Baby's First Time Surfing

11 month old Kaimana hit the waves for the very first time with his dad on the Big Island of Hawaii. I think we have a future pro surfer on our hands! SUBSCRIBE to us! Check out "Shinefree" by Luke Golden, Kaimana's dad on iTunes! LIKE us! FOLLOW us! TUMBLR: PIN with us! TO LICENSE THIS CLIP, GO TO:

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Surf 11 years ago 229,755 views

11 month old Kaimana hit the waves for the very first time with his dad on the Big Island of Hawaii. I think we have a future pro surfer on our hands! SUBSCRIBE to us! Check out "Shinefree" by Luke Golden, Kaimana's dad on iTunes! LIKE us! FOLLOW us! TUMBLR: PIN with us! TO LICENSE THIS CLIP, GO TO:

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Most popular comments
for Baby's First Time Surfing

Sunny Tann
Sunny Tann - 6 years ago
that is so cute, he looked like he really enjoyed that! I'm gushing watching this. It is unbelievably cute.
Kooyason Shin
Kooyason Shin - 6 years ago
Just wondering if I would surf with my child who was the same age what would have happened is certain that my partner would immediately call the parents and the police
Katrina Norman
Katrina Norman - 6 years ago
when your baby grows up hes going to be a surfer
ian isbell
ian isbell - 7 years ago
That baby is going to grow up to be awesome... that's all.
KatzSandra - 7 years ago
the child is enjoying themselves and realistically speaking they is dangers in any activity we introduce to our kids
Enzo Miano
Enzo Miano - 7 years ago
imagine the board pearls
Zen Community of Oregon
Zen Community of Oregon - 7 years ago
Life preserver! life preserver! Life preserver!
Same amount of fun but much safer.
My best friend was standing on the side of a pool with her 3 year old and he slipped into the water undetected when she turned away for three seconds. Luckily she noticed in time, dove to the bottom of the pool and saved him. "Dry drowning" is also possible if he slips off the board. You will never ever forgive yourself if he drowns.
Weathermank - 7 years ago
it is safe the waves are small and the dad knows how to surf good
Luna Creciente
Luna Creciente - 8 years ago
Omg <3 It melted my Hearth <3

10. comment for Baby's First Time Surfing

Dave Sorton
Dave Sorton - 8 years ago
i can not belive a babby can surfer
Holly Freeman
Holly Freeman - 8 years ago
this is adorable omg aw
kohlrabenschwanz - 8 years ago
this is so irresponsible and stupid. endanger your own child to show off in youtube. They should take your child away.
Mick Funny
Mick Funny - 7 years ago
kohlrabenschwanz kids can float at nine I months, the mother and father were within arms reach of the child, the surf wasn’t even a foot high, and the child was always under control.
kohlrabenschwanz - 8 years ago
Moto Gaming i mean are you kidding ? whats the point of taking a kid that couldnt even walk in the ocean. it is fucking dangerous. imagine it falling down. cannot swim. and not talking about shock and trauma. i mean are you stupid ?
Chris Paul
Chris Paul - 8 years ago
kohlrabenschwanz Really???? I guess theres always got to be at least one of you in these situations to remind us the purpose of life is to point out perceived faults in others whenever possible, make certain at all times that we don't accidently enjoy ourselves ...... you must be a barrel of laughs to hangout with.

This dad and he's kid are awesome and enjoying life and all it has to offer.
Moto Gaming
Moto Gaming - 8 years ago
kohlrabenschwanz the kid is not in risk the couple have surf experience and don't want their kids to be afraid of the surf
Edmund Green
Edmund Green - 8 years ago
Really, dickhead? I had my first surf experience at this kids age and was being pushed into waves at 2. I did the same thing with my son earlier today. Go experience life instead of handing kids video games for a fucking change.
Alex Ayala
Alex Ayala - 9 years ago
Shoooo mush shwag shponser hem Now Oniell!
Rory Pascarelli
Rory Pascarelli - 9 years ago
omg i go to lymans like every day! (thats the spot name)
James S
James S - 9 years ago
Actually Firsta Yunida is cuteness overload. A big thanks to your parents for making you !!!
Bea McDonald
Bea McDonald - 10 years ago
So cute your baby is a good surfer for there age
mariam s.mohammed
mariam s.mohammed - 10 years ago
Erick R.
Erick R. - 10 years ago
Officially the best father ever
Will Jakicevich
Will Jakicevich - 10 years ago
soooooo cute!!! why would anyone thumbs down this???????

