4 Simple Ocean Observations to Improve Your Surfing

In chapter 1 of the how to surf series, we learn how to read the waves and the 4 things to that determine the shape and power of the waves we surf. We learn about these important factors: - How wind affects the local texture of the water - How swell is created and what numbers we want to see in the surf forecast. - Why tides are important in shaping the waves. - The sea floor, known as bathymetry, and why it is perhaps the most influential. http://thesurfrat.com https://www.instagram.com/the.surf.rat/ https://www.facebook.com/the.surf.rat/ In the next video we'll get into the water and look at paddling, a vital technique that will get you catching more waves!

4 Simple Ocean Observations to Improve Your Surfing sentiment_very_dissatisfied 72

Surf 7 years ago 200,885 views

In chapter 1 of the how to surf series, we learn how to read the waves and the 4 things to that determine the shape and power of the waves we surf. We learn about these important factors: - How wind affects the local texture of the water - How swell is created and what numbers we want to see in the surf forecast. - Why tides are important in shaping the waves. - The sea floor, known as bathymetry, and why it is perhaps the most influential. http://thesurfrat.com https://www.instagram.com/the.surf.rat/ https://www.facebook.com/the.surf.rat/ In the next video we'll get into the water and look at paddling, a vital technique that will get you catching more waves!

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Most popular comments
for 4 Simple Ocean Observations to Improve Your Surfing

Mattie417 - 6 years ago
Water is not wet
Robert Ennor
Robert Ennor - 6 years ago
Awesome video! I learnt so much
Speed Bay
Speed Bay - 6 years ago
Salty and wet
tzuri atedgi
tzuri atedgi - 6 years ago
great video thnx
Odysseus Lug
Odysseus Lug - 6 years ago
Damn, that's some good editing. ka pai
J Mcgrady
J Mcgrady - 6 years ago
is the ocean wet?
Tc Linn
Tc Linn - 6 years ago
A very nice video Surf Rat. I just want to add that the wave will break when the amplitude is 1.5 times the depth of the water (in front of the wave). So on a flat day, put on your goggles and survey the ocean bottom, and you'll know where the take off spots are. Pick out some reference points on land. This is a "trick of the trade" knowledge for competitive surfers. This is why some surfers always seem to be in the right spot. Cheers!
Hasley Moore
Hasley Moore - 6 years ago
Great video dude been surfing for 20 years and I learnt something...
Pablo Frasquet
Pablo Frasquet - 6 years ago
what surf spot is this???

10. comment for 4 Simple Ocean Observations to Improve Your Surfing

AussieBattler - 6 years ago
What a video man. Loved it. Onto the next one! And subbed.
SharieShares - 6 years ago
Superbly done! Concise & honest. Thank You!
Luke Swardstrom
Luke Swardstrom - 6 years ago
We did not come from water chief
J Clm
J Clm - 6 years ago
video very good, am i ready for big rock now???
panostalgic - 6 years ago
Well, there is a way to ride closeouts.. just skimboard :D
Nathaniel Clarke
Nathaniel Clarke - 6 years ago
"Salty and wet"
Seeking Truth
Seeking Truth - 6 years ago
Did you really just say that 400 million years ago our ancestors crawled out of the sea? Smh I guess you were there to witness this huh? Your crazy religion requires way too much faith. I don't believe it.
David Remillard
David Remillard - 6 years ago
Science uses evidence! Its the opposite of faith. Check it out sometime!
Mong Army
Mong Army - 6 years ago
The Surf Rat haha
The Surf Rat
The Surf Rat - 6 years ago
almost there!
Thé Kyu
Thé Kyu - 6 years ago
Very didactic, you got my attention for the whole video, which is not given for a tutorial.

