"Code Red" Full Movie - Surfing Goes Huge At Teahupoo Tahiti
Surf 12 years ago 3,886,888 views
On August 27, 2011, the Billabong Pro Tahiti event on surfing's World Tour was placed on hold due to a massive swell bearing down on the famed big-wave spot, Teahupoo. With forecasts calling for unprecedented surf, some of the greatest surfers in the world descended on the island to be in the water, despite a "Code Red" called by the Tahitian Coast Guard, which sought to keep everyone on shore. See the historic day through the eyes of two surfers -- the young gun Laurie Towner and the veteran Dylan Longbottom -- as they catch some of the biggest, most dangerous surf ever recorded, much of it captured with the super slow motion Phantom Camera for never-before-seen imagery. For More Big Wave Action Check Out Billabong XXL: http://www.youtube.com/user/BillabongXXL?feature=watch http://www.youtube.com/networka http://www.youtube.com/networkasurf Subscribe to Network A! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=networka Subscribe to Network A Surf! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=networkasurf Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/networka Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/networka Follow us on Tumblr: http://networka.tumblr.com
10. comment for "Code Red" Full Movie - Surfing Goes Huge At Teahupoo Tahiti
Thanks for sharing this
20. comment for "Code Red" Full Movie - Surfing Goes Huge At Teahupoo Tahiti
30. comment for "Code Red" Full Movie - Surfing Goes Huge At Teahupoo Tahiti
50. comment for "Code Red" Full Movie - Surfing Goes Huge At Teahupoo Tahiti
the Nature is awesome and surfing that beast must be unreal...
You know what they say, "you want to dance, you gotta pay the band."
You guys are nuts! Respect, but nuts.
Most wipeouts the surfer can't penetrate the water so they just slide down the face or fall into the foam ball then the shockwave pushes them back and sucks them up and over the shockwave (Rinse cycle, violent, rag dolled) into the whitwash, can dislocate limbs. Death or serious injury if a surfer was to be caught in the lip and over the falls.
Hgnmmmmmmmmmmqmmm mmnnnkjkjilklknnnbjunnnqqkq bbshnnnn. The Uzbek wennnbbbbbbj cd fun n mm n kph cg
100. comment for "Code Red" Full Movie - Surfing Goes Huge At Teahupoo Tahiti
How did I know?! ^^
On another note why edit it so we only see the last 2 secs of the ride, again, it would be nice to see the tow-in approach.
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You were trying to bully me by telling me to leave this area of free speech.
You are bothered by the Truth, otherwise you wouldn't be kicking and screaming like a baby over it all.
You can categorize all born-again Christians as formerly extremely bad people or with terrible problems if you want, but once again you just don't know what you're talking about. You have no idea what it means to be born-again because you have not been born-again. And when you haven't been born-again, you are spiritually dead and therefore you have an innate resistance to God's spiritual Truths and it all seems wrong & creepy to you (& everyone else who's on your side - that is darkness). And of course I'm in a position to preach, anyone born-again and therefore knows the Truth, is obligated & commanded by God to preach to the whole world. So just accept it.
Surfing in & of itself isn't sinful. But anything you love more than God is idolatry and therefore sin. And if you haven't been born-again, your whole life is idolatry & sin. I used to love snowboarding as my highest priority and after being born-again I realized how it was an idol and is for many people, that's why I use my snowboarding for the Lord now. It's in proper context under God because it's in gratitude to God and for the glory of God. See faithandaction.net.
I'm not doing the church a disservice. You don't know anything about who the church is and what we're called to do. You think it's all about getting people to church to hear the Word. That would be terribly limiting to God & people like yourself who love your sins more than God and will justify staying out of church with all your might. But it's your might & pride & independence from God that will be the death of you.
No I'm not a JW.
Why do you think it is that it bothers you so much?
(Your perpetuating a response by leaving both of those comments.)
If we were not supposed to judge anything about people, then you would be sinning in your judgment of me & we couldn't have any laws. I'm sorry but the notion is silly & you're being a hypocrite in that accusation. Please, twist not Scripture lest you be like Satan.
You're only hope is in repenting and accepting the Truth that your God-given conscience testifies to.
You think being a Christian and preaching the Truth that saves souls from Hell is "creepy." This is a wicked & adulterous generation.
"Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." You're advice is null & void. You should try not relaxing and getting serious about your eternal Salvation before it's too late. Life is serious and so is death without Jesus Christ.
I used to be like you, but then my eyes were opened and I was born-again into real life. Repent, for the Kingdom of God is near.
And your happiness will not save you, only repenting of sin and trusting in Christ will save you from Hell and give you True Freedom.
God bless.
Or maybe a better question is: why are you trying to bully me off of a youtube comment?
This is only one example of His exclusivity in proclaiming that Christianity is the only Truth.
The reason I know it's True is because Almighty God is powerful enough to reveal Himself in such a way that we can be absolutely sure He is and is the real Truth. This is the divine revelation that comes with being born-again by repenting of your sin and trusting in Christ. But even before that, each human being, that is Created in God's image, has the innate understanding of the True God through things like the Created world and your God given conscience. (This is why everyone is accountable on Judgment Day.) What happens is that people suppress the Truth in their unrighteousness and so they can embrace their sins and the world that loves it.
