"Surfing AIDS" - Trevor Noah - (That's Racist) RE-RELEASE

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"Surfing AIDS" - Trevor Noah - (That's Racist) RE-RELEASE sentiment_very_dissatisfied 156

Surf 6 years ago 461,954 views

Click to Subscribe: http://bit.ly/SubscribeTrevorNoah & turn on notifications to find out when I upload new videos. (***This video is a re-release on youtube with a few enhancements made to the previous upload***) Facebook: http://facebook.com/TrevorNoah Insta: http://instagram.com/TrevorNoah Twitter: http://twitter.com/TrevorNoah More videos you might like… "Zambia loves escalators, just don't be gay” - https://youtu.be/L3SIdXPtB0M "Prince Harry & Meghan Markle's Royal Wedding” https://youtu.be/njfl_bwFBoI "Bidding Farewell To Jacob Zuma!" (compilation from over the years) https://youtu.be/TBau85UzUFI “Tacos” https://youtu.be/QDk5ajNDgZc "Jacob Zuma's Speech" - Trevor Noah (Crazy Normal) https://youtu.be/WNwJXPcrves "Funny, Funny" - Trevor Noah - (It's My Culture) https://youtu.be/-ZnGZVZ56ts #TrevorNoah #SurfingAids #ThatsRacist

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Most popular comments
for "Surfing AIDS" - Trevor Noah - (That's Racist) RE-RELEASE

Trevor Noah
Trevor Noah - 6 years ago
This is re-release to enhance the previous version. Don't worry I've got new videos coming soon.
not_today_bitch __
not_today_bitch __ - 6 years ago
I cant stop watching your videos! Love them
Tahsan Samin
Tahsan Samin - 6 years ago
Dude ur a legend
lakel george
lakel george - 6 years ago
Trevor Noah Trevor please post more
voncile love
voncile love - 6 years ago
Jay Stone
Jay Stone - 6 years ago
do it!!! do it now!!!
tariso chekure
tariso chekure - 6 years ago
yeah u good man ..u r the best...thumbs up from zimbabwe
David Souza
David Souza - 6 years ago
Bring it, Trevah
2 piece Willy
2 piece Willy - 6 years ago
Anything racist I cant get enough of.Look at my name ... im white !! HAHA !!
Haruhi Meichan
Haruhi Meichan - 6 years ago
Hi Noah! Just wanted to say you're awesome.. no scratch that. You.Are.Super.Awesome!
Le YASEP - 6 years ago
Please Trevor, more videos !
As simple as that.
Carson B Wagner
Carson B Wagner - 6 years ago
+Gurpeet Aingh +Aamina Hasan He also does a great, longish skit, wherein he uses a more Southern Indian accent (like onefrom around Bangalore), in his special, "The Daywalker," which you can find on YouTube. It's f-ing hilarious!
Carson B Wagner
Carson B Wagner - 6 years ago
Keep up the channel as much as you can, dude. Awesome. Some compilations and/or full shows would be awesome. Thanks for the free shit, too, man.
Gloria Miles
Gloria Miles - 6 years ago
If this is really Trevor Noah. I'm dying and my wish is to meet you.
Kakashi0429 - 6 years ago
Moooorreeeeerrrrtttyaaedggccvhhhhgg by hr dd big fgh had def h HD dr tg f DJ tg GB bf
Shikamaru Nara
Shikamaru Nara - 6 years ago
Trevor, are you gonna come to Zimbabwe now that Mugabe is no longer president ?
Ana F
Ana F - 6 years ago
"Don't worry I've got new videos coming soon." you better have new videos.....you son of a Patricia! :)
Marvin Seton
Marvin Seton - 6 years ago
Trevor Noah Thanks for the show.
Irene Jebaprasanna
Irene Jebaprasanna - 6 years ago
U r great
Lois Nyasani
Lois Nyasani - 6 years ago
You know what would be great? Having a regular supply of these comedy chops. It really is a breath of fresh air
Deepthy Mukundan
Deepthy Mukundan - 6 years ago
+Gurpreet Singh yes he has... and its brilliant, as always. Interaction between Brits and Indians when they came to colonise :-)
Aamina Hasan
Aamina Hasan - 6 years ago
He has! Have you seen the bit where he 'acts' out how the British colonised India?+Gurpreet Singh
Gurpreet Singh
Gurpreet Singh - 6 years ago
@Trevor Noah have you ever tried an indian accent to tell your jokes? Btw I love your video. And I have this hunger to keep on watching your videos
Lordpraisethe - 6 years ago
+oh2one2 get lost
Vanlife - 6 years ago
You are a legend when are you coming to Australia next?
Caelan Denning
Caelan Denning - 6 years ago
I'd just like to point out how awesome at doing different accents you are
Venom The Poizon
Venom The Poizon - 6 years ago
You can "had" aids.. Dr Debi cured it before they killed him..
007Chakochi - 6 years ago
Everytime you do a joke and then at the end you just shits all over.
Chris Dimas
Chris Dimas - 6 years ago
Sounded like Gabriel iglacies
funa patr
funa patr - 6 years ago
Why didn't you just smash that?
ammar nasser
ammar nasser - 6 years ago
She's a THOT
Sadok Ben-Khelifa
Sadok Ben-Khelifa - 6 years ago
The whole skit was funny, but what really made me laugh was the "Why you want free things on free things?" That made me laugh the most.