20. comment for 4 Simple Ocean Observations to Improve Your Surfing

leonardo tavarez
leonardo tavarez - 6 years ago
awesome tips bro...keep up the good work...
Matt - 6 years ago
Water is wet
Seeking Truth
Seeking Truth - 6 years ago
Unless it's frozen
Roman - 6 years ago
In other words, don't paddle out if you're a kook
kidconcept - 6 years ago
make another video, champ
forestsoceansmusic - 6 years ago
Very interesting. 2:45 in -- swell from the South-West, so you are over in W.A. Or (from your accent), West coast of North Island N.Z. perhaps? Great tips for someone like me who's only done amateur body surfing.
forestsoceansmusic - 6 years ago
I didn't think South Island's West coast had any beaches but I guess it's possible. Ditto, Tasmania. So maybe those or a Pacific island? (can't think of anywhere else for a SW swell...unless maybe South Africa?? but you said I was getting close) Cheers. I was looking at the surf today (I'm far south coast NSW) taking in what your videos said, and I could see the features. Another good spot for getting waves seems to me to be on a (submerged) sand spit heading basically straight out from the beach (seems a good thing to avoid rips too).
The Surf Rat
The Surf Rat - 6 years ago
I like your detective work, you're getting close.... but that spot it in neither of those places. Keep your ear to the ground my man!
Joe Blow
Joe Blow - 6 years ago
Good video until you started pushing your evolutionist bullshit at us.
Deez Nutz
Deez Nutz - 6 years ago
the whoa-ter
Guillaume Pages
Guillaume Pages - 6 years ago
Nice vid. Thx
Francis Doesburg
Francis Doesburg - 6 years ago
Hahahaha "WEHEEE! This is the ocean!"
Balint Hambalko
Balint Hambalko - 6 years ago
Cool videos mate, keep up the good work, will follow you!

30. comment for 4 Simple Ocean Observations to Improve Your Surfing

Angélica C. Costa
Angélica C. Costa - 6 years ago
Amazing video! congrats
Vanessa und Max Hartmann
Vanessa und Max Hartmann - 6 years ago
I (started to) surf only on a very very shallow beach - does that mean that waves there will hardly ever get tubular, please?
The Surf Rat
The Surf Rat - 6 years ago
Hi there, it's not so much the depth right where you are surfing, but the angle of the sea floor going out to sea. If you haven't seen tubes there, it's pretty unlikely they'll start appearing. Where are you talking about?
Vanessa und Max Hartmann
Vanessa und Max Hartmann - 6 years ago
I never learnt so much in 5 minutes.
Lee Logan
Lee Logan - 6 years ago
Great video
Vicky Vonstein
Vicky Vonstein - 6 years ago
very well explained.
T Last
T Last - 6 years ago
We came out of the water and developed the mental processes to reasonably understand science, eh? No. No, we didn’t.
yeeter man
yeeter man - 6 years ago
Pack it in lads T Last just ended the evolution debate
Ryan Heifferon
Ryan Heifferon - 6 years ago
this is like the Jeff Corwin of surfing....haha...awesome
Juan Carlos
Juan Carlos - 6 years ago
Great video. Thanks for sharing
Efe Yekta Kaya
Efe Yekta Kaya - 6 years ago
Great video, thanks! <3
arnebc - 6 years ago
Thanks surf rat! Subbed. Great vid, keep it up!
MrJonvilla82 - 6 years ago
the same science and tested observation supports a large body of evidence known as evolution also allows y'all to watch and comment on this video. He's right about 400 million years. Just because you don't understand something doesn't mean its not there....fuck wits.
Daniel Goldin
Daniel Goldin - 6 years ago
Closeouts are the best
Harry Harris
Harry Harris - 6 years ago
Great vid thanks mate
Learn Kitesurfing Faster Book
Learn Kitesurfing Faster Book - 6 years ago
Watched this while eating dinner fantastic tips.
F De Mascio
F De Mascio - 6 years ago
When I first started surfing, I spent 2 years without some of this crucial info. After a Hawaiian friend Sat me down on the beach & broke it down (very similarly to this video) my surfing exploded. Suddenly I was in the line up & getting real waves instead of the reform on the inside.
A couple years ago, I shared this same info with my son & he does so much better in the water now. Sharing this video with him for our next trip.
Lucas Velez
Lucas Velez - 6 years ago
U must have watched The North Shore movie!
Elliectrify - 6 years ago
Awesome vid-really helpful and clear cheers
Vincent Laszlo
Vincent Laszlo - 6 years ago
is the ocean really wet though?
Joshua Dunne
Joshua Dunne - 6 years ago
Go outside Meg.
Luc Cowling
Luc Cowling - 6 years ago
So I've been surfing about three years and can hold my own in pretty daunting conditions, yet I've learned a new perspective from this video, cheers mate!
Michael Ramsey
Michael Ramsey - 6 years ago
nice video. thanks for posting
Alex Koford
Alex Koford - 6 years ago
Obi wan help me shred you are my only hope!

