don't fall off the boat
great youtube content
great youtube content - 7 years ago
Im sorry that was a big but defftanil not 100 pound he probally was 65 or 75
BasicGamer HQE
BasicGamer HQE - 7 years ago
Am i the only one who thinks this is fake
Pan CzauCzau
Pan CzauCzau - 7 years ago
Good job you let the dinner to go
Meliodas Sin Of Wrath
Meliodas Sin Of Wrath - 7 years ago
he beat my biggest fish by 80lbs

20. comment for 6 Year Old Catches Huge Fish!

Gordon ramsey
Gordon ramsey - 7 years ago
If he can do it i can do it Goes fishing Omg i have a tarpon ends up falling in water realizez its a shark and shits pants gets out of water and dies of being ashmed
lucas magnotta
lucas magnotta - 7 years ago
I caught a fish that my uncle couldn't even pull in
Thepanda 247
Thepanda 247 - 7 years ago
Now that's dedacation
Ashley Assink
Ashley Assink - 7 years ago
gees he's stroug
Emerald Swords
Emerald Swords - 7 years ago
The kid sounded like he was going to cry
Yolanda Purtle
Yolanda Purtle - 7 years ago
Leobadfish - 7 years ago
Got the tarpon tired and handed the kid the pole, then turned the camera on
Ben Kluesener
Ben Kluesener - 7 years ago
Dang that's so cool
Krystal Shelton
Krystal Shelton - 7 years ago
thats fucked
Krystal Shelton
Krystal Shelton - 7 years ago
thsts fucked up

30. comment for 6 Year Old Catches Huge Fish!

NASPELTZ - 7 years ago
I was that good when I was 6 I was a pro but this sis still cool
JackJackATX Gain
JackJackATX Gain - 7 years ago
How though that thing would yank that little toothpick that kid was so stupid that's a 100 pounder nope that's like 50 pounds and this is sooooooo fake
Its Splash
Its Splash - 7 years ago
he only got th at fish because it's the bout that's why
Gamer of King of Jam
Gamer of King of Jam - 7 years ago
That is Tarpon Or White Sea Bass!!!!!
The wacky adventures of lake and Zach 69
The wacky adventures of lake and Zach 69 - 7 years ago
I got a tarpon 3 times the size of that one
Muhamet Ramizi
Muhamet Ramizi - 7 years ago
Katsumy Aline
Katsumy Aline - 7 years ago
I'm older than that kid and I need help from my dad because I think I'm gonna fall in
JT Awesome
JT Awesome - 8 years ago
I am seven years old and l cot a 500 pound shark at the beach when l was fishing it was a bull shark a 15 foot long I am 4.9 feet tall
Storm Troopah
Storm Troopah - 7 years ago
JT Awesome stop telling lies because there is no way that seven years old can catch a 500 pound shark it's just unrealistic.
Madox Khanna
Madox Khanna - 8 years ago
That is so animated
Marianne Rojas
Marianne Rojas - 8 years ago
wow you go boy
Natalee Hernandez
Natalee Hernandez - 8 years ago
Hexagonal Prism
Hexagonal Prism - 8 years ago

"Go left. Other left"
Smh lil dude
E46 - 8 years ago
Wow, that is one big bass
Kenny - 8 years ago
He's a real tough cookie!
L7 Viroz
L7 Viroz - 8 years ago
See My Brother At When The Fish Was Close My Brother 6 Would have Jumped In lol
joschi jogi
joschi jogi - 8 years ago
Tarpon are a so beautiful Fish . This Silver and Chrome looking Fish
XboxAddictions Fan channel
XboxAddictions Fan channel - 8 years ago
When I was 3 I got a 50 pounder lol holy
imFlavia - 8 years ago
MCR_ laura
MCR_ laura - 8 years ago
Wooooow that is huuuuge
A Aaa
A Aaa - 8 years ago

50. comment for 6 Year Old Catches Huge Fish!

Anes Kljajic
Anes Kljajic - 8 years ago
peju 2
adriana avila
adriana avila - 8 years ago
Benjamin Deenan
Benjamin Deenan - 8 years ago
I've helped catch a 50 pound tuna and I'm only 9
Fabrizio Giorgi
Fabrizio Giorgi - 8 years ago
Grande e piccolo insieme...well done puppy!!!
USMC- 5927
USMC- 5927 - 8 years ago
Ive only seen one person catch a tarpon here in Navarre and Ive been here for a couple years.
Fishron the shark's Father
Fishron the shark's Father - 8 years ago
Nice tarpon
Antonio Carlos
Antonio Carlos - 8 years ago
Bom dia galera
CoolEmo-G : P
CoolEmo-G : P - 8 years ago
It's a Dratini
TheMango222 1
TheMango222 1 - 8 years ago
Clever Happy Derp
Clever Happy Derp - 8 years ago
No. Its called CPR man
Rykard Orban
Rykard Orban - 8 years ago
All he did was catch a baby tarpon
Clever Happy Derp
Clever Happy Derp - 8 years ago
Okay Kareem
Okay Kareem - 8 years ago
The Enderman- Gaming Videos-Console And Pc
The Enderman- Gaming Videos-Console And Pc - 8 years ago
dude your so.mean and yes i actully did catch a tarpon 100pds
Ma Traps
Ma Traps - 8 years ago
Ava/Rileigh Hollins
Ava/Rileigh Hollins - 8 years ago
That's a really big fish
Erin French
Erin French - 8 years ago
Big fish
Erin French
Erin French - 8 years ago
Good job. That was better then me
Garrett Wion
Garrett Wion - 8 years ago
when I was 6 I was happy to catch a sunfish
KSI SOULST3AL3R - 8 years ago
GG little man
Gracely Sipin
Gracely Sipin - 8 years ago
not cool at all
Tarou Nakajima
Tarou Nakajima - 8 years ago
I'm 6
Reece Anderson
Reece Anderson - 8 years ago
Sorry mate but you won't live for 1 million years
scourge the cat Fffd
scourge the cat Fffd - 8 years ago
Jayce Wright
Jayce Wright - 8 years ago
he didn't catch it because it got off the hook so it doesn't count so he really didn't catch it
Kealen Fuller
Kealen Fuller - 8 years ago
Dude he has no grouper or those kind of fish
Snake_Master 10
Snake_Master 10 - 8 years ago
wheezygamin - 8 years ago
Hey you cheated the fish has to be completely out of the water!!! no I'm just kidding your son is a great little fishermen:-)
kyleblum - 8 years ago
wheezygamin you're not suppose to take them out of the water if they are under 40 inches
Shoy - 8 years ago
wheezygamin - 8 years ago
yeah true I don't care too much its still a great catch!
Shoy - 8 years ago
it was either too heavy to bring out without snapping the line, or maybe there just wasn't room in the boat
Powell Family
Powell Family - 8 years ago
that kids gunna be me soon headin down to florida next spring. ill catch a big boneta
Joel Ruiz
Joel Ruiz - 8 years ago
only people who cant fish say he didnt catch this
Ninja Nation
Ninja Nation - 8 years ago
no nurse shark is 150,000 pounds
Rykard Orban
Rykard Orban - 8 years ago
if you're saying I can't catch a tarpon so how can I catch 150,000 pound nurse shark
Vincent Margarita
Vincent Margarita - 8 years ago
Good job kid
Tyler Mills
Tyler Mills - 8 years ago
hey itss kalese that is a big fish i wish that i could go fishing like that but any way bye have a nice day
Psi9 - 8 years ago
When I was 7 I caught a 190 tarpon behind a shrimp boat. It was in the news paper years back if u don't believe me.
aryan yousefzadeh
aryan yousefzadeh - 8 years ago
What's your name? Maybe that can help me find your article
CyManiac1 - 8 years ago
I remember something like that in Florida in 93
Killer Shark
Killer Shark - 8 years ago
That kid prob stronger than me
Roberta Choate
Roberta Choate - 8 years ago
that's a once in a lifetime fish
Rhino Playz
Rhino Playz - 8 years ago
i caught a 400lbs fish at 7
slabiciune - 8 years ago
He didn't catch that fish.
IPlayGames CatFish
IPlayGames CatFish - 8 years ago
Nice Fish I cought a baby catfish on 2nd of July 2016 near sunset. And i'de say it was at least 10IB I was trying to bait fish and stuff for like tilapia and crappie.
Mike Williams
Mike Williams - 8 years ago
Coolest dad in the world:)
The Enderman- Gaming Videos-Console And Pc
The Enderman- Gaming Videos-Console And Pc - 8 years ago
i am 9 and i have caught one to
Valerie Ruiz
Valerie Ruiz - 7 years ago
The Enderman- Gaming Videos-Console And Pc we dont care
DragonKing - 8 years ago
+Paul fujimoto ohhhhhhhhhhhhh
Drink Bleach
Drink Bleach - 8 years ago
Not 100 lb you probably have not even caught a 2 lb bass
Bernardo Montes
Bernardo Montes - 8 years ago
when i was 4 i got a shark beat that
Clever Happy Derp
Clever Happy Derp - 8 years ago
A 1 pound sand shark. With daddy's help.
Aquatic Variation
Aquatic Variation - 8 years ago
Such a liar xD
Gucci - 8 years ago
I think it's fake because They maybe just threw the fish as far as they can and made the kid bring it back but if u guys get mad at me for saying that I'm not saying that they did I just think they did
Clever Happy Derp
Clever Happy Derp - 8 years ago
Why would they lie about that LMAO what a joke
Dago Molina
Dago Molina - 8 years ago
where do you fish at
John Krueger
John Krueger - 8 years ago
Rude little kid
AntiqueFarmImplement - 8 years ago
He's 6 cut him a break lol
John Jacobs
John Jacobs - 8 years ago
kids so bossy
Keith Taylor
Keith Taylor - 8 years ago
i wanna be like this kid when i grow
Tango Taco
Tango Taco - 8 years ago
how thinks that the dad caught the fish and told him that. I could be wrong he could have caught that fish but he's pretty strong to reel in a "100"pound fish
jason virtuspro
jason virtuspro - 8 years ago
XFairyTuff_YTX - 8 years ago
omg you are a tough cookie(・∀・)
Sid Hale
Sid Hale - 8 years ago
His dad sounds like the Kool aid man
Crazy Caker
Crazy Caker - 8 years ago
Keep the fish and eat it it could feed lots of familys
Roman Perales
Roman Perales - 8 years ago

