Alana Blanchard Surfing, Yoga, & Jiu-Jitsu: Alana Surfer Girl, Ep 104

Watch the full Alana Surfer Girl series: As surfers, Alana Blanchard, Leila Hurst and Camille Brady spend a ton of time in the water, but when they're on dry land these girls devote their energy to a healthy active lifestyle. In this episode, the girls head to Hanalei Yoga on Kauai to focus on muscle relaxation, core strength, and balance. Then a special visit to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu teacher Bruno Ewald. Bruno teaches the girls Jiu-Jitsu self defense moves—a great skill for these world travelers. Check back every Monday for a new episode! Produced by 8 Side Productions Amen Teter, Brian Alexander, and Michael Fudzinski Executives in charge of production for Network A: Stefan Van Engen and Annie Fast MUSIC: The Abbasi Brothers "Kompa" Special thanks: Yoga Instructor Bhavani Maki: Jiu-Jitsu Professor Bruno Ewald: Subscribe to Network A! ‪‪‪‬ ‬‬ Check out the new Like us on Facebook: ‪‪‪‬‬‬ Follow us on Twitter: ‪‪‪‬‬‬ Follow us on Tumblr: ‪‪‪ Follow @NetworkA on Instagram

Alana Blanchard Surfing, Yoga, & Jiu-Jitsu: Alana Surfer Girl, Ep 104 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 50

Surf 12 years ago 564,443 views

Watch the full Alana Surfer Girl series: As surfers, Alana Blanchard, Leila Hurst and Camille Brady spend a ton of time in the water, but when they're on dry land these girls devote their energy to a healthy active lifestyle. In this episode, the girls head to Hanalei Yoga on Kauai to focus on muscle relaxation, core strength, and balance. Then a special visit to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu teacher Bruno Ewald. Bruno teaches the girls Jiu-Jitsu self defense moves—a great skill for these world travelers. Check back every Monday for a new episode! Produced by 8 Side Productions Amen Teter, Brian Alexander, and Michael Fudzinski Executives in charge of production for Network A: Stefan Van Engen and Annie Fast MUSIC: The Abbasi Brothers "Kompa" Special thanks: Yoga Instructor Bhavani Maki: Jiu-Jitsu Professor Bruno Ewald: Subscribe to Network A! ‪‪‪‬ ‬‬ Check out the new Like us on Facebook: ‪‪‪‬‬‬ Follow us on Twitter: ‪‪‪‬‬‬ Follow us on Tumblr: ‪‪‪ Follow @NetworkA on Instagram

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Most popular comments
for Alana Blanchard Surfing, Yoga, & Jiu-Jitsu: Alana Surfer Girl, Ep 104

Jason Webster
Jason Webster - 7 years ago
Right on!!!!!
Mikki Williams
Mikki Williams - 8 years ago
if she is a blue belt she probley alot better....
funny things are funny 123
funny things are funny 123 - 8 years ago
Andreas Oliver
Andreas Oliver - 8 years ago
She doesn't really practice the brazilian jiujitsu. come on ! :S
Caio Costa
Caio Costa - 8 years ago
Green and orange belt in their ages?! hahaha they are kidding me
Alberturkey54 - 9 years ago
how do u make videos like this? With the nice slow swooping shots etc
Maddie victoria
Maddie victoria - 8 years ago
They used a GoPro and then the GoPro editor
kcuf7 - 9 years ago
the yoga teacher has a belly like mine...and Im a guy...
Ras Fiend
Ras Fiend - 9 years ago
3:09 - belt typing fail - have to go through BOTH layers of the belt...
Ras Fiend
Ras Fiend - 9 years ago
These girls all have super tongue-able asses - especially Alana
kcuf7 - 9 years ago
+Ras Fiend ...its hard to believe that shit comes out of that!
Jo Ann Godiel
Jo Ann Godiel - 9 years ago
yes her ass out almost 98% of the time and I am sure she wears a wetsuit and has nasal drip like the rest of us but give her a break all you haters. She is badass! 

