"Aqua Alta Surfing": St. Mark's Square on a Wakeboard

Everything happened at the speed of light on Tuesday: just a few minutes after 11 a.m., the high-water mark had reached 1.35 metres, equivalent to a good half metre of water covering St. Mark's Square. Duncan Zuur's team pulled a compact, 20 horsepower motor winch from its hiding place and placed it under the square's arches. One team member, clad in rubber boots, pulled the winchs cable about 120 metres across the square and pressed one end firmly into the hand of Duncan Zuur, who had taken the opportunity to get into his wakeboarding gear. Four elegant turns later, the event was over prompting by a standing ovation from an astounding crowd of tourists. And luckily for Duncan, the police didn't even notice. http://redbull.com _ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. See into our world: http://goo.gl/J49U Red Bull on Facebook: http://win.gs/redbullfb Red Bull on Twitter: http://win.gs/redbulltwitter Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: http://win.gs/SubToRedBull Subscribe to the Red Bulletin: http://win.gs/TheRedBulletin Sign up for our Newsletter here: http://win.gs/RedBullNewsletter

"Aqua Alta Surfing": St. Mark's Square on a Wakeboard sentiment_very_dissatisfied 64

Surf 16 years ago 535,573 views

Everything happened at the speed of light on Tuesday: just a few minutes after 11 a.m., the high-water mark had reached 1.35 metres, equivalent to a good half metre of water covering St. Mark's Square. Duncan Zuur's team pulled a compact, 20 horsepower motor winch from its hiding place and placed it under the square's arches. One team member, clad in rubber boots, pulled the winchs cable about 120 metres across the square and pressed one end firmly into the hand of Duncan Zuur, who had taken the opportunity to get into his wakeboarding gear. Four elegant turns later, the event was over prompting by a standing ovation from an astounding crowd of tourists. And luckily for Duncan, the police didn't even notice. http://redbull.com _ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. See into our world: http://goo.gl/J49U Red Bull on Facebook: http://win.gs/redbullfb Red Bull on Twitter: http://win.gs/redbulltwitter Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: http://win.gs/SubToRedBull Subscribe to the Red Bulletin: http://win.gs/TheRedBulletin Sign up for our Newsletter here: http://win.gs/RedBullNewsletter

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Most popular comments
for "Aqua Alta Surfing": St. Mark's Square on a Wakeboard

RYTIS MEDIA - 7 years ago
great video!
Have a nice day :)
TheBenchPressMan - 10 years ago
First SONG is = Mystic Man - Cheshire Cat
felic - 11 years ago
My way of spending time in Venice
Xissmi - 12 years ago
whats the song at the beginning?
TheVoyagerM - 12 years ago
If anything he showed St Mark Square in another light, and showed another side of it. He showed another side of the most beautiful place.
Sven Macolic
Sven Macolic - 12 years ago
canal surfing at 1:37
TizElVito - 12 years ago
Roba da ciapar a leptospirosi....
dorian vranješ
dorian vranješ - 12 years ago
ummm, yeah, fuck you
Julien Pouliot
Julien Pouliot - 13 years ago
@abclukeabc Hey relax cabrón, the guy didn't any harm to your beloved city! wishing someone to die of a cancer because he did 20 sec of wakeboard at st-marks square during Acqua Alta is more then crazy. You are the most selfish person I ever seen! You don't even deserve to live in Venice! find something else to do then bug people that enjoy life

10. comment for "Aqua Alta Surfing": St. Mark's Square on a Wakeboard

trepattoni - 13 years ago
Welcome to Veniceland....no more respect for this town...
Jose Antonio Rodriguez Galarzo
Jose Antonio Rodriguez Galarzo - 14 years ago
mal giro lleva venecia, se van a las profundidades
goback3spaces - 14 years ago
This gentleman seems harmless, but he'd find his life immeasurably enriched by spending some quiet hours exploring the art of the Accademia or by wandering through Venetian churches. I recommend the Frari, where he can see Titian's "Assumption of the Virgin."
GrowingObsession - 14 years ago
Life is for the living right? ;)
SilentPoliceman - 14 years ago
No Wake Zone. Penalty: 18months in Basement Jail in Venice It. ! Cheers. from, del-boy.
matthewm04 - 14 years ago
@alexaustralia2 lol good point
luciusinfabula - 14 years ago
DrUTPharmer - 14 years ago
One false move and splat, ouch!
matthewm04 - 14 years ago
is that legal?
leliuchi - 14 years ago
Such a fun!

