"Surf Is Life 3" FREE SURF FILM by Fred Compagnon

Fred Compagnon, the French FreeSurfer strikes again with new “surf is life” short film. Subscribe here to XTreme, to watch! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=xtremevideo “Surf is life 3” which was shot last March during his family surf trip to Indonesia shows us some awesome shots with creasy new angles of perfect waves, that he recorded on his GoPro camera, friendly people & good times. The Compagnon family are covering any aspect of free surfing : surf, bodyboard, drop knee, longboard, Stand-up paddle as well as the new way he invented to surf with Alaia boards on hollow waves on Indonesian paradise’s best slabs. Fred and his family show that surfing is a real way of life. Special thanks to Sergio Salgado and Max Tabarez for driving the sup and Poti and Nicolas Brieda from king millenium boat. Extra Footages filmed by Andrew Mckenna from Bintang boat, Nick Obrian and Vince Timson. Riders: Fred Compagnon, Tao Compagnon and Marilys Grimonpont. Edited by Fred Compagnon. Sponsors: GoPro, Ari´i Nui, Sniper, Madness, Xsories, Mundaka Optic and Toyota. Check out Fred's YouTube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/user/fredcompagnon Surf Is life 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SbUHuhCGVY Surf Is Life 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8c4rsyQEiUY X-Treme Surfing Playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PI3Zh90rdu8&index=1&list=PLTH-E_BsQ7f98OQh9zPHljNi8iGXVvqZT The X-Treme Channel features awesome extreme sports action from all over the world! Subscribe To X-Treme Here: http://goo.gl/7Vdr0 Website: http://www.x-tremevideo.com Twitter: http://twitter.com/XTremeVideo Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/XTvideo Instagram: http://instagram.com/xtremevideo

"Surf Is Life 3" FREE SURF FILM by Fred Compagnon sentiment_very_dissatisfied 69

Surf 10 years ago 596,174 views

Fred Compagnon, the French FreeSurfer strikes again with new “surf is life” short film. Subscribe here to XTreme, to watch! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=xtremevideo “Surf is life 3” which was shot last March during his family surf trip to Indonesia shows us some awesome shots with creasy new angles of perfect waves, that he recorded on his GoPro camera, friendly people & good times. The Compagnon family are covering any aspect of free surfing : surf, bodyboard, drop knee, longboard, Stand-up paddle as well as the new way he invented to surf with Alaia boards on hollow waves on Indonesian paradise’s best slabs. Fred and his family show that surfing is a real way of life. Special thanks to Sergio Salgado and Max Tabarez for driving the sup and Poti and Nicolas Brieda from king millenium boat. Extra Footages filmed by Andrew Mckenna from Bintang boat, Nick Obrian and Vince Timson. Riders: Fred Compagnon, Tao Compagnon and Marilys Grimonpont. Edited by Fred Compagnon. Sponsors: GoPro, Ari´i Nui, Sniper, Madness, Xsories, Mundaka Optic and Toyota. Check out Fred's YouTube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/user/fredcompagnon Surf Is life 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SbUHuhCGVY Surf Is Life 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8c4rsyQEiUY X-Treme Surfing Playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PI3Zh90rdu8&index=1&list=PLTH-E_BsQ7f98OQh9zPHljNi8iGXVvqZT The X-Treme Channel features awesome extreme sports action from all over the world! Subscribe To X-Treme Here: http://goo.gl/7Vdr0 Website: http://www.x-tremevideo.com Twitter: http://twitter.com/XTremeVideo Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/XTvideo Instagram: http://instagram.com/xtremevideo

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Most popular comments
for "Surf Is Life 3" FREE SURF FILM by Fred Compagnon

David Calderhead
David Calderhead - 6 years ago
Brad Gross maybe you should stop watching CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, AND ABC. Trust me and you will feel alot better and won't become another brainwashed liberal socialist zombie. Just trying to help. God Bless.
Anthony Lemkendorf
Anthony Lemkendorf - 6 years ago
It would be nice to see surfing promoted for wholesome family life more often . Very nice vignette.
norman cowell
norman cowell - 6 years ago
Best surf movie I’ve ever seen.
Rated F A ... F’n Awesome
rosco1pug - 6 years ago
That twilight footage was mesmerising. I can't remember enjoying any surf video as much as this ...
Homefront - 6 years ago
I like pizza
Homefront - 6 years ago
Good nigga-music
Homefront - 6 years ago
Noce footage
Homefront - 6 years ago
Good video.. nothing is free
Maria Aviles
Maria Aviles - 6 years ago
c'est incroyable....merveilleux

10. comment for "Surf Is Life 3" FREE SURF FILM by Fred Compagnon

Jeremy Ch
Jeremy Ch - 7 years ago
what is the first music? magnificent
Marcello Kawase
Marcello Kawase - 7 years ago
Emocionante demais!
Alejandro Montero
Alejandro Montero - 7 years ago
Increíble video ojalá seáis toda la vida tan felices como se os ve ahí
Bass Buster
Bass Buster - 7 years ago
Living the dream...
Stephen Shipley
Stephen Shipley - 7 years ago
One of the best movies seen in years! Awesome job! Definitely through the eyes of a child! Color work is spectacular!
frederic ninius
frederic ninius - 7 years ago
Quel chemin tu as fais depuis la grande tu es un bon surfeur avec un bon esprit n oublie pas la source tes films sont une réussite alc nine merci pour la pureté de cette glisse
Mountain Man3
Mountain Man3 - 8 years ago
you have a very good life so far, peter pan. ~~~~~ nice.
Borya - 8 years ago
Perfect edition and icredible video!!! I love it
mattis sté
mattis sté - 8 years ago
la BO est dingue aussi :-) :-)
mattis sté
mattis sté - 8 years ago
top a top !!! de la part du frere de greg stephant

