Beginners guide to Windsurfing Thanks for watching our coaching video we hope that it has helped you with your windsurfing. To learn more about GetWindsurfing and our coaching clinics please visit our website.

Beginners guide to Windsurfing sentiment_very_dissatisfied 42

Surf 9 years ago 231,909 views Thanks for watching our coaching video we hope that it has helped you with your windsurfing. To learn more about GetWindsurfing and our coaching clinics please visit our website.

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Most popular comments
for Beginners guide to Windsurfing

Jai Chavan
Jai Chavan - 6 years ago
Thank you, Sir.
Lincoln Bantugan
Lincoln Bantugan - 6 years ago
Thanks for the video. I’ve been trying to learn how to windsurf and this helped a lot
Tony Mind
Tony Mind - 6 years ago
I trained my self to secure position.. And will soon start.... I am Training on English channel. Open water however I always stay 5m off the shore.. And I don't go out on winds blowing off shore... Never train in open water with winds off shore.... It's dangerous.... I started with paddle and windsurfing board 152l. 104 is a sinker for me. So then I was balancing on board only.. And then I attached the sail next day.. The beauty of this is.. That board without sail is less stable. So when you master it it's easy peasy when you uphauling... The key thing is control.... Sail is what you push of when you wanna turn :) its like someone is holding you by hand.... And then you work your legs... :)
Tony Mind
Tony Mind - 6 years ago
I hope that helps :)
Pheelers - 6 years ago
That looks nice and light. I have one from the 70's thats huge really hard when i get a gust of wind
Stephen Jenkins
Stephen Jenkins - 6 years ago
Pity you didn't set the boom height for your assistant as mentioned at the beginning otherwise very informative :)
GetWindsurfing windsurfing coaching
GetWindsurfing windsurfing coaching - 6 years ago
Thanks for the comment. The boom is in the correct position. It raises when put on the UJ. This moves the boom from armpit height off the board to shoulder height on the board. Danielle is the same height as Phil. Hope this helps explain. :)
craig dunn
craig dunn - 7 years ago
I like it
Ahmad Sayyed
Ahmad Sayyed - 7 years ago
this looks like a lot of fun
Matt-0 Teachings
Matt-0 Teachings - 7 years ago
Thanks for the good video. Here's a technical point that many windsurf instructors overlook... interested to see your reactions, thanks : That's a beautiful Severne sail she's using, but not suitable for a total beginner.
Matt-0 Teachings
Matt-0 Teachings - 7 years ago
Yes, so many changing variables affecting our teaching strategy & gear choice... I have found that with beginners who have not yet learned to balance the sail effortlessly, a small sail (Dacron 3.0m) takes much less effort and they don't get tired out during that first 2-3 hours it takes to get to the point where they can ride around independently & stay upwind consistently. (Super flat water at my beginner location helps a lot too)
GrumpyOldMan - 7 years ago

10. comment for Beginners guide to Windsurfing

Alejandro Flores
Alejandro Flores - 7 years ago
Don't forget to rise the middle fin
ewan miller
ewan miller - 7 years ago
Ahmed Alhouti
Ahmed Alhouti - 7 years ago
Thank you for video
Descendant of Kraff
Descendant of Kraff - 7 years ago
I did a clsss and they had us pull the rope to turn the board. This looks way better.
sailorguy9 - 7 years ago
Awesome. Took lessons years ago. Got a board yesterday that a neighbor
wanted to give away (!).

I think this'll get us started, as a family (have teenagers, now). They
might like this better than my slow sailboat : ) Thank you for
goamage - 7 years ago
thank you for awesome tutorials!
Trucks@69 - 7 years ago
How big of a board should I buy?
We have a 12ft board I feel like it is to long. I have trouble turning the board I can sail in a straight line all day.
MR Brofist
MR Brofist - 7 years ago
Is anyone wind surfing at Greece this summer ?
GetWindsurfing windsurfing coaching
GetWindsurfing windsurfing coaching - 7 years ago
MR Brofist lots of people windsurf in Greece. We are in Crete right now for five more days. It's a great place to windsurf.
Drone - 7 years ago
I wish I could like it a million times
Johan Rodrigues
Johan Rodrigues - 7 years ago
thank you. you turned me on.

