3rd Wave Surfing

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3rd Wave Surfing sentiment_very_dissatisfied 144

Surf 7 years ago 166,505 views

►Get an Undoomed T-shirt for Christmas: https://teespring.com/stores/undoomed ►Help me out on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Undoomed ►Or help me out on MakerSupport: https://www.makersupport.com/Undoomed Let's have some good, old fashioned, clean, wholesome fun by doing a feminist response video! Enjoy! DISCLAIMER: All material used falls under fair use of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (1998). (Used under fair use, for commentary, education, criticism and satire.) This video is for educational, entertainment and social commentary purposes only. It is not intended to cause offense. Do not contact or harass the creator of the video I’m responding to. The link is provided solely for copyright purposes, and to allow that channel to monetize any traffic resulting from the creation of this video. If you are the creator of the video I'm responding to and would like the link to your video removed, please contact me on Twitter @Undoomed. Original Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6J3Yj-fKdQ Intro & outro music by Undoomed & Wolvven Music: https://www.youtube.com/user/WolvvenMusic ►Twitter: https://twitter.com/Undoomed ►Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Undoomed ►Minds: https://minds.com/Undoomed ►MAIN channel: https://www.youtube.com/UndoomedOne ►Live Stream channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF7EmTnVXy2R3buW9zTdkBA ►My Science channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpI5nryEItASpttJi2fnbIQ ►Vid.Me https://vid.me/Undoomed ►DailyMotion: http://www.dailymotion.com/undoomed_official ►Gab.AI: https://gab.ai/Undoomed ►T-shirts: https://teespring.com/stores/undoomed ►MakerSupport: https://www.makersupport.com/Undoomed ►Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Undoomed

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Most popular comments
for 3rd Wave Surfing

J ay
J ay - 6 years ago
"Speak for yourself,sir. I plan to live forever"
Vance L. Gilmore
Vance L. Gilmore - 6 years ago
I made it to 2:47. Her voice is not music to my ears, so...
Codrut Anghelescu
Codrut Anghelescu - 6 years ago
Wow, so many long clips. And the droid one was annoying as hell.
Torey Reese
Torey Reese - 6 years ago
I know this is an older video, but it made me so happy to see the ERB clip. That is my favorite ERB!
Austin Yarborough
Austin Yarborough - 6 years ago
All this womensplaining is hate speech..........triggering
lochinvar00465 - 6 years ago
Love your outrto....now I don't have to dust.
lochinvar00465 - 6 years ago
speaking on the equality issue, women did not have to register for Selective Service because they did not have the right to vote.(ref: US Supreme Court) And THAT was the ONLY reason. What we need to do, now that they DO have the right to vote is to get them onto the Selective Service roles ASAP.(with great power comes great responsibility) Then they will have real equality and will understand the concept of responsibility and they can shut up. It's because they got all those perks with no cost to them that they think they are so entitled.
ItsAllGonePearShaped - 6 years ago
Fuck me ,that Star Wars clip was golden.
Pitviper1979 - 6 years ago
Actually the questions should be what were you wearing and what were your actions prior to the event. Were you dressed like you are easy? Were you at a club drinking heavily, grinding up on guys you don't know? Maybe leading them on? You have to be aware of yourself. My wife doesn't take too kindly to me making her believe I want to have sex and then saying I am too tired. Same thing, just with people you don't know anything about.

10. comment for 3rd Wave Surfing

Bohemian Monk
Bohemian Monk - 6 years ago
Feminism was never about equality. Feminism is about the destruction of Western Civilization and the Western way of life particularly the American way of life.
Thanks to feminism, women have more rights than men now. The goal of feminism is the outright supremacy of the female and the outright criminalization of every aspect of masculinity and male sexuality.
The feminist crazy train has no brakes and will only end when men decide to stop it. Because truthfully, the only reason the feminists are succeeding is because men allow it. Women can't overpower men physically, so they have to use the proxy violence of government to punish the men that disagree with them. As long as men continue to simp and thirst and worship at the altar of the golden vagina, it will continue to get worse until simply being born with a penis is considered a crime!
Ready to take women's rights away yet? I am!
Be free, be safe, be a MGTOW Monk: it's the only way to survive in this insane, gynocentric world!
Seemor Disillusioned
Seemor Disillusioned - 6 years ago
If someone is enough of being a slut they walked , how can it be slut shaming to call them a slut ?
Blue Lick
Blue Lick - 6 years ago
Fun idea, if us man are all rapists as she claim we are, that slut walk would have happened a WHOLE lot differently then it did. (basicaly a rape orgy of sort). But hey,any excuse to go out and scream must be good right?
Ancap Otaku
Ancap Otaku - 6 years ago
When are these bitches gonna die off i swear Where is a death note when you need one.
Jessika England
Jessika England - 6 years ago
Also, what people say it’s ok for women to be raped? Unless these people are just fucking idiots and horrible Mf’s, no one thinks that. I live in Alabama hunny, what a lot of people assume is full of idiotic, racists, bigot, cousin fuckers and most of us believe women are equal to men, deserve the same rights and certainly don’t think it’s ok for women to get raped bc of what they were wearing. As far as policing what people say or believe, fuck that. We may not agree with it, they may say horrible things but I for one don’t want to live in a country where I can be put in jail for not using correct pro nouns. 3rd wave feminism is not needed, you bitches just want to seem important and make history as big as past feminist did.
Sandi Wants2know
Sandi Wants2know - 6 years ago
This coo coo bird needs therapy. Yeah, it's been done...you've created a bunch of beta males and you'll never have a good relationship.
Optical Raven
Optical Raven - 6 years ago
Translation on feminist speech: "I'm bored. I'm not special. Time to cause trouble outta nothing."
BrendaDVC - 6 years ago
I was listening to this as I was washing my dishes. Oh no a girl washing her dishes, I'm SOOO oppressed whatever shall I do? Um, if I want to eat anything they don't jump in the sink and get washed themselves, I have to do it. DUH! I play games and such just like the men and other women do, OH MY GOD!!! OTHER WOMEN PLAYING GAMES WITH MEN?! roll eyes
deartotheheart - 6 years ago
Mr. Strawman, give me a break!
Angel Saltamontes
Angel Saltamontes - 6 years ago
This SLUT'S voice qualifies her to be a congressional Demo(n)crat.

20. comment for 3rd Wave Surfing

Black Ink?
Black Ink? - 6 years ago
I really really like his voice!
ryan hayden
ryan hayden - 6 years ago
Please do one on Hannah Cranston from "think thank"
Randy Douglas
Randy Douglas - 6 years ago
Who is this idiot?!
Umatsu Obossa
Umatsu Obossa - 6 years ago
"Like OMG, can you believe, like, they think if we don't wanna be raped then we shouldn't invite a bunch of strange men into a hotel with us, get blackout drunk and go to sleep naked on the bed! That's, like, victim blaming! I should be able to do whatever I want!"
Mind Of Will
Mind Of Will - 6 years ago
Men can rape women just like women can drown babies in bathtubs being able to do something doesn't mean you're going to do it does it.
Tim Scotty
Tim Scotty - 6 years ago
Feminists are a collective of totally screwed up bullshit that’s doing more harm to themselves than anyone else does. They want to be treated equally as men but then they bitch and moan if the guy expects them to pay for their own dinner on a date.. WTF?!
Jason L Chapman
Jason L Chapman - 6 years ago
lochinvar00465 - 6 years ago
"broad statement"
lochinvar00465 - 6 years ago
I can name two where women do not have the same rights as men under the law.
Selective Service and protection from genital mutilation
Maybe I should have said the same LACK of rights under the law.
Lets take care of those two things and then we truly will have equality.
Overhand Golf Channel
Overhand Golf Channel - 6 years ago
"I need something to complain about so you need to change!"

30. comment for 3rd Wave Surfing

Virginia Pelgen
Virginia Pelgen - 6 years ago
Her grammar is atrocious.
Brigid O'Sullivan
Brigid O'Sullivan - 6 years ago
Dear god some women really drive me nuts. Women are capable of being responsible adults but they cannot be asked to take responsibility for their actions if they behave with utter stupidity.
MrMetallidude - 6 years ago
Irrelevant, I know, but a lot of these cringe-worthy feminist videos, contain really beautiful, cute and even gorgeous women. Too bad they sound like idiots and portrays themselves as such.
Andrew Linares
Andrew Linares - 6 years ago
Keone Jones
Keone Jones - 6 years ago
Josh brolin is that you
liberty preferred now government
liberty preferred now government - 6 years ago
Wow from the 1950 to the 1980's women fought for divorce to be legal. Since then well all men are scum because of this. My granddaughter will grow up to know what feminism fails to know - equality. Why they have separate!!! She will know she is all she wantes to be her grandma and grandpa backs her equality because she can be no one eles.
TIN MAN 5623
TIN MAN 5623 - 6 years ago
Third wave of the horde let's gear up.
deadlegs187 - 6 years ago
Her voice is Bill Burr's impression of a woman
Eric Kiszely
Eric Kiszely - 6 years ago
I would want to try to listen to her and understand what she is saying if she came across like an intelligent human being. but, it seems like she's a zombie that doesn't understand what she is saying or what she even is attempting to do.
Eric Kiszely
Eric Kiszely - 6 years ago
I man spread 'cause I have humongous balls. women, dudes have balls. it is extremely uncomfortable and can also hurt to close our legs in the same way that you do. grow some balls and see how much you spread your legs open.
Eric Kiszely
Eric Kiszely - 6 years ago
perimeter = parameter. I learned something.
Eric Kiszely
Eric Kiszely - 6 years ago
the thing that I don't understand I guess is why a woman would need to call herself a feminist. isn't she inherently a feminist because she's female? or are they saying there are woman out there that are woman-hating, too, and wish to be 'barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen' as a woman should be? and how are they defining feminism? I feel like some of them don't even understand how to explain or define it. do feminists simply want equality with men especially in the work force with equal pay or are they man-hating and want to destroy men so they can be the more dominant sex? I really am just curious.
bevis 316
bevis 316 - 6 years ago
And yet women like this one have no constraints when a six-pack rock hard pecs man walks by.
Solomon Conroy
Solomon Conroy - 6 years ago
where can i find that stalin thing.....
Kusariyaro - 7 years ago
Turd wave feminism, more like
Stephenie Tsundere San
Stephenie Tsundere San - 7 years ago
Men can rape us. Um hello. A woman can rape another woman. Just saying
Shawn Lewis
Shawn Lewis - 7 years ago
7:26 That plane landed on a taxiway.
lochinvar00465 - 7 years ago
First wave, getting the vote. Second wave, getting equality. Third wave, getting domination over men. Seems pretty simple to me.
Harbinger sev-oh-wohne
Harbinger sev-oh-wohne - 7 years ago
Totally forgot about the Strawman song and bust out laughing
Thomas Jeffries
Thomas Jeffries - 7 years ago
At least I'll be good company in feminist hell.