20. comment for "Surf Is Life 3" FREE SURF FILM by Fred Compagnon

Carlos Brinkmann
Carlos Brinkmann - 8 years ago
yonathan garcia
yonathan garcia - 8 years ago
será un crack el chaval
Roberto Bandoni
Roberto Bandoni - 8 years ago
Charles Juvencio
Charles Juvencio - 8 years ago
vida boa
Strommy - 8 years ago
RIP cameraman at 1:58.
Javier Pastur
Javier Pastur - 8 years ago
the name of the songs please!¡¡
Milena - 8 years ago
que vida, hermosa
Rae Lynn Merritt
Rae Lynn Merritt - 8 years ago
22 A Day No Way
22 A Day No Way - 8 years ago
Watch 22adaynoway
Arcade Go
Arcade Go - 8 years ago

30. comment for "Surf Is Life 3" FREE SURF FILM by Fred Compagnon

Secret Squirrel
Secret Squirrel - 9 years ago
This is THE best surfing video on YT.  Touched my heart to see the love of family.  That boy has already had a tremendously blessed life.  I was born on an island in the Pacific and grew up in, on, around the ocean and am very appreciative of that.  What a great family in this video.
Corey Burgoa
Corey Burgoa - 9 years ago
Corey Burgoa
Corey Burgoa - 9 years ago
people who thumbed this have no soul 0% and 100%kooks
Omar aguilar mass
Omar aguilar mass - 9 years ago
do you know the name of the song at minute 1 .41 thanks
Monty Fox
Monty Fox - 9 years ago
mykeydrive - 9 years ago
Okay I get it your kid has a better life than me geez..
Brad Gross
Brad Gross - 9 years ago
In this time where we can't turn to any media source without the constant reminder of global warming, terrorism or political incompetence, it brought a smile to my face to come across this family who has found little slice of heaven far off the grid. This video and accompanying music was both beautiful and inspiring.
anne-sophie bour
anne-sophie bour - 9 years ago
tres belle video sa fait rever, j espere avoir une vie comme sa avec ma famille un jour ;-)
Lucas Jacques
Lucas Jacques - 9 years ago
il est courage le petit
Aline Souza
Aline Souza - 9 years ago
lindo mano muito lindo
Greg Colin
Greg Colin - 9 years ago
Seriously one of the sweetest videos I've ever seen.
tim bracey
tim bracey - 9 years ago
Amazing... from 6 minutes brings tears to my eyes, what is the song and who sings it?
tim bracey
tim bracey - 9 years ago
+tim bracey just Shazammed it - Stay with Me by Brice Davoli and Valerie Deniz
Андрей Бабич
Андрей Бабич - 9 years ago
просматриваю ваше видео ролики все красивые и очень очень здорово нет слов вернее не нахожу таковых в просмотре таковых просто класс очень красиво.
Thomas Mariani
Thomas Mariani - 9 years ago
i'm french
Thomas Mariani
Thomas Mariani - 9 years ago
i'm french
Thomas Mariani
Thomas Mariani - 9 years ago
you is fuck and fun
RAMON XXT - 9 years ago
Muito bom esse video, eu queria saber quem canta a segunda musica do filme,show de bola.
Tom Burns
Tom Burns - 9 years ago
How did he get the fin shot at 9:40? Most unique angle I've ever seen
Nelson Antonio
Nelson Antonio - 9 years ago
OMG! Just Awesome !!!
jamal elghrib
jamal elghrib - 9 years ago
SONGS 1.42 and 5.12 and 6.02 . please
Lobuld CZ
Lobuld CZ - 9 years ago
+jamal elghrib :) :P
jamal elghrib
jamal elghrib - 9 years ago
+Lobuld CZ​ thank you :) :) :D
Lobuld CZ
Lobuld CZ - 9 years ago
+Omar aguilar mass OK :)
Omar aguilar mass
Omar aguilar mass - 9 years ago
thank you bro..i gonna try
Lobuld CZ
Lobuld CZ - 9 years ago
+Omar aguilar mass on telephone
Lobuld CZ
Lobuld CZ - 9 years ago
+Omar aguilar mass WavePad audio Edition is good app for it
Lobuld CZ
Lobuld CZ - 9 years ago
+Omar aguilar mass Yes i know: download it as an MP3 and then cut it http://www.youtube-mp3.org
Omar aguilar mass
Omar aguilar mass - 9 years ago
do you know how ?but i just want this song
Omar aguilar mass
Omar aguilar mass - 9 years ago
Lobuld CZ
Lobuld CZ - 9 years ago
+Omar aguilar mass you want download this song?
Omar aguilar mass
Omar aguilar mass - 9 years ago
Yeah i tryed and i have the same problem..
Lobuld CZ
Lobuld CZ - 9 years ago
+Omar aguilar mass I use the application "Track-ID" and "Shazam" but did not recognize it
Omar aguilar mass
Omar aguilar mass - 9 years ago
+Lobuld CZ what about the song 1.42 do you know it_?
Lobuld CZ
Lobuld CZ - 9 years ago
+jamal elghrib 6:02 is song: Stay with me - Brice Davoli and Valerie Deniz :D Awesome song :3