50. comment for 4 Simple Ocean Observations to Improve Your Surfing

Coining Couple
Coining Couple - 6 years ago
It's hard to teach the ocean movements that took us lifetime to learn. I say watch the movie North Shore first, smoke a joint of dank, then sit on the shoulder and watch good surfers. Watch and learn.
igloo productions
igloo productions - 6 years ago
Should have had a disclaimer on this video that said “If you’re a religious retard, don’t watch”. Could have avoided half the morons in the comments.
Matthew Richmond
Matthew Richmond - 6 years ago
So that's what the ocean looks like.
iz iz
iz iz - 6 years ago
Wow what an interesting video. Very informative thankyou - just subscribed!
Michelle Slater
Michelle Slater - 6 years ago
Great share, nice work dude, a lot of newbies to the sport will learn some excellent tips from this - shame to see the downers but you'll always get that when you take to the open forum.
Declan Conroy
Declan Conroy - 6 years ago
I just knew when I heard him (accurately) talk about our ancestors coming from the sea some creationist idiots would pop up in the comments. Thanks for not disappointing me YouTubers!
Dylan Luke
Dylan Luke - 6 years ago
Some of us went back into the water, but, one day we must all go into the water
Jean-Baptiste VALETTE
Jean-Baptiste VALETTE - 6 years ago
Wtf do our ancestors have to do with us surfing anyways ?
T Stedman
T Stedman - 6 years ago
No you're idiots because you have an illogical explanation for those things - a weird dude in the sky that no one has even seen. Of course I don't deny you your right to have that opinion, but that doesn't make it any less idiotic.
T Last
T Last - 6 years ago
Yeah bro, we are idiots because we have a logical explanation for reason, logic, language, mind and laws...all of which science cannot explain
Chip Curry
Chip Curry - 6 years ago
Idiots resort to ad homenim attacks when at a loss for an intelligent response.
igloo productions
igloo productions - 6 years ago
Declan Conroy Yup, same. Religious people are fucking idiots.
adventuresinbelieving - 6 years ago
Well produced, but my ancestors came from the Celtic Isles though, not slime or seas. I can actually prove that using DNA. "There's a lot to learn!"
Jinno Vicencio
Jinno Vicencio - 6 years ago
This is such a rad video! I love the addition of the drawing on the waves! Super helpful
David Suggitt
David Suggitt - 6 years ago
Nicely done
Jose Benitez
Jose Benitez - 6 years ago
Little do those persons who decide to surf know that they are to become the consummate "Waterman".
Eventually learning to swim, surf, sail, scuba dive, oceanography, meteorology and navigation.
All these skills and knowledge will serve them well throughout their lives.

Would have been great to cover Surface Wind Wave Generation; Fetch (area), Frequency (wind speed), Duration (time).


Breaking Waves, in general, waves break in a depth, one half it's (wave) length. (actually a little swallower)

Longshore Transport Current, Rips, Shoreline Water Displacement.
Heinrich Thetard
Heinrich Thetard - 6 years ago
Interesting choice of conclusion, but a very informative video. If only I had an explanation like this when I stated surfing, thank man:).
Josh P
Josh P - 6 years ago
Its been proven by science that everything evolved from nothing into something. And everything is still evolving. The fossil record shows an overwhelming amount of transitional examples. Controlled experiments have been conducted showing simple enzymes turning into cells and then splitting and evolving into complex organisms. .....right?
David Remillard
David Remillard - 6 years ago
Right on man. There's much more evidence for evolution than just fossil records as well! Genetic sequence data contains embedded in it a detailed history of the relatedness of species, and our evolutionary history. We can also observe evolution in wild populations, and it has pressing consequences for us today - such as the evolution of antibiotic resistance in bacteria. Through artificial selection humans directed the evolution of all existing of breeds of dogs in the span of just thousands of years form a common ancestor, and did the same for many crops! We haven't generated new life in the lab, but many of the key steps in how it is believed to have occurred have been recreated.
Gopal - 6 years ago
Great video. Professional and relevant. Mahalo!
SLAPSHOT #44 - 6 years ago
Oh brotha... Yeah and a whale then became a banana...jerkoff!
Fredward Fortyhands
Fredward Fortyhands - 6 years ago
Great video and I can’t believe people still refuse to accept evolution. Grow a brain please.
Tait Jones
Tait Jones - 6 years ago
Evolution and creation are steps in the same process. I don't know why people always think its only one or the other. One thing is created and it evolves. Socrates was endowed with the title "smartest man in the world" because he professed paradoxically that he "knew nothing". The world would be filled with more intelligent people if all you idiots would quit arguing over what you think you know and just stick to what you can actually demonstrate personally.
Fredward Fortyhands
Fredward Fortyhands - 6 years ago
Coining Couple did he teach you that the earth is flat too?
pizzasauce - 6 years ago
Coining Couple my father was God's sister and showed me mathematical scientific concrete proof evidence that evolution did happen that way and that you eat your boogers. You're so gross
Coining Couple
Coining Couple - 6 years ago
My father was a university professor for 30 yrs and wrote several text books for colleges. He showed me scientifically how and why evolution the way you think is totally impossible. He was sad to show me the truth, but it was concrete evidence.
The Surf Rat
The Surf Rat - 6 years ago
I find it humbling and wonderful to know we came from sand bugs. Others find it offensive - go figure
Mike - 6 years ago
Great video, thank you for the content. Ignore the trolls
Mike - 6 years ago
The Surf Rat Two things are kryptonite for trolls - 1) ignoring them 2) trolling them back.