50. comment for 3rd Wave Surfing

Calibet Zeal
Calibet Zeal - 7 years ago
God here just binge watching undoomed pay no mind to me
Joshua Taylor
Joshua Taylor - 7 years ago
At 15:40 she says it all, "she's giving a broad explanation".
peas - 7 years ago
This woman is poison.
Shannon Calleja
Shannon Calleja - 7 years ago
Just discovered your channel last night. LOVE IT! I love it when a YouTuber is intelligent and funny! Subscribed.
Arcadia Occult Curio Shop Autumn Storm Hp
Arcadia Occult Curio Shop Autumn Storm Hp - 7 years ago
First-wave feminism was nothing more than Rich powerful women who wanted more money and more power and they did it on the backs of the working class woman and demanded all the rights of men without any of the responsibility of being a man! First-wave feminism just like second and third-wave feminist they are horrible human beings.
Kyle Wathen
Kyle Wathen - 7 years ago
slinder man
Frank's Toeknife
Frank's Toeknife - 7 years ago
She looks like George Michael from arrested development
Leigh Florkevich
Leigh Florkevich - 7 years ago
She is so effing dumb! I can't take it anymore!
MaxPSVR - 7 years ago
Ohh. Got to check out epic rap battle. Haven't seen them for a while
Arno Modelstate
Arno Modelstate - 7 years ago
Hold on ... a real feminist wants to talk about it ... I thought they only did shutdowns of talks about it !
Isabel Castellanos
Isabel Castellanos - 7 years ago
I get so much shit for saying I dislike women including the good ol' "Internal Misogyny" bullshit, but if I was a man and I said I disliked my own gender, their panties would be more moist than a Betty Crocker cake. But they're all about "equality". Okay. When my dick touches the floor then I'll believe that is the case. Don't worry I'll wait.
simonferrer - 7 years ago
Did it ever occur to this woman that the reason they ask a rape victim what they were wearing was so that they can gather physical evidence of the crime? That it's the same reason they do a rape kit at the hospital? That without witnesses or physical evidence the accusation boils down to "he said, she said" and is not likely to lead to a conviction of the rapist in court." I swear these third wave types just stick their fingers in their ears and try to pretend that nothing has changed since the 50s.
Stephen Scott
Stephen Scott - 7 years ago
I'm still waiting for the wave to hit the rocks
Robert Weinstein
Robert Weinstein - 7 years ago
It is a commentary on the intelligence of the woman speaking when she uses a plural noun "women" and a singular noun "is"...enough said.
sirlozervilleskidmarx - 7 years ago
the sad thing is is that she's actually really pretty. Too bad she'll probably never have a boyfriend, because she clearly hates men so much...
kucfogflesrouy hctib
kucfogflesrouy hctib - 7 years ago
she is annoying as fuck. how could you have watched her!
Lawney Malbrough
Lawney Malbrough - 7 years ago
This air head is not capable of understanding anything much less third wave feminism.
Harry Hathaway
Harry Hathaway - 7 years ago
Women should be at home taking care of the house and waiting for their husband to come home dressed and nothing but a smile and a martini and their hands yes I am a male chauvinist Pig and I'm proud of it
bogdan78pop - 7 years ago
As a side note.....it is illegal in Illinois to leave your car with the keys in , and the car running ....because YOU will help somebody that wants to steal a car, and therefore be an accomplice in the crime...!!! think about that when you dress provocative ..!!!
bogdan78pop - 7 years ago
As of march 4th 2018 ...her video has 40 up votes and more then 2000 downs...!!!
Geoff Shaw
Geoff Shaw - 7 years ago
Catch a wave,and yer ridin' on top of the wurld,riiight,ladies?Gnarly,dudettes.
Rant Master
Rant Master - 7 years ago
"so what you're saying is" - since 2017
Willie Williams
Willie Williams - 7 years ago
One, there is "NO" Feminism there is only "GYNOCENTRISM" in the United States. GYNOCENTRISM FEMALES demand that all MALES be slaves to females. The GYNOCENTRISM FEMALES in AMERICA shall and prove that all MALES in the United States have "NO" 5th, 6th and Section B 14th Amendments Rights. That the Civil Act of 1964 is for female "ONLY!".
Some Dumb Dude
Some Dumb Dude - 7 years ago
The only people I’ve heard say men can’t control themselves is feminists
ItsAllGonePearShaped - 7 years ago
@2:08 It's going to be a good day.
BlatantSockPuppet - 7 years ago
How is it that you consistently make great videos? However it is, thanks!
Thomas Godwin
Thomas Godwin - 7 years ago
Her voice is killing me ever hear of a head phone warning?
Ruins Of Dreams
Ruins Of Dreams - 7 years ago
Hahahahaha ha hahahahahahah oh deer lord she finished the video with the line “I don’t know anything.” Yes I took it out of context but the structure of that sentence proves humor and irony are lost on these turd wave feminists
Willi Schirwa
Willi Schirwa - 7 years ago
this female could be naked in my bed and I would still prefer my wife, so what she is generalizing like she is an idiot
juicy pickle 999
juicy pickle 999 - 7 years ago
Alho snack bar I died lol
Mahaveez - 7 years ago
Goddamn, this channel is an amazing guilty pleasure.
Ronald Stringfellow
Ronald Stringfellow - 7 years ago
boy these bitches will rationalize/apologize for the dumbest of behaviors imaginable.
Nellie Nunya-Bidness
Nellie Nunya-Bidness - 7 years ago
Holy crap.. Okay.. I'm a survivor of sexual assault, and no one EVER asked me what I was wearing at the time. Also, I wasn't put in prison for it, you fucking idiot, so, clearly, they didn't hold me responsible.
ThatLittleKitten - 7 years ago
Also nice title of the video. I find it funny bc I'm dumb lol
ThatLittleKitten - 7 years ago
The thumbnail says it all honestly. Haha
jakub pawlowski
jakub pawlowski - 7 years ago
What the f... do they want to acomplish...
Let's say we have a 100% male company.
Feminists want employment quotas and equal pay acros the board.
Since feminists claim there is no biological sex...
convince half of the men to identify as women just for shits
Quotas met, wage gap fixed :)
greg wishart
greg wishart - 7 years ago
daddy likes det. joe k
greg wishart
greg wishart - 7 years ago
is it me or does your intro have a 90s soft porn vibe to it. it sucks. but your content sans your intro is fantastico
Friedrich Schopenhauer
Friedrich Schopenhauer - 7 years ago
Haha, detective Kenda.
jayshaun riley
jayshaun riley - 7 years ago
Does this girl seriously not know the second wave of feminism was sex positive...dear Lord doesn't even understand her own ideologies history...
unapologeticwhiteman Winner
unapologeticwhiteman Winner - 7 years ago
asking what a woman was wearing after a rape is not blaming her for the rape. it would be the same if someone I knew had their house broke into. and I ask them, were the doors locked? was windows open? I'm not saying it is the home owners fault their shit got stole. but I am Wondering if they took any kind of precautions to prevent someone stealing their shit. its just like these PSAs about men not hitting women. the PSAs don't work. the guys that are abusive will be abusive regardless of PSAs.
Willie Williams
Willie Williams - 7 years ago
3rd Wave FEMINISMS has made females in both, German and Sweden unsafe in daily life. Females in both German and Sweden are assaulted and rape on daily basis. When a Female Victim report these crimes, the female victim is labeled a "RACIST!".
This "woman" dreams of "SWEDEN!".
Ryu - 7 years ago
Mmmmm mmm sluts I love them

Mulengro AK
Mulengro AK - 7 years ago
"What were you wearing?" Yeah? Maybe the cops want to review video footage and need to locate you to see if you were being followed.
Shaun Fox
Shaun Fox - 7 years ago
feminists aren't happy with the world being the way it is, they don't feel like they have any control or influence over the big issues, they think the world isn't fair, they feel powerless.
If they took the time to sit down and have a conversation with a man they might realize we feel the same way they do and that's just the nature of existence.
Anton Demidov
Anton Demidov - 7 years ago
The word " feminism" has become so corporate now no wonder its a joke.
TheDarkGenious - 7 years ago
Random thought, but Feminist Hell sounds like Heaven for Men.
Joe Brundza
Joe Brundza - 7 years ago
Things more dangerous than fentanyl, Feminism.
Everything is stupid
Everything is stupid - 7 years ago
As a woman, I've got no idea wtf this bs she's talking about
zach4310 zach4310
zach4310 zach4310 - 7 years ago
If you were in a pit with a chance of being eaten alive by a tiger would you A) tread carefully and try to avoid bring attention to your self or B) Walk around waving a steak around in the air.

100. comment for 3rd Wave Surfing

Daniel E. Smith
Daniel E. Smith - 7 years ago
I think her orthodontist is doing a nice job.
RazielTheLost - 7 years ago
If i got shot every time a feminist says "open dialogue" or "start a conversation" then protested against said events.... i'd be dead....
B Anon
B Anon - 7 years ago
The woman you selected to respond to is definitely a high caliber flake. Yes many of the issues that the media covers about women are ridiculous. Still an outright blanket dismissal claiming women have nothing at all to complain about just puts you on the opposite swing of the same pendulum. As long as people keep screaming at each other from opposite sides of the room no one is ever going to hear or understand what the other side is trying to say. Claiming there is nothing in our society that gives men advantages over women in jobs and careers is on about the same level as saying racism no longer exists.
jokerswild00 - 7 years ago
This lady's head is so dense I'm surprised it doesn't collapse into a black hole.
Rainstad Pictures
Rainstad Pictures - 7 years ago
oh cool... Mr. straw man song!
Ярослав Чечель
Ярослав Чечель - 7 years ago
Thinking about it, to me it is quite clear why the percentage of rapists in the population persists. For the simple reason that they rape. Evolutionally, it is fairly obvious why individuals with the genetic code that allows for such behavior still exist. Namely because they have adapted to fuck everything that moves and vaguely resembles a woman. I do acknowledge that some might do it because of the mental traumas they suffered, but to me it is still apparent why abortion after rape should be lawful, if not obligatory.
Elle Mollitor
Elle Mollitor - 7 years ago
Holy Midwestern accent.
harrison baumberger
harrison baumberger - 7 years ago
A little bit of shoe on head reference but did everyone know rape is bad and that people get punished for raping others not the ideology of the fake rape culture that these people push that it's rewarded
Nick Lynch
Nick Lynch - 7 years ago
"3rd wave feminism is always seeking barriers".... Yup
psovegeta - 7 years ago
Odd I thought feminism was for ugly or fat girls with imaginary problems. This girl is as hot as she is clueless. Maybe she's not aware of her sexual market place value and how much money it can make her.
Alltaira - 7 years ago
Loved the Epic Rap Battle clip of Stalin!
VerumAdPotentia - 7 years ago
...oh, and I'm sure she's signed up for Selective Service, too ...right?
VerumAdPotentia - 7 years ago
She is so opposed to being looked upon as a sexual being that she is wearing make up to make herself appear more attractive, and can not stop playing with her hair, as though she were intentionally portraying a stereotype...

