Baby Seal Surprises Surfers | Surf Seal of Approval

While these surfers were catching some waves, this baby seal pops out of the water and surprises everyone! He wants in on the fun, and takes over their boards. This little seal caught some awesome waves with the surfing duo! Original Link: SUBSCRIBE: LIKE us on FACEBOOK FOLLOW us on TWITTER FOLLOW us on INSTAGRAM TO LICENSE THIS CLIP, GO TO:

Baby Seal Surprises Surfers | Surf Seal of Approval sentiment_very_dissatisfied 123

Surf 10 years ago 1,073,252 views

While these surfers were catching some waves, this baby seal pops out of the water and surprises everyone! He wants in on the fun, and takes over their boards. This little seal caught some awesome waves with the surfing duo! Original Link: SUBSCRIBE: LIKE us on FACEBOOK FOLLOW us on TWITTER FOLLOW us on INSTAGRAM TO LICENSE THIS CLIP, GO TO:

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Most popular comments
for Baby Seal Surprises Surfers | Surf Seal of Approval

Rodney S
Rodney S - 6 years ago
Maybe it was escaping a shark?
Yajee Gopez
Yajee Gopez - 6 years ago
Seal : let me surf , the orcas are comming
Jean P. G.
Jean P. G. - 6 years ago
OMG she's so cute! I love that baby seal. :)
J Hearn
J Hearn - 6 years ago
Aww that is so very special. Lovely experience for the surfers x
Oscar Hade
Oscar Hade - 6 years ago
Those surfers got a seal of approval.
Mike Smith
Mike Smith - 6 years ago
Any smart human will tell you the reason why the seal is jumping on your surfboard it’s because there’s a shark chasing him!!!!
MizzRychcik - 6 years ago
This is the cutest thing ever
Abigail Turner
Abigail Turner - 6 years ago
Ohh my goodness so, adorable
Laura Sanchez
Laura Sanchez - 6 years ago
Me watching the video: Awww, so cute
Come on... You really had to put that video there?

10. comment for Baby Seal Surprises Surfers | Surf Seal of Approval

oldfrend - 6 years ago
normally i wouldn't ouch wildlife, but i mean, he started it.
Christie - 6 years ago
super cute but so young to be alone, maybe lost or an orphan.
Amy Turner
Amy Turner - 6 years ago
That's the cutest thing I've ever seen
Edward Brink
Edward Brink - 6 years ago
I cant stay on top of a surf board either
Crazed Wolf
Crazed Wolf - 6 years ago
Surfing Seal
locomojoboy2 - 6 years ago
Guy really needs to wax his board.
Bambi Solomon
Bambi Solomon - 6 years ago
You are so lucky! Cute seal!!
4JayeP Borden
4JayeP Borden - 6 years ago
I'd get out of the water if i was you, baby seals are shark bait.
orouba14 - 6 years ago
i think I'll just have a rest here and sun bake.
spencereng - 6 years ago
If I was a baby seal getting chased by a great white I'd jump on a surf board too... just saying.

20. comment for Baby Seal Surprises Surfers | Surf Seal of Approval

Exolette - 6 years ago
Frustrating for experienced surfers, best day ever for begginers
Jana Tsernjajeva
Jana Tsernjajeva - 6 years ago
So cute .love
Amen Somen
Amen Somen - 6 years ago
Now i'm confused, aren't you supposed to avoid touching seals?
lygia lainfiesta
lygia lainfiesta - 6 years ago
raID irR
raID irR - 6 years ago
I think the seal wanted to rest
Dan Phillips
Dan Phillips - 6 years ago
likely the little guy was cold. Not enough fat yet.
ghost rider
ghost rider - 6 years ago
June Llantada
June Llantada - 6 years ago
Only thing that would scare me about surfing with the baby sea lion is that they are food for sharks and killer whales and you’re in the way.
James D
James D - 6 years ago
I want the 114 people who disliked this video to be shot - they have no soul.
RavenxAlexander1 - 6 years ago
How adorable~! The little seal wants to surf too!

30. comment for Baby Seal Surprises Surfers | Surf Seal of Approval

Mike J
Mike J - 6 years ago
cool, now the shark or killer whale that was chasing it can eat all of you lol
hahagotcha!!!! - 6 years ago
If saw a seal start trying to get out of the water on to a surfboard is be headed for shore looking around frantically for the shark that scared the seal enough to risk going up to people.
Windu Sy
Windu Sy - 6 years ago
It's not funny at all, usually baby seal or grown-up seal act like these because something big trying to eat them.
Richard Conner
Richard Conner - 6 years ago
Ammie Renee
Ammie Renee - 6 years ago
This is the quality content I'm here for.
caveman Versace
caveman Versace - 6 years ago
In Australia if seals join you the surfers leave. That means sharks are near.
Henry C
Henry C - 6 years ago
Amazing that the surfers think this is cute. Animals do that to get away from predators. What do you think eat seals in the ocean? The surfers need to get a clue.
B. Lukee
B. Lukee - 6 years ago
This rates a 10 on cuteness scale!!
nagisa chan
nagisa chan - 6 years ago
Seal: this looks fun , I'm gonna try it
ayesha palawan
ayesha palawan - 6 years ago
I don't think the seal is in danger..I think he sees the surf board as an iceberg...cutie
ボストンぺきにーず - 6 years ago
listychick - 6 years ago
this adorable seal was using the humans and boards for protection from predator
Hoten Hitonokoe
Hoten Hitonokoe - 6 years ago
outbackeddie - 6 years ago
That little guy was having a ball. The surfers were enjoying it too. What a great experience.
Evelyne Hennick
Evelyne Hennick - 6 years ago
where was this taken? where were you surfing?
arsys68 - 6 years ago
This dog is a good swimmer.
UNIK Nikita
UNIK Nikita - 6 years ago
Patrick Empson
Patrick Empson - 6 years ago
I wanna see it when it's about 300 pounds still wanting to go surf
Henrik Schock
Henrik Schock - 6 years ago
what typ of dog is that?
Coconut ScienceGirl92
Coconut ScienceGirl92 - 6 years ago
He is probably hiding! from a shark! might want to run or something.

