[Fail] drunk homeless guy try to surf

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[Fail] drunk homeless guy try to surf sentiment_very_dissatisfied 88

Surf 12 years ago 166,546 views

at least he´s giving his best :) Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Haha-i-dont-get-it-/162989890434599

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Most popular comments
for [Fail] drunk homeless guy try to surf

pala bloom
pala bloom - 6 years ago
dude has serious skills
Iain Holmes
Iain Holmes - 7 years ago
Petr Kašpárek
Petr Kašpárek - 7 years ago
John Henry
John Henry - 7 years ago
What the hell has happened to ppls sense of humour. This is so funny, I'd be surprised if this drunk fella wouldn't laugh his ass off when looking back on it sober
Barton Creek Farmers Market
Barton Creek Farmers Market - 7 years ago
You guys are complete assholes.
Jazz Anims/ Sticknodes Pro
Jazz Anims/ Sticknodes Pro - 7 years ago
The surfers said they will going to pay the homeless old mqn but they didnt gave him money what an assholes
Leo Carline
Leo Carline - 7 years ago
What a homeless guy
Gehrman - 7 years ago
Pictured: the Tory party trying to chase the youth vote.
ElyanSun - 7 years ago
Gigornous Bro' ;-)

10. comment for [Fail] drunk homeless guy try to surf

Antzman 5040
Antzman 5040 - 7 years ago
thats not surfing..
Cintia - 7 years ago
If I was laughed at, or with, the laughter itself would have been a compliment. LIQUOR AND WHORES!!!
Cintia - 7 years ago
Oh God it's like Homeless-Guy "Jackass"
Eddie the Cat
Eddie the Cat - 7 years ago
So fucking funny. Such a dumbass homeless bum
Bubboy - 7 years ago
What if he was you think before you comment
Alexander Lidstedt
Alexander Lidstedt - 7 years ago
Han har nog druckit några Arboga 10.2
The Keyboard Fighter
The Keyboard Fighter - 8 years ago
Omg quit bitching how could you not laugh but he is just trying to surf i wish someone would get him proper gear
Kathy Contreras
Kathy Contreras - 8 years ago
Its not his fault that he has never jad some lazy American life poor him this was rude
Classic80sStuff - 7 years ago
That isn't always how it works out. Most of the times laziness is not the case.
nem jef
nem jef - 7 years ago
Looks like he WAS lazy all his life and now he's homeless
Kathy Contreras
Kathy Contreras - 8 years ago
Jasmine Abdessalem
Jasmine Abdessalem - 8 years ago
That is mean
Jasmine Abdessalem
Jasmine Abdessalem - 8 years ago
Jacob Cox
Jacob Cox - 8 years ago
that's just mean

20. comment for [Fail] drunk homeless guy try to surf

Cade Thomas
Cade Thomas - 9 years ago
He looks like a sea turtle
bung holeo
bung holeo - 7 years ago
Cade Thomas help him get back in the ocean
Hip-Hop Homework
Hip-Hop Homework - 9 years ago
all these self-righteous, internet activists pointing fingers and preaching to others to get lives...think about that for a second. Your definition of a good deed is preaching morality to strangers on the internet over something really trivial. The only people who got hurt in this video are you bleeding-heart types. Pick a better cause, you offwhite knights!

