Beautiful surfing at Byron Bay

For more beautiful Byron Bay footage Check out: Follow us on FaceBook: A film by : The smooth surfer Jorgelina "Lina" Reyero hails from a small town on the Atlantic Coast of Argentina. She's spent the last 6 years wandering the world with her surfboard in tow and has wound up near the beautiful Wategos Beach. Last month, she mounted a little camera to the nose of her log and captured the beauty of an empty surf. Locally based production company 'Rest Your Eyes' then glued up the tapes for your viewing pleasure. If you want to keep up to date with what's going on in Byron Bay join receive the latest news along with stunning Photography and cinematography from the area.

Beautiful surfing at Byron Bay sentiment_very_dissatisfied 54

Surf 14 years ago 875,406 views

For more beautiful Byron Bay footage Check out: Follow us on FaceBook: A film by : The smooth surfer Jorgelina "Lina" Reyero hails from a small town on the Atlantic Coast of Argentina. She's spent the last 6 years wandering the world with her surfboard in tow and has wound up near the beautiful Wategos Beach. Last month, she mounted a little camera to the nose of her log and captured the beauty of an empty surf. Locally based production company 'Rest Your Eyes' then glued up the tapes for your viewing pleasure. If you want to keep up to date with what's going on in Byron Bay join receive the latest news along with stunning Photography and cinematography from the area.

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Most popular comments
for Beautiful surfing at Byron Bay

Here Now
Here Now - 7 years ago
This surf angel is soo attractive. She stirs my heart and she's very cool.
Here Now
Here Now - 7 years ago
This surf angel is gorgeous.
Rael Thomas
Rael Thomas - 7 years ago
Beautiful surfing, thanks!
Midnight042 - 7 years ago
This vid is so beautiful.
Zeitlos_hier - 7 years ago
beautiful <3
RyanBCreative - 7 years ago
I come back to this when I am feeling bummed out, nothing but happy vibes here . Hope everyone has an awesome day :)
OlafGodredsson - 8 years ago
You surf like a girl, and I like it :)
Alberto Ratmiroff
Alberto Ratmiroff - 8 years ago
Great water, Great Lady. Great Smooth Surfing
Pearson Achilich
Pearson Achilich - 8 years ago
in love

10. comment for Beautiful surfing at Byron Bay

João Kiko de Freitas Lima
João Kiko de Freitas Lima - 8 years ago
Who's that girl? What a style! I need her name, please tell me!!!
Akemy Maruyama
Akemy Maruyama - 8 years ago
1:14 made me smile with you too!
Deby Grochalova
Deby Grochalova - 8 years ago
nays surf
Alsie Maarraakis
Alsie Maarraakis - 8 years ago
Nice morning surf!BB is a great place.
Barbernz - 8 years ago
This is still one of my favorite surf videos on youtube. Always puts me in a good mood watching it. THANKS
Edwin Sluis
Edwin Sluis - 8 years ago
Yup. Can't get enough of this video. The tune, the memories of Byron.... :-)
rslgb - 8 years ago
yes i agree. sometimes some things just seem to be right
Richard Barber
Richard Barber - 8 years ago
Nice filming and nice editing.
Gustavo Felipe
Gustavo Felipe - 8 years ago
What's  name of the music..Muito show.....
TONY RUIZ - 8 years ago
It requires skills to do that, great surfing is about having fun,
Fantastic girls and boys
Ctemple2012 - 9 years ago
Dear good people of the World, don't get too fooled with the hype surrounding Byron (Commercial) Bay. There are literally thousands of better, less commercial places to visit in Australia where your money will be better spent. The People of Byron are literally made up of a whole load of money hungry ex hippies who have sold out who just want your money or your Yoga dollars. (Byron Bay highest concentration of terrible Yoga Teachers in Australia) Yes it's a great place to visit but look around before you head there.
Armor LE BIHAN - 9 years ago

20. comment for Beautiful surfing at Byron Bay

Marko Aho
Marko Aho - 9 years ago
what is this song ?
Marko Aho
Marko Aho - 8 years ago
+The Permaculture Revolution thank you very much.its real beautiful song..
The Permaculture Revolution
The Permaculture Revolution - 8 years ago
+Marko Aho Mykonos - Fleet Foxes :)
n7hevn - 9 years ago
+Marko Aho Seriously...?  It was clearly listed at the end of the video.
summer cloud
summer cloud - 9 years ago
Beautiful '
Unlisted Profile
Unlisted Profile - 9 years ago
She rocks that wetsuit!!!!
Beach junkey
Beach junkey - 9 years ago
Beautiful moves, long boarding at its relaxed,chilled looking best. The surfer girl is amazing.Could watch that for hours.Isn't she used in Seasick Steves 'summertime girl video'?
lucho pelado
lucho pelado - 9 years ago
como se llama la chica???
Leonardo Portegno
Leonardo Portegno - 9 years ago
+lucho pelado Jorgelina "Lina" Reyero, argentina.
MrPrice2u - 9 years ago
This video introduced me to the fleet foxes.
Sophie Brock
Sophie Brock - 8 years ago
andre p Same
Edwin Sluis
Edwin Sluis - 8 years ago
Me too! :-) Which makes this video a double plus.
pegleg1968 - 10 years ago
Cool girl is this the same surfer on Seasick Steve Summer time video.
Nietzsche - 10 years ago
lindo, amo surfe!!
Carlla Santini
Carlla Santini - 10 years ago
I never thought there were any waves in a bay
kris schirmer - designer + artist
kris schirmer - designer + artist - 10 years ago
not only the eyes can rest - also the soul! 

