Avoca Lake Surfing

Lake surfing, Avoca, Avoca Beach
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Most popular comments
for Avoca Lake Surfing

Na No
Na No - 6 years ago
Hi bro
talking stones
talking stones - 6 years ago
Amazing are the reactions to this. What a video what a place. watch it again and be amazed.
Jaime Souza
Jaime Souza - 6 years ago
que povo louco!
Srilakshmi Lakshmi
Srilakshmi Lakshmi - 6 years ago
english iranian
english iranian - 6 years ago
Didthe first guy die?
Ss Asif
Ss Asif - 6 years ago
Ram Pavi
Ram Pavi - 7 years ago
ithalam pannalanu yaaru da alutha
TRAVEL EXPLORE - 7 years ago
Wow... Wt a water force... Nice video...surfing people are awesome...
MetaMetaphysician - 7 years ago
I was there in about 1987 when this happened. Nearly fell in the crumbling sandy edge.

10. comment for Avoca Lake Surfing

Ana Florido
Ana Florido - 7 years ago
Peor es correr que tepuede dar un infarto
Ana Florido
Ana Florido - 7 years ago
No es peligroso si se ptactica bien¿ Se intenta decir algo???????
Joseandres Solisalvarado
Joseandres Solisalvarado - 7 years ago
Omg this is fucking scary men
sport Casel
sport Casel - 7 years ago
Now you are happy ...but next 30years or more. U really hard to find any water to drink
illumination - 7 years ago
sport Casel it’s salt water idiot
Neil Ross
Neil Ross - 7 years ago
Oh look, there's your nanny. Wave to nanny on the beach. And lifeguards? Are you kidding? Get in the fucking water before nanny takes you home, you precious Idiots! We longed for open lagoons when we were kids. Avoca was the best.
sameera sampath fernando
sameera sampath fernando - 7 years ago
Jeffrey Hua
Jeffrey Hua - 7 years ago
going the opposite direction of the wave...
Asalomu Qalebgfs
Asalomu Qalebgfs - 7 years ago
Chedyn Kotara-Stanley
Chedyn Kotara-Stanley - 7 years ago
To all you uneducated idiots complaining, this is a natural process. Maybe not in this instance but it is. Once the lakes/rivers by oceans over flow, they create their own drains leading to the ocean and once it has drained enough, the waves from the ocean build the sand back up creating another wall until the lake/river is ready to be drained again. Stop being so negative and thinking you know all the answers to everything because you just look like ignorant fucks who should be stayed in school
Chris A
Chris A - 7 years ago
Having fear of water, just looking at this makes me sick. If that water wasn’t like couple feet, I would’ve shit myself

20. comment for Avoca Lake Surfing

Tronald J Dump
Tronald J Dump - 7 years ago
How to destroy a beach
Esperanca Nunes
Esperanca Nunes - 7 years ago
Tronald J Dump . that's not the president.
Rob, lost and late.
Rob, lost and late. - 7 years ago
Tronald J Dump.
If it doesn't happen naturally, the local council has to breach the sandbar with machinery to prevent flooding in the estuary.
Chedyn Kotara-Stanley
Chedyn Kotara-Stanley - 7 years ago
Well your brain cells were obviously destroyed prior to your education lacking comment. It's a natural process and the sand does come back... fuck some people need a book or 2 to the mug
John Hawthorne
John Hawthorne - 7 years ago
Is it just me or would it be fun to occasionally ride with the waves like in white-water rafting?
Akiwi Fruit
Akiwi Fruit - 7 years ago
why is everyone so triggered its saltwater going in saltwater
Rob, lost and late.
Rob, lost and late. - 7 years ago
CrystalClear Gaming.
It's an estuary, and if it doesn't happen naturally, as it should, the council has to breach the sandbar to prevent flooding of properties around the estuary.
henrysfryguy - 7 years ago
awsome fun, logs suck when they come though.
sickb2200 - 7 years ago
3 guys knew what to do.
Bella Wella
Bella Wella - 7 years ago
That water is disgusting
Dustin Travis
Dustin Travis - 7 years ago
Fuckin' spongers. Just kidding, looks like everyone's having a good time, and that's cool with me. Sponge on!
Noah Watson
Noah Watson - 7 years ago
This would be a great idea for a surfing school! :)
Kravin Moore
Kravin Moore - 7 years ago
If that was in the U.S it would be roped off and you'd be ticketed for trying to have that much fun
djmeltdown65 - 8 years ago
stupid boogie boarders...how lame they just lay there lazily.
keegan nipe
keegan nipe - 7 years ago
djmeltdown65 they're kids having fun, not professional surfers