50. comment for Baby Seal Surprises Surfers | Surf Seal of Approval

earthminus10 - 6 years ago
The seals at this point in time think surfers are their siblings.
M Julian
M Julian - 6 years ago
I had the feeling that at first, something was after him, but then he/she ended up having fun but I do feel something was "up" under the waves and the seal knew it would be safer to get out of the water for at least brief moments. So cute...loved the vid.
Jack Stoneshaft
Jack Stoneshaft - 6 years ago
all you dipshit idiots talking about sharks, shut the fuck up. jesus christ, bunch of ignorant assholes. If you were a marine biologist, you know, someone who's opinion mattered, I'd listen, but you're not.
Suzy Q Crafts
Suzy Q Crafts - 6 years ago
Link the video at the end of this video with the dude cussing cause his surfboard got hit by I'm guessing a shark. I need to see this.
Suzy Q Crafts
Suzy Q Crafts - 6 years ago
So cute
bezoticallyyours83 - 6 years ago
This is great!
Pat Downs
Pat Downs - 6 years ago
animal abuse. you did not get the seal's permission to film this. it also needs a contract and residuals
잠냥이 - 6 years ago
완전 귀여워 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Shibby - 6 years ago
M Mckissack
M Mckissack - 6 years ago
hanging out with seals in the ocean seems unwise...:D
Johan Uribe
Johan Uribe - 6 years ago
Water pupper done a snurf!
fleuger99 - 6 years ago
You need more wax on your board so the seal doesn't slip off so easily! :)
dalik dalik
dalik dalik - 6 years ago
So cute
doni woods
doni woods - 6 years ago
those Seal's are by far smarter than most democRats
K e e f
K e e f - 6 years ago
S e a d o g g o
Jess S
Jess S - 6 years ago
Shark nearby- I would be getting the heck out of there LOL
Melissa - 6 years ago
“Sure glad you guys came along! That Orca back there looked pretty mean!”
MessiahGaming1080p - 6 years ago
Don't forget to check the video in the end that is recommended, Seal scares surfer, really funny.
Clyde Cromey
Clyde Cromey - 6 years ago
the kids who came here to watch a friendly baby seal video
Михаил Малышев
Михаил Малышев - 6 years ago
First this asshole pushed seal away from his board. And then his friend said to not do it again.
huriye kantar
huriye kantar - 6 years ago
I swear they need to be called sea puppies or sea dogs because they are so adorable like a dog wanting attention. They don’t seem vicious at all (I’m sure they can be sometimes) but seem generally safe like puppies.
SrpskaNacija - 6 years ago
Seal of approval
ali serghni
ali serghni - 6 years ago
They want tu surfe hhhh
Caz Gerald
Caz Gerald - 6 years ago
Where's the mama?
Vernon Huckleberry
Vernon Huckleberry - 6 years ago
He was trying to get away from the shark
Liliworld Idontarguebackandforth
Liliworld Idontarguebackandforth - 6 years ago
So cute!!
tslmiami - 6 years ago
This is the Internet I signed up for..
Mark Edwards
Mark Edwards - 6 years ago
Watch out for the man in the grey suit!
Robo Kitty
Robo Kitty - 6 years ago
So cute.
Ayesha Jamil
Ayesha Jamil - 6 years ago
It's acting like a younger sibling. I wanna play too
Jason Irving
Jason Irving - 6 years ago
he was just pushing them in the way of a Great White so he could escape.
All Alonely
All Alonely - 6 years ago
Sea doggo enjoys surbers
AmericanSicilian girl
AmericanSicilian girl - 6 years ago
Why are seals sooooo cute
Nikki Fernandez
Nikki Fernandez - 6 years ago
The seal is saying "I WANNA SURF TOO! "
EXO-L - 6 years ago
They're escapig predators...
bear1568 - 6 years ago
Life doesnt get better than that.
Deniece Donnafield
Deniece Donnafield - 6 years ago
Wow awesome!
Howard Johnson
Howard Johnson - 6 years ago
Lol. They look like dogs.
Hershel - 6 years ago
y’all ruin this vid w ur comments. can y’all just have a laugh for once??
ECLIPSETVSHOW2 - 6 years ago
It just wanted to try it too...soneone should teach them how to surf so they can enjoy it too
Danny v
Danny v - 6 years ago
Local surfers only
sminkycorp - 6 years ago
henlo doggo of the sea!
Taylor Glynn
Taylor Glynn - 6 years ago
When he's using y'all cause there is a shark around ... Lmao
jack cloud
jack cloud - 6 years ago
that seals saying let me on there's sharks down there hahaha
Lynne Aqui
Lynne Aqui - 6 years ago
He might be swimming away from a animal of prey.
Яна Гуйфей
Яна Гуйфей - 6 years ago
Как такого игрунчика не поцеловать?!
AlphaKennyBody - 6 years ago
There you are Johnny ;)
Christian Samontr
Christian Samontr - 6 years ago
So cute
Evan C.
Evan C. - 6 years ago
Lol water puppies
J M - 6 years ago
All fun and games til that shark shows up and joins the party.

100. comment for Baby Seal Surprises Surfers | Surf Seal of Approval

jmarie8408 - 6 years ago
So sweet!
Patrick k
Patrick k - 6 years ago
How cool can it get!
Susan Frometa
Susan Frometa - 6 years ago
It wanted to have some fun to
Tandria Alfonso
Tandria Alfonso - 6 years ago
Aww I would have taken her home!!!!!!!! ❤️
UBAD2 - 6 years ago
Sweet animal.
Efren Ramirez
Efren Ramirez - 6 years ago
Too damn cute !
netbuckeye 2.0
netbuckeye 2.0 - 6 years ago
My name is John Frantz and I'm a registered sex offender from Ohio
ngiw - 6 years ago
adorable til you realize there's a great white following it
hebrone30 - 6 years ago
Thanks guys, they're sharks every where!
Modustollens1 - 6 years ago
Freakin seals always cutting the line
Gaea - 6 years ago
Sea doggo.
barnes 77
barnes 77 - 6 years ago
Is that usually an indicator that a predator is about?
Charlie Tango
Charlie Tango - 6 years ago
That was cute.
Viet Kathy
Viet Kathy - 6 years ago
Me trying to surf
Blue Bleeder
Blue Bleeder - 6 years ago
Wouldn't you wonder what else is swimming around you.
Mela Kuieh
Mela Kuieh - 6 years ago
Blue Bleeder My thoughts exactly...
Paul Riordan
Paul Riordan - 6 years ago
Oh cool this hamburger I wanted just joined two other hamburgers
Dowlphwin - 6 years ago
Apparently trying to get on the board is the whole action experience for this sea dog.
My theory is that once animals witness the fun things humans do, the ocean begins to feel really boring, haha.
Kermit Suicide
Kermit Suicide - 6 years ago
Woody Chadwick
Woody Chadwick - 6 years ago
How cool is this, water dogs.
Sammi Jane
Sammi Jane - 6 years ago
There's a shark hunting there :)
Carbon Fiber Creations Arizona
Carbon Fiber Creations Arizona - 6 years ago
Very cool
Todd Smith
Todd Smith - 6 years ago
and what follows baby seals
Taekook is definition of Love
Taekook is definition of Love - 6 years ago
"Can i have some free ride"
Max Brazil
Max Brazil - 6 years ago
Why swim when you can ride?
Marty Stevens
Marty Stevens - 6 years ago
Don't push him off, he's tired!
Zachary mccleary
Zachary mccleary - 6 years ago
Omg that was sp adorable!
TheAlmightyDork - 6 years ago
Seal doggo :3
Da Goddess
Da Goddess - 6 years ago
That baby wants to play with hooooman
Alaine Perez
Alaine Perez - 6 years ago
Either that pup was tired or something was chasing him
toe hi
toe hi - 6 years ago
is here any fish?
Pulp - 6 years ago
He so s l i p p e r y
Admin 2018
Admin 2018 - 6 years ago
I would be looking for sharks behind him. Lol
Ana’s Adventures!
Ana’s Adventures! - 6 years ago
That was seally cute!!

