"Surfing Killer Whales" - Rich and Laura Howard Oceans Of Images

On their 20th wedding anniversary, while staying in La Paz, Mexico at the Costa Baja Resort and Spa- Rich and Laura Howard got the surprise of their diving careers, when a pod of Killer Whales- nearly 20 in all, started surfing behind their small dive boat. Enjoy this super exciting video shot by Laura Howard of Oceans Of Images Photography. Visit www.oceansofimages.com to see more Killer Whale images & their other wonderful underwater work. A HIGH DEFINITION version of this video is available at www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbh6qg8H3CY Titled Couple's Amazing Encounter with Surfing Killer Whales.

"Surfing Killer Whales" - Rich and Laura Howard Oceans Of Images sentiment_very_dissatisfied 29

Surf 11 years ago 380,791 views

On their 20th wedding anniversary, while staying in La Paz, Mexico at the Costa Baja Resort and Spa- Rich and Laura Howard got the surprise of their diving careers, when a pod of Killer Whales- nearly 20 in all, started surfing behind their small dive boat. Enjoy this super exciting video shot by Laura Howard of Oceans Of Images Photography. Visit www.oceansofimages.com to see more Killer Whale images & their other wonderful underwater work. A HIGH DEFINITION version of this video is available at www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbh6qg8H3CY Titled Couple's Amazing Encounter with Surfing Killer Whales.

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Most popular comments
for "Surfing Killer Whales" - Rich and Laura Howard Oceans Of Images

andy Z
andy Z - 8 years ago
radiatrex17 - 9 years ago
you gotta watch white people off camera
they will try an capture the damn whales
and send them to hell like they always do
and did before
Dana-Leigh Tomada
Dana-Leigh Tomada - 9 years ago
that's way too close to these animals habitat...typical......and shameful......that's why so many ppl are opposed to whale watching......get a grip.......
Dana-Leigh Tomada
Dana-Leigh Tomada - 9 years ago
+Ben Moody ...did you even watch the clip.....they are moving right in the middle of the pod.....they should have stopped their boat and let them pass......that would be common sense.......but then again....some people don't have that ;)
Ben Moody
Ben Moody - 9 years ago
+D T --- they whernt going whale watching the whales followed them and it wasn't like they where trying to go find the whales. i think people like you need to get a grip if you go to the beach you are in there habitat and all that stuff you throw in the trash hurts that habitat or when you flush your commode so as for typical yes you are
Joe Joe
Joe Joe - 9 years ago
Vid needs more interpolation and Laura need to talk more.
f5caballeroaguila - 9 years ago
Que bellos animales
Skinny  Skinnardo
Skinny Skinnardo - 9 years ago
Yea use your big mouth to suck it
Crispy K
Crispy K - 10 years ago
lets start a donation to get these people a camera instead of this radioactive flicker thing, and maybe let a man film next time. But keep in mind to also have a man to pilot the boat :) Then it would be perfect.

Nice video anyways.
killer whale lover 101
killer whale lover 101 - 10 years ago
I would be that way
where did you go I love killer whales!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gunter Butler
Gunter Butler - 10 years ago
Orca's been loving them since seaworld came too Fla 1972?Black white one God hostile,not more than Me?
IQspn - 10 years ago
This bitch made me dislike this vid

10. comment for "Surfing Killer Whales" - Rich and Laura Howard Oceans Of Images

Bitterroot Rambler
Bitterroot Rambler - 11 years ago
Much more enjoyable on MUTE. 
Peter Watkin
Peter Watkin - 11 years ago
How are they keeping up.
Majestic beasts.
Vanessa Dawn
Vanessa Dawn - 11 years ago
Unbelievably beautiful, amazing, just WOW! So jealous! ;)
alan white
alan white - 11 years ago
the women in this video is sooooooooo annoying
juliana vasconcelos
juliana vasconcelos - 11 years ago
AMAZING!!! This whales are incredible!!!!! 
Thomas Edison
Thomas Edison - 11 years ago
professonal photografers? maybe... bue totally amateur with videos
asteroid684 - 11 years ago
The more I learn about orcas, the more amazed I become. Incredible animals.
rlinn78 - 11 years ago
my favorite part was when they talked in slow motion. k i l l e r w h a l e... haaa haaa haaa haaa.....
Kita Bicho
Kita Bicho - 11 years ago
and the video more interesting
Kita Bicho
Kita Bicho - 11 years ago
if one of that crash with the boat....maybe will be a little dangerous