If you've never laughed at somebody who drunkenly stumbled or did something foolish while inebriated, you either 1. haven't lived or 2. are a liar and a hypocrite...choose your own adventure. My guess is you're flipping straight to page 2 on that one.
John Henry
John Henry - 7 years ago
qwertyuiop asdfghjkl do you know for a fact they paid him? Drunks, overly confident will often try a feat they wouldn't when sober. Hip hop is right here, you're a bleeding heart type. This drunk fella is probably a good laugh
qwertyuiop asdfghjkl
qwertyuiop asdfghjkl - 8 years ago
have you thought about why this would happen? the surfers would have obviously paid him money to do it, or taken advantage of him in some form. if this video were in different circumstance it would be funny. but its just mean
BackToSchool - 9 years ago
Devyn Balic
Devyn Balic - 9 years ago
poor guy. I hope he found his hat.
Joe surfer
Joe surfer - 9 years ago
What kind of an asshole would laugh at that guy?
Vincent Desalvo
Vincent Desalvo - 9 years ago
That's a skimboard dumb ass
Zahi WS600
Zahi WS600 - 9 years ago
Best !! .. :D  chcípám z toho :D
Jamie Han
Jamie Han - 9 years ago
Ate those surfer guys actually smiling? Idiots. It's really not that funny, stupid.
Jamie Han
Jamie Han - 9 years ago
No, my name is Jamie. And what you said about laughing a little bit more in my life, I do. I laugh a LOT. But I laugh at things that are funny but don't involve the downgrading of other people. Because I'm a nice person. And I'm not an imbecile with no life. :-) I don't want to waste any more time trying to reason with you so whatever you think, I don't really care, keep on laughing and be mean. It's going to catch up to you one day and I don't watch. So yeah, thanks for your time and have a lovely day. :-) +Rick S 
Jose Rosly
Jose Rosly - 9 years ago
Jamie Han
Jamie Han - 9 years ago
What's an arse? +Rick S​
Jose Rosly
Jose Rosly - 9 years ago
You all need to get those broomsticks out of your arses and laugh a little more in your life. Dont take everything to seriously.
Jamie Han
Jamie Han - 9 years ago
+Kim Ardex Ocmer Ikr. It's really rude of these people. If anyone is literally laughing, please get a life and stop making fun of others before you take a good look at yourself. That includes you, moron +Rick S 
This Guy
This Guy - 9 years ago
Agree it ain't funny at ALL anyone who thinks its funny think again if its you its not funny
Jose Rosly
Jose Rosly - 9 years ago
+Unicorny Jamie how come i laughed my ass off if it isnt funny?
Jamie Han
Jamie Han - 9 years ago
The guy is trying. This is sad, not funny. 2 different things fyi
Deborah Driscoll
Deborah Driscoll - 9 years ago
Dan Klinge
Dan Klinge - 9 years ago
That's not surfing.

30. comment for [Fail] drunk homeless guy try to surf

Fhilhamdhi Al Haris
Fhilhamdhi Al Haris - 10 years ago
Finaly found this video ..
Lewd i am realy sad about this man ;_;
Hope the best for you sir ;-;)/
KEANU/GAME ATTICK - 10 years ago
Why laugh at him he's a poor drunk guy and you let him almost drown one day I hope who ever was filming that become poor a see how it feels to be like him this video is the saddest video I've ever seen
Jaamie B
Jaamie B - 7 years ago
the saddest video you've ever seen? lmao, this shit is funny you muppet.
Cintia - 7 years ago
KEANU/GAME ATTICK You fucking drama queens exaggerate everything; "and when he walked off that curb he could have broke his neck from the long fall." "Oooh, there's a spider the size of my BMW, in the shower, ooooooh, eeeeeew,"
Cintia - 7 years ago
KEANU/GAME ATTICK You fucking drama queens exaggerate everything; "and when he walked off that curb he could have broke his neck from the long fall." "Oooh, there's a spider the size of my BMW, in the shower, ooooooh, eeeeeew,"
VoniQx - 9 years ago
+Keanu Mckenna i agree man
KEANU/GAME ATTICK - 10 years ago
KEANU/GAME ATTICK - 10 years ago
He fucken almost drowned assholes
marc ransom
marc ransom - 10 years ago
Santa Cruz ?   Don't be mean to these homeless people. One Day you may find yourself in that spot.
Lucas Archuleta
Lucas Archuleta - 10 years ago
Shame on you,...poor guy cld of drowned,do u think u can live w that!?....assholes!
5tonyvvvv - 10 years ago
+Lucas Archuleta Drown? This guy is a surfing Legend!!
chimeranzl - 10 years ago
WTF? thats some funny shit! and anways, they helped him out near the end of the video - your glasses must have fallen off...
Jon - 10 years ago
Shame on you for laughing and making fun of someone less fortunate than yourself.
SalemKid - 11 years ago
This is the actor that will be playing Bodhi in the remake of point Break, he's got the moves!
Chris Kash
Chris Kash - 11 years ago
Blackfaded - 12 years ago
Ich hätte dem eher mal geholfen...

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