50. comment for "Surf Is Life 3" FREE SURF FILM by Fred Compagnon

Severum IV
Severum IV - 9 years ago
Perfect happy family right there. I wish one day i can share similiar moments with mine two.
Fernanda Séfora
Fernanda Séfora - 9 years ago
Que lindo isso é que é infancia!
Wolnexe 92
Wolnexe 92 - 9 years ago
Juste magnifique
Isael nascimento
Isael nascimento - 9 years ago
Mung Bean
Mung Bean - 9 years ago
Loved it - a very personal and beautiful view in to your life - put the biggest smile on my face - thank you so much.
Ell Adams
Ell Adams - 9 years ago
Wonderfulllllllllllllllllllll Man  Mahalo for your Son shots <3
Girolamo Frisari
Girolamo Frisari - 9 years ago
great video, great life friend!
gimble61 - 9 years ago
nice vid
what song is it at 01:43
Gasca Keoni
Gasca Keoni - 9 years ago
Le preuve quand na pas bessoin de beaucoup d argent pour etre heureux
Alexis KJORVEL - 9 years ago
Et le petit se fit manger
1 p
1 p - 9 years ago
magnifique vidéo
Waldeci Ribeiro
Waldeci Ribeiro - 9 years ago
Paz no coração.. tripa a todos ....
Poutini44Zer - 9 years ago
Magnifique montage super vagues continuer comme ca ! :P
momo jumo
momo jumo - 9 years ago
bagus sekali,i like it
Erwan Le Mouëllic
Erwan Le Mouëllic - 9 years ago
j'ai passer un superbe moment a regarder ta video que du bonheur,,,,,
Luciano Lobo
Luciano Lobo - 10 years ago
Amazing, congatulations beautiful family. Be happy and stay with god.
Benjamin Barrera
Benjamin Barrera - 10 years ago
Thats it.. Goin Surfin dudes!
will moreau
will moreau - 10 years ago
Thank you,my tired soul was uplifted,thank you wonderful.
Luciano Souza
Luciano Souza - 10 years ago
Wow! Really nice beautiful video. Amazing!! Thanks!
Stefano Zacchi
Stefano Zacchi - 10 years ago
wonderful video
bellezza disarmante
Andreii Shkarstan
Andreii Shkarstan - 10 years ago
nice! big up, men!!!
cantafi - 10 years ago
where are you in this video?
Ken Hall
Ken Hall - 10 years ago
the next george greenough!
CornPoppy010 - 10 years ago
Your child is so lucky to groe up in your beautiful family and with this attitude to nature. Bless you
skate n surf
skate n surf - 10 years ago
nice video
Caetano Pereira Araujo
Caetano Pereira Araujo - 10 years ago
São as maravilhas que Deus fez as ondas do mar
Javier rojas jiménez
Javier rojas jiménez - 10 years ago
Do you lives there? in these places? Which is your work? How you get the money?
Carlo Grotti Trevisan
Carlo Grotti Trevisan - 10 years ago
beautiful video amazing music!!
coconut island
coconut island - 10 years ago
Lol I have the same surfboard blue torq boards are Awsome but min is a "6'3"
Dav Mick
Dav Mick - 10 years ago
First, play this video without sound
Second, play Lilly Wood & The Prick and Robin Schulz - Prayer In C
Camilo Cardoso
Camilo Cardoso - 10 years ago
Luke Fuglestveit
Luke Fuglestveit - 10 years ago
Where is this?
Leonardo Bruno
Leonardo Bruno - 10 years ago
Absolutely awesome!
whetow - 10 years ago
Life is awesome
Richard Lamar
Richard Lamar - 10 years ago
Awesome:)  Reminds me of when my daughter was young and we boogied together at Olowalu beach Maui.  Such good memories.
Jackie Ramage
Jackie Ramage - 10 years ago
Best surf movie I have ever seen.
Amy Miller Rogers
Amy Miller Rogers - 10 years ago
tingoorensis - 10 years ago
wow, what a great video. Cant wait to see the little fellas first 6-8 ft deep tube ride with dad. His mind will be blown.
David garcia gallego
David garcia gallego - 10 years ago
Really nice video! 
YOmamaSMOKESdab - 10 years ago
love it!! awesome footage!! exactly how i wanna raise my child!! 
adie walton
adie walton - 10 years ago
Dener Barbeiro
Dener Barbeiro - 10 years ago
Whats song please for the 2:00
mgman111 - 10 years ago
where is this 
Davide Milani
Davide Milani - 10 years ago
excuseme chef, we want to live in to the place where you have surfed!!! Wher is it and how can we do it??? :-)
Fabien Richerdt
Fabien Richerdt - 10 years ago
Magnifique vidéo!! super les prises de vue dans les vagues en surf et body.
C'est quoi cette planche avec les footstraps quand tu es sautes du SUP?
Bonne continuation !!!
Jhaset Villavicencio
Jhaset Villavicencio - 10 years ago
Que buen video, se ve que disfrutas mucho lo que haces man, Buenas vibras!
Pd. Las canciones del playlist cuales son? 
vicente javier
vicente javier - 10 years ago
the name of songs ???
Paul Bassett
Paul Bassett - 10 years ago
So beautiful, thank you Fred. An inspirational way of life
Your little mec is just fantastic!
Eugenio vidal alcalde
Eugenio vidal alcalde - 10 years ago
Amazing your life style whith your family, thanks to share your way of living and surfing full of joy  +fredcompagnon   
regards from Chile!!

which song 2:00?? and the next one?