20. comment for "Surfing Killer Whales" - Rich and Laura Howard Oceans Of Images

D33P S3A
D33P S3A - 11 years ago
.Are you the guys of the water housings? There is a very few videos of this and I have a theory... I think this Orcas "not killer whales" they are not happy with the sound of the boats or just boats passing by. I had this exact encounter but the whales bump the boat to the point of knock me down while I was filming just like you guys. Maybe is a cub site and they dont like the boats around. Anywas...great vid.. and thanks for sharing
Andrew Savage
Andrew Savage - 11 years ago
steve degroot
steve degroot - 11 years ago
Jack Hannah works in a zoo and is not a marine biologist btw
olego23 - 11 years ago
like for stunning whales or dislike for shitty quality and annoying sounds? confused....
Ainigma - 11 years ago
"where did he go?" and then i thought he'd rip them apart..
pears009 - 11 years ago
They are solo FAST! AMAZING!!!
Camila Camacho
Camila Camacho - 11 years ago
That is so scary
briantobin9 - 11 years ago
If you put it on mute that's one hell of a video ;)
PimpPancreas - 11 years ago
That's insane. I wonder what happens if they land on a boat? I know more people will try this, mayeb we will get to find out next time. lol.
Jean Buchelt
Jean Buchelt - 11 years ago
1:13 .... *-* no words...

30. comment for "Surfing Killer Whales" - Rich and Laura Howard Oceans Of Images

cplunajr745 - 11 years ago
Oh god! What a very rare privilege!!
Jan Luft
Jan Luft - 11 years ago
"OMG" is right! A little too close.
YvonneBuff - 11 years ago
PLEASE, I would LOVE to see the full movie!! I saw this on Ellen and was covered head to toe with goose bumps! What an amazing and very lucky treat you received from these majestic creatures! How can I provide you with my e-mail that it won't be public? thank you for posting this!! Yvonne
clutchNthrottle - 11 years ago
I wonder if they realized they were being hunted. Those whales are superb pack hunters. This shit ain't no game.
Sue Harank
Sue Harank - 11 years ago
Incredible footage!! Thanks for sharing!
JustMe - 11 years ago
Awesome!!! Congratulations!! Say hi to Ellen for me!!!!
Daniela Bernal
Daniela Bernal - 11 years ago
this is a dream come true!! :) just amazing!
Stephanie Kelly
Stephanie Kelly - 11 years ago
ellen found you!
Raccoonista - 11 years ago
The benefits of being rich *sight*
Rosanna Martinez
Rosanna Martinez - 11 years ago
Ellen want.you on the show
Edoyoda Satria
Edoyoda Satria - 11 years ago
me too.. ellen want you guys on her show.. congratulations..
Brenneke Prins
Brenneke Prins - 11 years ago
I came here because of ellen, she wants you on her show
James Johnson
James Johnson - 11 years ago
Ellen wants yall on her show!! I seen this video clip today!!
Marina Mas
Marina Mas - 11 years ago
OOOHHH MY GOOOOODD!!! xDD so funny!! My most beloved animals in the whole world, that's have to be a incredible experiencie, you had this whales so close!
maistro2t - 11 years ago
ELLEN wants to speak to you guys :d
Marilyn   Lee Hicks
Marilyn Lee Hicks - 11 years ago
I saddens me to see these Orcas being exploited by "selling" the video under the inflammatory heading "killer whales". Animals kill to survive; why don't we refer to all animals as killers? (by the way: they're not whales; they're dolphins!!)
albinoHanky - 11 years ago
to bad they didnt have google glass!
ashley fuller
ashley fuller - 11 years ago
this is amazing was there any reason they came or just pure curious on there behaves?
Stormsquad - 11 years ago
Its a wonder how they are so friendly and we call them killer whales
bobbysbackingtracks - 11 years ago
Shopped 101.