10. comment for "Surfing AIDS" - Trevor Noah - (That's Racist) RE-RELEASE

Allan Moe
Allan Moe - 6 years ago
he is funny, but he could have taken the possibly mean spiritedness out of it by just noting how friendly the girl was
SchattendragonflyPL - 6 years ago
Noooo, this person cannot be real! :D
Mark Kmiecik
Mark Kmiecik - 6 years ago
There's a ton of good surfing spots in South Africa.
Mar Gon
Mar Gon - 6 years ago
Come back to your brothers in SA to amuse them...
rockster710 - 6 years ago
Billie Edwards
Billie Edwards - 6 years ago
NO, its not ravage by the disease the disease has been given to them by the same mind set of those who were apart of the slave trade. And sadly, a lot of Africans worship the ground their oppressors walk on. They steal resources, which allow starvation, then return as the great white hope, telling people to worship their dead god who died for their sins. Tremdous brain F! and you wonder why we all hate one another? wonder no more.
Gathoni Irungu
Gathoni Irungu - 6 years ago
I absolutely love you Trevor..you are amazing
Oluwafemi Toyinbo
Oluwafemi Toyinbo - 6 years ago
The couple at 5:05 - (between hysterics) man : got the joke? woman : got the joke! :D (laughter continues...)
Paramarth Roy Choudhury
Paramarth Roy Choudhury - 6 years ago
Trevor: Aaaahhhhhh!!!
Audience: Aaaaahhhhhh!!!
Alice Wilde
Alice Wilde - 6 years ago
I bet that girl never existed...

20. comment for "Surfing AIDS" - Trevor Noah - (That's Racist) RE-RELEASE

entertain7us14 - 6 years ago
"i used my monkey griP under the plane"
Kiwi Kudos
Kiwi Kudos - 6 years ago
His wave move. So fucking adorable. ❤️
Ahmad Karim
Ahmad Karim - 6 years ago
Saifur Chowdhury
Saifur Chowdhury - 6 years ago
Of course I want free things on free things. Those are the best free things!
Lisa Maxine
Lisa Maxine - 6 years ago
Why does he acted like the conversation is real :(
Cosmin Firta
Cosmin Firta - 6 years ago
Dude, I love the messages on the end of the video :D :D You are great.
dark syde
dark syde - 6 years ago
watching this and drinking water is real extreme sport
Vipul Nandwana
Vipul Nandwana - 6 years ago
charlotte amelia murray
charlotte amelia murray - 6 years ago
come home
Mouaz Khaldi
Mouaz Khaldi - 6 years ago