10. comment for Alana Blanchard Surfing, Yoga, & Jiu-Jitsu: Alana Surfer Girl, Ep 104

Clayton Kitner
Clayton Kitner - 10 years ago
if this show was on dudes 98% of us wouldnt be here
Dan5482 - 9 years ago
+Clayton Kitner
It is more like 99.99%.
Wqm F
Wqm F - 9 years ago
+Clayton Kitner that tells more about you all than about them
Omar Faruque
Omar Faruque - 10 years ago
very sexy yoga like this
Maddie victoria
Maddie victoria - 8 years ago
Hot yoga
neftu1 - 10 years ago
these little chicks are making the polar bears in the antarctic starve, yoga classes are making radioactive wolves in Chernobyl even more into "like" being all "like" hippies. my dog barks "like"some
times.... ' LIKE'    ya know
RockstarPvpBoss - 10 years ago
jiu jitsu.....i wonder where they got that from. cough cough joel tudor cough cough
Asmaa Mohamed
Asmaa Mohamed - 9 years ago
Alma Vazquez
Alma Vazquez - 10 years ago
Alma Vazquez
Alma Vazquez - 10 years ago

1980WestSt - 10 years ago
Was she learning a BJJ triangle so she could choke someone by flap out?
Can u imagine the horror and discomfort of being asphyxiated having your face buried between her legs? I'm calling an illegal submission.
1980WestSt - 10 years ago
Why don't these absolutely talentless sluts ever surf over 3' if they love it so much? They love getting pampered in the tropics in warm water. Have you ever seen them with wetsuits at 6'? They could cut the ass out of the wetsuits and you could still see their phlaps.
96actress - 7 years ago
1980WestSt wooooe you dumb hoe heh. That was really rude...
Kristana Cali
Kristana Cali - 9 years ago
Surfing in warm better IS SO MUCH BETTER. You have movement and you don't always have to be worry cold and freezing. In warm water your free
Emma Hartvig
Emma Hartvig - 9 years ago
they are talented if they werent they wouldnt surf idiot
1980WestSt - 10 years ago

No, my point is, that they only 'surf' in 30 C water because surfing non perfect waves in cold water, in a wetsuit, is only for true surfers. "Oh, it's too cold". You can't get sponsorship showing your ass n cunt that way either.
superwomeans - 10 years ago
or maybe because in hawaii the water is extremely warm unlike california so they don't need wetsuits? lol it's funny how you call them "absolutely talentless sluts" when they're pros 
1980WestSt - 10 years ago
+Caitlin Hood
What, that u can't show off your fish market cunt together with your ugly face?
JIUJITSUFOR HER - 10 years ago
jiu jitsu rocks! :) good job ladies
Guillermo Ibañez
Guillermo Ibañez - 10 years ago
that black belt should first teach them to tight the belt....omg

20. comment for Alana Blanchard Surfing, Yoga, & Jiu-Jitsu: Alana Surfer Girl, Ep 104

Matt Tych
Matt Tych - 10 years ago
I would travel the entire world to her hear fart trough a walky talky
Tim Poynter
Tim Poynter - 10 years ago
Like video but why do you have yoga when your suppost to be surfing I just want to know!!! I not trying to be mean but why??:) :) :) :) :) :) :)
beans T
beans T - 8 years ago
+Tim Poynter yoga stretches out your muscles and helps with sore back..everybody should do yoga..try it everyday for a week or so and I guarantee you'll notice a difference in they way you walk and carry just seriously feel so much better. I was never into it either but now I Love it
kelsey withrow
kelsey withrow - 10 years ago
I need tobe on the show! Training partner:)!!! Let s go!!! 801-560-602
Shane Bennett
Shane Bennett - 10 years ago
It would be nice to see them more intellectually rounded
a smart good looking sexy babe now that is what we are here for
Cole H
Cole H - 10 years ago
We're here to see, Alana, fag.
dennis fleming
dennis fleming - 11 years ago
great video. this young lady is a great athlete. good for you Alana ;-)
Marcus Halberstram
Marcus Halberstram - 11 years ago
Jesus, what a girl.
Jack Lim
Jack Lim - 11 years ago
I will get aids from her.
Shane Bennett
Shane Bennett - 10 years ago
they have a cure for it now
go for it
Yuri Azevedo
Yuri Azevedo - 11 years ago
I also love practicing yoga and surf but we always have to remember that yoga besides getting sports better, most of all we uses for doing meditation. And martial arts doesn't match with ahimsa. Thanks!
jay7264 - 11 years ago
Mmm camel toe heaven
Jocky Rohnson
Jocky Rohnson - 11 years ago
@ Harpo Jr... It's more like a kick to create distance from an attacker, that way you have a chance to stand back up. MMA fighters do it all the time.
John Simonson
John Simonson - 11 years ago
Yeah, its called a technical stand up. Literally all MMA practitioners teach it.