50. comment for "Surfing Killer Whales" - Rich and Laura Howard Oceans Of Images

Erin Lowe
Erin Lowe - 11 years ago
How awesome! I am 100% jealous! They probably learned this behavior the same way that dolphins did. It just looks "scarier" because they are so huge! I was just thinking the whole time watching it "don't let the boat slow down!" lol! What an amazing experience!
Helen Shaw
Helen Shaw - 11 years ago
Absolutely fantastic experience - my heart was racing with excitement watching it. I am an avid orca watcher - can you please tell me what time of year this was? Thanks.
soronefabrik1 - 11 years ago
you should fire a lawsuit against those thieves, just sayin'... this footage is amazing
Xaanamour - 11 years ago
fantastique!! c'est un spectacle grandiose que nous offrent ces animaux :')
nurbs - 11 years ago
They're taking a break from drowning other whale species' calves for the fun of it.
Barcelona12 - 11 years ago
You were so lucky!
Crapweeds - 11 years ago
Clearly hunting. lol
Grothag - 11 years ago
You do realize they were hunting you ?
Branko - 11 years ago
stefan petrovic
stefan petrovic - 11 years ago
Mandu mika
Mandu mika - 11 years ago
You are wrong. There have been no deaths caused by Orca in the wild and only a few attacks. All human deaths caused by Orca have been by captive animals attacking their "caretakers".
Headovina - 11 years ago
The smartest animals, swiming along the wave.
Alex Tomas
Alex Tomas - 11 years ago
SamoNekSeRola - 11 years ago
sounds like porn
Chase - 11 years ago
shit just got serious
Mr. Meow Meow
Mr. Meow Meow - 11 years ago
It's like you are chased by pack of hungry lions . Nothing funny here .
Jovyland - 11 years ago
For god sake women, why didn't you buy decent 1080p camcorder?!
Salvador Medina
Salvador Medina - 11 years ago
These are the great experiences you live when you are visiting BAJA California Sur in Mexico!!! Come to La Paz, Come to Cabo!!
Adrian Bose
Adrian Bose - 11 years ago
Amazing video! I live in Trinidad in the Caribbean and I have never seen this, except from dolphins! I wish i could see orcas like this!
Paskakiisseli - 11 years ago
They're so amazing animals. You guys were so lucky. Sucks that I live in Finland and the nearest place where I could see whales is in Norway :(
Houdi2 - 11 years ago
The squealing girls sound like whale talk.
horseygurl143 - 11 years ago
Those whales were enjoying toying with the boat! So cool!
Dand AinTac
Dand AinTac - 11 years ago
Dolphins do the same thing all the time. I saw it a lot in the Navy. They hang out around the mouths of harbors and straights, catching ships going through and ride the wakes either in back like this or sometimes up around the bow. Once in the Pacific I was up on the fantail at night, and heard some splashing sounds. At first I thought someone had fallen over. Then another splash, and in the moonlight I saw dolphins riding up on the crest and doing somersaults in the air.
TheDavid771 - 11 years ago
clean, tight, the tits like that the nipple like that
Van studios: Animation
Van studios: Animation - 11 years ago
They were clearly Playing with the tale waves from the Boat... Thats what was attracting them.... Although they would definitely eat everyone if something bad happened, like the boat sinking.... But judging by the video they were playing with the waves created by the boat....
Alex James
Alex James - 11 years ago
derekj773 - 11 years ago
I wonder if a zoologist, could tell if they were hunting or not. They are called Killer Whales after all...and despite "Free Willy" these things are more deadly than Great Whites.
María García
María García - 11 years ago
No puedo ver el video
Genesis Ortiz
Genesis Ortiz - 11 years ago
wow is so BEAUTIFUL love it
nullfield - 11 years ago
wiki.answers.com/Q/Is_the_Orca_a_whale_or_a_dolphin We can all find links. The delpinidae are not whales. "Killer Whales" is a corruption of "KIllers of Whales".