30. comment for Beautiful surfing at Byron Bay

Fabio Bombeiro
Fabio Bombeiro - 10 years ago
Pug Dog
Pug Dog - 10 years ago
The best bit is 1:14.  Awesome turn and speed and looks like you're having lots of fun too!
Pug Dog
Pug Dog - 10 years ago
Beautiful video!  I want to go there!  +ChangeTip $1
Azara Moon
Azara Moon - 10 years ago
This is the real me!
JODY CRAWFORD - 10 years ago
Feat AH Feat AH
Feat AH Feat AH - 10 years ago
Nice gerl
mathew whittle
mathew whittle - 10 years ago
Like a cat!
BathingWookie - 10 years ago
She is to die for.
Yara Coelho
Yara Coelho - 10 years ago
I love her smile :)
JODY CRAWFORD - 10 years ago
Great footage with the lighthouse in the back ground!
Ripped Dave
Ripped Dave - 10 years ago
Robert Baker
Robert Baker - 10 years ago
Dave... stop smoking... you'll appreciate that this young Argentinian travels the world doing this. Great photography and music.. That's all. You're right it's a YouTube video and a good one. Longboards? Shortboards? Really? I thought as a surfing community we were all brothers and sisters, enjoying what the oceans gives us.
Generation Fallout
Generation Fallout - 10 years ago
+Ripped Dave Its hardly a massive paragraph. Also they are not my beliefs, its what science has proven. Parts of your body are built from re-used material from an ancient sun, and the planet is hurtling through space right now. Just trying to remind you of the big picture... you might whine less about petty things.
Ripped Dave
Ripped Dave - 10 years ago
+Generation Fallout and there you are writing a massive paragraph preaching your beliefs on a youtube comment about longboards
Generation Fallout
Generation Fallout - 10 years ago
Shes riding a wave, young beautiful and free in the sun. How could it possibly matter whats shes riding on. People get so caught up these days, over such petty things. you are hurtling through space right now on a rock, you are built from stardust. the energy that fuels your body is only rented, yet here we are bitching about nothing... standing on a miracle.
Robert Baker
Robert Baker - 10 years ago
Dave, Dude (carbunkle on a donkey's ass) you are an idiot... 
Leonardo Da Vinci
Leonardo Da Vinci - 10 years ago
if you surf,you respect people....doesnt matter how they are and what they surf...
but people like you must not be respected
Ripped Dave
Ripped Dave - 10 years ago
yes and 90% of people who ride them are kooks
Tom Cat Lyons
Tom Cat Lyons - 10 years ago
Who is this talented woman surfer?  She's pretty cool..
Tom Cat Lyons
Tom Cat Lyons - 8 years ago
I forgot, it was a few years ago, but I think her name is in the comments of the youtube video.
martin garner
martin garner - 10 years ago
Ausscene - 10 years ago
Beautiful surfing at beautiful Byron Bay!
Stephen Smith
Stephen Smith - 10 years ago
still………..goosebumps….. and a beautiful vid…….thank u
Stephen Smith
Stephen Smith - 10 years ago
this will Never loose it's  beauty….  goose bumps…such ….wow….Beautiful   hummmm  great job   music….sync…..and that surfer..ooooooo
Brian Rapp
Brian Rapp - 10 years ago
1996 we surfed the Ann Judith 2 with waterways teamriders captain Bretthassen called longboarder Brian Rapp bloody Matt jonson at supper big and clean scar reef
slick rick
slick rick - 10 years ago
real cool got there before the k///// cafekru
reticulan5 - 11 years ago
The trouble with extreme wide angle lenses is, they make the surfboard look like it's 30 feet long.
João Kiko de Freitas Lima
João Kiko de Freitas Lima - 8 years ago
I want to meet her!!! She is a lovely surfer, and what a style she has!!!
reticulan5 - 10 years ago
+Edwin Sluis good one thumbs up from me
Edwin Sluis
Edwin Sluis - 10 years ago
Oh, you were focussing on the board? Didn't really notice that. ;-)
Costa de la Luz Videos
Costa de la Luz Videos - 11 years ago
So happy that this video is finally also available on smartphones and tablets! Video puts a smile on my face everytime I watch it, such a great vibe! Excellent music choice also!

50. comment for Beautiful surfing at Byron Bay

Michael von Lueder
Michael von Lueder - 11 years ago
Great surfing at Byron...check out "♫ Ray Venice | The ballad of Byron Bay (Dance Remix 2014)" :-)
Brett Clausen
Brett Clausen - 11 years ago
Yeah & a shame that everyone & there dog from somewhere have f%#ked it forever blow in' s & Blow hards 'piss off & it will stay beautiful " But all you blow in's & people that think they know Byron scratch the surface & you will find out with all this traffic of people that come & go these bashing rapes that don't get reported heaps of OD'S with drugs & women been spiked & raped I remember just a couple of years ago when Blues Fest was on there were 38 Rapes over 5 days & no counting the ones that don't get reported " home invasions ' one of the highest drink drive in the whole State " a hassle to get a wave to your self at the pass with all the kooks in the water" not like the chick in the clip early in the morning just down from main beach " traffic jams supermarket rip off's there's heaps more that has fucked Byron & sucked it dry & they keep coming & everyone keeps sucking on it , Beautiful is what it use to be but all these blow ins & screwing people over for a Dollar at any cost these your beautiful Byron bay

