10 Biggest Waves Ever Recorded

Here are the top 10 biggest waves caught on camera. From a Tsunami to the largest surf waves ever. Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TopTrending Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TopTrending Commentator: http://www.youtube.com/user/BaerTaffy More videos: 5 Biggest Tsunami Caught On Camera https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-2khcTHIgs 5 BIG Waves You Wouldn't Believe if not on video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwuKvmNQrRM 10 Biggest Waves Ever Recorded

10 Biggest Waves Ever Recorded sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1202

Surf 6 years ago 887,486 views

Here are the top 10 biggest waves caught on camera. From a Tsunami to the largest surf waves ever. Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TopTrending Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TopTrending Commentator: http://www.youtube.com/user/BaerTaffy More videos: 5 Biggest Tsunami Caught On Camera https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-2khcTHIgs 5 BIG Waves You Wouldn't Believe if not on video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwuKvmNQrRM 10 Biggest Waves Ever Recorded

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Most popular comments
for 10 Biggest Waves Ever Recorded

Jon Hamm
Jon Hamm - 5 years ago
pacific ocean?????? it shows florida....you have no clue wtf u r talking about florida is surrounded by atlantic ocean and gulf of mex. go back to school smh
Casey - 5 years ago
I was expecting a better video
werewolf873 - 5 years ago
hey, you know what nobody wants to hear? your voice. just post text in the bottom of the video
JMA Renja
JMA Renja - 5 years ago
werewolf873 why
Unknown_Glezz - 5 years ago
3:57 the woman that took that video died in that tsunami
maciek szpak
maciek szpak - 5 years ago
So chaotic video...
tomas.alvarado alvarado
tomas.alvarado alvarado - 5 years ago
More seeing hurricanes less talking man, just kidding
FaqUrNwoBS - 5 years ago
Is it about waves or ships in distress? ...
TungarN - 5 years ago
i was expecting that 10 is the least biggest wave of the 10 presented but you got em all mixxed up for some reason i dont fucking like it mate. good vid tho
Thomas Vogel
Thomas Vogel - 5 years ago
At start was hardly a natural wave mor a hydrogen bomb

10. comment for 10 Biggest Waves Ever Recorded

Milton Halton
Milton Halton - 5 years ago
This video simply sucks!
Catherine Elder
Catherine Elder - 5 years ago
What kind of weird people would put a bomb in the ocean
Aqua 458
Aqua 458 - 5 years ago
Rouge holes anyone?
Nicky Wright
Nicky Wright - 5 years ago
just jump over it XDDDD
Cledus Snow
Cledus Snow - 5 years ago
If you cut half of the useless facts out of the equation you wouldn't have to talk so fast and we could enjoy the video a bit more. Cledus out
Hal VanSlyck
Hal VanSlyck - 5 years ago
Some good video here but the presentation drifted all over the map to the point I became confused about what the subject matter was supposed to be.
Colin Starr
Colin Starr - 5 years ago
Interesting right up until the impeach Trump advertisement popped up. How shameful
Bayne - 5 years ago
As soon as I saw the picture of Florida, which is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico....as your illustration when you said "In the middle of the Pacific..." I knew this was a click bait piece of shit video that you really didn't pay much attention to detail on (obviously) ...so you had me until the 1:04 mark. Nice try. (not)
Supreme gamer Elite
Supreme gamer Elite - 5 years ago
0:03 ThatsNot a wave the ship dropa super large bomb
ZGaming D
ZGaming D - 5 years ago
The nuke created the waves...
Sylvia kiss
Sylvia kiss - 5 years ago
really scary

20. comment for 10 Biggest Waves Ever Recorded

Mark Iplier
Mark Iplier - 5 years ago
That vessel was empty in the first clip btw
Orc123184 - 5 years ago
el nino
el nino - 5 years ago
It's El nino Spanish for the nino !! All storms must bow before El nino

This video is bullshit by the way !!!
5950155 - 5 years ago
GIANT WAVE ATTACKS SHIP.....ya...okay...
J B Campbell
J B Campbell - 5 years ago
Stupid. I didn’t hear anything about the stats of waves or countdown stupid
martin theobald
martin theobald - 5 years ago
stupid video.
James Bowden
James Bowden - 5 years ago
Can we see the damn footage all the way through or is it just going to be clipped to death. I am getting damn tired of these top whatever lists in general but also damn liars like this one where you see almost nothing!
Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson - 5 years ago
Wait why does Florida look so big? I can see the curvature of the earth it looks huge———
Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson - 5 years ago
gage hall
Whoa—nearly as long as Great Britain then. Cool
gage hall
gage hall - 5 years ago
500 miles long
gage hall
gage hall - 5 years ago
Florida is a long state.
Richard Tibbitts
Richard Tibbitts - 5 years ago
The awe of the awesome power...awe, you lost me. Voiceover is unprofessional.
John Pank
John Pank - 5 years ago
i've been on a cruise not that long ago but

