A day in the life: Cole Sandman

A day in the life video made by Kyle buthman

A day in the life: Cole Sandman sentiment_very_dissatisfied 97

Surf 9 years ago 237,667 views

A day in the life video made by Kyle buthman

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Most popular comments
for A day in the life: Cole Sandman

Hurricane Hayman
Hurricane Hayman - 6 years ago
Where’s this beach?
DankBoi Shibe
DankBoi Shibe - 6 years ago
But don’t drop in
Pen Name
Pen Name - 6 years ago

Needs more SG.
HappyHannah - 6 years ago
I absolute love the filming, editing, and the vibes of this whole video! I just learned how to surf and documented it on my channel if you want to check it out :)
ELECTRIC EYE MEDIA - 6 years ago
Jay Adams reincarnate right here...
Fishing OG
Fishing OG - 6 years ago
Cole is the man he is so fun to surf with
Reece Harbottle
Reece Harbottle - 6 years ago
Do u live on one of the islands of hawaii
Skyler the Surfing Dog Henard
Skyler the Surfing Dog Henard - 6 years ago
ya Cole !
jonhry12 orozco
jonhry12 orozco - 6 years ago
i love surfings

10. comment for A day in the life: Cole Sandman

Matt G
Matt G - 6 years ago
Yeah kid Nice style
Max Edits
Max Edits - 6 years ago
haakon hills
haakon hills - 6 years ago
Volcom wetsuit
Ashby Norford
Ashby Norford - 6 years ago
Is this bloke Aussie because I need to hang out with him
Corey Atkinson
Corey Atkinson - 6 years ago
He reminds me of a tiny Alex Hayes
Caleb Sandeman
Caleb Sandeman - 6 years ago
im not his cousin
Caleb Sandeman
Caleb Sandeman - 6 years ago
sandman whattttttt!!!!
Mila Scott
Mila Scott - 6 years ago
Are you gonna go my way-Lenny Kravitz that song gets me psyched
Hunter Green
Hunter Green - 7 years ago
very important go to you tube type.. Metallica harp guitar cover Jamie dupuis you and dad need to check out this man's playing he has many covers to watch I like harp guitars please check this out let me know what you think of his playing ok
Hunter Green
Hunter Green - 7 years ago
fair Dale . one word bicycle racks go to modern bike .com take a look at it I know you would like it

20. comment for A day in the life: Cole Sandman

Hunter Green
Hunter Green - 7 years ago
go to bikes direct.com you should get a fat bike you'd like it better then what you are driving now
Hunter Green
Hunter Green - 7 years ago
hay fairydale makes skate board racks for bicycles it's like a skateboard rack for bicycled
Hunter Green
Hunter Green - 7 years ago
a little eccentric not bad have as much fun as you can I wish I could walk in your shoes for a week or so
Cristian Soare
Cristian Soare - 7 years ago
If i ever have a kid, i want him to be like this dude right here
積分いい気分微分 - 7 years ago
that’s a young john johnflorence
Aiden Cahill
Aiden Cahill - 7 years ago
Gemma Hepker
Gemma Hepker - 7 years ago
who's watching this in 2017
george guzman
george guzman - 7 years ago
Dropping in on people's waves is NOT cool you little squirt!!! And then he has an attitude, disgusting! smh!
Trinity - 7 years ago
not really an attitude lol, he was obviously just kidding around.
Yuna Kurai
Yuna Kurai - 7 years ago
Lil boy is hella dope
Jennifer Reachen
Jennifer Reachen - 7 years ago
ooooh yeah so nice xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