30. comment for "Surfing AIDS" - Trevor Noah - (That's Racist) RE-RELEASE

Ashna Antony
Ashna Antony - 6 years ago
3:00 I thought he was gonna quote mean girls
CHAITANYA B - 6 years ago
I'm dying
koko_lame - 6 years ago
the artificial laugh is so cringe, why putting a fake laugh into your videos, ain't you "funny" enough?
Mayank Kumar
Mayank Kumar - 6 years ago
everytime she comes back and she gets more stupidity
Snicker Bars
Snicker Bars - 6 years ago
Think you must have met Kim Kardashian and you didn't know about it.....
KokoCamo - 6 years ago
I lovez you!!!!
AHMED - 6 years ago
For those who didn't get the shower reference:
Former president Zuma once said that we can counter aids by showering
citra belliana
citra belliana - 6 years ago
Thank you!
Otaku - 6 years ago
beatrix the great
beatrix the great - 6 years ago
oooh ok thank you mate
nas taran
nas taran - 6 years ago
Thanks for sharing .I didn't get it
lu chang
lu chang - 6 years ago
Thank you.
Siam Sabbir
Siam Sabbir - 6 years ago
You are a life saver
danielgr86 - 6 years ago
Thank you!! hahahaha
Muhammad Q Rusydan
Muhammad Q Rusydan - 6 years ago
Thank you Ahmed! hahaha
Jake Macale
Jake Macale - 6 years ago
AHMED I salute to you
carultch - 6 years ago
Too bad the people of Zambia don't have any waves.
George Kafiridis
George Kafiridis - 6 years ago
I'll probably come off as the arrogant nerd here, but South Africa is famous for its waves, especially Jeffrey's Bay. There was a boycott on its surf contests due to Apartheid however.
tally bee
tally bee - 6 years ago
What do you expect from dumb ignorant blonde
Yawasap Shawmar
Yawasap Shawmar - 6 years ago
You're hilarious!!!
Luis RP
Luis RP - 6 years ago
Some ppl pay for youtube tre
Jane Legodi
Jane Legodi - 6 years ago
I went to the US and someone asked me *a grown woman might I add* “ do you ride an elephant to school” I just said “ yeah and I speak AFRICAN too!”
Zachary Darwin
Zachary Darwin - 6 years ago
Funny things is, there was AIDS chocolate.
lori25hu - 6 years ago
free things on free things .... just like Indians have big nostrils so they can get more "free"air
azone one
azone one - 6 years ago
where can I watch the full episode
azone one
azone one - 6 years ago
can someone share a link, thank you.
Diego Duarte
Diego Duarte - 6 years ago
Yo can someone explain the last joke to me? 5:00 I don’t get it...
Ruth Igwe
Ruth Igwe - 6 years ago
Diego Duarte the former South African president (Jacob Zuma) slept with an AIDS infected woman and he said he took a shower so he cannot be infected.
George Kafiridis
George Kafiridis - 6 years ago
you must be really good at surfing. By the way, how did you pull those moves in Malibu, I thought it was a longboarding spot.
Kinyua Kariithi
Kinyua Kariithi - 6 years ago
Hahahaha that so funny white americans can be very stupid with their Questions!!! like they will ask you whether you have internet in Kenya
Tundra14 - 6 years ago
I hope I can meet you someday