now im never going on another

30. comment for 10 Biggest Waves Ever Recorded

Mr. Cactus
Mr. Cactus - 5 years ago
This video is a mess honeslty
Orc123184 - 5 years ago
monty monty
monty monty - 5 years ago
my laptop just flooded
Chris Muir
Chris Muir - 5 years ago
The guy talks about the car going through the wave what about the guy that was just standing there then disappeared
Jodie Gallardo
Jodie Gallardo - 5 years ago
Dont you mean tsunami?
Blake Benoit
Blake Benoit - 5 years ago
Why would these idiots play the clips on little little fake screens inside the real screen I’m watching the video on?
Arnold Stollar
Arnold Stollar - 5 years ago
Raul Izquierdo
Raul Izquierdo - 5 years ago
In the middle of the pacific shows florida
no no
no no - 5 years ago
tsunamis are actually beautiful
Antonia Tv
Antonia Tv - 5 years ago
Ron Sutton
Ron Sutton - 5 years ago
It switched from big waves to ships in storms
Kit Peters
Kit Peters - 5 years ago
a stupid video compiled by someone stupid (I assume)...
A for AWESOME - 5 years ago
These aren’t even waves they’re just natural disasters. Thumbs down
scorpion19142001 - 5 years ago
Nice video. I like safety At home. Thank You Very Much !!!!!!!!!!!
Phil Seelig
Phil Seelig - 5 years ago
Umm he said 73 feet then he said 100feet
Monk Kenyon
Monk Kenyon - 5 years ago
You're only showing the ass end of most and talking about it. Not bad narration, but horrible footage.
NQB Game
NQB Game - 5 years ago
If had tide wave, we could die
Peter Phil
Peter Phil - 5 years ago
This is total Rubbish
this is fun
this is fun - 5 years ago
I'm the 300 comment 2019 storm hannah right now no electricity
buster rymes
buster rymes - 5 years ago
when I see a wave really tall and coming at me on here all I can think of is the captain of the Poseidon and say OH MY GOD
buster rymes
buster rymes - 5 years ago
hard left close all water tight doors
buster rymes
buster rymes - 5 years ago
number 10 man made ok a bomb not a tidal wave

50. comment for 10 Biggest Waves Ever Recorded

Richard A
Richard A - 5 years ago
I think the largest recorded waves come from information from deep-water oil rigs.
Rocket Rod
Rocket Rod - 5 years ago
I like watching utube clips on a tiny tv from the 90's on my new tablet ... naughht!
The Demon
The Demon - 5 years ago
Explaining about the small ship and how the wave almost took it but no wave in the pic. Piss off with this thrown together crap.
wanda taylor
wanda taylor - 5 years ago
Zannoki Gaming
Zannoki Gaming - 5 years ago
Wow now i know this:sea farts lots of times.
Sxmy - 5 years ago
there werent waves in japan
blewyd - 5 years ago
A window submerged on a cruise ship means big waves like over 35 feet waves which is big but it's happened on many cruise ships.
blewyd - 5 years ago
Finally a decent top 10 video.
Boosted Monkey
Boosted Monkey - 5 years ago
“These are the bravest musicians in the world” fuck off with that the waves go over lower deck windows in storms that’s why there aren’t balconies they know it happens and they ships are designed to deal with it just fine
Alex Claar
Alex Claar - 5 years ago
How about making it full screen instead of a old ass computer
0nceinalifetim3 - 5 years ago
How about showing us some ACTUAL F*CKING FOOTAGE?! I hate being clickbaited into meaningless shit like this. This is all talk and generic pictures, while I was hoping to see some video footage of actual freaking waves! Claiming Japanese towns were struck by waves as high as 130ft but only showing the flooding videos (12ft water level tops) that every person on YT has already seen multiple times is just plain and simply weak bro...
bridge boi
bridge boi - 5 years ago
10 was meme
Requiem X01
Requiem X01 - 5 years ago
Did this video change purpose half way through
Chas Peking
Chas Peking - 5 years ago
The Fukushima tsunami had no 9.1 earthquake associated with it. Note that NOBODY was running for their cars until the water was already there. This means, they felt no major earthquake, which means the penciled in 9.1 on the USGS and the Japanese seismic reports was FALSE. Bicycles still remained standing up at the racks, very little stucco cracked, no cars flipped up into the air, and the seismic graphs proved 2-3 nukes had been set off in the trench out front. Japanese folks KNOW coastal areas are a potentially lethal hazard when a tsunami hits, but NOBODY can be seen running to flee the coast until the water starts to show up. Check out those graphs. Accurate copies exist downloaded 6 years ago. Maybe only fakes from the USGS today.
larsmonsen88 - 5 years ago
*block channel
Luke Smith
Luke Smith - 5 years ago
Just shut up and show us the god damm videos!
SupaDavidz - 5 years ago
Can’t see tv on a tv
Rahul Raj Rai
Rahul Raj Rai - 5 years ago
shit video
Bartolo Vids
Bartolo Vids - 5 years ago
1:03 In the middle of the pacific yet shows a picture of Florida from space
Yukina37892 Louthan243
Yukina37892 Louthan243 - 5 years ago
When I was little I got mixed up with wave and Tsunami I called a wave a tiny Tsunami and I called a Tsunami a big wave
Niscimble - 5 years ago
This is a terrible compilation
Edisson P.
Edisson P. - 5 years ago
"bravest musicians the world has ever known" lmao thats so dramatic
Who's Your Daddy?
Who's Your Daddy? - 5 years ago
All those men involved in Operation Wahoo...got to wonder how many died from cancer due to the exposure.
Calam Transgression
Calam Transgression - 5 years ago
The 100ft wave surfed was by an Australian and then the navy ship was also Australian
Off The Hook Videos
Off The Hook Videos - 5 years ago
What about the wave from the collapsed glacier in the valley that created a wave over 100 metres high?
DVL ART - 5 years ago
Your video title is fake. Give us waves!
Axy Gamer
Axy Gamer - 5 years ago
chungus - 5 years ago
this is probably the worst video ive ever watched
Carol Ziegler
Carol Ziegler - 5 years ago
I want to go to the beach this summer
Carol Ziegler
Carol Ziegler - 5 years ago
The ocean floor is home now
Asap Fuji
Asap Fuji - 5 years ago
Just search james charles
Oskar Söderberg
Oskar Söderberg - 5 years ago
Whoever edited this seems to have been way more interested in experimententing with their video software than actually showing clips of waves... they're probably pretty happy with the result to, given that they didn't think it necessary to provide sources to any of the clips shown they seem to think noone watching this would be interested in said clips either.
sierra 117
sierra 117 - 5 years ago
I don't use usually dislike videos..... But
D Ball
D Ball - 5 years ago
My grandpa was there at bikini when they tested the underwater blast
0pnMnded - 6 years ago
Nice, use less than half the fucking screen to show the footage. Why not just go all the way and play it on your desktop and record it with your phone vertically at a 30 degree angle to the screen? For added effect, you could shake the phone and cut away exactly when the action begins and cut back when it's over...
eren yanger
eren yanger - 6 years ago
Those are not waves it's a tsunami
Masonbutt23 - 6 years ago
“ in the middle of the pacific”

