After being spotted SURFING I jumped from a moving train

The most intense thing what I have ever done. The main goal was to reach the planned city (for some reasons I don't want to mention it), but unexpectedly I have been spotted. Probably security cameras caught me somewhere when I was not hiding. But it's not the end and a new journey is coming... ★ Social media: ● Instagram - ● Facebook - ♫ Music -

After being spotted SURFING I jumped from a moving train sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1473

Surf 7 years ago 638,459 views

The most intense thing what I have ever done. The main goal was to reach the planned city (for some reasons I don't want to mention it), but unexpectedly I have been spotted. Probably security cameras caught me somewhere when I was not hiding. But it's not the end and a new journey is coming... ★ Social media: ● Instagram - ● Facebook - ♫ Music -

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Most popular comments
for After being spotted SURFING I jumped from a moving train

sanivle - 7 years ago

I got a lot of comments how I have been spotted. This is short review for you:

One of the security camera when I was on the train carriage spotted me and informed the train driver (Yes, I saw the camera and looked at it, but it was too late to do something). How I knew that they informed the train driver? He began to stop the train and after my jump he just stopped near me. What do you think I'll go and record it for you where is the train? No I didn't want to be caught.

Thanks I hope you understand now.
Grant D D
Grant D D - 6 years ago
Why would you jump around like that while still in the yard?
Alexandra .Willitts
Alexandra .Willitts - 6 years ago
1:11 ..........someone standing on the 2nd floor platform
FCPDLawz 01
FCPDLawz 01 - 6 years ago
Tyllerr d fake asshole
Daniel Caines
Daniel Caines - 7 years ago
sanivle j
Paulmaglev - 7 years ago
Where was the camera? It wasn't highlighted in the footage or mentioned in your comment.
sanivle - 7 years ago
Thanks Andrew.
ILike GoodMemez
ILike GoodMemez - 7 years ago
BE careful you can get hurt jumping from moving trains I did it and BROKE my arm, it's not fun
Amachetay Cybo
Amachetay Cybo - 7 years ago
build a cloaking suit there easier then u think ur use magic. i passed right threw a security checkpoint for a cocnert in a car once. the other year just by believing just enough my friends spell would work!
Wicho El Cuco
Wicho El Cuco - 7 years ago
sanivle what is the song called when you are in the bus at the end?
Wicho El Cuco
Wicho El Cuco - 7 years ago
sanivle what is the outro song
sanivle - 7 years ago
Penn & Jersey Railfaner
Penn & Jersey Railfaner - 7 years ago
sanivle you need to be caught
Purple Plasma Studios
Purple Plasma Studios - 7 years ago
sanivle I
sanivle - 7 years ago
Tyllerr d
Tyllerr d - 7 years ago
Batphink Phil I am the conductor you are a fraud you'll be prosecuted in a few days
Jacob Westley formerly madbadseagulls1
Jacob Westley formerly madbadseagulls1 - 7 years ago
Batphink Phil lol
Jacob Westley formerly madbadseagulls1
Jacob Westley formerly madbadseagulls1 - 7 years ago
It was a very brave move its the trying that counts not the succession.
The Polish DJ
The Polish DJ - 7 years ago
You're crazy, I like it :P
Wolf3fd - 6 years ago
So you have been spotted while you were running on the roof, or are those cameras so good that they can recognize a human even if he is hidden down?
Xavier Rios
Xavier Rios - 6 years ago
I love the music reminds me of a video game
aclock2 - 6 years ago
Are u in Australia ? I remember that bus chair
NiCe_tRy I_WoNT_LiE
NiCe_tRy I_WoNT_LiE - 6 years ago
uumm we drive on the left side of the road mate
DOOM667 - 6 years ago
watch out for the high voltage powerline, you dont wanna get grilled, you shouldnt be on the roof, take good care or you end crispy
Natasha Barber
Natasha Barber - 6 years ago
That looks so much fun
Troy Stephens
Troy Stephens - 6 years ago
Still alive?
Troy Stephens
Troy Stephens - 6 years ago
+sanivle Awesome. Keep your head on a swivel.
Ps- i wish i had your editing skills. Pretty cool.
sanivle - 6 years ago
yeah, don't worry will upload some stuff soon
Jan Frank
Jan Frank - 6 years ago
typen wie du gehörn eingespeert und in ne Klapsse. Deep
VentuRoute - 6 years ago
Once I got spotted surfing on a cheap board...

Everyone made fun of me

10. comment for After being spotted SURFING I jumped from a moving train

SAOtaku - 6 years ago
Wow, very well made!
Freddie2004.13 - 6 years ago
Was this in England?
sanivle - 6 years ago
Epsilon - 6 years ago
nexo gaming
nexo gaming - 6 years ago
Please be careful
MultiWatcher1000 - 6 years ago
landscape and city at 5:25 reminds me of dayz
Dylan Lemings
Dylan Lemings - 6 years ago
InfantryAbuser - 6 years ago
Easy way to commit not living
Ben Daniels[5405]
Ben Daniels[5405] - 6 years ago
Who else instantly thought of that old game subway surfers while watching this?
MsHadenfeldt - 6 years ago
Mobin92 - 6 years ago
Do you want to get electrocuted by the power lines on top? Because thats how you get that...

20. comment for After being spotted SURFING I jumped from a moving train

Fl Ko
Fl Ko - 6 years ago
I would be afraid of the Overhead wire. Are they dangoures while Train hopping ?
sanivle - 6 years ago
definitely yes
WangleLine - 6 years ago
Very well edited! I love the storytelling without speaking a single word :3
KD8GIS Bruce
KD8GIS Bruce - 6 years ago
My little brother and me are trying this, how do you grab a train? we keep falling off, maybe the train is going slower for you?
sanivle - 6 years ago
He said that he wants to surf, yeah go ahead it's his choice.
You deserve The mean comment
You deserve The mean comment - 6 years ago
sanivle I am joking
sanivle - 6 years ago
I hope he's kidding, don't worry
You deserve The mean comment
You deserve The mean comment - 6 years ago
Don’t try. It’s Dangerous
R T - 6 years ago
Maybe you were spotted because you kept on moving about and sticking your head out all the time.
sanivle - 6 years ago
No fun when you're hidden.
El Hijo del Portador de Luz
El Hijo del Portador de Luz - 6 years ago
This editing is no joke! You're a mad man
Turkish Delight
Turkish Delight - 6 years ago
CattleRustler - 6 years ago
Had you sat still you'd have reached your destination. But that was never the plan for this video.
sanivle - 6 years ago
no fun when you're hidden, so what's the purpose of all of this then?
A1M AND F1R3 - 6 years ago
The music choice and editing blended in so well everything felt like silk!
Josh Surdis
Josh Surdis - 6 years ago
Dumb question- how do u get those shots of Ariel view of the trsin
sanivle - 6 years ago
You are right!
You deserve The mean comment
You deserve The mean comment - 6 years ago
ImpGimp - 6 years ago
Why did you ride semi-suicide there? Crawling around the thing as well?
ImpGimp - 6 years ago
not some sort of accusation.. more of a: Why did you do it even though you know what you're doing?` what were the thoughts in your head at the time?
sanivle - 6 years ago
stupid questions, I know what I'm doing.