30. comment for Alana Blanchard Surfing, Yoga, & Jiu-Jitsu: Alana Surfer Girl, Ep 104

Mira Omran
Mira Omran - 11 years ago
Harpo Jr
Harpo Jr - 11 years ago
Also the jiu jitsu showed here is more street jiu jitsu (kicking...) yeah they dont do that in jiu jitsu.
Harpo Jr
Harpo Jr - 11 years ago
awesome! i'm 13 years old (boy) live in costa rica and san diego, so i get the best of both worlds, surf in CR and train jiu jitsu in SD, but i have to say one thing you guys aren't actually green orange and blue belts and its obv, 1: you tire ur belts wrong, 2: anybody with a belt above white knows how to do an arm bar/simple sweeps, but i may be wrong i train BJJ brazillian jiu jitsu, but its just a little different.
Harpo Jr
Harpo Jr - 11 years ago
no shit...
Eyeof Evi
Eyeof Evi - 11 years ago
am I the only one that thinks they're sexy
poppamojo - 11 years ago
Zen - 11 years ago
An overweight yoga teacher... that's odd. Ah well, if she knows what she's doing it shouldn't matter.
Michael Lewinsky
Michael Lewinsky - 11 years ago
Sorry, Cameron
Cameron Alston
Cameron Alston - 11 years ago
k, chill it
Sissy Young
Sissy Young - 11 years ago
what a beautiful place to live...I would love to travel to Hawaii and visit for awhile
joe nickels
joe nickels - 11 years ago
ill liked to have hear body
Zachary Jones
Zachary Jones - 11 years ago
man i would love to surff on the west coast. here in nc not many waves here
jeremiah _
jeremiah _ - 11 years ago
Gotta love the butt shots, they try so hard to avoid them.
Paratrooper666 - 11 years ago
Alana is a hot bitch. Wanna stick my dick in her A-hole...
blackstang201150 - 11 years ago
Odd belt colors. Never seen a green or orange belt. Seen the blue one, its just above a beginner white belt. The Master appears to be a 7th degree black. He needs to teach them the basics of attire and how to tie a belt. oh well. Its a hot chick vid. Let the show go on!!! haaaa...
JLE1987 - 11 years ago
I just can't handle it when I see people who don't know how to tie their belts!!!!!!
coldworld5 - 11 years ago
Why did she have a blue belt?
Pres Casaus
Pres Casaus - 11 years ago
I love surfing!!!
valentino2137 - 11 years ago
Did she break that guys elbow....WTF!?
valentino2137 - 11 years ago
That Yoga session was at a cool studio

50. comment for Alana Blanchard Surfing, Yoga, & Jiu-Jitsu: Alana Surfer Girl, Ep 104