Shows image of Florida
Alex H
Alex H - 5 years ago
Millenial intern came to mind....
Tom Kelly
Tom Kelly - 5 years ago
Also a picture of a U.S. Coast Guard Cutter while talking about the North Sea.
Steven Payne
Steven Payne - 6 years ago
It’s definitely not “a full sized ocean liner” at 5:00...it’s a damn warship.
Donkey - 6 years ago
Who makes these videos? They say at 1:03 "in the middle of the pacific" WHILE SHOWING FLORIDA ...
Carol Ziegler
Carol Ziegler - 5 years ago
It was a heracane
Carol Ziegler
Carol Ziegler - 5 years ago
The titanic sailed into a a storm like that lasted year
sikierka32 adventures
sikierka32 adventures - 6 years ago
That's a tsunami idiot
Mike Anderson
Mike Anderson - 6 years ago
Should have a disclaimer in the title that none of the 10 have any footage of the actual event. Fucking clickbait pieces of shit.
Linked - 6 years ago
the first clip was of a atomic bomb test
Øystein Espedal
Øystein Espedal - 6 years ago
Why yes I would love to watch these clips on a virtual 15" CRT TV from the nineties.
Vega Punk
Vega Punk - 5 years ago
But you actually won't see them anyway, just small previews and bad montage.
Carol Ziegler
Carol Ziegler - 5 years ago
Stupid missal
Peter Beardsley
Peter Beardsley - 5 years ago
LOL, this comment literally made my day. Im laughing so hard. Thank you :)
kevin - 6 years ago
Not thick enough boys
The Gaming Norwegian
The Gaming Norwegian - 6 years ago
5:00... U do know thats a navy cutter right? Thats exactly what its made for doing.................
anonymous - 6 years ago
So how can you not mentioning the height of the wave from the nuclear blast
ZaNoshi - 6 years ago
You're only gonna measure the waves in feet? K
Mark Mower
Mark Mower - 6 years ago
Sarah Baker
Sarah Baker - 6 years ago
they are massve
Thecool Guy
Thecool Guy - 6 years ago
This is trash
Wizacarda - 6 years ago
aboard AHOY
Wizacarda - 6 years ago
please get me about captains ship
Preston Garvey
Preston Garvey - 6 years ago
At 4:52, the ship is built for that. Just research.
primaler rush b
primaler rush b - 6 years ago
Can you please make your videos with the metric system as well . There are 7.1 billion people that use it
DICK LONG - 5 years ago
The narrator is American so you can forget it.
Chris Di Paolo
Chris Di Paolo - 5 years ago
The imperial measurement system came from Britain.
dwayne fien
dwayne fien - 5 years ago
we here in the states use it too (well those that deal in kilos... lol) but really I have friends out side of the US so I routinely use metric system measurements
Michael Martin
Michael Martin - 5 years ago
Please stop embarrasing the rest of us who do use it, but are prepared to apply a little brain power when somebody doesn't.
Spasm McSpasm
Spasm McSpasm - 6 years ago
The USA has introduced the metric system several times the last being 1975 but it was not officially enforced. So because penis measurement conversion would have been too hard to figure out especially as no American can actually see their own penis they stuck with imperial measurement. God save the queen.
Alma Miranda
Alma Miranda - 6 years ago
Find a conversion table
Regal - Rocket League
Regal - Rocket League - 6 years ago
3 feet = approximately 1 meter
Pepijn Beek
Pepijn Beek - 6 years ago
nowtheworld138 I do really hope this is sarcasm
nowtheworld138 - 6 years ago
Nah metric system is overrated. The rest of the world has to adjust to us not the other way around