30. comment for Avoca Lake Surfing

Robin Bapary
Robin Bapary - 8 years ago
don't try this
Uber-Privileged - 8 years ago
Bet that's some good fishing where two waters meet..I'd be out there with my surf rod!
Armaan Khan
Armaan Khan - 8 years ago
I want do this
Ok - 8 years ago
o tamanho dessa poha era pequeno antes eles tinham cavucado uma pequena entrada que saia do outro lado agora ta essa poha de cratera eles deveriam ter tampado meio que desequilibrou a naturesa
Mark G
Mark G - 8 years ago
Kids in Africa could have drinked that water.
Julia Taleb
Julia Taleb - 7 years ago
It’s saltwater
Sir. Willow McGee
Sir. Willow McGee - 7 years ago
Mark G
1. It's a natural thing
2. *Drunk
schokolade ist lecker
schokolade ist lecker - 7 years ago
Mark G guys it was a joke
Arbaaz Patwari
Arbaaz Patwari - 7 years ago
+sophia Bruce

salty logician doesn't understand old jokes
Akiwi Fruit
Akiwi Fruit - 7 years ago
sophia Bruce
sophia Bruce - 7 years ago
Mark G it's salt water idiot.
Mark G
Mark G - 8 years ago
Great Idea, I will.
Yeti - 8 years ago
Maybe you should pay for the cost of labour, resources nad materials that go into bottling the water and shipping it to Africa then.
lan sempoy
lan sempoy - 8 years ago
woo..that's cool
Steef De waard
Steef De waard - 8 years ago
this is not good for nature, in that lake is fish and plants
Rob, lost and late.
Rob, lost and late. - 7 years ago
Steef De waard.
It's an estuary, and if it doesn't breach the sandbar naturally, as it should, then the council has to do it with digging machinery to prevent flooding of properties around the estuary. It's called coastal wetlands management.
Do you think they spend all that time and money on machinery just for fun?
Coin Slot
Coin Slot - 7 years ago
the lake is saltwater, too
dartanion007 - 8 years ago
Steef De waard idiot.
DividedPoint - 8 years ago
How do you know what is best for nature
Nathan Motion
Nathan Motion - 8 years ago
super nice where is it
sophia Bruce
sophia Bruce - 7 years ago
blaffie 2004 central coast
pweter351 - 8 years ago
north of Sydney Australia
jmr1068204 - 8 years ago
Dude at 1:09 isn't paying attention, veers right and just plows right into the person and sends them off balance and floating away...
prasanna h r
prasanna h r - 8 years ago
water is very powerful, ,,,,,
God gift...
TRAVEL EXPLORE - 7 years ago
5 second tutorials
5 second tutorials - 7 years ago
Pls send bob
Coin Slot
Coin Slot - 7 years ago
open pop and vagene
Michael Ray
Michael Ray - 7 years ago
Kimathi Awesomeness
Kimathi Awesomeness - 7 years ago
You better be fucking sorry retard
Malmsey - 7 years ago
God doesn't exist retard
Heng Ly
Heng Ly - 7 years ago
prasanna h r ស
Jason Mc Laughlin
Jason Mc Laughlin - 8 years ago
7 years old parody

Once i was a lake soon I'll be empty
Soon they be no more beach
Soon they will know that they fucked
Soon they will locked up
Rob, lost and late.
Rob, lost and late. - 7 years ago
Jason Mc Laughlin.
It's called coastal wetlands management, and is very necessary if it doesn't breach naturally, as it should. Don't talk shit about things you have no idea about!
Enrique Navarrete
Enrique Navarrete - 8 years ago
Jason Mc Laughlin shut up bitch
daiyuan chen
daiyuan chen - 8 years ago
Noah Strang
Noah Strang - 8 years ago
Whats with all the bodyboarding hate?
OttovonEarth - 7 years ago
Noah Strang Yeah, at least drowned bodies.
Noah Strang
Noah Strang - 8 years ago
Must be like that in other countries, where i live everyone usually respects eachother in the water
pweter351 - 8 years ago
they are unskilful wankers
Danny Huffman
Danny Huffman - 8 years ago
Usual they snake people and don't have regard for us surfers
MISTER J - 8 years ago
so are they draining a fresh water lake into the ocean and causing a flood to do this
ThamesFishing - 6 years ago
its a saltwater lagoon....
un known
un known - 6 years ago
It's salt water not fresh water
dartanion 007
dartanion 007 - 7 years ago
MISTER J the dumb one.
Arbaaz Patwari
Arbaaz Patwari - 7 years ago
People have a right to exercise freedom of speech and freedom of thought (even though freedom of speech isn't technically implemented because special snowflakes get upset about racist comments)