Zaheer Laher
Zaheer Laher - 11 years ago
Willow Mandil
Willow Mandil - 11 years ago
please can someone tell me the first song, a canni find it anywhere. :D
Golden Sim
Golden Sim - 11 years ago
ill stretch her back anytime =D
Kajsa Lisa Olsson
Kajsa Lisa Olsson - 11 years ago
No hate, I love Alana and the three of them, but when she said that they were all more like "tomboys" , I was just like no.
mouss5ss - 11 years ago
How come they have blue/green belts?
Kermicheo Kermit
Kermicheo Kermit - 11 years ago
4:07 to 4:22 for anyone that wants to skip the boring parts. >=3
blondichka1 - 11 years ago
its really cool girls))) i want to live in this paradise place))))
Margherita Zapf
Margherita Zapf - 11 years ago
go visit beachbunniesphotography tumblr. :)
TheBeofox - 11 years ago
tomorrow I am going to watch all the episodes, hawaii is just great.
Kevin Hall
Kevin Hall - 11 years ago
" Something Like Nostalgia " Track 3 from Kompa by the Abbasi Brothers
Kermicheo Kermit
Kermicheo Kermit - 11 years ago
what a fucking tough life. these people sure have it rough.
Eric Arnold
Eric Arnold - 11 years ago
slow... crack!
surf usa
surf usa - 11 years ago
If you want to see funny/ crazy/ or cool videos subscribe and check out my vids :)
Thomas Gossweiler
Thomas Gossweiler - 11 years ago
Jon Domingo
Jon Domingo - 11 years ago
sandro ferrer
sandro ferrer - 11 years ago
deus fez alana a mulher mais linda do mundo quero te trazer para o BRASIL LINDAAAAA
NUl NULs - 11 years ago
Grate job guys wish the best for you
graham simpson
graham simpson - 11 years ago mad?
farkdanarc - 11 years ago
2:04 :P
WowMike2002 - 11 years ago
2:00 Even her own friends are checking out her fantastic ass!
jojokintel - 11 years ago
The girls cool but c'mon i dont think every woman wants to be a swimwear model or live on Kauai. Not that there is anything wrong with that. Idolizing her lifestyle takes it a bit far. She lives a nice life on a beautiful island and she's young and hot. The end.
lightsoutlightson1 - 11 years ago
Cool. Surfing & fighting girls. BJJ seems like a great girls sport for getting away from nasty situations. My wife and I can't wait to travel to Kauai this fall. I am starting BJJ. Never had so much fun whipped up on.
eg0tisticool - 11 years ago
Alana not trying to sound like a creep but you literally are the most beautiful women I have ever seen.
jiblyjably - 11 years ago
I would like them to triple team me
paige b
paige b - 11 years ago
her life is literally perfect.
caro vogel
caro vogel - 11 years ago
why can't i be born on hawaii?
Chad Miller
Chad Miller - 11 years ago
man she kills it! she totally rips... unreal
9nathan3 - 11 years ago
can i live with you girls????
Amir Zehavi
Amir Zehavi - 11 years ago
Jillian Myers
Jillian Myers - 11 years ago
alana is such a great idol to have.
P.A. Music
P.A. Music - 11 years ago
hi there i have a question. can i use some of your images of the video for a promo music video production for youtube? Let me know it that's ok with you guys. Pain-Applez Music ( from Holland)
sportluver98 - 11 years ago
I wish i could surf like her
peruface - 11 years ago
i bet he like that
sam dickson
sam dickson - 11 years ago
am i the only one who would love to be in alana's triangle?
Jimmy Trott
Jimmy Trott - 11 years ago
I would love to hang out with these hotties and surf swim jump off would be simply amazing they got a hell of a life but whrn your that beautiful you can do anuthing yiu want except me im beautiful and work in a damn mill but it pays the bills
Toxxic88 - 11 years ago
Green and orange belt in jits? wtf lol
CosmicSphinx - 11 years ago
My favorite episode so far!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
edd rider
edd rider - 12 years ago
what is the dub step song they play at the start
Kathy Lin
Kathy Lin - 12 years ago
Where is this I need
Liam Brown
Liam Brown - 12 years ago
please do more bjj
bigricharddd - 12 years ago
@2:02 oh my dat grey booty
Sean Smith
Sean Smith - 12 years ago
I really like how this girl is growing up. Theres a certain edge she's developed over the last couple of years. She doesn't seem like a ditzy little girl any more at all. She's sharp and serious and beautiful......
Tarsila Borges
Tarsila Borges - 12 years ago
brazilian teacher of jiu jitsu...... CERTAINLY
culma461 - 12 years ago
New favorite channel haha chur
BreeanneX - 12 years ago
after watching this video its hard to believe im NOT gay.
SurfinCalibitch - 12 years ago
she's ridciulously hot
Kas Belenciuc
Kas Belenciuc - 12 years ago
Kas Belenciuc
Kas Belenciuc - 12 years ago
yahoo well Alana is a show off
Wind waker
Wind waker - 12 years ago
After watching this video it's hard to believe people are actually gay
Ava Marie
Ava Marie - 12 years ago
I live in hawaill.. I do yoga, I do karate and I ironic

100. comment for Alana Blanchard Surfing, Yoga, & Jiu-Jitsu: Alana Surfer Girl, Ep 104