How much time you have depends on which you choose!
The Surf Rat
The Surf Rat - 6 years ago
haha thanks, gosh its tempting to engage though
Joseph Rogowski
Joseph Rogowski - 6 years ago
Great stuff
Alain - 6 years ago
Unless you're in Rockaway Beach in nyc. In which case, just throw everything you learned into the air and hope to hit a random wave.
Theo Eguia
Theo Eguia - 6 years ago
Come to New Jersey...
Alain - 6 years ago
You'd think, but not really. You can bet that you'll get a nice left if you stick to one side most of the time. But otherwise, waves will break around you, far behind you, far in front of you, it's one of the harder places to read a wave in my experience. The most predictable being Cocoa Beach. It was very consistent. Or maybe all that training in Rockaway made everything else seem easy.
Dan Zucker
Dan Zucker - 6 years ago
But doesn't most of Rockaway beach break on or near a jetty? I feel like thats more predictable than many shifting, amorphous sandbars.
constance graham
constance graham - 6 years ago
Come to San Diego
g3mccotter - 6 years ago
Hahah 400 million years... Stick to surfing and explaining waves. Thanks for the video though.
Terry Jackson
Terry Jackson - 6 years ago
1 book may say that. 25 million other books agree with his statement.
MA S - 6 years ago
hahahahaha tht was hilarious !
Joey - 6 years ago
Oh no, the religious people have been triggered
RJ - 6 years ago
nah uh....god created earth about 3000 years ago. Go read a fucking book...MATE
Mauricio Hughes
Mauricio Hughes - 6 years ago
Life originated in oceans in case you didn't know it so he is technically right
RJ - 6 years ago
g3mccotter "yew....this is the ocean mates! Saulty and Weait" fucking stupid ass videeo
Daniel Wells
Daniel Wells - 6 years ago
Uh... he said "our ancestors", actually. By listening closely one can avoid fake news, and the taste of one's foot in one's mouth.
Taha Nasser
Taha Nasser - 6 years ago
Ichthyostega is believed to be one of the earliest land animals. It is estimated to have existed around 374 million years ago. So he's right. Bet you feel real smart now.
Coining Couple
Coining Couple - 6 years ago
He said humans crawled out of the sea 400 million years ago. Not fish. People will believe anything.
neddy laddy
neddy laddy - 6 years ago
No they don't. Many do though as long as they are out for long enough. Think lung fish, mid skippers, flying fish. I am sue there are others. Have you never seen a fish jump out of the water because it is being chased by a predator because ? What happens to them ? They certainly don't die. Have you ever seen a fisherman ctch a fish and throw it back ? Do those fish die? Of course they don't.
Max A
Max A - 6 years ago
You're such a moron
Quinten Sarn
Quinten Sarn - 6 years ago
FLAWDAWADA727 your reasoning is solid and leaves no room for counterarguments. I am defeated. :(
Quinten Sarn
Quinten Sarn - 6 years ago
400 million is not very far from the actual number, give or take a few hundred million years. Science is awesome sometimes.
g3mccotter - 6 years ago
Sorry not to be offensive, love south africans bru, or kiwi's mate.
Marcin Ludwicki
Marcin Ludwicki - 6 years ago
Great video! Very informative and easy to follow
Max Reed III
Max Reed III - 6 years ago
I mean...you CAN surf closeouts. ;)
Richard Smith
Richard Smith - 6 years ago
that's how I got really good at late takeoffs
MA S - 6 years ago
only bodyboarders would surf it!
TheSilverSurfisher - 6 years ago
Eric Outram I thought so....Absolutely awesome and thanks!
Eric Outram
Eric Outram - 6 years ago
TheSilverSurfisher a rio
a re-entry
when you see a closeout section coming
bottom turn
go up the face
do a floater
on the breaking wave
and come down with the
close out
it's a 1960 move
a rio
TheSilverSurfisher - 6 years ago
say, what's a "rio.s"??
Eric Outram
Eric Outram - 6 years ago
Yes ,if there no other surf on the day
Close outs are real good for ,practicing your rio.s
And or floaters .
RJ - 6 years ago
Cailin Brett
Cailin Brett - 6 years ago
Awesome video, reading the waves can be one of the hardest bits to surfing, and you explained it perfectly. Thanks and keep it up
RJ - 6 years ago
LMAO...you think your on Nat Geo or something? nice try with the production but very amateur. Also, bathymetry as nothing to do with a wave...its simply water depth. Topography is the description of ocean floor contours.... do you research before you walk out and try to sound like Steve Erwin? Jesus this video is hard to watch...