You can research whatever you want, but what I'm saying is that it isn't mandatory and others don't have to research about anything for that long before making comments and assumptions. I never said kids couldn't have fun either.

There's a balance to everything in the universe, and a tiny part is positive and negative and they, like opposites, are in balance and cannot exist without eachother. Perhaps you will be an optimist about something or do research but there are people who will be negative and won't do research about things. This is just how things are in this world.
Arbaaz Patwari
Arbaaz Patwari - 7 years ago
+rpazders m8 you must be high, research an hour of quantum mechanics and then comment on a Ted Ed video? No thanks, I'll just type comments based on my own knowledge and what I feel about the video
Leighton Rubins
Leighton Rubins - 8 years ago
MISTER J they open the lake so it doesn't flood
Noah Strang
Noah Strang - 8 years ago
+Ashley Zequeida Yeah that also.
Ashley Zequeida
Ashley Zequeida - 8 years ago
Normally lakes open to the ocean in that way after stoms...
Noah Strang
Noah Strang - 8 years ago
No the local council opens the lake every few weeks
Dalton D'Ávila
Dalton D'Ávila - 8 years ago
essa correnteza foi criada? ou já existia assim mesmo?
Ok - 8 years ago
foi criada era pequena mesmo agora ta essa poha desequilibro a natureza esse inúteis
Moto Byrd
Moto Byrd - 8 years ago
For some reason I hate haters
Jason Smith
Jason Smith - 8 years ago
+Sam Byrd irony! :)
Avuhcedaid - 8 years ago
Poxa! mais essa correnteza vem de um rio... ;(
TEC Curioso
TEC Curioso - 8 years ago
Eu tenho a força !
KENKENNIFF - 9 years ago
Some bored kids do this.
Rob, lost and late.
Rob, lost and late. - 7 years ago
I don't know about bored kids, but lots of board kids do this, every time the sandbar is breached.
Noah Watson
Noah Watson - 9 years ago
IM dAVE Watson

