Arctic Swell - Surfing the Ends of the Earth
Surf 10 years ago 1,120,051 views
Photographer Chris Burkard and Professional Surfers Patrick Millin, Brett Barley, and Chadd Konig brave sub-zero temperatures in the Arctic Circle to capture moments of raw beauty in conditions that rank among the harshest in the natural world. The bitterly cold seas and wind exact a large price on their minds and bodies, but the reward - adventure, amazement, and self-knowledge - draws them closer together and pushes them to tackle the next frontier in surfing. Producer: SmugMug, Cinematography and Editing: Anton Lorimer Featured Photographer: Chris Burkard, Featured Surfers: Patrick Millin, Brett Barley, and Chadd Konig Subscribe to the SmugMug Films YouTube channel and get first access to each new episode:
10. comment for Arctic Swell - Surfing the Ends of the Earth
20. comment for Arctic Swell - Surfing the Ends of the Earth
30. comment for Arctic Swell - Surfing the Ends of the Earth
50. comment for Arctic Swell - Surfing the Ends of the Earth
no! u ron!!!
100. comment for Arctic Swell - Surfing the Ends of the Earth
Journey to arctic?....who cares?....If you've ever had to fight your way to Rockaway Beach in rush hour traffic to get some tasty barrels before the sun goes down you might think differently. It's freakin Mad Max fury Road on the GWB. Then you might have to battle some punk surf gangs.
I don't know what this means, "we hardly get cold wind like that probably 30-40 wind but not as harsh."
Interesting shmit, but I'm not gonna' be paddlin'-out there, I don't want to paddle-out there, and I don't want to unnecessarily suffer for my session.
And, yes, I enjoy the philosophical and natural beauty of that environment, I've done it, but I'm not goin' there for a surf. Nobody is going to pay me to go there for a surf.
I hate wetsuits, and I hate cold water; I'm a Florida born and bred surfer.
On a daily basis, we all just pull-up to our local piers, jetties, and inlets, and go out and kill it. Nobody need know about it; no props and promotions, no social media aspects, just doin' it; it's where we live.
Seawater temperature is higher than the outside air temperature I will cause a concussion, but in the cold.
But you can do the Qing a wonderfully seawater also transparent than midsummer of crowded coast.
Indeed Arctic sea of this movie, please pardon!
just saying
Thank you
Those surfer are very creazy but they give to us a very beautiful postcard about surfing arctic wave.
Thank you so much for all that beautiful picture.
As fotos: cada tiragem é de tirar o folego ..Muito fantástico e seu trabalho...parabéns e muito obrigado.
Arctic surfing IN.
If you guys (SmugMug) see this comment & ever want any non-stock music then do get in touch. Would love to collaborate on something beyond the 'emo piano soundtrack'
Composition+Surf+Jazz = good life
Sign in & google reads your thoughts ;)
how does this google thing work?
that was interesting
"Snowboarding" is we're its at
There is waay better views, your bored goes 10x as fast going down a mountain than in the sea.
On top of that you dont have to worry about getting salt water in your mouth or getting stung by a jelly fish.....
I guess it is trolling when replying to someone with the mind of a 13 year old about about something he has no business replying about
Just remember smart-guy you called me out on the little comment I made. Was just a comment until you nematodes decided to reply.
-You're the only one ignorant enough to take my comment so seriously - "Getting stung by a j jellyfish you really took my comment seriously whoa..
Surfing is cool to, and anyone with half a brain who is into surfing would not take offense to my comment and just see it as a joke.
Just as a surfer going on a snowboard video and bashing it, just talkin crap. "Getting stung by a jellyfish"
If only you knew how retarded you sound, yet have the nerve to say my comment was a fail.
Tell you're nobody friends I said hi...
and who are you to state and opinion, you along with you're friends are most likely nobodies who know nothing of surfing or snowboards
great, real nice comeback.
No wonder you two are gay, what girl in there right mind would want you little squirts lol
What was the song at 3:00? Thanks!