50. comment for "Surfing AIDS" - Trevor Noah - (That's Racist) RE-RELEASE

MBest12 - 6 years ago
am i the only person that wants to "boop" Trevors nose he is adorable. He looks like a kid he will be 70 looking 30
melvina628 - 6 years ago
04:54 I don't get the shower joke.
Katleho Makhalemele
Katleho Makhalemele - 6 years ago
carultch the alleged victim
carultch - 6 years ago
+Katleho Makhalemele Was Jacob Zuma HIV positive? Or was his alleged victim HIV positive? Or both?
Katleho Makhalemele
Katleho Makhalemele - 6 years ago
The then President, Jacob Zuma was once accused for raping a woman who is HIV positive... When journalists asked him about this - he said he took a shower. This was a South African audience, that is why they burst out with laughter like that. I hope that helps? Watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZ7cyA4ZQmM
Ricky Benwell
Ricky Benwell - 6 years ago
he's awesome
Ibrahim Janneh
Ibrahim Janneh - 6 years ago
Trevor, from one African to another, u are killing me with laughter. Keep up the good work representing the motherland.
Jonah Viper Chieza
Jonah Viper Chieza - 6 years ago
This is the Trevor Noah i like , not the one thats being used 4 politics in the USA, critisizing Trump all the time
Jay Jay
Jay Jay - 6 years ago
He is still funny there and honestly giving his opinions on the daily show. He also talks about Africa in the daily show. Coming from Africa I am proud that he finally made it!!!
Nicolas Bilal
Nicolas Bilal - 6 years ago
I love your stories, and they make me laugh...but sometimes they sound made up and make me wonder if these idiots actually exist lol
Van E. Brand
Van E. Brand - 6 years ago
I am sad to say I actually HAVE met people who are THAT stupid and ignorant.
YouTube YouTube
YouTube YouTube - 6 years ago
The lady is tryna lowkey flirt with Trevor but man's too slow
Farhat Jahan
Farhat Jahan - 6 years ago
'Dimwitted'ness is a big turnoff. No matter how attractive a person is. He ain't slow, The man's way to fast for that stupid girl.
YouTube YouTube
YouTube YouTube - 6 years ago
Bt Rec exactly
Bt Rec
Bt Rec - 6 years ago
+Celine Chase That's how blonds flirt
Celine Chase
Celine Chase - 6 years ago
I didn’t know the American strategy in flirting included lines like “have you, like, ever had AIDS?”.
Keith Hill
Keith Hill - 6 years ago
NexxtGenDave - 6 years ago
Stupidity at that level makes anyone unattractive and Trevor is too damn sexy to go for stupid.
Julia Soriano
Julia Soriano - 6 years ago
But one can flirt with wits, right?
Love Freely
Love Freely - 6 years ago
How am I just now finding you??? Omg I am in love!!!
NelsonFromSA 1.0
NelsonFromSA 1.0 - 6 years ago
Hey Trev. Can you upload more videos where you play FIFA with your basketball friend? I love...
yoyo toto
yoyo toto - 6 years ago
I can bet that Charlie shean has been sleeping with those women that ask such questions, and they don't even know they have it them selfs.
yoyo toto
yoyo toto - 6 years ago
+NexxtGenDave well if he knew him he would have taken the advice, so dose it mean Charlie never took a shower after s#x. Lol