20. comment for Baby's First Time Surfing

Jackie Brown
Jackie Brown - 10 years ago
aww so cute 
rody speake
rody speake - 10 years ago
Catarina Amaro de Oliveira
Catarina Amaro de Oliveira - 10 years ago
What's the name of this song??
lukegolden - 10 years ago
Shinefree by Luke Golden you can get it on itunes or amazon
Alyssa Harmeier
Alyssa Harmeier - 10 years ago
This is the cutest thing.
rrvtjd - 10 years ago
Next video: Baby's First Time Drowning.
lovewillkillusall - 10 years ago
Sooo Sweet! Everything about this video just works perfectly! <3 Such a loving father :)
Hanadi Akbar
Hanadi Akbar - 10 years ago
ausome dad
Oliver Polishchuk
Oliver Polishchuk - 11 years ago
The baby is so fat
mellowreads - 10 years ago
babies are meant to be fat, and it's not fat it's just plain chubby. I mean who ?wants a skinny baby?
Nicklas ibsen
Nicklas ibsen - 11 years ago
That baby gonna be a good surfer
Holly Stoneburner
Holly Stoneburner - 11 years ago
so cute

30. comment for Baby's First Time Surfing

Dovydas Ronaldas
Dovydas Ronaldas - 11 years ago
He`s be a surwiwer
Dovydas Ronaldas
Dovydas Ronaldas - 11 years ago
He`s be a surwiwer
Максим Келданович
Максим Келданович - 11 years ago
Ahmad Angoh
Ahmad Angoh - 11 years ago
Andrea Lombardo
Andrea Lombardo - 11 years ago
Ehat a beautiful hilarious kid and what a great father!!:)
miterek2 - 11 years ago
Fix Lan House
Fix Lan House - 11 years ago
Que Lindo, Parabens :)
Kevin P
Kevin P - 11 years ago
What an awesome dad
Cristinact - 11 years ago
That smile at the end is priceless!!
jmcculloh88 - 11 years ago
And it's bad that parents can't have fun with their children these days without being criticized about it. I believe wht this dad is soo freakin awesome. If it was me I would do the same thing he did.
Basketball Vibes
Basketball Vibes - 7 years ago
jmcculloh88 yeah
Weathermank - 7 years ago
what is good
jmcculloh88 - 11 years ago
Second if all for all the uneducated ppl out their babies float because they naturally hold their breath I'm an emt so I would know also I highly doubt this dad would let this kid fall and not go with him if he did. Think about wht u ppl r saying.
jmcculloh88 - 11 years ago
Ok first off this is an amazing video and an absolute wonderful display of a father son relationship and the love a father has for his son
Ramon Ramos
Ramon Ramos - 11 years ago
Ramon Ramos
Ramon Ramos - 11 years ago
Riley Galloway
Riley Galloway - 11 years ago
Bradley uk
Bradley uk - 11 years ago
This is beautiful :)
Kitty Super
Kitty Super - 11 years ago
Am I the only one that thinks this is dangerous as hell
Max Gillespie
Max Gillespie - 7 years ago
Ashley Zequeida
Ashley Zequeida - 8 years ago
it would be dangerous if he'd be surfing in teahupoo with the baby but surfing mush isn't.
Edmund Green
Edmund Green - 8 years ago
I did the same at his age with my father, and I do the same with my son now. Get out and live life instead of being glued to a fucking Xbox or Facebook.
Rory Pascarelli
Rory Pascarelli - 9 years ago
+cocoanouk at lyman (the spot you just watched) is about 4 feet deep (where i surf at lymans its about a foot or so deep)
Bradley uk
Bradley uk - 10 years ago
+Juno We can be gay together xx
cocoanouk - 11 years ago
the waters probably not that deep, ive been surfing in water up to my waist. the dad could just catch him if he fell off, same depth as kids swimmign pool probably 
Bradley uk
Bradley uk - 11 years ago
Virtually everything is dangerous darling, but to witness beauty there is always danger. :)
SurfingwithBen - 11 years ago
Bror-ekild Price
Bror-ekild Price - 11 years ago
He so butyful im gone kry
Just Heidi
Just Heidi - 11 years ago
Omg is it me or is that baby cute
Thegibolin - 11 years ago
Et si on attendait qu'il ait l'âge d'avoir suffisamment de motricité pour pouvoir se tenir vraiment debout? Et en cas de chute/ retournement de la planche, il fait quoi le bébé; il prend la tasse? Pourquoi ne pas laisser aux enfants leurs propres jeux, et quand ils ont l'âge de demander ce qu'ils veulent faire, le leur proposer?
"Chaque chose en son temps", mais c'est que mon humble avis, et tout le monde à droit au sien. Aloha!   ;-)