Srry I had to
ya boi
ya boi - 6 years ago
I love him
Skuash - 6 years ago
Surf + seal = Probably a white shark around.
Vulpix- Chan757
Vulpix- Chan757 - 6 years ago
That seal really wants to surf with them
Nelson Ho
Nelson Ho - 6 years ago
Sharks were around you, if seal love your board.
TheGodEmperorofMankind - 6 years ago
thats so cool.
Annie Smiles
Annie Smiles - 6 years ago
The seal wants a ride
Shreyash pradhan
Shreyash pradhan - 6 years ago
The seal was very tired of swimming. He wanted some rest.
Bob James
Bob James - 6 years ago
Rookies! There is a shark after him!!
Bob James
Bob James - 6 years ago
Rookies! There is a shark after him!!
Olivia - 6 years ago
i'm pretty sure it just wanted somewhere to sit
R Cole
R Cole - 6 years ago
if this happens to me..we'll both go to shore.
No Bozos
No Bozos - 6 years ago
In the late 80's, at County Line in California, there was a sea lion in that use to swim the waves with surfers and sometimes jump on there boards when they were waiting for waves. This animal did this for years. I was hilarious. Especially when it would cut a surfer off and they would get all pissed off.
bispo naz
bispo naz - 6 years ago
Só cute
Joshua The Giant Slayer
Joshua The Giant Slayer - 6 years ago
Dude wanna surf too
Bunny Bugs
Bunny Bugs - 6 years ago
cute baby come to daddy XD
Nicolas Blanco
Nicolas Blanco - 6 years ago
Buscando proteccion pelotudos!!!
Para que va a querer jugar con humanos. Y admrmas arriba de la tabla jajaja
Queria surfear dicen algunos. Juas!!!
Get out of the waterrrrr....
Philippe van Heek
Philippe van Heek - 6 years ago
seal has better surfing skill´s then me =)
Philippe van Heek
Philippe van Heek - 6 years ago
seal just hidding from the shark´s =)
Miki Vega Mck
Miki Vega Mck - 6 years ago
cute but I hope they remember seals ran away from predators.
VLAD IMIR - 6 years ago
I want one.
Edsamwel Kayombo
Edsamwel Kayombo - 6 years ago
There must be Sharks close by...
LyricalXilence - 6 years ago
Good reason to learn to surf. If a seal gets on my board it's unspeakable agreement to be my pet
R n S McKee
R n S McKee - 6 years ago
Ummm... there's probably a great white stalking this dude!!! I'd be heading straight to shore!!!
Saphire Anabeth
Saphire Anabeth - 6 years ago
Seal was probably like 'as long as I'm ON the board and not in the water where sharks are, evwrythings fine'
Joe Home
Joe Home - 6 years ago
The white pointer sharks must be watching and shaking their heads
syntaxed2 - 7 years ago
Did you also know Japan killed 20 million chinese in the last war? Not so kawaii now eh
BJae Corvinus
BJae Corvinus - 7 years ago
Shadow Foxx
Shadow Foxx - 7 years ago
But wat those two guys DIDN'T know LURKING beneath was 16' foot GREAT WHITE SHARK.....LOLOL
Ree eee
Ree eee - 7 years ago
Constance Huntsman
Constance Huntsman - 7 years ago
Maybe he was tired, but the shark theory makes sense.
durider - 7 years ago
Thats awesome!!
Sergio Juarez
Sergio Juarez - 7 years ago
I thought seals where warriors
John Roy Carreon
John Roy Carreon - 7 years ago
Only 2 reasons why they do that..1they tired swimming n need to rest..2 there is something in the water lurking them.....sharkkkkk....
Andy Himself
Andy Himself - 7 years ago
Song pls
Mntdewmania - 7 years ago
awww maybe he was just tired and trying to take a breather...
Mary D
Mary D - 7 years ago
This is too cute and too adorable
seqingnicole - 7 years ago
Psh you guys. Why would the seal be afraid of a shark when it took out Osama?
Jay Bee
Jay Bee - 7 years ago
That's adorable. Also dangerous af. Orcas are smart enough to hunt seals no matter the situation (watch some of their videos especially when they swim in teams to knock them off of ice patches it's amazing). Also when sharks attack surfers from below, they mistake them for seals when they are layed out flat and paddling​. Doesn't help to have an actual seal on your surfboard. Again, adorable af. Just crazy dangerous.
J B - 7 years ago
Trying to get out of the water because of that massive shark....
Max Steele
Max Steele - 7 years ago
Awesome dog you got there.
Colin Gale
Colin Gale - 7 years ago
That is fantastic
MeowFanGirl - 7 years ago
guys! how do I stand??? XD
the857dude - 7 years ago
Lol the little guy seemed kinda desperate to get on the boards, I'd have been worried about something big that I couldn't see...
Julio P
Julio P - 7 years ago
Surfing water dog !
Jonathan J
Jonathan J - 7 years ago
Hey look it's an Ocean Doggo
toby corbishley
toby corbishley - 7 years ago
can't help but feel like it was escaping a shark
Jaded Jonny
Jaded Jonny - 7 years ago
So adorable ❤
Steve Matherson
Steve Matherson - 7 years ago
Social animals, they sre the canines dogs of the sea. Smart, loving, and dont attack humans , overall but man clubs them for $$ which needs to stop..Man does anything for $$ , thats y humanity can suck.
Steve Matherson
Steve Matherson - 7 years ago
Social animals, they sre the canines dogs of the sea. Smart, loving, and dont attack humans , overall but man clubs them for $$ which needs to stop..Man does anything for $$ , thats y humanity can suck.
CJ Williams
CJ Williams - 7 years ago
Awww! HE CUTE!
And I do mean the surfer xD ♡
Mountain Man3
Mountain Man3 - 7 years ago
Shiturin - 7 years ago
Plot twist: She was escaping from a shark.
richa16x - 7 years ago
Usually if there is a seal desperately trying to get in your board......get the fuck out of the water!
Duna Dinora
Duna Dinora - 7 years ago
shark at 0:07?
vLad - 7 years ago
This is so adorable!!
Chris Nizer
Chris Nizer - 7 years ago
A cute surfing baby seal? He's gonna get ALL the chicks!
Creatip - 7 years ago
That was plain plundering. Everything I can get my hands on, are mineeeee......
Rosso The'Crimson
Rosso The'Crimson - 7 years ago
little did they know Jaws was under them the whole time trying to get the baby seal.
Rachael Huffman
Rachael Huffman - 7 years ago
giant orca surfaces, killing everybody
Vangie Bari
Vangie Bari - 7 years ago
a lil guy so cute....
Barrack Dovahkhiin
Barrack Dovahkhiin - 7 years ago
theyre on hijack mission
ThatOneMeowth - 7 years ago
Is it me, or does that Seal look way too chill to be running away from something? As soon as he got on the board, his eyes and body just kinda relaxed.
King Tabris
King Tabris - 7 years ago
surfer doggo
Dakota Armentrout
Dakota Armentrout - 7 years ago
water doggo
Noland Ryan
Noland Ryan - 7 years ago
Good way to meet something with alot more teeth!
Mike Such
Mike Such - 7 years ago
anytime a seal is trying to get out of the water you should get the hell out of the water too there's obviously something with teeth chasing it
Ken Leahy
Ken Leahy - 7 years ago
Beware of the shark.
sugershakify - 7 years ago
Swimming with shark food. Next up surfing with a steak tied to your leg.
dwalrus - 7 years ago
He is not properly waxed, he's having a hard time slipping off
smacky lee
smacky lee - 7 years ago
Sharks eat seals. Seal is desperately trying to get on your surfboard. Maybe time to head in?
winston smith
winston smith - 7 years ago
And where there are Seals there are sharks, and maybe a Rose for kissing.
arch Skeptic
arch Skeptic - 7 years ago
Sometimes, you just need to find a video of a seal pup trying to get a free surfboard ride
Gunther Ultrabolt Novacrunch
Gunther Ultrabolt Novacrunch - 7 years ago
Seals will overcome thier fear of man and get on a surfboard or boat... when they are being pursued by a shark.
Nasha Naufal
Nasha Naufal - 7 years ago
They should bring that Pup seal home.
Kris - 7 years ago
Eduardo Girão Wanderley Pacheco
Eduardo Girão Wanderley Pacheco - 7 years ago
I sea... We shall give it our seal of approval
Ian Washburn
Ian Washburn - 7 years ago
Mammals gotta stick together.
therealAK ALASKA
therealAK ALASKA - 7 years ago
he just wanted to catch a wave with you guys
Faith & Action
Faith & Action - 7 years ago
He's like, "Man, where's the wax when you need it."
Aisy Rajwa
Aisy Rajwa - 7 years ago
you know you will be attack by a shark when seal come to your surfboard
Joshua Taylor
Joshua Taylor - 7 years ago
They are like dogs.
Little Flower
Little Flower - 7 years ago
This Is The Part Of YouTube That You Don't Know How Tf You Got There
Davi Matheus
Davi Matheus - 7 years ago
and then a shark comes and kills everyone including the seal...

