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The "Beginners guide to Windsurfing" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.
10. comment for Beginners guide to Windsurfing
wanted to give away (!).
I think this'll get us started, as a family (have teenagers, now). They
might like this better than my slow sailboat : ) Thank you for
We have a 12ft board I feel like it is to long. I have trouble turning the board I can sail in a straight line all day.
20. comment for Beginners guide to Windsurfing
30. comment for Beginners guide to Windsurfing
It is an amazing place to learn with warm flat water. It is also mostly standing depth too. We highly recommend it.
otherwise, once you are planning, there is not much back work. the harness holds it in position and you simply bend your knees and lean back to manoeuvre.
try to find a light mast and boom.
Us too. Windsurfing is the best :)
Great news that you want to start getting in to windsurfing.
I would recommend a very big floaty board with lots of stability.
The bigger board the better as it will allow you to focus fully on your technique & sail handling skills.
Something like a Rio or a Start would be an excellent choice to begin with.
Looking at sails, you need to think about the type of conditions you will be windsurfing in. Is the wind light or strong?
Ideally as you progress you will look to get a range of sails in different sizes for different wind strengths.
To begin with you should probably look for something around a 5.5 for stronger winds or a 6.5 for lighter winds would be my recommendation to you.
If you can give me an idea of the conditions you are aiming to learn in, it will help to advise you further in more detail.
It is also worth considering learning the basics at a windsurf centre as they will have lots of kit available for you to try and progress on.
Or consider joining us on one of our GetWindsurfing courses.
I hope this helps