50. comment for Avoca Lake Surfing

Aviação Mirim
Aviação Mirim - 9 years ago
que correnteza em
THΞLONLYDUDΞ - 9 years ago
Daem Daniel!
Dave Watson
Dave Watson - 9 years ago
Thats Waimea River
Dave Watson
Dave Watson - 9 years ago
bisquitnspanky - 9 years ago
+Dave WatsonYes it does!
bisquitnspanky - 9 years ago
+Dave Watson Yes it does!
bisquitnspanky - 9 years ago
+Dave Watson Yes it does!
bisquitnspanky - 9 years ago
+Dave Watson Yes it does!
Dave Watson
Dave Watson - 9 years ago
whenever i comment on something my comment goes viral
Dave Watson
Dave Watson - 9 years ago
oh sorry!
Jared Artillaga
Jared Artillaga - 9 years ago
+Dave Watson no it looks like it though, i was at waimea bay last week and this is in australia
poopsmidgen - 9 years ago
And then the men in gray suits come through for a ride. Lol
Diana A
Diana A - 9 years ago
Natural flo rider
Graham Alexander
Graham Alexander - 10 years ago
Lots of negativity.......just a bit of fun, don't get so worked up.
raul2hash - 10 years ago
Sothick rick is the champion...how thick you are??? So thick you cannot even swim, so there you are...
raul2hash - 10 years ago
How retarded can u be to actually say something negative about this video??? American retarded??? Oh boy...
Stephen Evans
Stephen Evans - 10 years ago
What's all the aggro?  It's just a bunch of kids having some fun.
North Sea Brent
North Sea Brent - 7 years ago
Stephen Evans Kids today, meth snorting junkies tomorrow.
Polly Ticks
Polly Ticks - 10 years ago
Luke Christie
Luke Christie - 10 years ago
Hydraulic jump
SOTHICK RICK - 10 years ago
Whoever made this did the WORST job ever.
jsafc 13
jsafc 13 - 10 years ago
To all you sponger haters: We do bigger airs and stop the stereotype that boogers always drop in and everybody has dropped in on someone once or twice so stop this hatin!!!
Neil Ross
Neil Ross - 7 years ago
Good comment, Man of Water. I spent every summer at Avoca until my early 20s. I'm still a shit surfer, so a flipper or a bodyboard is more to my ability these days.
Logan Doerr
Logan Doerr - 7 years ago
Ha booger
Man of Water
Man of Water - 10 years ago
definitely a stigma brought on by insecure surfers, I've grown up in the water (surfing/bodyboarding/anything i can get my hands on), a waterman is a waterman, a kook is a kook, no matter what he's riding. but definitely easy for a kook surfer to to boost his self esteem about his shitty surfing skills by hat in on bodyboarders
Jimmy Poolman
Jimmy Poolman - 11 years ago
Avoca lake is a natural saltwater lagoon that opens periodically to the ocean to drain as it is here and is a natural process.
Also saltwater not good to drink.
Joseph’s Gaming
Joseph’s Gaming - 6 years ago
Jimmy Poolman ....stfu..
JustinFromSydney - 11 years ago
What's a Sponger?
ErgoCogita - 9 years ago
+JustinFromSydney A T-Bagger or Dick dragger
Edward Kazar
Edward Kazar - 10 years ago
^^^^ +Old Aussie Ads lol
Old Aussie Ads
Old Aussie Ads - 10 years ago
+Edward Kazar
Body *boarder
Edward Kazar
Edward Kazar - 11 years ago
a person on a boogie board. "body surfer"
Jay Sullivan
Jay Sullivan - 11 years ago
Whats one of the best citys in the world?
Thanh Long Pham
Thanh Long Pham - 11 years ago
what a waste of water
Thomas Benton
Thomas Benton - 7 years ago
Thanh Long Pham It's salt water guy!
Brian Peacock
Brian Peacock - 7 years ago
You can't waste water the same amount has been on this Earth since it cooled
AldeenoTheGreat - 7 years ago
its saltwater mate, and its a natural process
Jay Sullivan
Jay Sullivan - 11 years ago
Why are they wasting water? Isnt it a natural process? If not its really stupid.
NathanWasHere80 - 11 years ago
wasting water... so stupid...!
illumination - 7 years ago