20. comment for "Aqua Alta Surfing": St. Mark's Square on a Wakeboard

MrSlevinKalevra - 14 years ago
hey does anybody know the name of the song at the begining of the video
qwelle22 - 14 years ago
@polentone2 ,I totaly agree with you!I'm a venetian by adoption (half austrian half italian) and i live in the sestiere SantaCroce.If i would've been in the piazza when this clown was there i would've kicked him and his friends real bad!Mi fa schifo di turisti di merda!They joke on our misfortune con la aqua alta!Isnt enough that i have to endure illiterate tourists who are uneducated rednecks?Respect Venezia while we allow you to be there!Stop puting those commercial boards in la piazza!
ponchoso - 14 years ago
jimmyrotella - 15 years ago
this is bullshit redbull ad
bragee - 15 years ago
Juan Sotomayor
Juan Sotomayor - 15 years ago
you know what fuck you fucking fucker
Dunnoe Clothing
Dunnoe Clothing - 15 years ago
whats is the song at the start?
jjjluke - 15 years ago
F. M.
F. M. - 15 years ago
Yeah!! ;)
RockerLed - 15 years ago
red bull wake team is the best!!

30. comment for "Aqua Alta Surfing": St. Mark's Square on a Wakeboard

RockerLed - 15 years ago
cordoba look up on google to find website....has accomadation...its a cool place
Dabaka93 - 15 years ago
i've been there. Nice place.
Flo Reisinger
Flo Reisinger - 15 years ago
saddamdontsurf - 15 years ago
lol, cool
76ers93 - 15 years ago
danielevintage - 15 years ago
JPNJ238 - 16 years ago
Who is this guy? Is he from Italia?
Michael Burns
Michael Burns - 16 years ago
where did you get that wakeboard? I would really like to get one like it with red bull on it like that!! If you have a site i would like to know THANKS
Michael B
Michael B - 16 years ago
it seems too shallow in the square to cut that much...
TexZ - 16 years ago
mi ciapo el barkin e vo farme un giro XD
yes4me - 16 years ago
wow cool
Abigail de la Puente
Abigail de la Puente - 16 years ago
proper cool tbh
monteey666 - 16 years ago
can anybody tell me how the name of the first song is ???
woodsweb - 16 years ago
20sept2008 - 16 years ago
It's a red bull commercial - ADBUSTERS gogogo
Ronald Abelskamp
Ronald Abelskamp - 16 years ago
Weer 's wat anders dan 't Sneekermeer.. Toffe actie!
Hatscho1993 - 16 years ago
great video! can somebody tell me what the name of the song in the end is? thx
dawdawdaWdawdaWD - 16 years ago
Duncan Zuur's team pulled a compact, 20 horsepower motor winch from its hiding place and placed it under the square's arches. One team member, clad in rubber boots, pulled the winchs cable about 120 metres across the square and pressed one end firmly into the hand of Duncan Zuur, who had taken the opportunity t
Stipi2007 - 16 years ago
FAKE your noob
mariushana - 16 years ago
that are actions we need ^^

