"Code Red" Full Movie - Surfing Goes Huge At Teahupoo Tahiti

On August 27, 2011, the Billabong Pro Tahiti event on surfing's World Tour was placed on hold due to a massive swell bearing down on the famed big-wave spot, Teahupoo. With forecasts calling for unprecedented surf, some of the greatest surfers in the world descended on the island to be in the water, despite a "Code Red" called by the Tahitian Coast Guard, which sought to keep everyone on shore. See the historic day through the eyes of two surfers -- the young gun Laurie Towner and the veteran Dylan Longbottom -- as they catch some of the biggest, most dangerous surf ever recorded, much of it captured with the super slow motion Phantom Camera for never-before-seen imagery. For More Big Wave Action Check Out Billabong XXL: http://www.youtube.com/user/BillabongXXL?feature=watch http://www.youtube.com/networka http://www.youtube.com/networkasurf Subscribe to Network A! ‪‪‪http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=networka‬ ‬‬ Subscribe to Network A Surf! ‪‪‪http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=networka‬surf Like us on Facebook: ‪‪‪https://www.facebook.com/networka‬‬‬ Follow us on Twitter: ‪‪‪http://www.twitter.com/networka‬‬‬ Follow us on Tumblr: ‪‪‪http://networka.tumblr.com‬‬‬

"Code Red" Full Movie - Surfing Goes Huge At Teahupoo Tahiti sentiment_very_dissatisfied 474

Surf 12 years ago 3,886,888 views

On August 27, 2011, the Billabong Pro Tahiti event on surfing's World Tour was placed on hold due to a massive swell bearing down on the famed big-wave spot, Teahupoo. With forecasts calling for unprecedented surf, some of the greatest surfers in the world descended on the island to be in the water, despite a "Code Red" called by the Tahitian Coast Guard, which sought to keep everyone on shore. See the historic day through the eyes of two surfers -- the young gun Laurie Towner and the veteran Dylan Longbottom -- as they catch some of the biggest, most dangerous surf ever recorded, much of it captured with the super slow motion Phantom Camera for never-before-seen imagery. For More Big Wave Action Check Out Billabong XXL: http://www.youtube.com/user/BillabongXXL?feature=watch http://www.youtube.com/networka http://www.youtube.com/networkasurf Subscribe to Network A! ‪‪‪http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=networka‬ ‬‬ Subscribe to Network A Surf! ‪‪‪http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=networka‬surf Like us on Facebook: ‪‪‪https://www.facebook.com/networka‬‬‬ Follow us on Twitter: ‪‪‪http://www.twitter.com/networka‬‬‬ Follow us on Tumblr: ‪‪‪http://networka.tumblr.com‬‬‬

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Most popular comments
for "Code Red" Full Movie - Surfing Goes Huge At Teahupoo Tahiti

Outland - 7 years ago
Those waves are art. Beautiful nature.
Willem - 7 years ago
6:20 WOW Mad beauty
Nathan Griffith
Nathan Griffith - 7 years ago
t h i c c
Frederic Depis
Frederic Depis - 7 years ago
Adam Smith
Adam Smith - 7 years ago
For me, 7:55 is the wave of the day. Imagine his view!
Jeff Larson
Jeff Larson - 7 years ago
Some beautiful stuff, well done!
Adam Mallalieu
Adam Mallalieu - 7 years ago
6:37 are those fish
Noah Dailey
Noah Dailey - 7 years ago
So pitted!

10. comment for "Code Red" Full Movie - Surfing Goes Huge At Teahupoo Tahiti

Red Band Films
Red Band Films - 7 years ago
I hold my breath everytime I watch this
Shoegum - 7 years ago
11:25 + Wipeouts; That crucial last breath of air before you're about to get worked!
Shoegum - 7 years ago
9:37 =O Now that's a big wave
22 A Day No Way
22 A Day No Way - 7 years ago
watch       22adaynoway
John Surf
John Surf - 7 years ago
love the video clip bad ass surfing, surf monsters all these guys!!!! Wheres Laird in all this?????Greatest big wave surfer in the world?????
emma sharp
emma sharp - 7 years ago
9:40. thats a heck no from me
Waveor Company
Waveor Company - 7 years ago
This wave is so crass!
Mark Brockman
Mark Brockman - 7 years ago
amazing amazing amazing
Thanks for sharing this
Sutherland Surf Museum
Sutherland Surf Museum - 7 years ago
"Black Diamond"
Joey Nice
Joey Nice - 7 years ago
wow. it take a grip of courage to get barreled by these monsters.

20. comment for "Code Red" Full Movie - Surfing Goes Huge At Teahupoo Tahiti

TL Ezzy
TL Ezzy - 8 years ago
Holy smokes.... what a thick wave very serious stuff... just crazy
MrAlexGud - 8 years ago
O . M . G . this is amazing and dangerous !!!!!!!!
Steve Carey
Steve Carey - 8 years ago
The violence of wiping at at the break is so extreme. Number one thought must be to not be anywhere near your board when you get sucked up by the face and slammed into the water by the lip. Number two thought must be to stay as shallow as possible when you do get slammed so you don't hit the reef. Number three thought must be to get as far from the impact zone as possible when you do surface. Honestly I consider myself pretty brave but I don't see any scenario where I would try to surf this wave.
Don Andrade
Don Andrade - 8 years ago
Harlequin72 - 8 years ago
damn, i wonder how it feels to wipeout like that jesus fucking christ it seems like their bodies are getting mangled by so much unstoppable force when they fall jesus christ thats scary
Micaela Vergara
Micaela Vergara - 8 years ago
Amazing footage and editing...but what's that guy saying?? Love it anyway!
Sam - 8 years ago
This is why you don't want to stack it 1:52
Stephen Jones
Stephen Jones - 8 years ago
I like riding waves more than anything else in the world. But this is risking one's life!! Wish I had them balls!
DwightDynamite - 8 years ago
what kind of camera was used in this
Dipolog tom
Dipolog tom - 8 years ago
that dude at 9:48 was totally tanked

30. comment for "Code Red" Full Movie - Surfing Goes Huge At Teahupoo Tahiti

southrules - 8 years ago
Foot straps don't count, fail
George Costanza
George Costanza - 8 years ago
Pardon the ignorance. For 15/20 foot face how thick is the lip? I'm guessing roughly a third of the wave??
VARANGIANJARL - 8 years ago
Remember, GoDaddy domain registrar ran a series of commercials showing a bunch of bull riders saying in a big title "THE MOST DANGEROUS 8 SECONDS IN SPORTS". Showed some humping bulls, a couple of clowns in barrels, and all I did was go to my blog and show a few shots from Teahupoo and dared any "cowboy" to have a year of surfing prep, and a year for any surfer that wanted to learn bull riding for a year. My question was - "How many cowboys got on surfboards and hit Teahupoo after a year, and how many surfers jumped on a bull? This question is purely hypothetical, because we all know what the answer would be. Cowboys, have fun with what you know, but don't allow some company to blow out YOUR sport's ruling intensity when the facts are clearly apparent. It's embarrassing. Cowboys, stay with your clowns. We'll stay with taking our lives in our hands for that amazing 8 seconds of pure insanity. Nuff said... apologies to the BRA. SURFING BIG WAVES IS UNCOMPARABLE FOR DANGER.
Win Ro
Win Ro - 7 years ago
Jan Kowalski
Jan Kowalski - 8 years ago
A1 could tell what is the name of the song at the start ? 1:12
Scott Mackeown
Scott Mackeown - 8 years ago
Fair dues to ya lads for towing into those monsters....
Simon C
Simon C - 8 years ago
my favorite video-report !
YouSayPotato1 - 8 years ago
WTF happened with that nasty 9:37 wipeout
Fug Babylon
Fug Babylon - 8 years ago
utuberine - 8 years ago
1:20 holy snappin sheepshit that looks like an awful lot of fun that wall of wet sucking joy.
Orthai Thiamdang
Orthai Thiamdang - 8 years ago
Thai D i D ดีคะ
Quique Marrero
Quique Marrero - 8 years ago
name of the first song??
LuxeXx - 8 years ago
The Laurels - Wandering Star
Cb Drugo
Cb Drugo - 8 years ago
this waves isnt big like my pennis
kathleen pisano
kathleen pisano - 7 years ago
SKEMA sureeeeew
Adolf Heidinkoff
Adolf Heidinkoff - 8 years ago
I did Teahupoo when I was 23 (last year). It was 7 -8. My scars recently have fully healed. I tried, succeeded 2 or 3 barrels, failed the rest(15 failed attempts). Never again. Well, maybe one more time.
Rubén Sánchez Jorge
Rubén Sánchez Jorge - 8 years ago
yo soy españool loooooloolo
Gareth David
Gareth David - 8 years ago
13:40 heaviest lip ever?
SecYess - 8 years ago
Has anybody ever recorded the speed of some of those guys in the barrel??
Thomas Foos
Thomas Foos - 7 years ago
sylgar45 gnarly
sylgar45 - 8 years ago
+SecYess The legend says that some of these guys are still surfing using the momentum they've accumulated in one of these wave. That's how fast they're going.
michi19935 - 8 years ago
michi19935 - 8 years ago
Jim Ronsivalli
Jim Ronsivalli - 9 years ago
Maybe Next Life
Catbert - 9 years ago
Incredible footage. Scary and dreamlike waves captured in super slowmo. One of the best if not THE best surf vids I have ever seen.
Judah Jerusalem
Judah Jerusalem - 7 years ago
Ashford Gorejena
Ashford Gorejena - 8 years ago
This is the best surf video I have seen.The sound effects,the slow motion sections and the whole filmography was perfect.Great work from Billabong
Giovanni Bosco
Giovanni Bosco - 9 years ago
can't watch it through the adverts in the way.

50. comment for "Code Red" Full Movie - Surfing Goes Huge At Teahupoo Tahiti

John B
John B - 9 years ago
Wow. Those are the most incredible waves I've ever seen. You can feel the power and the fury right through the screen. Hats off to anyone who has the balls to surf one of them.
Rogério Philippov
Rogério Philippov - 9 years ago
The Laurels é muita sonzera. Tem que ouvir no volume 10 um som desse.
Le cheval
Le cheval - 9 years ago
Grosse merde de molrate
Chris Well
Chris Well - 9 years ago
That's soo soooo gnarly!!
torontosorewristhex - 9 years ago
Christian Harmsen
Christian Harmsen - 9 years ago
stolen footage
Johan P
Johan P - 9 years ago
the slo-mo at :40 looks like something from Star Wars.
the Nature is awesome and surfing that beast must be unreal...
dondamon356 - 9 years ago
man how do they survive waves like that?
Progaming - 8 years ago
you don't always
Wendy Jay
Wendy Jay - 9 years ago
That's a big wave
1chabot1 - 9 years ago
Bad ass!
iwannagosurfing139 - 9 years ago
name of song in beginning?
Harry Salter
Harry Salter - 7 years ago
Wandering Star by the Laurels
obamabeard - 9 years ago
anyone know the name of the track played from about 7 minutes onwards?
RichleicaMP - 9 years ago
+obamabeard By an Aussie band called The Laurels. The first tune at about 6:45 is called Black Cathedral. The credits tell you what the music is at the end.
Odyssey Spartan
Odyssey Spartan - 9 years ago
Will done, mate.
ChINo BbZacK
ChINo BbZacK - 9 years ago
Impressive film !! my respects to all those people who surf these huge waves that mother nature gives us !! 6:04 surfing experience something like WAAAOOO !!
The Pope
The Pope - 9 years ago
Bros, google the truthcontest. I´m serious.
nicko222 - 7 years ago
Yeah, I decided not to as well. I'm a bit teddy tired.
kornofulgur - 7 years ago
Bilo Korshev
Bilo Korshev - 9 years ago
Are these guys at 11:30 alive?
shinrips - 9 years ago
So dam thick!!!
Ernie Bev
Ernie Bev - 9 years ago
+shinrips That's what she said.
jaywar69 - 9 years ago
Would like to hear what the washing machine ride was like after not making one.