NathanWasHere80 it’s salt going into salt stop hattin
ThruThe9 - 9 years ago
Oh my god you're so dumb
OzNath - 11 years ago
It's called dredging if you don't do this the houses on the water will get flooded, how do I know i live there
Stefan Nieuwoudt
Stefan Nieuwoudt - 11 years ago
mmmm waste of water u say why is that do u want to go drink that
Jay Sullivan
Jay Sullivan - 11 years ago
Why are they wasting water? Isnt it a natural process? If not its really stupid.
superdonyoungy - 11 years ago
fucking spongers ruining everything as per usual
South east Spearing
South east Spearing - 8 years ago
How about you go fucking die
Mihaidbz - 11 years ago
Hi there, have you heard about "Travelsewhere" (just search on Google for it ...)? I have discovered numerous ridiculously affordable deluxe resorts and flights. This can let you save cash on your next trip too...
David Nuh Omar
David Nuh Omar - 11 years ago
where is this! so surreal..
m4288 - 11 years ago
Awfal all that green water!
Prone Turtle
Prone Turtle - 11 years ago
lie down to the wave you pussy, then see how scary bodyboarding is... Not in this spot though
Sou Cool
Sou Cool - 11 years ago
talking stones
talking stones - 11 years ago
he he
Tom Saxton
Tom Saxton - 11 years ago
Looks fun, is it dangerous would be keen as to try it one day (need to learn to surf first)
yeasir Arafat
yeasir Arafat - 11 years ago
Hi, have you heard about Reveal Travel Deal yet? Just head over to that web address on RevealTravelDeal.com I have come across quite a few incredibly inexpensive deluxe resorts as well as flight tickets. This may allow you to spend less on your next holiday also.
werefruit - 11 years ago
dam kooks on their boogie boards...
Grenge g
Grenge g - 11 years ago
Jackass Auditions
4skinner666 - 11 years ago
looks fun but being from the mountains I swim like a nacy bitch. I would end up crab bait.
Abdul mazid
Abdul mazid - 11 years ago
Hi, have you heard of "TRAVeLSEWHERE " (just google it)? I have discovered various unbelievably cheap hotels and plane tickets. This can help you to spend less on your upcoming holiday too.
Lewis Coombe
Lewis Coombe - 11 years ago
Donald Duck
Donald Duck - 11 years ago
Spongers are the Bosses. Just ask any Duck
jikthehick12 - 11 years ago
fuck sticks.....
Wund4z - 11 years ago
Mike - 11 years ago
elitist fuck head.
kim com
kim com - 11 years ago
get rid of those stupid skid lids. learn to stand up don't be lazy!!!!!
South east Spearing
South east Spearing - 8 years ago
You are not the only human being on the planet dickface
Teepor Porscheza
Teepor Porscheza - 11 years ago
adam bamf
adam bamf - 11 years ago
srop hateing on the boogers they have souls too
juancagc1 - 11 years ago
That's for bodyboarders noobs
BriarPatchFishing - 11 years ago
Grommets....Grommets everywhere!
mushi sau
mushi sau - 11 years ago
Hey there, have you considered "Reveal Travel Deal" (do a Google search for it)? I have seen quite a few incredibly affordable hotels and flight tickets. This could allow you to spend less on your next journey also. Just go and have a look.
Jack Plavan
Jack Plavan - 11 years ago
your so funny
bibser295 - 11 years ago
Kevin - 11 years ago
Free Orca
Free Orca - 11 years ago
They enjoy Gravity
Rhys Chapman
Rhys Chapman - 11 years ago
David Persico
David Persico - 11 years ago
Although I am not concerned with safety, it is noteworthy that there is no lifeguard training(beachfront or not) that covers these specific instances.
bobby chester
bobby chester - 11 years ago
tyler isaacs takes it square up the ass - raging homo
Brandon Dugan
Brandon Dugan - 11 years ago
fuckin dick draggers
tyler isaacs
tyler isaacs - 11 years ago
yuk look at the bodyboarders