50. comment for "Aqua Alta Surfing": St. Mark's Square on a Wakeboard

Kevin Sheen
Kevin Sheen - 16 years ago
Einfach nur Deppen, die haben ned mal ne Ahnung was sie damit anrichten können. Jeder der das unterstützt sollte genauso eingesperrt werden wie die selber
kingkongwithdingdong - 16 years ago
hehe hab davon im spiegel gelesen, geil :)
iganz bubi
iganz bubi - 16 years ago
viiviikii - 16 years ago
aber falls sie hinfliegen, dann fetzts :S
Ad - 16 years ago
Warum bin ich nie auf die Idee gekommen, wenn ich in Venedig war? EInfach nur geil.
EchterLipper - 16 years ago
yeah, in ITALY
wilmasaur - 16 years ago
wtfs with all these weird frencho comments
marilena mortara
marilena mortara - 16 years ago
dopo quello che e atterato in piazza rossa a mosca qesto e il mio secondo eroe e cosi che bisognerebbe vivere mitico
Francesco Mc N
Francesco Mc N - 16 years ago
x i danni è una cazzata: fanno molti più danni le navi da crociera che girano davanti alla piazza.. poi, a Porto ci son gare organizzate di mountain bike giù x le scalinate del centro storico (patrimonio mondiale Unesco) bisogna viverli i posti, senza sfasciarli ma senza farne un museo
Marco Marcer
Marco Marcer - 16 years ago
vecchio ti viene il cancro a surfare le acque veneziane
fedinca - 16 years ago
ma perchè così tanti insulti verso di loro? non hanno fatto niente di male: non hanno danneggiato ne persone ne cose! si parla tanto di rispetto, ma poi si insulta così facilmente! mah...
roberta vasselli
roberta vasselli - 16 years ago
Abito a Venezia e acqua alta significa: certo disagio, danni ecc... ma questo sport in Piazza S. Marco fa davvero spettacolo! Bravo! Roberta
Benedetta P. Minniti
Benedetta P. Minniti - 16 years ago
Maulincio - 16 years ago
kroaz du
kroaz du - 16 years ago
very cool
eliobassi - 16 years ago
You poor sod!
pedro11978 - 16 years ago
There are no sewers in Venice..all go in the canal! That is shit surfing!! And remember that if anyone do the same, Venice doesn't exist. redbull poser!
Beldinoob - 16 years ago
Awesome! Venecia is such a beautiful city!
Robert Rognlien III
Robert Rognlien III - 16 years ago
epic lewtz!
Mario Goffredo
Mario Goffredo - 16 years ago
Hey american...non venire a fare il tipo nelle nostre piazze!! se hai fatto solo un graffio alla bella piazza San Marco ti faccio causa a te e a quello skifo di azienda che ti versa liquido fetido in corpo!! get off from my place!!
Salvatore laforgia
Salvatore laforgia - 16 years ago
bel video e simpatici i surfisti
barese33 - 16 years ago
perchè nn viene a surfare nel canalone di bari? ci sono meno telecamere che a venezia? megalomane il tipo.........
Angelo Vetrano
Angelo Vetrano - 16 years ago
Spettacolare... Bella idea!
Matias Brunacci
Matias Brunacci - 16 years ago
venezia va a quedar sepultada por el agua en menos de 10 años.... lo predigo...
Jacopo - 16 years ago
simpatica idea.. xD
whitegreenWolf - 16 years ago
hahahaha grande, ma da cosa è tranato???
sabbath481 - 16 years ago
sei un grandee! concordo in pieno.... ma quale rispetto, un cazzo! è una città dove tutto costa il triplo, tra qualke anno ci abiteranno solo i sub... e cmq Roma non la batte nessuno! la storia è passata rima di qui....à belli!
candelaio - 16 years ago
Ma fate bene a surfare in piazza san marco!!! GO BIG OR GO HOME!! RED BULL RULES!! Fottetevi voi e i vostri sport omologati!! Xtreme sport for life!!
bandamakarony - 16 years ago
bisogna rispettare le città...soprattutto una città come Venezia...anche se sinceramente facendo surf non credo abbia rovinato niente della città....tutto sommato si è tolto uno sfizio...
Stefano Croce
Stefano Croce - 16 years ago
si scrive acqua alta...coglione
Mattia Zanella
Mattia Zanella - 16 years ago
bevete red bull che poi fate fare queste cose..dando dei soldi a sti coglioni a far ste cose!!!
Mattia Zanella
Mattia Zanella - 16 years ago
rispetto pewr la citta.... eproprio quello che questi turisti del....azzo nn hanno.....sarebbe da...ichiodargliela ai piedi quella tavola da serf!!!!!!!!!!!rispetto!!!
Stefano cazzaro
Stefano cazzaro - 16 years ago
son un coglione triplo perchè ci faccio pure surf!!!!!!!!!!!
AlexXenus - 16 years ago
That was coooooooool.)))))
Carlos SatÁnA
Carlos SatÁnA - 16 years ago
che schifooooo.....quest'uomo è pazzo...ha rischiato di prendersi il colera
Jay Alva
Jay Alva - 16 years ago
I don't think he gives a shit about wake boarding in sewage. He's the ONLY person that wake boarded through that square. Pretty epic if you ask me.
Stefano Tosato
Stefano Tosato - 16 years ago
e tu che commenti i commenti? cosa sei? doppiamente coglione allora!
NEPTUSIS - 16 years ago
yeahh! Way to go!
fabiorumbero - 16 years ago
Mitico!!!! Se non ci fossero gli "idioti" il mondo sarebbe palloso!!!
Stefano cazzaro
Stefano cazzaro - 16 years ago
e mentre un idiota si diverte un coglione sta a commentare i video su youtube!!!!
Eugenia M.
Eugenia M. - 16 years ago
Cioè che schifo, ma non lo sa ce i canali di Venezia sono luridi??? Bleah!
Cristian Montanari
Cristian Montanari - 16 years ago
Lui è il top! Ci fosse l'aqua alta ovunque per andare in piazza con la tavola... altro che quelle piazze piene di merda dei piccioni
DaRd92 - 16 years ago
Ma con tt i posti ke ci sono proprio a Venezia doveva andare??
Federico Ferlita
Federico Ferlita - 16 years ago
ahahahahahahahah grosso XD
Stefano Tosato
Stefano Tosato - 16 years ago
mentre migliaia di persone soffrono un idiota si diverte....
Fabrizio Gruppini
Fabrizio Gruppini - 16 years ago
geniale, punto
pile333 - 16 years ago
Sure, they're figuring out out to stop those processes but the main problem is that the phenomena are stronger than the previous expectations they made.Some experts agree with you and claim for more out lets (see mose in wiki).Not to mention other troubles like Porto Marghera facility or the near airport enlargenent).If you have some real good ideas, please show it to the competent authorities: Venezia needs urgent effective solutions.
123puta3 - 16 years ago
sono muy bien
albatrosmile - 16 years ago
Ma cosa?! L'hanno fatto sul serio! Io l'ho visto, ero lì come volontario protezione civile, ma è finito anche sul tg!
Aleowicious - 16 years ago
Red Bull dovrebbe sponsorizare idroterapia colonica con il loro prodotto. Red Bull should sponsor colonic hydrotherapy with their product.

