10 Giant Waves Caught on Camera
Surf 6 years ago 8,767,025 views
► ListJumbo is a Disney Partnered Channel! Don't mess with mother nature! These are some of the largest waves ever seen! Today's post is on ten giant waves caught on camera. *Original content produced in studio by JJO Video Media* Certain segments are licensed under creative commons (CC): Japanese Coast Guard (CC), Jeremy Mires (CC) ListJumbo brings you fun and informative top ten lists in a variety of different topics. Join us and sub for regular posts.
10. comment for 10 Giant Waves Caught on Camera
20. comment for 10 Giant Waves Caught on Camera
And that’s why the glaciers are melting lol
30. comment for 10 Giant Waves Caught on Camera
I thought I saw that in a video...
They said it was the biggest wave..
err like it was designed to do.
no damage
steel v water
amazing sorry couldn't get any further
Tsunamis are long in diameter and extremely powerful. They are caused by severe movement in tectonic plates or some ocean volcanic eruption. There are usually two waves, the second being bigger then the first one. If you experience an earthquake and are near the ocean, you run.
For the rouge waves, they’re unexpected and big waves that break on shore.
And by the way
I live in Australia and I have NEVER heard ANYONE call a tsunami a rouge wave
They are both completely different.
50. comment for 10 Giant Waves Caught on Camera
They are laughing id ve shitting my. Pants
thank me later
100. comment for 10 Giant Waves Caught on Camera
#7 Tsunamis are the second largest waves in the world. Ocean tides are the largest as they encompass half of the earth.
#5 Portugal is not the most popular destination for pro surfers, Hawaii is by far. Portugal is famous for having the largest surfed wave at Nazaré. Big wave surfers travel the world looking for the biggest surf they can find and were probably surfing that day. No one was surfing at that spot In the video because the waves were slamming into cliffs.
#1. The US Navy was testing the effects of nuclear bombs on ships. Most of what you saw in the video was vaporized water, not a wave.
Don't be so lazy with your videos. Though not surprised it came from Disney, they ruin everything.