...h-e-y ...wait a minute...
Shadow Fox
Shadow Fox - 7 years ago
Kids...don't do drugs that lady is what happens when you give birth to dumb shits like that
Willie Coleman
Willie Coleman - 7 years ago
I’m pretty sure women are the only ones who actually say that.
Quinn Kortum
Quinn Kortum - 7 years ago
Jesus! I would dare this woman to put on slutty clothes and walk around downtown between 11-3 am alone! Or not do that.... cuz it’s just fucking stupid!!! Damn I swear she’s fucking stupid
ForsakenSavior - 7 years ago
it always takes a few bad apples these women are trying to get naked and walk in front of us out in public and a few dumb men that cant control themselves and go on a raping rampage is ruining it ffs.... THINK ABOUT IT!! IT WILL BE LIKE GOING TO STRIP CLUB EVERYWHERE YOU GO WITHOUT HAVING TO PAY FOR ANYTHING! that's like heaven right there xD
brayden thompson
brayden thompson - 7 years ago
9:35 Who is that guy? The voice is recognizable. This is killing me!!
BlueSkeletonKing - 7 years ago
This person is a complete idiot. How they say that they can boastfully talk down to other people and yet know so little truly astounds me
Leo - 7 years ago
Nice voice!
jakeblackbird Jack
jakeblackbird Jack - 7 years ago
"ofcourse i w3ent to feminist hell for thi video but the good news is deep voice your all comin with me"
HELL YEAH, can it be cannon that undoomed is un-doom guy ? with a fucking moron shot gun ?
nick van achthoven
nick van achthoven - 7 years ago
this video told me that first wave feminism was a mistake, because in the end it allowed this fruit basket to vote.
Michael Fish
Michael Fish - 7 years ago
"Here's a preventative measure you can take to avoid becoming the victim of a crime" "Are you VICTIM blaming?"
Speedin Speedy
Speedin Speedy - 7 years ago
Feminism is cancer
stephanie allen
stephanie allen - 7 years ago
I am offended by her nonsensical thinking.
TheHeliopolice - 7 years ago
using a post-Op as your opening argument is pure genius!
TheMadMattster - 7 years ago
I disagree with the point in this video made by women dressed more scantily. Women do that to attract CONSENSUAL sex with CERTAIN men, not rapists.
Rose Lynn
Rose Lynn - 7 years ago
We know she doesn't know anything so she needs to STFU.
badgothnobiscuit - 7 years ago
Who's in the intro? Mrs. Undoomed?
Cole Dedhand
Cole Dedhand - 7 years ago
That woman talks and talks and talks and talks, but never says a fucking thing.
James Catlin
James Catlin - 7 years ago
she actually believes the feces falling out of her mouth?
Toothlees Joe the houso
Toothlees Joe the houso - 7 years ago
i believe women should be able to wear what they want but i would never go out half naked like alot of women do.
i reckon if i went out half naked with my balls hanging out (instead of boobs) i would be arrested seems a bit sexist don't you think?
DAudIcI - 7 years ago
1:48 That's not at all what she said! She was referring to those who stand against the achievements of first-wave feminism. I guess there must be some nuance distinction between hating all women and opposing to first-wave feminism, but it's entirely negligible. Just like the distinction between racism and segregationism. Or hating alcohol and prohibitionism.
She is a dumb bitch a bunch of moronic ideas, but you have to admit your reaction at the timestamp was totally knee-jerk and wrong.
Dragon Fire
Dragon Fire - 7 years ago
What the crap she is spewing about 3rd feminist? She said nothing coherent or logical to anything.
X-Maverick - 7 years ago
Put away rapists for life? I could never stand by such a thing. If it was a rape/MURDER then sure. But putting someone away for life because of rape is retarded as fuck. Man or woman.
ANDREW STOUT - 7 years ago
OMG that surfer guy was a dead ringer for Bill Murry in Caddy Shack
Bohemian Monk
Bohemian Monk - 7 years ago
Bohemian Monk
Bohemian Monk - 7 years ago
Death to feminism, up the Patriarchy!
DR V - 7 years ago
Undoomed has my thumbs up!
LowResGamr - 7 years ago
"These aren't the d***s we're looking for" yep we need at least 8 inches...I'm strange. But can we just tell these SJWs that criminals are 100% more likely to commit a crime.
Trevor Harris
Trevor Harris - 7 years ago
"Men have no control over their urges"
Bitch I've done 365 days of Nofap. Go fuck yourself, no one else wants to.
sparkplug T
sparkplug T - 7 years ago
I wonder if I could find a shirt that says 'non-feminist as fuck'
John Tharp
John Tharp - 7 years ago
This dude would be eaten alive by the alphas in the animal kingdom what a fucking waste of life
Le Kanraposte
Le Kanraposte - 7 years ago
She blatantly admit that 3rd Wave Feminism is unnecessary.
herbet son
herbet son - 7 years ago
Timbales1979 - 7 years ago
Your vocal inflections are so exaggerated now that you sound comical.
Alex Mitterer
Alex Mitterer - 7 years ago
Holy lisp Batman! An online word slut has appeared.
DC 8091
DC 8091 - 7 years ago
Feminist Hell, . . . will be AWESOME!! Only cool, intelligent, successful people, and hot whores. . .whats not to like!
Elija the cananite
Elija the cananite - 7 years ago
1:17 It never ceases to amaze me how a man without a face can have such a pronounced "I am SO done with this shit" look on his...for the lack of a better word, face.
Greywolf88 - 7 years ago
No feminism is justified. None of it should have even existed. ESPECIALLY “first wave” feminism.
Nora Dee
Nora Dee - 7 years ago
Her voice gives me a headache.
liz smith
liz smith - 7 years ago
Why I feel feminism is such a joke. They say that women do not have the same rights as men in society. They get upset when a man calls a women a slut, but in reality it is women that are the ones slut shaming other women. I have never heard a man call a women a slut, but I CAN say in this past week I have heard women calling another woman a slut multiple times. Today's feminism is a joke because they say they want to make changes to better womens' lives but will not stand up for other women such as Ashley Judd. She knew a man that was powerful and sexually assaulted women but did nothing and let other women become victims. Feminists do not care about women, they care about their own ideology. If they truly cared, they would be in 3rd world countries fighting for women that are getting killed or prosecuted for being rape.
Laura Johnson
Laura Johnson - 7 years ago
Love your videos
gotcha bitch
gotcha bitch - 7 years ago
She is literally herpes
gotcha bitch
gotcha bitch - 7 years ago
- f00tinm0uth-
- f00tinm0uth- - 7 years ago
Funny how she needed a wig to think
The Skeptic Raptor
The Skeptic Raptor - 7 years ago
Jesus Christ feminists act like polish women
Inventor Maniatic
Inventor Maniatic - 7 years ago
if you told me im a feminist with that voice then i am
Liberty Heathen
Liberty Heathen - 7 years ago
Ayaan Hirsi Ali isn’t a female role model? Ronda Rousey, Holly Beck, Susan Jacoby, Christina Hoffman Sommers, Joana jedrzejczyk, these little self absorbed cunts can’t find women to look up too? They ain’t fuckin’ looking then.
Chris H
Chris H - 7 years ago
I very rarely leave comments Good job sir. Wish i was able to do what you do.
Chad6o - 7 years ago
How can a so called feminist NOT know about suffrage? Way to prepare, and show the world you're a FUCKING MORON!
BreakerInc - 7 years ago
I've had random, strange urges, but never have I had a desire to squirt mustard up anyones ass. o.o
Mika Elæ
Mika Elæ - 7 years ago
Men are obbligated to dratf to the army and women can choose. Men do alot of havey work to built houses put electricity and plumbing system to confort women.
nothing - 7 years ago
please give her coke
Doperooni - 7 years ago
She reminds me of a brunette slightly uglier version of Ann Coulter.
Nemeses SS-BrigadeFührer
Nemeses SS-BrigadeFührer - 7 years ago
Do think women should vote? I don't think they should for numerous reassons such as women don't go off facts they go off feelings and women value protection and relied on there mate back in the stone age so if you give them a vote they will vote for a socalist government as they offer protection in exchange for your rights like free speech have you noticed the lefts dislike of free speech, So women should not vote.
jesusknight72 - 7 years ago
This is really not complicated, woman...........I shouldn't have to lock my doors at night but robbers and various criminals want in. I shouldn't have to feel like I'm locking myself in Fort Knox BUT just because the police say that I should lock my home up tight and have security....DOESN'T MEAN THEY ARE SIDING WITH THE PEOPLE WHO WANT TO BREAK IN.