BRENTxBEAR - 12 years ago
yo i need to move to the islands... yea i live in California, but being on the islands just seems so much more worth it
Cashshoes S
Cashshoes S - 12 years ago
I want my life to be like hers.
Obsidian - 12 years ago
What's the very first song?
urabummer - 12 years ago
Seems like they jump off cliffs everyday
Cassie Morris
Cassie Morris - 12 years ago
She is amazing!Shes my role model!Love you Alana
matttatts - 12 years ago
generic youtube comment octopus testicles
Tim Wood
Tim Wood - 12 years ago
marry me.
Nemessis Gibraio
Nemessis Gibraio - 12 years ago
jiu jitsu forever
Liam Brown
Liam Brown - 12 years ago
thank you bjj, for bringing me here
wrybread - 12 years ago
Strange, they're wearing colored belts in that Brazilian Jiu Jitsu class, but they're clearly complete beginners. And there's no orange or green belt in BJJ, at least not for people over 16. Did they really put on fake belts for this vid? White belts aren't photogenic enough?
bloodycrooker90 - 12 years ago
Aaron - 12 years ago
How do I subscribe to your heart?
Blake Garland
Blake Garland - 12 years ago
like like like like like like like like like learn another fucking word.
Annemarie Slot
Annemarie Slot - 12 years ago
NOOO are you serious? omg... that's so embarrassing not seeing that 0_0
Marialex P
Marialex P - 12 years ago
Johan Bossi
Johan Bossi - 12 years ago
Andy Irons
Annemarie Slot
Annemarie Slot - 12 years ago
who is the surfer on her wall? in the room?
E B. A.
E B. A. - 12 years ago
Benjamin Hartman
Benjamin Hartman - 12 years ago
Alana is so cool, but so is Bethany Hamilton is Super Amazing too,. I wish I could afford to live in HAwaii,
Quantos Farenses somos
Quantos Farenses somos - 12 years ago
Surfing in Algarve,Portugal. Please! *.*
stoked4snow - 12 years ago
If she doesnt, I sure do! I got Tahoe in my backyard!
ImTmann - 12 years ago
Dat ass ;)
luis stephani
luis stephani - 12 years ago
lol very good lever arm to the latest and previous triangle!
luis stephani
luis stephani - 12 years ago
hola,soy de argentina,la verdad es impresionante lo deportista y profesional que es.hace mucho que no se veia informacion sobre ella...una pregunta:saben si va a filmar otra pelicula?esta seria aca no llega,cuantos episodios son?muchas gracias y ojala sigan subiendo videos sobre ella y esos paisajes!!
KWAPT - 12 years ago
DAMN. Was RIGHT....THERE, and then they zoomed-in on that Yoga instructor.
Jimbo - 12 years ago
She can put me in a triangle choke for as long as she likes!
bergi85 - 12 years ago
Hey now, just because they are hot doesn't make them sluts. Grow up.
Commander Turtles
Commander Turtles - 12 years ago
As a surfer myself it is a very physically demanding sport plus you have to be very physically active and they are not sluts they have a passion.
bokstotherescue - 12 years ago
It seems that the BJJ belts the girls wore was simply for cinematic purposes. It seems that all of them are beginners,I wonder if that is disrespectful?
Tyrone Lannister
Tyrone Lannister - 12 years ago
Don't lie everyone, you rewinded it at 1:14.
Network A
Network A - 12 years ago
We have a new episode of Alana Surfer Girl every Monday. TGIM!
Evan Watanabe
Evan Watanabe - 12 years ago
next episode is gonna be AWESOME;)
Juan Díaz-Terán
Juan Díaz-Terán - 12 years ago
hi nipples 4:48
Jason Burns
Jason Burns - 12 years ago
@buryurfear14 fair enough
z a
z a - 12 years ago
ruby phillips
ruby phillips - 12 years ago
Just wondering, when do the episodes come out? :)
Network A
Network A - 12 years ago
Hi! It's The Abbasi Brothers "Kompa"
feelmee12 - 12 years ago
I remember watching this girl on Firsthand on Fuel TV. fell in love with her. Hahaha totally forgot about het till now.
buryurfear14 - 12 years ago
Its probably stuff they had available at the dojo. Notice they all said it was their first time.
Carive Productions
Carive Productions - 12 years ago
Gracie Jiu second love in life! Awesome vids guys.
24Jackmusic - 12 years ago
Right after I saw this I poured my bottle of Coke in the sink and I went running for 2 hours. Just to get in shape and get beautiful girls like her. Just epic.
Jason Burns
Jason Burns - 12 years ago
really... a blue belt and she wants to know what a triangle feels like??
roversberg - 12 years ago
we want the topless version!
SoulReactor - 12 years ago
Blowing up kauai. But guess that's cool cuz it's already blown. Yay
pugggz - 12 years ago
maybe because its about the daily life of a surfer girl...
Marialex P
Marialex P - 12 years ago
Zapp Brannigan
Zapp Brannigan - 12 years ago
2:02 :D
Emir Keser
Emir Keser - 12 years ago
Brendan - 12 years ago
such a great ass
scc12321 - 12 years ago
y u wear thong!?
Shedz Channel
Shedz Channel - 12 years ago
thank you for your reply...ill take another look. cheers
sk8erdude960 - 12 years ago