100. comment for 10 Biggest Waves Ever Recorded

Jennifer Hakala
Jennifer Hakala - 6 years ago
At 5:27 I LIVE THERE OMG!!!!
know the unknown
know the unknown - 5 years ago
Where was it???
Draconic *
Draconic * - 6 years ago
Brian Leija
Brian Leija - 6 years ago
Trash ass fucking video
BIRDS AREN'T REAL - 6 years ago
more WAVES!
Dexter Madingledorf
Dexter Madingledorf - 6 years ago
says "wahoo" was tested in middle of pacific, then shows picture of Florida.......FAIL.
Eqqulate - 6 years ago
Haval Yousif
Haval Yousif - 6 years ago
There mostly tsunamis
Monk Kenyon
Monk Kenyon - 6 years ago
Shit 78ft? Try 108 ft that was surfed. After of course.
dormie200 - 6 years ago
Should have done a bit more research on that Antarctic one.

In 2001, I think, Caledonian Star and Bremen [Antarctic cruise ships] both had their bridge windows caved in by freak waves only 2 or 3 days apart. The Bremen in particular was very lucky to survive being totally without power for quite a few hours after the hit
anya banana
anya banana - 6 years ago
In the real video of 5:00 the guys are LAUGHING because it’s a normal size wave for them
Thatdangdog - 6 years ago
I bet it happened because of hiroshima! (Japan)
suckpipe - 6 years ago
wow useless video
clara kris
clara kris - 6 years ago
He's not surfing on a wave.
Suicidal Kermit The frog
Suicidal Kermit The frog - 6 years ago
Pro noob
Pro noob - 6 years ago
Wave check
Ooo got them waters
vlxxx - 6 years ago
The first few were waves, the last few were simply stormy weather. Sucked
Final Light
Final Light - 6 years ago
John F Hendry
John F Hendry - 6 years ago
2:57 Who cares... since when have the achievements of great people been recognized by the wannabes making judgement.... the record is yours Garret, at least for now. Shame Rick is not here to congratulate you as well... just have to wait and see what time does with that fact.
alex is doing vids
alex is doing vids - 6 years ago
I was born the day the Japanese tsunami has hit
1sk !
1sk ! - 6 years ago
I'm older yay finally xD I was one when it happen
Ben Thye
Ben Thye - 6 years ago
Florida is not in the pacific. Might want to grab another sat view.
indy_go_blue60 - 6 years ago
#6. If your captain has you anywhere on deck, well enough a "crow's nest" (archaic) then he needs to be summarily courtmartialed, dismissed, and flogged 39 times with a cat o' nine tails.
J Michael Hossman
J Michael Hossman - 6 years ago
Nicky - 6 years ago
Why do you put everything in the small TV ?
Tom Kelly
Tom Kelly - 5 years ago
To avoid copystrikes probably. But that's a silly thing for a channel of this size to worry about.
Paul Newman
Paul Newman - 6 years ago
Still didn't talk about the tallest wave which was in Alaska1200'
Jacob H.
Jacob H. - 6 years ago
Paul Newman really? How tall was it?
Calvin Dawson
Calvin Dawson - 6 years ago
SUBSCRIBE TO RaidYT Unturned- Roblox and more! (please) :(
Mr. Papageorgio
Mr. Papageorgio - 6 years ago
The Jews control the weather.
pewpeat - 6 years ago
the f in japanese makes an H sound... its pronounced hukushima not fukushima
Aidan Wessels
Aidan Wessels - 6 years ago
the guy one the bike is in his wetsuit
Impulse - 6 years ago
Penis fish bro!
Vince Z
Vince Z - 6 years ago
Bull shit cover the hole lnand why didn't they film it camera was high up on tree bull .
Thor - 6 years ago
Try trillions of dollars from The Japan Tsunami it May just destroy the planet
The Feeling Is Mutual
The Feeling Is Mutual - 6 years ago
This is like 1000 pictures.
1MSWILLIE - 6 years ago
Keith Evans
Keith Evans - 6 years ago
Waves make me feel sick...a hell of alot!!
Brody Price
Brody Price - 6 years ago
the wahoo wave is nuts
PAULO LOPES - 6 years ago
I am from Nazaré
Jesse Bella
Jesse Bella - 6 years ago
PT1139 - 6 years ago
nazare is a lovely little town
Rein Ancelin Fiedalan
Rein Ancelin Fiedalan - 6 years ago
Intl Pro
Intl Pro - 6 years ago
darkandlovely - 6 years ago
Seems like there’s more of everything else but the waves. Show very little Of the very thing I watched the video for
Gacha Forever!
Gacha Forever! - 6 years ago
I'm gay your lame subscribe to lil yeet and look up all his fame
Flieger7 - 6 years ago
If you see water in the ocean---run for your life and call 911 immediately.
Gibbyson The talking cat
Gibbyson The talking cat - 5 years ago
Flieger7 I think I’ve seen that before,oh yea it’s from bright side like that cookies one and the one with the symbols
Uncommon Sense
Uncommon Sense - 6 years ago
Please show the footage at full screen, not through that 80s looking computer screen effect.
Auckland Knights
Auckland Knights - 6 years ago
Roses are red, violets are blue, the actual video starts at 0:52

