3rd Wave Surfing
Surf 7 years ago 166,505 views
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10. comment for 3rd Wave Surfing
Thanks to feminism, women have more rights than men now. The goal of feminism is the outright supremacy of the female and the outright criminalization of every aspect of masculinity and male sexuality.
The feminist crazy train has no brakes and will only end when men decide to stop it. Because truthfully, the only reason the feminists are succeeding is because men allow it. Women can't overpower men physically, so they have to use the proxy violence of government to punish the men that disagree with them. As long as men continue to simp and thirst and worship at the altar of the golden vagina, it will continue to get worse until simply being born with a penis is considered a crime!
Ready to take women's rights away yet? I am!
Be free, be safe, be a MGTOW Monk: it's the only way to survive in this insane, gynocentric world!
20. comment for 3rd Wave Surfing
"broad statement"
Selective Service and protection from genital mutilation
Maybe I should have said the same LACK of rights under the law.
Lets take care of those two things and then we truly will have equality.
30. comment for 3rd Wave Surfing
50. comment for 3rd Wave Surfing
Let's say we have a 100% male company.
Feminists want employment quotas and equal pay acros the board.
Since feminists claim there is no biological sex...
convince half of the men to identify as women just for shits
Quotas met, wage gap fixed :)
This "woman" dreams of "SWEDEN!".
If they took the time to sit down and have a conversation with a man they might realize we feel the same way they do and that's just the nature of existence.
100. comment for 3rd Wave Surfing
...h-e-y ...wait a minute...
I’m pretty sure women are the only ones who actually say that.
HELL YEAH, can it be cannon that undoomed is un-doom guy ? with a fucking moron shot gun ?
i reckon if i went out half naked with my balls hanging out (instead of boobs) i would be arrested seems a bit sexist don't you think?
She is a dumb bitch a bunch of moronic ideas, but you have to admit your reaction at the timestamp was totally knee-jerk and wrong.
Bitch I've done 365 days of Nofap. Go fuck yourself, no one else wants to.
You may want very badly to slather yourself in blood and swim in the ocean but guess what's gonna come around when you do that.............you guessed it..........SHARKS!
In the early 80's rape was REMOVED from the Criminal Code of Canada, and replaced with "Sexual Assault" and then there are levels of Sexual assault, level 1 being lowest. But here's what does still anger me, and I'm a GenX woman, the MAX sentence for "Level 3 Sexual Assault" is ONLY 15 yrs, and in Canada our law states that a person incarcerated is ENTITLED to parole after serving only 1/3 of the sentence given. Most get parole here b/c our prisons aren't private, they're gov funded. The REASON rape, or level 3 sexual assault, has such a low max sentence is b/c in Canada a crime is either "Violent", or "Nonviolent". According to the Criminal Code, NO level of sexual assault is violent. It's classed as a fckn NON violent offence. It makes me sick. The only time a rapist gets more than 15yrs is if they're like Paul Bernardo.
Its called street smarts.
2nd wave man haters
3rd wave man haters
This woman would just LOVE living in the Middle East where a woman would get raped for wearing long pants, & a long sleeve shirt that shows no cleavage.
Oh wait....that happens in Western Countries all the time like Sweden.
Sad to say it will be coming to America soon with the way things are going if President Trump doesn't get a grip on his cabinet members, and stop the damn Democrats.
2nd: Culture modification. Women an can do what men can (regardless if it might have unintended negative outcomes)
3rd: A more extreme 2nd, that rather than the CHOICE of doing what men can do. It forces women into positions by excluding men. This has the following effects A) merit is sidelined for optics leading to issues down the road. B) women are conditioned to act sociopathic or narcissistic behaviour when the majority are not like that. Leading to increase stress, other mental issues C) Deprived of the feeling that they have accomplished something due to ever subconsciously or consciously knowing the system is unfair to their advantage. Leading to decreasing happiness in women.
4th wave: Eating,harassing and destroying itself with it's own bigotry, hatred, stupidity, lies, emotional propaganda, virtue signs.etc etc
ERB ftw!
Apparently Nothing absolutely nothing,
except for victimizing men and hating all men.
And wanting superiority and not equal right's,
which you women already have. In fact you women actually
have more right's then men.