dude i would go too kauai just too find and meet these girls
Michael Barican
Michael Barican - 12 years ago
ill be going to kauai in july!!! i can't wait!
ohhroach - 12 years ago
so sexy.
GreaterThanADeer - 12 years ago
why is there nobody like this in NJ
FMXPatrik - 12 years ago
Ye Buddy!
frizzloko - 12 years ago
Yesterday I saw a shooting star... I am not that type of person you know? I dont believe in magic but every once in a while you feel your heart pumping and wishing upon something becomes a must. I listened to my heart, laid my hand on my chest and looking into the night sky I said out loud "PLEASE MAKE HER APPEAR ON PLAYBOY, PLEASE MAKE HER APPEAR ON PLAYBOY, PLEASE MAKE HER APPEAR ON PLAYBOY!!!!" As the shooting star fade away...
Samantha Stevenson
Samantha Stevenson - 12 years ago
as a female surfer who looks up to alana, i'm very glad for this series. its not just for young boys and for inappropriate reasons.
Network A
Network A - 12 years ago
More surfing to come!
DeathCookieEnt - 12 years ago
Maybe for the next episode of Roner Vision we'll have Erik doing yoga and going swimming, in a thong of course.
pascal christen
pascal christen - 12 years ago
I love to watch Alana doing what ever, but why is it called "surfer girl" if they only surf a couple of seconds? specially if you use the footage you've used already?
louis frey
louis frey - 12 years ago
they put out so much content that is not alana. this is only the 4th one. open your eyes before you open your mouth
Pierre .METZ
Pierre .METZ - 12 years ago
If you want to do jiu_jitsu with alana, like this !!
Signal - 12 years ago
Hey Alana! Wanna come make some snowboards with us?!
elnerda - 12 years ago
wow, leila ist really small haha
Network A
Network A - 12 years ago
Alana: Surfer girl is a weekly series, just like a TV show that airs every Monday - that's why we've got a bunch of Alana videos up. On Wednesday we're launching a cool Drifting series with Ryan Tuerck and you'll see a lot of his videos appear too.
Network A
Network A - 12 years ago
Hey man, you're totally right, there are a ton of great upcoming surfers. Have you seen any of our Behind The Section series? What about The Ian Walsh Experience? Or "Hi, How Are You?" with Sterling Spencer - it's hilarious! They're all surf series that we've put out this year.
Mark Robertson
Mark Robertson - 12 years ago
"We were more tomboy" ... LOL cause that makes sense...
tincan109 - 12 years ago
i wonder if anyone is whatching this for surfing
Jovi Jenovi
Jovi Jenovi - 12 years ago
Duuude... I wanna go to Kauai so bad!
MilkCap - 12 years ago
nice butts
BanksyB Vlogs
BanksyB Vlogs - 12 years ago
where do you get your music?
emsway7 - 12 years ago
I know I'm in love...
Growth Approach
Growth Approach - 12 years ago
why couldnt i be born on kauai
DuracellTurboSoft - 12 years ago
ya b vdyl
Malik - 12 years ago
Elielson Fonseca
Elielson Fonseca - 12 years ago
Que vidão, hein ? Surf sol e malhação . Parabéns pela escolha moças ! Boas Ondas !!!
Raythetree001 - 12 years ago
Alana your the best.
Faded Savage Storm
Faded Savage Storm - 12 years ago
I think im in love .
bdawg7693 - 12 years ago
Welcome to the hottest video on YouTube.
webbst - 12 years ago
i would be so distracted if she was out on the water
Oh man my life is really shit
Sphoaxie - 12 years ago
i'm in love haha!
mildee erickson
mildee erickson - 12 years ago
I believe the true and honest reason everyone comes here for, is to see that amazing ass
AUSTRALIAHACKER - 12 years ago
I want more
Tony Stark
Tony Stark - 12 years ago
excellent as allways .... love you Alana
Cookies205 - 12 years ago
Looks like a pretty nice life. Good food, good friends, beautiful scenery, and many different things to do outside all day. Kind of jealous X)
jessicaisabiatch - 12 years ago
i wanna spar with her in jiu-jitsu, ill let her have full mount all day.
OneNoiseMusic - 12 years ago
i wish i was that camera man
snapsnapdik - 12 years ago
Cool playboy shoot.
Dubluber - 12 years ago
your so sexy Alana i love you
Dubluber - 12 years ago
Dubluber - 12 years ago
lol my house use to be right next to that market miss kauai :(
Tom Bailey
Tom Bailey - 12 years ago
xXmarsmannenXx - 12 years ago
why do they have orange, green and a blue belt when it's the first time they practice..... besides they tied the belts wrong
JR_113 - 12 years ago
0:31 I was split in two, hit with the drop as I arose.
Eddy Casillas
Eddy Casillas - 12 years ago
just out of curiosity, does it matter if your first? no hate just askin whats the point?
ohhStorm - 12 years ago
damn i love this series!
TCGuardianAngel19 - 12 years ago
Currently such slow internet the ad before the video had to buffer twice....
Kyle Buckley
Kyle Buckley - 12 years ago
jaseydaisy - 12 years ago
yay :)
joumboas - 12 years ago