30. comment for After being spotted SURFING I jumped from a moving train

TheRageMatrix - 6 years ago
nothing happened next
Kirk Watson
Kirk Watson - 6 years ago
Hey man ! Let's see your way better kick-ass videos ? Now
Tomas Proudlove
Tomas Proudlove - 6 years ago
I’ve subbed
ZacRides - 6 years ago
Reminds me of the film run fat boy run
ZacRides - 6 years ago
Reminds me of the film run fat boy run
delirious wolf
delirious wolf - 6 years ago
You know what you should do if you dont want to bee seen DONT climb on top of the train
On The Road Media
On The Road Media - 6 years ago
Editing on POINT.
Stephen - 6 years ago
Don't dox yourself by posting this, one UK citizen (Brave Dave) got banned from Canada and the USA for posting his evasion of Canadian rail employees. Make sure they can't figure it out by scouring your social media, at least put a disclaimer that it was submitted to you anonymously or something. shit.
Xipo86 - 6 years ago
Damn extremely risking freight hopping: electricity + no bottom in the cargo
Night Crawler
Night Crawler - 6 years ago
5:27 whats that theme song called?
Cole Ernest
Cole Ernest - 6 years ago
i didnt see you jump
sanivle - 6 years ago
you are blind :(
Micheal Edwards
Micheal Edwards - 6 years ago
EimiS - 6 years ago
deam editing :D gj mate
Дуле - 6 years ago
Great edit.
Beanmachine91 - 6 years ago
hopper cars facing back make it easier to hide
tavvun - 6 years ago
Payday 2: Train Heist DLC
TEDDY - 6 years ago
Medium Nate
Medium Nate - 6 years ago
Graemeska - 6 years ago
What did you do today
Train surf
You what?
Gryzzi - 6 years ago
Lucas Setter
Lucas Setter - 6 years ago
2:47 FBI Open up

50. comment for After being spotted SURFING I jumped from a moving train

john blonde
john blonde - 6 years ago
Young man jumps on train...films it form angles...decides to jump off...films it from angles...goes home...films it from angles...third world
Nagi B
Nagi B - 6 years ago
What camera have used?)
Nagi B
Nagi B - 6 years ago
Cheers bro)
sanivle - 6 years ago
GoPro 4 Black
Andy 123
Andy 123 - 6 years ago
it's illegal to fly your drone above train rails
You deserve The mean comment
You deserve The mean comment - 6 years ago
FRY’S LAWNCARE - 6 years ago
Andy 123 who the fuck cares
De Sanc
De Sanc - 6 years ago
Wow, such clever
MyersBoys14 Gaming
MyersBoys14 Gaming - 6 years ago
Subway Surfer live action confirmed
Why do people subscribe to me?
Why do people subscribe to me? - 6 years ago
If you jump on top of the train while it's moving fast will you land on the same spot or a different spot?
AntiCommunistCat - 6 years ago
Shubhamay Barman
Shubhamay Barman - 6 years ago
Love to see more
King Cyrus
King Cyrus - 6 years ago
Wehave your finger prints your face from our cams we know who you are this is a federal offense expect a visit have a great day
sanivle - 6 years ago
I'm still waiting, where are you?
Gabriel Speer
Gabriel Speer - 6 years ago
Savage if I did that I’d get caught right away
cjcriss - 6 years ago
Wie dumm kann man sein?
Leute macht doch nicht so einen Scheiß.
Dureox - 6 years ago
This video is such a good quality. But i don't like the content :D jumping trains is not so cool
Daniel jeff incognito
Daniel jeff incognito - 6 years ago
Well edited and entertaining, great car, and drone shots, overall good suspense too
Zack - 6 years ago
If you don't think 'surfing' - not for train surfing, but as surfing on water, then the title doesn't really make any sense.
USNVA - 6 years ago
Whoa! The tunnel gave me a GTA flashback.
Dr. Phermit
Dr. Phermit - 6 years ago
Neat, yeah, but pretty unoriginal , I must say. There were a few pieces of story that could've been told a lot differently and to much greater effect.

I feel like with some better scripting, this could've been much better.
Kirk Watson
Kirk Watson - 6 years ago
Give it slack , let's see you do way better stuff ? Now please , fine , thank you very much
a e s t h e t i c a l
a e s t h e t i c a l - 6 years ago
A Hard Time - Simon Viklund
Payday 2 OST
River W
River W - 6 years ago
I've done this, it isn't moving so fast that its unpleasant to jump if you time it right
Games Cooky
Games Cooky - 6 years ago
Shit, i guess you had to pay for a bus ticket then
Lil Kulada
Lil Kulada - 6 years ago
Stupid but yolo id do this lmao
john smith
john smith - 6 years ago
try wearing a high vis vest hard hat and some for of laminated id that says anything official looking you spat out of your printer see if they stop you
AngryCowPlayz - 6 years ago
free ride xD
구독자70만명되면속옷만입고노래한곡한다 - 6 years ago
위험하게 머하는거야
Simonstar - 6 years ago
What time does he jump?
byPercy - 6 years ago
One word: Russia :D
poweer - 6 years ago
Derek DeVita
Derek DeVita - 6 years ago
Very well put together video!
EmajsNero - 6 years ago
I never surfed a train before but I imagine it fun, until the cops arrest your ass.
fair enough i guess
fair enough i guess - 6 years ago
Ur mom xD
Ur mom xD - 6 years ago
Very well made video, but how did you get the drone shots? Did you go to the locations after your train journey with your drone to get them?
Alden Legge
Alden Legge - 6 years ago
GTA 6 gameplay leaked
Lewis Johnson
Lewis Johnson - 6 years ago
I’m glad you didn’t stand in top with those power lines up there
Mission Failed, We'll Get Em' Next Time
Bianca Postolache
Bianca Postolache - 6 years ago
Kristian Bowitz
Kristian Bowitz - 6 years ago
What you did is stupid, dangerus and illegal… I LIKE IT!!!
TheHidden - 6 years ago
You've been spotted, get out of there. The good old days of Modern Warfare 2.
• BrandonGaming •
• BrandonGaming • - 6 years ago
Gta 5 irl hah
HeyThereI'mSky - 6 years ago
What was the last song used?
XLBZ - 6 years ago
ive never been more nervous than watching him get that close to the wheels
Brian Cray
Brian Cray - 6 years ago
Another buffoon who doesn't know the inherent dangers of riding trains. Don't hop around on the freight car like a clown if you do not want to get spotted. And if you do get spotted, the train slows down while they search for a rider, jump off then, not when it's cruising at a speed that can mar/kill you. If you ride enough you get caught, it's apart of riding...It's not worth your life.