30. comment for A day in the life: Cole Sandman

Joey Miller
Joey Miller - 7 years ago
What type of jacket is that in the beginning
Meri Febrer Torres
Meri Febrer Torres - 7 years ago
Rocket Power life haha!
JESSICA KURTZ - 7 years ago
What a grommet
Jmikey - 7 years ago
plus what a little cut off
Jmikey - 7 years ago
it doesn't count if your parents turned you on to all of the above.
Now if the kid was into Perry Como while his dad rocked Exile on Main Street he'd be the boy.
ell a
ell a - 7 years ago
how old is he?
Newy rat
Newy rat - 6 years ago
like 2.
Italo Vaccaro
Italo Vaccaro - 7 years ago
what is the game he was playing called
D. Alex Hutchinson
D. Alex Hutchinson - 7 years ago
Its good to see a happy Kid surfing with his father and friends...My wish, all kids could have this also.
Jmikey - 7 years ago
Daniel Hutchinson he'll be a dropout stoner soon enough.
Rasta Fonz
Rasta Fonz - 7 years ago
i wish i can surf everyday carefree but i don't have a working car. haha. stay stoked!
Bradley - 7 years ago
Jmikey - 7 years ago
Bro Brad WE? We? Do you have a mouse in your pocket?
Mila Scott
Mila Scott - 7 years ago
P s y c h e d O U T hard
Pysched OUT
Pysched OUT - 7 years ago
Mila Scott - haha yea. When he gets big he should defs visit
Mila Scott
Mila Scott - 7 years ago
P s y c h e d O U T Im a kiwi. And personally I think he would fit in perfectly in our country
Finn imerson
Finn imerson - 7 years ago
mad bro still my favourite day in in the life
Mik Surf
Mik Surf - 7 years ago
Cole is rad... Charges... Great technique at a very young age. Very aware. Very cool family too. Bright future in the surf world. I'm a fan.
Dylan Sneddon
Dylan Sneddon - 7 years ago
The only difference of me and him is he doesn’t have school pretty sure he’s home schooled that makes a great life
Mila Scott
Mila Scott - 7 years ago
Cole Sandman public school is the way to go cause you get to make life long friends. Also can’t wait to see you on the world surf league tour dude your rippin it out there already. also come surf raglan, New Zealand one day. New Zealand would love you.
Cole Sandman
Cole Sandman - 7 years ago
i actually go to public school.
Mila Scott
Mila Scott - 7 years ago
GreatFratsby I agree
GreatFratsby - 7 years ago
Home schooled kids are usually socially awkward weirdos. Don't trip about it.
The dude abides
The dude abides - 7 years ago
It reminded me of myself growing up here in Ocean Beach San Diego picking up the dog poo doing chores surfing the jetty older dudes giving me s*** but getting respect this kid has been raised appropriately he's going to be one hell of a guy when he gets a bit older go kick some ass kid
northen beaches bros
northen beaches bros - 7 years ago
Dude try a smooth star
northen beaches bros
northen beaches bros - 7 years ago
Good boy washin up just like me this kid skatin and surfin
northen beaches bros
northen beaches bros - 7 years ago
Plz post more