100. comment for "Surf Is Life 3" FREE SURF FILM by Fred Compagnon

Nick Martone
Nick Martone - 10 years ago
does anyone know the stay with me song who sings it?
Steve Pacheco
Steve Pacheco - 10 years ago
that was great.
juancete150 - 10 years ago
Great footage.
Federicochet - 10 years ago
Bonjour Fred,
super la video!! super images, ça envoie du gros reve.
Deux questions svp:
- c quoi la musique ? notamment la chanson qui commence a 5'10"
- c quoi le pays / les spots? (si ce n'est pas secret :) )
merci et bon kif
Federicochet - 10 years ago
Cette chanson a été reprise par Lilly Allen et malheureusement Shazam n'est pas capable de la reconnaitre ! 
Pedro du Buf
Pedro du Buf - 10 years ago
Amazing life style! enjoy it ! 
Lingga sinu
Lingga sinu - 10 years ago
Thank you give me motivation to bring my baby to the ocean.
MsRobinSurf - 10 years ago
Gives me a whole new appreciation for sponging.
Marcelo Amaral
Marcelo Amaral - 10 years ago
one more amazing videos that u did it!congratulations for u and your family,wish teh best  allways for u guys!your sun is improving his skils very fast,so cool!!!!from your brazilian friend Marcelo
Joseolimpio Santos
Joseolimpio Santos - 10 years ago
The best my Friends
ultramoana - 10 years ago
4:23 just epic
benaboody - 10 years ago
the underwater barrel shots are next level photography. cant wait to see more!
karin johnson
karin johnson - 10 years ago
Poubelle Tricher
Poubelle Tricher - 10 years ago
hi, thanks for this amazing and awesome video. You found angles truly innovative views.
Lovely and thank you so much.
May I have the track list of this video, pleaaaaasssse! ;)
David F
David F - 10 years ago
Simplemente hermoso, a eso le llamo yo disfrutar de la vida, saludos
david hay
david hay - 10 years ago
9:00 suset barrel shot...WOW
thomas heinzel
thomas heinzel - 10 years ago
where is this
Giovanni Silva
Giovanni Silva - 10 years ago
Very very nice :)
Nathan S.
Nathan S. - 10 years ago
Check my surf channel
Tamera Beale
Tamera Beale - 10 years ago
Da life is absolute beauty...full! Thank you for sharing, from a Mendo Nor Cal surfer
Brian Bartlett
Brian Bartlett - 10 years ago
AWESOME!!! purely awesome!
Yossi Geva
Yossi Geva - 10 years ago
absolutely wonderful
JASON SOTTO - 10 years ago
Never comment on these type of boards but I had to say when I picture heaven..... it is this video... waves, sun and family! Outstanding footage! You captured magic...I thought it was impossible. Wow!
TitoM Vera
TitoM Vera - 10 years ago
Rancho Coral
Rancho Coral - 10 years ago
Super innovative underwater shots, beautiful, great job!
Geoff Felsing
Geoff Felsing - 10 years ago
Fuck hugo boss!
olaf crato
olaf crato - 10 years ago
beautiful and inspiring! where did you shoot all this?
SkateSurfProductions - 10 years ago
He's can ride pretty much anything hahaha I love the idea of riding a SUP into a wave then jumping off onto a small board Great stuff
Katherine Trinh
Katherine Trinh - 10 years ago
what is the name of the song at 1:40? =] 
Daniel Garcia
Daniel Garcia - 10 years ago
+XTreme Video the song at 1:43
Cars Yeah
Cars Yeah - 10 years ago
Thank you. That was wonderful.
cranksbroken - 10 years ago
Song of min 6:15 ? thank you !
Josu Martinez
Josu Martinez - 10 years ago
GRANDE FRED!! Tienes una familia estupenda... A ver si nos vemos algún dia. Josu Fuerteventura
dididi7611 - 10 years ago
Tu vis une aventure extraordinaire.
Merci de nous la faire partager
Arnaud Reyes
Arnaud Reyes - 10 years ago
Merci de vivre mon rêve Fred , et surtout de le partager !!! excellentes prises de vue , félicitations !
Martin Fisher
Martin Fisher - 10 years ago
Beautiful just beautiful.
Carlos Welter
Carlos Welter - 10 years ago
Beautifully done ,  well done....
somsack sengsavang
somsack sengsavang - 10 years ago
Grandiose. Tout y est beau. Muchas gracias
giulietto bucceforlife
giulietto bucceforlife - 10 years ago
name of the song at 5:13?just love it and drivin me nuts not findin it!pleaseee
Marcelo Marinho
Marcelo Marinho - 10 years ago
Julien Leon
Julien Leon - 10 years ago
Super fred.. Sa fai 15 ans que je te suis.. C magnifik... Tu as la french touch lol... Super
Thomas Jackson
Thomas Jackson - 10 years ago
What is the second song! ?
Dener Barbeiro
Dener Barbeiro - 10 years ago
Whats  reggae song please?
Mfanawemkosi Fakudze
Mfanawemkosi Fakudze - 10 years ago
Great video. Makes we want to take off and sail around the world and bring along a surf board. Your living the life most of us dream of. Enjoy. 
matteo gennari
matteo gennari - 10 years ago
Ce sont les plus belle image que j ai jamais vu !!!!!!! ^^
Steve Wootten
Steve Wootten - 10 years ago
The guys hooting on the boat just got me stoked...pure moment...gotta love it...ty
Jeff Boelter
Jeff Boelter - 10 years ago
I really enjoy your films Fred. Very inspirational. I seek the life you portray in this film. I live in the high desert California, so watching your films help keep me focused on finding my surf paradise soon.
Mathieu Champot
Mathieu Champot - 10 years ago