Claudia Martindale-Campbell
Claudia Martindale-Campbell - 6 years ago
Trevor Noah you are absolutely brilliant. I'm not one to watch stand up comics but your intelligent, informative, comedic way has me hooked. Keep on keeping on. We love you in Barbados and the rest of the Caribbean.
Kevine Naturelle
Kevine Naturelle - 6 years ago
"How did you get here?" every African who traveled has heard this. It's funny sometimes, it really shows how ignorant is that individual in a country with one of the best education system in the world.
Chloe Butler
Chloe Butler - 6 years ago
Who told you America has a good education system lol? They lied
Jennifer Q
Jennifer Q - 6 years ago
The US is famous for having a terrible education system. It is literally worse than that of several third world countries where kids have to deal with shortages of books.
AM AR - 6 years ago
Kevine Naturelle so true
Kevine Naturelle
Kevine Naturelle - 6 years ago
+Joel Musenga OMG yes, sometimes I travel within Africa and I get embarrassed when an African asks me where Rwanda is. I just take a deep breath and explain. Sometimes i pull out a map! Or draw it for them. It's insane because it once happened in Tanzania which makes boarders with Rwanda! It's a shame
Joel Musenga
Joel Musenga - 6 years ago
Well, i don't blame them. That happens as well in South Africa to a point where you can hear someone asking if Cameroun, Tanzania and Kenya are in Europe...lol and even worse saying that there are only 2 continents which are Africa and "United State of America"....loolll.
C T - 6 years ago
Their education system focuses only on the American side of things.That is why they are all dumb and ignorant.
Bethany Lade
Bethany Lade - 6 years ago
The US education system isn't even in the top 20 now.
Makgeollina Seagull
Makgeollina Seagull - 6 years ago
Wouldn’t say it’s the best if part of their grades are just for showing up.
Erwan Amans
Erwan Amans - 6 years ago
If you have people still that uneducated, the system is probably not one of the best in the world.
mysterychemistry - 6 years ago
best education system? only for the rich. you can have the best of everything you ever wanted in America if you pay for it.
Sandernista - 6 years ago
She probably meant Afrikaans....
Taran DerTaran
Taran DerTaran - 6 years ago
+Said Abdallah Because he is from South Africa and some people there speak Afrikaans?
Max LLoren
Max LLoren - 6 years ago
@FireflyAereids, i was speechless for a moment...as i was facepalming inside my head, then i thought for a moment that its hopeless to argue with the guy... rather i kept a straight face and went "...yeah ..."
FireflyAereids - 6 years ago
+Max LLoren oh my god... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. That's epic. What did you tell him?
Max LLoren
Max LLoren - 6 years ago
I was onced asked by an American dude if i am from islam..simply because i told him i was a muslim ..he kept insisting that islam is a country and muslims are what you call the people that live there...he said its somewhere in the middle east