50. comment for Baby's First Time Surfing

lilyplays mcwith taznie
lilyplays mcwith taznie - 11 years ago
LOL XD sooo cute
dec2963-female - 11 years ago
Does he some type of life preserver on?  If not then why not, and what happens if daddy's hands slip?  I'm not against the parents doing that.  He looks like he's loving it.  I just wonder about his safety.  I know from being a parent when you think you got it under control you're usually wrong. 
Abbey Mcmillan
Abbey Mcmillan - 11 years ago
...Erm... A little dangerous, don't ya think...?
Tiago Baltazar
Tiago Baltazar - 11 years ago
you cant control the sea
SurfingwithBen - 11 years ago
No, not if you know what you're doing.
Raptor Jesus
Raptor Jesus - 11 years ago
Captain Kirk has defended the galaxy from all kinds of evil!
So i'm sure he can take care of one small baby!
Apollo - 11 years ago
Wish the baby drowned. Learn the hard way.
Sadie Granda
Sadie Granda - 11 years ago
Eleanor - 11 years ago
oh my go d :')
Yasmeen Rodriguez
Yasmeen Rodriguez - 11 years ago
Are you trying to kil your aby
SurfingwithBen - 11 years ago
Danny Vader
Danny Vader - 11 years ago
Dun dun dun dun dundundundundundundun!!!
Danny Vader
Danny Vader - 11 years ago
That is so unsafe
Jazmin Chapa
Jazmin Chapa - 11 years ago
Awesome song awesome video
Brandon Domervil-Caswell
Brandon Domervil-Caswell - 11 years ago
So cute aww
xGalaxyStarx - 11 years ago
So adorable!
Emily Kennedy
Emily Kennedy - 11 years ago
Cute but dangerous!!!
Reasonable Rocco
Reasonable Rocco - 8 years ago
Not really, those waves were just small whitewash in the shallow.
Athalia Colombia
Athalia Colombia - 11 years ago
oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo c trop mignon
G V - 7 years ago
Trop mignon il va se noyer...
C'est tellement dangereux...
Chad Clewis
Chad Clewis - 11 years ago
This is so cool!
Luke Summers
Luke Summers - 11 years ago
Like a boss
Tristan Ramawadhdoebe
Tristan Ramawadhdoebe - 11 years ago
That's so awsome
Diana A
Diana A - 11 years ago
so cute
Enrique Gallegos
Enrique Gallegos - 11 years ago
This video is amazing I hooe I can do the same with one of my future kids but at the same time I was seeing it very dangerous what would of happen if the baby would fall out of the surf board or something go wrong at least you should of take precautions and put some sort of life jacket to the baby im not criticizing im just saying it for security thats all at the end im glad for you guys you have a wonderfull baby and probably a future pro surfer.
Eva Baas
Eva Baas - 11 years ago
6 people hate cuteness
th3 r4cc00n
th3 r4cc00n - 11 years ago
Social Justice Warrior
Social Justice Warrior - 11 years ago
I don't know what that baby will be like without you two.
Poke My Heart
Poke My Heart - 11 years ago
Youssef I can't agree with you more!!! He is so adorable.
Youssef Idhamou
Youssef Idhamou - 11 years ago
Cute *.*
GamingCrushers - 11 years ago
the 3 dislikers porbably have baby's that can't surf
Dogland200 - 11 years ago
Omg SOOOOOOO CUTE! How could there be 3 dislikes??
Poke My Heart
Poke My Heart - 11 years ago
I know!! He is such a cute lil' surfer baby isn't he?!
Paradise Porter
Paradise Porter - 11 years ago
Sooooooooooo Cuteeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kim Beall