100. comment for Avoca Lake Surfing

Doug Byrne
Doug Byrne - 11 years ago
Haha no its not, you can see the skillion in the background
Osmund Abrahams
Osmund Abrahams - 11 years ago
42na4ever - 11 years ago
What i'm wating for? I've got 2 extra lives... yahooo....
kaYboi8o8 - 11 years ago
all you people who say this is dangerous, enjoy your boring lives.
nomoreluke - 11 years ago
They paddle into the beach and walk back ><
Honeysucklebommie - 11 years ago
Hey so did all that sand shooting out into the ocean make an epic bank out back eventually?
BetterThn U
BetterThn U - 11 years ago
is this avoca as in avoca on the central coast or somewhere else?
Malan King
Malan King - 11 years ago
what happends when they wipeout and go down the stream?
SpeedWobbleStudios - 11 years ago
Whats with all the dick draggers?
jjDub331 - 12 years ago
I would love to do that
suman talukder
suman talukder - 12 years ago
Hey there, have you considered "Reveal Travel Deal"? Just go to this web address: RevealTravelDeal.com I have found quite a few incredibly low-priced resorts and flights. This can let you save money on your upcoming holiday also.
Alex X
Alex X - 12 years ago
LOL you are so macho ... did you eat shit when you were a kid???? I think you did it :)))))
Papa Bear
Papa Bear - 12 years ago
fake and gay
Blind Freddy
Blind Freddy - 12 years ago
Yeah I just finished watching it myself. Fun Vid!
Blind Freddy
Blind Freddy - 12 years ago
So many thumbs up for this daft comment!
RomanRandom7 - 12 years ago
This is awesome!
SauronsEye - 12 years ago
I watched this.
Eros Erosa
Eros Erosa - 12 years ago
Cuando te lleva la corriente o el flujo de agua la revolcada no sera peligrosa parece mucha agua con mucha fuerza
christopher helms
christopher helms - 12 years ago
yeah surfers own all water you fucking asshole asshat.
HenryWalsh - 12 years ago
Okay, firstly to all the people that are saying that this is dangerous etc. the council that is in the Avoca area have to allocate the beach lifeguard/lifesavers to patrol the lake when it is opened after rain. The only people that are allowed to surf/swim are the locals or people that have done it before. No it doesn't create a rip, all the water just goes to the beach itself. Also everybody is aware of the crumbling sand and peoples safety. Thumbs this up so everybody can see it please.
Jonathan Ikenna
Jonathan Ikenna - 12 years ago
doesn't that create a HUGE rip?
dima nenk
dima nenk - 12 years ago
very good men
Cory Wallace
Cory Wallace - 12 years ago
Very Cool.
AsmellyLinguanian - 12 years ago
i dont understand why noone is surfing the offshore swell
Corgis mclean
Corgis mclean - 12 years ago
the surfers were taking a huge risk but the people watching them from the shore while the sand was falling into the water were asking for trouble. I call it natural selection.
Carla Flores
Carla Flores - 12 years ago
Ryan Kirk
Ryan Kirk - 12 years ago
Look at that douchebag spraying everybody. People like that ruin it for everyone. Like "It's my wave!" No... It's not.
massacre1010 - 12 years ago
essencialy the biggest rip tide in existance.. not safe at all
Izzy J
Izzy J - 12 years ago
thats the best time to surf!
destruidor12 - 12 years ago
????oq seria mory bug ? body board,
mrboom kuytok
mrboom kuytok - 12 years ago
มุงสนุก กุหน้ากลัว
Haemous - 12 years ago
well there are about 25 adults there all watching the kids - i'm pretty sure one of them is gonna notice a kid not resurfacing and dive right in.
gangsterboogie - 12 years ago
Leptospirosis u gumbys
politicaeesporte .com.br
politicaeesporte .com.br - 12 years ago
SURF NA FOZ DE UM RIO #2 -- Pouca gente conhece
Vladimir Vishanski
Vladimir Vishanski - 12 years ago
juliane bezerra
juliane bezerra - 12 years ago
Porra, esses Mory Buggg estragaram tudo!!!!
Emilio Puigrredon
Emilio Puigrredon - 12 years ago
spongers.. spongers everywhere
Osmund Abrahams
Osmund Abrahams - 12 years ago
ahah i live in avoca cunt
TSideWes805 - 12 years ago
hawaii is surrounded by ocean....... do people drown? of course. Most of the time its haoles or asians that dont kno shit about ocean currents.
Andrea Fuentes
Andrea Fuentes - 12 years ago
@iwyiynk q oh! yes. all are saying its a fake news when they see at first time. and i can suggest u , if you do this is easy to earn daily $30 without investing a dime :P. if you wanna try just try now >> bit.ly/Td6SY3?=czbpmwv
betternameforwhat - 12 years ago
mammals called humans are crazier than monkeys
PleaseLookAwayNow - 12 years ago
Just having fun man, it's cool no offense; BTW, I was pointing out the "your" as a possessive, and you used "youre", close to "you're" (without the apostrophe), which is the contraction for "you are", but I realize the "and" was supposed to be "an", but you took it in the other direction...whew...I need to go surfing now!
Andrew Savage
Andrew Savage - 12 years ago
*an im sorry if i type to fast and accidentally add another letter
PleaseLookAwayNow - 12 years ago
What's my and? lol
Andrew Savage
Andrew Savage - 12 years ago
Australians aren't idiots your and idiot