Merci pour cette video... on a rarement de si belles videos de surf a regarder...
loy carlan
loy carlan - 10 years ago
This is awesome. You can really feel the stoke Fred has for surfing (and the ocean life in general.). I just happened upon this and stopped to watch. Thanks so much for sharing.
Mike Gentile
Mike Gentile - 10 years ago
awesome footage! innovative to say the least. do you mind sharing some of your secrets? such as the ones where the camera is being dragged through the wave at 10:25
Marcelo Muniz
Marcelo Muniz - 10 years ago
I love this video.
Elielson Fonseca
Elielson Fonseca - 10 years ago
O verdadeiro Show do surf, com a criança na prancha foi lindo .
Randy Ling
Randy Ling - 10 years ago
Your surfing is inspiring! Can you you tell me who sings the song at the two minute mark?
Jenny Tai
Jenny Tai - 10 years ago
Best surf video I've watched, finally the beauty of nature, the art of surfing, the love for the family, the connection between man and nature...all shown in one. Less about conquering and more about love.......so touched and I don't even surf...
YANNICK LESSIRE - 10 years ago
en effet cette video est genial , les angles sont magnifique les vagues sont belles .les enfants . le surf sans prise de tete . l aventure tout simplement . merci 
Aussie_Trekka - 10 years ago
Thank you for reminding me how awesome life is and it should be lived.
MrRyanmcmahon - 10 years ago
MrRyanmcmahon - 10 years ago
Peter Hubka
Peter Hubka - 10 years ago
Fred this like in a dream, nice waves yuo got there. Could you give me the location in Indonesia ? thx. Aloha
Peter Charlesworth
Peter Charlesworth - 10 years ago
Greenough would get a fat over this. Epic
kim com
kim com - 10 years ago
very jealous of yourlife:)
JEAN SEBASTIEN Deflandre - 10 years ago
bobice555 - 10 years ago
anyone know where in Indo that right might be? the inside where the his son catches a wave looks super fun for kids. would love to take my daughters there. 
John Batcheller
John Batcheller - 10 years ago
Such a lovely film.  Thanks for turning me on to the song, "Stay With Me" by Brice Davoli and Valerie Deniz played during your family's part of the film.  
T - 10 years ago
Beautiful man thank you so much for creating this, was amazing to watch.
smallfaucet - 10 years ago
beautifully done!!!!
XxmattitudexX - 10 years ago
      great video .
   fred you ever try the surfmats ?
Raphaël Cayer
Raphaël Cayer - 10 years ago
Magnifique vidéo, j'ai hâte à la prochaine !! Quels sont les spots où c'est tourné?
Walter - 10 years ago
linda família, bom surf
whereserik - 10 years ago
WOWWWWW! This makes me happy!
mrbentaiga339 - 10 years ago
woooooooooo!!!!!  bravo thanks...
Geoffrey J Hay
Geoffrey J Hay - 10 years ago
What an amazing family, totally sweet sunset tubes and liquid smiles... the underwater flow shots are mesmerizing... nothing but smiles...Dr G.
Ericsurf6 - 10 years ago
Amazing collection of innovative footage!  Best surfing video I've seen in a long time.  Heading out with my GoPro on a boom now for a session in Japan.  Are you living in Hawaii?  I'd love to meet up with you sometime.  Check out my Surfing Guinness Record:  http://youtu.be/KN_QZh8U64Q
XTreme Video
XTreme Video - 10 years ago
Thanks for the comment Eric! Nice channel! Fred actually lives in France. Have a good session with the GoPro and send us your email to get in touch.
william setzler
william setzler - 10 years ago
Franck Soyez
Franck Soyez - 10 years ago
c ou  c super beau
MrJkarnes - 10 years ago
That was an awesome ride. Thanks for sharing.
littletommietucker - 10 years ago
really nice vids, well shot & very well thought out, please keep them coming ;-)
Ortixah - 10 years ago
Une vie de reve! Avec des magifiques vagues et un travail de montage parfaitement réalisé! Wouah!
Ray Gysler
Ray Gysler - 10 years ago
Can you adopt me?
Rayco Ferrera
Rayco Ferrera - 10 years ago
La promocion del surf es contraproducente para el mismo.
fredcompagnon - 10 years ago
tienes rason.....disculpa
Chris Pan
Chris Pan - 10 years ago
 Beautiful surfing, beautiful waves, and a beautiful family. You're one lucky guy! What's the song at 5:12?
Kevin Geraldez
Kevin Geraldez - 10 years ago
Beautiful man! Love the bond you have with your son and the ocean. 
Nicola Acerra
Nicola Acerra - 10 years ago
Sorry guys, but where is this paradise? Thanks
Custodio Netto
Custodio Netto - 10 years ago
Amazing Monsier Compagnon ! Im Stoked. great lifestyle . Bless you bro ! Could you tell me who girl sing that last music ? Merci. 
Brentyn Muir
Brentyn Muir - 10 years ago
Surf is Love
jeff hubbard
jeff hubbard - 10 years ago
rolando jose
rolando jose - 10 years ago
Brian Wong Photo
Brian Wong Photo - 10 years ago
Hi Fred, im a waterman that loves riding waves on multiple boards with gopros too. Your video is so beautiful! Very profesional and unique angles. One of my all time favorities! At 2:00 and 2:20 (dropknee hendheld cam), what gopro mode did you shoot in and what fps is it playing at?
Matt Menzies
Matt Menzies - 10 years ago
How siiick is this !!!