Jairo Toribio
Jairo Toribio - 11 years ago
Posiblemente se querían comer a los tripulantes... Además, las orcas pudieron haberse lastimado con las helices de la lancha...
juanvictord - 11 years ago
How fast you was going on that boat, the Killer Whales swim fast. great
XeroDgX - 11 years ago
no....they are orcas, also known as killer whales....have you ever seen the movie "Free Willy"?,....search for "orcas" in google and read what Wikipedia has to tell you :)
axx - 11 years ago
Truly Amazing! Thanks for sharing.
newlabber - 11 years ago
Thank you, very interesting behaviour of those Orcas having a good time, party animals!
guillermo enrique perez pinelo
guillermo enrique perez pinelo - 11 years ago
Grieta video. Only in my beatiful mexico.
Doris Latiti
Doris Latiti - 11 years ago
WoW!!!!....Amazing video!!! Thanks for sharing!
nullfield - 11 years ago
For starters they are not named "Killer Whales". Although, I suppose, we could be known to them as as "Killer Apes". They are dolphins. (not an expert).
Daniel Lee
Daniel Lee - 11 years ago
Awesome video, but all I could think while I was watching the video was, I hope they were Jet propelled or had a special cover protecting the prop in case the whales got too close. As long as the whales didn't get hurt, awesome video.
Diego Hernández
Diego Hernández - 11 years ago
Qué increíble!
print4apet - 11 years ago
You missed my point... they had super killer gear while diving ( if you pay attention to the gear they show while diving)... so it would have been nice to use that instead to shoot this... the quality of this sucks... any iphone5 or samunsung galaxy would be better...
GrayEagle48 - 11 years ago
The wake of the boat is like a jacuzzi to the whale.
KoruEcoSpa - 11 years ago
It seems the sea creatures are all on the move, not sure if it has to do with the magnetic fluctuations of the poles as penguins migrated W-A-Y off course ending up in Florida, that was a really bad turn early in the trip I'd say. Also Orca are big on coast of Pacific North West which is highly radioactive now from FuckUshima so they may be moving into new grounds to escape the conditions, that & BP disaster in Gulf also is forcing relocation of sea life. Awesome footage thanks for that!
Ife's Voice
Ife's Voice - 11 years ago
It's channel 11 news in New York City.
Rachel G
Rachel G - 11 years ago
This is good stuff!! I've shared this with everyone I know.
aefrazier2016 - 11 years ago
Thanks for sharing ! What an awesome experience you guys had. This video was on Bay News 9 this evening, so I came to check it out. Better than Sea World! Congrats on 20 years too! :)
RichardMHoward - 11 years ago
Mrs. T- Please share with students there was NOTHING scary about this.(Been asked that alot if I was afraid) These whales were "playing". Each whale has a separate personality and they learn from each other. My guess,somewhere, at some time, one of these whales was curious about a boat & learned this behavior- and found it to be "fun"-most likely.. that whale then taught the others how to surf. They are amazingly intelligent animals. I would love a comment from a Killer Whale expert-any takers?
RichardMHoward - 11 years ago
Too funny, you are right, Rich and I shoot still shots. (See website) The camera was of course brand new, and it was only my 2nd time using it plus I was hanging on the stern of a dive boat that was really hauling with Killer Whales 4 inches off the stern. I am grateful I didn't video an hour of my foot. Check out YouTube- Couple's Amazing Encounter with Surfing Killer Whales for the true,HD video quality can't help ya with the videographer though.-still me.:) Thanks for watching & comments.
RichardMHoward - 11 years ago
Hi Ife, Where is PIX11? This is Laura- of Oceans Of Images, just curious. I am glad you enjoyed. thanks for watching.
tenns9005 - 11 years ago
Absolutely fantastic