You know what they say, "you want to dance, you gotta pay the band."
abbakabba321 - 9 years ago
at 4:35 why does he have that tape over his chest?
Carlos David
Carlos David - 9 years ago
+abbakabba321 that sort of tape is preventative, in that place it was probably to help him avoid a shoulder dislocation. usually it's from a previous injury; before playing sports i always tape up my ankles cos ive had tears along the ligaments on the outside of both. the tape is there to help strengthen the joint and stop soft tissue damage.
Patrik Loewe
Patrik Loewe - 9 years ago
Phantastischer Film!
Navryn meddings malone
Navryn meddings malone - 9 years ago
so sick yyyyeeeeewwww
Nick Foran
Nick Foran - 9 years ago
Great movie...
Brent Venneman
Brent Venneman - 9 years ago
WOW! It looks like a huge hand of water. I dont know if I could do anything like that.
You guys are nuts! Respect, but nuts.
C K - 9 years ago
watching in Missouri on my friends account this is insane! Hangloose you all
Marquet Emory
Marquet Emory - 9 years ago
Surfing is fun sitting
John Azz
John Azz - 9 years ago
Four seasons bushcrafter
Four seasons bushcrafter - 9 years ago
Love this but you have ruined it with your ........Shit things you can add with Youtube..
VideosOfWaves - 10 years ago
Those walls of water are incredible! So much power.
jmpicturefly - 10 years ago
never get tired of watching this
HAPPYplace - 10 years ago
Wow! This is sick!
Pierce Moss
Pierce Moss - 10 years ago
2:07 abes back
Gwen Tokoshi
Gwen Tokoshi - 10 years ago
I know this all too well.
Liese Marie
Liese Marie - 10 years ago
Liquid Moldavite
Kookykun - 10 years ago
Could somebody please explain what happens when you wipe-out here, in these conditions, I mean surely you must get driven into the reef?
Here you wipe-out you die
LMC - 7 years ago
Mostly you just die
Luke George
Luke George - 7 years ago
Kookykun Large tidal surge, deeper than normal even when it's low the tide would still be higher than high tide on a 'normal' day.

Most wipeouts the surfer can't penetrate the water so they just slide down the face or fall into the foam ball then the shockwave pushes them back and sucks them up and over the shockwave (Rinse cycle, violent, rag dolled) into the whitwash, can dislocate limbs. Death or serious injury if a surfer was to be caught in the lip and over the falls.
j_ann 1124
j_ann 1124 - 10 years ago
The waves are crazy...oh my g...i havent seen a huge waves as this...this is cool at the same time scary...
zoe keib
zoe keib - 10 years ago
Craziest waves ive ever seen in my life!!!!!!!!!!!! I've never been surfing before but it inspires me and I want to do it so bad, but I live no where near a beach :(
Abcdef Ghijklmn
Abcdef Ghijklmn - 7 years ago
P.N.F and what if shes a girl?
Rob Hofer
Rob Hofer - 7 years ago
There have been quite a few deaths at Teahupoo.
Rob Hofer
Rob Hofer - 7 years ago
you absolutely must travel...after you learn. These guys do this for a living!(their trips are paid for them by the sponsors.)
P.N.F - 7 years ago
zoe keib and your a girl
drift4ever11 - 10 years ago
Looks amazing and scary as shit!
jestione - 10 years ago
Frothing all right, the whole build up to that session and those waves...you cant put money on that. Awesome vid and balls of steel.
FLAT PLANE GUY - 10 years ago
THOSE are the prettiest waves I've ever seen, I'm glad I didn't die before watching this.
aba jour
aba jour - 10 years ago
mais ils sont fous !!
Wizzie Tf2
Wizzie Tf2 - 10 years ago
What is the song at the beginning of video ?? :)
Steven Balelo
Steven Balelo - 10 years ago
Hgnmmmmmmmmmmqmmm mmnnnkjkjilklknnnbjunnnqqkq bbshnnnn. The Uzbek wennnbbbbbbj cd fun n mm n kph cg
Eldad Braun
Eldad Braun - 10 years ago
Georgiy Potulov
Georgiy Potulov - 10 years ago
This is just orgasmic..
Will Roden
Will Roden - 8 years ago
+ellystripes xD
ellystripes - 10 years ago
"First one was rrreal long one and he came out just frothing, and then the second one was a thick one like a rrreal big one".
Cassius Powers
Cassius Powers - 10 years ago
love your guys movie it is so sick, that is one big swell 
gregory smith
gregory smith - 10 years ago
the best. i am stoked  !!!!!!!
james bower
james bower - 10 years ago
back again, I absolutely love this vid
james bower
james bower - 10 years ago
-INSANE KickZ- - 10 years ago
I wish I could surf that it would be dre come true
Dina Dennis
Dina Dennis - 10 years ago
Great Video!!!  I wanna go there!

100. comment for "Code Red" Full Movie - Surfing Goes Huge At Teahupoo Tahiti

Chris Ryan
Chris Ryan - 10 years ago
walls of concrete smashing on to slabs of concrete and these mad cunts can't even be fucked wearing a helmet..
Chris Ryan
Chris Ryan - 10 years ago
+BF Kickz so was I
BF Kickz
BF Kickz - 10 years ago
I was kidding bud.
Chris Ryan
Chris Ryan - 10 years ago
+BF Kickz its called a figure of speech, of course i know its water you stupid cunt 
BF Kickz
BF Kickz - 10 years ago
I am the moron, you are the one who thought it was concrete. xD
Chris Ryan
Chris Ryan - 10 years ago
+BF Kickz is it, is it really, oh i thought it was concrete you fucking mong..
BF Kickz
BF Kickz - 10 years ago
It is water idiot
Jason Reiss
Jason Reiss - 10 years ago
And can someone also tell me what the name of the song is at 6:05 please?
Roberto Marroquin
Roberto Marroquin - 10 years ago
waw fantastic. incredible congratulecion your friend BOB dof Mexico City. 
Flockoe Gonzalez
Flockoe Gonzalez - 10 years ago
I went surfing for the first time yesterday. I am a good skateboarder but this was really tough; Practice makes perfect. 
Stuart Herriott
Stuart Herriott - 10 years ago
Do their boards get lost if when they fall?
LMC - 7 years ago
Will Roden
Will Roden - 8 years ago
SkateSurfProductions - 10 years ago
Sick waves!!! Gnarly!
salma islam
salma islam - 10 years ago
Superb!!! Awesome video, Cool guys!!!
להעיףאת האיסלם
להעיףאת האיסלם - 10 years ago
what its in the water 6:36
msullivan85 - 10 years ago
Some of these wave faces are like 30 ft.  That's a heavy wave too.  I've surfed 10-12ft+ hurricane swell (no, not during) here on the east coast U.S and thought I might drown...these guys are brave.
John Smith
John Smith - 10 years ago
How did I know?! ^^
msullivan85 - 10 years ago
+David Beckham I live in Virginia Beach but when it's good I'll go down to Hatteras, NC (OBX). 
David Beckham
David Beckham - 10 years ago
What part of the east?
Jonathan Ramsay
Jonathan Ramsay - 10 years ago
what song is at the beginning? 
Rich - 10 years ago
Awesome! Well done!
Cheng Alex
Cheng Alex - 10 years ago
i heard australians
Jon Emberson
Jon Emberson - 10 years ago
Would someone please explain to me what the "deadly" part of the wave is?
kathleen pisano
kathleen pisano - 7 years ago
Dude these waves are about 4,000lbs+ crashing over about 5-6 feet of water
Sean Ryan
Sean Ryan - 10 years ago
+Isaac Morris not just that, but also the fact its breaking on a sharp ass reef. 
Jon Emberson
Jon Emberson - 10 years ago
Thanks Isaac. It looks well worth the risk.
Isaac Morris
Isaac Morris - 10 years ago
The thickness of it. If you fall off it create a giant under current, and its easy to drown. This only applies to big waves.
TypicalAmericanScum - 10 years ago
that shit was heavy
yallow rosa
yallow rosa - 10 years ago
annoying background music
radsdau - 10 years ago
Well that was about the scariest thing I've ever seen...
Will Roden
Will Roden - 8 years ago
+zulianny adames (surferina) nahhhh
zulianny adames
zulianny adames - 10 years ago
is not awful I'll take that career
Portoz z
Portoz z - 10 years ago
на матрасе наверное тоже заебись,на таких волнах
Angus Murray
Angus Murray - 10 years ago
I did not see much rail grabbing
Chris Sleeze
Chris Sleeze - 10 years ago
what's that tape/what's it for when they put it on at 4:30-4:40?
Kiwifix - 10 years ago
Why always the same camera angle, and same framing? After awhile it would be nice to see more of the place.
On another note why edit it so we only see the last 2 secs of the ride, again, it would be nice to see the tow-in approach.
Ia orana
Ia orana - 7 years ago
and because there is no beach ..
toneroable - 7 years ago
And many waves are from other Videos...............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thomas Rebotier
Thomas Rebotier - 8 years ago
Because the shots are taken from the channel. The wave breaks too hard for a surf photog to be underwater. He would get killed, literally, on a cleanup set. I guess also this was 2011 there werent so many drones around. But even today I don't think a drone could hang above the breaking wave, the draft alone must gust over 25 knots
Matthew Hamilton
Matthew Hamilton - 9 years ago
+Kiwifix It's not that they don't really want to show the other angles, it's more just that the swell for this particular storm made it hard to see everything from the beach because the wave breaks so far from shore. The best angles, and really the best way to showcase the wave, are from the channel where you see all this footage. You could the full look at the height, power, and really everything important about the wave. I'm sure if there was really good footage from the beach they would have used it. I just doubt with a swell like this and the footage you could get from the channel there'd be any point in filming from the beach.
Kiwifix - 10 years ago
heh yeah but you could put cameras onshore and show us more of a wider picture! I appreciate your comment Daniel Robinson. But my motive is that i want to see the location in its entirety as if i would be standing there on the beach or from another vantage point. The place is amazing and it would be great to see those sets rolling in from way out and how the water moves oveer the reef and inside channels etc.
Daniel Robinson
Daniel Robinson - 10 years ago
its not a movie set
Georgiy Potulov
Georgiy Potulov - 10 years ago
Its mostly because of the way the waves are breaking.
Caesar de
Caesar de - 10 years ago
What good is a video well done if you can not download?   Fuck you motherfuckers shit...!
Romulo Veneroni De Azevedo
Romulo Veneroni De Azevedo - 10 years ago
Essas ondas são muito radicais , fico com pena dos caras que caem dela.
Beau MacNeill
Beau MacNeill - 10 years ago
░░░░░░███████ ]▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄          Song?
▂▄▅█████████▅▄▃▂           ☻/   
Il███████████████████].     /▌    
  ◥⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙◤..      / \     
HarriPB - 10 years ago
Can someone tell me what hat brand the guy is wearing at 4:50? (The tan one with "est. 1973" on it.)
Levi Miller
Levi Miller - 10 years ago
Please like my video its my first using a gopro
Who is P.O.V 2.0
Who is P.O.V 2.0 - 7 years ago
Same with me get me some subs
Lexis Rez
Lexis Rez - 10 years ago
Anyone know what the first song is?? I
Will Ferrell
Will Ferrell - 10 years ago
What's it like getting sucked under one of those
FeeelingAlive - 10 years ago
Thanks for SHARE, but you wouldn't catch me dead, riding one of those...
Chris Cooper
Chris Cooper - 10 years ago
I am completely amazed by this film. I think it should win the best short documentary at the Oscars, seriously! The cinematography is amazing. I would be freaking out just to be out in the water with those monster waves, let alone ride them. The guys who went for it that day are incredibly brave.
Faith & Action
Faith & Action - 10 years ago
If you die doing what you love without knowing Christ, you're goin' to Hell, mate.
Faith & Action
Faith & Action - 7 years ago
+Chris Ramirez Amen brother. Life begins & ends with the Lord. God bless.
Chris Ramirez
Chris Ramirez - 7 years ago
Christian Repenter Amen!
Chris Ramirez
Chris Ramirez - 7 years ago
I agree we're not promised tomorrow.
Faith & Action
Faith & Action - 7 years ago
I'm sorry you feel that way. God bless.
Pam Rubio
Pam Rubio - 7 years ago
Christian Repenter True Christians do not attack others for their opinion. They try to encourage Bible reading, prayer, forgiveness, and loving their neighbor. You are not showing that in your response. True Christians are humble, teachable people who are at peace with even unbelievers and they show others the wonderful things God has done for them. And if they don't want to listen they will wipe the dust off their feet and move on in peace. You need to continue to look for that peace because you haven't found it yet
Faith & Action
Faith & Action - 10 years ago
+Mark Kluge Yeah, churches aren't filled with the kind of people you are accusing them of. You don't know what you're talking about, you're expressing your presuppositions.
You were trying to bully me by telling me to leave this area of free speech.
You are bothered by the Truth, otherwise you wouldn't be kicking and screaming like a baby over it all.
You can categorize all born-again Christians as formerly extremely bad people or with terrible problems if you want, but once again you just don't know what you're talking about. You have no idea what it means to be born-again because you have not been born-again. And when you haven't been born-again, you are spiritually dead and therefore you have an innate resistance to God's spiritual Truths and it all seems wrong & creepy to you (& everyone else who's on your side - that is darkness). And of course I'm in a position to preach, anyone born-again and therefore knows the Truth, is obligated & commanded by God to preach to the whole world. So just accept it.
Surfing in & of itself isn't sinful. But anything you love more than God is idolatry and therefore sin. And if you haven't been born-again, your whole life is idolatry & sin. I used to love snowboarding as my highest priority and after being born-again I realized how it was an idol and is for many people, that's why I use my snowboarding for the Lord now. It's in proper context under God because it's in gratitude to God and for the glory of God. See faithandaction.net.
I'm not doing the church a disservice. You don't know anything about who the church is and what we're called to do. You think it's all about getting people to church to hear the Word. That would be terribly limiting to God & people like yourself who love your sins more than God and will justify staying out of church with all your might. But it's your might & pride & independence from God that will be the death of you.
No I'm not a JW.
Mark Kluge
Mark Kluge - 10 years ago
Are you one of those "JAHOVA WITNESS?"
Mark Kluge
Mark Kluge - 10 years ago
Your actually doing the CHURCH a disservice by your actions. Churches want to bring people in and HEAR THE WORD. Your doing the exact opposite by your actions hear on this site. Your not our master or BIG DADDY. People are reading your comments and saying to themselves "WOW, this guy is out there and weird." You think that is giong to attract more of them into CHURCHES......nope.
Mark Kluge
Mark Kluge - 10 years ago
Tour right real CHRISTIANS don't do that but the churches are full of those kind of people and that's why less and less people attend every Sunday. Unfortunately all of your judging of SURFERS living there life and catching waves is somehow sinful in your eyes. No one is bullying you of anything. You don't bother me at all though you do sound "creepy." SORRY but I'm not tying to offend you. Your just an average man who feels it's your duty or somehow your above the rest of us or somehow more righteous than the rest of us so therefore you preach to us SURFERS. I've come across people such as yourself before and you guys are the ones who were either major drug addicts,selfish, nasty people IN YOUR PAST and now your "REBORN" again. I'm glad for you and that's great you turned your life around. Sorry PAL but your in no position to preach. What so SINFUL about SURFING to you?
Faith & Action
Faith & Action - 10 years ago
+Mark Kluge Real Christians don't abuse God's Word or betray the Truth like the examples you've given. And I'm not going to be bullied off of a youtube comment site by you if you haven't figured that out yet. And the fact that you or everyone else doesn't want to hear the Truth only shows the need to speak the Truth.
Why do you think it is that it bothers you so much?
(Your perpetuating a response by leaving both of those comments.)
Mark Kluge
Mark Kluge - 10 years ago
PLEASE don't respond.....just go PLEASE
Mark Kluge
Mark Kluge - 10 years ago
your 100% correct .....only your not judging with righteousness.Do all SURFERS a favor....get on religious site and go judge all the preachers in the CATHOLIC church who have and continue to molest children or get on a Christian site and judge them for thousands of years of killing innocent civilians who were of another religion or when they used religion to steal peoples land, property riches etc. This went on for thousands of years as you know. Please leave this surf site and go take your "creepy" self somewhere else. Nobody here gives a shit what you think or say......trust me
Faith & Action
Faith & Action - 10 years ago
+Mark Kluge It says to "judge with righteous judgment."
If we were not supposed to judge anything about people, then you would be sinning in your judgment of me & we couldn't have any laws. I'm sorry but the notion is silly & you're being a hypocrite in that accusation. Please, twist not Scripture lest you be like Satan.
Mark Kluge
Mark Kluge - 10 years ago
just curious......does it say not to judge your fellow man in the BIBLE? Who are you to be judging anyone....your not JESUS CHRIST or GOD.....or are you?
Mark Kluge
Mark Kluge - 10 years ago
Well since you got it all figured out I'll end by saying that I'll see you heaven.
Faith & Action
Faith & Action - 10 years ago
+Mark Kluge The reason less & less people attend church is because this is a wicked & adulterous generation that loves their sins & they are children of the Devil (John 8:44). If you haven't been born-again by repenting of your sin & trusting Christ, then you are lost, blind, spiritually dead & and enemy of God in your mind through wicked works (like your comments here).
You're only hope is in repenting and accepting the Truth that your God-given conscience testifies to.
Mark Kluge
Mark Kluge - 10 years ago
Your one of the reasons why less and less people attend church or mass. Half of the people there are fuckin weird, very judge mental, creepy, major sinners, and head cases unfortunately.  
Mark Kluge
Mark Kluge - 10 years ago
God does not want anyone to fear him. All of your "CREEPY" behavior on a surfing site......yeah that's real creepy. 
Faith & Action
Faith & Action - 10 years ago
+Mark Kluge Preaching is not for church, it's for people like you. So listen up and weep.
You think being a Christian and preaching the Truth that saves souls from Hell is "creepy." This is a wicked & adulterous generation.
"Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." You're advice is null & void. You should try not relaxing and getting serious about your eternal Salvation before it's too late. Life is serious and so is death without Jesus Christ.
I used to be like you, but then my eyes were opened and I was born-again into real life. Repent, for the Kingdom of God is near.
Mark Kluge
Mark Kluge - 10 years ago
+Christian Repenter Dude your as CREEPY as one can get. Go smoke some herb, hit some waves, relax, try enjoying mother nature, and put your BIBLE down for a second.
Mark Kluge
Mark Kluge - 10 years ago
+Christian Repenter will you just the HELL up and watch some bitchin surfing. Save the preaching for church. This site is about SURFING......
Harry Hanskat
Harry Hanskat - 10 years ago
That's like asking why do you hate the tooth fairy. I never said I hate god, because I cannot hate something that I don't know exists. I'm sure if there is a good he's a great guy... Well maybe not, because he allows you live. If a god shows up at my front door then I'll love him with all my heart. But as is right now, saying you love or hate god is like saying you love unicorns but hate leprechaun. Just because.
Faith & Action
Faith & Action - 10 years ago
+Harry Hanskat Why do you hate God so much?
Harry Hanskat
Harry Hanskat - 10 years ago
Go read the first fucking amendment you brainwashed cunt. And leave the rest of us alone. "Dying in my sins"? Do you have down syndrome? a sin isn't tangable. I didn't even tell you what I believe and you automatically assume I sin and am going to hell. What if i want to go to hell!? At least you won't be there so it will be a hell of a lot better.
Faith & Action
Faith & Action - 10 years ago
+Harry Hanskat I posted it because people like you are dying in your sins and going to Hell. We only give religion a bad name to people like you who do not understand spiritual things and are trapped in the Matrix of sin and death. I will preach wherever it is needed.
Harry Hanskat
Harry Hanskat - 10 years ago
Why the hell did you even need to post this? You are the people who give religion a bad name. Just keep that shit to yourself.
JackBroadheadMedia - 10 years ago
Well there is...
Faith & Action
Faith & Action - 10 years ago
+JackBroadheadMedia There is no more enjoyable life than one that is set free by being forgiven of sin by Jesus Christ. And Christians do not fear sin, they just hate it because God hates it and it is bad. But the one who has not been freed from the consequences of their sin in Christ is the one who should live in fear of sin.
And your happiness will not save you, only repenting of sin and trusting in Christ will save you from Hell and give you True Freedom.
God bless.
JackBroadheadMedia - 10 years ago
at the end of the day i would rather have a more enjoyable live and actually live not in fear of sin... i am very much for happy///
Faith & Action
Faith & Action - 10 years ago
+Shawn C Christians don't have hate, hate is a sin. And, Christians haven't ruined anything, except maybe the comfort you take in suppressing your God given conscience in order to relish your sins.
Faith & Action
Faith & Action - 10 years ago
+JackBroadheadMedia You're right in being a bully? I don't think so.
JackBroadheadMedia - 10 years ago
Because im right
Faith & Action
Faith & Action - 10 years ago
+JackBroadheadMedia Why do you act like you have authority over this video comment domain?