Love the originality guys :)
Nils Forsgren
Nils Forsgren - 10 years ago
Thanks fredcompagnon!
e.i mccool
e.i mccool - 10 years ago
awesome barrels
Ishi Rodriguez
Ishi Rodriguez - 10 years ago
You are truly amazing.  Thanks for the inspiration.
jazzy jeff
jazzy jeff - 10 years ago
LAULHE Greégoire
LAULHE Greégoire - 10 years ago
Une superbe vidéo avec des prises de vues magnifiques des coins paradisiaques, le rêve quoi ça me donne vraiment envie de faire comme toi BRAVO!!!
James Anderberg
James Anderberg - 10 years ago
Simply Beautiful!
Brett Britt Wright
Brett Britt Wright - 10 years ago
Hi I know you've probably been asked before where is this filmed.
notiz.tv - 10 years ago
Wonderful video, music and family trip.
gulfsurfco - 10 years ago
Fred, I happened upon your surf film. It is one of the coolest surf films I have ever seen (I have seen a lot). Thanks for sharing your awesome life :) Cheers
Sam Huffman
Sam Huffman - 10 years ago
Beautiful surfing, beautiful waves, and a beautiful family. You're one lucky guy! What's the song at 5:12?
Agustín Campos
Agustín Campos - 10 years ago
Agustín Campos
Agustín Campos - 10 years ago
wowowo it's so beautiful(L) where is? i hope that one day will can go to this paradise:) sorry for my english! kisses
Surfdocsteve - 10 years ago
I really like the new angles and the film is put together very well. What a great film. Where were you surfing? I would love to go there myself with my son and get some warm water waves.
Ploz5555 - 10 years ago
Super video, super passage inédit vers les 9mn 50, et le choix de musique aussi.
Bravo! Prend ton temps pour la numéro 4, on prendra notre mal en patience, c'est pour la bonne cause :-)
Micksen111 - 10 years ago
Song? 3 min
Talkin Fingaz
Talkin Fingaz - 10 years ago
des images et des angles de fou,chapeaux l'artiste.ta glisse est superbe .l’Indonésie est définitivement un surf paradise.ton filsa l'air de se régaler cela fait plaisir a voir. passe l'amitié a Silvio si tu le croise de la part de son frère. peace
TheHeyjudes - 10 years ago
Superbe vidéo! Sa me donne envie de reprendre la route, encore une vidéo et je repart ;) c'est quoi le petit son reggae qui sonne bien? Merci et surtout continue comme celà
appleZac - 10 years ago
just amazing.  have watched so many times.  Just showed some work mates who don't surf... they were as hypnotised as me! perfect waves. peace!
Théo Sciers
Théo Sciers - 10 years ago
Hello :) Bravo pour cette nouvelle vidéos encore mieux que celle d'avant.. pourrais tu me donner la musique à 5.30 stp, le petit reggae avec cette petite voix : top! en attende d'une nouvelle magnifiques vidéos! un admirateur réunionnais accros a l'indo ;) PEACE!!
Loren Fink
Loren Fink - 10 years ago
You are an incredible artist and have amazing ideas and innovation! Thank you for making this!!
Stephen Shilling
Stephen Shilling - 10 years ago
Lorin, I would like to go bike riding with you on the boardwalk. Steve
recko 411
recko 411 - 10 years ago
this is one of the best surf films iv'e seen ever !
NoFutia - 10 years ago
Awesome life. That kid is gonna be able to live off the land/ocean & rip!
Chris Wessels
Chris Wessels - 10 years ago
Amazing video. Making me feel nostalgic about my childhood...