Zip Pain
Zip Pain - 11 years ago
such grace and beauty wonderful
David Galloway
David Galloway - 11 years ago
Oh how I miss Byron Bay )-:
me - 10 years ago
where is she now?
Anderson Ferreira Guimarães
Anderson Ferreira Guimarães - 11 years ago
Muito bom..
occyoccy - 11 years ago
Perfect music and surfing!!!
DRnick1223 - 11 years ago
Fleet Foxes!!!!
kracksmith4ejm1 - 11 years ago
what cool song is this?
ishwar bhattarai
ishwar bhattarai - 11 years ago
Life sucks. My cousin has begun seeing a 10 mainly because 8 weeks ago he registered to a site called Master Attraction (Google it if you wish to learn how.) I'm jealous since I would like to fall in love as well. I'm going to take a look at this Jake Ayres man's emails and see if it may help a person like me. Bizarre point is, he used to have Zero good fortune with women. How can you improve that swiftly? His girl's a banging model!
Here Now
Here Now - 7 years ago
Nice advert
Lewis Jacobs
Lewis Jacobs - 11 years ago
beautiful.. just... perfect
plank ton
plank ton - 11 years ago
Diogo Monteiro
Diogo Monteiro - 11 years ago
Fleet Foxes - Mykonos
marcelo magario
marcelo magario - 11 years ago
what the name of this music?
Troy SlossBoss
Troy SlossBoss - 11 years ago
it would be in the way of your feet when you paddle, probably really easy to kick off on the pop-up
Md mahim
Md mahim - 11 years ago
Hi, have you heard about "Reveal Travel Deal" yet? Just take a look at this web address on I have stumbled upon numerous incredibly inexpensive deluxe resorts and even flight tickets. This might help you to spend less on your next holiday also.
lindz151074 - 11 years ago
What's with stupid videos not being available on mobile?
tributetofemalefeet - 11 years ago
why dosnt anyone put cam at back of board?
Bob Ryan
Bob Ryan - 11 years ago
Would you all be SOOO impressed & fulla drool if that was a male?
Mads Sørensen
Mads Sørensen - 11 years ago
Mykonos by Fleet Foxes. Maybe you already found it :)
Sj Ve
Sj Ve - 11 years ago
Love the Mobility of her on her board. Just starting to longboard myself and i wish i'm as good as her one day. :P
Annelise Dietz
Annelise Dietz - 11 years ago
what song is playing?
Walter J Hammond
Walter J Hammond - 11 years ago
Rell Sunn characteristics
upcycler - 11 years ago
Well done! Love the crane hand moves.
Colin Brochard
Colin Brochard - 11 years ago
Good stuff!
Alpal Richardson
Alpal Richardson - 11 years ago
ive surfed with this beautiful young lady and she has the most eloquent, fluid style, we got chatting and she was so charming and lovely, quiet, timid little creature........downside she had a bf....bowow....
Roger Heyward
Roger Heyward - 11 years ago
A free spirit :)
rofiqul893 - 11 years ago
Hello there, have you heard about "TravElsewhere" (search on Google for it)? I have stumbled upon quite a few extremely cheap hotels as well as flights. This may allow you to spend less on your upcoming holiday too.
Lucas Maciel
Lucas Maciel - 11 years ago
girl version of jim carrey at 1:17
Laura Gilbert
Laura Gilbert - 11 years ago
The song's by Fleet Foxes.
Laura Gilbert
Laura Gilbert - 11 years ago
I'm so jealous it hurts.
JOSE OTAVIO Biscaia - 11 years ago
MacQueen Carole
MacQueen Carole - 11 years ago
Top trip I like that No life without surfing
Benjamin Harvey
Benjamin Harvey - 11 years ago
looks like she's dancing in time to the music.
Eve Sela
Eve Sela - 11 years ago
I love you
plank ton
plank ton - 11 years ago
beautiful ..
Thegibolin - 11 years ago
Magic surf with magic surfing!... ;-)
Soukaina Be
Soukaina Be - 11 years ago
Perfect !!!
Nora delgado bedoya
Nora delgado bedoya - 11 years ago
Can I get likes por nothing?
cherry mint
cherry mint - 11 years ago
bauvy pascal
bauvy pascal - 11 years ago
Magic Australia and Magic lady !!!!!!
DirBee1901 - 11 years ago
Beautifull movie, great atmosphere.. I also miss Byron Bay. Some of the best times of my life..
Valentin Fournier
Valentin Fournier - 11 years ago
Beautiful movie ! What is name of the song ? :)
Magdalena - 11 years ago
she looks like a sim, great video! miss byron bay so much
Peli Landia
Peli Landia - 11 years ago
que grandee!! aguante gesell!!
rslgb - 11 years ago
this girl flows like the waves she is surfing
Kamrul Islam
Kamrul Islam - 12 years ago
Hi there, have you considered "Reveal Travel Deal" yet? Simply head over to their site: I have come across numerous amazingly low-priced resorts as well as flight tickets. This can let you spend less on your future getaway too.
Ian Keen
Ian Keen - 12 years ago
no leash, no wet suit , must be nice!!!!!!!
Joseph Lyon
Joseph Lyon - 12 years ago
how can anyone dislike.....? haters!!!
Nadezhda Isaenko
Nadezhda Isaenko - 12 years ago
She is so beautiful, inside and outside)
Nadezhda Isaenko
Nadezhda Isaenko - 12 years ago
So harmonious and pease bringing