You may want very badly to slather yourself in blood and swim in the ocean but guess what's gonna come around when you do that.............you guessed it..........SHARKS!
The Angry Warlord
The Angry Warlord - 7 years ago
Misandrist has taken over the feminist movement.
Dr.Whale - 7 years ago
If you do see this comment undoomed, I want to thank you for helping to spread logic and reasoning. honest to God I thought for the longest time i was the only One that though this way, until I discovered YouTube you and a few of the people like you. thank you.
Sérgio Henrique
Sérgio Henrique - 7 years ago
does this one have comments off on her channel also? its like a pre-requisit these days to b feminist..
Sérgio Henrique
Sérgio Henrique - 7 years ago
Post colonial.. bitch pls, go back to your victorian kitchen..
Matt Purvis
Matt Purvis - 7 years ago
Nothing like ignorant bitches tryin ta educate yah.
James Davis
James Davis - 7 years ago
In aspects a rapist can be placed on the sexual predator list and sometimes they are grandfathered into their town unless they move. They also wear a gps block on their leg to track them including going to behavioral therapy.
scud69er - 7 years ago
Just found this channel and loving it! Subscribed!
Cadence Wallace
Cadence Wallace - 7 years ago
Does anyone notice that most of the people at Slutwalks are typically the people you DON'T want to see half naked? Plus they never really do anything to help rape victims, they don't do the walk and then say "Oh here are some good reputable foundations you can volunteer for or donate to to help victims of sexual assault or rape."
Cj Bixby
Cj Bixby - 7 years ago
Most feminists I've met these days are bitter, angry, ignorant and undatable lol
FaerieReel - 7 years ago
This waste of estrogen is giving me dysphoria. Somebody stop her before I chop off all my pretty hair to distance myself from the stupid.
Liberty Blue
Liberty Blue - 7 years ago
I love that the US takes rape so seriously. Here in Canada there is no such thing as a "rape" charge. As this article explains: https://www.google.ca/amp/s/www.theglobeandmail.com/amp/news/national/how-canadas-sex-assault-laws-violate-rape-victims/article14705289/
In the early 80's rape was REMOVED from the Criminal Code of Canada, and replaced with "Sexual Assault" and then there are levels of Sexual assault, level 1 being lowest. But here's what does still anger me, and I'm a GenX woman, the MAX sentence for "Level 3 Sexual Assault" is ONLY 15 yrs, and in Canada our law states that a person incarcerated is ENTITLED to parole after serving only 1/3 of the sentence given. Most get parole here b/c our prisons aren't private, they're gov funded. The REASON rape, or level 3 sexual assault, has such a low max sentence is b/c in Canada a crime is either "Violent", or "Nonviolent". According to the Criminal Code, NO level of sexual assault is violent. It's classed as a fckn NON violent offence. It makes me sick. The only time a rapist gets more than 15yrs is if they're like Paul Bernardo.
Gi!bertus Albans
Gi!bertus Albans - 7 years ago
You should have linked Pewds video
Gi!bertus Albans
Gi!bertus Albans - 7 years ago
Suffragettes were not necessarily feminists. Some of the first feminists believed in a spiritual BS balance with the sacred feminine and of coarse thought that we needed more feminine.
Gi!bertus Albans
Gi!bertus Albans - 7 years ago
mmmm....ass with mustard
Monsterfoxgirl Z
Monsterfoxgirl Z - 7 years ago
You have a sexy voice undoomed.
Monsterfoxgirl Z
Monsterfoxgirl Z - 7 years ago
Undoomed You are very welcome, handsome. ;)
Undoomed - 7 years ago
Thank you. :)
Joseph Lawhorne
Joseph Lawhorne - 7 years ago
undoomed u fucking killed it on this video. watch it again for yourself and make some notes because if this is what ur capable of im a happy subscriber.
Joseph Lawhorne
Joseph Lawhorne - 7 years ago
omg no way. im unworthy ^.^
Undoomed - 7 years ago
Thanks bud!
Inigo montoya
Inigo montoya - 7 years ago
third wave feminism is nothing but a loose idea of confused and misdirected individuals that push for nothing less than the erasure of male masculinity and the gain of some special treatment. They don't want equality, they want an imaginary world where they continue to take and take until any semblance of equality has been flushed down the societal toilet, to favor women and all things feminine. anything against their extremist ideas are considered *insert -ist term here*.
Lana Johnson
Lana Johnson - 7 years ago
What kind of clothes would be practically designed to help rapists?
Gregory Alan Elliott
Gregory Alan Elliott - 7 years ago
Arshia hannibal
Arshia hannibal - 7 years ago
i got told i hated women by a former friend and i didnt have the brain power to fight her so i was like okay now fuck off. funny thing shes a lesbian and last time i just said hey she was like you called me lauren(id did by mistaake) but seriously i littlerly cannot even with these types of feminist that say this shit.
Tim Allen
Tim Allen - 7 years ago
10:45 How dare a man suggest women take responsibility for their actions.
Mike Vasquez
Mike Vasquez - 7 years ago
I know right not only do we punish the ones who are rapists we have this nasty habit of punishing the ones who aren't. That's what listen and believe does. It punishes the accused without proving anything first. But what do I know I'm just a filthy man LOL
Albino Neko
Albino Neko - 7 years ago
Thumbs up for stallin
Flashback Supernova
Flashback Supernova - 7 years ago
Always love watching you dismantle these videos. I have a suggestion to help you identify what 3rd Wave feminism actually wants/is trying to accomplish. Maybe some sort of request that 3rd Wave feminists create a response video to you, providing their idea of a society in which all their work is done. What does it look like? What laws does it have? How do people behave? I think this may lend us some insight if we get multiple perspectives. Then again , we may get the same rhetoric but I think asking for a detailed idea of what a perfect future looks like might force them to honestly describe their goals.
Snow Miku
Snow Miku - 7 years ago
What level do i need to be to unlock the Privilege ability that they speak of so frequently?
Jeremy Thomas
Jeremy Thomas - 7 years ago
Mustured up someones ass wtf
Burnfingerz - 7 years ago
a 'broad' explanation
Harry Balzak
Harry Balzak - 7 years ago
Its not the woman's fault for getting raped while wearing extremely slutty clothes any more than it is a man's fault for getting robbed while wearing a tuxedo and withdrawing a large amount of money from an ATM in a bad neighborhood.
Its called street smarts.
justin treweek
justin treweek - 7 years ago
She just liked the T-shirt...
john smith
john smith - 7 years ago
she talks about rape she is raping me right now .
john smith
john smith - 7 years ago
this women don't need to worries nobody will rape her .
john smith
john smith - 7 years ago
feminism started back in the 1600's . around the same time the first MGTOWS came around .
john smith
john smith - 7 years ago
1th wave man haters
2nd wave man haters
3rd wave man haters
Pickles - 7 years ago
If she had no hair or make up she would look like a goblin
Pickles - 7 years ago
I think women foget they are HUMAN BEINGS
Pickles - 7 years ago
3rd wave feminism ... work of the devil
Pickles - 7 years ago
I want the shirt its okay to be a white male
Pickles - 7 years ago
Haha so many women are mentally ill with stupidity
Black Heart
Black Heart - 7 years ago
Why is it that 3rd Wave Feminists talk, and talk about how bad rape is in America, but never one time bring up how bad it is for their new best friends which are Muslim women???
This woman would just LOVE living in the Middle East where a woman would get raped for wearing long pants, & a long sleeve shirt that shows no cleavage.
Oh wait....that happens in Western Countries all the time like Sweden.
Sad to say it will be coming to America soon with the way things are going if President Trump doesn't get a grip on his cabinet members, and stop the damn Democrats.
acetraker1988 - 7 years ago
1st: Education, ownership rights of house/vote etc.
2nd: Culture modification. Women an can do what men can (regardless if it might have unintended negative outcomes)
3rd: A more extreme 2nd, that rather than the CHOICE of doing what men can do. It forces women into positions by excluding men. This has the following effects A) merit is sidelined for optics leading to issues down the road. B) women are conditioned to act sociopathic or narcissistic behaviour when the majority are not like that. Leading to increase stress, other mental issues C) Deprived of the feeling that they have accomplished something due to ever subconsciously or consciously knowing the system is unfair to their advantage. Leading to decreasing happiness in women.
4th wave: Eating,harassing and destroying itself with it's own bigotry, hatred, stupidity, lies, emotional propaganda, virtue signs.etc etc
Storm Rogers
Storm Rogers - 7 years ago
Undoomed can you be my mentor. These snowflakes need some common sense and they depleting mine. Hope stupid isn't contagious..... Great video too
The Prophets Rest
The Prophets Rest - 7 years ago
well they made up a bunch of genders, so why not make up "waves" of feminism.
executive coup
executive coup - 7 years ago
All waves eventually crash on the shores of logic and reason.
Farticus Maximus
Farticus Maximus - 7 years ago
Go make me a sammich................
PrestonianOne - 7 years ago
First of your videos I have watched and I have been laughing my way through your video about these idiots. Your deep voice is soothing enough to open ears and the knowledge you carry is quite potent.
15seconds99 - 7 years ago
"There is women..."
John Smith
John Smith - 7 years ago
“We want to be heard and taken as seriously as men are”. What a vague statement, as if all men are taken seriously and all men are heard. I have this thing, it’s called free-will...I fucking listen to who I want, bitch. Get back to the fucking kitchen.
TheWorpler - 7 years ago
"Hey moron!" watch = 4.50
Manuel Sacha
Manuel Sacha - 7 years ago
ERB ftw!
yohannbiimu - 7 years ago
This shitty talk of her's is the best argument against her retarded movment that I've ever heard.
Doctor Games101
Doctor Games101 - 7 years ago
I thought we were in 4th wave feminism....I give up.
light1up420 - 7 years ago
She's got the face for feminism
Srithor - 7 years ago
Thanks for the ERB reference!
orion ar
orion ar - 7 years ago
The thing is that 3% men will rape regardless of what you wear as they simply want to fuck something. Clothes has so little to do with it and comparatively breasts are a surface turn on. That that still means you can help prevent that attention with more covering clothes can still help.
JoMiSa - 7 years ago
Lol PewDiePie meme.
black cat
black cat - 7 years ago
13:00 ive only heard Muslims say this in defence of burkas
the rougemillenial
the rougemillenial - 7 years ago
Don’t store your toxic waste, teach it not to contaminate the environment! In all seriousness though, I believe that the death penalty is a fitting punishment for rape due to the genetics involved in the making of rapists. There has to be full proof though.
Adriana - 7 years ago
Murg Trollen
Murg Trollen - 7 years ago
omg! what's the name of the Stalin song? xD
Robin Miller
Robin Miller - 7 years ago
What... your telling me I shouldn't wear my best suit with hundreds hanging out the pockets while I walk through the Ghetto if I don't want to be robbed? STOP FINANCIALLY SHAMING ME!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Mr. Aero250
Mr. Aero250 - 7 years ago
Hrach Etmzn
Hrach Etmzn - 7 years ago
Women these days don’t know shit
GOOGLE TAQIYYA - 7 years ago
I can find a ton of a varied group of men who would say they are pretty darn happy with their life and where they are overall. Still looking for my first woman to say anything like this though. [Jeopardy Theme Plays] Gee could it be the very nature of women to perpetually look to better their situation and never be quite that happy regardless of wealth and achievements ? Could this be a product of evolution and 'the nest' ? No man in a relationship will ever truly be happy with that relationship until they realize that no matter what, no female with ever be content with what they have regardless and to stop trying to solve the unsolvable dilemma. No person/sex toy in a relationship with a woman has ever achieved the goal of completely satisfying every aspect of a females wants and needs. Not possible and that is not a good nor a bad thing. It just is.
GOOGLE TAQIYYA - 7 years ago
T-shirt this and T-shirt that. Why all the racism against all the other letters of shirts ? Bigotry gone mad I say ! I will proudly support the oft overlooked M-Shirt and the persecuted for no reason Y-Shirt ! "Y ? Because we like you !" ...is Y. Long live inclusion !
GOOGLE TAQIYYA - 7 years ago
“To love truth for truth’s sake is the principal part of human perfection in this world, and the seed-plot of all other virtues.”– John Locke
MultiDarkZen - 7 years ago
" What are all these 3rd wave bitches doing?''
Apparently Nothing absolutely nothing,
except for victimizing men and hating all men.
And wanting superiority and not equal right's,
which you women already have. In fact you women actually
have more right's then men.
Ben Dover
Ben Dover - 7 years ago
The earth is flat
Joey JoJo
Joey JoJo - 7 years ago
Modern women are not worth the trouble.
Alexander Watson
Alexander Watson - 7 years ago
'Liked' just for Saul's little speech to Chief Tyrol. Good video sir.
GRANDMASTER MGK - 7 years ago
The rest of the videos are pretty sweet but I live for "HEY MORON, FUCKIN MORON"
A Shot of Whiskey
A Shot of Whiskey - 7 years ago
Her message might be more tolerable if she were naked.
Destinee W
Destinee W - 7 years ago
Can someone please shut this bitch up??
K Mitchell
K Mitchell - 7 years ago
5th wave intersectional ass cancer Femenism.
ukkr - 7 years ago
SHE keeps saying "what THEY think..." NO, it is NOT what WE think! It is what we KNOW as males. And it isn't skin, it is about a number of things... Go to a self defense class, and they talk about awareness and attitude. SERIOUSLY, those two things will probably help you more than anything.

But if I were a rapist, I bet I would go for the prettiest and most open. If I were to steal, I would prefer gold over many other things.