Kim Beall - 11 years ago
Mom, dad and child. Pure joy.
Poke My Heart
Poke My Heart - 11 years ago
One of the most adorable.
Austin Powers
Austin Powers - 11 years ago
harte nuss
harte nuss - 11 years ago
the baby looks not funny :D
Addicts Inc.
Addicts Inc. - 11 years ago
When I first started watching this, I was severely upset thinking how irresponsible etc etc...... by the time I finished the video, I was jealous of that little guy and was stoked to see how happy he was... Amazing. He'll be a pro by 10. Love it.
Poke My Heart
Poke My Heart - 11 years ago
It's so magical, don't you agree?
BeatPaper - 11 years ago
TheBritishBlock - 11 years ago
"I was bawn ta surf!"
MIKRO2323 - 11 years ago
no when he gonna get age 18 he will be a gamer fat drinking and eating in front of a pc hahaha
Lorraine Gabaldon
Lorraine Gabaldon - 11 years ago
He is so cute for myself I've never even tried surfing
mgf8353 - 11 years ago
Какой молодец крошка.:)
Yuelin Wu
Yuelin Wu - 11 years ago
oh...hes smiling...
Sam Wender
Sam Wender - 11 years ago
Awww so awesone dad
sawjar sawicki
sawjar sawicki - 11 years ago
This is awesome. Verna please concern yourself with your own business and not everyone else's. the baby was in good hands and is not your concern. People like you piss me off.
surrereys - 11 years ago
super cute
lukegolden - 11 years ago
I understand your concern and if you knew me you would understand my confidence. I assess all the conditions and make sure they are perfect before we go out, and while we are out there I am aware of everything around me I know what is going to happen before it happens I would never put my son in danger, what we are doing is perfectly worries not everyone could do what we do....
GyrlBlaque - 11 years ago
Is he wearing a life vest ?
Poke My Heart
Poke My Heart - 11 years ago
He is going to kill it when he's ready to compete.
Raptor Jesus
Raptor Jesus - 11 years ago
no doubt we'll be seeing him again in 18 or so years winning surf competitions! :)
lukegolden - 11 years ago
Aloha Verna, This is Kaimana's dad, i just wanted you to know that i am a trained and experienced Hawaii Lifeguard so he is in good hands...;-) no worries!
gabr0901 - 11 years ago
He looks so happy :)
chelleoj - 11 years ago
aww, nice family vibes, little dude!
Northern RedNeck
Northern RedNeck - 11 years ago
Cutest thing I've ever seen!!

100. comment for Baby's First Time Surfing

Ben Mader
Ben Mader - 11 years ago
His dad is his life preserver, and how do you know his parents aren't doing the job of protecting him.
Ericxnegley - 11 years ago
fuck you bitch
Cristinact - 11 years ago
Beautiful! I love it all: the family, the loving mum, the caring dad, the chubby face, and that sense of security we all experienced at that age when we knew nothing could go wrong because daddy was there for us :)
Cristinact - 11 years ago
Grow up, attention seeker
gtrman571 - 11 years ago
Yuck - Only animals please, humans are gross...
jstrra - 11 years ago
this really made my day. cute.
cubedy cube
cubedy cube - 11 years ago
He's so chubby! :)

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The "Baby's First Time Surfing" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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