Edit: Omg thanks for the likes :)
Carol Ziegler
Carol Ziegler - 5 years ago
I'm going on a cruise
Carol Ziegler
Carol Ziegler - 5 years ago
I like ocean
i -monarmyzen-l
i -monarmyzen-l - 5 years ago
Theresa Fairfield
Theresa Fairfield - 5 years ago
Sean McLeod
Sean McLeod - 5 years ago
Put not out
Sean McLeod
Sean McLeod - 5 years ago
+Auckland Knights that's why I out the X ok xxx
Auckland Knights
Auckland Knights - 5 years ago
+Sean McLeod uh... ok great....why? XD
Sean McLeod
Sean McLeod - 5 years ago
I'm a girl u know xxx
Auckland Knights
Auckland Knights - 5 years ago
+Eden Deja lol
Eden Deja
Eden Deja - 5 years ago
Sean McLeod bruh
Sean McLeod
Sean McLeod - 5 years ago
Roses are red violets are blue thank you Auckland I appreciate you xxx
Sean McLeod
Sean McLeod - 5 years ago
Courtney Johns
Courtney Johns - 5 years ago
Thanks mate
James _
James _ - 5 years ago
Eden Deja
Eden Deja - 5 years ago
Roses are red, violets are blue, thank you Auckland, I appreciate you
Hotel? Trivago
Hotel? Trivago - 6 years ago
Atty 304000
Atty 304000 - 6 years ago
Rooster riot 1150
Rooster riot 1150 - 6 years ago
0:31 true Australian
DTGuforex - 6 years ago
Ur video sucks ass
Amadis Demitrius
Amadis Demitrius - 6 years ago
how the absolute fuck is a wet sidewalk #4 and a fucking tsunami injuring tens of thousands #7?
Mack Martin
Mack Martin - 6 years ago
misleading title
Christopher Doria
Christopher Doria - 6 years ago
Eugene Walton
Eugene Walton - 6 years ago
Great video. Number 2 tho is mis-labeled. The liner involved was not the Marco Polo. That ship is a bit bigger than the one in the video.
George T Peppel
George T Peppel - 6 years ago
This sucks.
JT Ku - 6 years ago
Is there a reason why we have to look at any of this on a 25 year old computer screen?
Barbara Hammer
Barbara Hammer - 6 years ago
the brave people who works on the seas and oceans all around the world..i am proud of all of them..
Irene Mesecke
Irene Mesecke - 6 years ago
Well there goes my desire to go on a cruise ship for a fun filled few days.
Barbara Hammer
Barbara Hammer - 6 years ago
my mother sam loves them big waves coming in texas with them hurricane storms we always go down to see them big waves. >>i do respect the seas and the oceans.We have many brave who make there living on the seas and the oceans. I am proud all of them. true..
Hailey Raskin
Hailey Raskin - 6 years ago
Barbara Hammer Why tho
Teh TastyTroll
Teh TastyTroll - 6 years ago
Try 5 metre waves on a thirty foot boat, that is where it get interesting
Nicole Gheibi
Nicole Gheibi - 6 years ago
the first video of the bomb in the water, what is that? can i read about it somewhere?
Down to earth, back to basics
Down to earth, back to basics - 6 years ago
Here's one for you to research and maybe add to your list. I was aboard a passenger ship called the Mv (I think) Orange (pronounced orangee) on it's way to Melbourne Australia on about 15 December 1959. The ship was a day or two from Melbourne in the Great Australian Bight when at about midday we were caught by a very powerful wave that caused the ship to roll to 48 degrees. There was much damage including bursting portholes one deck below the main deck, when we reached Melbourne approximately 50 passengers were hospitalised with an array of injuries.
Hailey Raskin
Hailey Raskin - 6 years ago
I hate waves. A lot.
Hailey Raskin
Hailey Raskin - 6 years ago
Monit Kapoor I have.
Monit Kapoor
Monit Kapoor - 6 years ago
Hailey Raskin well, learn to swim. 96% of smaller wave deaths are from inexperienced swimmers. Don’t be that 96%
Hailey Raskin
Hailey Raskin - 6 years ago
Monit Kapoor What do ya mean, how come?
Monit Kapoor
Monit Kapoor - 6 years ago
FlyingFatCatto Nation How come?
FlyingFatCatto Nation
FlyingFatCatto Nation - 6 years ago
Unicorn101 #unifam
Unicorn101 #unifam - 6 years ago
Mother Nature pay us for the damage you have caused
PrumSet - 5 years ago
Nah, we should pay it..
Benjamin Fish
Benjamin Fish - 6 years ago
urban surf
urban surf - 6 years ago
Robot voice :/
beelboy 006
beelboy 006 - 6 years ago
I don't appreciate being clickbaited , goodbye
theMetal973 - 6 years ago