Or maybe a better question is: why are you trying to bully me off of a youtube comment?
JackBroadheadMedia - 10 years ago
Faith & Action
Faith & Action - 10 years ago
+Neo 1996 Repent, for the Kingdom of God is near.
Faith & Action
Faith & Action - 10 years ago
+JackBroadheadMedia Maybe in your world, but not in God's world - which is the real world.
JackBroadheadMedia - 10 years ago
it does tho -_-
Faith & Action
Faith & Action - 10 years ago
+JackBroadheadMedia Baptism doesn't make you a Christian. Repenting of your sins & believing in Jesus as God as well as the other 2 persons of God (the Father & Holy Spirit) makes you a Christian. "You must be born-again to enter the Kingdom of Heaven."
JackBroadheadMedia - 10 years ago
Well jesus was actaully real, its god that cannot be proven...
JackBroadheadMedia - 10 years ago
I didn't saay i believed in Jesus i said i am a christian, i was baptized   
Faith & Action
Faith & Action - 10 years ago
+JackBroadheadMedia If you don't believe in the Jesus Christ of the Bible, what Jesus do you believe in?
JackBroadheadMedia - 10 years ago
But surely anyone can say that and people could just believe it?
Faith & Action
Faith & Action - 10 years ago
+JackBroadheadMedia But it's Jesus who said, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father but by Me."
This is only one example of His exclusivity in proclaiming that Christianity is the only Truth.
JackBroadheadMedia - 10 years ago
no you're being narrow minded, considering you saying that christianity is the only truth, tbf im a christian but i dont follow it that much, but jesus
Faith & Action
Faith & Action - 10 years ago
+JackBroadheadMedia Aren't you being narrow minded in regards to my worldview?
JackBroadheadMedia - 10 years ago
Because narrow minded people piss me off
Faith & Action
Faith & Action - 10 years ago
+JackBroadheadMedia Why do you think it bothers you so much?
JackBroadheadMedia - 10 years ago
You have lead me to being rude ahahah. Im not normally like it but christian extremists well any religious nut pisses me off!!
Faith & Action
Faith & Action - 10 years ago
+JackBroadheadMedia You sure are rude and obnoxious. Are you this way with everyone you disagree with, or only those who proclaim the Truth that your sins will lead you to Hell?
JackBroadheadMedia - 10 years ago
Wow, pls just stop, its just embarrassing tbh, give me hard fact that god is real, not just some bullshit words coming out of your stupid mouth
Faith & Action
Faith & Action - 10 years ago
+JackBroadheadMedia I can say it's the Truth because it is. There can only be one absolute Truth and contradicting ideas of God and gods can not be reconciled. Besides, the Bible explains exactly how these different false religions get created and why.
The reason I know it's True is because Almighty God is powerful enough to reveal Himself in such a way that we can be absolutely sure He is and is the real Truth. This is the divine revelation that comes with being born-again by repenting of your sin and trusting in Christ. But even before that, each human being, that is Created in God's image, has the innate understanding of the True God through things like the Created world and your God given conscience. (This is why everyone is accountable on Judgment Day.) What happens is that people suppress the Truth in their unrighteousness and so they can embrace their sins and the world that loves it.
JackBroadheadMedia - 10 years ago
+Christian Repenter How do you know its the truth, we cant say he doesn't exist, you can't say its the truth that he does, its down to opinion, so you think every other religions god is real?
Faith & Action
Faith & Action - 10 years ago
+César De Pablos God bless you.
(Why do you hate homosexuals so much?)
Cesar De Pablos
Cesar De Pablos - 10 years ago
Faith & Action
Faith & Action - 10 years ago
+JackBroadheadMedia Literally some people do care and literally God cares and literally you all should care.
Why do you think the Truth bothers you so much?
JackBroadheadMedia - 10 years ago
+Christian Repenter Literally no one cares dude, go post all this crap somewhere else, religious people that try to take the moral high ground fuck me off so much!! Its a surfing vid ffs!!!
Faith & Action
Faith & Action - 10 years ago
+César De Pablos God bless you.
Cesar De Pablos
Cesar De Pablos - 10 years ago
Faith & Action
Faith & Action - 10 years ago
+Fordy C Look, I've been schooling you on reason/rationality, so you can keep your baseless accusations. If you're going to be like that then forget it. What's the point?
Fordy C
Fordy C - 10 years ago
+Christian Repenter Is having such a closed mind satisfying? It must save a lot of effort that most people put into independent thought. Make up your own mind man, it sounds like you are reciting from a book (Book?). Of course I don't have 'all the knowledge' and neither do you. I'm afraid that you either come to knowledge through divine revelation or through reason/rationality...the two do not coexist happily. You are effectively arguing 'A is true because A is true'. The crux of the matter is that if people want to be Christians they have the power to become Christians and don't need your self-satisfied guidance
Faith & Action
Faith & Action - 10 years ago
+Fordy C To say that nobody really knows which God is right is to say that you have all knowledge and can therefore deny everyone else's understanding. Do you think that if there is an all-powerful God, that He could reveal Himself in such a way that a human of His making could know with certainty that He exists and who He is? Well that's exactly what happens when you become born-again. Divine revelation brings certainty.
And in regards to your defense of moral relativism, of course different people believe different things. The issue is what's more important, what you believe or what is True. And the rational answer is what is True. Islam & Christianity contradict one another, therefore both cannot be absolutely True. But one of the two can be absolutely True, and one is, and that is Christianity. And as Christian Truth is absolute, then any and all other ideas that contradict it are wrong.
Fordy C
Fordy C - 10 years ago
Its neither contradictory nor impossible. If you had grown up in a country in the Middle East or Asia there is a good chance you would be a Muslim, the Qu'ran would be truth to you, and all Christians would be condemned sinners. But your life has led you to have the beliefs that you have. Truth as experienced is entirely relative. Maybe try to see things from other peoples perspectives. In a sense I agree with you in that I think there is only one absolute truth and this is tied up with God. But this is not necessarily the 'God' of the Bible, or any religious text for that matter. At the end of the day nobody really knows about these things.  
Faith & Action
Faith & Action - 10 years ago
+Fordy C You're the one calling people profane names.
I do let others make their choice, I can't make their choice for them.
But your idea of moral relativism is utterly contradictory and impossible. There is only one absolute Truth. And the absolute Truth is what God says it is. And that's why you either align with the Truth or you live in error. And that error may seem right to you,  but in the end it will lead to death.
Eternal lives are at stake here, that is why I will not adhere to your admonition to "chill".
Fordy C
Fordy C - 10 years ago
+Christian Repenter You seem a real asshole. Its great that you're a Christian etc etc but its your personal choice - let other people make theirs. What is true to one man is false to another. Chill       
Jason Reiss
Jason Reiss - 10 years ago
+Ashton B I like your intelligent logic. Seems truthful. By truthful I mean athiest must have the truth first if god or jesus exists or not.  
Jason Reiss
Jason Reiss - 10 years ago
I doubt that. You don't have any proof to back up your answer.
Jason Reiss
Jason Reiss - 10 years ago
+Jason Reiss Another thing, I find it somewhat disturbing and I have an assumption that you guys are absolutely lost. It's like you are trying to understand the concept of God & Religion but somewhat can't find the answer out of mid air. That's what the bible's for, now stop getting people to believe. You guys find it hard to believe that telling someone they are going to hell, if they do this or if they do that, Isn't it kind of obvious? Use your head. Stop trying to make facts. You don't know something is a fact smack down the middle. I, however find it somewhat hard to believe that someone can start a rumour in less then a couple of days. So I do believe in God and Jesus. I just need to find out who they are and what their history in living time is.
Tony Adams
Tony Adams - 10 years ago
+Christian Repenter dude are you stupid or just ignorant? I do not believe in any god, and I will never believe in a god. If you were in front of me now I'd slug you, since I hate you fucks for relentlessly coming at people with your religious nonsens. What part about FUCK OFF do you not understand? Your bullshit belief has squat to do with this video, and that why you people are so fuckin' annoying. You expect us to respect you and you imaginary friend in the sky, whil you people don't have the least amount of respect for people who don't want to hear that shit. Why can't you understand that? Why the fuck do you not understand that you are only making yourself look bad and accomplish exactly the opposite of what you want? You people, regardless of whatever religion you believe in or are following, are the cancer of this world and IMO you should be eradicated since we could do with a couple billion less people on this planet.
By the way, you yourself prove truth is subjective you idiot. Because you believe god exists, and I know it's bullshit. Because just as you, as you feel deep down that god exists, deep down I feel when I'm being conned. I knew it when I was like 6 dude. And to be clear, I don't hate god, because I don't hate things that don't exist. What I do hate, and I mean it fuckin' infuriates me, is people like you forcing your fuckin' fantasy story down other people throats! You know the saying: 'Religion is like a penis. It's fine to have one and be proud of it, but don't force it down other peoples throat UNLESS they ask you! Your a dumbshit and frankly, I feel sad for you. So indoctrinated, your parents did a piss poor job man. Now once again, leave me the fuck alone or I'll find you and crusify your ass.  
Jason Reiss
Jason Reiss - 10 years ago
+Christian Repenter Description of how idiots post comments on youtube: Oh a surfing video, cool! posts a random off topic comment about religion and god "If you die doing what you love, you're going to hell m8." Seriously guys, you don't know if you're going to hell or not. Dont worry about it, and god and jesus have absolutley NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING, to do with surfing. Fuck off christians that like to post religious comments on youtube, go to hell. No one cares!
Faith & Action
Faith & Action - 10 years ago
+Tony Adams Do you realize that the reason why you get so upset about the Truth I speak is because you have a God-given conscience and deep down you know that what I am saying is true. You just don't want to have to hear about it so that you can feel more comfortable with your sins - which is why you keep trying to make me go away. (If I had said that you need to believe in the flying spaghetti monster to be saved, you would have laughed and moved on.)
And, the reason why you hate people like me is because you hate God. You hate Him to the point of trying to force Him out of existence - like a little kid closing his eyes, covering his ears, and making noise with his mouth 'till his face turns red trying to make the Truth go away. But it never will.
Truth is not subjective; therefore, there is no "my truth" & "your truth," there is only one immutable & unchangeable Truth. And only the one, real, Truth can set you free.
Tony Adams
Tony Adams - 10 years ago
+Christian Repenter shit man, you don't have any idea how much I hate people like you. Be as religious as you want. But don't tell me your 'truth' is going to affect me in the end, because it will not. Just as you hope it won't be too late for me, I'll hope it won't be too big of a dissapointment when there is no judgement day. Not that you will notice, since you'll be dead. Now beat it.
Faith & Action
Faith & Action - 10 years ago
+Tony Adams This is no laughing matter.
And I don't have to get lost. Plus, God cares, I care, every other Christian cares, and one day you will care too. I just hope, for your sake, that when that day comes it won't be too late. 
Tony Adams
Tony Adams - 10 years ago
+Christian Repenter Dude you crack me up. Get lost man, no one cares. 
Faith & Action
Faith & Action - 10 years ago
+Jason Reiss You're right, this isn't church. But God is not relegated to church. This is life, where there are inevitable consequences of your everyday sins and when death hit's you from out of nowhere, like a rogue wave, you will stand naked and guilty before the God who Created you, and if you haven't repented of those sins & trusted in Christ, then you will suffer His wrath. I don't want that for you, so please stop hating me & God and repent and live. 
Jason Reiss
Jason Reiss - 10 years ago
Stop posting comments about god, this isn't a church. If you AREN'T going to post a comment about surfing, fuck off.
Tony Adams
Tony Adams - 10 years ago
+Christian Repenter Dude there is obviously only one person here who needs to get real. I'll give you a hint... C........ Repenter. 
Faith & Action
Faith & Action - 10 years ago
+David Moreira You hypocrite. You judge me judgmental for judging while you judge me.
And you're the one name calling.
And I don't feel guilty, you're the one who needs to feel guilty or you will perish in your sins.
Faith & Action
Faith & Action - 10 years ago
+Ashton B Your claim that God is not real implies that you have all knowledge and therefore know this is the truth. That is ignorant arrogance. Which is also what your understanding of Christianity and Islam is. You can say all of these things all you want but it will never make them true.
Pride comes before destruction. 
David Moreira
David Moreira - 10 years ago
Ahahaha, you judgemental prick, go feel guilty about wanking somewhere else
Faith & Action
Faith & Action - 10 years ago
+Ashton B You need to get real man. Warning the world of the reality of Hell is not terrorism by threatening torture and pain in order to get my way. Get real. I don't want my way, I want you to be saved from the eternal consequences of your great many sins against God.
You should stop throwing around serious words like "terrorist" when you're referring to a worldview like Christianity, especially if you come from a country that has been founded on such a faith. Stop accusing peaceful followers of the Lord & Savior Jesus Christ of "threatening" when I have no power to punish for sins, and if you want to continue in your sins down the wide road of perdition, that's your choice--go right ahead; but, my eyes have been opened by being born-again spiritually and I know that what God tells us in the Holy Bible is True, and, like God, I don't want anyone to perish and go to Hell.
Do not equivocate this with a worldview like radical Islam that will try to force you by the sword to believe in Allah or else kill you.
Blurr aV
Blurr aV - 10 years ago
Gods fake.
oConshien - 10 years ago
George Johnson
George Johnson - 10 years ago
Man vs. Mother Nature..................Awesome Video Mate................
Minecraft Hunger_Games
Minecraft Hunger_Games - 10 years ago
how nig r these waves
_2U_3R_8A_N - 10 years ago
МОРЕ я люблю тебя! SEA i love you!
Kate Maddison
Kate Maddison - 10 years ago
what's the track id for the first song please?
Kelton Fedor
Kelton Fedor - 10 years ago
Hey everyone, I thought I'd share how amazing the Go Pro is, it really last, it's even waterproof, and you get to capture all the action in HD, it's the best action camera out there, if you wanna buy one then follow this link https://www.amazon.com/GoPro-Hero3-Edition-Waterproof-Housing/dp/B00GXKTEUI/ref=as_sl_pc_ss_til?tag=buyers090c-20&linkCode=w01&linkId=7UABEDINIWBGZIUK&creativeASIN=B00GXKTEUI
Joe Burke
Joe Burke - 10 years ago
What is the song and who's doing it @ 7:40
Furno87 - 10 years ago
After just BODY surfing some 8-12ft faces in wamaea bay 20 yards from shore and getting absolutely rocked, I can't even imagine what it is like to wipeout on waves like these. Beyond intense. All the respect in the world to these guys
anthony Touch
anthony Touch - 10 years ago
I can do that
Peter Lam
Peter Lam - 10 years ago
just being in the channel is a treat to watch!!!
Dylan Wolf
Dylan Wolf - 10 years ago
I have probably seen this 25 times! Fackin Epic!
Neo Samurai
Neo Samurai - 10 years ago
What is the music? 
Julian Frino
Julian Frino - 10 years ago
The dude lives in kiama just like me hahaha
BubbaGame - 10 years ago
fredde har goa fisar jeppe har äckliga
tony0000 - 10 years ago
I would not like to wipe out in those waves.  Surprisingly good music.  Who is it?
Mizelle Mayo
Mizelle Mayo - 10 years ago
Holy shit those waves are massive
George Waters
George Waters - 10 years ago
sweet waves!
dome nana
dome nana - 10 years ago
Giants  realy  !!!! great guys 
Richard Johnson
Richard Johnson - 10 years ago
The wipeouts gave me anxiety attack
James Barbour
James Barbour - 10 years ago
that is some of the hands down, gnarliest shit i've ever seen.
geektoro - 10 years ago
Much respect to anyone who has guts to take these waves on. Personally I wouldn't be could dead there,, yikes!. The 15ft' ish beating i had at my local break back in Portugal was enough for me. Whats it feel like to get smashed?... for me it was more mental then physical. The thought '' ! Stay conscious'' !! , is how i got through it.  Peace n love from down under. ;-]
Pradit Caparas
Pradit Caparas - 10 years ago
how do these dudes not sink? they have to have the biggest set of nuts between their legs to do this
Pamela Núñez
Pamela Núñez - 10 years ago
+Gabriela Espinoza Carranza brotheeeeeer!!! 
Pamela Núñez
Pamela Núñez - 10 years ago
+Gabriela Espinoza Carranza bah!!!! pero en serio sí!!! las olas carajo!!!
clarkewi - 10 years ago
Best footage I've ever seen.
osvaldo otero
osvaldo otero - 10 years ago
Tremendo video!!!!
LostNozz - 10 years ago
I watched this live, these guys are freakin gladiators doing battle with one of the meanest waves on the planet.....
Dans Surf Report
Dans Surf Report - 10 years ago
Free/New Dans Surf Report https://appsto.re/i66Q4Bp It will notify you when the waves are the size you want them also has beach temperatures etc
DonPepeArg - 10 years ago
Esto es muy simple o montan y doman las olas de Nazaré, Portugal o acá no se habla más del tema. Estas son olas para niños o miedosos.
Felipe Saenz
Felipe Saenz - 10 years ago
jksynth - 10 years ago
One of the best videos of surfing and the waves I've ever seen.
ДИМА КАЗЕЕВ - 10 years ago
ЕБАТЬ МОЙ ХУЙ!!!!!!!!!!!
lacey - 10 years ago
I love that view 10.21, listening to that is surreal, I surf, but not that big, awesome music babe
I love Mountains
I love Mountains - 10 years ago
Whats the song? i cant shazam it..
Parker - 10 years ago
What's the music?
Daniel Wilson
Daniel Wilson - 10 years ago
any one know the music?
François Villez
François Villez - 10 years ago
I just shat my pants.
Vector Marine
Vector Marine - 10 years ago
Why do they cover all the logos on their jet ski?
Fizzy Pop
Fizzy Pop - 10 years ago
I LOVE this video! Just AMAZING! 
Weaboo Edgelord IV
Weaboo Edgelord IV - 10 years ago
+Primeiro Último Fake, more like.
권종명 - 10 years ago
so mad but so cool
Celine Wetzels
Celine Wetzels - 10 years ago
That is soooo cool oh my
John R
John R - 10 years ago
i was there too yunno
Daniel Linhares
Daniel Linhares - 10 years ago
Quando o mar está em fúria.
Melina Batman
Melina Batman - 11 years ago
This wave looks so evil!
TheNitNitShow - 11 years ago
I wanna surf that
quin black
quin black - 11 years ago
fucking legit man
Jamie Hayes-Jones
Jamie Hayes-Jones - 11 years ago
Who do you think is to blame for the Flooding in the U.K? Have your vote now, Tag a friend that cares ! (results displayed each day) by clicking below it will take you to the vote, select your answer and your are done. #votethatmatters