If you continue to ride like in this video, your riding career will be cut short from losing limbs or going six feet under.
J G - 6 years ago
That’s a good camera Holy shit
crank dat soulja boi
crank dat soulja boi - 6 years ago
dude im from latvia
StneCldKilla - 6 years ago
Keep safe and promote safety more
Claus Klebstoff
Claus Klebstoff - 6 years ago
this is something everybody thinks about but actually don't try.
DarkTube - 6 years ago
Iván Pino
Iván Pino - 6 years ago
what country is that ?
Darth Utah 66
Darth Utah 66 - 6 years ago
I never saw you get spotted
Hightech Caveman
Hightech Caveman - 6 years ago
What if you have a brightly covered vest or disguse and just stood up there, acting like youre supposed to be there?
Fras - 6 years ago
How did they spot you and how did you know

100. comment for After being spotted SURFING I jumped from a moving train

NeonFlash Gaming
NeonFlash Gaming - 6 years ago
i want to do this one day
Mr. Steal Your Pineapple Juice
Mr. Steal Your Pineapple Juice - 6 years ago
How do u know how to get back home?
stuff & more stuff
stuff & more stuff - 6 years ago
Interesting but dangerous
Blue Wool Studios [Colin]
Blue Wool Studios [Colin] - 6 years ago
Is this legal? Nope. Do you have permission? I doubt it
B2K_ Scott
B2K_ Scott - 6 years ago
Colinthegreatest Colinthegreat216 does he care? probably not
SecondaryCharacter - 6 years ago
1:44 A 24 hour time with PM next to it??

Excuse me what
SecondaryCharacter - 6 years ago
nah no problem man, i just noticed it that's all. Sick video anyway, the editing is fantastic
sanivle - 6 years ago
sorry my mistake
jamesblunt006 - 6 years ago
Where, when and how did you get spotted? And how did you know about it? I don't see this in the video.
sanivle - 6 years ago
already explained - stop asking
Mitch Woody
Mitch Woody - 6 years ago
4:03 my man is that Corona Radiata by NIN?!
Sticko - 6 years ago
Anti climactic
Sarge_m16 - 6 years ago
Cool video.
Your a dumb ass.
But good video. At least you seem trained in doing this.
john harris
john harris - 6 years ago
Pretty cool, I'm impressed! I might have done this to when I was much, much younger.
Connor Claar
Connor Claar - 6 years ago
Ah man that train was going at least 5mph, how did you survive
Will Dell
Will Dell - 6 years ago
you, sir, are a bellend. but this is kinda funny
imagreatbigman - 6 years ago
Who spotted you?
Drone Danny
Drone Danny - 6 years ago
Not surprised you were spotted figiting around like that
Jacob Deason
Jacob Deason - 6 years ago
You just fucking got off and called it a day. Prick.
logically_illogical GD
logically_illogical GD - 6 years ago
Im telling my mommy
SammyTeee - 6 years ago
Very nice editing
Levi R.D
Levi R.D - 6 years ago
oh no how sad
its Philipp
its Philipp - 6 years ago
The Video is Cool
MrSpiochu - 6 years ago
Our Last Hope Lost Hope - Godsstation <3
max kraus
max kraus - 6 years ago
When were you spotted? Can you timestamp this Moment please? I cant see it in the Video
Barb Contorno
Barb Contorno - 6 years ago
Train hopping is cool in all but it’s so easy to get caught
Floza - 6 years ago
Damn he really held his breath that whole tunnel lmao
Kamel, K
Kamel, K - 6 years ago
Why stop the train, I wouldn't unless forced. I mean it's his life.
Gubby Go
Gubby Go - 6 years ago
Is this in Russia
SupriotheGLOBALELITE - 6 years ago
Awesome editing looked like a game
Hooverblox - 6 years ago
dude you are fucking nuts