ultimate face palm
haba - 6 years ago
yo that's nothing man, I was in Germany too, I remember it was raining outside and this polish friend of mine asked me whether it rains in Africa? then later on asked me if we all live in huts..
YaoLi Jiang
YaoLi Jiang - 6 years ago
Good reply. Hahaha.
Maryan Noor
Maryan Noor - 6 years ago
Hehehe that is funny answer
Said Abdallah
Said Abdallah - 6 years ago
+Isaiah Ejakpovi it is probably she meant Afrikaans the language, but why do they assume its the language spoken by all Africans!?
Ruth Igwe
Ruth Igwe - 6 years ago
TheRedAzuki that’s very unlikely
Ischi2007 - 6 years ago
I'm very sorry for that. We're not all quite as daft here in Germany.
BahamaWynters - 6 years ago
+TheRedAzuki Nah, bless you for hoping but she is another normally stupid.
TheRedAzuki - 6 years ago
Maybe she meant "Afrikaans" which is a language
DatGidiGirl S
DatGidiGirl S - 6 years ago
Majority of them Feels Africa is a country..that's how dumb they are.
Lainie Schwartz
Lainie Schwartz - 6 years ago
In 8th grade we went to a play about the holocaust. A kid asked the guy who play the rabbi, “how do you know how to speak Jewish?”
ali mas
ali mas - 6 years ago
Hey Africaaaaaaa
Cornelius White
Cornelius White - 6 years ago
Okay Im showing my age here, but there used to actually be a chocolate diet candy called ayds. LOL
Renee Williams
Renee Williams - 6 years ago
I'm showing my age also, because I remember the candy... it was for weight loss... LOL!
Cornelius White
Cornelius White - 6 years ago
+mysterychemistry Quite possibly, but I doubt he's old enough to remember.
mysterychemistry - 6 years ago
aaaaaaah! so that was his reference.
River Ross
River Ross - 6 years ago
I feel u trevor that's how I sometimes feel talking to someone
TheWalletWaffling - 6 years ago
Lol, I love @ end.
charity amoit
charity amoit - 6 years ago
....FISHING FOR STUPIDITY................................LOL
Yuki BabaYaga
Yuki BabaYaga - 6 years ago
the American way
Dee-Andra Webley
Dee-Andra Webley - 6 years ago
Ken Mac
Ken Mac - 6 years ago
Without money americans will be 0000 smh
Jonathan Yinon
Jonathan Yinon - 6 years ago
Hello Trevor, I love your stand up comedy and your night shows.I'm a big fan! Love,Jonathan from Israel :)
Tyrant-Den - 6 years ago
I have been there.
Joy Tswaen
Joy Tswaen - 6 years ago
can I please ask you you said that you are going to do a live streaming of your show I'm still waiting for that show when is it happening
ark r
ark r - 6 years ago
not funny
igor jurinovic
igor jurinovic - 6 years ago
Hahaha. Had a similar experience. Girl asked me how I got to America from Croatia. I said I walked. She replied wow how long did it take you to get her. I answered one week. She said wow I couldn't walk that long. The guy next to us sad ya he is jesus. And didn't stop laughing for a hour.
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ - 6 years ago
igor jurinovic haahhaahah koji biser
beatrix the great
beatrix the great - 6 years ago
maybe it was the same girl?
Jennifer Q
Jennifer Q - 6 years ago
I know a young Israeli immigrant who convinced her American classmates that in Israel kids go to school by camel. I also know of a Dutch woman who pretends that in Holland women throw monthly period parties to celebrate that they haven't gotten pregnant. Americans will believe ANYTHING.
Maru Noyes
Maru Noyes - 6 years ago
+BahamaWyntersit is scary, they reproduce too, yikes...
Walter Modise
Walter Modise - 6 years ago
That's hilarious... Made my day
BahamaWynters - 6 years ago
+Semi And some of them carry guns, call themselves police then kill us. You're right; it really isn't funny. Scary.
Semi - 6 years ago
It really isn't funny. These same stupid people have driver's licenses, college degrees, and vote during elections. It makes you doubt some of our systems and our future.
Emily Strez
Emily Strez - 6 years ago
pozdrav iz hrvatska!!
Rudolph Rudolph
Rudolph Rudolph - 6 years ago
Claudia Martindale-Campbell
Claudia Martindale-Campbell - 6 years ago
Haha that is hilarious
TABITHA MWAURA - 6 years ago
waves r tired.
getting more dumber as she gets in the water.
TABITHA MWAURA - 6 years ago
waves r tired.
getting more dumber as she gets in the water.
Mashyou Nazi_17
Mashyou Nazi_17 - 6 years ago
heart inheaven
heart inheaven - 6 years ago
Who brought Aids to Africa.
carultch - 6 years ago
Chimpanzees in Zaire had it first.
ozkan cil
ozkan cil - 6 years ago
I didn't understand the last joke where he says wash it off
Ayanda Kevin
Ayanda Kevin - 6 years ago
Our former South African President (Jacob Zuma) had sexual intercourse with an HIV infected women and he said he took a shower afterwards so that he cannot get infected
swardinc - 6 years ago
sometimes i just wonder about how people get around? If that how you are thinking is she hurt, have some disease you know what?
alicia martinez
alicia martinez - 6 years ago
Love you Trevor. You are hilarious.
Chloe Farber
Chloe Farber - 6 years ago
I'm doing homework next to my mom and your making it very hard for me to act like im actually working
aegideus - 6 years ago
I didn't get the last joke about showering somehow being related to the President of South Africa?
Katleho Makhalemele
Katleho Makhalemele - 6 years ago
The then President, Jacob Zuma was once accused for raping a woman who is HIV positive... When journalists asked him about this - he said he took a shower. This was a South African audience, that is why they burst out with laughter like that. I hope that helps? Watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZ7cyA4ZQmM
some random kid
some random kid - 6 years ago
former president zuma said when asked if he may have gotten aids no, because he took a shower
Bianca Toivola
Bianca Toivola - 6 years ago
Fake Man!