50. comment for A day in the life: Cole Sandman

TheRusschannel - 7 years ago
Alex hayes kid? :P
m. pen
m. pen - 7 years ago
Cute kid until he destroyed the grill in the park that was obviously put there for people to use at the park. I hope they bought a new grill to replace that one. If not, that shows more than the music overlay and surfing montages.
Lily Barcohana
Lily Barcohana - 6 years ago
it broke by accident, only after that did he destroy it on purpose. plus it was garbage. no one is gonna be grilling at a skatepark
Layla Zephyr
Layla Zephyr - 7 years ago
nah it was just hard rubbish, wasnt there for public use
Lincoln Norton
Lincoln Norton - 7 years ago
How did his only vid get so many views
jerry sisson
jerry sisson - 7 years ago
Pops open a beer and drives off nice
Jack Denning
Jack Denning - 7 years ago
Some griller is bummed.
Moon Run
Moon Run - 7 years ago
grahamjarman - 7 years ago
Some COC, cool surfing fam
Tyler Stivala
Tyler Stivala - 7 years ago
Where's the vids
Kai - 7 years ago
This video is awesome we need more videos Steven Olvera is right.
Lizzy 666
Lizzy 666 - 7 years ago
He looks like an australian and the things he does is australian
DankBoi Shibe
DankBoi Shibe - 6 years ago
He’s from us trust me I know who an Australian is
Diego Castillo
Diego Castillo - 6 years ago
He’s from California I think
Augustus Bromley
Augustus Bromley - 6 years ago
Yeah he’s not Australian because the car is left hand drive
Caitlin McCready
Caitlin McCready - 6 years ago
Lizzy 666 yeah I know I do those things and I’m Aussie but whEre is he from
Maya dalgo
Maya dalgo - 7 years ago
omg we have so much stuff in common
brian ibarra
brian ibarra - 7 years ago
Anybody know what board he has
LH - 7 years ago
Wow! Flipping a pancake and then washing a pan? That's just some riveting footage there. Next time can we see you read a book for a while?
Cole Sandman
Cole Sandman - 7 years ago
too good
Ryan Reidemeister
Ryan Reidemeister - 7 years ago
LH you're just jealous of his skills
Tracie reynolds
Tracie reynolds - 7 years ago
He is my neighbor well he was because I moved
Laurel Bandy
Laurel Bandy - 7 years ago
bro his hat!! Omg such a cute kid
Lane Wilder
Lane Wilder - 7 years ago
It sounds like a toilet flushing every time the camera goes underwater
Sean Mastro
Sean Mastro - 7 years ago
Its "Boy" from The Road Warrior, .....Again!!! "Boy" has been in us all as we grow up. Have Fun.
knoodelhed - 7 years ago
I'm pretty sure this is in Santa Cruz
Chelsea Lucero
Chelsea Lucero - 6 years ago
I live in santa cruz, was going to say the same thing. It totally is.
Tracie reynolds
Tracie reynolds - 6 years ago
knoodelhed no it is Santa Cruz cause I surf there
Kevin's videos
Kevin's videos - 6 years ago
It is Santa Cruz
Brad Kamanski
Brad Kamanski - 7 years ago
Looks like Point Loma in San Diego to me...
Tun Nodule
Tun Nodule - 7 years ago
Most impressed your stoke up song was Touch of Grey. wow you are the hope for the future
mikebono17 - 7 years ago
Should have played "enter sandman" by Metallica lol... sick video tho
Dermer Life
Dermer Life - 7 years ago
dope video
Ha X
Ha X - 7 years ago
A day in the life of no one gives a shit
Noah the boa
Noah the boa - 7 years ago
irishwristwatch - 7 years ago
I want to come back as this kid in my next life.
Joshua Telemaque
Joshua Telemaque - 7 years ago
Make more videos
Joshua Telemaque
Joshua Telemaque - 7 years ago
This video is starting to slowly gain views
Kyle Robinson
Kyle Robinson - 7 years ago
that kids gonna slay pussy when hes older
scott williams
scott williams - 7 years ago
Reminds me when I was a kid except I didn’t play guitar. And I went on the slay a fair share of the kitty.. but who didn’t i suppose.
TheRusschannel - 7 years ago
OR penis? come on be real brah
The Funnys
The Funnys - 7 years ago
Kid was listening to Touch of Grey by the Grateful Dead... awesome!
Cosmos - 7 years ago
The Funnys Hell yeah. A Dead head is a friend of mine!
Jared Kern
Jared Kern - 7 years ago
what's the song at 8:02
Ty helie's channel
Ty helie's channel - 7 years ago
I hate vids
Caleb Sandeman
Caleb Sandeman - 6 years ago
Zeb Varela
Zeb Varela - 7 years ago
Ur depressed
Joe Lacy
Joe Lacy - 7 years ago
everyone hates your profile pic
Emily Rife
Emily Rife - 7 years ago
Edward Ralston
Edward Ralston - 7 years ago
i cant believe dude put on touch of gray by the Dead for his"psych up" song. classic...so funny. you rock little man. thats nor cal for ya..epic
Jared Kern
Jared Kern - 7 years ago
CHOP SLOP SURFER - 7 years ago
His mum is hot
Mountain Man3
Mountain Man3 - 7 years ago
Mountain Man3
Mountain Man3 - 7 years ago
all good things......
Wow Wow
Wow Wow - 7 years ago
Mountain Man3 I
Steven Olvera
Steven Olvera - 7 years ago
We need more videos of you
Mad_madz Madz
Mad_madz Madz - 6 years ago
Steven Olvera I agree
Jonah Ledingham-Valenzuela
Jonah Ledingham-Valenzuela - 8 years ago
yeah boi
Carlos_ sk8s
Carlos_ sk8s - 8 years ago
Black Sabbath, Rolling Stones.... This kids fuckn awesome
Mila Scott
Mila Scott - 7 years ago
How most surfer kids grow up. My Dads a surfer and met my Mum while traveling I grew up listening to all this music, going camping and surfing.
Kalanigrom - 7 years ago
Carlos_ sk8s and grateful dead
zac- man
zac- man - 7 years ago
Carlos_ sk8s and he cleans the house, shit doesn't clean itself... Great parents

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About A day in the life: Cole Sandman

The "A day in the life: Cole Sandman" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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