20. comment for Beginners guide to Windsurfing

Joan Segura
Joan Segura - 7 years ago
Thank you for uploading this video I have been looking for a video like this for a long time to get started but, I couldn't find it! Every thing is perfectly explained, I recommend you to add subtitles.
Mares Fillies
Mares Fillies - 8 years ago
I'm taking a class on windsurfing. :D
Vortex - MC
Vortex - MC - 7 years ago
Cost is my issue, im 14 so not many ways of getting an income
Vortex - MC
Vortex - MC - 7 years ago
Im taking classes on sailing, i might not need an instructor for this then
Maro Vok
Maro Vok - 8 years ago
How big board ?!
gargusio - 8 years ago
what significance does positioning of the uj have? why did you choose to lock it in the middle?
Renato - 8 years ago
Very very well done!
eBody - 8 years ago
Very helpful for me and i think for other beginners, too. Thanks!
Paul Kotsifas
Paul Kotsifas - 8 years ago
Thank's a lot, you are very, very "pedagogics" (educational ?) That would be great if someone could translate video in French (I'm French) or Spanish, because my English is very poor...
GetWindsurfing windsurfing coaching
GetWindsurfing windsurfing coaching - 8 years ago
thank you.
John Melville
John Melville - 8 years ago
Great video, apart from the gloomy music! I've just bought a windsurfer and am a beginner so will be watching this again. Thank you, very helpful and all makes perfect sense
James Lyford
James Lyford - 8 years ago
John Melville
John Melville - 8 years ago
My brother in Oz might record something for you. He's a very good folk guitarist. I'll ask him
GetWindsurfing windsurfing coaching
GetWindsurfing windsurfing coaching - 8 years ago
Glad the video is helpful. Unfortunately there is only so much royalty free music available to us..........I don't suppose you fancy composing some for future videos ;)
aci hawaii
aci hawaii - 8 years ago
Shall try Not to sail too far out or might require a tow back to shore
mikerossscuba - 8 years ago
"Uphauling" ruined the sport of windsurfing by turning off so many frustrated beginners. Instead, learn to waterstart/beachstart from the get-go. Waterstarting and beachstarting are your ultimate goals anyway, so why break your back in frustrating, totally obsolete uphauling? Get a pro to teach you. Trust me, it's easier and less enervating than learning uphauling. Once you get the hang of waterstarting/beachstarting, you'll never have to uphaul - ever.
Matt-0 Teachings
Matt-0 Teachings - 7 years ago
Agreed. Uphauling is only frustrating if the beginner has been given a sail that is too big instead of a proper, light beginner sail. Lots of control skills to be learned before getting to the point of beach starting, which requires the ability to have good control over a fair amount of power. Basics first folks! :)
GetWindsurfing windsurfing coaching
GetWindsurfing windsurfing coaching - 8 years ago
Thanks for the input. Unfortunately it is not always the appropriate condition to beachstart or water start. And although beach and water starting is a skill we should all aim for and when you learn it it will be a big boost to your windsurfing. However, we believe Uphauling is necessary at this stage. It will allow beginners to windsurf in lighter winds and in water that is possible out of their depth.

30. comment for Beginners guide to Windsurfing

Marie Goddette
Marie Goddette - 8 years ago
this looks so fun! I want to try!
trexinvert - 8 years ago
Nobody ever "teaches" the secure position. Watch other videos. Zero. Just grab the boom and go!!! Thats what they all say. Fail!!! I was lucky to figure it out early. Don't take the boom. Grab the mast. Or...the uphaul cord grab. Let it flop in the wind, and focus on your own balance.
GetWindsurfing windsurfing coaching
GetWindsurfing windsurfing coaching - 6 years ago
I teach it. It works at a beginner level
Daniel Fearnett
Daniel Fearnett - 8 years ago
Where are your videos shot? It looks an amazing place to windsurf :)
GetWindsurfing windsurfing coaching
GetWindsurfing windsurfing coaching - 8 years ago
This video and lots of the others we filmed in Bonaire, in the Caribbean.
It is an amazing place to learn with warm flat water. It is also mostly standing depth too. We highly recommend it.
Honza S
Honza S - 8 years ago
Thank you very much, all your videos are very useful, also appreciate good quality of picture and understandable comment. Hope it helps me in my water-wind-battle training :-).
GetWindsurfing windsurfing coaching
GetWindsurfing windsurfing coaching - 8 years ago
thank you for your positive comments. good luck with your windsurfing
Alessandro Giaccaglia
Alessandro Giaccaglia - 8 years ago
Thank you, very nice video! I'm now starting windsurf with a techno 283 150 lt board, so its kinda difficult at the beginning xD
GetWindsurfing windsurfing coaching
GetWindsurfing windsurfing coaching - 8 years ago
Great that you are giving it a go. Your board is not perfect for a beginner but it will be possible. It will be a nice board for you as you progress. Good luck and Enjoy
NorthWind - 8 years ago
awesome video! thx! But have a question to anyone, has anyone tried windsurfing having a bad lower back? I am terrified to have it hurt again but windsurfing seems to be awesome try.
Chris Therien
Chris Therien - 8 years ago
I have a few problems with my back and I have been sailboarding for the past 3 years. learning with the uphaul rope was definitely harder, remember to lean backward and let your weight lift the sail up instead of pulling the sail up with your shoulders.. otherwise ask someone else to show you how to beachstart, when you do it properly, the wind lifts everything for you and it is pretty effortless.