100. comment for 6 Year Old Catches Huge Fish!

Jeremy Roberson
Jeremy Roberson - 8 years ago
wer did he get the blue fishing line
Aryawati Suyadnya
Aryawati Suyadnya - 8 years ago
Im bob 15457
Im bob 15457 - 8 years ago
Enzo elf
Enzo elf - 8 years ago
thats so fake
Mikaila Keers
Mikaila Keers - 8 years ago
Why the heck did they let it go
6Robi - 8 years ago
ive always wanted to catch a tarpon
6Robi - 8 years ago
that kids boss
Foxy FanGirl
Foxy FanGirl - 8 years ago
Damn that was big
Logan Cisneroz
Logan Cisneroz - 8 years ago
Lmao the guys telling him to reel and he just tells him "I know how to fish" lmao
The Irishman
The Irishman - 8 years ago
That's awesome! My Pops bought a freshwater rod n reel for me when I was about his age. Those moments and sense of accomplishment will be great childhood memories for the little guy :)
Mastermind - 8 years ago
dude yo pro
Mike Vincent
Mike Vincent - 8 years ago
I was catching half pound bass at this age and this kid is out wrecking giant tarpon. Jesus Christ.
tidy kun
tidy kun - 8 years ago
wow he's 6 and already acts like a complete wanker, like most fisherman. Good job, great parenting.
Clever Happy Derp
Clever Happy Derp - 8 years ago
I sense jealousy . .. .
Mm.n.2k - 8 years ago
I fought the same fish with my grandma and grandpa with more help then this little fella but about the same size good job
Zappy - 8 years ago
I wish
Ruben Dasilva
Ruben Dasilva - 8 years ago
Gregen - 8 years ago
And im strugeling to catch gold fish
Quartz x
Quartz x - 8 years ago
Badass 6 year old.
Cvspdr/Mr. Cavespider
Cvspdr/Mr. Cavespider - 8 years ago
that kids gotta teach me to fish!
TheKandi7776 - 8 years ago
I was scared he was gonna fall in LOL
Pewdie Pie.
Pewdie Pie. - 8 years ago
That is a31 pounder
Lake Fork
Lake Fork - 8 years ago
Enyone got an idea of what I should use to catch tarpon in my lake?
TheNatureChannel - 8 years ago
Lake Fork ???????
Clever Happy Derp
Clever Happy Derp - 8 years ago
In your lake. . . lol
Seth Esham
Seth Esham - 8 years ago
+Danny Pinchasi fly
Roger D
Roger D - 8 years ago
Ethan Ruddy
Ethan Ruddy - 8 years ago
Lol come on it's pretty obvious the kid didn't actually bring in the fish. there's only one or two frames of him and the fish together, the rest are just the fish and the pole
Xsharknz - 7 years ago
Yeah!! It's fake
JackJackATX Gain
JackJackATX Gain - 7 years ago
I fought a 200 pound shark in the keys and hat thing was yanking me in and I had it strapped and everything
A R A Fishin
A R A Fishin - 8 years ago
Ethan Ruddy I agree a kid his size wouldn't have the strength to even fight the fish for 5 minutes
Logan Cash
Logan Cash - 8 years ago
Stop being ignorant
Nuxxy - 8 years ago
So he not reeling it in, yet it shows video of him reeling it in. 11/10 sense right there buddy.
Kingclasher - 8 years ago
+Ethan Ruddy this kid's dad is a host on the show Saltwater Experience, his name is Rich Tudor. I do not doubt that Reed reeled this tarpon in by himself...I have seen him reel in 20 lb jack crevelle and a 60 lb black tip on his own.
germanboy3161 - 8 years ago
+Maxwell Bolzman you guys are blind. little man was reeling him in the whole time
Maxwell Bolzman
Maxwell Bolzman - 8 years ago
I'm with ya
Bendytendy The Conservative
Bendytendy The Conservative - 8 years ago
+BlacktipH at 1:09 that's not him
Ethan Ruddy
Ethan Ruddy - 8 years ago
+BlacktipH there's no way dude, that thing would have pulled him in, he wasn't even strapped into a seat or anything
BlacktipH - 8 years ago
+Ethan Ruddy Trust me, he caught this tarpon all on his own.
Emily Moss
Emily Moss - 8 years ago
I remember catching a fish in Australia, it was tiny and when I picked it up it kind of puffed its belly out a bit. it was an army green with orange stripes. if anyone has a clue about what fish it is, reply to this
epicdiamond10967 roblox
epicdiamond10967 roblox - 8 years ago
Kids have good luck
Lakersfan332 - 8 years ago
Wow that fish is huge! I have never even caught something as big as that myself
Astro Allen
Astro Allen - 9 years ago
Melinda Guerra
Melinda Guerra - 9 years ago
Oh wait it is a tarpon
Melinda Guerra
Melinda Guerra - 9 years ago
Davis Ebel
Davis Ebel - 9 years ago
What kind of fish
6Robi - 8 years ago
+BlacktipH hi
BlacktipH - 9 years ago
coasteranonymous - 9 years ago
the ice chest gaming
the ice chest gaming - 9 years ago
Joe DiMari
Joe DiMari - 9 years ago
I am very happy that kid caught that big of a fish!:)
Larry Duran
Larry Duran - 9 years ago
That is one cool little man fishing!awesome!
Analyn Marquez
Analyn Marquez - 9 years ago
Wait you can eat tarpon right? Or you just catch them for fun?
Seth Esham
Seth Esham - 8 years ago
+Analyn Marquez for fun. theyre game fish
Lil Cupcake
Lil Cupcake - 9 years ago
Ja,Arek I Darek
Ja,Arek I Darek - 9 years ago
Paul Ritchie
Paul Ritchie - 9 years ago
Paul Ritchie
Paul Ritchie - 9 years ago
Why did you let go!? It could feef your whole famiy
Aquatic Variation
Aquatic Variation - 9 years ago
You need a permit to Keep tarpon in Florida
Gina Woehrle
Gina Woehrle - 9 years ago
Ni La
Ni La - 9 years ago
6 year old when I was7 I got a huge shark it was a great white
Clorox Bleach
Clorox Bleach - 9 years ago
"I know how to fish." SHOTS FIRED!!!
tada wahwah
tada wahwah - 9 years ago
it's food, why we can't have it?
DontTread1976 - 8 years ago
You can eat feces
Train Dudes
Train Dudes - 9 years ago
Yeah it's big and all but I've caught bigger
TheNatureChannel - 8 years ago
James Graham ok?
Bob Muller
Bob Muller - 9 years ago
Ok cool..
For the kid indeed did very well..
Train Dudes
Train Dudes - 9 years ago
+Bob Muller I wish there was something that I could use so that people could hear me speak because I was being sarcastic
Bob Muller
Bob Muller - 9 years ago
So what..
the boy is Only 6 !!