Whodunit Pros
Whodunit Pros - 11 years ago
Who's the bodysurfer at 11:43 ?
Doug Morgan
Doug Morgan - 11 years ago
That shit is awesome
Marc Batero Espejo
Marc Batero Espejo - 11 years ago
dude, the wave from 9:36 - 9:58 is way way way too gigantic.
Alberto Osorio
Alberto Osorio - 11 years ago
danny hernandez
danny hernandez - 11 years ago
Aww bro that's sick shredd the narrr Shaka bro
francis arias
francis arias - 11 years ago
not even close to the biggest day there probley not in top 10 there!!
rodeopac - 11 years ago
F'ing amazing!
Tee/Get paid fast
Tee/Get paid fast - 11 years ago
Lasmar Marcelo
Lasmar Marcelo - 11 years ago
whats the song? anyone please
AthulKUmar Techeel.Com
AthulKUmar Techeel.Com - 11 years ago
The Laurels - Black Cathedral
matt bialek
matt bialek - 11 years ago
go to 14:29 and it has a list of the songs in order of appearance 
Augustus Cesar
Augustus Cesar - 11 years ago
Way to go boys!
Вадим Чистобаев
Вадим Чистобаев - 11 years ago
S Cameron
S Cameron - 11 years ago
Bodyboard foo life
S Cameron
S Cameron - 11 years ago
Surfing is soooooooooo. Gay
George Johnson
George Johnson - 11 years ago
"Wow Tommy, I really got tubed!"
VanillaFace - 11 years ago
That lip is just.. So huge
andy walters
andy walters - 11 years ago
only. oops
andy walters
andy walters - 11 years ago
Finally some overhead shots of this beast. Been watchin the other vids for yrs', wonderin if the even had access to a chopper down there. good shit! Looks like the reef if on a few feet down. Crazy
Tim Smith
Tim Smith - 11 years ago
nice vid
Desi - 11 years ago
Jeanelle Bautista
Jeanelle Bautista - 11 years ago
dylan longbottom looks like robert downey jr
Kelly Albertine
Kelly Albertine - 11 years ago
freakin' insanity - has to be 1000's of tons of water just pitching into 3 feet of water making the rider into an absolute rag doll.  This scares people that don't even know what its like to get crushed by a wave several times later and the feeling of getting cremated. Just unbelievable feat of nature and love that high speed cam.
RonsonJonson198 - 11 years ago
Artist: The Laurels