otherwise, once you are planning, there is not much back work. the harness holds it in position and you simply bend your knees and lean back to manoeuvre.

try to find a light mast and boom.
NorthWind - 8 years ago
cheers for the advice fellas.
trexinvert - 8 years ago
As a beginner you will "fall" and "fall" and "fall". Many times it will be unpredictable and your body will jerk and twist in all different position. Falling on your fingers, arms, elbows, all depends on how agile you are. Lower back bad? Forget it. Only, advanced/intermediates with many years of sailing can just pop up and "cruise" without falling. You don't need a sailing coach you need a personal trainer to get your back into shape. There is hope. I have a bad back, myself....I know the pain. Keep on!!
NorthWind - 8 years ago
+GetWindsurfing windsurfing coaching understoooood. cheers"
GetWindsurfing windsurfing coaching
GetWindsurfing windsurfing coaching - 8 years ago
+NorthWind You should probably get advice from your doctor.
Arduous Ant
Arduous Ant - 8 years ago
This is an awesome video, :D Im definatly subbing, i will try to visit your channel regularly from now on :D if you can do visit my channel! That would be awesome!! :D Until next time and keep up the great videos! Peace
Tingting WU
Tingting WU - 8 years ago
Thank you very much! I just start learning windsurfing and went through one basic introduction course, everything was fine in the course and I did tacks and gybes successfully, today is my first day for practice alone without my coach, quite confused, just can not go up wind.. But much clear now after watching your video, thank you again!
David Vilkas
David Vilkas - 8 years ago
Awesome ! Very easy explained everything I love this tutorial. Today I am going to try windsurfing in Almerimar, wish me luck! :)
GetWindsurfing windsurfing coaching
GetWindsurfing windsurfing coaching - 8 years ago
good luck, enjoy!
Christian Balint
Christian Balint - 9 years ago
love windsurfing
GetWindsurfing windsurfing coaching
GetWindsurfing windsurfing coaching - 9 years ago
+Krisztian Balint
Us too. Windsurfing is the best :)
Anabol Anabol
Anabol Anabol - 9 years ago
Thanks buddy, very helpful video. I want to star windsurfing next summer, but i am around 120kg. Do you know what for equipment I need? Board +sail?
PremierAlan // Alqn
PremierAlan // Alqn - 8 years ago
Anabol Anabol whoa I weigh like 57kg but I'm 15 so idk
trexinvert - 8 years ago
Don't forget windsurfing is both "balancing on a rocking board with choppy waters" and "grabbing/harnessing the wind". So how do fight a wobbly/sinking board plus push/pulling wind? Take it one at a time. Try to master the board balancing, first. I highly recommend some dry pre-training on a balance board. You know those board and cylinder exercise balance things. Just google them. Then when you get on a windsurfing set-up(which is usually for lighter people...don't be surprised if you are sinking), you can totally focus on the wind balance. Keep on.
GetWindsurfing windsurfing coaching
GetWindsurfing windsurfing coaching - 9 years ago
+Anabol Anabol
Great news that you want to start getting in to windsurfing.
I would recommend a very big floaty board with lots of stability.
The bigger board the better as it will allow you to focus fully on your technique & sail handling skills.
Something like a Rio or a Start would be an excellent choice to begin with.



Looking at sails, you need to think about the type of conditions you will be windsurfing in. Is the wind light or strong?

Ideally as you progress you will look to get a range of sails in different sizes for different wind strengths.

To begin with you should probably look for something around a 5.5 for stronger winds or a 6.5 for lighter winds would be my recommendation to you.

If you can give me an idea of the conditions you are aiming to learn in, it will help to advise you further in more detail.

It is also worth considering learning the basics at a windsurf centre as they will have lots of kit available for you to try and progress on.

Or consider joining us on one of our GetWindsurfing courses.!courses-abroad/cuy0

I hope this helps
sebTheDuke45 - 9 years ago
Thank you so much!
Joseph Felber
Joseph Felber - 9 years ago
Thank you for sharing!
Aaron Agassi
Aaron Agassi - 9 years ago
The best for a non-native English speaker! Thank you guys so much!
GetWindsurfing windsurfing coaching
GetWindsurfing windsurfing coaching - 9 years ago
+Aaron Agassi you are welcome. More videos on the way

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