kid did Great !!!
Patrick Leahy
Patrick Leahy - 9 years ago
Lemmy Kilmister
Lemmy Kilmister - 9 years ago
it can't be fake
White Mya
White Mya - 9 years ago
Cadence Plays Roblox
Cadence Plays Roblox - 9 years ago
That's a silver fish
Cadence Plays Roblox
Cadence Plays Roblox - 9 years ago
+Alex Brooker Oh it looks like a silver fish
Alex Brooker
Alex Brooker - 9 years ago
+Cadence Lambert its a tarpon..
Miss Long Socks
Miss Long Socks - 9 years ago
omg this is crazy
Sans the Rocker
Sans the Rocker - 9 years ago
Good heart
Sans the Rocker
Sans the Rocker - 9 years ago
Oh no huge one u left it
DRK - 9 years ago
lucky bastard
Arthur Maziarz
Arthur Maziarz - 9 years ago
this is fake i bet the guy dragged the fish to shore with his boat
MrSaurophaganax - 9 years ago
+Arthur Maziarz The hook was let go. So no it wasn't...
David Lee Thompson
David Lee Thompson - 9 years ago
its a tarpin
quietlittle fox
quietlittle fox - 9 years ago
Big fish
Bryan Diaz
Bryan Diaz - 9 years ago
THAT KID HAS SOMEONE GOOD TALENT..the only big I've ever caught is a 127 pound sail fish.
the dragonslayer
the dragonslayer - 9 years ago
ive been fishing since i was three and i am 10 thats a big fish but i cant go fishing because now one takes me so stay cool kid
Axyl Ember
Axyl Ember - 9 years ago
"Hundwed pownder
MARK SAMIR - 9 years ago
That's insane
shades 9924
shades 9924 - 9 years ago
Is that your son
Belén Ortiz
Belén Ortiz - 9 years ago
It's sport fishing?
fluffydee Dldkeodl
fluffydee Dldkeodl - 9 years ago
its funny how immediantly hes like "100pounds". i kinda wanted it to break the line just because of his ego
raul carmenate
raul carmenate - 9 years ago
Andre Sarapuu
Andre Sarapuu - 9 years ago
Im Done ~_~
JustToxic - 9 years ago
You let it go?????!! That could of feed the whole family? What the truck?
JustToxic - 9 years ago
+BlacktipH Oh, Ah I knew that.. Wahhtttt? Jk i didnt know.. :(
ToxicStarGaming - 9 years ago
Mark Moore
Mark Moore - 9 years ago
You don't keep tarpon, sort of frowned upon. Take a picture and keep a scale
BlacktipH - 9 years ago
It's illegal to harvest tarpon without a permit in Florida.
محب المطيريLoving Noah
محب المطيريLoving Noah - 9 years ago
Strong kid
Tizi Tizo
Tizi Tizo - 9 years ago
one question how can that kid walk with them big ass balls?
John Sanders
John Sanders - 9 years ago
Ho miy
Isa. - 9 years ago
emilio m
emilio m - 9 years ago
Hunter Sukhai
Hunter Sukhai - 9 years ago
when them Guyanese get that fish them fry it gud
Patricia Martin
Patricia Martin - 9 years ago
Buddy But
Buddy But - 9 years ago
I was At the keys
PAVITH 123 .T - 9 years ago
1Rod1ReelFishing - 9 years ago
Lol that kid was a straight up BOSS xD
John Oviedo Pinero
John Oviedo Pinero - 8 years ago
Gavin Craft
Gavin Craft - 8 years ago
he did better than you would
Dope Toons
Dope Toons - 8 years ago
dude no way its you
Twin Cities Fishing
Twin Cities Fishing - 8 years ago
I seriously see you on every fishing video with over a million views. Plus you have great vids
eatforlife - 9 years ago
funny seeing u here 1rod, seeing as i am subbed to u lol
TheLegoDoggo - 9 years ago
Dang son
RHQs Ghost
RHQs Ghost - 9 years ago
its called 200 pounder cobia
Leo Pedro
Leo Pedro - 9 years ago
that was so big
MISTA 808 - 9 years ago
This kid catches fish. All I catch is sun burns. :\
Shijiree Khishigee
Shijiree Khishigee - 7 years ago
MISTA 808 87шцшчлу
Magikk Man
Magikk Man - 9 years ago
This kid catches a behemoth of a fish, and all I catch is a behemoth of seaweed.
MK whoopings
MK whoopings - 9 years ago
Hahahahah that was classic
Kyle Giordani
Kyle Giordani - 9 years ago
nice fish
JNE ! - 9 years ago
So bad
JNE ! - 9 years ago
So bad
Man Ma
Man Ma - 9 years ago
Man Ma
Man Ma - 9 years ago
clayton tomlinson
clayton tomlinson - 9 years ago
Good catch lil man
Tee Jay
Tee Jay - 9 years ago
Leave fishes alone for goodness sakes
Alex Brooker
Alex Brooker - 9 years ago
+Tee Jay fish lack the ability in their nerve ending in their mouth to feel pain there. its been documented well over 100 times. look it up..
Zivihx - 9 years ago
Then why click on this video? I HATE when people click on videos they know they won't like then hate on it like W...T....F
BootJarhead - 9 years ago
Mountain Airsoft
Mountain Airsoft - 9 years ago
+Tee Jay 1. There are no nerves in a fish's mouth. 2. if the hook does rip it will grow back. 3. there are millions probably billions of fish in the ocean and they spawn every year. 4. why are you here when you dont like fishing? 5. +BlacktipH Is a very responsible fisherman that kid was doing everything right leave if you dont like it.
andrew deirish
andrew deirish - 9 years ago
there fish your allowed to catch fish if u want to
MK whoopings
MK whoopings - 9 years ago
+Luke Tube or he has never fished and doesn't know what he's talking about
MK whoopings
MK whoopings - 9 years ago
+Luke Tube he has probably only fished once and only caught a 2 inch roach lol
Equal Videos
Equal Videos - 9 years ago
+Tee Jay have you ever caught a big fish????
Tee Jay
Tee Jay - 9 years ago
Tee Jay
Tee Jay - 9 years ago
+Fishermen32 ok, 
Tee Jay
Tee Jay - 9 years ago
+Fishermen32 ok
Tee Jay
Tee Jay - 9 years ago
+Fishermen32 arg, this is my comment section.
Tee Jay
Tee Jay - 9 years ago
+Fishermen32 "then"
MK whoopings
MK whoopings - 9 years ago
+Tee Jay I don't whine, I just respond to your whining.
Tee Jay
Tee Jay - 9 years ago
I could ask you the same.. I mean seriously??
MK whoopings
MK whoopings - 9 years ago
+Tee Jay do a more constructive thing than whining on YT
Tee Jay
Tee Jay - 9 years ago
+Fishermen32 Do more constructive things with your life; than sitting and meddling with animals. Lol
Tee Jay
Tee Jay - 9 years ago
+Fishermen32 How old are you??? You still don't get it.. Lol and you call me dumb Lol.. 
Tee Jay
Tee Jay - 9 years ago
+Fishermen32 it's about the torture of the catching process... How smart do you feel now? Fisherman, be a Smartman instead, invest your time in education and knowledge; than just sitting and torturing animals in the water and then calling it a day.
Tee Jay
Tee Jay - 9 years ago
+Sahir Hossain That's the point.. you don't get it. try your sarcasm elsewhere buddy.
Magikk Man
Magikk Man - 9 years ago
You know, there's a fishing method called 'catch and release'. It's pretty self explanatory. (Also, people usually pull the hook out of the fish's mouth, others let the hook stay on the fish so the hook can rust). If you didn't see the whole video, they let the fish go.
MK whoopings
MK whoopings - 9 years ago
+Tee Jay You see fishes aren't really intelligent, they have probably forgotten it the day after anyway. What you don't get is that there are a lot laws for fishing, making it as safe for the fish as possible. For instance you are not allowed to fish for every species and you are not allowed to use certain types of hooks if you are fishing for trout( at least in my country (the Netherlands)
Tee Jay
Tee Jay - 9 years ago
+Thundo Gaming "you're" so smart
Thundo Gaming
Thundo Gaming - 9 years ago
+Tee Jay ur so stupid
Tee Jay
Tee Jay - 9 years ago
We don't feel pain from our nails, but imagine being pulled and dragged by them. I just feel that the hobby is stupid one and is finding pleasure in animal cruelty: but we won't acknowledge. 
J.D. Dibbs
J.D. Dibbs - 9 years ago
The mouth of a tarpon is very hard and bony, I don't think they feel pain very strongly there, but they do get very stressed out.
CookerSeven4 - 9 years ago
+Tee Jay no literally what did you even mean by that
Tee Jay
Tee Jay - 9 years ago
there you go, doesn't change your flawed logic.
CookerSeven4 - 9 years ago
+Tee Jay "have you hears of making sense?"
Tee Jay
Tee Jay - 9 years ago
+twilot_spokle ` Have you heard of making sense? You logic of the ecosystem is flawed.
CookerSeven4 - 9 years ago
+Tee Jay ever heard of an ecosystem?
what, do you get mad at bears because they catch fish? do you get mad at cheetahs because they catch gazelles, pronghorns, etc.? so then why would you get mad at humans for catching a fish, and then LETTING IT GO?
Tee Jay
Tee Jay - 9 years ago
+twilot_spokle ` Too many assumptions: The hook rips the fish's mouth cause it fights to free itself. And this is just the assumption that the fish is just hooked in the mouth. Word
CookerSeven4 - 9 years ago
There are no nerves in the fishes mouth
It doesn't hurt the fish
I'm willing to bet everything I own that you're a vegetarian too based on the fact that you think this is torture when they are releasing the fish
Tee Jay
Tee Jay - 9 years ago
+Darlingvang101 Vang didn't ask what it was called: But i can tell you it's called torture, Why put a pin through the mouth of the animal.. for fun? Please! Especially you're not going to do nothing with it.
Darlingvang101 Vang
Darlingvang101 Vang - 9 years ago
omgawd that's call fishing dude and it's not like they were gonna eat the fish they letted the fish go
- NikolaiTheOnly
- NikolaiTheOnly - 9 years ago
Nicholas suck so much, yup Nicholas suck a lot
avfc85 - 9 years ago
This kids dad must be so proud of his son.
TOXIC EMOTION117 - 9 years ago
Jason French
Jason French - 9 years ago
jason millard
jason millard - 9 years ago
fair play . lad
Камила Kamila
Камила Kamila - 9 years ago
the fruit hunter
the fruit hunter - 9 years ago
Nevermind looked at discription.
the fruit hunter
the fruit hunter - 9 years ago
Is that a cabo spinning reel?
Justin lauj
Justin lauj - 9 years ago
I don't bolive
ReelFishing - 9 years ago
Was this with the saltwater experience guys? Great channel, tight lines!
Niamh Smith
Niamh Smith - 9 years ago
BlacktipH - 9 years ago
Yes it was with Rich Tudor.
Willie R Yandi
Willie R Yandi - 9 years ago
drsmadhu - 9 years ago
He chought a marlin!