100. comment for Beautiful surfing at Byron Bay

Rick Z
Rick Z - 12 years ago
Gota love them fleet foxes!!!!!!!
David Buckley
David Buckley - 12 years ago
Longboarding = soul-surfing - anybody can do it - heaven
linkerfisch - 12 years ago
fleet foxes - mykonos
silviadelosangelos - 12 years ago
I started blogging because of your video... many thanks! Since one year, i share your beautiful video! Thanks
Rob Koeleman
Rob Koeleman - 12 years ago
Hooray, bravo !!!
Marcel A
Marcel A - 12 years ago
your never to old to do learn anything
Chris Evans
Chris Evans - 12 years ago
They are one of the same thing.
CHINA 1 TAIWAN 0 - 12 years ago
Christian Bentzz
Christian Bentzz - 12 years ago
Wow sweet
f0t0b0y - 12 years ago
Beautiful indeed.
Kylie Seaton
Kylie Seaton - 12 years ago
xSouL - 12 years ago
Byron Bay is the most beautiful place in the world
Andy Jans-Brown
Andy Jans-Brown - 12 years ago
elgranpaton luna
elgranpaton luna - 12 years ago
simplemente hermosa....
Kenneth Julius
Kenneth Julius - 12 years ago
I love that video...
lj2381 - 12 years ago
Well done lady, well done.
colindominy - 12 years ago
No, no, no, dear friend ... that was a joke. You got that !! What I was doing was protecting our little east-coast secrets, from as many more, extra prying folks as possible. Sure .. BB is pristine .. just like where I live .. further south on The Coast. But ALREADY .. TOO MANY folks know about our secret paradise treasure-spots. So I was giving this chap a 'bum-steer' .. on purpose.
Serachja - 12 years ago
I think you are on the wrong coast. It is on the east coast to the south of Brisbane. Is there an other byron bay?
Immy Yousafzai
Immy Yousafzai - 12 years ago
Its like she was dancing on water! nice soundtrack~! cheers
Kenlechien - 12 years ago
Who's that mermaid ?
Rod Templar
Rod Templar - 12 years ago
I want to marry you.....NOW before I am too old!
Bond, James Bond
Bond, James Bond - 12 years ago
i am in love!!!
colindominy - 12 years ago
Where is Byron ?? Well, just land yourself in Perth, Western Australia. Then head due north, for about 10 hours, by land .... it's right near a liitle place called Carnarvon ....
Diego Mesa
Diego Mesa - 12 years ago
if by beautiful you mean sexy ok then
ME Fitness
ME Fitness - 12 years ago
I will be going to Byron Bay March 2013 Hope shes there :)
shea flavell
shea flavell - 12 years ago
Australia mate.
E.Schmidt Hinterfragender
E.Schmidt Hinterfragender - 12 years ago
I want to be your surfboard
hrc - 12 years ago
I want to go to Byron Bay too .. to surf (but where is that darn bay?)
Tommy Hodges
Tommy Hodges - 12 years ago
Now when people ask why you surf you can just play this video for them. Beautiful clip, smooth surfing. Well done!
Dan5482 - 12 years ago
I wanna go to Byron Bay and marry her. Where is Byron Bay?
skiesofsilver - 12 years ago
no you can do it! my dad is 62 and he just got started several months ago, he's hooked and doing fine
gianluzza1 - 12 years ago
you are beautyful surfer...bye ......
rustler1375 - 12 years ago
Super Cruisieeee......!
Sólyom Sam
Sólyom Sam - 12 years ago
Fleet Foxes! Great choice
DarkMedievalTimes1 - 12 years ago
How could anyone dislike this...???
chris101 - 12 years ago
The most beautiful surf vid I've ever seen, truely soulful.
skiesofsilver - 12 years ago
and my eyes are indeed rested now
paperbacknovel - 12 years ago
Excellent. Reminds me of Staten Island.
trichometrist1 - 12 years ago
"long board"
depret5 - 12 years ago
jbranca01 - 12 years ago
Sexiest video on YouTube.
spunkweed69 - 12 years ago
They must have no soul..
Steve Kelly
Steve Kelly - 12 years ago
Brilliant - poetry in motion. 23 dislikes - how is that even remotely possible???????
wpr2004 - 12 years ago
1 part surf + 1 part feminine = perfection
peneleapai - 12 years ago
what? how old is old?
mark bing
mark bing - 12 years ago
Surfed Byron back in 70/71...the bodies haven't changed ...just the attitude !!!
jorickTuralyon - 12 years ago
you're never to old to ride waves
tatyr21 - 12 years ago
makes me sad as well cos i'm to old to do it
rafaël alewaters
rafaël alewaters - 12 years ago
I love the opening shot :D
Tom Cat Lyons
Tom Cat Lyons - 12 years ago
I never could surf but, I enjoy it more watching real pro's such as this lady. Awesome! Surfing came a long way since the 60's and it's so creative and above and beyond the imagination, it's a choreography with nerves of steel. Great music also.
Kongfoobadger - 12 years ago
I love Byron Bay been there so many times when i lived in australia.
Daniel J. Fylan-Smith
Daniel J. Fylan-Smith - 12 years ago
so cool!
wooleroo s
wooleroo s - 12 years ago
Poetry in motion. Never fully understood it... til now.
Stephen Smith
Stephen Smith - 12 years ago