and i love it
arturo reyes
arturo reyes - 6 years ago
I would love to do that shit one day
luna Bobles GHOST STORM 憲次
luna Bobles GHOST STORM 憲次 - 6 years ago
that was cool but if you jumped on an other train you would of got stuck in the middle of the train wagons casuing you to fall then get runned over
SeNoNam e
SeNoNam e - 6 years ago
Wow! you inspired me surfing Im going to do it tomorrow
SeNoNam e
SeNoNam e - 6 years ago
sanivle i know i maybe dont want But That was amazing video !
sanivle - 6 years ago
it's not my responsibility if people repeat it - you can do what you want to do but I'm not recommending...
Funny Fruit
Funny Fruit - 6 years ago
Awww man dis vid great and you only have 3k subz:(
sanivle - 6 years ago
it doesn't matter for me but at least this number still growing so thanks for all of you
mckayman - 6 years ago
i surfed the web today lolololol
sanivle - 6 years ago
I like comments like this one
TheEverydayPatriot - 6 years ago
TheEverydayPatriot - 6 years ago
Ma77as J Ah ok
Jennifer Rivers
Jennifer Rivers - 6 years ago
Wow you could have died but you lived. Good job
sanivle - 6 years ago
No, I know what I'm doing don't worry
Andrei Gradinaru
Andrei Gradinaru - 6 years ago
WOW N WARNING NO NOTHING this might make kids think like ow woah that' soo cool and easy! imma go try this out
David Metcalfe
David Metcalfe - 6 years ago
0:17 Boy, that was embarrassing. Hopefully you've gotten better since then.
sanivle - 6 years ago
yes it was stupid choice
KoolGuardrailBoy - 6 years ago
foken free loaders
mrmoran0077 - 6 years ago
No bloody wonder you were spotted with all your fannying about and climbing, it’s as if you wanted to be caught
boxersoho - 6 years ago
You did it right while Jumping, Just aim for the bushes.
Dr. Pyccknn
Dr. Pyccknn - 6 years ago
Bruh is that Australia
sanivle - 6 years ago
ElfNet Designs
ElfNet Designs - 6 years ago
In the US we call it "Freight Hopping"..
Mathea - 6 years ago
I rlly wanna try that
Mathea - 6 years ago
sanivle - 6 years ago
I do not recommend...
Rayxz - 6 years ago
Battlefield 3.
In the beginning the Universe was created. This angered lots of people and is regarded as a bad move
In the beginning the Universe was created. This angered lots of people and is regarded as a bad move - 6 years ago
I don't see why train companies care so much about train hoppers, it costs them nothing, and is dangerous so not many people are likely to do it.
Let 'em do it at their own risk, that's what I say.
train man
train man - 6 years ago
Mahtava Tuhoaja
Mahtava Tuhoaja - 6 years ago
The editing is pretty ok but overrated imo
gsilva220 - 6 years ago
Pao234 - 6 years ago
What is the song at 4:40 called like?
Флегматик - 6 years ago
Omg! Are you from Russia?
Флегматик - 6 years ago
sanivle - 6 years ago
No way
Derrick Haze
Derrick Haze - 6 years ago
No need for the annoying music
ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ
ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ - 6 years ago
5:24 *Achievement Unlocked: James Bond
Brendan Folk
Brendan Folk - 6 years ago
Tuck and roll next time
Initial Comet
Initial Comet - 7 years ago
Is train surfing fun or terrifying?
Anthony Long
Anthony Long - 6 years ago
Initial Comet it’s extremely dangerous most likely
sanivle - 6 years ago
it's pretty hard work to do that
ItsRainingGopniks 123
ItsRainingGopniks 123 - 7 years ago
*reads title* sounds like a smart guy
Papple Fag
Papple Fag - 7 years ago
Damn, keep this shit up bro, you'll get big quick, but don't die or anything
Anthony Copter
Anthony Copter - 7 years ago
What was the planned city?
Aaron Brown
Aaron Brown - 7 years ago
1 like if you are watching in 2018
Rocco - 7 years ago
Anyone else kinda want to put train surfing on your bucket list but kinda not?
The Australian Boy
The Australian Boy - 7 years ago
This looks cool! Keep it up!
Kick Rozing
Kick Rozing - 7 years ago
This is retarded
EagleLP - 7 years ago
Like boruto
ishimura - 7 years ago
Fuck you
TheBulgarianRail - Other videos
TheBulgarianRail - Other videos - 7 years ago
Subway Surfers - Real Life Edition! ;)
skirmos - 7 years ago
What a awesome Edit! Great Work!
ManexFX - 7 years ago
"shit I forgot how to go home"
bill605able - 6 years ago
A long time ago I forgot how to tie my shoe laces for over two hours.
sanivle - 6 years ago
"connects to Google Maps"
ffjsb - 7 years ago
Another Darwin Award Candidate...
loltek - 7 years ago
how you get to first class wow
sanivle - 7 years ago
haha, good one
Chris Costello
Chris Costello - 7 years ago
That editing was immaculate Sanivle! What program do you use to edit your videos?
sanivle - 7 years ago
Thanks. Adobe premiere and sony vegas.
RootedHat - 7 years ago
Not a good idea to stand where overhead powerlines are...
Sgt DeBones
Sgt DeBones - 7 years ago
Real life Subway Surfer
b4sic - 7 years ago
Holy shit you're Lithuanian? I never thought Lithuanians would be doing something bad ass like this lol. Glad you escaped.
NintendoTV64 - 7 years ago
Don't try this at home, folks!
Wicho El Cuco
Wicho El Cuco - 7 years ago
Whats the outro song?
Dan Bate
Dan Bate - 7 years ago
Seen this sort of thing being done in America on YouTube.
LøCøMøTiøN Productionz
LøCøMøTiøN Productionz - 7 years ago
Where did this take place
The Noob
The Noob - 7 years ago
@ 3:59 he only saw his phone becuase do you those phones that you need some special glasses to see well yeah
someone of this world
someone of this world - 7 years ago
Brilliant editing, i thought this was clickbait cause ive seen loads lf clickbait these days. +1 sub
someone of this world
someone of this world - 6 years ago
Right i forgot i watched this lol and saw my old comment
NelliNightshade - 7 years ago
did you break anything? no? hummmm.
Kilyan Austin Wierema
Kilyan Austin Wierema - 7 years ago
American trains move so slow. You cant even do this shit in The Netherlands, they drive too fast to jump on.
MR PINEAPPLE36 36 - 6 years ago
We ride kangaroos here in Australia
Mike - 6 years ago
Try again. Class one railroads in America run at 50-60 mph for freight and 70-80 for passenger trains.
Ned Flanders
Ned Flanders - 6 years ago
Madness Time im from okla to
Nathaniel Genthner
Nathaniel Genthner - 6 years ago
That is a branchline they have to go slow but on the mainline thats different
Nicazer - 6 years ago
Our trains may only go 70 mph (10kph) but we put 100-150 cars on each one.
Spazboy James
Spazboy James - 6 years ago
some trains move slow because of how much weight they’re carrying
GewoonOmar - 6 years ago
toch komt ns altijd te laat
Moisturized Air
Moisturized Air - 6 years ago
Kilyan Austin Wierema this isn't america
tavvun - 6 years ago
Meanwhile in the netherlands