Songs: Wandering Star
            Black Cathedral - Song At 6:00
            Turn On Your Mind
Mariana Vervloet
Mariana Vervloet - 11 years ago
Uauuuu que vídeo! Fiquei instigada demais
john doe
john doe - 11 years ago
Hey Network ...how about posting the music titles here. It's only fair they get kudos.

Thx ... great vid!
Swift Shots
Swift Shots - 11 years ago
I've bodyboarded 4 Foot waves before but this.I would DIE.
Matthew Gilkes
Matthew Gilkes - 11 years ago
what on earth drives these people?
SlickRick4EVER - 11 years ago
The spiritual thrill, baby... 
Michael Gallagher
Michael Gallagher - 11 years ago
Heaviest, strongest. most powerful force on the face of this planet... RESPECT!!!
Christopher Pagnusatt
Christopher Pagnusatt - 11 years ago
What is the song at 6:00 ??
106volcom - 11 years ago
Bloody awesome. Bravest blokes!
Les chats
Les chats - 11 years ago
it's kelly in the film or not
Les chats
Les chats - 11 years ago
cool me to i surfing it's cool:))
Jorge jimenez md
Jorge jimenez md - 11 years ago
pfff... yo necesito olas mas grandes!
Jon Emberson
Jon Emberson - 11 years ago
For me that's a "Code Brown"
Kelly Albertine
Kelly Albertine - 11 years ago
fairy tale
fairy tale - 11 years ago
It seems cool, but I'm so extreme, I still prefer Cornwal
Aaliyah Pajuelo
Aaliyah Pajuelo - 11 years ago
rachel martinez
rachel martinez - 11 years ago
this blew my mind .... totally awesome!! freaken gnarly!!
Jordan Massaneia
Jordan Massaneia - 11 years ago
Muito loco
Hudson Palmer
Hudson Palmer - 11 years ago
So sick
Ben Matz
Ben Matz - 10 years ago
cool BRO
Nate Smith
Nate Smith - 11 years ago
░░░░░███████ ]▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄                 Bob is building an army.
▂▄▅█████████▅▄▃▂               ☻/    This tank & Bob are against Google+
Il███████████████████].          /▌     Copy and Paste this all over 
  ◥⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙◤            / \      Youtube if you are with us
Danielle Vee
Danielle Vee - 11 years ago
Thanks to Kurt Kobain for creating the sound that this band uses.
Mayeur000Donz - 11 years ago
░░░░░░███████ ]▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄          Bob is building an army.
▂▄▅█████████▅▄▃▂           ☻/   This tank & Bob are against Google+
Il███████████████████].     /▌    Copy and Paste this all over 
  ◥⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙◤..      / \     Youtube if you are with us
oscar sutton
oscar sutton - 10 years ago
it aint gonna happen bob
Barca SanJi Kun
Barca SanJi Kun - 10 years ago
Very More surfing discounts on: http://amzn.to/1n2z8M2 .
Lyubomir Stoychev
Lyubomir Stoychev - 10 years ago
Like Google will give a damn : )
Nolan Houghton
Nolan Houghton - 11 years ago
+Mayeur000Donz thank you someone with a brain
Mayeur000Donz - 11 years ago
+Nolan Houghton I know.
I'm sorry.
Nolan Houghton
Nolan Houghton - 11 years ago
bobs gay
adam bamf
adam bamf - 11 years ago
roaring 40s baby 
MATIX - 11 years ago
John Leuszniewicz
John Leuszniewicz - 11 years ago
Can you give me the name of first song? :D
Mariana Amendoeira
Mariana Amendoeira - 11 years ago
Woow this is awesome! Reminds me of Praia do Norte in Nazaré. Huge waves : )
Harrison Milne
Harrison Milne - 11 years ago
holy shit!
Chris Naranjo
Chris Naranjo - 8 years ago
ɷɷ I Have Watched Thissss Moviee Leakedd Versionnnn Hereeee : - https://t.co/SjZpZXw5gt
Austin C.
Austin C. - 11 years ago
How do they fit there giant balls in there wetsuit?
A FC - 11 years ago
Andrew Griffin
Andrew Griffin - 11 years ago
Ej, n mmn ok l
Jose Carlos Teixeira Gonçalves
Jose Carlos Teixeira Gonçalves - 11 years ago
Jeremy Simmons
Jeremy Simmons - 11 years ago
I wish they had one sequence with no music. I wanna hear what this cannon of a wave really sounds like.
TheHurtTV - 11 years ago
Love, love, love!
itamar kozniak
itamar kozniak - 11 years ago
dante lanci
dante lanci - 11 years ago
Scott "7 Figure Surfer" Smith - 11 years ago
There is a limit and this stuff is just pushing it to the limits of human possibility's
Katie More
Katie More - 11 years ago
9.04 that's gotta hurt!!!
Katie More
Katie More - 11 years ago
Such a heavy wave!!
Clempt90 - 11 years ago
Cheers mate
Electrical Tears
Electrical Tears - 11 years ago
The wave breaks on to a sharp coral reef that's covered by 2 feet of water.
Scott "7 Figure Surfer" Smith - 11 years ago
Pure epic!!
Clempt90 - 11 years ago
Explain to me please how surfing this wave is so dangerous ? Is the wave breaking onto a reef or something ? I have swam in huge waves quite a few times and as long as you have a lot of experience of how to take a huge breath of air in and know how to brace yourself correctly and roll with the motion of the wave there has been little drama.
Teahupoo is the most powerfull Wave in the world,
she is really thick and there is only a little amount of water to "protect" you from the reef. She is created by powerfull and huge hurricanes in the south polar cercle. So with all of these facts if you wipe-out you probably going to die and if you don't trust it you can try and see what happens.
JM AF - 7 years ago
Yup. A shallow reef. Plus, you wouldn't swim in a wave this big, heavy or fast. You wouldn't get a wave this heavy or fast unless it was breaking into a shallow reef or slab.
Pohai Müller
Pohai Müller - 8 years ago
yup, swell goes from 150 feet of depth to about 3-4 feet in a matter of seconds, underneath of which there is a wide slab of coral reef. guys who wipe out sometimes get pinned against the reef as wave after wave breaks on top of them.
Hanna Jean Torrechilla
Hanna Jean Torrechilla - 11 years ago
It's like the waves on Mavericks. You guys are so Insane! (:
Waranoa - 11 years ago
Surfing is one of the most badass things.
YourDailyGTeaAye FiveVids
YourDailyGTeaAye FiveVids - 11 years ago
how about no?
Jordi Rodz
Jordi Rodz - 11 years ago
what are the songs on this video
Gleb Solntsev
Gleb Solntsev - 11 years ago
Billy Joel
Billy Joel - 11 years ago
Great waves
nicvallecillo - 11 years ago
these waves are insane!!!! I want to learn to surf so bad!! adding to my bucket list everyday
KAI LACEY - 11 years ago
Tom Rob
Tom Rob - 11 years ago
Aesthetiker - 7 years ago
The Laurels - Wandering Star ;)
Raquel Oliveira
Raquel Oliveira - 8 years ago
Hey!! Do you nome the name of the song that starts at 1.20?? :)
chicowasp - 11 years ago
whats the song at about the 6 min mark ?
Le Buzz Internet
Le Buzz Internet - 11 years ago
Guinius ART
Guinius ART - 11 years ago
Carlos Carvalho
Carlos Carvalho - 11 years ago
Que loucura !!!
TV Nação Nesta 2
TV Nação Nesta 2 - 11 years ago
A Pineapple
A Pineapple - 11 years ago
I just can't imagine what the fuck it would be like getting dropped on this fucking monster wave.
Artur Sá Menezes
Artur Sá Menezes - 11 years ago
A very good day!! ;)
CatRock dx
CatRock dx - 11 years ago
oh my god those waves are so big and scary
Mitchell Soames
Mitchell Soames - 11 years ago
hahaha cock!
George Wheadon
George Wheadon - 11 years ago
So dope
D. Scram
D. Scram - 11 years ago
13:10 "It's pretty much the best feeling in the world..." It's because you all survived. The fine line between death and cheating death in any endeavor will give you the greatest feeling of satisfaction - and the highest level of adrenaline. Once you have achieved what you believe is the highest possible level of adrenaline in your endeavor, it is triumphant and satisfying. If you can accept it as your pinnacle moment, you will live a long life. If you try to top it, it is gambling. Amazing vid.
jonathan mather
jonathan mather - 11 years ago
Surf some of the greatest waves on the planet. Surf camps and resorts in Indonesia, Maldives, Philippines and Europe. Check out our site for your perfect surfing holiday. surfinginasia
kev99kev - 11 years ago
That reef.... 01:52
MrBhoughton - 11 years ago
not even a wave, just a monster of the deep ocean
Zack Keiser
Zack Keiser - 11 years ago
7:55 ....... holy fuck
Johnson Gibbs
Johnson Gibbs - 11 years ago
Wow.. that swell was so amazing those guys became the mellowest people on earth!
Silas Gramaglia
Silas Gramaglia - 11 years ago
oh cool
Alex Jordaan
Alex Jordaan - 11 years ago
because they are getting towed in, the speed that they reach will force a surfer off a strapless board, therefore the straps allowing them to be towed fast and deeper
Silas Gramaglia
Silas Gramaglia - 11 years ago
y do they have straps on their feet
wthdidusay - 11 years ago
It was a double code red. The water craft your speaking of were fishing boats and other sea faring vessels planning to head out of the port, away from the island, because of the rough and high seas.
twine ripper
twine ripper - 11 years ago
radada86 - 11 years ago
Surfers are talkatives...
Wassim Mallah
Wassim Mallah - 11 years ago
awesome, crazy, no words lol
Dalina Lem
Dalina Lem - 11 years ago
Yes there are surfing what call that they have a surfboard and their standing on it and their amazing one day I'm going to do that
Darlia Argyris
Darlia Argyris - 11 years ago
god i love Parko.
Anne Dorilysfay
Anne Dorilysfay - 11 years ago
is there a good reason for such kind of comment? can't think of anything besides a `not so good education`
Nour Khaled
Nour Khaled - 11 years ago
Use shazam people and stop asking
K Serveux
K Serveux - 11 years ago
Yodaddyissofat - 11 years ago
we know you are
Scott W
Scott W - 11 years ago
Amazing, scary, fantastic.
FT SP - 11 years ago
stevenhola1 - 11 years ago
Big balls to do this is needed kids.
David Walker
David Walker - 11 years ago
Its not fake but you are gay.
FakeAndGayVideo - 11 years ago
Fake and gay.
iTor - 11 years ago
10:05 WHA.......
kalikou56 - 11 years ago
Des images superbes ! à regarder sans modération ! merci.
Ernilton Ferraz
Ernilton Ferraz - 11 years ago
Sejam o nosso espirito e corpo iluminados e purificados e que possamos viver a verdade que nos concedeste por intermédio de Meishu-Sama.
DNA Confirmed
DNA Confirmed - 11 years ago
Eva L
Eva L - 11 years ago
wow wow wow
killedbythedocter - 11 years ago
I can barley catch any waves on any board <7ft 6 :( short lads seems so fu and I'm really good on long boards.
Kevin B
Kevin B - 11 years ago
Parko in the beginning kept me locked in.
Shayna Tuzon
Shayna Tuzon - 11 years ago
VIsubby - 11 years ago
notice the black tape on the jetski license numbers and sponsor's lmao I thik they stole those or took them with out asking haha
Costa Surf Reggue
Costa Surf Reggue - 11 years ago
good ..
Lauren Dorval
Lauren Dorval - 11 years ago
whats the first song?
Chris Ryan
Chris Ryan - 11 years ago
immortal bliss
LazyBee3 - 11 years ago
i never copy-paste but DAMN, this was worth it!
Freestyle Extravaganza
Freestyle Extravaganza - 11 years ago
check out my awesome surfing vid: Wade Goodall ripping in tahiti, prime-a big wave action youtube.com/watch?v=Rc0qBf8poBc
Anne Dorilysfay
Anne Dorilysfay - 11 years ago
thanks man!
AndrewProblematic - 11 years ago
tha laurels - wandering star