But the idea of passing laws, or "education" is just DUMB! I have a relative in another country, and he said this woman rides her bike NAKED every day. I bet she is more careful NOW, because of all the "refugees"!
Phantom-Oblivion - 7 years ago
Lol I cant believe undoomed quoted erb that's amazing xD
Waldo Ralf
Waldo Ralf - 7 years ago
We should give these feminist videos comedy awards. That'll let them know what we think of them. A FUCKING JOKE
AScannerDaftly - 7 years ago
I don't like her.
Andrew Davis
Andrew Davis - 7 years ago
So, what would be the worse nightmare to be trapped in, feminist heaven, or feminist hell?
Mark Baumann
Mark Baumann - 7 years ago
I love the ERB clips!
Marcus Johansson
Marcus Johansson - 7 years ago
My computer wanted to protect me and shut itself down 1:05 into this video. I guess it didn´t want me to go to feminist hell!? ;-)
626hawkeye - 7 years ago
Is it just me or doesn't she look like that teacher that was recently arrested for having sex with her high school students?
sarah chadwick
sarah chadwick - 7 years ago
For the first time in my lifetime, as a British woman there is a need for feminism. The trans movement has got a grip here (a lot than the US). I feel the need to protect women from these trans people who are men who can now self certificate as women and by law have to be permitted to women's private places. This is where sjws have got us.
snakebite - 7 years ago
remember safety first buy a new per of pants
Wildlemon 0967
Wildlemon 0967 - 7 years ago
I always just get amazed by the editing
tactical_ cerberus
tactical_ cerberus - 7 years ago
I love it when women try to get the western world and dissect it, but straw man tf out it so it's just damn laughable
tactical_ cerberus
tactical_ cerberus - 7 years ago
M U H. S O C I A L. C O N S T R U C T.
Drink Your Kool Aide
Drink Your Kool Aide - 7 years ago
I consider this 4th wave feminism where women are now whiney little brats and want to totally dominate men. IMHO 3rd wave was rrriiiot girl feminism, where women competed on an equal footing to men and both treated each other as equals. examples would be like Xena warrior princess, chyna being the only woman to win a title belt in a hardcore match, or even GI Jane. never saw it as women pissing on men, just being treated as true equals. that's as far as feminism should've gone. fuck this 4th wave bullshit! GI Jane would've slapped the taste out of this bitch's mouth and told her to quit whining like a child.
Kevin Temple
Kevin Temple - 7 years ago
Her Thinking Wig is broken...
Attic Rat
Attic Rat - 7 years ago
Nice shirts, but didn't see one with the faceless bald dude... That's the one I want...
Phore Whoresman
Phore Whoresman - 7 years ago
Fuckin moron
tumarfa - 7 years ago
She can't be in a stable relationship.
Angry Happy
Angry Happy - 7 years ago
The laws are bullshit towards men and for that reason I'm out.
Morgan O'Brien-Bledsoe
Morgan O'Brien-Bledsoe - 7 years ago
Holy shit your voice is like slipping into a nice warm bubble bath with chocolate and champagne. Wow. I think I just had a braingasim.
T. A. G
T. A. G - 7 years ago
can i have 2 tickets please ?
Nothing Cheeseburger
Nothing Cheeseburger - 7 years ago
3rd wave, 3rd reich.
jericho hill
jericho hill - 7 years ago
the third digit of my hand is waving at her, i hope that helps
Victor McBride
Victor McBride - 7 years ago
Who's that girl in your intro?
Sindur Goku
Sindur Goku - 7 years ago
Aaaah, the sweet sanctuary of hell... where feminism doesn't exi-.... WHAAAAAAAARGGBARGHLLL-
Minuit LaNuit
Minuit LaNuit - 7 years ago
Wow....the Retardness is great in this one!
TheKILLSMASH - 7 years ago
@undoomed No moron? Fucking moron at all in this video? Now I'm sad :(
jamierichards27 - 7 years ago
Yo Undoomed,
I believe the correct phrase for these people is: "They'll never be happy so long as they have a hole in their ass"
jaydeviil - 7 years ago
she complains about cops telling females how to dress. but if a imam in europe tells women how to dress its a good thing. thats why people hate third way feminism. this lady's idoicartic is a example of the stupidifing effects of the pavolovian condicining used by third way feminism.
FINN MURTONZ - 7 years ago
the police comment about how women dressed, is really valid, and i can compare it to "don't wear an expensive watch at night" or "don't use a phone in the streets", is not your fault if you get robbed or stabbed, but there are ways to avoid those things while the streets get a little better (where i live is really dangerous xD)
CK MONDAVI - 7 years ago
If I get to feminist hell first, I’ll make sure female Satan will warm it up for you Undoomed!
Barbarossa Von Oberschlesien
Barbarossa Von Oberschlesien - 7 years ago
She is preparing a response video KEK
Alexander Marcus
Alexander Marcus - 7 years ago
That woman has such an annoying voice.
Team Badger Airsoft
Team Badger Airsoft - 7 years ago
More Kenda quotes!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dave Fawcett
Dave Fawcett - 7 years ago
Be honest, these women you post are paid actresses, aren't they? I'm 53 years old and I have never met women this stupid in my personal life; only in my professional life as a cop have I met this kind of ignorance.
Interestingness - 7 years ago
This 3rd Reich feminism, sorry! Wave, 3rd wave feminism, is hell bent on just abusing all legal female equalities gained from the blood, sweat and tears of the true suffragette movements. The 3rd wave is turning these legal protection powers in to hateful affirmative actions purely against males and the male roles and life styles. They are far more aggressive then before, #KillAllMen. But, you wouldn't see someone like the women in this video or Red pill going on Hunger strikes being forced fed with a funnel, hosepipe and jug of Gruel or indeed throwing herself under a racing horse to make their points. This new feminist movement should have evolved in to a Global Feminist movement fighting for the rights of women around the world, but instead they just focus on made up and non-existent western world issues, like Gender pay gap, and ignore the rest of the worlds female equality issues.

Manspreading? This has never been an issue until a few years back. Now men are deemed selfish and sexist for doing it, even though there is a perfectly good anatomical reason men spread when sitting. Yet, the Feminazis will force us to suffer so they can get THEIR way.
Red Hunteur
Red Hunteur - 7 years ago
A broad definition of third wave feminism. HAH!
Paul Goodridge
Paul Goodridge - 7 years ago
The suffrage movement and feminism are two different movements feminism was never required. if you look at the history the suffrage movement did the most for women in the West.
arch Skeptic
arch Skeptic - 7 years ago
The N A S A L
DMDJ1281 06
DMDJ1281 06 - 7 years ago
Fucking tard
Nova - 7 years ago
Her hair morphed mid video. I can't think of something that would lead me to rape her faster!
Curse of sorrow
Curse of sorrow - 7 years ago
Please give me coke
NPC IM YOUR BOSS 4253 - 7 years ago
uhg her voice is excruciating
KuroNoTenno - 7 years ago
You know you have a problem, when you needto put on a bloody wig to be able to think.
Shadowcub - 7 years ago
Touching on an epiphany here.... I think I found out what sparked the third waves... They don't want to feel useless but don't know how to do anything. o.o A vicious cycle of self abuse and guilt over unfulfilled potential. They've all collectively hit menopause and infect any woman that hasn't been indoctrinated. And this ladies, this is why children gave out cootie shots growing up. We now know the purpose of the boobs on the arms. To protect you from bad tits. Circle circle dot dot, now you have your cootie shot. There, just saved everyone that read this, you're welcome.
Shadowcub - 7 years ago
I really need to stop watching your videos while I'm eating dinner.
3:40 ... I'm almost ashamed to say it, but rice went out my nose. Thank alot surfer dude. You ruined Asian food night.
Sky79 - 7 years ago
oh aren't you sweet little girl.

Here's a suggestion for you if you. want people to take you more seriously? maybe you shouldn't wear a "feminist AF" t-shirt,
Ragnar Lothbrok
Ragnar Lothbrok - 7 years ago
The course is clear, we need to build a wall to keep this wave out
Michael Klump
Michael Klump - 7 years ago
She says she's going to "educate" us about feminism, but she doesn't even know what fourth wave ("intersectional") feminism is or that that's what we're currently in. I've studied feminism, in order to dispute it. She is wrong about literally everything, here. The irony never stops with these bitches, does it?
Fry Hope
Fry Hope - 7 years ago
"i don't know anything' she said :P
Rurne - 7 years ago
I used to live in a South Chicago neighborhood. White man, married to a Hispanic woman.

I got jumped every time I came off the train in a suit and tie from an interview. The Blatino cops used to stop me when I was in street clothes and hadn’t shaved for a few days (vagrancy, possession/attempting to sell, etc).

If you stick out like a sore thumb in any polarized area, you’ll be a target of some aggression.

In the case of the good clothes, I Mike-Tyson’s it out with a left hook that shattered my fifth metacarpal. In the case of the street clothes, I didn’t freak out and let them see my ID until they realized I lived half a block from the train station. Eventually they learned, though it took a couple years.

I was never told there was a conspiracy or a bogie man out there as “The Man”, but even ex-NCO family told me to have a healthy skepticism of authority with any perceived merit. And if there’s no authority whatsoever, protect yourself without being proactive, lest you become the aggressor.

AntiFa wants to act like Black Panthers and Weather Underground, but they don’t even have a tenuous grasp on a single issue for which to fight... and this is militant feminism from college-dorm logistics.

You would hope they’d have grown out of it already.
June Hollybell
June Hollybell - 7 years ago
soooo whos the cute looking lady in the opening xD?
Outlaw American
Outlaw American - 7 years ago
When we gave women the right to vote we got prohibition, just saying.
Thomas Miele
Thomas Miele - 7 years ago
Why the hell did she not even so much as mention the wage gap? Isn’t that a main talking point for 3rd wave feminists? Guess she was saving it for a later video, but that seems like something you’d want to state if you were trying to explain why 3rd wave feminism is stilled needed (even though that’s pretty damn difficult to do). I’m confused.
tenshi7angel - 7 years ago
Watching that bitch is like watching a train derail, crash through a kindergarten full of children, and set fire to a hospital. You can't look away, but your brain cells are dying.
Levy Wilson
Levy Wilson - 7 years ago
Undoomed is the only big Youtuber that really tackles bedroom feminists anymore. Sargon, TLDR, and Bearing don't anymore because the Feminist cabal spooked them to capitulation.
Michael Mahon
Michael Mahon - 7 years ago
I mean, Sargon is more focused on the entire left rather than just feminism itself of late, and TLDR is just being TLDR as usual. I don't see what you're going on about. What do they have to fear, anyway?
Jonathan Statti
Jonathan Statti - 7 years ago
Is it just me or is she annoyingly Canadian?
Pulsejet Lover
Pulsejet Lover - 7 years ago
Sad thing is she is pretty but soooooo stupid. great video as always Undoomed
Johnathan Blackwell
Johnathan Blackwell - 7 years ago
God damn Undoomed's voice makes me hard as a brick. I have to limit my intake of Undoomed or I'll have to give my doctor one of those akward calls about an erection lasting lasting more then four hours.
oreoninja 303
oreoninja 303 - 7 years ago
Their is only 1 wave and it's goal has been to dominate all other points of view and get money and status over a society they didn't build and still have yet to produce any revolutionary tech that help further civilization.
lordphenix2002 - 7 years ago
This woman & everybody who agrees with her line of thinking can make the world a truly better place by successfully killing themselves.
Alucard - 7 years ago
Are you god?
isreasontaboo - 7 years ago
Feminism is cancer and should be eradicated. White sharia!
Reid Payne
Reid Payne - 7 years ago
I understand now
The reason they can't think is when they become feminists they put on a wig and it takes all their brain cells and when they put the wig back on and it gives them 1 of them back
Or it's too tight those are my guesses
olive oil rules 2017
olive oil rules 2017 - 7 years ago
hey lady woman rape men too just bc we dont have there prviate part doesnt mean women dont rape men when woman do rape.
olive oil rules 2017
olive oil rules 2017 - 7 years ago
this woman is doesnt know what she saying i dont like femist im a anti - femist so femist hate me if u want
1 they should not wear cloths that show skin bc thats how woman get raped.
olive oil rules 2017
olive oil rules 2017 - 7 years ago
femist hate anti-femist
Bryan Boline
Bryan Boline - 7 years ago
"we put those fuckers away" where they usually get raped to death by another violent criminal.
thecaneater - 7 years ago
As Karen Straughn has started saying:
First wave feminism was about giving women rights without giving them the corresponding responsibilities.
Second wave was about removing women's responsibilities.
Third was was/is about increasing men's responsibilities.
julie555ann - 7 years ago
That contour and color lipstick make her look old af
Ratzfourtyfour - 7 years ago
Airplane animation flaw 7:09. Aileron going the wrong way. And if the ailerons have differential travel, the aileron on the inside of the turn would do more travel than the one on the outside.
Yes, I think this is totally relevant.
Lifthil - 7 years ago
15:38 Haha a "broad explanation"? Is that the counterpart of mansplaining?
Lifthil - 7 years ago
I had to wait until 6:09 for the first "House" clip. I want my money back.