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109,873 likes 74,463,054 views 7 years ago

Subway Surfers Gameplay PC - First play ►Subscribe→


Real Water Surfer Bike Racing - Floating Drive

41,732 likes 38,843,738 views 7 years ago Real Water Surfer Bike Racing - Floating Drive Titan Game...


SUBWAY SURFERS Gameplay HD - Shanghai - Jake...

51,720 likes 34,120,474 views 7 years ago

Subway Surfers Gameplay HD - World Tour 2017 - Shanghai - Jake and 42 Mystery Boxes Opening! ► SUBSCRIBE! ►...


Subway Surfers The Animated Series ​|​ Rewind...

252,132 likes 22,412,859 views 6 years ago

Catch episodes 1 - 10 of Subway Surfers The Animated Series in one place right here! Missed Subway Surfers The...


Dolphin Surfing, Woman Wakeboarding with...

17,769 likes 21,508,647 views 12 years ago

Dolphin Surfing in the Sea of Cortez with the crew from Pro-Windsurf La Ventana. This was definitely one of the TOP...


Surfer Almost Swallowed by Whale

29,255 likes 21,058,405 views 13 years ago

A woman floating on a surfboard near Santa Cruz, California almost ended up on the lunch menu for a humpback whale...

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Subway Surfers Gameplay PC - First play

109,873 likes 74,463,054 views 7 years ago

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Real Water Surfer Bike Racing - Floating Drive

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Subway Surfers The Animated Series ​|​ Rewind...

252,132 likes 22,412,859 views 6 years ago

Catch episodes 1 - 10 of Subway Surfers The Animated Series in one place right here! Missed Subway Surfers The...


Dolphin Surfing, Woman Wakeboarding with...

17,769 likes 21,508,647 views 12 years ago

Dolphin Surfing in the Sea of Cortez with the crew from Pro-Windsurf La Ventana. This was definitely one of the TOP...


Surfer Almost Swallowed by Whale

29,255 likes 21,058,405 views 13 years ago

A woman floating on a surfboard near Santa Cruz, California almost ended up on the lunch menu for a humpback whale...

About Alana Blanchard Surfing, Yoga, & Jiu-Jitsu: Alana Surfer Girl, Ep 104

The "Alana Blanchard Surfing, Yoga, & Jiu-Jitsu: Alana Surfer Girl, Ep 104" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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