(Why do you hate homosexuals so much?)
Why do you think the Truth bothers you so much?
And in regards to your defense of moral relativism, of course different people believe different things. The issue is what's more important, what you believe or what is True. And the rational answer is what is True. Islam & Christianity contradict one another, therefore both cannot be absolutely True. But one of the two can be absolutely True, and one is, and that is Christianity. And as Christian Truth is absolute, then any and all other ideas that contradict it are wrong.
I do let others make their choice, I can't make their choice for them.
But your idea of moral relativism is utterly contradictory and impossible. There is only one absolute Truth. And the absolute Truth is what God says it is. And that's why you either align with the Truth or you live in error. And that error may seem right to you, but in the end it will lead to death.
Eternal lives are at stake here, that is why I will not adhere to your admonition to "chill".
By the way, you yourself prove truth is subjective you idiot. Because you believe god exists, and I know it's bullshit. Because just as you, as you feel deep down that god exists, deep down I feel when I'm being conned. I knew it when I was like 6 dude. And to be clear, I don't hate god, because I don't hate things that don't exist. What I do hate, and I mean it fuckin' infuriates me, is people like you forcing your fuckin' fantasy story down other people throats! You know the saying: 'Religion is like a penis. It's fine to have one and be proud of it, but don't force it down other peoples throat UNLESS they ask you! Your a dumbshit and frankly, I feel sad for you. So indoctrinated, your parents did a piss poor job man. Now once again, leave me the fuck alone or I'll find you and crusify your ass.
And, the reason why you hate people like me is because you hate God. You hate Him to the point of trying to force Him out of existence - like a little kid closing his eyes, covering his ears, and making noise with his mouth 'till his face turns red trying to make the Truth go away. But it never will.
Truth is not subjective; therefore, there is no "my truth" & "your truth," there is only one immutable & unchangeable Truth. And only the one, real, Truth can set you free.
And I don't have to get lost. Plus, God cares, I care, every other Christian cares, and one day you will care too. I just hope, for your sake, that when that day comes it won't be too late.
And you're the one name calling.
And I don't feel guilty, you're the one who needs to feel guilty or you will perish in your sins.
Pride comes before destruction.
You should stop throwing around serious words like "terrorist" when you're referring to a worldview like Christianity, especially if you come from a country that has been founded on such a faith. Stop accusing peaceful followers of the Lord & Savior Jesus Christ of "threatening" when I have no power to punish for sins, and if you want to continue in your sins down the wide road of perdition, that's your choice--go right ahead; but, my eyes have been opened by being born-again spiritually and I know that what God tells us in the Holy Bible is True, and, like God, I don't want anyone to perish and go to Hell.
Do not equivocate this with a worldview like radical Islam that will try to force you by the sword to believe in Allah or else kill you.
Songs: Wandering Star
Black Cathedral - Song At 6:00
Turn On Your Mind
Thx ... great vid!
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I'm sorry.
she is really thick and there is only a little amount of water to "protect" you from the reef. She is created by powerfull and huge hurricanes in the south polar cercle. So with all of these facts if you wipe-out you probably going to die and if you don't trust it you can try and see what happens.
Don't be mad. Be glad.
I would, but I don't know how to create computer generated imaging.
I'm not the one who thinks giant waves emerge out of nothing.
Ok so, it's cause by... CGI AND a drop off? How does that work?
A big drop off? That's how you justify the impossible? Ok, if you say so.
Well obviously i'm right so....
Yeah, I guess the ghosts probably lifted the waves.
(Says I know nothing about physics)... (Thinks 130 ft waves appear from nothing)
Tsunami waves are different, they are caused by god himself to smite those who need a spanking... But REGULAR waves, 130 ft? Nope. Not buyin it.
130 feet? Wow. Did you know that I also once saw a ghostly leprechaun chasing after a flying talking shark?
Well obviously I'm right so...
Do you know anything about science?
Why don't u youtube my butt, and then maybe you'll learn how to shut ur god damn piece of crap mouth, got it?
For Christ sake, finally someone who's not a COMPLETE idiot. No, water doesn't move by itself, and when it's freaking 30 lbs of water like in this video it is even more true. Ty
Feeding the trolls = spreading ignorance... This video is "feeding the trolls."
I don't know shit, I don't know what it's comprised of... I don't know why it's color is generally what it is... And I don't know what makes the shape inconsistent. But I do know that giant waves are fairy tales.
Idk but thanks for acknowledging that I'm real by replying to me.
Hey man, it's okay. I understand, other languages can be difficult to learn. But for future reference, when you say "It's real" in English, you're implying that it exists. What you SHOULD have said was that it "was not real." Don't worry, you'll get used to it, I'm sure.
Well guess what. I agree with me, science tells no lies.
Say whatever you want. but you cannot deny the facts.
I like my finger where it is, thank you!... and how would I know it was fake in the first place without watching the film? Trust me though, I didn't watch this CGI a second time. XD lol water doesn't move by itself buddy. It's called "science."
Why would I do reading on something that's fake?
If this is real, then how does it happen? Go get a bowl, put water in it, do giant waves emerge? No? That's because it's not real.