Just one idiot who's never experienced this feeling of freedom, marking a video like this thumbs down!
Gonzoda - 10 years ago
Hi Fred, looks amazing. Good memories. Bowen
tom burch
tom burch - 10 years ago
I found your video serendipitously. I am beyond content to have done so. I watched several of your videos and I can't even begin to find the words to tell you how you struck a chord with me. The sequence with your family @ 6:02 just brings tears of joy to my eyes. I've surfed for over 40 years but not as much lately as I've become older and I had let work and business life take over. I live in Hawaii and have two young daughters... seeing the relationship between your little one and your relationship with the ocean reminds me of the importance to pass this on to my two kids. You have given me incentive to teach and to pass on my experience of love of surf and ocean to my two daughters. Merci beaucoup, and Aloha.
Dracos79silver - 10 years ago
Trust fund babies living the life . Good for you.
Stephen Jones
Stephen Jones - 10 years ago
The kid going under the wave....I think that's the best shot of all.  I wish every kid in the world could get the love that this kid is getting.....
Olivier Léger
Olivier Léger - 10 years ago
Merci, Fred, de rappeler que c'est aussi et surtout ça le surf (au sens propre du terme anglais), quel que soit le type de planche utilisé. Ça faisait longtemps que j'avais pas vu un film aussi agréable, bien loin des mauvaises ondes des kékés en mal de reconnaissance et du surf "bad boy" à deux sous. Bonne continuation à toi et à ta petite famille !!
ba rell
ba rell - 10 years ago
En tant que vieux bodyboarder et jeune papa , merci de partager ces moments de vie magnifiques ,  et le spirit dégagé de la video ,.....
Génial pour demontrer ce life style  a nos entourages non-initiés aux joies de la glissade !
Merci encore !!
Jarrah Sturgeon
Jarrah Sturgeon - 10 years ago
Where is this
Emiliano Troisi
Emiliano Troisi - 10 years ago
hi..i love your videos..wich island is this?many thaks
david buan
david buan - 10 years ago
Superbes images mister Fred ! tu a rendu mon lundi matin moins difficile a supporter.
Le shot a 10min est juste wow ! 
fredcompagnon - 10 years ago
 merci David et content pour toi...
GonzoKarma - 10 years ago
délicieuse vidéo :) merci 
Live to Ride
Live to Ride - 10 years ago
très belle vidéo félicitation 
Nessi Agi
Nessi Agi - 10 years ago
A amazing surf film :)
Petr In the sky
Petr In the sky - 10 years ago
Magical family around 7 min....wow....
joseaa23 - 10 years ago
Wow!!! Simply a work of art. right up there with the best painting that can portry the meaning of life and being one with the world around you. This is what life is all about. Not just surfing as a way of life. Wish the rest of the world could see this. No reason for war, destruction, politics or any nonsense that polutes the world we live in. Thank you for giving me hope that there's still a world out there to explore and enjoy just like I dream of someday!!!
Loop - 10 years ago
T as vidéo est juste magique Fred. Tu nous donnes tellement envie d une autre vie! Juste, continue :)
Black Market
Black Market - 10 years ago
La vie .. La vrai... Pas besoin de gagner des millions pour se faire plaisir et sourire ! 
Une famille unie et une passion ...Magnifique ! 
Diego Antonio Robles
Diego Antonio Robles - 10 years ago
Congratulation for the video. It's great. Somebody can tell me the name of the song in 1:43 minute? Thanks
Saad Abid
Saad Abid - 10 years ago
Fred, tu m'as donné envie d'avoir un petit garçon. Continue à nous faire rêver et la bise à Marilys. Bravo
fredcompagnon - 10 years ago
 Saad, choukran besef.....
Nauticpedia - 10 years ago
Carlos Covarrubias
Carlos Covarrubias - 10 years ago
this is awesome, can you help me with the song at 1:55 please , thanks!!
killinkjoke29 - 10 years ago
Merci mille fois pour cette merveille Fred! L'esprit et l'esthétique ont réussi à me transporter à l'eau à vos côtés. Et quelle innovation au niveau des plans... chapeau!
Quelle est la droite du tout début (2 premières minutes) stp? MERCI!!!
fredcompagnon - 10 years ago
merci beaucoup....
bythewayprod - 10 years ago
Nice film, nice angles ;) Great job !
où se trouvent ces spots ? Java ?
fredcompagnon - 10 years ago
happy that you like and like the angle....thanks
Lesurfeur Dudimanche
Lesurfeur Dudimanche - 10 years ago
Une des plus belles vidéos de surf, de l'émotion, un esprit et une philosophie de vie qui me font t'envier ! 
Continue comme ça, à vivre ton rêve et à nous faire vivre tes rêves :)
fredcompagnon - 10 years ago
merci beaucoup, j'essaye de continuer cette aventure....
Morgan Malard
Morgan Malard - 10 years ago
Bravo Fred pour ce film magnifique de la bombe à tous les niveaux, ça fait trop plaisir de te revoir Bonne continuation à toi.
fredcompagnon - 10 years ago
merci Morgan, à un de ces jours.
OGM BODYBOARD SHOP - 10 years ago
Incroyable Fred ! 
fredcompagnon - 10 years ago
omg, merci ogm.....
Thegibolin - 10 years ago
Voilà un témoignage qui fera rêver plus d'un surfeur et... plus d'un papa!   ;-)
Thegibolin - 10 years ago
+fredcompagnon Tu le mérites... Il paraît que la vie est comme on s'la fait, non?!   ;-)  Aloha!