Andrew Olander
Andrew Olander - 12 years ago
Now your the idiot
Andrew Olander
Andrew Olander - 12 years ago
Right. just totally fucks up the lake's ecosystem.
charlie kavanagh
charlie kavanagh - 12 years ago
batatapatatapotatoe - 12 years ago
Are they trowing sweet water into the ocean!? That would be terrible, nature does it, sure, but if a patch of sweet water is not going in the ocean we shoul never make a way for it to get there, not with the scarceness we´re facing. Cool waves nevertheless.
charlie kavanagh
charlie kavanagh - 12 years ago
you sir are absolutely right. but i still hate them.
charlie kavanagh
charlie kavanagh - 12 years ago
wait avoca is in australia?
Will Prentice
Will Prentice - 12 years ago
im gay
DjD3vlyn - 12 years ago
i hate boogy boarders. they take all the space for something that actually takes skill
TDog Bones
TDog Bones - 12 years ago
naah mate it´s harden THE FUCK up!!!!
Shaun Van Tonder
Shaun Van Tonder - 12 years ago
and douchebags!!
crowdvulture - 12 years ago
wtf happened?
Josh - 12 years ago
Does this happen all the time or did they release the lake or something? Like bust a dam or something like that.
Josh - 12 years ago
pretty sure most continents are surrounded by ocean
surfgatinho - 12 years ago
cant that tide take then out pretty far?
Katsu LA
Katsu LA - 12 years ago
Thats sketchy.
junglesurfertv - 12 years ago
Mostly tourists drown aussies are water demons
taj30rb - 12 years ago
toughen up princess. the people that drown are tourists from places like china
Iñaki Klutch
Iñaki Klutch - 12 years ago
I dotn think its a good idea swimming into a raging river
Thor - 12 years ago
Definitely on my to do list! :)
whatsbeeffffffffffff - 12 years ago
are you fucking retarded, people shouldnt go to the beach if they cant swim. if u actually lived here u wld know that only immigrants/refugees die in the surf.
Victor Dam Freitas
Victor Dam Freitas - 12 years ago
man up little bitch
Jeff Baxter
Jeff Baxter - 12 years ago
check out mountain biking in nj woods 1, 2, and 3
MrGrimlaw - 12 years ago
and no disrespect to you either mate, i understand your concerns
MrGrimlaw - 12 years ago
These occurrences eventually happen naturally anyway. You need to think of the people who need the lake for their living as well, do you think a closed lake is a healthy lake? So much money gets spent by councils opening up the Lakes when they have closed, good luck to the guys who had a bit of fun and gave nature a little nudge... no harm done.
Asher Hill
Asher Hill - 12 years ago
salt water lake
Kevin Ludwig
Kevin Ludwig - 12 years ago
Sorry to be so critical Cale but a "finless surfboard" is just called a board.
LukaHB - 12 years ago
you realize that this is really bad. There's barely any clean water left and you're throwing gallons and gallons of clean water into the ocean.
cale brown
cale brown - 12 years ago
This would be so fun for finnless surfboards!!!
Nagini Breznikar
Nagini Breznikar - 12 years ago
sick comeback you stupid fuck
Benny P
Benny P - 12 years ago
Thoes idiots you speek of are tourists. and that callapsing sandbank isnt dangerous at all.
Jack Woolford
Jack Woolford - 12 years ago
Thomas Maurice
Thomas Maurice - 12 years ago
OMG Is it always like that there? Like continiously? This wasn't something special that they broke down a part of a wall or something? Awesome!!!!! Where is this?
Zbr - 12 years ago
go fuck you biatch
Nagini Breznikar
Nagini Breznikar - 12 years ago
To everyone saying its Hawaii your all stupid fucks. To everyone saying its Avoca your all mad cunts.
Madiha W
Madiha W - 12 years ago
That is crazy current.
s25036 - 13 years ago
fucking boogers ruining every single bit of fun the world has to offer if waves could talk they would be like get the fuck off me you stupid spongers.
Robert Bolduc
Robert Bolduc - 13 years ago
yeah im with keyadess gooks are the idiots who drown always
gingernutbumchin - 13 years ago
@luckyvegas7 Harden up
Gav b
Gav b - 13 years ago
no wonder so many idiots drown in aus every year. kids on the side a sand bank thats collapsing.
Jonathan F Rodriguez
Jonathan F Rodriguez - 13 years ago
Man this looks so cool is....Is it a bit dangerous?
Splittripper - 13 years ago
Stand back lil Groms!! Ur scarin Dad.
Chris Wyatt
Chris Wyatt - 13 years ago
Its deffs avoca I live 15 mins away from it
Simtooner - 13 years ago
@hapa21able Its fucking AVOCA! Ive Been their multiple times
luke durden
luke durden - 13 years ago
@hapa21able No, its in Australia
luke durden
luke durden - 13 years ago
@TheMakinChilli Looks like it
Le Ginge Thomas
Le Ginge Thomas - 13 years ago
were is this
eduardo pereira
eduardo pereira - 13 years ago
onde fica isso ai
eduardo pereira
eduardo pereira - 13 years ago
Swadric A.
Swadric A. - 13 years ago
too bad for the lake
Schlin King
Schlin King - 13 years ago
@hapa21able no dude this is avoca.
Ninjarni - 13 years ago
@ThePCZirbes i drained your mom's pussy juices
Jake McIntosh
Jake McIntosh - 13 years ago
is this NSW australia?

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