Ya know...l have watches quite a few times...myself l am a very right brain thinker....this is and she is very beautiful...the way the very subtle movements and rhythms are captured and synched with the music... just beautiful.... wow l can close my eyes an feel the video ...we as people do things and don't truly know what effect we can have on others....l tip my hat to both of you nice very nice again thanks Stephen in USA
laTomasino - 12 years ago
perfect ♥
zenvision113 - 12 years ago
WOW! LOVE this video! Ive recently switched to long boarding and this is an inspiration to me! May i ask a couple of questions? Firstly what board is she riding? Secondly how have you attached the go-pro to the board? The angle on this video is superb. I was worried about front mounting due to the whole hanging 5 and 10 but it doesn't seem to be a problem in this footage. Many thanks, and keep the videos coming!
Stephen Smith
Stephen Smith - 12 years ago
TekMaramao - 12 years ago
This is beautiful. And also moving. The surfer performs what looks like a dance, thanks to who choose the right music for the video. And by the way her smiles reminds me my mother's one when she was young. Thank you people
David Lockard
David Lockard - 12 years ago
cmon, this is good. xo
annagilda1 - 12 years ago
Its by Fleet Foxes, called Mykonos. :-)
ianharrd - 12 years ago
really good footage! damn i miss the beach! .. sigh .
Gerri12 - 12 years ago
Does anyone know what the song is called?
SkateSpeculation - 12 years ago
she goes wifi!!
peneleapai - 12 years ago
Thank you for this vid. Nice. It makes me sad .. somehow.
hiyo828 - 12 years ago
i like this song. totally relaxed!!
Chris Boehm
Chris Boehm - 12 years ago
i literally just watched this video 5 times in a row. This is pretty much perfection as far as im concerned. And anyone who said this beautiful woman doesn't know how to surf, probably doesn't surf very much. 5 stars.
Ghita El Addal
Ghita El Addal - 12 years ago
dat ass.
Bob Saget
Bob Saget - 12 years ago
You perv (:
Salvatore Diadori
Salvatore Diadori - 12 years ago
Hi, have you tried "Reveal Travel Deal" (do a Google search for it)? I have seen some incredibly inexpensive resorts and even flights. This can let you save cash on your upcoming trip as well.
frontlinecustom - 12 years ago
Narhhhhh...its the counter weight in their arse , gives em a low centre of gravity. This comment is not in relation too this particular clip! Its a general statement based on No facts whatso ever. I enjoyed this clip. :)
occyoccy - 12 years ago
Beautiful Surfing,beautiful style,beautiful day and beautiful girl.
occyoccy - 12 years ago
Rage Guy
Rage Guy - 12 years ago
2:25 sucked
WavelengthsTV - 12 years ago
whats stopping you?
Nancy W
Nancy W - 12 years ago
I've always wanted surf.
kriketmastertrump156 - 12 years ago
where have you been all of my life
Barbernz - 12 years ago
I watch this video at least once a week.. Always makes me smile. Hits every emotion :)
tatyr21 - 12 years ago
watched this vid a few times and the girl the sea,music and the movement brings tears to my eyes luv it
tatyr21 - 12 years ago
jackillin - 12 years ago
Love her cozzie...where can I get one?
beriane - 12 years ago
Surfing at the sunset should be forbidden... too much sharks
Josh Tanner
Josh Tanner - 12 years ago
Michael Fitzgerald
Michael Fitzgerald - 12 years ago
fantastic video, you have created what we can only dream of, well done
justwatchmate - 12 years ago
good shit
Azim Azimov
Azim Azimov - 12 years ago
obviously not the greatest surfer, but a very beautiful video
Ortal Pelleg
Ortal Pelleg - 12 years ago
Great video :) Graceful :)
BreitbartGeniusLives - 12 years ago
808 Bangah, China Walls
MzIdeeFixe - 12 years ago
lane - 12 years ago
Everything after 2:25 sucked
Alexander Ryab
Alexander Ryab - 12 years ago
where can I buy it?
Alexander Ryab
Alexander Ryab - 12 years ago
nice swimsuit....very nice )))
Mark Delfigalo
Mark Delfigalo - 12 years ago
I go to Byron every year. Too bad i have to go their while its winter..
Lord Gaut
Lord Gaut - 12 years ago
peaceful, the music and video went hand & hand. The woman and her style of movement is beautiful.
BoBgoesKot - 12 years ago
one of the most peaceful places on earth if you ask me!
YHA Australia
YHA Australia - 12 years ago
Love your work! amazing no wonder it went viral!
Vitlar GER
Vitlar GER - 12 years ago
That's a huuuge board! Amazing video! :)
Zsombor Tarnóczi
Zsombor Tarnóczi - 12 years ago
why doesnt allowed to play on ipad???
SurfingSplitty - 12 years ago
TheJimbolicious - 12 years ago
Tibor Dvorský
Tibor Dvorský - 12 years ago
Eva Janssens
Eva Janssens - 12 years ago
What board is she surfing on? (length?)
Michal Malinowski
Michal Malinowski - 12 years ago
I'm in love!
Mads Hostrup
Mads Hostrup - 12 years ago
Fleet Foxes - Mykonos
jon borg
jon borg - 12 years ago