idiot tries to hop on train
idiot falls and breaks spine, and both his legs
Konstantin Troetscher
Konstantin Troetscher - 6 years ago
Trains in America are way longer and most are diesel powered so there are no overhead power lines. Those are the main reason why freight hopping in Europe is almost impossible: You can get electrocuted easily. Plus the USA and Canada have completely different rail cars which make it easier to ride in. European freight wagons don’t have any space next to the cargo container or grainer.
J Shepard
J Shepard - 6 years ago
They stop, you know.
person - 6 years ago
Even if this was in America you get on when they're stopped and our when theyre just starting to move
Madness Time
Madness Time - 6 years ago
Still American trains move faster than the look I was in Tulsa with my friend and a train drove by it blew my hat off and I it went faster than cars on the highway it was next to
Dew Dankoosh
Dew Dankoosh - 7 years ago
Kilyan Austin Wierema This isn't American.
lekker pilsie
lekker pilsie - 7 years ago
Kilyan Austin Wierema kan gewoon opstappen als hij net weg gaat
TheGreyGap - 7 years ago
that filters really strong. i love it
The Real Patticakes
The Real Patticakes - 7 years ago
If you plan on freight hopping in America, you should know that railroads here are VERY strict about this kind of thing and routinely patrol trains for trespassers. I don't encourage what you're doing, but I do find it interesting. STAY SAFE my friend!
Adam Croft
Adam Croft - 7 years ago
nice editing
2Qunick - 7 years ago
Liam Baril
Liam Baril - 7 years ago
Fuck man you rock
Krul_Śilvera - 7 years ago
I did that yesterday when coming back from IEM Katowice (hitched a ride from Katowice to Krakow, 100km away), turns out the train was going to a factory 1200 meters away from my house, didnt even have to order a taxi XD
Wicho El Cuco
Wicho El Cuco - 7 years ago
Whats the outro song
SpiritBear12 - 7 years ago
You were spotted because you don't know how to keep your ass still. Moving objects will catch the attention of some one where stationary objects tend to get ignored.
abhishek gourav
abhishek gourav - 6 years ago
SpiritBear12 no wonder cars driving by me grab my attention....should have known they are moving
Cole - 6 years ago
SpiritBear12 no shit sherlock
bill605able - 6 years ago
Did you write the mirror thing?
sanivle - 7 years ago
You are soooo smart! Greetings!
gangl3s - 7 years ago
24000 volts run through that over head wire u sir are a madman
ol chadley eh
ol chadley eh - 7 years ago
This deserves more view/likes
TNTdisaster - 7 years ago
nice video :) just be careful
GRINCH NATION - 7 years ago
Traincore???? i mean you did just jump on the fly riding a suicide and train surfing lolol
Penn & Jersey Railfaner
Penn & Jersey Railfaner - 7 years ago
Doing this in the US is not even possible cause you will be spotted by Railroad police, frequent stops, disconnecting cars etc.
GORGI's World
GORGI's World - 7 years ago
What was the gate at 3:05 for?
sanivle - 7 years ago
I do not see any gates
Kimber 10MM
Kimber 10MM - 7 years ago
Hey kids that may do this Please be fuckin careful Looks so damn dangerous!! I wish there was a safer way like a train u could sit inside with seat n stuff
Drew R.
Drew R. - 6 years ago
Was thinking the same thing!
Emoji Productions
Emoji Productions - 7 years ago
So technicly subway surfers?
GrahamIt - 6 years ago
tavvun - 6 years ago
Freight train surfers
Area 51
Area 51 - 7 years ago
Emoji Productions subway surfers irl
87 Cheez its
87 Cheez its - 7 years ago
Is this a British train? Because I have not seen one like that before
sanivle - 7 years ago
I have no idea
87 Cheez its
87 Cheez its - 7 years ago
sanivle oh where is that train from?
sanivle - 7 years ago
Barton Parkour And Photography
Barton Parkour And Photography - 7 years ago
Quality video!
Petr Volek
Petr Volek - 7 years ago
nice shot!
Boks Prof
Boks Prof - 7 years ago
TrainBrain107 - 7 years ago
This is illegal...
Cosins - 7 years ago
A lot of stuff is illegal but people do it anyways.
c0ck - 7 years ago
For us no
Thomas Hibinski Highlights
Thomas Hibinski Highlights - 7 years ago
were u running from the cops
or fans
MasterBuilder 365
MasterBuilder 365 - 7 years ago
Who was flying the drone whoever it was props to him
lex games
lex games - 7 years ago
Yeah boiii u made it to litva
HappyQuails - 7 years ago
I'm sorry, I will come back at a better time. Im not feeling well
sanivle - 7 years ago
please, don't leave me...
Donovan Bryant
Donovan Bryant - 7 years ago
i dont have the balls to ride on a moving train unless its inside the train
Saraxatara - 6 years ago
+Ned Flanders Welp they dont live anymore..., i bet you will die like them.
Bandit Himself
Bandit Himself - 6 years ago
SpiritBear12 it may be a bit stupid but it’s called living, enjoying himself, taking risks etc. Obvs you can’t see that
Charlie - 6 years ago
SpiritBear12 With ignorance comes danger and fun. Do not judge one unless you have experienced their position and mind-set yourself.
canuck farmer
canuck farmer - 6 years ago
i doubt you have or ever will hop a train billy badass
Ned Flanders
Ned Flanders - 6 years ago
SpiritBear12 some people live others are scared bitches like you
CubNeb - 6 years ago
The balls of stupidity.
SpiritBear12 - 7 years ago
This guy jumping trains doesn't have balls, it's stupidity.
1k subs without any videos
1k subs without any videos - 7 years ago
Gta 5 in a nutshell
The Second coming of sergej
The Second coming of sergej - 7 years ago
Damn, the new DLC for Mirror's Edge looks sick
Ciaran Bird
Ciaran Bird - 7 years ago
wow great video! such incredible editing as well, keep up the awesome vids :D
Jolly Rogers
Jolly Rogers - 7 years ago
wow you made a lot of dangerous rookie mistakes just saying from a freight hopper
Pesuvalgendaja - 7 years ago
Do u come to Estonia too?
sanivle - 7 years ago
24 Finder
24 Finder - 7 years ago
1:34 You will touch the high voltage live wire at the top of the train. Be careful for it
24 Finder
24 Finder - 7 years ago
Richard25000 lol
Richard25000 - 7 years ago
25kV can arch a good way so don't get too close lol
sanivle - 7 years ago
not this time
MIMALECKIPL - 7 years ago
Next time don't be walking on the damn roof
MIMALECKIPL - 7 years ago
But I do admire the plan and part of it's execution
sanivle - 7 years ago
Yes, sir!
Ajaira Rockstars
Ajaira Rockstars - 7 years ago
Wow fine
C:/F4rt1ngD0g - 7 years ago
0:39 looks like GTA camera
1_Leon - 7 years ago
Trainsurfing is ellegally and very dangerous
Gingerninjahead The ninja
Gingerninjahead The ninja - 7 years ago
This editing and the music makes it really bloody tense
Toby plays retro
Toby plays retro - 7 years ago
I've created a very simple rule for train surfers:

sanivle - 7 years ago
yes, I know, thanks for reminder.
Robert Jianu
Robert Jianu - 7 years ago
GTA 6 looks great
Liam - 7 years ago
We'll get 'em next time
o i
o i - 6 years ago
Liam best meme ever, no comeback it is
Brad - 7 years ago
What did you use to edit the video
sanivle - 7 years ago
Adobe and Sony products.
JackDaPlayer - 7 years ago
Subway surfers in real life
LGCEC - 7 years ago
Beautiful edit! Love it! keep the awesome work up :D
sanivle - 7 years ago
Hey, thanks!
hafidh Craft
hafidh Craft - 7 years ago
if your feet fall in to bogie!
Klaus - 7 years ago
Did you know, that you don‘t even need to touch the power cable to die?
sanivle - 7 years ago
Yes, but I'm still alive!
Angus Anthony
Angus Anthony - 7 years ago
why are so many train surfers slavs?
XxMGXlordxX :000
XxMGXlordxX :000 - 7 years ago
How do you get home
sanivle - 7 years ago
Jesse Isbell
Jesse Isbell - 7 years ago
That music is really fitting for riding the train. It's like a secret agent trying to find a secret station to see what the bad guys are up to.
What's the music list?
Ping Strongovsk Belinnyanov
Ping Strongovsk Belinnyanov - 7 years ago
Did I see a RZHD train there?
EchtEenMilan - 7 years ago
It is dangerous, illegal but nice! Where is it? Nice video man!
TDB11 - 7 years ago
Wow this is cool as!
Ryan Jones
Ryan Jones - 7 years ago
Do you have any sense of self preservation
Dean Daniel
Dean Daniel - 7 years ago
nice editing. and your instagram is awesome i followed
Gabrielsuperzumb gabriel
Gabrielsuperzumb gabriel - 7 years ago
you crazy
Owen Roberts
Owen Roberts - 7 years ago
I’m 1000th like
Sawk The Conqueror & Lord of Polaris
Sawk The Conqueror & Lord of Polaris - 7 years ago
Top 10 ways to kill yourself 2018.
50cal Caleb
50cal Caleb - 7 years ago
Syed Abbas
Syed Abbas - 7 years ago
2:26 a bit too close to the axles tbh.
I’ll Reku1
I’ll Reku1 - 6 years ago
Syed Abbas e
Thom Wittingen
Thom Wittingen - 7 years ago
hope you brought earplugs
Mike Roma
Mike Roma - 7 years ago
This is somewhere in Russia. Saw the Russian Railroad logo on one of the trains...
J Shepard
J Shepard - 6 years ago
5:28 It really wasn't hard to find the location.
c0ck - 7 years ago
Mike Roma no lithuania. Kaunas
Linkz Nation
Linkz Nation - 7 years ago
Little bit stupid but it’s a well edited video
Vremm - 7 years ago
I think i've watched 1M
subs channel :/
Gordon Snell
Gordon Snell - 7 years ago
That is soooo dangerous in so many ways
Loli-Pedo Hybrid Pervert
Loli-Pedo Hybrid Pervert - 7 years ago
Ikr!!! It was the most dangerous deed ever to be done!
MagicOfTheRails - 7 years ago
Subway surfers in a nutshell
Clear of Issue
Clear of Issue - 6 years ago
so true
DrFaggyO - 6 years ago
MagicOfTheRails i guess
C r e 8 i v i t y
C r e 8 i v i t y - 7 years ago
Wow thought this was just in Subway Surfers
Juanan0 - 7 years ago
I love the shot in the tunnel... feels amazing to watch
Richard's Adventures
Richard's Adventures - 7 years ago
Just seen this... Awesome stuff
NotroHolix - 7 years ago
editing on point
Circus Baby
Circus Baby - 7 years ago
szőllős patrik
szőllős patrik - 7 years ago
wath tha fuck
? ¿
? ¿ - 7 years ago
szőllős patrik dude dont swear
Hungry cat boi
Hungry cat boi - 7 years ago
Man, that looks cool
Lily W
Lily W - 7 years ago
Keep up the good work! Really enjoyed your video :)
Drunk Slav
Drunk Slav - 7 years ago
Do you have a stable home? Or are you on foot sleeping in hotels? Because you are travelling ALOT.
sanivle - 7 years ago
Yes, I have.
surya teja
surya teja - 7 years ago
Who else liked it just for the editing?
Nierkans - 7 years ago
WOW! What do you use for filming? Quality is amazing!
Clemens Schlage
Clemens Schlage - 7 years ago
What planned city?
sanivle - 7 years ago
still in plans, so I can't say.
Beluga Studios
Beluga Studios - 7 years ago
I am very impressed with the editing!
Srrc - 7 years ago
4:50 James Bond status achieved
Liam Mc Cay
Liam Mc Cay - 6 years ago
he just needs a big digger like in skyfall
USus Usus
USus Usus - 7 years ago
gg that editing in the tunnel also well! Great job!
John Milner
John Milner - 7 years ago
no wonder u got spotted. why do you climb around like an ape during the ride? sit still patiently and nobody will spot u.
GronScott - 6 years ago
I'm gonna risk my life doing something fun but I will ruin it by sitting and hiding like Anne Frank cuz that is what I want to risk my life for! Nvm moving around doing the exciting stuff that is the pay off I'll just sit here and be "patient"
Grant D D
Grant D D - 6 years ago
You can still make video for YouTube just jump around like a 4 year old after you get a ways outside of the yard. Just don't cry to momie when you fall and lose an arm lol
Trident Remixes
Trident Remixes - 6 years ago
But that's boring especially when you're doing it for YouTube.
Noah Holliday
Noah Holliday - 6 years ago
John Milner agreed. The first minute of the video was like the time my 4yr old son drank a bottle of maple syrup! Board the train, hunker down until you are outside of civilization, and then peek about, but climbing on top in daylight at any time is the surest way to get spotted, or killed....
NE Railfan 812
NE Railfan 812 - 7 years ago
So drom what I can tell, this is some Central/Eastern European area.
TotaledOrbGaming - 7 years ago
That must have been a really oh shit moment
JannisTheKuh - 7 years ago
well edited! love the drone shots
Arshad - 7 years ago
lmao why are American trains so slow? My car goes faster than that in a parking lot
Jimin and suga biased *ARMY*
Jimin and suga biased *ARMY* - 7 years ago
Grand Dad it's not from America, but ours are slow because they've been eating too much McDonald's.
Blue Mountain Edward
Blue Mountain Edward - 7 years ago
Street crossings, there could be a car on the tracks.
Mr. Mister
Mr. Mister - 7 years ago
Grand Dad

1.Its Lithuania
2.Its a cargo train
431 - 7 years ago
cool edit! what song?
sanivle - 7 years ago
which one?
87 Cheez its
87 Cheez its - 7 years ago
Roblox jailbreak be like
87 Cheez its
87 Cheez its - 7 years ago
WackyTabakee I was tired and the first thing that popped in my head was that lol
WackyTabakee - 7 years ago
Ew cringe
Exploring With Deividas
Exploring With Deividas - 7 years ago
Amazing! ( nice edit )