(Ignore my horibale spelling)
totallfreak2112 - 9 years ago
The point is spending quality time with his father while catching big fish.
Ray Hill
Ray Hill - 9 years ago
are you freaking kidding me that kid is a pro man little dude's luck is awesome that fish is great if i could i would like this video 50,thousand times most parents say its a big fish when they catch a small fish but this kid got a big fish!
Fishing boss
Fishing boss - 9 years ago
Good job buddy your aswome
Noah Quincel
Noah Quincel - 9 years ago
i can't catch a fish that big let it being he is only 6
happytroll 247
happytroll 247 - 9 years ago
Wow was it a barracuda
Dat festive turkey
Dat festive turkey - 9 years ago
Dylan Ward
Dylan Ward - 9 years ago
Joseph Perez
Joseph Perez - 9 years ago
A tarpon
Billy Lor
Billy Lor - 9 years ago
Are tarpon and shad related ? They look pretty similar
Savage Teapot
Savage Teapot - 9 years ago
just like me when i was little
goshawk1974 - 9 years ago
the dad did a great job with that kid. he sounds like a seasoned angler already at age 6.
Xsharknz - 7 years ago
It's fake
Urban Hunterz
Urban Hunterz - 9 years ago
eZ Nubs
eZ Nubs - 9 years ago
A fish of that size being taken out of the ecosystem alone could destroy the food chain
ootie extreme
ootie extreme - 9 years ago
+eZ Nubs There are so many tarpon in florida. You have obviously never tarpon fished florida. Besides no one even keeps tarpon. They are like muskie, there for the sport.
D Fen
D Fen - 9 years ago
You obviously arnt educated
Derk Ling
Derk Ling - 9 years ago
Taking ONE fish out of an ecosystem wouldn't upset anything. 
eZ Nubs
eZ Nubs - 9 years ago
how so?
Derk Ling
Derk Ling - 9 years ago
+eZ Nubs lol you are an idiot.
Chao Xiong
Chao Xiong - 9 years ago
allsorts boy
allsorts boy - 9 years ago
He's not six plus he current pull a"100" pounder in
Dat festive turkey
Dat festive turkey - 9 years ago
Do you know the word "help"
KingCurry - 9 years ago
It's not a hundred obviously but he was six at the time
allsorts boy
allsorts boy - 9 years ago
He's not strong enough
Ray Hill
Ray Hill - 9 years ago
+Aiden Moore he is six moron!
RyGuy Lefebvre
RyGuy Lefebvre - 9 years ago
I am l fan of fishing but that is massive great job little man:-)
Alex Hepfner
Alex Hepfner - 9 years ago
Look at my channel look what my dad caught it's great white sharks together
TheJames0227 - 9 years ago
That tarpon got put in the boat by a six year old. That tarpon should be ashamed.
Xsharknz - 7 years ago
It's fake
Tristan Nelson
Tristan Nelson - 7 years ago
Fredrik Feragen Olsen
Fredrik Feragen Olsen - 8 years ago
TheJames0227 agree thats a huge fish for a six year old to pull up... 100pounds!!
FishTank Productions
FishTank Productions - 9 years ago
+TheJames0227 This comment made my day.