real life stories
dragoncult666 - 7 years ago
The Mechanist
The Mechanist - 7 years ago
Plot twist: The seal was trying to get away from a shark that's coming straight for them now.
marcia vilela oliveira
marcia vilela oliveira - 7 years ago
Dogs do mar <3
Leo Kliesen
Leo Kliesen - 7 years ago
chellebelle914 - 7 years ago
omg so cute!!! ♡♡♡
chanctonbury63 - 7 years ago
Have you thought that there might be a reason the pup wants to be around you and get on the board??? The answer might be about to eat your leg...
BuShi Do
BuShi Do - 7 years ago
Seal in the area would be an indication for me to get the fuck out as I might be mistaken for a seal in my black wet suit.
Mik Moen
Mik Moen - 7 years ago
Love that ending. Kid erupting a mountain of "FUCK"s, but screams like a girl.
Ally B
Ally B - 7 years ago
The cutest thing
Fang Redhair
Fang Redhair - 7 years ago
Baby seal: "common guys teach me how to surf, I wont bite. pwwuueesee."
Stephanie Blonshine
Stephanie Blonshine - 7 years ago
Kind of young to be away from its mommy
PUNKem733 - 7 years ago
I see a seal trying to jump out of the water on my board and instantly I'd start looking for a shark nearby.
chastain - 7 years ago
the selkies are at it again
SVAFnemesis - 7 years ago
You need to think about why they were desperately trying to get on something.
Greek Salad
Greek Salad - 7 years ago
Exactly! And where was the momma seal?
Juan Jose
Juan Jose - 7 years ago
Omg that was so cute
Shinepikavee - 7 years ago
Surfing seals. Cute.=3
44excalibur - 7 years ago
Next thing you know, baby seals will be hitching rides with Navy SEALs.
A C - 7 years ago
hang 10 brah
Fat Cunt
Fat Cunt - 7 years ago

Get off I Wanna surf

Hello again belly flops on board
Txtspeak - 7 years ago
sea doggo
NB GOODISCORE - 7 years ago
Mattexp - 7 years ago
sea doggo best doggo
Lara Tran
Lara Tran - 7 years ago
so cute, i love animals
Java Lava
Java Lava - 7 years ago
hullo am seal who r u?
BootyGang_Disciple - 7 years ago
wow cool dog
Peter Schrecengost
Peter Schrecengost - 7 years ago
Jeff from Jersey
Jeff from Jersey - 7 years ago
There were probably ORCAS swimming right below... lmao
Kev - 7 years ago
Water doggo is adorable
Nath Anter
Nath Anter - 7 years ago
Seals behave like dogs
Jr Griffin
Jr Griffin - 7 years ago
suprise mothe fka
Lazy Filmer
Lazy Filmer - 7 years ago
I give this a Seal of Approval
Leo Draco
Leo Draco - 7 years ago
Jhabari Owens
Jhabari Owens - 7 years ago
lmao water dogs
NikkiCade08 - 7 years ago
I just freaking love this video, he just wanted to surf a little.
Will Amaral
Will Amaral - 7 years ago
When you realize sharks hostage people for seals and these people put themselves in Danger
lulem400 - 7 years ago
What's the song?
Bong dity
Bong dity - 7 years ago
Rin TheReaper
Rin TheReaper - 7 years ago
I want one
Carlos Jr. Jaucian
Carlos Jr. Jaucian - 7 years ago
they are like dogs and playful. they kn ow you are just playing too and harmless.
Anna K
Anna K - 7 years ago
the ending ruined it :(((
dbcooprrr - 7 years ago
Imagine if there was a shark attack at the end of this video with the fun happy music playing.
Mike Studmuffin
Mike Studmuffin - 7 years ago
I bet there's tiger shark lurking just 5 feet away.
corsican lulu
corsican lulu - 7 years ago
so cute so slippery it keeps falling off!
bloodyDeagle77 - 7 years ago
Baby Seal: Lemme show you how it's done noobs.
korpakukac - 7 years ago
Errr.... Don't seals do this when they are trying to get away from a shark below?
Pensive WolF
Pensive WolF - 7 years ago
this is how great white sharks lure in human pray
bard icus
bard icus - 7 years ago
Ryizine - 7 years ago
this is awesome
Susasuzz - 7 years ago
he obviously wants to surf lol
george trompoukis
george trompoukis - 7 years ago
Who could dislike a video like this, the sharks...???
Shahara Blackbeard
Shahara Blackbeard - 7 years ago
Did anyone do a looksee for sharks?
Shahara Blackbeard
Shahara Blackbeard - 7 years ago
StarryStarryNocturne - 7 years ago
It's so chubby and squishy!
Adhrit Srivastav
Adhrit Srivastav - 7 years ago
ocean doggo
Michael Rolke
Michael Rolke - 7 years ago
seals are fucking awsome...if one day i become rich ill buy one maybe two...cute little buggers arent they
Scott Schoen
Scott Schoen - 7 years ago
Nice way to attract a shark. Play with their food.
Kandisha smith
Kandisha smith - 7 years ago
I had heart palpitations from all this cuteness.. it's too much to much.... now I want a baby seal!
ScarEyed Charizard
ScarEyed Charizard - 7 years ago
That is adorable.
JPT 88
JPT 88 - 7 years ago
it must be really tired trying to take a rest on their surf board...
Isaac Good
Isaac Good - 7 years ago
that video at the end had me cry-laughing
Isaac Good
Isaac Good - 7 years ago
cool beat
Sam Lord
Sam Lord - 7 years ago
Cuteness overloaded!
MbisonBalrog - 7 years ago
So those go pros are completely water proof ?
Queek headtaker
Queek headtaker - 7 years ago
No wonder sharks are said to confuse surfers for seals
INCOOM13 - 7 years ago
Seal at sea =shark
Metal Michael
Metal Michael - 7 years ago
the seal was only like "I want to get on your board bro because there's a shark in the water and he is trying to eat me so good luck with that".
Dinkle Berry
Dinkle Berry - 7 years ago
So are seals like sea dogs?!
Zachary Rose
Zachary Rose - 7 years ago
Lol that seal's fur coat is way too slippery to be able to stay on that board. Good for swimming though!
TheRemixPunk - 7 years ago
I'm waiting for a cute seal, that gets 'attacked' by an even cuter seal, and it keeps happening.
Erin Taylor
Erin Taylor - 7 years ago
Seal = Shark. I would have been outta there :)
BFCrusader - 7 years ago
Must be a Navy Seal practicing his boarding skills ^^
max Hertford
max Hertford - 7 years ago
Put some more wax on that board so you and that seal can ride the next wave in , because the shark is coming.
James Cree
James Cree - 7 years ago
Slippery board is slippery!
SonicWinds - 7 years ago
Seals/Sea Lions. Truly the dogs of the sea.
kjh311 - 7 years ago
Wonder if he's running from a shark
MrFantocan - 7 years ago
Congratulations! Seel just learned SURF!!!
Da No ॐ
Da No ॐ - 7 years ago
Hahahaha I see what you did there! XD
Itai Sprachman
Itai Sprachman - 7 years ago
hahaha Brilliant
Nhan Phan Thanh
Nhan Phan Thanh - 7 years ago
never never give up! Did ur Mom teach u that, Seal?
Linda Fukuyu
Linda Fukuyu - 7 years ago
aaww .. so cute .. baby seal is trying to learn how to surfing :-)
Alexander Volg Zangief
Alexander Volg Zangief - 7 years ago
What a nice dog.
Yunoki Rio
Yunoki Rio - 7 years ago
Baby seal with dog mind
The Animal Lover
The Animal Lover - 7 years ago
Oooh It's Cuete (good English?) Loveley how the Baby Seal is going Up the Surfboard. And also Funny How the Surfers are Looking and Like this Also.Good that this is a Baby Seal ,Older Ones are Byting Haha !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OPTIC NERVE - 7 years ago
Surfboards are just too slick for seals!
Mike Smith
Mike Smith - 7 years ago
Luckily they weren't Canadians
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya - 7 years ago
what blank?
what blank? - 7 years ago
that baby seal knew what was behind them
bautista el crak Servian
bautista el crak Servian - 7 years ago
es ver y nice i lo ve you
Jason Pellegren
Jason Pellegren - 7 years ago
A seal jumping on my board would scare the living shit outta me... chances are they're avoiding a shark in the area
JadedGems - 7 years ago
I think the seal was cold in the water and wanted to sun bathe :)
Owen West
Owen West - 7 years ago
mbear1 - 8 years ago
omg, I love this.
Cornelius Boza
Cornelius Boza - 8 years ago
might be the pup running away from a great white??
lovethe1wolves - 8 years ago
Wonder if he's being social or trying to get away from something.
Progressive - 8 years ago
Maybe it was trying to escape a shark.. With it swimming around you are like sitting ducks xD
tysswe1 - 8 years ago
that could mean there are sharks around.
Jesse Vigor
Jesse Vigor - 8 years ago
didn't ir occur to anyone else that the seal may of detected a shark in the area.
Adam Pettus
Adam Pettus - 8 years ago
I'll never know this feeling, because I never flounder around in the open ocean where my legs are super edible.
Jack Stoneshaft
Jack Stoneshaft - 6 years ago
yeah, getting out of the house must be hard for fat nerds
Melissa Ivy
Melissa Ivy - 8 years ago
oh my god that's soooo cool and cool is it to be hanging out surfing and hello a little seal wants to play to!!! awwwww lol
finkz Finkz
finkz Finkz - 8 years ago
probably a shark close by
BioShock55Airsoft - 8 years ago
He's just tryna catch some tasty barrels dude
Joseph Douglas
Joseph Douglas - 8 years ago
Here's a nice cute, family friendly video about a seal with nice, happy upbeat music. And then all of a sudden OH F**K, F**K. OH OH F**K ME. F**K YOU! No seriously, just imagine some mom watching this, and her kids come up to her and watch the video too because it's a cute seal, why wouldn't you. And then that plays.
Soul Eater
Soul Eater - 8 years ago
Seals just want to surf with you they mean no harm
Dre Ray
Dre Ray - 8 years ago
Man why cant all humans and all animals get along like this? Would make the world SUCH a better place.
Ashutosh Vishwakarma
Ashutosh Vishwakarma - 7 years ago
@Augusto Pinochet Its not like that. Its like '' but muh food chain''
Augusto Pinochet
Augusto Pinochet - 7 years ago
Because food chains
Jesus Lee
Jesus Lee - 8 years ago
Started with Happyfeet soon happysurf coming soon
Brendan Meter
Brendan Meter - 8 years ago
aw look at cute seal tryin to escape cute shark right under us
MiaowGaiGar - 8 years ago
Videos like this make me wonder how different the world would be if we had a more sympathetic eye toward all animals. They're so much like us when we get to know them; there's no telling what we could accomplish if we regarded them as friends, albeit unpredictable ones we should exercise caution around. You know, just like people.