0:00 I thought that was Ali-a for a sec
S Blaze
S Blaze - 6 years ago
Oll Amazing
Oll Amazing - 6 years ago
Plzz subsribe my chanel i have reqst you too all of you i need support
Maestro Jack
Maestro Jack - 6 years ago
Peter B
Peter B - 6 years ago
What I hate to pause every time to figure out what feet are in meters. Also mention in meters not only in feet.
gay pornfluffer
gay pornfluffer - 6 years ago
For those who are mentioning Lituya Bay,Mt St Helens,etc.,these are waves that were recorded on camera,not recorded in the context of being on record.
Lee Squires
Lee Squires - 6 years ago
Pretty poor from Top Trending only putting on the screen the cost in money of the tsunami and not the loss of life which is more important than money!
Deadlocked Sapphires
Deadlocked Sapphires - 6 years ago
Well we have over 7 billion people it doesn’t matter. There are animal lives at stake should be concerned more than humans
Alfra7 - 6 years ago
My fat ass thought the thumbnail was a blue steak lol
JohnQRandom - 6 years ago
Number 9 is complete bullshit and Rodrigo Koxa did NOT surf the biggest wave ever surfed. The fact is, a Los Angeles area bank robber, who went by the name of Bodhi, currently holds the record for the largest wave ever to be surfed. He did it in 1991 at Bells Beach, located in Australia, and waves that day were the result of a super natural occurrence known as The 50 Year Storm. The exact size of the wave he surfed was never recorded. However, one onlooker was actually able to confirm that Bodhi WAS the only surfer brave enough to paddle out that day, and that man was an FBI agent named Johnny Utah. Utah, also (unfortunately) confirmed Bodhi's death due to being crushed by the first and only wave he surfed that tragic afternoon, as even locals standing on the beach described the waves during the storm as "death on a stick." Johnny Utah retired immediately from the FBI after Bodhi's death and for the past 27 years has been a surfer himself.
Karen Lindsey
Karen Lindsey - 5 years ago
Vance Webb - u don't read many comments, do u?
fallguye6011 - 5 years ago
He didn't come back.
Cokke MSP
Cokke MSP - 6 years ago
JohnQRandom Someone has done research.
JohnQRandom - 6 years ago
+Vance Webb Haha. Thanks man.
Vance Webb
Vance Webb - 6 years ago
This is probably the best comment I’ve ever read on YouTube! Thanks for the laugh sir
JohnQRandom - 6 years ago
+[GD] D4vide69 See the ending of the original film 'Point Break' from 1991 (not the remake) for confirmation.
[GD] D4vide69
[GD] D4vide69 - 6 years ago
McNamara surfed the biggest wave ever, but it wan’t recognized by Guiness. He said that Koxa has the largest OFFICIAL wave recorded by Guiness. Also, why does no one have an estimate of this wave if there were witnesses? Please correct me if I am wrong I just found this weird.
Nay231 Rose
Nay231 Rose - 6 years ago
°Fløøfly° °私はFløøfyです°
°Fløøfly° °私はFløøfyです° - 6 years ago
Not last!!!
Eco - 6 years ago
This video is just retarded, like what is this video even about, tallest waves or ships caught in storms caught on tape
WindowsXP - 6 years ago
Still not as big as humanga dunga
Paris s g since 2000 and 13
Paris s g since 2000 and 13 - 5 years ago
kissandmakeup16 I think in England that’s when our summer holiday is so they’re off school maybe
kissandmakeup16 - 5 years ago
Vala Dina yup and most people go in hurricane season crazy
PREPFORIT - 6 years ago
Next Election  BLUE WAVE !    Kick   the red criminals OUT!
Marshmallow - 5 years ago
Juliet Haase
Juliet Haase - 5 years ago
That giant Alaskan wave was only 112 feet tall but attacked areas 1750 feet inland
Jacob H.
Jacob H. - 6 years ago
Oll Amazing shut the fuck up
ChumpTroop - 6 years ago
1: you spelled “Lituya” wrong
2: this video is titled “largest waves ever RECORDED” the wave in Lituya Bay wasn’t caught on film
3: you thought you were smart because you read a Wikipedia article but now you look like a fucking dickhead fuck off
Jesse Bella
Jesse Bella - 6 years ago
​+this lil bitch Oh ok, send me 10.00 via paypal and we will say no more about it and call it a draw. You are right, so am I.
this lil bitch