TheBlindKidWithGlasses - 10 years ago
that fish i big enough to eat that kid
Lord StarKiller
Lord StarKiller - 10 years ago
why fish if your not gonna eat the fish
Maurice Archie
Maurice Archie - 7 years ago
lol I'm pretty sure the fish would rather swim away with a hole in its mouth than get taken home de scaled sliced in half gutted head chopped off and burned until cooked and then ate by a human . Which one is more cruel lol?
ben garbutt
ben garbutt - 9 years ago
To say when you were 6 you fought a 100 pound tarpon
Fatih K.
Fatih K. - 9 years ago
He makes a point and go set a hook in your own mouth for fun!! I am also an angler and I try to target species which I will consume. Its nonsense to torture animals just for fun. But you can have fun while youre fishing it because you gonna consume it. But catching fish just for fun, and not consuming it or giving it to folks in need, is just bollix!
Ray Hill
Ray Hill - 9 years ago
+Lord StarKiller you fish for fun and for hunger it real'y does not matter if you fish it and don't eat it. just saying.
Dat festive turkey
Dat festive turkey - 9 years ago
Mau the gamer
Mau the gamer - 9 years ago
+Lord StarKiller say mane you make no sence -.- your come backs are wack dude dont make ne get a murder case on you brah
Lord StarKiller
Lord StarKiller - 9 years ago
+Justin .Waldvogel yo justin timberlake nobody wants to hear girl gossip you can go play barbie somewhere else
Justin .Waldvogel
Justin .Waldvogel - 9 years ago
+Lord StarKiller dude you're a dumbass go back to killing stars LORD STAR KILLER, maybe we'll see you in the next star wars movie?
McSavage - 9 years ago
Are you stupid? For one no one eats that type of fish and two thats why the word angler was invented ( someone that fishes for the fun and usually releases the fish)
Lord StarKiller
Lord StarKiller - 9 years ago
1) wdf are you and 2) nobody cares
Nathaniel Gibson
Nathaniel Gibson - 9 years ago
1) that is a Tarpon

2) its called catch and release stupid
Hunter Kantelis
Hunter Kantelis - 9 years ago
It is a tarpon. They are not good to eat. Fishing is also a sport. Many people do it for fun. Also, before you say it hurts them, it doesn't. They don't have feeling like we do.
bounchofbeaners - 9 years ago
+Lord StarKiller agreed, i dont get people these days..
zzztubazzz - 10 years ago
stupid kid
Ray Hill
Ray Hill - 9 years ago
stupid kid? he ant stupid your stupid he was great i mean great i bet you only catch meno's.
Luke Seadon
Luke Seadon - 10 years ago
Hmhm, I see attention seeking?
Rafael Santana
Rafael Santana - 10 years ago
That's nothing, my daughter caught a blue whale last weekend. We are in that blue whale right now, please come help us!!
Ray Hill
Ray Hill - 9 years ago
+Rafael Santana i bet your daugter said that a kid can't catch a blue whale its the biggest known animal in the world so no one will bieleve you ok so give it up.
Fátima - 10 years ago
poor fish
Ray Hill
Ray Hill - 9 years ago
+aislinpixel if you think the fish is poor why did you watch the video!?
Nebrox - 10 years ago
A Tarpon this size would take at least 30 minutes of heavy pump and wind.
6 Year old?
 I dunno.
Adrian Delagarza
Adrian Delagarza - 10 years ago
40 pound
Adrian Delagarza
Adrian Delagarza - 10 years ago
Awsome good catch better than me and I'm 11 biggest Fish I ever got was a 40 blue cat fish
Sean Higgs
Sean Higgs - 10 years ago
even i can't catch a fish that big well done mate
Mojo522 - 10 years ago
Mac c.
Mac c. - 10 years ago
WOAH that's was a pretty big fish! Your son should be very proud :3
quest 34667
quest 34667 - 10 years ago
that was FREAKING COOL....all kids should be taught how to fish. he will never forget that day. 
chelly babie
chelly babie - 10 years ago
no way.
Gary T
Gary T - 10 years ago
Wow great fish kid, that fish was bigger than you so welldone,nice technique and style, you and your Dad should be very proud :-) hope you caught the fishing bug for life. Great days and memory's for you. Fishing teaches us many of life's great lessons and you son will never go hungry. Brill :-)
Xsharknz - 7 years ago
It's fake
quest 34667
quest 34667 - 10 years ago
iTzEy4D إياد
iTzEy4D إياد - 10 years ago
Dame I am 21 and I have not Evan cut that dig
quest 34667
quest 34667 - 10 years ago
me neither lol
Maggie Montiel
Maggie Montiel - 10 years ago
rumman jaman
rumman jaman - 10 years ago
why didnt you eat that anyway!! you are a vegetarian !! i gotcha bro
Dat festive turkey
Dat festive turkey - 9 years ago
1.tarpon don't taste good

My job is sone
Jesse Gamble
Jesse Gamble - 10 years ago
why a heavier leader than main??
Joshua Jorgensen
Joshua Jorgensen - 10 years ago
Tarpon will fray light leader material. Their mouth is like sandpaper. 
zoe collins
zoe collins - 10 years ago
it looks like a shark
Cheryl Moore
Cheryl Moore - 10 years ago
God Job Little man!!!
harvey Johnston
harvey Johnston - 10 years ago
That's awsome for a six year old
LOO POP - 10 years ago
good for him
Simpsorama50 - 10 years ago
RoughShaft - 10 years ago
tommy a
tommy a - 10 years ago
u r not aloud to land tarpon in the boat i live in canada and i know that wacth a tarpon durby the drag them in the water to the way place
Sven26 - 10 years ago
I'm 22 and that kid catch bigger fish than I will ever :D 
Xsharknz - 7 years ago
It's fake
Lucas Ivanov
Lucas Ivanov - 10 years ago
kid bengala
Football and gaming George
Football and gaming George - 10 years ago
I'm 12 I've caught a lot bigger but he's 6 so that is a good catch for his age
Alexa Williams Meisler
Alexa Williams Meisler - 10 years ago
Blinkology - 10 years ago
dang big fish
TTX Fishing
TTX Fishing - 10 years ago
I know how to fish XD
Supra Man
Supra Man - 10 years ago
Christina The Otaku
Christina The Otaku - 10 years ago
Mouth drops open
Jimmy Stogner
Jimmy Stogner - 10 years ago
I caught the worlds smallest tarpon.It was about an inch.
Audrius sajanas
Audrius sajanas - 10 years ago
somebody helped him
Dylan Ward
Dylan Ward - 10 years ago
Isn't that Rich Tudors son?
henryk chudy
henryk chudy - 9 years ago
BlacktipH - 10 years ago
BlacktipH - 10 years ago
+robert voydetich I cannot reply to your comment. Please change your Google+ settings. This link will help: http://bit.ly/1lMCep1
Ronald Adkins
Ronald Adkins - 7 years ago
BlacktipH jjgsxnkh
Xd Moreno
Xd Moreno - 7 years ago
Edward Smith y no
Edward Smith
Edward Smith - 7 years ago
Kane Vlogs
Kane Vlogs - 8 years ago
Pjjones 23
Pjjones 23 - 8 years ago
Breeze Gaming
Breeze Gaming - 8 years ago
lol nvm i see my mistake :/
Isaac Padilla
Isaac Padilla - 8 years ago
www wwwwwwhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Breeze Gaming
Breeze Gaming - 9 years ago
lol No he was saying he couldnt reply to that one guy and i was saying i can
Leanne yhyhyh
Leanne yhyhyh - 9 years ago
+Breeze Gaming lol, wtf, he said he cannot reply not u.
zaoui ali
zaoui ali - 9 years ago
+Presedent Obama
Breeze Gaming
Breeze Gaming - 9 years ago
+Presedent Obama i can reply...
Michael Anthony Florentino
Michael Anthony Florentino - 10 years ago
How heavy was it??
BlacktipH - 10 years ago
Probably between 80-100lbs. 
robert voydetich
robert voydetich - 10 years ago
where is this?
Samjeve Ramruup
Samjeve Ramruup - 10 years ago
Chuck norris in his younger years
crazyoutdoorsman 2112
crazyoutdoorsman 2112 - 10 years ago
he looks to be about 60 70 pounds
The modern Velociraptor
The modern Velociraptor - 10 years ago
Umm marine animals have very dense bones that would be closer to 150-170 pounds a fish about 13 inches long is about 10 pounds
Gabriel - 10 years ago
XD at the beginning they are telling him what to do and hes like i know how to fish
Shijiree Khishigee
Shijiree Khishigee - 7 years ago
Gabriel ррр
D Boy
D Boy - 10 years ago
i wouldn't believe this if i didn't see it with my own eyes still can't believe he catch that big ass tarpon as small as he is
Isaiah Twumasi
Isaiah Twumasi - 10 years ago
i dont know if it was 100 pounds maybe 70 or 80
Zirvo - 10 years ago
I haven't caught that and I'm 10
Controllz_ _
Controllz_ _ - 10 years ago
Eat that bad boy, dont let it go. Some good eating
adam - 10 years ago
He got a fish bigger than me! Good catch kido!
Bill Halley
Bill Halley - 10 years ago
That's the best. Teaching the next generation the right way. Great job young man you got my biggest fish beat by about 80 pounds
zMelonz - 10 years ago
I keep wondering if I would have been able to catch a one-hundred pound fish when i was 6.
Mind_boy - 7 years ago
+Nebrox Dude, you are probably thinking of YOUR sic year old self, you probably weren't that strong.
Nebrox - 10 years ago