Keep moving!
trizm 6ix 六
trizm 6ix 六 - 7 years ago
Btw autism
trizm 6ix 六
trizm 6ix 六 - 7 years ago
Looks fun as fuck tho
CommodoreCrusher9000TM Pictures
CommodoreCrusher9000TM Pictures - 7 years ago
Gone viral xD
Jonistan - 7 years ago
4:00 ok so you can afford this phone but you can't afford to use a legal form of transport. ok...
Brad Hall
Brad Hall - 6 years ago
facepalms hand so far through face it leaves exit wound on the other side
realer - 7 years ago
he does it for fun
John Lawrence
John Lawrence - 7 years ago
You deserve more subs
Kain Weir
Kain Weir - 7 years ago
I want to do this but UK's train line is one of the most secure in the world with fencing.
Cunt Paul
Cunt Paul - 6 years ago
Just cut that shit boi
Max - 7 years ago
Flux - 7 years ago
wow really nice editing.
phips d
phips d - 7 years ago
Verry costly video, good job!
Pallad - 7 years ago
:^) fun to watch
Jarred’s Loose Extention Cord
Jarred’s Loose Extention Cord - 7 years ago
What the he’ll kind of metal gate was that??? It looked like one of those head messagers
Jarred’s Loose Extention Cord
Jarred’s Loose Extention Cord - 7 years ago
goishikaigan mademou ohhh I was thinking it’s probably for something like taht
goishikaigan mademou
goishikaigan mademou - 7 years ago
A gate designed to allow deers to exit, but not enter? A deer can open it with its nose from inside, but needs human hands to open it from the outside.
(BTW, note the Russian style train: central couplers, no buffers and broad guage).
Autonomous-Playground - 7 years ago
ugh more people riding freight trains to post on their intagrams and shit, fuck off!
Magdalena - 7 years ago
Why in Russia going Slovak train sets "ZSSK jánošík"?
sanivle - 7 years ago
someone give him a medal!
Clorox Bleach
Clorox Bleach - 7 years ago
Something I definitely would do anytime anywhere
Srrc - 7 years ago
Clorox Bleach hello there mr bleach
mr.idontcare - 7 years ago
5:23 There u go
VOLL KORN BROT - 7 years ago
1 Like = 1 Cookie
Das Strichmänchen
Das Strichmänchen - 6 years ago
Gib den keks.
CrazyjojoHD - 6 years ago
Oh ein deutscher :D
Splendid Dwarf
Splendid Dwarf - 7 years ago
VOLL KORN BROT - 7 years ago
yay :D
Splendid Dwarf
Splendid Dwarf - 7 years ago
VOLL KORN BROT you got my 30th cookie
VOLL KORN BROT - 7 years ago
np :D
sanivle - 7 years ago
VOLL KORN BROT - 7 years ago
and the Cookies are not for my .... the Cookies are for (sanivle)
VOLL KORN BROT - 7 years ago
First Name Last Name
First Name Last Name - 7 years ago
VOLL KORN BROT 3 cookies is enough for you
VOLL KORN BROT - 7 years ago
den4k 8
den4k 8 - 7 years ago
че за хуйню я посмотрел
Androdid Nowy
Androdid Nowy - 7 years ago
Don't worry, be happy!!
Camaro SS
Camaro SS - 7 years ago
Tepper music!
Tepper music! - 6 years ago
My name is Tuva ;-;
Justas Židanavičius
Justas Židanavičius - 7 years ago
Steve - 7 years ago
As a mechanic all that rust is painful to see lol
Zack - 6 years ago
Phillip Anderson same.. i pointed out that your grammar sucks
Phillip Anderson
Phillip Anderson - 6 years ago
Zack not salty just pointing out the truth
Zack - 6 years ago
Phillip Anderson Saltyyy
Phillip Anderson
Phillip Anderson - 6 years ago
Zack we get it you sit on your arse reading the dictionary complain about people's grammar for a living lol
Zack - 6 years ago
Phillip Anderson I was just pointing out and no, you are is not your
Phillip Anderson
Phillip Anderson - 6 years ago
Zack when was the argument about grammar and there is alot of different English language variations out there so you can't assume
Zack - 6 years ago
Phillip Anderson You too, as for grammar.. It's you're not your.
Phillip Anderson
Phillip Anderson - 6 years ago
Nicolas Boswell your very wrong
The hash slinging slasher.
The hash slinging slasher. - 6 years ago
Honestly speaking paint doesn't fix years of wear and tear, heat and cool cycles and metal fatiguing. A little coat of rust actually protects the metal, at least when its all superficial.
3k - 6 years ago
Omega The husky its Lithuania so yeah even if it crumbles like shit they will keep using it
Rob L
Rob L - 6 years ago
Julian. Excellent reference. Thank you. Cor-ten steel, weathering steel, was patented in the 1930s, and used architecturally beginning in 1964 (Saarinen’s John Deere Building). I have not found when it began being used structurally.

