"Let Go" A California Surfing Film

I made this film after experiencing a loss. I have always felt a need to express myself through creativity. I feel it's one of the only ways to get my true thoughts and visions out to the world. This film consists of surfing throughout the beautiful state of California. It was a special winter from San Francisco all the way down to Southern California. I'm glad I was able to share the experience. Film/Edit/Color/Audio by Jeff Chavolla ( http://www.JeffChavolla.com ) Camera Gear: Tripod: http://amzn.to/2tQqWdJ GoPro: http://amzn.to/2tS0tfS Drone: http://amzn.to/2tS1yUY Osmo: http://amzn.to/2FGQCz6 Iphone: http://amzn.to/2tU7wVo Camera: http://amzn.to/2tQEOVs Computer: http://amzn.to/2tRNz1h Software: http://amzn.to/2tRQwzc Donate: https://paypal.me/JeffChavolla Surfers: Adam Lambert, Jake Davis, Travers Adler, Kilian Garland, Josiah Amico, Antoine Allain, Max Klett Music by: Kai Engel "Cloudburst" Album: Chapter Three / Warm MindsEye "Hang Ten (The Ocean)" Album: MindsEye Kai Engel "August (Summer Nights)" Album: Chapter / Warm David Mumford "Night Without Sleep" Album: Bonfire Music Kai Engel "June" Album Chapter Three / Warm Three Chain Links "Darkness" Album: Phantoms Surfing Ocean Beach, Sandspit, Rincon, and other waves across California Enjoy and Subscribe!

"Let Go" A California Surfing Film sentiment_very_dissatisfied 25

Surf 8 years ago 112,075 views

I made this film after experiencing a loss. I have always felt a need to express myself through creativity. I feel it's one of the only ways to get my true thoughts and visions out to the world. This film consists of surfing throughout the beautiful state of California. It was a special winter from San Francisco all the way down to Southern California. I'm glad I was able to share the experience. Film/Edit/Color/Audio by Jeff Chavolla ( http://www.JeffChavolla.com ) Camera Gear: Tripod: http://amzn.to/2tQqWdJ GoPro: http://amzn.to/2tS0tfS Drone: http://amzn.to/2tS1yUY Osmo: http://amzn.to/2FGQCz6 Iphone: http://amzn.to/2tU7wVo Camera: http://amzn.to/2tQEOVs Computer: http://amzn.to/2tRNz1h Software: http://amzn.to/2tRQwzc Donate: https://paypal.me/JeffChavolla Surfers: Adam Lambert, Jake Davis, Travers Adler, Kilian Garland, Josiah Amico, Antoine Allain, Max Klett Music by: Kai Engel "Cloudburst" Album: Chapter Three / Warm MindsEye "Hang Ten (The Ocean)" Album: MindsEye Kai Engel "August (Summer Nights)" Album: Chapter / Warm David Mumford "Night Without Sleep" Album: Bonfire Music Kai Engel "June" Album Chapter Three / Warm Three Chain Links "Darkness" Album: Phantoms Surfing Ocean Beach, Sandspit, Rincon, and other waves across California Enjoy and Subscribe!

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Most popular comments
for "Let Go" A California Surfing Film

Patricia Burke
Patricia Burke - 7 years ago
Stunning! Thank you.
Surf Editing Media
Surf Editing Media - 7 years ago
Anyone know what tripod this is? I'm probably too late for a reply
m7Vic - 7 years ago
Very touching and beautiful. I can feel it.
chicagoPTer - 7 years ago
Sorry for your loss Jeff, whatever it may have been. Surfing certainly is a cure for though times.
Thom Hashman
Thom Hashman - 7 years ago
This is an incredible piece of filmmaking.
Charles Hawk
Charles Hawk - 7 years ago
Great video
ARJ 2 - 7 years ago
Thank you so very much.
Ferg Ferguson
Ferg Ferguson - 7 years ago
Good surfing...good music
Elouan .LC
Elouan .LC - 8 years ago

10. comment for "Let Go" A California Surfing Film

Steve Christensen
Steve Christensen - 8 years ago
Very nice film. Thank you for making it. You made fell good and that's what life is all about:-) Well done.
Paul James
Paul James - 8 years ago
Jeff, this film, as well as "Pacific Dreams", are probably my two favorite film surf. What you do is amazing. This is simple beautiful flawless freesurf. It's not too much of pro mooves. I feel in rythm with the movie and the musics. I really wanted to leave this com and insist that it truly comes from the bottom of my heart.
My favorite surfer is Jordy Smith, hope one day you'll have the opportunity with him.
mike chavez
mike chavez - 8 years ago
Very well done Gentleman
hk do
hk do - 8 years ago
Cool video.
What's soft do you use for edit?
Isaías Muñoz
Isaías Muñoz - 8 years ago
It is just amazing
Italo Orihuela
Italo Orihuela - 8 years ago
whats the name about the beach at 7:11
Mountain Man3
Mountain Man3 - 8 years ago
nice music.
Jack Freestone
Jack Freestone - 8 years ago
Amazing movie man, keep going! Sorry for your loss. Thanks for cheering me up.
MindsEye - 8 years ago
Awesome! So good to see this particular track of mine (Hang Ten (The Ocean)) used in a surfing film. That's exactly what I had in mind when I created it.
shakka4dabarrelkilla - 8 years ago
Where was that first place

20. comment for "Let Go" A California Surfing Film

Football Fan
Football Fan - 8 years ago
Great Sets fellas
Ho Stevie!
Ho Stevie! - 8 years ago
Srfr - 8 years ago
i cant be the only one whos whole body chilled at 13:00
Matt Gouveia
Matt Gouveia - 8 years ago
Forreal such a beautiful drop
eamon mcneil
eamon mcneil - 8 years ago
Love your stuff man, it really feels like youre right there with the filmer watching the surfers. not like those overedited clips on the big websites
Cameroon Hall
Cameroon Hall - 8 years ago
Sorry for your loss man
bigbillwaltonsacidheads - 8 years ago
lala uei
lala uei - 8 years ago
so awsome !!
Seb Judd
Seb Judd - 8 years ago
wow I'm in the middle of making a skimboard movie and this is so inspiring
CryptoCurrency Line
CryptoCurrency Line - 8 years ago
So good man. Love the vids keep them coming.
Kirk - 8 years ago
Always enjoy your videos..

30. comment for "Let Go" A California Surfing Film

Mr.Pat - 8 years ago
Cool editing Jeff..very nice waves & video :) but I believe there are too many moments it s too slow motion..my simple opinion :) great waves and good surfers of course..1 hug!
nathanjohntippett - 8 years ago
Love it
Prollow - 8 years ago
Californian free riders have a hight level
Craig Gomberg
Craig Gomberg - 8 years ago
Excellent work Jeff, Kudos man! Really great cinematography & stylish editing, It inspires me to get more creative and enthusiastic with my own work instead of plugging thru another wedding video, it may be time to create a short Maui surf film. Thanks for posting.
theantong - 8 years ago
Really good film.
Yiftah Barouch
Yiftah Barouch - 8 years ago
I really like the atmosphere you create in your films, it's very unique. Great work!
Sam Ray
Sam Ray - 8 years ago
such a good video! awesome work.

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About "Let Go" A California Surfing Film

The ""Let Go" A California Surfing Film" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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