this lil bitch - 6 years ago
+Jesse Bella its implied
Jesse Bella
Jesse Bella - 6 years ago
+this lil bitch mm it says ever recorded, so.
Addicted_to_Strawlberryshortcake - 6 years ago
+Oll Amazing Put somthing related to the comment, sub begger..
Sammy Matthies
Sammy Matthies - 6 years ago
Nuh omg
Max Bailey
Max Bailey - 6 years ago
Holy fuck that would be terrifying
this lil bitch
this lil bitch - 6 years ago
The video means captured on camera. That wave was only recorded through documents.
Oll Amazing
Oll Amazing - 6 years ago
Plzzz subscribe my chanel i need support
PREPFORIT - 6 years ago
Wha Wha Wha…..
Lettuce Juice
Lettuce Juice - 6 years ago
Those Cape Town waves were nothing, every year basically Hawai’i gets ~50* ft waves
gargigulos - 6 years ago
The blue wave in the 2018 midterms was the biggest vote margin ever.
DomesticGarlic - 6 years ago
This countdown had no direction whatsoever.
Invisible Racoon
Invisible Racoon - 6 years ago
Jay Rodriguez
Jay Rodriguez - 6 years ago
Am not First I think am Nothing Cause IDC
bartie2301 - 6 years ago
I thought recording was something people used to do in the VCR times?
Jake Alter
Jake Alter - 6 years ago
I’m pretty sure that wave that hit lituya bay in Alaska in 1958 was far bigger than any of these waves, it was a full size mega tsunami that reached a height of over 1,700 feet
know the unknown
know the unknown - 5 years ago
+Alexia Escoto and how long the water hit the inland,?
Carol Ziegler
Carol Ziegler - 5 years ago
The ocean is deep and dark
Carol Ziegler
Carol Ziegler - 5 years ago
If you be nice to the ocean
The ocean will be nice to you
Dan Rather
Dan Rather - 5 years ago
+Juliet Haase You're clearly referring to the flow of water inland, correct.??
Dan Rather
Dan Rather - 5 years ago
There is no film footage of the Lituya Bay tsunami that exists today. But I have to agree with you on that hypothesis. The only things that rivaled Lituya Bay are Chixulub which wiped out the dinosaurs, Vesuvius and Tambora. Those three right there changed the world as it was known back then on global scale.
doogie howser
doogie howser - 5 years ago
your right
fallguye6011 - 5 years ago
Wiped out the timberline.
Michael Martin
Michael Martin - 5 years ago
+WasteOfOxygen You had to set up and load a heavy and expensive camera ahead of time, though. Spontaneous filming was rare, kind of hard to capture a sudden natural disaster like that. There's very little footage of even the first impact on 9/11 or the beginning of the 2011 Japanese earthquake.
Ghost rider 3718
Ghost rider 3718 - 5 years ago
Jake Alter it was not recorded
Freya Haglund
Freya Haglund - 5 years ago
+ChumpTroop It was in the late 50's, the wave was measured by looking at how high up the damage was on themountains by the bay.
Mabye you're not clever just rfom reading a wikipedia article, but you certainly are more clever than someone who hasn't
Juliet Haase
Juliet Haase - 5 years ago
The wave was 1700 feet inland
Juliet Haase
Juliet Haase - 5 years ago
1700 feet inland
Juliet Haase
Juliet Haase - 5 years ago
It was 112 feet
Alexia Escoto
Alexia Escoto - 6 years ago
lituya bay mega tsunami 1958 10:16pm triggered by a magnitude 7.7 earthquake the wave was 1720 feet the damage costs was over 1 billion dollars ya boi did a project on this at school
Pete Sherman
Pete Sherman - 6 years ago
True that’s what I was thinking too
D Heath
D Heath - 6 years ago
Was it recorded?
Tom Fisher
Tom Fisher - 6 years ago
Measurement documentation ???
indy_go_blue60 - 6 years ago
You've probably seen the video of the man and his son who were finish in the bay that day, witnessed the rock slide and resulting wave. Sounds to me like even if he had a camera, being intelligent unlike today's people, he was way too fucking busy trying to stay alive to take any movies even if he'd had a camera.
plush rocket
plush rocket - 6 years ago
Its says biggest waves ever recorded, mean in on camera. To back up this look at the description. It says biggest waves caught om camera.
WasteOfOxygen - 6 years ago
thegamingtiger I know that I was making a comparison tho
thegamingtiger - 6 years ago