That's fine, but normally people back up themselves up with a reason.
Rafael Santana
Rafael Santana - 10 years ago
No response was required.
Nebrox - 10 years ago
+Rafael Santana
Please elaborate on why.
This will be good.
Rafael Santana
Rafael Santana - 10 years ago
+Nebrox you have a very narrow mind.
Nebrox - 10 years ago
+William Hepner
Just stating the obvious.
It is physically impossible for a 6 year old to play out and land a 100 pound tarpon.
The kid looked totally fresh at the end.
Hep - 10 years ago
+Nebrox Wat?
zMelonz - 10 years ago
Umm, Ok?
Nebrox - 10 years ago
No you couldn't of. Neither can that kid.
Ruben Pels
Ruben Pels - 10 years ago
Foking tarpon!
shonda aiken
shonda aiken - 10 years ago
Do it for the vine
xDarkSanity - 10 years ago
wow man didnt even get him in the boat! come on now. i know hes probably 100 lbs but come on
Off The Hook Angling
Off The Hook Angling - 9 years ago
+xDarkSanity It is too much of a hassle and it puts the fish in danger.
bounchofbeaners - 9 years ago
+BlacktipH to take a picture of course or something .. i mean i know yall catch and release but that technicly wasnt a catch if its not on the boat ..
BlacktipH - 10 years ago
There is no reason to bring a tarpon this size into the boat.
Kian Donaldson
Kian Donaldson - 10 years ago
How strong is that 6 year old???
Timothy Lieuw
Timothy Lieuw - 10 years ago
He is talking about richard sandrak but he did not know his name. No need to get mean about it
Chick Hicks
Chick Hicks - 10 years ago
I don't understand retards, sorry.
Michaela Arrington
Michaela Arrington - 10 years ago
Maybe he's that kids like you know what's his name they call him the world's strongest kid so maybe he's found
Chick Hicks
Chick Hicks - 10 years ago
Pretty sure he had the drag on his rod most of the time.
osiris Anu
osiris Anu - 10 years ago
look at that kid reel!!!
6 year old owning a tarpon lol
Nick Anderson
Nick Anderson - 10 years ago
Biggest fish I caught when I was six was a 15lbs rainbow trout. This kid is epic!
P Hdz
P Hdz - 10 years ago
I was,in the beginning in the lake
P Hdz
P Hdz - 10 years ago
It does not count he got a fish where there is a lot of fish in the middle in the lake and i got a big cat fish
Casey Picardi
Casey Picardi - 10 years ago
Awesome I'm 13 and the biggest fish I've caught is a 4 pound largemouth. I do live in colorado though.
Arnel Durakovic
Arnel Durakovic - 10 years ago
awsome fish bro when i was six i could hardly hold a fishin pole
MoreEthan - 10 years ago
Is that the biggest fish he has ever caught
Ray Hill
Ray Hill - 9 years ago
+BlacktipH are you searyous!? that thing was big and he caught bigger amazing!
BlacktipH - 10 years ago
I think that he has caught bigger. 
Xpertthief120 - 10 years ago
Who in f*ck would :( dislike that he caught a fish bigger than him
Sir Snek
Sir Snek - 10 years ago
Adults who own all the most expensive equipment,but only catch bluegill and minnows.
Grant Fishing
Grant Fishing - 10 years ago
So awesome!!!
Rafał Kat
Rafał Kat - 10 years ago
Nice one!
Bob Ingersoll
Bob Ingersoll - 10 years ago
What is the point?
Dat festive turkey
Dat festive turkey - 9 years ago
Nice calling him Jewish.
William Hinson
William Hinson - 9 years ago
+Kevin Lynn oh really Then why go after it if they will release it same goes for shark. Blacktiph are just a bunch of Jewish faggots.
Blitz4000 - 9 years ago
+Bob Ingersoll Point is, honing the skills of that boy because fishing with a rod and reel takes more skill than fishing with a net.
Thepenguinproscoper Penguin gaming
Thepenguinproscoper Penguin gaming - 9 years ago
+Geometry Dash Nozer thats a tarpon its not good to eat
Swordman Pvp
Swordman Pvp - 10 years ago
barabas1037 - 10 years ago
The point is, it is a catch and release fishing so we can enjoy more till the next generation. And in your case, better go to the wet market and perhaps buy canned fish like sardines...I'm sure you'll enjoy more.
dominiqueb - 10 years ago
+Jacob Gaitan maybe he's from a culture who fishes for food...
BlacktipH - 10 years ago
Being outdoors with friends and family and enjoy the natural resources. 
Thomas Garcia
Thomas Garcia - 10 years ago
Awesome catch buddy!!
Caffieend - 10 years ago
Catch and release, that's  what I like to see! :)
IT'Z AUZZIE - 7 years ago
Caffieend - 10 years ago
+Viktoria Pilz  I like that im trying to become a vegan with my mom. :)
Rafael Santana
Rafael Santana - 10 years ago
+Blamket Boy LOL
THEunderCOVERgamer _1
THEunderCOVERgamer _1 - 10 years ago
Catch and eat :) thats what i do
Viktoria Pilz
Viktoria Pilz - 10 years ago
Don´t catch and eat vegan that´s what I like to see! :D
Tom Beck
Tom Beck - 10 years ago
wow i didnt believe it unitil i saw it
Joe Wild
Joe Wild - 10 years ago
Twixtro - 10 years ago
I thought i was cool when i got a trout when i was 5.......ego destroyed haha great catch!
Donovan Hartman
Donovan Hartman - 10 years ago
Dide your the BOSS
halofreakinfinity - 10 years ago
when i first sw him with the reel, i thought,'What if he falls in?"
mizzyvuey - 10 years ago
Thats a river monster
mizzyvuey - 10 years ago
River monster
Dat festive turkey
Dat festive turkey - 9 years ago
Nice reference me and my dad are obsessed with that show
Peter Popov
Peter Popov - 10 years ago
How in the world didn't this fish pull the little kid in?
Ray Hill
Ray Hill - 9 years ago
+BlacktipH wow very impresive tacticts.
BlacktipH - 10 years ago
He was using the drag of the reel to wear out the fish. The drag of the reel puts pressure on the spool like brakes on your car. 
sportfisher7 - 11 years ago
good stuff
Adrian Lequerica
Adrian Lequerica - 11 years ago
Hey is that in duck key by Hawks cay
BlacktipH - 11 years ago
Long Key. 
yasser ali
yasser ali - 11 years ago
Not fair
cuzz sports
cuzz sports - 11 years ago
Not fair
Jackson York
Jackson York - 11 years ago
Dana Schweers
Dana Schweers - 11 years ago
Love to see you catch and release! Great job buddy!
2NA_Vlogs - 11 years ago
"I know how to fish!"
I'm convinced
BlacktipH - 11 years ago
BlacktipH - 11 years ago
Yes, that's Rich Tudor.
Ganitox - 11 years ago
Was the reel a Quantum Cabo ??
jhon savage
jhon savage - 11 years ago
isn't that the saltwater experience guy?
Nebrox - 11 years ago
I have personally watched adult men catch similar sized fish that have taken over an hour to land. They are physically exhausted afterwards. This six year old has energy to burn even at the end. This is amazing!
runningwithdrinks - 11 years ago
Great job little man
Olivia Pearce
Olivia Pearce - 11 years ago
that is so cool my bro love fishing and he caught 9.3lb carp well done
MikePlaysJazz - 11 years ago
Pull up reel down, I know how to fish!!!! hahaha!!! this is kid is a pro fisher:) keep it up!
Joseph Burke
Joseph Burke - 11 years ago
Dude that kid is sick he could get a record breaker big fish!!!!!