I hope we develop the sense to find out before we rob ourselves of the opportunity forever.
Kuba Piątek
Kuba Piątek - 8 years ago
who the hell unliked this video, its beyond cute
catherine lytle
catherine lytle - 8 years ago
human awww your so cute why are on my surf board *baby sea lion* orp orp orp (THERES A FUCKING SHARK DOWN THERE)
AishaVonFossen - 8 years ago
Daww, this is too precious. <3
red GamingHD
red GamingHD - 8 years ago
Anyone Saw This On Rude (ish) Tube?
krilling spree
krilling spree - 8 years ago
Ruberto Bulberto
Ruberto Bulberto - 8 years ago
Baby seal means seal breeding grounds, and that means shark infested waters(most likely).
kim-chi - 8 years ago
"Go away seal, you'll attract the sharks!!"
CHLOE LEE - 8 years ago
Awwww its so cute
pusacat's dream
pusacat's dream - 8 years ago
cute..i want to hug him..the seal ofcourse
maddie is not cool
maddie is not cool - 8 years ago
let him surf!!!!! he surf!!!!
Jimbo - 8 years ago
Seal = Sea dog
crod324 - 8 years ago
Scientific studies show that 99.9% of the time, if seals exhibit this behavior, there is a predator (shark/orca) very close... And by the way there's only one shark species that prey on seals.. The Great White. It's all shits and giggles til' someone loses a leg.
Amy P
Amy P - 8 years ago
HA HA!!!!!!!  That's hilarious!!!!  See?  Sea lions like to have fun too!!!!!
Magics Lies
Magics Lies - 8 years ago
Sea lions r so cute
Tj Bradders
Tj Bradders - 8 years ago
Okay old surfer advice - if baby seals are trying to get on top of your board - there is a fair chance there is something they want to get away from that's more scary than you are. You may want to take it to the shore.
Then again, it may just be a curious lil guy checking you out.
Laura Sanchez
Laura Sanchez - 6 years ago
Tomie Ito Sameee
TostiTostelli - 7 years ago
+Tomie Ito thats what she said
Keach Weder
Keach Weder - 7 years ago
Tj Bradders Im pretty sure it just wants to hang loose and shred some gnar gnars
Mav F
Mav F - 7 years ago
Not always trying to get away from something. Sometimes they are cold and want to be on something and sometimes they are curious and sometimes they want to play and when they are in super hurry (not as relaxed as this video) to get on the board is because they are getting away from either a shark or something else.
Rosalina x
Rosalina x - 7 years ago
maybe it died after they left it alone :I who knows
Renzo Wi
Renzo Wi - 7 years ago
Tj Bradders
Ikaika21808 - 7 years ago
Tj Bradders haha there's tons of videos like this with baby seals jumping on surf boards and kayaks... i recently watched something on the discovery Channel where a scientist said baby seals get cold really fast and they jump on the boards and kayaks to warm up... sounded like a legitimate explanation to me
Berhaneboy Iskinder
Berhaneboy Iskinder - 7 years ago
Tj Bradders took the words right out my mouth
Ali - 8 years ago
He did look quite stressed.
OgreSlayer - 8 years ago
+Tj Bradders HAHAHAHA she just might be the that victim
Genaieve Hopkins
Genaieve Hopkins - 8 years ago
omg your comment just WOW
Tj Bradders
Tj Bradders - 8 years ago
+Elise Wilson I'm remembering the opening scene from Jaws...
Tomie Ito
Tomie Ito - 8 years ago
Either way, I'm playing with it.
Unixorn - 8 years ago
Omg, cute, it comes back
Shinjo Gaze
Shinjo Gaze - 8 years ago
That's nice
Skittles The LoveBird
Skittles The LoveBird - 8 years ago
sooooooo cute :D
Emmeline Fields
Emmeline Fields - 8 years ago
Maria Francois
Maria Francois - 8 years ago
Seal: "let me show these newbs how it's done"
St. Mark
St. Mark - 8 years ago
I IZ KELLY SLATER... no, you iz not kelly slater, get off my board !
DerpyMan Ava the derp
DerpyMan Ava the derp - 8 years ago
Rikardo .A Kabrera
Rikardo .A Kabrera - 8 years ago
The seal was probably freaking out , trying to get out of the water!! Because of the huge ass shark swimming close by that is!!
hdb80 - 8 years ago
Nature is magnificent isn't it? And the lamb shall lay down with the lion. Someday peace will prevail, and this stuff will happen all the time!
hdb80 - 8 years ago
I believe I got my point across either way. So does it really matter, Heather?
BlerZer - GD
BlerZer - GD - 8 years ago
Haha Seal of Approval :)
Cherokee Gist
Cherokee Gist - 8 years ago
Aww he was so tired and wanted to rest on the surfboard
usr 28
usr 28 - 8 years ago
Or he wanted to get away from a shark
A.t. Edwards-tillman
A.t. Edwards-tillman - 8 years ago
f*** that he would have had to get the f*** out of here that mother f*** is beat
christina love
christina love - 8 years ago
he was determined to ride with them, too cute
Chris News
Chris News - 8 years ago
this sea lion is just a kid he wants  to play
American Goy
American Goy - 8 years ago
lol, this is great. but really the surfers should have been wondering, is this a playful seal or is there a shark around and this thing is getting onto the only "land" close by???
Ashlyn Longley
Ashlyn Longley - 8 years ago
Walter Bishop
Walter Bishop - 8 years ago
All the seal wanted was a surfboard!
april goff
april goff - 8 years ago
How cute!
Cookinitmax - 8 years ago
Little did the surfers know that the little seal was trying to save it self from a shark.
Michelle'sWorld - 8 years ago
тoтally cυтe
lyricalstyles - 8 years ago
Ingrid Fink
Ingrid Fink - 8 years ago
Que lindo!! confia no ser humano...a natureza é bela!
Catherine - 8 years ago
This made my Monday morning!
Serenoj69 - 8 years ago
FInally some people who ar enot afraid of kind animals or others that seem indoctrinated that humans somehow should not touch other animals as if we somehow cannot react to what comes naturally to us: be kind and give it a little attention and playtime. Contact between animals that si spontaneous is what it is also when one of these are humans....
Big pimpin
Big pimpin - 8 years ago
All fun and games until a great white shark rips your head off
RandomUser043 - 8 years ago
saw a shark hunting it and thought itd hide among humans and them being a larger meal
dumb cunt
dumb cunt - 8 years ago
he was just trying to stay above the water he knows theres sharks in it lool
McLovindk - 8 years ago
Plot twist: There is a gigant white shark in the water and it's just trying to escape..
Sara S
Sara S - 8 years ago
sooo cute
Bobby Fischer
Bobby Fischer - 8 years ago
"There's a motherfucking shark down there! Everyman for himself"
Bobby Fischer
Bobby Fischer - 8 years ago
Looks like a fat kid trying to get out of a pool
20centuryfox100 - 8 years ago
+Ray Fulton No, because no one else wants to read them
Bobby Fischer
Bobby Fischer - 8 years ago
+Ashlyn Longley because opinions hurt your feelings?
Ashlyn Longley
Ashlyn Longley - 8 years ago
Keep your rude opinions to yourself.
Chris Adams
Chris Adams - 8 years ago
Cute cute cute
Cristina Albino
Cristina Albino - 8 years ago
He probably wanted to rest a little lol
Alicia Viaches
Alicia Viaches - 8 years ago
That's so cute!!!!
tanner bakker
tanner bakker - 8 years ago
Come on guys he just wants a ride!
Jesus Esquivel Jesus Esquivel
Jesus Esquivel Jesus Esquivel - 8 years ago
poor seal keeps slipping
E Kramer
E Kramer - 8 years ago
Awww! The adorable wants to play too!
Neonajarin - 8 years ago
ride the walrus.
tommy1273 - 8 years ago
Seal trying to get out of the water cos it knows a shark is there?!
I'osua Iosua
I'osua Iosua - 8 years ago
Seen bigger waves in my toilet! XD
Robin DeClark
Robin DeClark - 8 years ago
So cute!