Well I don't surf, but there are plenty of beaches with no one on them. They are normally a little out of the way to get to, but I'll willingly drive the extra 15 min to not deal with tourists. Oh, and it depends on what part of FL you are in. My area isn't too expensive.
MrFattyfatfatboy - 12 years ago
im Aussie been to Florida,no surf,expensive,to many people on the beach,how do you cope.
Viola G.
Viola G. - 12 years ago
whats the name of the song?
MrFattyfatfatboy - 12 years ago
im Australian and no offence to her but she dont surf like us,ive got three girls who followed me into the surf and none hold her stance or love of big boards,in fact my eldest whom im trying to convince to stay in England till she gets her certificate but hates it more every day all ways went smaller,and liked her power board more than mt two boys,both of whom disapointed and gave up surfing to live lives of sydney people.
syunaman - 12 years ago
women make surfing look so natural and easy, they seem to have the same fluid ease as the waves they ride, love this clip, more please!!!
Lydia Etches
Lydia Etches - 12 years ago
the song is Fleet Foxes - Mykonos. :)
kalormano - 12 years ago
rogase68 - 12 years ago
I love this video, well done
stretchpadawan1 - 12 years ago
thats it ? all you got mr lowest denominator??
marmite5599 - 12 years ago
pretentious twat, for someone who thinks he's better than everyone else, you're not a great speller are you?
stretchpadawan1 - 12 years ago
lowest coommon denominator raises its retarded head again
Connor Hobson
Connor Hobson - 12 years ago
So Sick
Jason Downs
Jason Downs - 12 years ago
Whenever I feel a bad mood coming on, I just watch this and I instantly feel better.
SurfLessons withKatie
SurfLessons withKatie - 12 years ago
Beautiful video !
MovieMad007 - 12 years ago
How old is She?
Muzz Litebeer
Muzz Litebeer - 13 years ago
YogaforSurfers - 13 years ago
Lina, this looks awesome! Glad you were able to join in the Yoga for Surfers Teacher Training in Australia last year!
Michael Bell
Michael Bell - 13 years ago
@azer9645 Music is Mykonos by Fleet Foxes :)
azer9645 - 13 years ago
What is the music please ? Love it !
azbeeman - 13 years ago
anass aous
anass aous - 13 years ago
wut's the song please
Darryl Greensill
Darryl Greensill - 13 years ago
There is a problem with the settings: "the content owner has not made this video available on mobile" - which means it doesn't work on an iPad. Please fix it!
Being Jeni
Being Jeni - 13 years ago
Aussie Aussie Aussie
CosmicUndeadElf - 13 years ago
She's got nice legs
FP Moro
FP Moro - 13 years ago
Tiny waves though..
Pure79er - 13 years ago
wunderfull music to a beautiful girl, great video- gimme some more stuff- please
adritomasi - 13 years ago
♥ vontade louca que dá! Amo essa sensação!
DirkTripleD - 13 years ago
Amazing!!! Got tears of joy in my eyes when watching the video...
SDub20ify - 13 years ago
Everything after 0:00 was awesome
jon borg
jon borg - 13 years ago
@binboyuk Well then I guess my torture is worse. I'm in FL and the water is clear blue and the sand is a powder fine white and stays cool even on the hottest days.
Sheeenai - 13 years ago
I love Byron :) <3
Jack Gallivan
Jack Gallivan - 13 years ago
what is more beautiful...? a) her foot work b) her smile
CHINKEYSVIDEOS - 13 years ago
Edo Schipper
Edo Schipper - 13 years ago
Sponsored by go-pro.
binboyuk - 13 years ago
@jon10388 i am only about 6 miles from the beach, but i live in the UK, i water is brown lol and you get attacked by birds if you try and eat anything
jon borg
jon borg - 13 years ago
@binboyuk I'm not sure where you live, but I am about 20 min from the ocean and I'm never able to get to the beach because my work schedule. I think I would rather live in a concrete jungle and know I am too far to get to the beach than to know that it's so close, yet I just ever get there. Trust me it's torture to know my work is only 3 miles away from the open water.
Josh Sanchez
Josh Sanchez - 13 years ago
@ftgv1 LOL PIQUE
Cam eron
Cam eron - 13 years ago
i though this was Due Date when i heard the song in the beginning
lordchaos3819 - 13 years ago
wow...that was unbelievably hot
MoOtJeMan - 13 years ago
She seems like she's in bliss when she was just sitting on her board and just gazed into the vastness of the sea... She's lucky.
Deminus - 13 years ago
Loooooooove it!
ftgv1 - 13 years ago
BONER 2012
Luca OC
Luca OC - 13 years ago
id let her have me ;)
MilesDeep - 13 years ago
@shakenbake1869 yeah i know... Australia is good too
Jammoh - 13 years ago
my life sucks
FrozenEternity - 13 years ago
Looks like she is dancing
Wylie Stevens
Wylie Stevens - 13 years ago
What is the music in this video?
Bobster930 - 13 years ago
Really nice video!
Bobster930 - 13 years ago
@MrJustinArt lol
stride7860 - 13 years ago
@andresunny70 seriously? wow
MrJustinArt - 13 years ago
So this is what angels do in their spare time?
Omniknight - 13 years ago