RJ - 6 years ago
hey, something positive last night! thanks for the best wishes...never had a BJ as good as last night. tell your mom thanks.
Myg Church
Myg Church - 6 years ago
rhino you all are noobs it’s called shoaling. Look it up!
RJ - 6 years ago
RJ - 6 years ago
im 27....churches at S/SSW overhead + is magical. this is why you a kook
Simon Russ
Simon Russ - 6 years ago
Patrick Nelson not sure if trolling.
Josh Nelson
Josh Nelson - 6 years ago
rhino I’m only gonna reply once more because this is a waste of my time. But I hate Surfline for everything except some good videos they post. You’re being such a downer and I really hope something good happens in your life so that you can be more positive cus if you can’t tell, everyone hates everything you comment.
Coining Couple
Coining Couple - 6 years ago
Churches is a horrible wave. At least surf on base and get shacked at DMJ's or stepoffs at the river mouth. You're a old man longboarder huh?
Daniel Wells
Daniel Wells - 6 years ago
rhino, too high man, sand in the ears? If paying attention to what's really being said makes it too hard to watch, there's a whole other wide world of web to check out. Nice scorn-dump though, Professor Weary.
RJ - 6 years ago
Josh Nelson reply...coming from the guy that swears by "Surfline" ha keep checking your cams kook
Josh Nelson
Josh Nelson - 6 years ago
rhino no shit Sherlock. But It’s called a swell forecast. God I feel like I’m talking to an insecure 5 year old.
RJ - 6 years ago
Robo Cop dude you need to paraphrase...that got boring fast.
RJ - 6 years ago
Coining Couple I can smell the jealousy of not having base access and too lazy to walk or ride down. you one of those chuckle heads at lowers with 300 other people while I'm one of 5 at church. Fine by me.
Coining Couple
Coining Couple - 6 years ago
LOL Rhino. Churches is old men drifting from old mans. Mushburger!
Robo Cop
Robo Cop - 6 years ago
This is probably one of the stupidest comments and defense of a comment Ive ever seen . You start of by being upset that a dude that is obviously new to youtube and has a small channel is amateur . Anyone with half a brain would understand that's what happens when your starting something up. Then proccceding to say "aussie , kiwi same shit". Yea man humans are all the same but we categorize where we are from with names. As you said "your information should be correct no matter who the audience is". Then defending your comment again by saying you are being straw manned as if your in some type of debate? Wake up dude. Get outside . I bet you would write to newspapers to correct there spelling. Next time you want to correct a harmless educational video think about the words you use , because you sound like an angry child that doesn't get enough attention from mum
RJ - 6 years ago
Josh Nelson what do you think causes swell... if it weren't for weather patterns...there wouldn't be swell. Haha you must be a teenager
TheMTBChannel - 6 years ago
Nah, keep up the good work. For a starting surfer, it was a good explanation of how things work. YouTube is for all sorts of content and doesn't always have to be super slick.
Josh Nelson
Josh Nelson - 6 years ago
rhino and no one calls it weather. It’s swell or swell forecast bitch.
RJ - 6 years ago
Josh Nelson ha. Not sure where you get your wether from but a decent SSW swell is coming in late next week through the weekend to early week. You really need to leave this to the locals. If I catch your ass out there you won't be coming back
Josh Nelson
Josh Nelson - 6 years ago
rhino while I highly doubt you’ll actually be anywhere near lowers in a weeks time, it would make sense sense since it will be 1 foot all next week.
RJ - 6 years ago
my argument is not that water depth has nothing to do with it....thats a straw man brooo. my argument is that you have your jargon wrong. What you say bathymetry is...it is not.
The Surf Rat
The Surf Rat - 6 years ago
thanks for your comment rhino. Yes, my production value at this stage is amateur. I haven't gone pro yet. If you don't think water depth has anything to do with waves....well, good luck out there. My thoughts are bathymetry and topography are two sides of the same coin, and if it's hard to watch, change the channel my bro!