SDKeyes - 8 years ago
It's sad to think that he might be great white kibble right now
Lame Gods
Lame Gods - 8 years ago
I want one.
iridium248 - 8 years ago
Seal: "Really, I was just sick of swimming."
The Goose
The Goose - 8 years ago
And then the mom Seal came by and killed the two humans (that part is cut out)
Paul Bizard
Paul Bizard - 8 years ago
So cute.
Dariuscool - 8 years ago
Surfs up bro
David Navratil
David Navratil - 8 years ago
neckarsulme - 8 years ago
Well it looks like baby seals surf better than I do.
Nicole Dollar
Nicole Dollar - 8 years ago
sherese dasilva
sherese dasilva - 8 years ago
how cute
NOT kd
NOT kd - 8 years ago
it was either hiding from a shark or really tired. dogs of the sea
Spades Neil
Spades Neil - 8 years ago
"Y'all hoomans is stupid. There's sharks down there."
nicholas8nj - 7 years ago
Spades Neil Sharks are all over and others we don't know about. Good thing for a lovely friendly seal
FX Lord
FX Lord - 7 years ago
I know you meant this as a joke but actually seals usually try to get out of the water by any means possible, even boarding surfboards, if there is something that might eat them in the water. I suspect when these guys left the seal was probably eaten by whatever it was trying to get away from.
Wempi Ridatama
Wempi Ridatama - 8 years ago
Ohh man hahaa so cute
A19201593 - 8 years ago
puppy dog of the sea
nayelli jimenez
nayelli jimenez - 8 years ago
the only reason seals jump along is because there tired from swimming so they wanna chill and catch their breath
Alsin - 6 years ago
the only? I saw a video like 2 days ago, where seal is jumping on the boat and than 3 orcas appears to catch him
Janet Wilham
Janet Wilham - 8 years ago
Chrissy Roebuck
Chrissy Roebuck - 8 years ago
This is a great video!
Ekoro Hackenslash
Ekoro Hackenslash - 8 years ago
Nyahaha, that was so cute. . .:3
Elsa Debroglie
Elsa Debroglie - 8 years ago
He says you no know how surf. I shows you.
veda pierce
veda pierce - 8 years ago
Better being surprised by a seal than a shark :)
david rodriguez
david rodriguez - 6 years ago
Imagine he was watching this video and then he got surprised by the shark
Coconut ScienceGirl92
Coconut ScienceGirl92 - 6 years ago
there is probably a shark behind that seal...why do you think he came to hide on the nice people with floating objects
Zachary mccleary
Zachary mccleary - 6 years ago
emozgay srnm sharks dont attack people on purpose, they mistake us for seals due to their point of veiw if a shark is looking up at someone on a surfboard from below then they look alot like a seal to the shark so they attack, but most of the time they let go after realizing the mistake because in their opinion the amount of time it would take to digest a human would put weigh the energy we would give them
Abhilash Khajuria
Abhilash Khajuria - 7 years ago
Tommy Cupra
Tommy Cupra - 7 years ago
Ask yourself why the seal is trying to get out of the water!
The incarnation of boredom
The incarnation of boredom - 7 years ago
+emozgay srnm yeah and what species does?
just me
just me - 7 years ago
dianna k the dogs I know don't bite off your leg when they're hungry
dianna k
dianna k - 7 years ago
then u havent heard, sharks are the dogs of the see, they love been peted on the nose <3
Queen Bethany
Queen Bethany - 7 years ago
veda pierce right
45th emperor of the united states
45th emperor of the united states - 7 years ago
yorusuyasoulYT - 8 years ago
the Navy seal are at it again spying people on beach
John Rambo
John Rambo - 8 years ago
Or by a Navy SEAL.
Rachel Paquet
Rachel Paquet - 8 years ago
Aneita Torres
Aneita Torres - 8 years ago
Though a surfing shark would be pretty rad.
writerconsidered - 8 years ago
+veda pierce my thought was, seal on the board surfers in the water... sharks in the water.
Sandra H.
Sandra H. - 8 years ago
+veda pierce LOL I just imagined the shark trying to surf on the boards as well 'Now guys let me show you some KILLER moves' XDDDDD
Jaded Raven
Jaded Raven - 8 years ago
Unless the seal is being followed by a shark, which is their favorite food...
Weapon Valhalla
Weapon Valhalla - 8 years ago
+veda pierce When you're surprised by a shark, its only once.....
Tyson's Fishing And Camping
Tyson's Fishing And Camping - 8 years ago
Thats if you could get the footage back ;)
JukinVideo - 8 years ago
+veda pierce Ha seriously? This would be a completely different video if a shark showed up.
Robert Duncan
Robert Duncan - 8 years ago
he was just tired :c
Junko Kubo
Junko Kubo - 8 years ago
she is so challenging(≧∇≦)b
ezra behrens
ezra behrens - 8 years ago
I love surfing and a seal suprises me
Gordon Ramsay's chin
Gordon Ramsay's chin - 8 years ago
10 seconds after the video, the mummy seal comes along..... NOM NOM NOM
elisa gonzales
elisa gonzales - 8 years ago
They are just so cute and fat with those big adorable eyes!!!!
Jean P. G.
Jean P. G. - 6 years ago
I know. they are so cute, you just want to hug them. :)
Blind Sword
Blind Sword - 6 years ago
うちはイタチItachislife Oppai!
Jake the dog
Jake the dog - 6 years ago
DoomGhoul idk why those fools are even in the ocean if there just food for everything even for human.
TigerMeadows - 7 years ago
they sing good too. kiss from a rose.
StephySon - 8 years ago
This is literally so cute I wanted to die
★ Froggie Animation ★
★ Froggie Animation ★ - 8 years ago
Heycel - 8 years ago
You must like me then! Well except that I'm not cute. And my eyes look weird... I'm just fat actually.
Marco - 8 years ago
:*( I would have stayed there for as long as I could! Adorable!
DoomGhoul - 8 years ago
They're like ocean puppies
chrishasaclue - 8 years ago
estrella garcia
estrella garcia - 8 years ago
Poor baby :'(
Kodiak and Grizzly Bears
Kodiak and Grizzly Bears - 8 years ago
Kevin G
Kevin G - 8 years ago
"This is mine now... This is mine too. Both of these are mine."
dorkfish4life - 8 years ago
one word to describe this video awwwwwwwww
sang young lim
sang young lim - 9 years ago
This board is mine!
Haxorus Imp
Haxorus Imp - 9 years ago
How can they PET it so cool like that?!
brokenwindowspchelp - 9 years ago
I love baby seals. :)
Karen Lacey
Karen Lacey - 9 years ago
Me too Me too Oh I like this it's mine now!
Silver Dollar Aleks
Silver Dollar Aleks - 9 years ago
Such a good feeling when you are riding the wave and seeing a friend follow you from under.
Raphaela Klein
Raphaela Klein - 9 years ago
Hey there! :) Nice Video, but could you tell me the name of the song, please? :P
davros0007 - 9 years ago
Seal was like, "There's a fkn 8 ft white pointer shark down there! Get me on this fkn board now!"
Petra Nyman
Petra Nyman - 9 years ago
Mason Doan
Mason Doan - 9 years ago
joe Yaz
joe Yaz - 9 years ago
the seal wants you to know problems in life suck but you dont have too
Jayfive276 - 9 years ago
"Watcha doin?"
Sophia Weller
Sophia Weller - 9 years ago
This is a sea lion, not a seal by the way :-)
parker1093 - 9 years ago
No wonder sharks are always going after surfers, they're upset that they keep helping their lunch get away
PoopAndPotatoes - 9 years ago
What a shame! These animals need to be left alone in their environment, and you are disregarding that. You were holding the seal against its will, and it was only trying to search for its mother.
Courtney Crockett
Courtney Crockett - 9 years ago
"Hello humans! Can i surf with you?" jumps onto board
Linny Crocus
Linny Crocus - 9 years ago
watches cute video How adorable and cheerful