JK Undoomed, you're all right.
kehvan - 7 years ago
Nice Battlestar Galactica reference.
The Internet Police
The Internet Police - 7 years ago
Feminism Awesome Fershur
Mastr1ani - 7 years ago
Dear content provider, your videos would be better

... "what? Just telling this" ...
... "huh? What? Undoomed?" ...
... "Aww, well shit. Nothing, nevermind, I think we found the moron" ... ::hurls laptop out 4th story window::

Brilliant, well done.
pablotheScot56 - 7 years ago
Rape is already illegal and we have feminist advocating for any man accused (not proven guilty) to be stripped of his job and publicly shamed and humiliated. The logical end-point of their demands is a society in which rape is physically impossible, that is one in which men do not exist.
vegas1a - 7 years ago
This idiotic feminist extremist can yack for 100 years and her IQ will never exceed her shoe size.
The voice is that of a 5 year old, sure helps her credibility.
vegas1a - 7 years ago
The original video sure is popular 36 up votes and 1000+ down votes. Idiot femopaths call that a victory.
Brian W
Brian W - 7 years ago
But, there is a religion that says if a woman is dressed provocatively, she IS asking for it... Can anyone think of a religion that might think that??? (Ideology is a better term) I'll give you 3 guesses, and the first 2 don't count... (Cologne Germany comes to mind, new years street party... ???)
War Horse
War Horse - 7 years ago
Hmm, 'cuntsplaining' , she needs to shut up, listen and believe men. ;)
Matthew Erdelyi
Matthew Erdelyi - 7 years ago
She and all her friends can keep on digging their own graves, its a slow death at best.
Hawaiian Brian
Hawaiian Brian - 7 years ago
Bitches be trippin' yo.
Drunken Uncle
Drunken Uncle - 7 years ago
She is so pissing dense!
alastermyst - 7 years ago
13:00 to sum it up she talks about the "the man couldn't control himself" defense. Which as far as I know isn't a valid court defense. You know what is though? "The woman just couldn't control herself". The good old "waaa..... I have hormones that are in flux so let me get away with it" that is successfully used in courts.

The difficult part of this "controlling one's self" idea is that it is sometimes essentially true. Mental disorders, chemical imbalances, and just general "not in their right mind" are things that can have massive influences on behavior. At most though I think the only affect that should have is whether the person goes to a prison or a psych ward.
Ability Damage
Ability Damage - 7 years ago
Where in the name of fuck, mister Undoomed, did you get our 3% figure from?
bloodhyena - 7 years ago
glad to see you back on the board undoomed :0 great stuff!!
chetopuffs - 7 years ago
Enjoy the show, but your intro is bad. IMO
Wrong direction
EricTheBoringOne - 7 years ago
“Put mustard up someone’s ass” I gotta say I’ve never heard this saying but goddamn it’s funny
David Nelson
David Nelson - 7 years ago
she said she wanted superiority to men, congrats her worth is now that of a carrot
Reid Brinkley
Reid Brinkley - 7 years ago
is feminist hell be consider paradise?
Danail Velinov
Danail Velinov - 7 years ago
Way before that "Women gotta vote" males paid beard taxes. So stfu
The Heavenly Wanderer
The Heavenly Wanderer - 7 years ago
3rd wave?!?! What does make me? A 9000th wave male?
Louis Burdulis
Louis Burdulis - 7 years ago
Love that you use Joe Kenda...
FourFourSeven - 7 years ago
Third Reich Wave Feminism.
Christopher Monteith
Christopher Monteith - 7 years ago
post modernism? WTF has art got to do with this?
david yung
david yung - 7 years ago
Feminist hell sounds like a fun place hope to see you there lol
Blood - 7 years ago
Feminism is the most far right and far left movement on the planet.. it's ironic really but mostly just funny.
Nathan Tucker
Nathan Tucker - 7 years ago
Did she say that she was Broadsplaning at the end of this?
James Slenk
James Slenk - 7 years ago
Why these stupid women not understand that rape is not really about sex.
kamenridertiki - 7 years ago
I can’t believe she actually put a fucking wig on
Ronin Skylar
Ronin Skylar - 7 years ago
Hey man I love your vids. You should make un undoomed movie or something like that. Your intro is very distopian and that's what makes it awesome
FootFungusFred - 7 years ago
You got an ad on this? Must be an early YouTube Christmas present.
Jemase - 7 years ago
These girl's problem is that they saw role models, but did not want to put in the hard work to be one.
Gregory Apple
Gregory Apple - 7 years ago
SG-1 references
david southard
david southard - 7 years ago
It is ok to be a male and it is ok to be white
monsterhun1 - 7 years ago
Got a joke for you.

How many snowflakes dose it take to explain there point of view?

Don't know as soon as you give them an opposing argument they scatter yelling racist sexist bigots lol
sithounet sith
sithounet sith - 7 years ago
After looking at this , your option is to take away the privilege of women to vote , as they don't go to war and die for the patry.
Women are inferior to men, mentally, physically and emotionally.
The hormone of the "Gods" called testosterone gave us "men" the ability to hunt, to grow wheat and build civilizations!
Women are good ta take care of kids and suck's men cock!
By the way all feminists waves are bullshit, all feminists since the beginning wanted superiority over men, given by Daddy government!
Women will always be dependent on men's ressources and will to share with them, over their pussy !
The Grouch
The Grouch - 7 years ago
Third wave feminism... Third Reich... Coincidence?
Myst Lunarbane
Myst Lunarbane - 7 years ago
Is it because her name isn't X?
Ranic Khaan
Ranic Khaan - 7 years ago
How'd you get Debra Messing to model for you?
Dank Pank
Dank Pank - 7 years ago
If I'm walking down the street in a bad part of town and I am counting a thousand dollars in cash and then I get robbed I might just think that was a bad idea.
Brian Mcbrian
Brian Mcbrian - 7 years ago
5 mins in and she explains absolutely nothing about third wave...... if it was areal thing, she would be able to sum it up in less than 2 min and ho my god so many barriers.... that must be why the head of the supreme court of my country is a woman.... because barriers... she got that lousy job, you know
Banana - 7 years ago
ALL feminism is cancer, and all the waves were equally as destructive
Rachel Walker
Rachel Walker - 7 years ago
notice this: Slutwalks are done during the day in the middle of a major area that is considered safe and they have police protection from the cities they protest in. That is not courage. Plus, those slutwalks are now nothing more than parties.
Sheila Bow
Sheila Bow - 7 years ago
I’m a woman and I’m so sorry about these women. I apologise for my gender.
God King Vegeta
God King Vegeta - 7 years ago
Why do I think I've seen this dumb bitch in a porn somewhere?
Sheila Bow
Sheila Bow - 7 years ago
its okay to be male
its okay to be white
its okay to be straight
its okay to be “cis”
the potato
the potato - 7 years ago
I love your voice !!!!!!!!!!!And I LOVE THIS CHANNEL
Driver - 7 years ago
Many of these same women (feminists) are defending Muslims (Islam) for raping women (and children) in many European countries, now.

You know that you've reached an epic level of crazy when feminists have teamed up with Muslims (Islam). We need to get back to that old practice of locking up the crazy people.
The_other_black_guy - 7 years ago
So she acknowledges that 2nd wave feminism got all the rights they wanted ..and that they just want more now. If you know you're useless why don't you just go away??
TJ Hooker
TJ Hooker - 7 years ago
She is ugly, mean, and worst of all.........stupid. I hope she never has children. If she has its probably across three guys and shes unwed because of "sexual liberation"
Planetsian Evans
Planetsian Evans - 7 years ago
What really gets me about these morons is that they harp on, and on and on about 'victim blaming,' yet probably DO in fact take commonsense precautions to protect themselves.
Like not getting into stranger's cars at 2am. Perhaps letting friends know where they are, perhaps not getting absolutely shit drunk to the point where you don't remember 7pm onwards the night before. Are those actions the same thing as blaming other women for being attacked? No. It's self-preservation because there are absolute nasty cunts out there who love easy targets, but when other people (especially men) are the ones to raise awareness for dumb shit NOT to do, it's apparently victim-blaming.
Sebbir - 7 years ago
I love how he is mixing in his different animations in the background instead of just sticking to the newest one. Keep it up Undoomed
Brett M
Brett M - 7 years ago
One thing I learned from games like galaga is. The more the waves you clear the worse it gets...
HTC - 7 years ago
Christ.. she gives me a headache -.-
Natalie DeCarolis
Natalie DeCarolis - 7 years ago
4th wave now~~~~~
The Man
The Man - 7 years ago
facerate lindahl
facerate lindahl - 7 years ago
your voice is like butter
TheAdditionalPylons - 7 years ago
I have no idea what shes even talking about. Shes says a lot words. About Things. Wimmins ect.
EdD5 - 7 years ago
I put my thinking merkin on so I wouldn't catch cold. What's the question?
deenman23 - 7 years ago
any1 that identifies as a feminist should just be given a plot of land,let them start their own nation,and watch it colapse and burn down in a few months would be funny,or they proly will eateachother,in the not so sexy canibalistic way
Sam sleeeze
Sam sleeeze - 7 years ago
Undoomed what is your ideal woman?
Jonathan Lee
Jonathan Lee - 7 years ago
All three waves are one big shit test and we’ve failed them all. Should have just stopped the first and no more single moms, much less crime, much smaller government, the list goes on...
The Wandering Ghost
The Wandering Ghost - 7 years ago
There is going to be a massive backlash for all this insane feminist bullshit, and it will set women back over 150 years.
TheBurntCookiesHub - 7 years ago
Undoomed my friend, how the hell do you manage all this amazing production value? Gives me chills; reminders of some of the Anons back in early 10's and the shit they whipped up!
Love the character and production! Always a pleasure to see a new vid!
Steven B
Steven B - 7 years ago
Sadly ... I'm the devil because I care not about women anymore .... I love the vag but hate the bitch that owns it ))) ... I understand why the men in Sweden wont help their women .... I can 100% relate ))) .. our bitches are on their own ... I wont ever lift a finger to help any female no matter the situation
Jelle van den
Jelle van den - 7 years ago
Feminism is not like cancer...you can get cancer while you don,t smoke and live healthy...no feminism is more like gonorea...painfull and messy and mostly gotten due to your own fault
Caleb Calhoun
Caleb Calhoun - 7 years ago
You don't know if this person even has balls
Count Fap-ula
Count Fap-ula - 7 years ago
Jelle van den do not joke about gonorrhea! When your balls ache and swollen like grapefruits you wouldn't be laughing.
Vitti Rayne
Vitti Rayne - 7 years ago
Omfg n the "please give me cock" jump cut edit made me laugh so hard I cried !!!
Ricardo Santos
Ricardo Santos - 7 years ago
3rd wave feminism started about making 2nd wave feminism some money on books.

Feminism has always being about having a flexible workforce so that companies can pay dirt cheap salaries. And, at the same time, get money to the section of the public that are most likely to waste it in shiny things. They are basically brainwashed useless idiots who do not even know that they are used. That's for the private side.

From the government side.

Is easier for political parties to control over emotional people with the attention span of a goldfish. Offer them a shinny thing and they will vote for it. This is the real reason behind 1st wave feminism.

2nd wave, was about eliminating the family thus consolidating the power of government and increase the flexible work force.

3rd wave, is about women having nothing more to fight force thus no one paying them any attention. Thus no one buying the books of 2nd wave feminist who where in danger of their useless programs in universities to be taken out. Of course 3rd wave feminist are too brainwashed and self centered to noticed.