100. comment for "Surfing AIDS" - Trevor Noah - (That's Racist) RE-RELEASE

Brenda Thaynara
Brenda Thaynara - 6 years ago
Would be cool if you allowed people to translate the subtitles to other languages :)
Gigi Abdurahman
Gigi Abdurahman - 6 years ago
+carultch and many more
carultch - 6 years ago
In Tunisia, yes
In Morocco, yes
In Uganda, no
In Angola, yes
In Zimbabwe, no
In Djibouti, yes
In Botswana, no
In Mozambique, yes
In Zambia, no
In Swaziland, no
In The Gambia, yes
In Guinea, yes
In Algeria, yes
In Ghana, yes
d dKingz1999
d dKingz1999 - 6 years ago
This girl will regret ever asking or talking with Trevor
Ryan Sun
Ryan Sun - 6 years ago
She would be like, "what's so fuunnny? I dont getit"
Yolanda Dupree
Yolanda Dupree - 6 years ago
Well cause Verizon did that test that wasn't a test and it turns out that people like getting something for nothing.
Moe Floe
Moe Floe - 6 years ago
Trevor can imitate almost anyone
Philomena Dias
Philomena Dias - 6 years ago
Devil's Offspring
Devil's Offspring - 6 years ago
Don't they have a pill for that these days? :) hehehe
Sin Kim
Sin Kim - 6 years ago
Why isn't ignorance bliss for all?!
Слава Целовальников
Слава Целовальников - 6 years ago
Hey Trev, hello from Russia! You are doing great! Keep up the good work!
P.S. Come to Russia, we are funny. ^^ It will be a great life experience.
carultch - 6 years ago
+Слава Целовальников Where are you in Russia? Chukotka? Where else would there not be roads?
Слава Целовальников
Слава Целовальников - 6 years ago
+NexxtGenDave, roads? What a hell is that? xD
Слава Целовальников
Слава Целовальников - 6 years ago
+Margarita M. Не особо, если с ней жить)
Margarita M.
Margarita M. - 6 years ago
Слава Целовальников
Фамилия зачёт!
Ali Shaikh
Ali Shaikh - 6 years ago
Anticipating more of such 'Re Release'
FablingPam - 6 years ago
I want free things on free things because I’m Nigerian
FablingPam - 6 years ago
Opeyemi Adetifa, you dey mind them?
FablingPam - 6 years ago
Lol, @nextgendave, no that's not me. But you deserve to be scammed if that line works on you. Plus most of those scammers aren't even Nigerians. Nigerians that scam don't use the king/prince thing to scam. Its insulting and funny when I hear those jokes.
Grace Balogun
Grace Balogun - 6 years ago
+NexxtGenDave you are mistaken lol. you are looking for a prince. she is a woman. so she cant be a prince duh.
Opeyemi Adetifa
Opeyemi Adetifa - 6 years ago
+NexxtGenDave Shut the fuck up.
mickey morgan
mickey morgan - 6 years ago
You are REAL, ie., authentic, uncontrived . . . I've never seen you full of ego . . . at all
aditya gaushal
aditya gaushal - 6 years ago
You are just awesome man....lots of love from India❤.
mickey morgan
mickey morgan - 6 years ago
Your physical humor is growing . . . like Jerry Lewis (I'm an old dancer, so I watch people move)
RIXRADvidz - 6 years ago
I know it was only an imitation but I could hear the whistling of the vacuum in that surfer girl's head. that's the mark of a great story teller.
Afrodite by Olympia
Afrodite by Olympia - 6 years ago
You know when you laugh so hard your face is hurting?? That’s me
IlastarothTayre - 6 years ago
Aw yes, a classic.
Mahdi Muhib
Mahdi Muhib - 6 years ago
Can someone explain the president shower thing? I don't get it
carultch - 6 years ago
+Ann Kariuki Thank you for the explanation. I thought someone in the audience made an insult about the president in question.
Jay Jay
Jay Jay - 6 years ago
+Ntokozo Mduna Yeah its zuma
Ntokozo Mduna
Ntokozo Mduna - 6 years ago
+Ann Kariuki former president Jacob Zuma.
Ann Kariuki
Ann Kariuki - 6 years ago
Mahdi Muhib the president of south africa said you can prevent urslf from getting Aids by showering
Շողեր Ջան
Շողեր Ջան - 6 years ago
Yuki BabaYaga Good for us, what can i say
Yuki BabaYaga
Yuki BabaYaga - 6 years ago