Many of the rusting railroad bridges I am familiar with (I Street Bridge in Sacramento, CA) were built prior to the availability of Cor-ten steel. They may be waiting for eventual replacement rather than being maintained.
Julian Schönborn
Julian Schönborn - 6 years ago
when you let metal rust controlled and on purpose, it can protect metal from oxygen. Its better than any paint. But if it rusts uncontrolled and without purpose, it doesn't gain a smooth surface protecting metal, it lets water and oxygen through, that will destroy the metal. but in controlled conditions you can use rust as a strong protection. Ask google for Cor-Ten Steel. Sorry for the bad english, it's my second language.
Steve - 6 years ago
Rob L Ive thought about it this way too
Rob L
Rob L - 6 years ago
Nicholas Boswell
This issue of rust, particularly on railroad bridges across the country, is something I have wondered about for a number of years. I have thought allowing the bridges to rust over the decades and eventually be replaced with newer, better materials or technology might be more cost effective than regular maintenance. Or sometimes the choice made by the railroad may come down to either high paid railroad executives or much needed railroad maintenance jobs. If you have evidence that allowing railroad bridges to rust rather than to paint or otherwise maintain them is to any degree preferable, I, for one, would appreciate references to support that view.
bill605able - 6 years ago
perhaps that rust is a film of poo
Steve - 6 years ago
Alex Scott No explain tell me?
Alex Scott
Alex Scott - 6 years ago
Steve it all has been written down here in this comment thread...
Steve - 6 years ago
Alex Scott Elaborate
Alex Scott
Alex Scott - 6 years ago
Steve you are so wrong it's hurting..
Steve - 7 years ago
Cool Jesus lol
Cool Jesus
Cool Jesus - 7 years ago
Steve you would not have enjoyed britain in the 60s...
Justin Nelson
Justin Nelson - 7 years ago
Steve - 7 years ago
Nicolas Boswell Yep only you do
Nicolas Boswell
Nicolas Boswell - 7 years ago
Steve knowledge you ain’t got.
Steve - 7 years ago
Nicolas Boswell What knowledge ?
Nicolas Boswell
Nicolas Boswell - 7 years ago
Steve I’m done sharing my knowledge with an Internet “I’m right your wrong”
Steve - 7 years ago
Nicolas Boswell And ik what weathered steel is and not all trains are made out of it and this one does not look like it is made out of it .... The rust also isnt uniform everywhere.....
Steve - 7 years ago
Nicolas Boswell And rust DOES NOT protect metal it DESTROYS IT!
Steve - 7 years ago
Nicolas Boswell Your a fucking idiot then what does rust do? If rust is on a metal part it will eat through it i have seen it in person and they snap right off with a tiny bit of force. And that is onviously not weathered steel. You can tell it isnt you can see the dripped rust all over!
Nicolas Boswell
Nicolas Boswell - 7 years ago
They are rusty on purpose.
The trucks are made of “weathered steel,” a product that has been around for more than 30 years and is used in steel structures and sculpture. The rust, or oxidizing process that creates hydrated iron oxide, protects the product, which in this case is COR-TEN, U.S. Steel’s trade name for the corrosion-resistant low-alloy steel. (The Chicago Picasso is made from this.)
Steve - 7 years ago
Nicolas Boswell Ok, and your point is what? If rust is on a surface even if there is no water ever hitting it again rust will keep on eating the metal until it is sanded off a painted and when the paint gets chipped down ro bare metal water hits it it will rust in that chip then if its not sanded the rust will spread under the paint and make it all flake off then eventually and more water will hit more rust and it will begin spreading more rapidy
Nicolas Boswell
Nicolas Boswell - 7 years ago
Omega The husky you idiots know that once rust is on a surface, then that rust limits oxygen, right?
Steve - 7 years ago
Omega The husky Not a single non rusty spot lol
Steve - 7 years ago
Omega The husky Guaranteed they will just wait a decade till it just snaps in half When they could just get it sabdblasted and painted doesnt even have to be good or proffessional paint no primer, no clearcoat some 99cent paint will even help stop rust
Omega Scoob
Omega Scoob - 7 years ago
Steve I'm a mechanic as well, but I wouldn't be surprised if they keep that thing rolling unless it breaks and crumbles like shit
Steve - 7 years ago
Omega The husky Haha
Omega Scoob
Omega Scoob - 7 years ago
Steve perhaps the paint is holding the thing together
Minici Master
Minici Master - 7 years ago
You are in the Lithuania there's my home in kaunas
Bob Yomom
Bob Yomom - 7 years ago
Wow the editing is amazing!
TRW gaming
TRW gaming - 7 years ago
I would love to do this. Just getting on a train and not caring about where it stops.
iiWarfare - 6 years ago
TRW gaming You won’t love it when you don’t know where you are get arrested.
Selethen - 7 years ago
How did u know you have been spotted? I think I'm hearing the train horns, but im not sure
Noah Holliday
Noah Holliday - 6 years ago
Steve, being on a train or not it's obvious you feel so enlightened due to the massive amount of trains pulled on you. It's a little different than that here.
Ourix - 6 years ago
you have problems
I Am Sekou
I Am Sekou - 6 years ago
Steve stfu
max kraus
max kraus - 6 years ago
Good question, the whole Video doesnt make sense
Steve - 7 years ago
Saša Mihajlovic I live in the us and ive never even been on a train and ik
Steve - 7 years ago
Asphalt Yes you can u blind dumbass
Steve - 7 years ago
Kasper Leinonen Thanks
SaltySteve - 7 years ago
Asphalt no he said he spotted a camera too late looked right at it it then notified the driver who started to slow so he jumped
Asphalt - 7 years ago
Steve You dumb fuck he is asking how did the person who record this noticed that he has been spotted. You cannot see the moment he has been spotted in this video. The person who recorded this probably lied that somebody spotted him so he can jump out so it looks cool on a video. P.s. Learn to spell you fucking retard.
Kasper Leinonen
Kasper Leinonen - 7 years ago
Steve You're*
Vienkāršs Skatītājs
Vienkāršs Skatītājs - 7 years ago
Selethen The control points are each station. They look for people when the train is going by.
Steve - 7 years ago
Saša Mihajlovic Your blind af no matter where in the world you can vidually realize if there is a checkpoint unless your fucking retarted
Смоки В.
Смоки В. - 7 years ago
Steve: I can't see shit smartass, and what kind of checkpoints are those, is this normal in Europe or just an Lithuanian thing
Steve - 7 years ago
Selethen Your an idiot it’s so fucking obvious
Selethen - 7 years ago
But i'm asking how did you notice it?
sanivle - 7 years ago
as you see under carriage
Sam Sitar
Sam Sitar - 7 years ago
how do you hide from the control points?
sanivle - 7 years ago
One of the control point spotted me and informed the train driver.
Eevo MGO
Eevo MGO - 7 years ago
Looks like you from Lithuania :)
MRcactus MRcactus
MRcactus MRcactus - 6 years ago
sanivle and uhad tostop in Lithuania mad im just mad
MRcactus MRcactus
MRcactus MRcactus - 6 years ago
StickPlayZ same
Tim O'Sullivan
Tim O'Sullivan - 7 years ago
sanivle - 7 years ago
I'm travelling around the world :)
Urban Odyssey
Urban Odyssey - 7 years ago
shall we run from police comrad?
sanivle - 7 years ago
It's too easy for us haha
OWE - 7 years ago
wow man you did an amazing job i enjoy watching your video you deserve more subs man
sanivle - 7 years ago
Krvave Piko
Krvave Piko - 7 years ago
good job
Blurred Motion
Blurred Motion - 7 years ago
Nice storytelling. You're not just showing your footage, you create suspense with moving foreward and backwards again in the video.
These drone shots also fit well in the video. Good job!
Tree Power
Tree Power - 6 years ago
Oh yeah, well someone caught up didn't they hey...
sanivle - 7 years ago
Thanks a lot!
Rold Eric
Rold Eric - 7 years ago
please be careful ;)
Intergalactic raisins
Intergalactic raisins - 6 years ago
John wick?
fiberrabit - 7 years ago
Hey my dood
vezee - 7 years ago
Such innovative editing
TheOtherWhiteBread0 - 6 years ago
vezee yeah absolutely ground breaking. Lol
COUNTER STRIKE He’s - 6 years ago
autumn brown shut the fuck up in one of ur videos u couldn’t spell against
Da bomb Jack brining
Da bomb Jack brining - 6 years ago
Shorne Pubique
Shorne Pubique - 6 years ago
bullshit artist
Obey Glixity
Obey Glixity - 6 years ago
it's definitely not innovative lol some other guy edits his videos like this I cant remember his name
The Lemon Square
The Lemon Square - 7 years ago
Yeah, I found this video and its style to be so incredibly unique.
15oxx - 7 years ago
Sure you have
autumn brown
autumn brown - 7 years ago
Iv done that befor
sanivle - 7 years ago
Thank you!
Marc Kozman
Marc Kozman - 7 years ago
Edit is nice and clean, unlike junk you find on youtube nowadays.
6yjjk - 6 years ago
Too many people think I like hearing some god-awful "vlog music" with squeaky chipmunk "vocals". This is a refreshing change.
Honreh - 6 years ago
Back in my day the YouTube videos were more crisp then ever. Then the normies came...
Mark Harwood
Mark Harwood - 7 years ago
Marc Kozman I
Pesuvalgendaja - 7 years ago
What do you mean nowadays? Youtube videos editing is better than ever since technology is advancing and that obviously affects youtube videos as well. The content is already a different story... that may even be worse than before. Do really want to say editing was better before? Hell no
sanivle - 7 years ago
Thanks for your kind words!
checkmate - 7 years ago
Wow, this is sick
sanivle - 7 years ago
Thanks, mate!

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About After being spotted SURFING I jumped from a moving train

The "After being spotted SURFING I jumped from a moving train" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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