Since I doubt the trend will change. I will be investing on Cat food companies.
P Walker
P Walker - 7 years ago
I suggest one of her new female role models should be a voice coach
AlexMapleFire - 7 years ago
3rd wave feminist :'' 'cry' We want free stuff, we want everything but we don,t want to work for what we have.....
Illustrathor - 7 years ago
Take responsibility for what you're wearing. If I'd be going to a Harry Potter cenvention and wear a white cape and white wizards hat while walking through Harlem, i have to be aware that I'd probably gonna get killed. Do they had the right,no. But that's what criminals do, ignore the laws and what is right and do it anyway and all it took was my clothes. And sorry, as long as these dipshits think it is okay to assault people because they wearing a Meninist shirt or Maga hat, it is okay to assault women for wearing slutty shit.
David Reynolds
David Reynolds - 7 years ago
If I were in charge of Sallie Mae, I would so stop loaning money for these snowflakes to major in bullshit liberal arts nonsense. Starting with Women's and Gender Studies. Clearly her worthless education hasn't served this babbling cuntrag any better.
jaster101 finity
jaster101 finity - 7 years ago
ladies this is why we are building whorebots to fuck, so we get the power and dont need you dumb cunthags for shit.
jaster101 finity
jaster101 finity - 7 years ago
3rd wave is retarded females who are feminist psychobags.
Double King Donut
Double King Donut - 7 years ago
If I walk into a gay bar naked, I expect blowjobs. If I walk outside naked, I'm expecting I'm getting arrested.
broken927 - 7 years ago
Where can I get one of those Feminist Ass Fucked t-shirts?
The Angry Korean
The Angry Korean - 7 years ago
Funny how a man knows more about feminism and coherently explains their stance and mission better than a woman can. Just goes to show how mentally convoluted and utterly misguided feminists are.
goombakiwi - 7 years ago
Post modern. ... is that the equivalent of "tomorrow never comes"?
Anonymoose - 7 years ago
Your voice is the second coming of Morgan Freeman.
Geoff Shaw
Geoff Shaw - 7 years ago
D.Web-That is so true.
Faal Onik Dovah
Faal Onik Dovah - 7 years ago
D. Web Her voice is the second coming of Beaker from the Muppet babies.
CreepyAntonio - 7 years ago
I know i'm cumming ;)
Koala Bear
Koala Bear - 7 years ago
D. Web during his first AmA according to my request he actually attempted to pull off a Morgan Freeman voice- check it, if I remember correctly, it should be at the end of the videa.
fruity monkey
fruity monkey - 7 years ago
D. Web better than him
goombakiwi - 7 years ago
When will this "AF" trend DIE!?!?!
gamergirl 5317
gamergirl 5317 - 7 years ago
hey,women do go out looking for sex,they want to be looked at,lusted for,want men to find them sexually attractive or why would they use make up and wear and buy low cut tops and dresses...put the blame on the fashion designers not men for rape if we take your way of thinking its all the fault of fashion designers,so stop buying there type of clothes,but you wont
Nathan Bunnel
Nathan Bunnel - 7 years ago
She wants to get conversation going and I want to drink bleach witch would be better
Nerv ClaX
Nerv ClaX - 7 years ago
Slutwalk Kabul 2018
t j
t j - 7 years ago
Dude you need a pop filter or a windsock for your microphone, that or at least stop swallowing the dam thing when recording your voice over.
reachbro20 - 7 years ago
made me go wtf when he said "makes you want to put mustard up someones ass"
TheNullNumber - 7 years ago
I lost it for a good 15 minutes with your "MMMM Sluts... LOVE em'"

Rawz729 _
Rawz729 _ - 7 years ago
Undoomed,I heard you ask if there was a word they haven’t tried to redefine. I know one! The word is “Feminism”.
Big Gay Al
Big Gay Al - 7 years ago
Why did this sammich maker make so much noise? I think it's broken....
Marcus Witt
Marcus Witt - 7 years ago
I loved it.
I wish every feminist would watch this.
Watch And Learn.
Zach - 7 years ago
skydiving is as safe as falling off a log
Lightning - 7 years ago
As a female, i am sick and tired of feminists treating me like i'm a child. They act like women are not responsible for their own actions. I am responsible for my own actions, and will gladly own any mistakes i make. Btw, i have never been discriminated against for my sex. That is not an exaggeration, it just has never happened. I see more discrimination against men than i do women now. Every action a man makes is instantly examined and judged, just because he was born male and has a penis. This is why feminism is a joke to me, we are already equal based on sex.
Sapphirewingthefurrycritic - 7 years ago
Jesus Christ, will these people stop TALKING already.
Dick Marx
Dick Marx - 7 years ago
She gets plenty of D in the mush. Bet she likes facials.
Dick Marx
Dick Marx - 7 years ago
All Hail Demoodnu!
Demoodnu(dee-moo'd new). : A supernatural being that feeds on the souls of sjw's. Antogonist, Logic renderer.
hardleecure - 7 years ago
slutwalks have been going on long before 2011. this lady is dumb
PockASqueeno - 7 years ago
I have a great idea to help educate burglars on how not to steal. We should all have a "careless homeowner walk." We should all withdraw all the money out of our bank accounts and lay it out in $100 bills on our kitchen tables. Then we'll leave our houses and keep all our doors unlocked and march downtown to the projects with our keys in hand, then throw the keys out into random parking lots.

If our houses get broken into (surely they won't), and then the cops ask us if we locked our doors, then we'll all blame the cops. How dare they blame us victims and condone the actions of the burglars?! That's victim blaming!
PockASqueeno - 7 years ago
I have a great idea to help educate burglars on how not to steal. We should all have a "careless homeowner walk." We should all withdraw all the money out of our bank accounts and lay it out in $100 bills on our kitchen tables. Then we'll leave our houses and keep all our doors unlocked and march downtown to the projects with our keys in hand, then throw the keys out into random parking lots.

If our houses get broken into (surely they won't), and then the cops ask us if we locked our doors, then we'll all blame the cops. How dare they blame us victims and condone the actions of the burglars?! That's victim blaming!
A CANADIAN CHICK - 7 years ago
Cestarian Inhabitant
Cestarian Inhabitant - 7 years ago
Oh well, on the bright side it pushed the mgtow narrative and made life hard for normies, go 3rd wave feminism! woo!
David Moe
David Moe - 7 years ago
Hell would be nicer than 3rd wave feminism.
If i had one wish, I would wish to be a Saiyan. so i could control ki, and do a kamehameha. behold the religious left.
Also this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XC4vIBZkRSk.
this moron doesn't know that it's more likely to be struck by lighting than be raped does she.
Oh for fucks sake how many times does have to be said before these brain dead bitches get it, when a cop asks a rape victim what they were wearing, it is not victim blaming, it is to get info on any details they might apprehend the offender
Taro Matas
Taro Matas - 7 years ago
Instead of 3rd wave feminism ,it should be called 1st wave retarted women
amiee surratt
amiee surratt - 7 years ago
My IQ is dropping by listening to her... can you just keep playing the Epic Rap Battles? Lol
Randall Gibbs
Randall Gibbs - 7 years ago
"...makes you wanna put mustard up someones ass."
WTF kind of analogy is that?
Dylan Oakley
Dylan Oakley - 7 years ago
They do have more rights
Dylan Oakley
Dylan Oakley - 7 years ago
Omg these bitchs want to make a difference go to f**** Iran or some s*** one of those countries where women don't have all their rights
Mass Attraction
Mass Attraction - 7 years ago
I thought I lost this channel I haven't seen undoomed in a year.
twistedmetalplayer21 - 7 years ago
Now we know the redhead is his daughter.
Jeff C
Jeff C - 7 years ago
I have never asked a female what she was wearing...I have never heard anyone ask a female what she was wearing...is that really a common question in regards to harassment?
PoetLG - 7 years ago
She can further "Broaden" things in general and for the greater good of society as whole, by simply shutting up
Lancer in mud
Lancer in mud - 7 years ago
I say fuck women...feminists or not.... Mgtow all the way
tradesman1000 - 7 years ago
Yep it’s not equality they seek its total emasculation and domination of the western world.
CxerRy96 - 7 years ago
She literally said nothing for the whole video and then wanted to blame rape on men again...femenists truly have no cause
Mimi Sardinia
Mimi Sardinia - 7 years ago
Thinking wig? How about "Thinking Like An Entitled Bitch Wig"?
Mimi Sardinia
Mimi Sardinia - 7 years ago
Also don't you think it is ironic that she brings up the supposed claim "Men just can't control themselves!" as not being valid but there is a whole religious group that has that excuse used about them committing rape, ALL THE TIME? And then they tell white women in white homelands that they should cover up more to prevent rape.
Axxikon - 7 years ago
Ah yes, the good old days XD
med ray
med ray - 7 years ago
Most of them turn into single moms and broke hoes thanks to feminism.
Viktoria Thaelin
Viktoria Thaelin - 7 years ago
The shallow bitch needs to take out her fucking Invisalign before she makes a video her lisp is fucking annoying. Suffering succotash am I right
kelman221 - 7 years ago
woah, who is that chick at the intro?! Also, loving the stargate clips
Joey C
Joey C - 7 years ago
She's unattractive and can't land the man she wants. So she's just mad at all men. Nothing revolutionary to see here.
Mate397 - 7 years ago
Feminists should go bitch about the muslim's oppression over women, oh wait...that's not fitting the narrative...
Michelle Sands
Michelle Sands - 7 years ago
Wow, her voice is very annoying!
How could anybody listen to her speak more than a minute.
She doesn't know wtf she's doing or talking about!
True,she won't ever be happy until her and her feminazis ruin all the societies
that they set out to ram open borders,transsexualism,and yes supremancy!
When men are all beta males then she will be happy!
I for one am sick of their bullshit! Also, no it's not womens fault they got raped!
But,would you let your daughter walk into a bunch a guys with a bikini on for
the sake of a point? These women are against the white men that are likely to
help them,but want the 3rd world animals that can not help themselves(got outta jail for it being a culture thing)
into our country! They excuse black males at black colleges, because they don't wanna ruin their future!
But,they will report a white male for having the wrong opinon,white men should sue
the shit outta these bitches when they try to get you fired or kicked outta school for false
Levon Gevorgyan
Levon Gevorgyan - 7 years ago
You watch SG1 too?
Zoogoo40 - 7 years ago
Her S' are so fucking terrible I can't even..
ChipArgyle - 7 years ago
Wait a sec. If we "Break the social constructs we have in society..." then we no longer have a society, right? That's pretty basic, isn't it?