100. comment for "Surfing Killer Whales" - Rich and Laura Howard Oceans Of Images

tenns9005 - 11 years ago
Absolutely the
Yokieca - 11 years ago
So cool I was just in Los Barriles south of La Paz this weekend and had fun watching the dolphins BUT nothing like that. So jealous ! Thanks for sharing. Watching ocean Wildlife never gets old
Sarah Jackson
Sarah Jackson - 11 years ago
Thanks for sharing! Very cool. Just seen it on BayNews 9 and had to check out the video. Love that you slowed it down and posted still shots. What beautiful animals!
Barbra Ork
Barbra Ork - 11 years ago
@Print4apet Who cares they people had a great day great time and no one knew it was going to happen that orcas would be jumping by their boat they are lucky they had the camera
Barbra Ork
Barbra Ork - 11 years ago
Wow it looks like you can just reach out and touch them. the whale's are so beautiful . I saw this on the news today. :-)
Ife's Voice
Ife's Voice - 11 years ago
Just saw this on the PIX11 news at 5pm
Amanda Dugan
Amanda Dugan - 11 years ago
ahhhhhMazing! What i wouldn't give to expereince something like that! Thanks for sharing! made my day
MsArtemis01 - 11 years ago
Orca surfers :)
Edwin Gravekamp
Edwin Gravekamp - 11 years ago
Awesome video! Thank you so much for sharing this one! Even I get excited watching it! So so so Cool!!! If you don't mind I'm going to share it on my blog!
hunkatiel - 11 years ago
How fast were you going?
RichardMHoward - 11 years ago
Thanks for commenting. This is my 1st you tube post ever...and 4 days out of this videogone wild. We have received $0 for licensing fees to news agencies, websites and that includes nbc. Abc. Fox news. Cnn bbc yahoo. Goggle and a ton of website potsts. Not here to make a buck. Its just plain. Neat- Laura Howard - my video :)
Patti Johnson
Patti Johnson - 11 years ago
Wow!! Love it.
Tammy Suffron
Tammy Suffron - 11 years ago
Amazing! !!!
DLTADVR - 11 years ago
We're going to need a bigger boat.
print4apet - 11 years ago
Gotta love this, too bad you all didn't have a good camera or a good videographer with ya, whom ever shot this was horrible with a camera. Love that this shows all them people that think Orcas should be at sea world, what a Orca in the ocean loves to do!!!! Next time take a real camera !!!
Suzanne Renfrow
Suzanne Renfrow - 11 years ago
Thank you for sharing your adventure!!! Saw a frolicking (resident) pod of orcas off the San Juan Islands, but never, ever saw them racing a boat like dolphins! Ahhhh, this is why "nature is my kryptonite"...brought tears to my eyes watching your video, it was just SO cool. )
Jennifer Clay
Jennifer Clay - 11 years ago
Awesome video. The orcas look like they are having so much fun! How lucky you got to see this so close :-)
candygirl777 - 11 years ago
So awesome!!! Even more awesome you live in my hometown Lutz!!! :)
Efren Geraldo Ritchie
Efren Geraldo Ritchie - 11 years ago
AWESOME!!! i'm from La Paz.... and never never never have a experience equal you are really lucky!! xD what is a date of this?
DiveTravelSpecialist - 11 years ago
What a wonderful experience! Just like dolphins, but Orcas?? Wow! Wish you many more years of happy diving!
JforJesus - 11 years ago
Nothing better than Gods creatures coming at you..... we have a lovely God, who made amazing creatures for our ultimate joy in Him.
RaelynnM - 11 years ago
Just saw this video on the news! How amazing! They titled it "chased by killer whales" But when you said you all were having a blast, I realized you weren't actually being chased and they were just playing in the wake! What an amazing experience! I'm so jealous!
Jeremy Welch
Jeremy Welch - 11 years ago
Amazing. Do you know how fast the boat was going?
RichardMHoward - 11 years ago
Troyisful - Laura Howard here.. happy to answer your question..We were staying at Costa Baja Resort & Spa- in La Paz - north of Cabo... and it was NOT a whale watching tour... we were diving at Espiritu Santos Island- sea lion colony with Costa Baja Divers. The captains and dive master were excellent.. Contact Costa Baja Resort/Spa and they set us up with this dive company that was on property and a dream to work with. We got lucky!
Luthien - 11 years ago
I live in Mexico and I've never heard of these type of tours! Mind if I ask the company that took you guys!?!? :D
Daniel Mejia
Daniel Mejia - 11 years ago
Same feel .. When I play sonic adventure 1 !!! Whale behind me !!! :)
StreetStud88 - 11 years ago
"eat your heart out"
F.J. Or
F.J. Or - 11 years ago
That is AMAZING video of Killer Whales!! Hat's off to you!!
MadNotAngry - 11 years ago
That you captured the images - very, very cool. That you are now selling said images - totally uncool.
julie pope
julie pope - 11 years ago
Fannnnntastic!!!!!! Love you guys. Next trip I'm going, even if I have to stow away in your luggage...
J. Barry Neas
J. Barry Neas - 11 years ago
w00w00! saw the video on channel 7 in Boston. Loved it! You guys are SO lucky! Let's swap lives :)
Ms Liz
Ms Liz - 11 years ago
What an amazing experience!

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