Anne Dorilysfay
Anne Dorilysfay - 11 years ago
you guys know what's the first song played? around minute 1:50?
Wednesday X
Wednesday X - 11 years ago
How beautiful.
Phill Ocknazon
Phill Ocknazon - 11 years ago
I feel like if one of those fell on top of you. You would get destroyed.
jackson Rw
jackson Rw - 11 years ago
ha gaiiii
deoss69 - 11 years ago
well iv had my share of combat and am a decent surfer but i would never ride that fu king beast of a wave
pudgywudgy - 11 years ago
Teddy Parker
Teddy Parker - 11 years ago
Slow motion is the worst thing to happen to Teahupoo footage... As well as music. This footage should be seen in real time with real audio. It sounds like a building coming down and these guys are flying.
HIRIE - 11 years ago
Be sure to search "Sensi Boy" for the newest reggae song to follow up with this surf video! :)
billy inglis
billy inglis - 11 years ago
that is the frigen best u tube vid iv ever seen!!!!!!!
Paul O'Reilly
Paul O'Reilly - 11 years ago
Psalms 93:4: Mightier than the thunder of the great waters, mightier than the waves of the sea—the LORD on high is mighty. And Jesus is The Lord on High! John 1:1-18 Believe!
andrewsails1371 - 11 years ago
How many people died that day?
Louis js
Louis js - 11 years ago
The Laurels - Black Cathedral
Magic_Bricks - 11 years ago
awesome; if you like waves, i make a session with brickwaves, it's fun too; look at my movie !!!
XXTominhoXX - 11 years ago
doesn't work
thierrysiemons - 11 years ago
Grande Milan
Grande Milan - 11 years ago
I feel bad for him : (
hoolagirl57ishot - 11 years ago
201 people like julia gillard
surferboy347808 - 11 years ago
its to prevent rash
Zander Fertig
Zander Fertig - 11 years ago
"here, Hold my beer and watch this"
Nalyd Costa
Nalyd Costa - 11 years ago
Check out "Punta Saleas Lodge" In Pavones Costa Rica if you really enjoy surfing you'll love the SECOND LONGEST WAVE IN THE WORLD! With cabins located in the middle of the beautiful Costa Rican rainforest minuets from the beach! Accompanied by a super friendly/relaxed rasta that will serve you as you stay. Whether you're just learning or a pro you'll love it here!
Surfapparel.com - 11 years ago
I can do that.... someone hold my tea
TheSingularity79 - 11 years ago
what are they taping on beneath their wet suites?
Christopher Terhart
Christopher Terhart - 11 years ago
I think these people who dislike it working 24/7 in a office building and never breath some fresh air..
RAKstreetFILMS - 11 years ago
I got so scared for them I had to watch this on the toilet
Sean Chisholm
Sean Chisholm - 11 years ago
How can anyone Dislike this movie guys, I mean really, did it make you poo your pants or what?
sweetiii - 11 years ago
This is nuuuuuuuuuutsssss
sacredhws - 11 years ago
song at 6.00 is the laurels black cathedral
Luke Cribb
Luke Cribb - 11 years ago
I would teahu poo my pants if I surfed that wave
Tino Leroy
Tino Leroy - 11 years ago
Crazy movie ! Check more extrems movies on my channel !
Dan Sterling
Dan Sterling - 11 years ago
Good video but too much talk. Action is great when it finally shows up.
lbernazani - 11 years ago
How could anyone "dislike" this video??
Miller Nickel Resor
Miller Nickel Resor - 11 years ago
were there any surfers hurt in the making of this movie
Afonso Mestre
Afonso Mestre - 11 years ago
wondering star also by them
Ned Millsey
Ned Millsey - 11 years ago
what is the surfchart apphe uses
Bill Fraser
Bill Fraser - 11 years ago
dude check the credits. its all the laurels. they are boss
Khalan338 - 11 years ago
The music list is in the credits - 14:28
Dante Kankia
Dante Kankia - 11 years ago
dzan magaria :DDDD
mahasma - 11 years ago
last two tracks are by The Laurels: Black Cathedral Turn on your mind First one I dont know
AlexParker1981 - 11 years ago
someone needs to buy all the footage before it gets out and make one movie of swells like these at any type breaks...so nobody can put little clips up at a time on youtube. these swells are classic every time.
Lima Costa
Lima Costa - 11 years ago
Supernatant waves + guys looking for trouble = sureal.
clarkewi - 11 years ago
These guys are the elite of the elite of the elite....
yeni tamba
yeni tamba - 11 years ago
Amazing man...
EpicSurfNews - 11 years ago
See people surf on our channel. Do It!
Surfapparel.com - 11 years ago
siccccccccckkkk fucking waves 6:31 so casual i would have peed myself HA
Guendalina Di Stefano
Guendalina Di Stefano - 11 years ago
Vi lovvo
IXconnorXI - 11 years ago
Dude the list is in the credits!
John Roper
John Roper - 11 years ago
Full respect to these guys.
mubale11 - 11 years ago
musicfreek30 - 11 years ago
Kenig_der_Alpen - 11 years ago
who wants to see people fishing?!
Emilio De La Fuente
Emilio De La Fuente - 11 years ago
the laurels,black cathedral
cottie101 - 11 years ago
holy shit.
MartinEsposito - 11 years ago
take a look : surf the trash super trash
mrfatfish1 - 11 years ago
yeh i would defiantly surf that
Filip Larsson
Filip Larsson - 11 years ago
It would be cool if someone could drive their waterski at the top of the wave when it is falling. I guess they must start from the other side and make a U-turn on the wave though, which would be quite hard I think, but very cool!
BanjoDow - 11 years ago
panic attack
Afonso Mestre
Afonso Mestre - 11 years ago
who is that guy at 2:09?
Ian Clevenger
Ian Clevenger - 11 years ago
fuckin dope
Louis js
Louis js - 11 years ago
around 8:00 : The Laurels - Black Cathedral
kaikaleidescope - 11 years ago
smullen 24
smullen 24 - 11 years ago
Black cathedral by the laurels
Josh Fish
Josh Fish - 11 years ago
shazam it
Jamster - 11 years ago
When they realized they where going to die with or without a helmet, because major injury's don't really happen on this and if something is there big enough to seriously hurt you then you will, like i said, die anyway.
Network A
Network A - 11 years ago
Teahupoo has been going off the past few days with the world's best big wave chargers scoring a few of the best rides of their lives! None of this would have been possible without the game changing CODE RED swell of 2011 that saw some of the craziest waves ever ridden at the famous reef. 
Weaboo Edgelord IV
Weaboo Edgelord IV - 8 years ago
+magorkel You will have to wash your feet some time. c:
magorkel - 8 years ago
+Orange Rodriguez i wont be dropping the soap around you
Weaboo Edgelord IV
Weaboo Edgelord IV - 8 years ago
+magorkel Oh, I will be gay as much as I want. c:
magorkel - 8 years ago
+Orange Rodriguez dont be gay
Weaboo Edgelord IV
Weaboo Edgelord IV - 8 years ago
+magorkel LOL!
Weaboo Edgelord IV
Weaboo Edgelord IV - 8 years ago
+magorkel LOL!
magorkel - 8 years ago
+Orange Rodriguez Oh man! You da man! Code Pink!
Weaboo Edgelord IV
Weaboo Edgelord IV - 8 years ago
+magorkel Haha XD, I know all the trolling tacts in the book bud. You wont get a rise out of me from that.
magorkel - 8 years ago
+Orange Rodriguez you mean the waves are real? or your vajima is?
Weaboo Edgelord IV
Weaboo Edgelord IV - 8 years ago
+magorkel This post was so long ago, lol. Can't believe there are still people who don't realize I was trolling.
magorkel - 8 years ago
+Orange Rodriguez your vagina is real
Weaboo Edgelord IV
Weaboo Edgelord IV - 10 years ago
+Georgiy Potulov
Georgiy Potulov
Georgiy Potulov - 10 years ago
Oh, I'm quite glad to finally realize that i am talking to a troll.. Because now I know to stop. :-)
Weaboo Edgelord IV
Weaboo Edgelord IV - 10 years ago
+Georgiy Potulov
Don't be mad. Be glad.
Georgiy Potulov
Georgiy Potulov - 10 years ago
Right, so shut up..
Weaboo Edgelord IV
Weaboo Edgelord IV - 10 years ago
+Georgiy Potulov
I would, but I don't know how to create computer generated imaging.
Georgiy Potulov
Georgiy Potulov - 10 years ago
I understand, if you never experience these things, then how do you know? Go out and experience it for yourself!
Georgiy Potulov
Georgiy Potulov - 10 years ago
+Orange Rodriguez You're a troll
Weaboo Edgelord IV
Weaboo Edgelord IV - 10 years ago
+Georgiy Potulov
I'm not the one who thinks giant waves emerge out of nothing.
Georgiy Potulov
Georgiy Potulov - 10 years ago
You sound like a 10 year old..
Weaboo Edgelord IV
Weaboo Edgelord IV - 10 years ago
+Georgiy Potulov
Ok so, it's cause by... CGI AND a drop off? How does that work?
Georgiy Potulov
Georgiy Potulov - 10 years ago
Go get a life...twat!
Georgiy Potulov
Georgiy Potulov - 10 years ago
You fucking troll..
Georgiy Potulov
Georgiy Potulov - 10 years ago
+Orange Rodriguez I'm not justifying anything, it's only a part of the whole thing which is able to contribute to making a wave of this size.
Weaboo Edgelord IV
Weaboo Edgelord IV - 10 years ago
+Georgiy Potulov
A big drop off? That's how you justify the impossible? Ok, if you say so.
Georgiy Potulov
Georgiy Potulov - 10 years ago
+Orange Rodriguez There is a big drop off in the bottom, that is why it looks like it is being created out of nothing. You obviously know very little to nothing when it comes to surfing. Now move along... :-)
Georgiy Potulov
Georgiy Potulov - 10 years ago
You sure are sweet heart, now move along.. ;-)
Weaboo Edgelord IV
Weaboo Edgelord IV - 10 years ago
+Mateo Suarez
Well obviously i'm right so....
Weaboo Edgelord IV
Weaboo Edgelord IV - 10 years ago
+Georgiy Potulov
Yeah, I guess the ghosts probably lifted the waves.
Lothar Matthaus
Lothar Matthaus - 10 years ago
+Orange Rodriguez The stupidity that you have is incomparable.
Georgiy Potulov
Georgiy Potulov - 10 years ago
From nothing? What do you mean by that?
Weaboo Edgelord IV
Weaboo Edgelord IV - 10 years ago
+Georgiy Potulov ^^^
(Says I know nothing about physics)... (Thinks 130 ft waves appear from nothing)
Georgiy Potulov
Georgiy Potulov - 10 years ago
+Orange Rodriguez That is because you know nothing about physics. Go do some homework and then come back to me.. I am done dealing with a troll such as yourself.
Weaboo Edgelord IV
Weaboo Edgelord IV - 10 years ago
+Georgiy Potulov
Tsunami waves are different, they are caused by god himself to smite those who need a spanking... But REGULAR waves, 130 ft? Nope. Not buyin it.
Georgiy Potulov
Georgiy Potulov - 10 years ago
+Orange Rodriguez  Actually, there was a 1,720 foot wave which occurred back in Lituya Bay Alaska in 1958.. It may have been a mega tsunami wave, ok... BUT, who is to say that a wave (Non tsunami wave) in the perfect conditions cannot be as large as 130 feet? If the swell and winds and everything else is just right, it is definitely possible.. Have you heard of something called a Rogue wave?
Weaboo Edgelord IV
Weaboo Edgelord IV - 10 years ago
+Georgiy Potulov
130 feet? Wow. Did you know that I also once saw a ghostly leprechaun chasing after a flying talking shark?
Georgiy Potulov
Georgiy Potulov - 10 years ago