Those barriers she's facing must be horribly constraining: living off a man's hard work and success if she so chooses, never having to work a day in her life; spending 60% of all the personal cash in the world; having a man do all your heavy lifting and dangerous, really dirty work for you; watching men being forced to go to war and die to protect you and your lifestyle; and being able to negotiate and transact for anything you need in life with your sex organs. Boy, if I had powers and privilege like that, I'd certainly want it to end like right fuckin' now!
BatsyVulcan - 7 years ago
society is the ultimate social construct.
reg haines
reg haines - 7 years ago
It can be summed up as rights without responsibility with infanticzing women into little girls, who must be protected from ideas or anything else. Never taking personnel responsibility, blaming their unhappiness on men, demoralizing men, hating men. This world has never been a safe space, news flash men created a civilization where you have decent protection from nature which is not kind.Its now a Religion based on Nihilism with Marxism wedded to antipathy against all males. Yeah we get the phrase future rapists all right. Man spreading nonsense( think sexual dimorphism) or mans-plaining ( womens of course nag like this one). Its all about you girls isn't it? Thank God 90% of Women are decent stable individuals not these girl children
Abel Ashcroft
Abel Ashcroft - 7 years ago
The look on her face at 15:16 says it all -- "I have no idea what the fuck I am talking about. I am just repeating talking points from our bookclub."
Cláudio Acosta
Cláudio Acosta - 7 years ago
"3rd Wave Feminism"... Stand-up comedians nowadays chose a strange name for their group, but you can't deny their talent in making us laugh.
epic ninja
epic ninja - 7 years ago
All I can say is sometime I wish some of these people would meet the patriarch from killing floor. Now that wouldn't be pretty but I'd still bring my popcorn and camera.
Michael Mahon
Michael Mahon - 7 years ago
One in the pipe...
Brad From Scene Twenty Four
Brad From Scene Twenty Four - 7 years ago
Hahahaha Its political Musical Chairs over here. 1st Wave, 2nd Wave, 3rd Wave, 4th Wave
Brad From Scene Twenty Four
Brad From Scene Twenty Four - 7 years ago
But yeah I do agree. In every single fucking ideological though train from Oligarchical Collectivism to fucking Liberalism (Real Liberalism like democracy) has a fucking social system of constructs which keep it together. Dismantling them means fucking chaos, then society will probably rearrange it'self into some dictatorship run by a big brother state! Hey wait a second this shit seems fishy.
Yuna Bloom
Yuna Bloom - 7 years ago
Anybody got a link for that stalin clip?
The Walker
The Walker - 7 years ago
"i'm going to feminist hell, but you're all coming with me" my favorite
TheBigBadRedMantis - 7 years ago
breaking society's social constructs....then what? Somalia lookalike 4 the whole west.
i believe that 4 the commie sjw thing they didn't choose kids cause you can beat em and they'll stfu, men would fight each other and then stfu but women, can't beat them, it's ok if they beat you while victimizing themselves. if I'd create a cult, I'd choose women to spread my cult 2. whoever did this wan't as dumb as we think. he must've been some white evil male....................:))
DesertWarriorBoy - 7 years ago
Who's this sexy lady in the intro? Because if she's your girlfriend or wife, I'm gonna be sad that I'm not supposed to hit on her...
216trixie - 7 years ago
No. Basiclly this half of the debate, including this channel, has a running commentary that feminists in the West, now, have nothing, at all to complain about
And, no, most men's criticism of women in 'skimpy" or lol, "sexy" clothing, is judgement. They're "alllllmmmmooooost " Asking for it!
Lol. Both sides are extreme. The Feminazis act like the Devil is loose. And this side, mostly acts like, "What, me! >? Women have had all their right for years now. What could possibly be still wrong'. {as if we aren't transitioning, and as if it doesn't take awhile}
Kaze Vongola
Kaze Vongola - 7 years ago
Dressing provocatively and getting sexually harassed is like leaving your door open and getting robbed. In a perfect world it wouldn't happen, but some people are simply assholes and won't hold back just because its wrong. Feminism is doing absolutely nothing to prevent this, in fact I'd argue that thanks to feminism there are actually more women getting harassed.
ngc4594 - 7 years ago
Where does the "3% of rapists" stat come from?
Andy Bravo
Andy Bravo - 7 years ago
Hi Butters. How are you?
Liz Linsley
Liz Linsley - 7 years ago
Whose the redhead in your opening Undoomed she's a cutie.
cipher88101 - 7 years ago
8:28 That little logical fallacy is another way of saying "You don't speak for everybody, you just presume to." Very fitting for today's feminist. They will keep pushing until they end up getting women drafted, but they themselves are going to do WHATEVER it takes to not be drafted. I predict a baby boom when this happens, as well as many of them fleeing the country until the war is over. What they don't realize is that women have it good in the military as it stands, women in combat? Women already were in combat and if they didn't pick up this cause for the weekend and had actually spent any time on a FOB in Iraq, they would know that. 3rd wave feminists are going to have a lot of female blood on their hands, they stopped helping women long ago.
Simon Hodge
Simon Hodge - 7 years ago
I would take Western Feminism a lot more seriously if it engaged in the rights of women in countries where their sisters are actually oppressed. FFS
HaloRaptor 108
HaloRaptor 108 - 7 years ago
jesus lady you sound like sarah palin with fake teeth, go to rehab junkie and get off the meth
The Winged Messenger
The Winged Messenger - 7 years ago
I can't date this woman. Her voice would soon grate my ears, and secondly, those front top teeth would catch on my bell end.
Call Me Nny
Call Me Nny - 7 years ago
Who does a woman that is so attractive have to be so god damn stupid and wrong about everything? Aside from her pretty face, there is nothing attractive about this woman (or really any feminist)
Kenta Nakamura
Kenta Nakamura - 7 years ago
Once again YouTube has forced me to unsub and then resub to you. This silent not saying that a person has uploaded things is just an absolute dick move from them.
Kyles Isler
Kyles Isler - 7 years ago
How do these bitches get so dumb?
Kyles Isler
Kyles Isler - 7 years ago
How do these bitches get so dumb?
KingAce 442
KingAce 442 - 7 years ago
This woman is dumb I cringe every time she fucking speaks
Dan ilo
Dan ilo - 7 years ago
These intros are getting down right experimental.
Blazing Fire
Blazing Fire - 7 years ago
When I was growing up I constantly heard the phrase, "What are you wearing? Are you trying to set yourself up to be raped?" I couldn't leave my home without hearing that phrase and I could be wearing jeans and a teeshirt. The thing was it wasn't my father who said it. IT WAS MY MOTHER!!!!
QBaT Mobile
QBaT Mobile - 7 years ago
Turd Wave Feminism :)
Junk Booger
Junk Booger - 7 years ago
The PRROOOOBBLLEEMMM isssssssssuh..... I need a problem to whine about, and how, like I totally have to create them, which is evidence that women are uhpresssed....... Cause we have to create our own problems......... And no one is satisfying us..... Cuz patriarchy....... The good news is, this girl will not age well, and if she skips pairbonding while her market value is high, she is unliekly to procreate. So there's that....
Simon Petrikov 39
Simon Petrikov 39 - 7 years ago
What counts as far-Right
Ragnarok ChronofinNEW
Ragnarok ChronofinNEW - 7 years ago
I have missed this voice!
Communist Party
Communist Party - 7 years ago
Yeah! They should change the meaning of the word slut by parading around half naked and exhibit sexual behaviour while calling them selfs sluts. Yeah! That's not reinforcing the meaning it already has.
internet !
internet ! - 7 years ago
I just lost a thousand brain cells and I didnt even get high.
internet !
internet ! - 7 years ago
When a white guy walks down south central L.A. at 3am and gets shot. A cop is going to ask what he was doing there.
internet !
internet ! - 7 years ago
She has to be kidding.
internet !
internet ! - 7 years ago
I wanna rapeseed.
internet !
internet ! - 7 years ago
All he was saying was take precautions.
Ragnar - 7 years ago
She has that look in her eye that feminazi’s get, you know “I hate things, but not really sure why” but i’ll make up some stat’s to support my point of view.
Grev Allantt
Grev Allantt - 7 years ago
"As fuck": The single dumbest and lamest attempt to be edgy by use of profanity as a comparison- I.E. Hot as hell. At least that makes more sense. How the hell do you use a word that technically, isn't even a real word to compare anything?
nickyiil - 7 years ago
11:55 Say what? Np way no how ! she can dream all she likes, i am not touching that. Even rapists have standards. we don't rape crazy.
BTW stop calling us rape apologists idiot. We never apologise for a good rape. Not before, not during, and not after. Its probably that you're making too much noise to pay attention.
internet !
internet ! - 7 years ago
Did she name any obstacles?
internet !
internet ! - 7 years ago
Canada had a female prime minister
Wes Wolever
Wes Wolever - 7 years ago
Broad explanation...mansplaining See they have true equality. Problem solved :)
Robert Cross
Robert Cross - 7 years ago
Aka thay were given an inch and prospered to try an take a mile
MechMinded - 7 years ago
One of my failings is I find it very difficult to focus beyond a speech impediment, thankfully in this case, she wasn't saying anything worth hearing.
Jim Jim
Jim Jim - 7 years ago
What the cop said in 2011 is pretty simple and reasonable to anyone with common sense
Don't attract attention to yourself and rapists probably won't choose you
Bret Hart
Bret Hart - 7 years ago
"Two Social Justices" What secound social justice? You mean one. That controls our education system that teaches people that communism is a better system than capitalism, all women are treated as forever victims, all white men are treated as the cause for all the world's problems, Pedo's/Muslim's/LGBTQwhatever/Minority's diddu nuthin wrong ever while we all pretend a Patriarchy exists. If there was a secound social justice in existence it would do everything possible to disenfranchise itself from being associated with the first social justice "Their fucking lunatics, no different than Atheism+!"
Ministry of Truth
Ministry of Truth - 7 years ago
Everybody knows stealing is wrong and illegal, so why does everybody waste time locking their doors?
MinionOfDeth2112 - 7 years ago
Everybody's gone suuurfiiiin' - surfin' USA!
Max Brandt
Max Brandt - 7 years ago
Third wave feminism boils down to the hatred and mistrust of men and the desire to break-up the nuclear family, there is some feminist loon in a video basically saying this. However, I'd like to see these asshat campus crusaders do their little slut walk through a ghetto populated by mostly Muslims or through an all black neighborhood, I'm pretty sure they'd change their tune real fast!!
Jeff phillips
Jeff phillips - 7 years ago
Feminism = politicized nagging
Lord Calvanian
Lord Calvanian - 7 years ago
Saying this just after the intro, I've got my handbasket ready!
KillThad - 7 years ago
I lost my shit at "Third-world feminism".
dandaman1300 - 7 years ago
Why is your editing so god damn cool
Logic Warrior
Logic Warrior - 7 years ago
Feminist hell sounds great
Moh'd Khalil
Moh'd Khalil - 7 years ago
"please give me coke" hahaha
Adielah Abader
Adielah Abader - 7 years ago
71 000 views in 22 hours!!! This is better most of your other videos that have been for 2-6 months!!!
nomane18 - 7 years ago
female here, guys.. and i totally agree with this video. i don't understand what the heck this woman was talking about. she is truly lost and confused. she is obviously not a happy person.
Cole Cole
Cole Cole - 7 years ago
This is what I think. I'm a female and this female is what the word INSANITY means!!!!
Pastafari - 7 years ago
"Hey guys, my friend got raped, lets do a scantily clad march instead of adressing potential mental health problems or even the state of pressure around sex in youth not to mention fucking pedos."
Desere Olson
Desere Olson - 7 years ago
shes not too hard on the eyes for a feminist
Pierre Lewin
Pierre Lewin - 7 years ago
The most amazing is that she thinks that this bullshit makes sense.
She thinks she's living in Saudi Arabia.
Adielah Abader
Adielah Abader - 7 years ago
I want to go to hell with Undoomed!!! XD!!!
Vittumitäpaskaasaatananjutkut taasuuettunnukset
Vittumitäpaskaasaatananjutkut taasuuettunnukset - 7 years ago
Ive only watched the t-shirt ad and im confused why theres a woman with a tablet swinging the video around??
Quantum Magus
Quantum Magus - 7 years ago
What were you wearing?

A question used to get a reference to look for possible witnesses or victim blaming? Golly I just can't decide... Either seems so likely to be the truth in an investigation amirite?
Josh M
Josh M - 7 years ago
Please, I beg you, tell me you're joking about the vaginal yeast bread? Please? Pretty please? I'm already aware of the period blood, please don't tell me they actually made shit that's edible from gross shit.
Josh M
Josh M - 7 years ago
Methinks I need to learn to bake bread and to culture yeast... I don't want vagina bread!
TheNew Pav
TheNew Pav - 7 years ago
Was at least telling the truth when she said she didn't know anything.

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