reads comments Wow that turned rather quickly
Mικυ _Batik_
Mικυ _Batik_ - 6 years ago
JukinVideo your answer are all cringey
Lieta Taysom
Lieta Taysom - 7 years ago
Linny Crocus yes the comment sections of animal videos are toxic places. real shame
msjanegrey - 8 years ago
+JukinVideo outside of YT everybody is so nice, honest, decent, reliable, honorable, courages, wise, refined, educated etc. lol ever heard of needle in haystack?
JukinVideo - 9 years ago
+Linny Crocus Yea YouTube is a scary place.
Rawden - 9 years ago
Baby Seal: "Don't know what you're doin but I wanna be a part of it!"
Enikő 91
Enikő 91 - 9 years ago
hahahah omg so cute <3 :D
Dominique Ozment
Dominique Ozment - 9 years ago
this is so cute it hurts.
EdiBlazE - 9 years ago
Bummin rides like a boss!!!
Suckle MyKnuckle
Suckle MyKnuckle - 9 years ago
he probably wasnt trying to surf and hang out as much as he was trying to get away from the 10 foot great white that was circling below
Section 9
Section 9 - 9 years ago
Give him a normal name like "John" or something and go back to the beach frequently to visit him. If he sticks around he can be like another local and people will be like
"Yo, where you going?"
"Oh, just going to go surfing with John."
"Isn't that the seal? Seals can't-"
Big Papa Pussi Puff the Magic Daddy
Big Papa Pussi Puff the Magic Daddy - 9 years ago
+Sanic teh Hegehog Fucking ryan
johnanderson211 - 9 years ago
+Sanic teh Hegehog yea ryan
GummyJon - 9 years ago
I'll buy 100 please.
Prince Casapian
Prince Casapian - 9 years ago
That cute
Kaitlyn Kondziela
Kaitlyn Kondziela - 9 years ago
I wish they could have surfed with the baby seal on their boards. Would have been adorable.
Jade Alexandria
Jade Alexandria - 9 years ago
Wow this video is so cool !
dd dd
dd dd - 9 years ago
GoMiGman - 9 years ago
Holy Crusader
Holy Crusader - 9 years ago
you have the seal of approval *ba dum ptsssss
Apples - 9 years ago
lol I love how the seal just sits there chilling after he finally gets on the surfboard.
michaelwni - 9 years ago
Dude, he wants to surf too
Spirit Incognita
Spirit Incognita - 9 years ago
Obnoxious ending which takes away from the original video.
xiaochicash - 9 years ago
This make me so happy, I'm going to start throwing puppies into the ocean! Weeee!
Nilly - 9 years ago
Not funny
Happyfunrun - 9 years ago
Shark in 3...2...
Víctor Barraza
Víctor Barraza - 9 years ago
+tommy boy I would cuddle it even if it meant I would die XD... well, I don't surf, but still haha
tommy boy
tommy boy - 9 years ago
+Happyfunrun forreal. if a sea lion jumped on my board i would push that fucker right off
ninja_panos - 9 years ago
+Happyfunrun surprise :D
Mimi M.
Mimi M. - 9 years ago
"I better at dis den you"
Kelly Littleton
Kelly Littleton - 9 years ago
The profanity, at the end, from another video, ruins this cute one! Edit it out, if possible? Thanks!
Muhammad Ali
Muhammad Ali - 9 years ago
They must love these boards lol. I have seen another Jukinvideo of a seal trying to get on the board. 
PunkRock Whimsicott
PunkRock Whimsicott - 9 years ago
This made me smile
cplunajr745 - 9 years ago
Omg! That thing acts like a puppy !
tindra weberg
tindra weberg - 9 years ago
Soooooo Cute❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Shy Oracle
Shy Oracle - 9 years ago
Aww how sweet! Baby animals are such curious little things <3
L G - 9 years ago
There was probably a shark in the water and it was trying to get away...hehe
AJ Weirdo
AJ Weirdo - 9 years ago
Never seen that before
olgasM3 - 9 years ago
Many seals in my SoCal beach neighborhood. Sadly a distressed one washed ashore and wouldn't be pushed back into the surf... had to call rescue. Never had a seal hop on board either, those guys are lucky. As for sharks i've seen not one ever for years, plenty of dolphins passing in the morning though. liiL
Mentaltoe - 9 years ago
It was probably trying to get on the board to escape from the grits white that was stalking underneath
Ava Constantine
Ava Constantine - 9 years ago
Dizze - 9 years ago
Alexander Ortiz
Alexander Ortiz - 9 years ago
Awww so cute
zeratul7975 - 9 years ago
This has my Seal of D'Awwww-pproval
rcknroll35 - 9 years ago
Putting the Great White shark's favorite food on your surf board while at sea is a fantastic idea. Please spread that delicious smell all over your wet suit too.
Spanky Pancho
Spanky Pancho - 9 years ago
I would be screwed if I was a shark, how could you eat something this cute.
OathOfTheThirteenth - 9 years ago
You eat lamb, beef and chicken, don't you?
xRoni7x - 9 years ago
Im sorry but If Im surfing and I see a seal, Im getting the fuck out of there. I know what tends to follow the little buggers.
VictoryFire88 - 9 years ago
So cute!!! 
FeanorBR - 10 years ago
Where was the mother?
Ashwini Priyaa
Ashwini Priyaa - 10 years ago
this is tooo cute, im dying!!
MikeHawkNSB3 - 10 years ago
That's so cute I will probably take him her home lol
Kyle Phillip
Kyle Phillip - 10 years ago
Scariest situation ever masked by the cutest thing ever.
Dragon Jewel
Dragon Jewel - 10 years ago
That.Is.ADORABLE!!!!!!! OMG!
the devil lies in the detail
the devil lies in the detail - 10 years ago
There is probably a Great White underneath and that little guy just tries to get the hell out of there!
Epic DeWall
Epic DeWall - 10 years ago
This made me smile
Hayley Lim
Hayley Lim - 10 years ago
OMG there so cute!!!
Richard Anthony
Richard Anthony - 10 years ago
If that little seal could talk, he would say:
"Was bothering a 20t great white, he said something about shewing on me for fun. Can I hang here for a bit?"