But if I were a rapist, I bet I would go for the prettiest and most open. If I were to steal, I would prefer gold over many other things.
But the idea of passing laws, or "education" is just DUMB! I have a relative in another country, and he said this woman rides her bike NAKED every day. I bet she is more careful NOW, because of all the "refugees"!
I believe the correct phrase for these people is: "They'll never be happy so long as they have a hole in their ass"
Manspreading? This has never been an issue until a few years back. Now men are deemed selfish and sexist for doing it, even though there is a perfectly good anatomical reason men spread when sitting. Yet, the Feminazis will force us to suffer so they can get THEIR way.
3:40 ... I'm almost ashamed to say it, but rice went out my nose. Thank alot surfer dude. You ruined Asian food night.
Here's a suggestion for you if you. want people to take you more seriously? maybe you shouldn't wear a "feminist AF" t-shirt,
I got jumped every time I came off the train in a suit and tie from an interview. The Blatino cops used to stop me when I was in street clothes and hadn’t shaved for a few days (vagrancy, possession/attempting to sell, etc).
If you stick out like a sore thumb in any polarized area, you’ll be a target of some aggression.
In the case of the good clothes, I Mike-Tyson’s it out with a left hook that shattered my fifth metacarpal. In the case of the street clothes, I didn’t freak out and let them see my ID until they realized I lived half a block from the train station. Eventually they learned, though it took a couple years.
I was never told there was a conspiracy or a bogie man out there as “The Man”, but even ex-NCO family told me to have a healthy skepticism of authority with any perceived merit. And if there’s no authority whatsoever, protect yourself without being proactive, lest you become the aggressor.
AntiFa wants to act like Black Panthers and Weather Underground, but they don’t even have a tenuous grasp on a single issue for which to fight... and this is militant feminism from college-dorm logistics.
You would hope they’d have grown out of it already.
The reason they can't think is when they become feminists they put on a wig and it takes all their brain cells and when they put the wig back on and it gives them 1 of them back
Or it's too tight those are my guesses
1 they should not wear cloths that show skin bc thats how woman get raped.
First wave feminism was about giving women rights without giving them the corresponding responsibilities.
Second wave was about removing women's responsibilities.
Third was was/is about increasing men's responsibilities.
Yes, I think this is totally relevant.
JK Undoomed, you're all right.
... "what? Just telling this" ...
... "huh? What? Undoomed?" ...
... "Aww, well shit. Nothing, nevermind, I think we found the moron" ... ::hurls laptop out 4th story window::
Brilliant, well done.
The voice is that of a 5 year old, sure helps her credibility.
The difficult part of this "controlling one's self" idea is that it is sometimes essentially true. Mental disorders, chemical imbalances, and just general "not in their right mind" are things that can have massive influences on behavior. At most though I think the only affect that should have is whether the person goes to a prison or a psych ward.
Wrong direction
ReichWave Feminism.How many snowflakes dose it take to explain there point of view?
Don't know as soon as you give them an opposing argument they scatter yelling racist sexist bigots lol
Women are inferior to men, mentally, physically and emotionally.
The hormone of the "Gods" called testosterone gave us "men" the ability to hunt, to grow wheat and build civilizations!
Women are good ta take care of kids and suck's men cock!
By the way all feminists waves are bullshit, all feminists since the beginning wanted superiority over men, given by Daddy government!
Women will always be dependent on men's ressources and will to share with them, over their pussy !
Is it because her name isn't X?
its okay to be white
its okay to be straight
its okay to be “cis”
You know that you've reached an epic level of crazy when feminists have teamed up with Muslims (Islam). We need to get back to that old practice of locking up the crazy people.
Like not getting into stranger's cars at 2am. Perhaps letting friends know where they are, perhaps not getting absolutely shit drunk to the point where you don't remember 7pm onwards the night before. Are those actions the same thing as blaming other women for being attacked? No. It's self-preservation because there are absolute nasty cunts out there who love easy targets, but when other people (especially men) are the ones to raise awareness for dumb shit NOT to do, it's apparently victim-blaming.
Love the character and production! Always a pleasure to see a new vid!