Sam Cook
Sam Cook - 11 years ago
That kid is awesome!!!!
TheAiden317 - 11 years ago
This is me at 10
TheSimplifiedSportsman - 11 years ago
That's awesome. That kids a boss
BlacktipH - 11 years ago
He was using the drag of the reel to put pressure on the fish.
Swing Thing
Swing Thing - 11 years ago
How did he not get pulled overboard?
Thy - 11 years ago
Wow thats so cool
Alex Ayala
Alex Ayala - 11 years ago
jermey wade jr
Robin Alvear
Robin Alvear - 11 years ago
Thats a hundred pounder thats a hundred pounder lol
TylerPlays - 11 years ago
Lol that kids funny *I KNOW HOW TO FISH* i love that kid xD
Faded RBLX
Faded RBLX - 11 years ago
I actually could do that myself
Faded RBLX
Faded RBLX - 11 years ago
BlacktipH - 11 years ago
Yes sir.
Conner Sasich
Conner Sasich - 11 years ago
is that a cabo reel
nick kane
nick kane - 11 years ago
you can catch anything with any kind of fishing pole you just have to know how to handle it
randomness - 11 years ago
im 10 and i cant even hook that wow
Callum Jenkins
Callum Jenkins - 11 years ago
Great thing knowing when i grew up my old man would have taken the rod of me in case of losing the rod or fish but you allowed you boy to have fun and reel him in, plus his attitude towards fishing, its great to know the under generation are so keen on this sport , great fish little man and great video mate..
Jacob Dabish
Jacob Dabish - 11 years ago
Fake you can't catch a hundred pounder with that fishing pull
808steveA - 11 years ago
Well done young man, , hope you catch many more.
Graham Sleadd
Graham Sleadd - 11 years ago
That kid is awesome
The Adam Bomb
The Adam Bomb - 11 years ago
good catch little dude
untipable - 11 years ago
You don't eat tarpon, too bony to eat. Need a 50 dollar tag to even kill one for a mount.
Stefan Pedersen
Stefan Pedersen - 11 years ago
you didnt eat it...
Homemade Weapons
Homemade Weapons - 11 years ago
jimmygdeaner - 11 years ago
Yeah thats like a 50 lb
Ręgûlãr Pęršøñ
Ręgûlãr Pęršøñ - 11 years ago
My biggest fish was a hundred pounder ant that was when I was 10 it was bigger than that
RichardForLife - 11 years ago
atleast he did half of it and got the fish i bet when you where 6 years old you can't a a frikin salmon
LeiF CS - 11 years ago
thats the guys from saltwater experience
Trevor Grogan
Trevor Grogan - 11 years ago
That was me except it was with black fin shark
BlacktipH - 11 years ago
Jahiem Dillard
Jahiem Dillard - 11 years ago
That's a lie u know it
robot Lee
robot Lee - 11 years ago
Francy Colque
Francy Colque - 11 years ago
One day I went fishing I got nothing but I saw a frog and a turtle.
Francy Colque
Francy Colque - 11 years ago
That fish is so big !!!
RLWSNOOK410 - 11 years ago
I'm so jealous... That kid was probably so excited!! Too cool!
Vibn GD
Vibn GD - 11 years ago
65 pounds at least helluva catch for a six year old tho.
chaz nobrega
chaz nobrega - 11 years ago
damn my biggest fish was a 3 foot 7 inch muskie that was 8 pounds he has got me beat
chaz nobrega
chaz nobrega - 11 years ago
probably not 1 hundred pounds but close either way amazing fish buddy
BlacktipH - 11 years ago
It was an estimated size. Rich (Reed's dad) is a professional tarpon guide. He has seen his fair share of them to make an estimated guess.
BlacktipH - 11 years ago
Mckenzie Mitchell
Mckenzie Mitchell - 11 years ago
How does he know its a hundred pounder????.
subparracer - 11 years ago
shut up i did the exact thing when i was a little older than him. mine was around 150lbs, but i just wish people would stop hating. the only proof i have of mine is my mount, but he has a video and people still don't believe his. great fish kid and tight lines.
Anthony Tetley
Anthony Tetley - 11 years ago
great fish really great you released it
Ben Perez
Ben Perez - 11 years ago
I got mahemahe
BlacktipH - 11 years ago
BlacktipH Fishing is not an average fishing show. We used professional equipment.
Addison Choquette
Addison Choquette - 11 years ago
When the guy tries to tell him something "I know how to fish" haha
twist340 - 11 years ago
I catched a pike in new jersey when i was 5 !
Kevin Corkery
Kevin Corkery - 11 years ago
he is a fucking badass
FabioUK - 11 years ago
that's too cool. lucky boy!
Chondritica - 11 years ago
That kid either has a lot of balls or no balls at all because of the pole between his legs XD
lasarousi - 11 years ago
imagine youre walking down the street and suddenly a stranger stabs you in the right cheek with a razor and drag you four apples then suddenly in front of his car he removes the knife and tell you "ok fishy you can go now". gotta try fishing some time.
Alex Wright
Alex Wright - 11 years ago
gtfo pussy
Alex Wright
Alex Wright - 11 years ago
faggot ass bitch
bigbassmaster33 - 11 years ago
I haven't caught a fish over 50 pounds and I'm 13 lol
Kyle Klinger
Kyle Klinger - 11 years ago
That water!! Omg it's so clear
Luxur Choi
Luxur Choi - 11 years ago
Kids a miracle
xforce687 - 11 years ago
wish our water was that clear constantly, :(
frank miller
frank miller - 11 years ago
Was that young jermey wade
pratherat - 11 years ago
Now, the fish will be late for something.
The Batman
The Batman - 11 years ago
Jeremy Wade sure was cute whe he was younger.
BlacktipH - 11 years ago
Yes sir.
FishingFloridaKeys - 11 years ago
what are you even talking about?
FishingFloridaKeys - 11 years ago
was this in islamorda??
Aly Williams
Aly Williams - 11 years ago
Cos there's so much skill involved in fishing :/
Martin Moldrup Thomsen
Martin Moldrup Thomsen - 11 years ago
whatever just torture the fuck out of the fish for no reason.. doesn't matter
fl333r - 11 years ago
That kid got me good and now my lip is bleeding D;
Julian Uribe
Julian Uribe - 11 years ago
shut up hippie
gamingfish24 - 11 years ago
Damn I'm 14 and all I catch is 2 feet bass (I'm a fresh water fisher
Olly Keys
Olly Keys - 11 years ago
That boy is a legend
psychokinrazalon - 11 years ago
That kid is destined for greatness . . . and girls aplenty.
EddieKillsToFish - 11 years ago
That was awesome. He handled the jumps really well and even knew drag control. Can you say prodigy?
robbie drljaca
robbie drljaca - 11 years ago
man your son is a legend
Paul Scar
Paul Scar - 11 years ago
Its not impossible for him to hook it and reel it in. I believe it, I have seen very similar situations with family and friends out fishing. The kid is the one saying the weight of the fish, who knows if he was right. Awesome video, that kids quite the fisherman for his age! Knows his stuff!
ultimatefishingzone - 11 years ago
the kid has me beat lol i have to get down there fast and catch a monster tarpon lol
BlacktipH - 11 years ago
We go offshore as well. I haven't gone for swordfish yet, but I look forward to it.
장수환 - 11 years ago
Thomas Edward Bridges
Thomas Edward Bridges - 11 years ago
you're a douchbag hes fucking 6.