+Շողեր Ջան, yeah they have the biggest most expensive military in the world and are up to their noses in debt while their infrastructure crumbles, soon if they don't change they're going to suffer the same fate of the Soviet Union that used to be the biggest military in the world just a few decades ago.
Շողեր Ջան
Շողեր Ջան - 6 years ago
+Yuki BabaYaga it's funny how we all call them stupid but the US is pretty much one of the strongest countries in this world, if not the strongest xD
Alex Aran
Alex Aran - 6 years ago
my favorite lines..so funny.
Benjamin May
Benjamin May - 6 years ago
+Yuki BabaYaga I tend to avoid people where my brain cells begin to die as well. Good talk mate
Yuki BabaYaga
Yuki BabaYaga - 6 years ago
+Benjamin May, never met one, I know they should exist but never have the luck of finding one, I avoid Americans if possible to avoid brain damage.
Benjamin May
Benjamin May - 6 years ago
+Yuki BabaYaga Oy, no need to be stereotypical mate. Although I agree there are many stupid people, especially America. There are also quite a few average or above average intelligence fellows
Yuki BabaYaga
Yuki BabaYaga - 6 years ago
+Peter Pain , then you're being lucky, I live in Puerto Rico and the level of stupidity one get from most Americans is exhausting, after I time you try to avoid them as much as possible or you risk losing a few points in your IQ score.
Peter Pain
Peter Pain - 6 years ago
+Yuki BabaYaga Nah. Not everytime but some i have to really control myself not to eyeroll at their questions let alone the answers ;)
Rushdy Emad
Rushdy Emad - 6 years ago
Heeey africaaa hhhhh
Pius Ndolo
Pius Ndolo - 6 years ago
hahahaha... sounds sweet as fuck
patricia lepage morgan
patricia lepage morgan - 6 years ago
What a memorable conversation! I’m still flabbergasted by that question: ‘have you ever had aids?’
hachi boerboel
hachi boerboel - 6 years ago
I don’t get the shower part
Celine Naude
Celine Naude - 6 years ago
it's a south african thing
Brian Jackson
Brian Jackson - 6 years ago
Apparently Jacob Zuma (former South African president) took a shower after having sex with an HIV positive lady. The shower was to clean-off the virus......
Crunchy Biscuits
Crunchy Biscuits - 6 years ago
+hachi boerboel yep, just found the video https://youtu.be/nZ7cyA4ZQmM
hachi boerboel
hachi boerboel - 6 years ago
Crunchy Biscuits was it my mans zuma
Crunchy Biscuits
Crunchy Biscuits - 6 years ago
an African president was asked how he prevents aids, his answer was taking a shower lol
KimoNaEcchi - 6 years ago
I came for this as well
Azizul Mazlan
Azizul Mazlan - 6 years ago
I want free things on free things!!
patricia lepage morgan
patricia lepage morgan - 6 years ago
Ab Rh
Ab Rh - 6 years ago
I like your videos bro keeeeeep on
DoctorWeeTodd - 6 years ago
Geo Pinon Trevor himself said that Trump feels like an African President.
anu l
anu l - 6 years ago
+Danielle Withers same here, I thought he was referring to trump, but he said my president...
Mateo Kupstys Chica
Mateo Kupstys Chica - 6 years ago
+Master Greg I didn't got it either. Tkx for the explanation! ;)
Geo Pinon
Geo Pinon - 6 years ago
+Master Greg i was also lost on that hahaha. I guess every country has a Trump at one point or another lol
Danielle Withers
Danielle Withers - 6 years ago
+Master Greg Thank you for the explanation - I was lost!
Master Greg
Master Greg - 6 years ago
+David Abuashvili a while ago, Zuma ( ex president ) said he had sexual intercourse with a women who had HIV, , but he showered afterwards to reduce the chances of getting it
David Abuashvili
David Abuashvili - 6 years ago
I didn't get that. can you explain?
Oboh Sandra
Oboh Sandra - 6 years ago
This got me
S - 6 years ago
Caleb Heath
Caleb Heath - 6 years ago
W City
W City - 6 years ago

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