"Surf Is Life 3" FREE SURF FILM by Fred Compagnon
Surf 10 years ago 596,174 views
Fred Compagnon, the French FreeSurfer strikes again with new “surf is life” short film. Subscribe here to XTreme, to watch! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=xtremevideo “Surf is life 3” which was shot last March during his family surf trip to Indonesia shows us some awesome shots with creasy new angles of perfect waves, that he recorded on his GoPro camera, friendly people & good times. The Compagnon family are covering any aspect of free surfing : surf, bodyboard, drop knee, longboard, Stand-up paddle as well as the new way he invented to surf with Alaia boards on hollow waves on Indonesian paradise’s best slabs. Fred and his family show that surfing is a real way of life. Special thanks to Sergio Salgado and Max Tabarez for driving the sup and Poti and Nicolas Brieda from king millenium boat. Extra Footages filmed by Andrew Mckenna from Bintang boat, Nick Obrian and Vince Timson. Riders: Fred Compagnon, Tao Compagnon and Marilys Grimonpont. Edited by Fred Compagnon. Sponsors: GoPro, Ari´i Nui, Sniper, Madness, Xsories, Mundaka Optic and Toyota. Check out Fred's YouTube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/user/fredcompagnon Surf Is life 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SbUHuhCGVY Surf Is Life 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8c4rsyQEiUY X-Treme Surfing Playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PI3Zh90rdu8&index=1&list=PLTH-E_BsQ7f98OQh9zPHljNi8iGXVvqZT The X-Treme Channel features awesome extreme sports action from all over the world! Subscribe To X-Treme Here: http://goo.gl/7Vdr0 Website: http://www.x-tremevideo.com Twitter: http://twitter.com/XTremeVideo Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/XTvideo Instagram: http://instagram.com/xtremevideo
Rated F A ... F’n Awesome
10. comment for "Surf Is Life 3" FREE SURF FILM by Fred Compagnon
20. comment for "Surf Is Life 3" FREE SURF FILM by Fred Compagnon
30. comment for "Surf Is Life 3" FREE SURF FILM by Fred Compagnon
50. comment for "Surf Is Life 3" FREE SURF FILM by Fred Compagnon
what song is it at 01:43
bellezza disarmante
Second, play Lilly Wood & The Prick and Robin Schulz - Prayer In C
C'est quoi cette planche avec les footstraps quand tu es sautes du SUP?
Bonne continuation !!!
Pd. Las canciones del playlist cuales son?
Your little mec is just fantastic!
regards from Chile!!
which song 2:00?? and the next one?
100. comment for "Surf Is Life 3" FREE SURF FILM by Fred Compagnon
super la video!! super images, ça envoie du gros reve.
Deux questions svp:
- c quoi la musique ? notamment la chanson qui commence a 5'10"
- c quoi le pays / les spots? (si ce n'est pas secret :) )
merci et bon kif
Lovely and thank you so much.
May I have the track list of this video, pleaaaaasssse! ;)
Merci de nous la faire partager
fred you ever try the surfmats ?
Love the originality guys :)
Bravo! Prend ton temps pour la numéro 4, on prendra notre mal en patience, c'est pour la bonne cause :-)
Just one idiot who's never experienced this feeling of freedom, marking a video like this thumbs down!
Génial pour demontrer ce life style a nos entourages non-initiés aux joies de la glissade !
Merci encore !!
Le shot a 10min est juste wow !
Une famille unie et une passion ...Magnifique !
Shared: http://videos.nauticpedia.com/surf-life-3-free-surf-film-fred-compagnon/
Quelle est la droite du tout début (2 premières minutes) stp? MERCI!!!
où se trouvent ces spots ? Java ?
Continue comme ça, à vivre ton rêve et à nous faire vivre tes rêves :)
Et pourtant j'habite aux Antilles depuis 15 ans...........
Une vidéo comme j'en ai rarement vu !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thank you