BlacktipH - 11 years ago
The video was edited for viewing entertainment. I could upload the full length video, but it's over 20 minutes long and nobody would watch the entire video (including myself).
asimo3089 - 11 years ago
CircleJ Ranch
CircleJ Ranch - 11 years ago
I think I GOT him. Are you tired yet? No. Ina milleion years I might. CLASSIC. Awesome enthusiasm kid.
LeeRoy Cabrera
LeeRoy Cabrera - 11 years ago
Yea sure the boy hooked it & reeled it in alone. No offense little man but you would not have done that without daddy's help, too many camera transitions keep the feed live and on the boy then he can real proof of his fishing skills.
msk27244 - 11 years ago
Torture the fish, then let'em go. How nice.... You're better off eating them
nate6545 - 11 years ago
Start em out young
Low Entropy
Low Entropy - 11 years ago
did he died?
Clint Jones
Clint Jones - 11 years ago
How is this not something to be proud of? Fuck off bitch.
ELOSO - 11 years ago
this isn't smth to be proud of.. facepalm
ie2left - 11 years ago
This is so fake.
EatSleepFish - 11 years ago
lol this was on yahoo
Stephen Liebelt
Stephen Liebelt - 11 years ago
is that right next to Hawks Cay Resort in the Florida Keys? looks like it. haha
Tanisha Ranaglia
Tanisha Ranaglia - 11 years ago
Awesome catch Reed! Can't wait until my 3 yr old boy catches his first whopper!
NewProProducts - 11 years ago
Way to cool!
xstreemfishing - 11 years ago
Awesome awesome awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sillymandan - 11 years ago
Have fished, not a fisherman, but that kid is cool. Obviously knows exactly what he is talking about at six. Rt on, little man.
JARULETheTechGeek - 11 years ago
i'm 11 and i started why i was 4 and the biggest fish i caught was a 5 pound bass nice kid
Nick Zoeckler
Nick Zoeckler - 11 years ago
Awesome. You guys got an article on Yahoo.com too! Good stuff, that kid is a future pro.
Michael Cartwright
Michael Cartwright - 11 years ago
That was completely and totally AWESOME! A pro fisherman in the making!
B1gHagar - 11 years ago
@ 36 seconds: "You want to tighten the drag there a little bit, Reed?" "No, then it might break." That's some fishing chops right there. That is one big, honkin fish!
BlacktipH - 11 years ago
Yes, he sprinted towards that rod as soon as he heard the clicker.
stormtrooperpaintbal - 11 years ago
Only in Canada eh?
kcnatorRBLX - 11 years ago
Did he set the hook himself???
john doe
john doe - 11 years ago
who in the living fuck would dislike that video
Bubba Watson
Bubba Watson - 11 years ago
Wow I could never had pulled in a 100 lb tarpon when I was 6.
Rangingpwnes - 11 years ago
Andrew Mim
Andrew Mim - 11 years ago
How deep is the water? It looks like you could see the bottom or it's just my laptop.
empyrealist - 11 years ago
According to the video, he used the following gear: Bait: Mullet Hook: 7/0 Eagle Claw circle hook Leader: 60lb Fluorocarbon Reel: Quantum Cabo 60 Line: 50lb Seaguar braid Rod: 7ft Quantum Blu PT 12-25lb
Roy mundo
Roy mundo - 11 years ago
nice catch
TylerPlays - 11 years ago
the kid :P
BrentsMadDogReviews - 11 years ago
Cool video, please check out my videos there all about the newest and best fishing products. Subscribe
Brandon Lord
Brandon Lord - 11 years ago
When i go fishing i cant even catch a cold
Davie Russell
Davie Russell - 11 years ago
Not to many 6 year olds have caught a fish that big... more like not to many 36 year olds have caught a fish that big. Nice job!
beeharring - 11 years ago
Samuel Sondreal
Samuel Sondreal - 11 years ago
Nice kid
Rob Grubb
Rob Grubb - 11 years ago
he can come hang out with me any time, that little guy has better fishing sense then most of my grown buddies. great video, you tell'em champ.
John M
John M - 11 years ago
What bait/lure did he use?
Robbywoods123 - 11 years ago
its good to see that there are still some kids who know how to fish. BTW, NICE CATCH LITTLE GUY!
Peter Gudbrandsen
Peter Gudbrandsen - 11 years ago
Nice video, that little guy got a fish of a lifetime! Where do you guys fish at? Somewhere in the Keys?
Shaun McLaughlin
Shaun McLaughlin - 11 years ago
Huge fish eat little boy someday???
MicBergsma - 11 years ago
Oh that's awesome!
world3wide3sportsman - 11 years ago
what would u spool a 6/0 senator with??
CHIPfilmsTV - 11 years ago
Awesome! RTD
Depoorter Vincent
Depoorter Vincent - 11 years ago
awsome!!! great job .....little one!
Antonio Puentes
Antonio Puentes - 11 years ago
this kid is smart as hell! made my day!
Coral McNaughton
Coral McNaughton - 11 years ago
wow. on his own?
Jim Wellman
Jim Wellman - 11 years ago
Great vid.
xMysteriess - 11 years ago
Rulersevery - 11 years ago
100th like and great job
Dotbiz12 - 11 years ago
That's impressive
Eddie Fernandez
Eddie Fernandez - 11 years ago
So cute good job
Mitch G
Mitch G - 11 years ago
Florian Koenig
Florian Koenig - 11 years ago
T Birch
T Birch - 11 years ago
Mr. Ocean
Mr. Ocean - 11 years ago
T__T they grow up so fast
Matthew Hall
Matthew Hall - 11 years ago
Have you ever seen those videos where monster Hammerheads attack tarpon? and you jump in the water with huge grouper to take a pic. Does that cross your mind..?
ItsFadz - 11 years ago
Cutest kid!
ChucksWorldofFishing - 11 years ago
excellent !
MicBergsma - 11 years ago
I see that a kid film with GoPro, he should get polarizer filter from snake river prototyping website to get better footage from looking at the water from the boat like polarized sunglasses
MicBergsma - 11 years ago
Jesse McCarthy
Jesse McCarthy - 11 years ago
That is awesome!
Candice S.
Candice S. - 11 years ago
You got him starting young.. :) that is so cute
Jeff Morris
Jeff Morris - 11 years ago
damn i wanna go tarpon fishing, i live in jacksonville :[
Eric Cola
Eric Cola - 11 years ago
I wish I could do that when I was that age...
Foti Karatasakis
Foti Karatasakis - 11 years ago
That was crazy!
Sean Kearney
Sean Kearney - 11 years ago
That's awesome!
ArcadianWarrior - 11 years ago
Impressive catch, and what I really liked is that he actually knew what he was doing. Kid is only going to get better and better with such a young start!
bluefishblitzer - 11 years ago
Wow. Nice teaching Josh, the biggest thing I caught when I was 6 was a 13 ounce crappie, pretty impressed with this kid, looks he had a lot of fun.
ultimatefishingzone - 11 years ago
Awesome josh cant wait to do this with my son lol but maybe we'll start with a 40 pound muskie
NE2T1 - 11 years ago
Nice so cute and smart
TheAlbyzoe - 11 years ago
I bet that kid doesnt have a playstation. Good for him.
ShadyFisherman - 11 years ago
When i was 6 the biggest thing i caught was a black drum..
John Doe
John Doe - 11 years ago
I caught a big tarpon when I was about 10 :P
Sonali Arjune
Sonali Arjune - 11 years ago

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