fredcompagnon - 10 years ago
Harold Cambert
Harold Cambert - 10 years ago
Merci Fred
fredcompagnon - 10 years ago
avec grand plaisir
meunier sebastien
meunier sebastien - 10 years ago
Superbe vidéo ;) 
fredcompagnon - 10 years ago
Andy McKenna
Andy McKenna - 10 years ago
Beautiful movie Fred!   Amazing footage.  What surfing and beach living should be… no corporate bullshit no crowds just Living at one with nature and the ocean. Was awesome mate loved it!!! yewwww
fredcompagnon - 10 years ago
thanks a lot
Manny Vargas
Manny Vargas - 10 years ago
I love you and your family Fred. Merci.
fredcompagnon - 10 years ago
i love you too Manny....
CAPTAINJOHN971 - 10 years ago
.j'en ai encore la bouche ouverte................
Et pourtant j'habite aux Antilles depuis 15 ans...........
Une vidéo comme j'en ai rarement vu !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fredcompagnon - 10 years ago
ça fait plaisir, merci
Max's - 10 years ago
This is amazing ! You probably live the best life ! Great job by the way ;)
fredcompagnon - 10 years ago
i try to do what i like from i'am a kids, tanks a lot
Simon DELTOUR - 10 years ago
Toujours un plaisir de voir tes vidéos! On en prend plein les yeux. Merci.
fredcompagnon - 10 years ago
merci à toi
Julien Kassarian
Julien Kassarian - 10 years ago
Bravo Fred c'est tout simplement canon, un bel équilibre de surf et de vie de famille, des angles dingues, des vagues superbes et la bombe en sup/alaia est folle. Je t'ai vu le faire à la Gravière mais là c'est une autre dimension! Keep up, Julien
fredcompagnon - 10 years ago
freddybooth - 10 years ago
Awesome Freddy!!! Makes me smile to see you doing well my friend. Aloha
fredcompagnon - 10 years ago
Fred booth, you're my hero, thanks, aloha
David H Rodriguez
David H Rodriguez - 10 years ago
Thank you, you are so inspiring! Lovely family you have, greetings from Milano
fredcompagnon - 10 years ago
FunRider31 - 10 years ago
C'est superbe, merci! Partager ça en famille, ça doit être tellement formidable!
fredcompagnon - 10 years ago
c'est vraiment génial, merci
Martin - 10 years ago
Votre fils a une chance incroyable, vie des choses unique au monde et fait des rencontres incroyables !  
Shay Sagi
Shay Sagi - 10 years ago
8:15 amazed me
MrHarfuld - 10 years ago
Magnifique Fred. Les images sont splendides et très touchante, quelle belle famille ! Continue de nous faire rêver, vive le surf...
fredcompagnon - 10 years ago
matthieucorompt - 10 years ago
This is SOOO GOOD! Thanks Fred for sharing your unbounded passion for surfing with everyone!
fredcompagnon - 10 years ago
thanks, you're welcome
Benoit Dandine
Benoit Dandine - 10 years ago
9'45 vision incroyable !
fredcompagnon - 10 years ago
j'aime beaucoup aussi, merci....j' ai passer beaucoup de tps à faire cet angle.....
Matityah - 10 years ago
Those underwater shots are the next level in surf video making. We'll see more of them in future, mark my words. Absolutely incredible.
fredcompagnon - 10 years ago
long time, i want to make this underwater shot and i find the solution this winter, it's drag a lot, but it's working....thanks.
Quentin sermet
Quentin sermet - 10 years ago
Super La video jespere voire la surf is life 4 
fredcompagnon - 10 years ago
merci, j'espère pouvoir y arriver
ANNE LOUVET - 10 years ago
Love it!!! Especially seeing someone switching from surf to SUP to bodyboard. That's open-minded. Thanks for sharing!
fredcompagnon - 10 years ago
thanks, surfing is every things you can ride in a waves....
Edouard Moreau
Edouard Moreau - 10 years ago
Awesome video and such great footages. Great Job Fred ! How was your feeling after the bomb @ 4:30 ?
fredcompagnon - 10 years ago
i was almost crying, cause i was waiting this moment for long time, now i' am sure that what i'am doing with the sup and the alaia is working. Everybody in the water and in the boat were really happy, an amazing surf moment....
karimrejeb - 10 years ago
ça m'a fait pleurer ! ! ! fantastique!!!
Omar aguilar mass
Omar aguilar mass - 9 years ago
+fredcompagnon hi do you know the song at 1 .40 thanks
TheYAYADMX - 10 years ago
+fredcompagnon  vive le surf , c'est cette putain de vie la que je veux :)
fredcompagnon - 10 years ago
Non Karim, ne pleure pas, snif....
chan alepuyo
chan alepuyo - 10 years ago
Franco Calvete
Franco Calvete - 10 years ago
2:00 song?
Iddin Shah
Iddin Shah - 10 years ago
+fredcompagnon The one that starts at 5:12
fredcompagnon - 10 years ago
witch part?
Bruce Williams
Bruce Williams - 10 years ago
Wow! THIS is surfing! Awesome video Fred. How did you get those shots at 5:27 How did you mount the GoPro? 
fredcompagnon - 10 years ago
hello Bruce, i put my go pro in a stick attached to my fins
Kawa Youx
Kawa Youx - 10 years ago
fantastic , From Morocco 
Kawa Youx
Kawa Youx - 10 years ago
+fredcompagnon  You're welcome!
fredcompagnon - 10 years ago
Shedz Channel
Shedz Channel - 10 years ago
awesome and inspiring!
thank you
fredcompagnon - 10 years ago
you're welcome, thanks
antoine dewee
antoine dewee - 10 years ago
Ce petit a vraiment une vie de rêve -

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