Feminism has always being about having a flexible workforce so that companies can pay dirt cheap salaries. And, at the same time, get money to the section of the public that are most likely to waste it in shiny things. They are basically brainwashed useless idiots who do not even know that they are used. That's for the private side.
From the government side.
Is easier for political parties to control over emotional people with the attention span of a goldfish. Offer them a shinny thing and they will vote for it. This is the real reason behind 1st wave feminism.
2nd wave, was about eliminating the family thus consolidating the power of government and increase the flexible work force.
3rd wave, is about women having nothing more to fight force thus no one paying them any attention. Thus no one buying the books of 2nd wave feminist who where in danger of their useless programs in universities to be taken out. Of course 3rd wave feminist are too brainwashed and self centered to noticed.
Since I doubt the trend will change. I will be investing on Cat food companies.
If I walk into a gay bar naked, I expect blowjobs. If I walk outside naked, I'm expecting I'm getting arrested.
I wish every feminist would watch this.
Watch And Learn.
Demoodnu(dee-moo'd new). : A supernatural being that feeds on the souls of sjw's. Antogonist, Logic renderer.
If our houses get broken into (surely they won't), and then the cops ask us if we locked our doors, then we'll all blame the cops. How dare they blame us victims and condone the actions of the burglars?! That's victim blaming!
If our houses get broken into (surely they won't), and then the cops ask us if we locked our doors, then we'll all blame the cops. How dare they blame us victims and condone the actions of the burglars?! That's victim blaming!
If i had one wish, I would wish to be a Saiyan. so i could control ki, and do a kamehameha. behold the religious left.
Also this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XC4vIBZkRSk.
this moron doesn't know that it's more likely to be struck by lighting than be raped does she.
Oh for fucks sake how many times does have to be said before these brain dead bitches get it, when a cop asks a rape victim what they were wearing, it is not victim blaming, it is to get info on any details they might apprehend the offender
WTF kind of analogy is that?
How could anybody listen to her speak more than a minute.
She doesn't know wtf she's doing or talking about!
True,she won't ever be happy until her and her feminazis ruin all the societies
that they set out to ram open borders,transsexualism,and yes supremancy!
When men are all beta males then she will be happy!
I for one am sick of their bullshit! Also, no it's not womens fault they got raped!
But,would you let your daughter walk into a bunch a guys with a bikini on for
the sake of a point? These women are against the white men that are likely to
help them,but want the 3rd world animals that can not help themselves(got outta jail for it being a culture thing)
into our country! They excuse black males at black colleges, because they don't wanna ruin their future!
But,they will report a white male for having the wrong opinon,white men should sue
the shit outta these bitches when they try to get you fired or kicked outta school for false
Those barriers she's facing must be horribly constraining: living off a man's hard work and success if she so chooses, never having to work a day in her life; spending 60% of all the personal cash in the world; having a man do all your heavy lifting and dangerous, really dirty work for you; watching men being forced to go to war and die to protect you and your lifestyle; and being able to negotiate and transact for anything you need in life with your sex organs. Boy, if I had powers and privilege like that, I'd certainly want it to end like right fuckin' now!
i believe that 4 the commie sjw thing they didn't choose kids cause you can beat em and they'll stfu, men would fight each other and then stfu but women, can't beat them, it's ok if they beat you while victimizing themselves. if I'd create a cult, I'd choose women to spread my cult 2. whoever did this wan't as dumb as we think. he must've been some white evil male....................:))
And, no, most men's criticism of women in 'skimpy" or lol, "sexy" clothing, is judgement. They're "alllllmmmmooooost " Asking for it!
Lol. Both sides are extreme. The Feminazis act like the Devil is loose. And this side, mostly acts like, "What, me! >? Women have had all their right for years now. What could possibly be still wrong'. {as if we aren't transitioning, and as if it doesn't take awhile}
BTW stop calling us rape apologists idiot. We never apologise for a good rape. Not before, not during, and not after. Its probably that you're making too much noise to pay attention.
Don't attract attention to yourself and rapists probably won't choose you
She thinks she's living in Saudi Arabia.
A question used to get a reference to look for possible witnesses or victim blaming? Golly I just can't decide... Either seems so likely to be the truth in an investigation amirite?