+WasteOfOxygen lol films were stared in the late 1800 camera have been around since the mid 1800s
ChumpTroop - 6 years ago
1: there’s no video of that
2: you’re not clever because you read a wikipedia article
Jake Alter
Jake Alter - 6 years ago
WasteOfOxygen then there probably were, I wasn’t sure
WasteOfOxygen - 6 years ago
Jake Alter there were cameras that recorded videos during the First World War of course there were cameras around then
Jake Alter
Jake Alter - 6 years ago
Billy Johnson I’m not sure since it happened during the 1950’s or 1960’s
Billy Johnson
Billy Johnson - 6 years ago
Is their any video footage?
Big Steve
Big Steve - 6 years ago
No wave on the last one?
Randy Schartiger
Randy Schartiger - 6 years ago
wow keeping my ass on land lol
Miss Xans
Miss Xans - 6 years ago
Heyyy :)
Poor Coyote
Poor Coyote - 6 years ago
Being on a ship alone is nothing, try going to sleep while drunk as fuck, on a ship.
Sean Ayuso
Sean Ayuso - 6 years ago
I heard nothing about the size of the waves for the last ones ...
Rahul Raj Rai
Rahul Raj Rai - 5 years ago
true, pathetic video
Lochie ELLARD - 6 years ago
Bro u deaf
ugandan god
ugandan god - 6 years ago
Oll Amazing
Oll Amazing - 6 years ago
Plzz subscribe my chanel i need support plzzz
Maddie Greer
Maddie Greer - 6 years ago
Metal Head 420 heck ya bruhhhh
Jaron McArthur
Jaron McArthur - 6 years ago
egg yum
egg yum - 6 years ago
I saw 8 first comments this time
XL Mods LX
XL Mods LX - 6 years ago
And first like
°Fløøfly° °私はFløøfyです°
°Fløøfly° °私はFløøfyです° - 6 years ago
You were the 30th like though
Corinne Snyder
Corinne Snyder - 6 years ago
First dislike
Syntax_3rror - 6 years ago
im gay
Waves In motion
Waves In motion - 6 years ago
+Benjamin Grimes you gay?
Boost Mobile
Boost Mobile - 6 years ago
Waves In motion
Waves In motion - 6 years ago
You gays fantasize of a huge wave of sperm
Taby C
Taby C - 6 years ago
I'm asexual panromantic and I might be polygender but I'm not sure
Benjamin Grimes
Benjamin Grimes - 6 years ago
Me, too!
David Kerstetter
David Kerstetter - 6 years ago
i know
Big Steve
Big Steve - 6 years ago
+Syntax_3rror Starbucks car park any time after 5pm on Thursday I have yoga in the morning
Syntax_3rror - 6 years ago
@Big Steve yes mate but you decide the time we meet and where we meet
Big Steve
Big Steve - 6 years ago
+Syntax_3rror any time you like sunshine, I'll turn your syntax error into a run time error if you know what I mean ;)
Syntax_3rror - 6 years ago
@Big Steve What time you wanna meet up?
Ria Kaur
Ria Kaur - 6 years ago
Cool ?
eCom Zilla
eCom Zilla - 6 years ago
We know
Fredster Rowzey
Fredster Rowzey - 6 years ago
Well done than !!!!!! (Not)
°Fløøfly° °私はFløøfyです°
°Fløøfly° °私はFløøfyです° - 6 years ago
Good for u
Earllaya moore
Earllaya moore - 6 years ago
Am i
Big Steve
Big Steve - 6 years ago
Same bro I would fuck you in heartbeat
SANDR - 6 years ago
No u
Ferfa_231 - 6 years ago
Ace Barron
Ace Barron - 6 years ago
XL Mods LX
XL Mods LX - 6 years ago
Jaffacake 18
Jaffacake 18 - 6 years ago
imran akhtar
imran akhtar - 6 years ago
°Fløøfly° °私はFløøfyです°
°Fløøfly° °私はFløøfyです° - 6 years ago
You are 4th
musical fun
musical fun - 6 years ago
love your vids
Brenna Fisher
Brenna Fisher - 6 years ago
HI! Love ur vids! First BTW
Erik Karlson
Erik Karlson - 6 years ago
Erik Karlson
Erik Karlson - 6 years ago
°Fløøfly° °私はFløøfyです°
°Fløøfly° °私はFløøfyです° - 6 years ago
You are 5th
Alexa Mae ツ
Alexa Mae ツ - 6 years ago
I’m not first ;)
imran akhtar
imran akhtar - 6 years ago
U are first for me ... so dont worry ... lol
X Experiments
X Experiments - 6 years ago
Well I’m first
°Fløøfly° °私はFløøfyです°
°Fløøfly° °私はFløøfyです° - 6 years ago
Your second
Big Steve
Big Steve - 6 years ago
Piss OFF
Spherical - 6 years ago
Omg no way I totally watched this before commenting...I lied.
musical fun
musical fun - 6 years ago
hi first
°Fløøfly° °私はFløøfyです°
°Fløøfly° °私はFløøfyです° - 6 years ago
You are 3rd
xXChaserPlayzXx XD
xXChaserPlayzXx XD - 6 years ago
Amna Dashti
Amna Dashti - 6 years ago
°Fløøfly° °私はFløøfyです°
°Fløøfly° °私はFløøfyです° - 6 years ago
You are 6th

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