+Orange Rodriguez Yes, I know many things about science.. I also know that there are also a number of things that create a gnarly swell. For instance, do you know that waves can get up to roughly 130 feet at Nazare when the conditions are just right? (obviously no one has had enough balls or speed to conquer such waves, but they do exist)  which obviously you have no clue about. 
Daniel Robinson
Daniel Robinson - 10 years ago
+Mateo Suarez fill your bathtub up and watch it for a few minutes then come back and apologise 
Weaboo Edgelord IV
Weaboo Edgelord IV - 10 years ago
+Mateo Suarez
Well obviously I'm right so...
Lothar Matthaus
Lothar Matthaus - 10 years ago
The stupidity that you have is incomparable. 
Weaboo Edgelord IV
Weaboo Edgelord IV - 10 years ago
+Georgiy Potulov
Do you know anything about science?
Georgiy Potulov
Georgiy Potulov - 10 years ago
Georgiy Potulov
Georgiy Potulov - 10 years ago
Do you know anything about big wave surfing?
Georgiy Potulov
Georgiy Potulov - 10 years ago
Yea,,, they definitely would take all their time into making a big wave (that a size of this sort has been ridden in the past,) in order to try and convince a viewer that this is real.. You are a dumbass. Your mother isn't real also.. You know nothing about surfing.
Weaboo Edgelord IV
Weaboo Edgelord IV - 10 years ago
+Georgiy Potulov
Why don't u youtube my butt, and then maybe you'll learn how to shut ur god damn piece of crap mouth, got it?
Georgiy Potulov
Georgiy Potulov - 10 years ago
+Orange Rodriguez Just youtube Nazare Swell and maybe you will learn something new..
Weaboo Edgelord IV
Weaboo Edgelord IV - 10 years ago
+Daniel Robinson
For Christ sake, finally someone who's not a COMPLETE idiot. No, water doesn't move by itself, and when it's freaking 30 lbs of water like in this video it is even more true. Ty
Daniel Robinson
Daniel Robinson - 10 years ago
+Orange Rodriguez why do these idiots believe its real! water can't just move by itself its not even going downhill 
Weaboo Edgelord IV
Weaboo Edgelord IV - 10 years ago
Feeding the trolls = spreading ignorance... This video is "feeding the trolls."
Weaboo Edgelord IV
Weaboo Edgelord IV - 10 years ago
I don't know shit, I don't know what it's comprised of... I don't know why it's color is generally what it is... And I don't know what makes the shape inconsistent. But I do know that giant waves are fairy tales.
Weaboo Edgelord IV
Weaboo Edgelord IV - 10 years ago
+Georgiy Potulov
Idk but thanks for acknowledging that I'm real by replying to me.
Georgiy Potulov
Georgiy Potulov - 10 years ago
+Orange Rodriguez Why should anyone reply to someone that is fake?
RichleicaMP - 10 years ago
+Mateo Suarez Mateo don't feed the trolls.
Lothar Matthaus
Lothar Matthaus - 10 years ago
+Orange Rodriguez you don't know shit stupid son of the bitch! 
norXmal - 10 years ago
+Orange Rodriguez Get your fruity ass out of here, you ain't an English teacher.
Weaboo Edgelord IV
Weaboo Edgelord IV - 10 years ago
+tauraa mam
 Hey man, it's okay. I understand, other languages can be difficult to learn. But for future reference, when you say "It's real" in English, you're implying that it exists. What you SHOULD have said was that it "was not real." Don't worry, you'll get used to it, I'm sure.
tauraa mam
tauraa mam - 10 years ago
+Orange Rodriguez Man i live in TAHITI I saw Teahupo'o waves when it was the SEASON ! 8 meters is the more small, I saw the big wave 20 meters! it's real because im tahitian, i know my island, i know my spot. (sorry for the bad english)
Weaboo Edgelord IV
Weaboo Edgelord IV - 10 years ago
 Well guess what. I agree with me, science tells no lies.
Weaboo Edgelord IV
Weaboo Edgelord IV - 10 years ago
 Say whatever you want. but you cannot deny the facts.
RichleicaMP - 10 years ago
+Orange Rodriguez Yeah, I agree with TwiistZA, you are just being a troll, looking for trouble. 
TwiistZA - 10 years ago
+Orange Rodriguez  You are either an obvious troll, or extremely fucking stupid. I think you might just be a mixture of both.
Weaboo Edgelord IV
Weaboo Edgelord IV - 10 years ago
 I like my finger where it is, thank you!... and how would I know it was fake in the first place without watching the film? Trust me though, I didn't watch this CGI a second time. XD lol water doesn't move by itself buddy. It's called "science."
Lungwabo - 10 years ago
+Orange Rodriguez You ignorant twat. If you think this wave is fake. why'd you even watch the film! And why would there be soo many different movies about this wave? I'm guessing you live on a lake,where waves don't exist right? Because, clearly you're dumb as *&^&! Now get your finger out your ass, and go do some reading. When you're educated, then come and attempt to troll.
Weaboo Edgelord IV
Weaboo Edgelord IV - 10 years ago
 Why would I do reading on something that's fake?
RichleicaMP - 10 years ago
+Orange Rodriguez How is this fake?  Do a bit of reading on what makes Teahupoo so unique, the steep reef wall followed by very shallow reef combined with a massive swells coming up from the Southern Ocean created this massive and unique Teahupoo wave. Get a bowl and put some water in it? The ocean itself, ocean currents, tides and wind create massive amounts of energy. 
Weaboo Edgelord IV
Weaboo Edgelord IV - 10 years ago
+mark carey
 If this is real, then how does it happen? Go get a bowl, put water in it, do giant waves emerge? No? That's because it's not real.
mark carey
mark carey - 10 years ago
+Orange Rodriguez Really kid? This shit is so real cunt
Weaboo Edgelord IV
Weaboo Edgelord IV - 10 years ago
FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE, dude come on really? This shit isn't even real.
Avan Shaw
Avan Shaw - 10 years ago
It's so good,the surf shorts can be bought in here:
Marc Cawood
Marc Cawood - 11 years ago
Seriously. Seriously. WHY and WHEN did surfers stop wearing helmets? These waves are INSANE. 12ft thick LIPs!
Fiona Hare
Fiona Hare - 11 years ago
watch?v=Bz2Z0Mwp49Y ;)
anthony majestic
anthony majestic - 11 years ago
mi life sucks !!
THExMANxWITHxTHExGUN - 11 years ago
Shazam it
Ensenada Traveller
Ensenada Traveller - 11 years ago
If you like surfing come visit Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico, in front of Ensenada is located Isla Todo Santos with pretty awesome waves, check out EnsenadaTraveller.blogspot.com for more info
Ross McGuire
Ross McGuire - 11 years ago
Pedro Strom
Pedro Strom - 11 years ago
this for sure one of he most beautiful Natural Wonders of the world, should be number one !
Psyman - 11 years ago
Ищите в ютубе - "Code Red" Full Movie - Surfing Goes Huge At Teahupoo Tahiti
awakeskate - 11 years ago
/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=GHN7yDMno0w check out number 1 flow boarder for his age group. simply amazing video.
L Ricardo
L Ricardo - 11 years ago
bsd - 11 years ago
The name of the band is called ..The Laurels.
Callum Riley
Callum Riley - 11 years ago
why dont you have a wank while you're at it aye!?
rottenbob91 - 11 years ago
I think he means the name of the songs
Joe O'Donoghue
Joe O'Donoghue - 11 years ago
tits magee that was big
Aqueel Q
Aqueel Q - 11 years ago
It's THE LAURELS!- @network A give some credit, where credit is due!
Adam Lazarus
Adam Lazarus - 11 years ago
This is sickkkk!
Jacqueline Roberts
Jacqueline Roberts - 11 years ago
This is the first surfing video I've ever seen.
DrVonTennla - 11 years ago
Massive balls
Francisco Javier Collados
Francisco Javier Collados - 11 years ago
didn't anyone get really hurt? looks masive
berniedmj1 - 11 years ago
Ummm... Shane Dorian would paddle!!!
Nate Barnes
Nate Barnes - 11 years ago
172 people went over the falls
clovehitch - 11 years ago
relax. hold your breath. curl into a ball. protect your head. wait and hope for the best. depending on where you think the wave will take you and what the swell interval is, you will know when you attempt to get back to the surface. You want to get up before the next wave but going too early could be a waste of energy, and you may need all of your strength not to drown.
dylan snyder
dylan snyder - 11 years ago
that barrel looks as big as my fuckin house
Vibe Tilt
Vibe Tilt - 11 years ago
Can you at least give us names?!
Network A
Network A - 11 years ago
our music comes from a licensed music bank. most the tracks will not be available for download. Sorry!
Stuart L
Stuart L - 11 years ago
Any chance we could get a music list please?
Yuri Brasil Babinski
Yuri Brasil Babinski - 11 years ago
wee poo
wee poo - 11 years ago
"It's so big, it's as big as Australia". Best line ever.
wee poo
wee poo - 11 years ago
I'd windsurf that like a ..... I wouldn't. I don't even Windsurf.
FullEnglishProductions - 11 years ago
I don't see how you can survive a wipeout on a wave like that?. What could you do once you fall?
Roll4Eternity - 11 years ago
Everyone vote this guy down
Honeysucklebommie - 11 years ago
7:57 Enter the Dragon.
Jarrid Rahme
Jarrid Rahme - 11 years ago
philinthesouth - 11 years ago
Just incredible.....all your fears and dreams in one place.....thank you guys......thank you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Usag1Yoj1mbo - 11 years ago
3 words. Balls of steel.
Kevin Cedeño
Kevin Cedeño - 11 years ago
alguien que venda una tabla
Juan Pablo Hernandez
Juan Pablo Hernandez - 11 years ago
WWOOOOOOOOOOw sin palabras
shaperspeedyable - 11 years ago
Yo marionet dude your hyena you are the matherfucking antichrist. you hater
nihonjinorbust - 11 years ago
YOUD think it were really ridiculous if you knew how many times I have watched the video of this Asain woman say, "kick him in the balls" I play that over and over til i shoot my load.. I have a picture of my g.f and fantasize of me getting kicked in my balls and then having several guys take her.. Is this ridiculous of what?
JirehlovesJesus - 11 years ago
1:55 that water is sooo CLEAR!!!!
bigfishpondhome1 - 11 years ago
Tow in pussies. Real men would have paddled in. Look at Kelly Slater @ Shipstern Bluff.
matt zimmerman
matt zimmerman - 11 years ago
wreckin shop.....wreckin goddam shop.
matt zimmerman
matt zimmerman - 11 years ago
i literally teared up watching these giants and the steelplated balls on surfboards who ride them. unbelievable
Jon Houck
Jon Houck - 11 years ago
Look how thick that water is, my Lord in heaven the sheer volume and weight, unbelievable!! Green death
Jon Houck
Jon Houck - 11 years ago
Dangerous, the forward speed of the wave is faster than the surfers lateral speed on the waves face, I imagine one would have to engage the forward speed of the wave just to accomplish a safe ride.
Jon Houck
Jon Houck - 11 years ago
I'd further remark, that the waves here almost mimic the behavior of a hydraulic as seen in a fast moving stream, bizarre!!
Jon Houck
Jon Houck - 11 years ago
You can see that as the wave breaks, it breaks in a fashion as if the foot of the wave is angled downwards or inward towards the wave. I guess there is a shallow there where the wave breaks.
MyMoney12341 - 11 years ago