Home of the great band Parkway Drive.
marmite5599 - 13 years ago
camera at the back of the board next time please
sAINT - 13 years ago
I live a two hour drive from here i should go more often
Luminescent - 13 years ago
@andresunny70 It's also slowed down for that effect.
Luke Hall
Luke Hall - 13 years ago
australia <3
N0nC0mprende - 13 years ago
Its strange to think anyone from byron bay can afford cameras.
Luke Jackson
Luke Jackson - 13 years ago
she makes it look so easy
Jaggededge1055 - 13 years ago
I didn't know kitchens could float
x9x9x9x9x9 - 13 years ago
marcos vargas
marcos vargas - 13 years ago
and she did it all without make up???
Jacob Wilson
Jacob Wilson - 13 years ago
I feel like this might be why Fleet Foxes is so remarkable. It makes settings like these seem so much more elegant; or some could even say that it simply gives attention to the beauty in nature.
hands575 - 13 years ago
nododon - 13 years ago
ThyPeaceMaker - 13 years ago
Surfer chicks got nice asses
Justin M.
Justin M. - 13 years ago
*Jeremy Clarkson voice: "She does have quite a nice bottom."
holycheesey - 13 years ago
@thatschill777 alrighty then.
Connor Posey
Connor Posey - 13 years ago
@andresunny70 wrong our weighted schlong helps us swing our weight better so visavi we are I can use my wiener small or large as an excuse to be better at any sport. ps. JK but still don't insult men or well find you.
stuwhit08 - 13 years ago
How can I rest my eyes while looking at that?
ShakeNBakeBaby - 13 years ago
@admitonefish this is Australia :P
Leadman1989 - 13 years ago
@andresunny70 1. Guys can be graceful. 2. It's mostly the music. 3. Who say's that's intrinsically good? Or how it should be done? To each their own nothing to be sorry about.
5dragons2 - 13 years ago
@admitonefish Waves in Fl are only good during hurricane season. <.< Go to cali.
MilesDeep - 13 years ago
theres a good reason to live somewhere like florida :)
holycheesey - 13 years ago
@thatschill777 no one "messes" with sharks, who in their right mind would do that. look up top 20 things that kill more than sharks on google and you can see how little sharks are a threat to humans compared to every day things like driving, or the bathtub.
WhatTheHellRS - 13 years ago
fleet floxes youve done it again. best song ever
Tyler Hill
Tyler Hill - 13 years ago
Nice ass
TheHeif2 - 13 years ago
damnit now my computers broke from all the drool on it
Cole Massie
Cole Massie - 13 years ago
@torchichugger57 WISH THE BAD MAN AWAY
binboyuk - 13 years ago
i hate videos like this, all i do all day is stare at concrete :(
dagrynch - 13 years ago
Song: Fleet Foxes - Mykonos
dagrynch - 13 years ago
Here's the song: ?v=xSB74LZDNr0 thumbs up to keep it at the top!
Dr. Get Jammed
Dr. Get Jammed - 13 years ago
@torchichugger57 no, no, fuck you!
Lucas Southworth
Lucas Southworth - 13 years ago
Excellent choice of music.
holycheesey - 13 years ago
@thatschill777 sharks kill 3 to 4 people annually, thats less than people dying by falling coconuts, less than people dying by being crushed by vending machines, less than people dying by hippos. You're at much greater risk being on land than in the water (assuming you can somewhat swim), sharks never bite with intent to kill, they are curious about us and are inspecting us. Did you know that humans kill 100 million sharks each year? bet you didnt know any of that.
Robbie Wilson
Robbie Wilson - 13 years ago
@andresunny70 nope its just the back round music thats standard sufring and it always looks beautiful
Ben Ward
Ben Ward - 13 years ago
Mannnnnnnnnnnnn she or you is beautiful!
bodyboardmaniac - 13 years ago
i bet the girl thats surfing chose the title! ahaha not even a bikini...
rottensharkD - 13 years ago
nice vid! who is playing??
hmonkey - 13 years ago
fuck, that was boring
drummerbod - 13 years ago
A beautiful person in a beautiful environment.
pikiwiki - 13 years ago
@gacu81 it is in the upper right hand corner of the comments section..
Gabriele Cubeddu
Gabriele Cubeddu - 13 years ago
The title of this song???
foreverdechen - 13 years ago
bokeflo - 13 years ago
Wow I think a surfing holiday in Byron Bay sounds like a great idea right now... I just need to learn how to surf. LOL Great Video
Oscar Dalsenter
Oscar Dalsenter - 13 years ago
Beautiful surf style
Costa de la Luz Videos
Costa de la Luz Videos - 13 years ago
Loads24 - 13 years ago
beautiful surfing or beautiful girl?
neesnio - 13 years ago
I need a gal that likes the water and surf to work with me on my salmon boat in Alaska this video reminded me of the Grace women bring to the Sea
neesnio - 13 years ago
I need to get back/ I rolled into cape byron midnight one warm summer 1980 it was Very Very nice/ Heading North 2 Alaska /Klondike Gold // then maybe back down under
christophe M
christophe M - 13 years ago
