"Surfing Killer Whales" - Rich and Laura Howard Oceans Of Images
Surf 11 years ago 380,791 views
On their 20th wedding anniversary, while staying in La Paz, Mexico at the Costa Baja Resort and Spa- Rich and Laura Howard got the surprise of their diving careers, when a pod of Killer Whales- nearly 20 in all, started surfing behind their small dive boat. Enjoy this super exciting video shot by Laura Howard of Oceans Of Images Photography. Visit www.oceansofimages.com to see more Killer Whale images & their other wonderful underwater work. A HIGH DEFINITION version of this video is available at www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbh6qg8H3CY Titled Couple's Amazing Encounter with Surfing Killer Whales.
they will try an capture the damn whales
and send them to hell like they always do
and did before
Nice video anyways.
where did you go I love killer whales!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10. comment for "Surfing Killer Whales" - Rich and Laura Howard Oceans Of Images
Majestic beasts.
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