Fre Nton
Fre Nton - 10 years ago
freakin adorable
Co-Producer Speed Weed
Co-Producer Speed Weed - 10 years ago
so cool
Mr.Gam3r :D
Mr.Gam3r :D - 10 years ago
That just cute
The Presence
The Presence - 10 years ago
Ennsiferum NaOH
Ennsiferum NaOH - 10 years ago
Plot twist: seal was actually trying to find safety because great white was chasing it.
jobryshev - 10 years ago
name of the song :[ ] ??
WarriorWolfeh - 10 years ago
That's so cool! Lucky surfers
Matthew Stout
Matthew Stout - 10 years ago
nika sarmiento
nika sarmiento - 10 years ago
awww that is adorable! the poor seal must be cold..he's trying to get out of the water for a bit,. i read somewhere that's its hard for baby seals to  produce body heat or something
Erin M
Erin M - 10 years ago
Awww to cute :)
andresgv10 - 10 years ago
I don't know, it looks kinda desperate.
Maybe there was a predator trying to eat it, like a shark or something.
Jason - 6 years ago
That was first thought. The only time I've seen seals do that is when they're running from some Orcas.
Laura Sanchez
Laura Sanchez - 6 years ago
no he was smiling
Ana Mira
Ana Mira - 6 years ago
Coconut ScienceGirl92 I'm glad somebody cares here <3 <3
Coconut ScienceGirl92
Coconut ScienceGirl92 - 6 years ago
Ana Mira I know! And isn’t it disgusting. The seal club era are evil. They sicken me and I hope nothing but evil things happen to them. It hate them. I’ve done everything I could do to donate to the cause to stop it but I hear it does little to help. Sickens me to hear that. I love animals and can only imagine. I wish I could be there to physically help
Ana Mira
Ana Mira - 6 years ago
Long Tang
Long Tang - 6 years ago
Just wants a ride
Coconut ScienceGirl92
Coconut ScienceGirl92 - 6 years ago
lmao like ONLY a shark or something...unless its an Orca who rarely attack better pray thats what it was and that its in a good mood!
Sherri Frazier
Sherri Frazier - 6 years ago
andresgv10 lol my first thought too!!!
aronph1 - 6 years ago
andresgv10 I was going to say...."WHERES THE ORCA??!!"
Frozen Warpcore
Frozen Warpcore - 6 years ago
seals are very smart and playful.
probably this one was curios und just wanted to play.
happened to myself once
Shelli Meyers
Shelli Meyers - 6 years ago
Yeah, nah – he was just having fun. Seals are VERY curious whenever people are nearby; they will jump onto your surfboard, your kayak, into your boat or your water polo game, just for some fun and cuddles. Remarkable creatures!
Bit Crazy
Bit Crazy - 6 years ago
Trying to rest
ARN 46
ARN 46 - 6 years ago
No, seal is just curious.
Kylie the Jocoserious
Kylie the Jocoserious - 7 years ago
andresgv10 When you try to get on a pool floaty, do you NOT look desperate?
Cool Breeze
Cool Breeze - 10 years ago
awwwwwwwwwww :3
Gonza Rome
Gonza Rome - 10 years ago
At 0:42 his face looks like swollen. Maybe a blow, is looking for help. ( Sorry, my english sucks! I hope you have understood)
Adam Ant
Adam Ant - 10 years ago
So cute!
ordonezno - 10 years ago
That's awesome.
killicitkilla - 10 years ago
err i thought seal pups on their own is a bad thing yer know coz it means that its predators are closing in & the family is looking 4 it & the instinct of the pup is to be with other adults for protection? which happened to b human this time... or am i thinking of walrus.. sea lion maybe?
killicitkilla - 10 years ago
err i thought seal pups on their own is a bad thing yer know coz it means that its predators are closing in & the family is looking 4 it & the instinct of the pup is to be with other adults for protection? which happened to b human this time... or am i thinking of walrus.. sea lion maybe?
Crusty Og
Crusty Og - 10 years ago
Skyn Musstash
Skyn Musstash - 10 years ago
what a nice video
mcdouches1 - 10 years ago
now club it for its skin!
IaMdArKsIEd1337 - 10 years ago
Probably a nearby shark and that adorable seal went to them for protection.
James Molina
James Molina - 10 years ago
Yeah, the seals are cute, but the whole time I could not stop thinking about how sharks like consuming seals, and about how predators always follow the prey. I would be freaking out if I was the surfer. hahaha
Andrew Lindstrom
Andrew Lindstrom - 10 years ago
Is that why sharks mistake surfers for seals? 
Thomas Hitschfel
Thomas Hitschfel - 10 years ago
JukinVideo - 10 years ago
+Thomas Hitschfel This seal is kind of a badass. 
Maximilian Titus Dezsö
Maximilian Titus Dezsö - 10 years ago
I want a seal too! IT'S TOO FU**ING CUTE! \(0.0)/
Maximilian Titus Dezsö
Maximilian Titus Dezsö - 10 years ago
+JukinVideo It's surfing better than me too! :D
JukinVideo - 10 years ago
+HabblHD It's pretty rad! It's a better surfing than me. 
Dominos Jason
Dominos Jason - 10 years ago
fucking longboarders. steal every wave
Secret - 10 years ago
its all like i can surf tooo
Fernando Lozada
Fernando Lozada - 10 years ago
is this in tortuga bay beach??
Fernando Lozada
Fernando Lozada - 10 years ago
is this in tortuga bay beach??
Josh Lowe
Josh Lowe - 10 years ago
That music makes it all the better :D
Svenskstyler - 10 years ago
It makes me seriously sad considering such curious and friendly animals are killed all over the world cause of their fur, fish oil or through over fishing which steals those animals living space
Snake - 10 years ago
That seal just wanted to get away from the sharks that were probably about to kill you
linkinlady06 - 10 years ago
So adorable!!!!!!!!
Crystal Hart
Crystal Hart - 10 years ago
I want one!

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