RJ - 6 years ago
with you jugaloons im surprised you question it.
TheMTBChannel - 6 years ago
Bythemetry - rhino's new science. LOL.
RJ - 6 years ago
catch me out at churches or lowers in about a week clown.
RJ - 6 years ago
aussie, kiwi. same shit.
RJ - 6 years ago
information should be correct regardless of the audience...soooo im the idiot?
RJ - 6 years ago
bythemetry is exclusive to depth. once considering contours it becomes "submarine topography". dont try to church it up man. If this guy wanted to be real slick he would have just said hydrography. However, your right, bythemetry sounds better so lets just try to make surfing sound like a bunch of rocket scientist logging the swell.
TheMTBChannel - 6 years ago
Maybe you do some research. You can look it up on Wikipedia - not hard. Topography is land based contours, bathymetry is water based contours. And yes it has everything to do with waves as it determines how and where they break. Might not be a super slick production but at least they did something.
Josh Nelson
Josh Nelson - 6 years ago
rhino I really disliked your comment. I’m starting to get the impression that you have been surfing for a fair amount of time but never seem to get any better and remain to be one of the worst at your local break. You probably have to establish your “knowledge” outside of the water because everyone knows you’re below average in the water. I bet you’re also the kind of person who goes for a surf but always finds something to complain about. Please don’t ever come to San Clemente.
Ollie Whitham
Ollie Whitham - 6 years ago
rhino your a stupid cunt, Steve Erwin? Do u mean Irwin? I suggest u shut up before you make ur self sound more stupid, the video is obviously meant for beginners, stop thinking ur top shit
Possible Dreams
Possible Dreams - 6 years ago
Ancestors from the sea - 400 million years ago?   hahahahahahahaha
David Remillard
David Remillard - 6 years ago
I know right?? Ancestors from the sea... hahahHA. no it was the boat, and the guy, two of every animal, he got all those guys on the boat, and the god made the rain, then they got back off the boat! DUH
Noel Rachel Browne
Noel Rachel Browne - 6 years ago
see previous UMMMMMM Dont see how gullible = evolved or advanced. its a bit way out there left all right. I will stick to scientific facts myself : ) loom forward to more of your vids. keep it up
Quinten Sarn
Quinten Sarn - 6 years ago
The Surf Rat evolution is not something all brains have evolved to deal with yet :)
Possible Dreams
Possible Dreams - 6 years ago
Sorry, not your first troll. Came to become a better surfer.  Just thought the 400 million was funny.
Noel Rachel Browne
Noel Rachel Browne - 6 years ago
good job with the vid ! Ancestors from the sea UMMMM Not with you on that one.
The Surf Rat
The Surf Rat - 6 years ago
Are you my first troll? Cool!
Rafael Prudente de Oliveira
Rafael Prudente de Oliveira - 6 years ago
Thank you bro! Great video! Love from Brazil!
Sleeping Lion
Sleeping Lion - 6 years ago
What spot was that @ 1:31? Gavelston texas?
Sleeping Lion
Sleeping Lion - 6 years ago
The Surf Rat I guess I need to explore the outback
Rainer Starr
Rainer Starr - 6 years ago
Great explanation but short period waves can be fun
The Surf Rat
The Surf Rat - 6 years ago
yea I know the spot, but in the spirit of exploration and adventure, I won't be naming spots on this channel. I can narrow it down to...australia. Does that help?
Sleeping Lion
Sleeping Lion - 6 years ago
The Surf Rat lol. But seriously, do u know that spot? Looks like a sick peeling right
The Surf Rat
The Surf Rat - 6 years ago
haha! maybe on the 20 year storm?
James McClaren
James McClaren - 6 years ago
Cool video man! As a dude who lives in the desert and just bought a surfboard, it’s a steep steep learning curve.
The Surf Rat
The Surf Rat - 6 years ago
oh yes, but a satisfying one. Don't forget you can surf into your 70s at least!
Ripple Gaming
Ripple Gaming - 6 years ago
Thanks for the advice :)
Wicked Notes
Wicked Notes - 7 years ago
Nice vid, learnt a lot in 5 mins!

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About 4 Simple Ocean Observations to Improve Your Surfing

The "4 Simple Ocean Observations to Improve Your Surfing" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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