In all seriousness, at 1:52, what happens when a surfer falls beneath that wave and is inevitably thrown inside one of those cracks in the reef? I realize that this is extreme surfing, but how many guys get out there get bashed against the reef, thus receiving critical injuries? On another note, this place is absolutely beautiful, and the shots are amazing... over the top.
M Witty
M Witty - 11 years ago
I am always amazed that people go out into the water with a mountain of it coming down on them and they surf it.... Simply over the top... not for me for sure, I certainly admire the courage that takes... I can see that this is a love affair, they love the waves and feeling of intense energy and joy it must give them to ride them free.
Vallu Heinila
Vallu Heinila - 11 years ago
ww.youtube.com/watch?v=7woVTuN8k3c fits your wishes better
Blackafternoon - 11 years ago
manda smyth
manda smyth - 11 years ago
Black Cathedral by The Laurels :)
manda smyth
manda smyth - 11 years ago
Black Cathedral by The Laurels :)
soronefabrik1 - 11 years ago
1:51 sick shot
Araujo Ton
Araujo Ton - 11 years ago
jimmthehatt - 11 years ago
cool video, does anybody know the track/artist from 6min to 10mins?
Johnova - 11 years ago
1:48 oh my god it's like surfing on glass.
mxsteez - 11 years ago
Sick video. Check out my channel for cool vids like this. mxsteez is a blog that is updated regularly with sick surfing stories from mexico. Like our facebook page etc. Much Thanks!
Edgar Roberto Arreola Dominguez
Edgar Roberto Arreola Dominguez - 11 years ago
El video mas extremo billabong
cjt823 - 11 years ago
gnarliest foam bowls of all time
Jack Graham
Jack Graham - 11 years ago
its getting ridiculous the amount of times i've watched this.
Eric Marshall
Eric Marshall - 11 years ago
can anyone enlighten me to the music artists of this moviefilm? Djanquee'
alex m
alex m - 11 years ago
1:52 - 1:59 is pure beauty, not saying that the whole video isn't. its soo glassy. i.love.surfing.
Massive Balloonknot
Massive Balloonknot - 11 years ago
such an inspirational perfect movie
Spartan-Surfer - 11 years ago
always further
always further - 11 years ago
thump up perfect video.
ultravioletdreem - 11 years ago
id body surf that shit like a fuckin gazelle in a up drapht
J P - 11 years ago
6:37 can anyone else picture ssome gnaarly sea monster shadow ?
Hugo Sebastião
Hugo Sebastião - 11 years ago
so RED !!
bluesbrrd - 11 years ago
Freaking Awesome!
099fred - 11 years ago
What I wouldn't do to see some GoPro footage off one of their boards, that would have been incredible.
bsd - 11 years ago
Anyone know the name of the song at 9:20 ???
swirlingmass - 11 years ago
why is there a bunch of proselytizing going on in these comments?
Sing To The World
Sing To The World - 11 years ago
i wanna see a wave!! "gimme a z! zzzzzz" Garfield Reference
SPEEDY MAN - 11 years ago
I'd go right on that shit
Kelley MacFarland
Kelley MacFarland - 11 years ago
Yeah I'd like to see em sizing them up and going, like go pro footage from the surfers helmet.
TheBeofox - 11 years ago
there was soooooo much beauty that the editors wasted, really this should have been a 2 hour video.
TheBeofox - 11 years ago
i agree with you, I might be crazy but I would also like to see them popping out of the whitewater after a heavy hit, no matter how long it took them to come up.
Lucas K.
Lucas K. - 12 years ago
The Laurels- Wandering Star Every music is from The Laurels
William Politis
William Politis - 12 years ago
Really awesome.
Rod Templar
Rod Templar - 12 years ago
Tommy Boyce
Tommy Boyce - 12 years ago
yeah, it's incredible but I agree with team90210 that you just wanna see the waves in real time, less edited. It frustrates me.
Ed Rolston
Ed Rolston - 12 years ago
Type Kim Brisby into youtube to check out new up and coming surf legend!
Daily Adventurer
Daily Adventurer - 12 years ago
That's some sick surfing! Huge pipes and swells! All surfers should love this video!
Carla Rae
Carla Rae - 12 years ago
ditimely - 12 years ago
Info Hub
Info Hub - 12 years ago
Jesus Christ came to earth and died a criminal’s death not because He had broken the Law, but because we had. God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. What should you do? Repent, turn from your sins & put your complete faith in Jesus Christ as your Savoir and Lord. You may die today, in your sin. Is there any reason why you would not accept God’s gift? More info at living waters website with true & false conversion audio sermon. God Bless!
Info Hub
Info Hub - 12 years ago
Jesus Christ came to earth and died a criminal’s death not because He had broken the Law, but because we had. God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. What should you do? Repent, turn from your sins & put your complete faith in Jesus Christ as your Savoir and Lord. You may die today, in your sin. Is there any reason why you would not accept God’s gift? More info at living waters website with true & false conversion audio sermon. God Bless!
Afonso Mestre
Afonso Mestre - 12 years ago
i'm thankfull for waves like this because its awesome
Sam Russell
Sam Russell - 12 years ago
wtf this is a fucking surfing vid not fucking church
Katy Mears
Katy Mears - 12 years ago
Totally freaking awesome is all I can say!
mahasma - 12 years ago
Just amazing. Conquering the giants guys!!!
phantomC11 - 12 years ago
YEEEEWWW thats fucking MASSIVE
Ben Fischer
Ben Fischer - 12 years ago
1:10 : Wandering Star by The Laurels 6:00 : Black Cathedral by The Laurels
Info Hub
Info Hub - 12 years ago
Jesus Christ came to earth and died a criminal’s death not because He had broken the Law, but because we had. God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. What should you do? Repent, turn from your sins & put your complete faith in Jesus Christ as your Savoir and Lord. You may die today, in your sin. Is there any reason why you would not accept God’s gift? More info at living waters website with true & false conversion audio sermon. God Bless!
theoedkins1 - 12 years ago
Seems Legit!
Dario - 12 years ago
Spectacular insanity.. i raise my hands and take my hat off
joshua vazquez
joshua vazquez - 12 years ago
VR SURFBOARDS - 12 years ago
no wonder it's pronounced chow-poo
David Berntsson
David Berntsson - 12 years ago
Victoria Smirnoff
Victoria Smirnoff - 12 years ago
Nice waves x:D Nice surf
CanIGetALawyer - 12 years ago
if you have not walked on water, well, maybe your life has not been blessed yet...just sayin...only surfers know what that truly means. i know...do you?
Radiphotos - 12 years ago
If you love the beach, the ocean and surfing check out my video. Subscribe to my channel for a chance to WIN a really cool price coming very soon. Thanks
KUPHSER - 12 years ago
ive competed in done muay thai for over 5 years full contact and its a brutal sport but these guys are SO much more extreme. these guys are the hardest guys on the planet hands down.
Jiri Bohac
Jiri Bohac - 12 years ago
It is amaizing but they are freaks :)
wajdi fadool
wajdi fadool - 12 years ago
name of the song please 01:10 !!!!
Matthew Byrne
Matthew Byrne - 12 years ago
Garrett McNamara aint got noting on this
sablebom78 - 12 years ago
Robert Lorenz
Robert Lorenz - 12 years ago
This is a SWEET video my man! I love your stuff. I'll share some on my spot too...thank you :) -robert justthat.co
SeiNj - 12 years ago
Except for the wave that fucked a few up
Roderick Givens
Roderick Givens - 12 years ago
Insaaaaane!!! One day baby one day I will surf a legit 8ftr and make my momma proud hahahaha.
Terry McKown
Terry McKown - 12 years ago
Proof that some male humans possess 5 testicles.
Martin Short
Martin Short - 12 years ago
Balls of steel.
Augusto Dutra Barreto Junior
Augusto Dutra Barreto Junior - 12 years ago
which band play the song in the video?
Allan White
Allan White - 12 years ago
I'm always boggled by the shape of the Teahupoo waves: massive, massive tops. The top part of the tube just looks so heavy, like it could crush anyone should it fall on them. Wow.
maxim tsal11
maxim tsal11 - 12 years ago
becouse its very dangerously ! Do You cant understand it ?
Tony Tancredi
Tony Tancredi - 12 years ago
nig nug
nig nug - 12 years ago
like scrap bitch. chink
brian bentley
brian bentley - 12 years ago
you da fuckin kook. haole
brian bentley
brian bentley - 12 years ago
brian bentley
brian bentley - 12 years ago
well said.
David Lockard
David Lockard - 12 years ago
I wasn't even there physically and I know it was a swell and day of a lifetime. Big props for the lucky ones. xo
KOLOA KILLA - 12 years ago
KOLOA KILLA - 12 years ago
the most amazing wave ever. i give props to these guys , just straight charging.
jhujhul - 12 years ago
You give way too much importance about people who clicked on a button
wisterV - 12 years ago
7:20 Respect.
dario correale
dario correale - 12 years ago
i disegni di dio......le sue sculture......
Patrick Downs
Patrick Downs - 12 years ago
Blows my mind.
Farida Pambos
Farida Pambos - 12 years ago
those haters are insecured people mentally. They don't like seeing others achieved something good in life. I admire those who dedicate their efforts to get somewhere coz I always tried, achieved and try different sports until I tried Gymnastic.
Michelle DuBois
Michelle DuBois - 12 years ago
These guys put their life on the line for their one true love . . . surfing! We should feel honored and privileged they allowed us to share this with them, if only via video! If you don't understand that, you don't surf. If you don't surf you'll never understand!
phillydoughboy - 12 years ago
what do they do when they wipe out?
DeBrito - 12 years ago
Cara haja cu pra descer nessas ondas ca#*lho,muito iraaado...!!!
juliane nicoli silva lima
juliane nicoli silva lima - 12 years ago
j woodbury
j woodbury - 12 years ago
YOU GUYS ARE FKN AWESOME<SOOO BRAVE !!! WOW Love it !!!! Congrats to you :) xoxoxoxo
keukeu anggarani putri
keukeu anggarani putri - 12 years ago
@tzwmdjx yes, i am very lucky to get to know about this site. i can tell you one thing, i really got shocked when i got paid a check of $300 for reading emails and doing surveys. lol. if you wanna try just try now: bit.ly/V3eRHh?=sezbgn
nig nug
nig nug - 12 years ago
get over it. kook
simezra - 12 years ago
does anybody knows how high was the waves
powderpaul1990 - 12 years ago
Music in order of appearance: The Laurels - Wandering Star The Laurels - Black cathedral The Laurels - Turn on your mind Like so people can see! Thanks to PolySimian
swoopmoney - 12 years ago
this has got to be fake! there is no way in hell that those are real waves and people actually survived those wipeouts. great special effects though...
Spoojjy - 12 years ago
These cunts have got some sack
Justin Boyle
Justin Boyle - 12 years ago
I'm pretty sure large brass balls paid their way.

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The ""Code Red" Full Movie - Surfing Goes Huge At Teahupoo Tahiti" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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