100. comment for "Aqua Alta Surfing": St. Mark's Square on a Wakeboard

Stefano Tosato
Stefano Tosato - 16 years ago
Speriamo si sia preso la leptospirosi...
pile333 - 16 years ago
Actually they've been doing that and it's called MOSE; a titanic barrage work that couldn't be enough effective to stop the rapidly increasing tides
pile333 - 16 years ago
Funny and impressive! I see the pun but the correct phrase should be:"ACqua Alta", written with the C. Anyway it could be a new form of sport entertainment!
92toffola92 - 16 years ago
Veneno - 16 years ago
ooooh!!! thank you, mr. intelligence! you resolved all problems of Venice!!! why don't you call them to explain your fantastic project??!! OMG -_-"
elyXchaz - 16 years ago
che figata!
Brandon - 16 years ago
Venice will be the next Atlantis with global warming.
rideordie - 16 years ago
red bull has its hands in everything...sick vid tho
yougeo - 16 years ago
SurfCompton - 16 years ago
lol dutchie
David Smith
David Smith - 16 years ago
Red Bull Ad. Drink tastes the same as the water he was on.
Charlienmeg - 16 years ago
You speak the truth :-D
TheFlyingSwede - 16 years ago
haha, yeah, that stuff is rank, still awesome to watch though.
railslayer - 16 years ago
Yeah Son!!! Hope you're up on all your shots dude. TOMS supports this shit! Why didnt you jib the boats in the small canal...?
Charlienmeg - 16 years ago
More like wakeboarding IN the shit ! Raw sewage there.
Joseph Leason
Joseph Leason - 16 years ago
awesome shit!
15MinutesofLame - 16 years ago
"he used to buy ganja of a small time pimp!" haha thats the best bit about this video. a little bit underwhelming? Shoulda set up a rail or something! Nice idea - ..execution, bit lame.
MrThomasaka - 16 years ago
There are 2 songs listed on the video.. did you watch it until the end?
aleperosa - 16 years ago
u are number 1!!! RESPECT
Cro - 16 years ago
Doesn't know anybody the title of the song?!? Nice Session!!! ;)
edomister - 16 years ago
scolopendrafgana - 16 years ago
Lol... il veneziano che traduce "te si un goldon" con "you are a condom" è il mio mito da oggi in poi...
Paolo Concetti
Paolo Concetti - 16 years ago
fantastic..... VENEZIA è ancora + bella
gnoffo - 16 years ago
great! we'd need more a lot more guys like him to wake up this numb, lazy country! 5 stars
monteey666 - 16 years ago
can anybody tell me how i can get the song ? I can´t find him on youtube !
monteey666 - 16 years ago
bockt übertrieben ! peace
Milou van den Doren
Milou van den Doren - 16 years ago
Heee Duncan super nu de Amsterdamse grachten nog !!!!!!!!
Toey - 16 years ago
NEW WORLD SPIRITS - 16 years ago
aqua altowitsch, bravo herr kollege, bravo
Emanuele Dal Carlo
Emanuele Dal Carlo - 16 years ago
Great! Could you publish the detail of the stunt? Time , tools etc etc
fsfer - 16 years ago
M G - 16 years ago
i´ve been to venice this year and to board there is just cool...

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