keep surfing !
Aaron Stone
Aaron Stone - 13 years ago
Sensational! Just beautiful!! :-)
jet-li statham
jet-li statham - 13 years ago
@andresunny70 love her "easy lovn the moment style"LIKE SHES JUST CRUUUUUZN WITH THE FLOW... where we would try smash the shit out of it :-)
andresunny70 - 13 years ago
This surfing is full of love and grace, I think only a girl can make it look like this....sorry guys:)
surferdude1665 - 13 years ago
Sea Angel. So graceful. Great work full of soul.
turnstyletouchbunny - 13 years ago
it looks like dancing
Arlindo Moraes
Arlindo Moraes - 13 years ago
I loved. congratulations.
roxocl8 - 13 years ago
great sensation
Gav Ray
Gav Ray - 13 years ago
nice vid & music too,cheers!
Carolina Velez
Carolina Velez - 13 years ago
bluesbrrd - 13 years ago
Soul surfing. Just cool, no hype.
forthrontheevil - 13 years ago
Sexy Momma!!!
ox1216 - 13 years ago
I was in a really bad mood today, but DAMN.. after watcing this im suddenly feeling really good.
surferferret - 13 years ago
she hangs her hand like lopez
Ava Salmi
Ava Salmi - 13 years ago
What's the name of the song??
Libby Green
Libby Green - 13 years ago
bourreebabe185 - 13 years ago
@indianlacrosse42 the best thing about it is that it isnt :) thats how cool it is :) people use pro cameras while they surf to capture it.
kally smith
kally smith - 13 years ago
this IS UNREAL. its animated!!
Donald Fewox
Donald Fewox - 13 years ago
As real as this is, it looks so amazing, and so beautiful her life must be....
Flanders Cormack
Flanders Cormack - 13 years ago
Great work, thanks Jorgelina
Elliott Wave Technical Analysis by Lara
Elliott Wave Technical Analysis by Lara - 13 years ago
This is the MOST BEAUTIFUL surfing vid I've seen EVER! I surf a longboard and I live in NZ. I have a go pro cam and I'm gonna put it on my board and see what happens. Thanks for the inspiration!
Bram Troost
Bram Troost - 13 years ago
If you walk with your board like that, your hair is completely f*&^ed up with wax... nice vid though! ;)
Joshua White
Joshua White - 13 years ago
Very cool, and naturally rips
Leon Pearce
Leon Pearce - 13 years ago
great vid, love the shot at 1:12 - so chilled
glegmo - 13 years ago
i love you Lina :)
Rafael Giovanella
Rafael Giovanella - 13 years ago
Amazing! Congratulation!
Linus Lindroth
Linus Lindroth - 13 years ago
@sks6689 Mykonos - Fleet Foxes
Albert Arvizu
Albert Arvizu - 13 years ago
very cool , what song it that?
Zareh Kantzabedian
Zareh Kantzabedian - 13 years ago
So sick. So in love.
patsurfer1 - 13 years ago
I miss Byron!! I've moved back to Melbourne for a while, but I miss Byron now, it's so beautiful there.
Thegibolin - 13 years ago
Definitely classy...
Nikki Leone
Nikki Leone - 13 years ago
yes, her suit! would anyone happen to know where to find it? i'd do anything for that suit, it's incredible.
cuttygrass - 13 years ago
chicks,longboards,music....thats my perfect trifecta right there!! and i love her onesie!!
wil soden
wil soden - 13 years ago
NIce video and a beautifull girl
JahminLerum - 13 years ago
Too good... one of the better GoPro pieces I've seen!
Dave Lion
Dave Lion - 13 years ago
knoblicec88 - 13 years ago
I Love Wategos Beach!!
maseratiquattroport - 13 years ago
sliderloop - 13 years ago
Pure surfing!!!!!!!!!!!!
bubblygranolachick - 13 years ago
Love it!!!
Antonio Eduardo de Campos
Antonio Eduardo de Campos - 13 years ago
Assisti umas 10 vezes ou mais... sorriso lindo... e parece que está dançando sobre as ondas.... amei esse vídeo, EDUARDO.
Antonio Eduardo de Campos
Antonio Eduardo de Campos - 13 years ago
bela fotografia, parece muito fácil, sem comentários, excelente. parabéns. EDUARDO.
Nikki Leone
Nikki Leone - 13 years ago
what is this bathing suit! I need it please!
waterman1976 - 13 years ago
she'd be hotter if she was shortboarding
Fredefyr - 13 years ago
My dream is to settle and live in Byron Bay, the most beautiful place on earth Much love from Denmark
haha1081 - 13 years ago
this is fucking beautiful. beautiful girl, song, setting, waves, and beach.
Rogelio Baidon Burquez
Rogelio Baidon Burquez - 13 years ago
love the video! what is the song??
jan surf
jan surf - 13 years ago
aloha from italy...kiss jan
PhraceOne - 13 years ago
great video! the girl is like dancing on her board, kinda falling in love I think... :) superb choice of music too btw thanx for posting!
draiceman - 13 years ago
gran bello stile ... mi piace molto il modo di surfare cosi ......un complimento dall italia
Gastón CG
Gastón CG - 13 years ago
impresionante, un aplauso para esta chica ..............
surfgal321 - 14 years ago
Great video, thank you for sharing. Love the music.

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The "Beautiful surfing at Byron Bay" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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