Big Wave Surfing Nazare Portugal 28.01.2013 - Trailer ***Please visit my facebook page: Tobias Ilsanker Photography*** ***Have a look and watch my movies in vimeo = Tobias Ilsanker*** Nazare (Praia do Norte) was hit today by a massiv nord-west swell with a breeze of south-east wind! perfect conditions! McNamara was charging! Hundreds of photographers and audiences have probably seen their biggest swell... Music: Audiomachine - Akkadian Empire

Big Wave Surfing Nazare Portugal 28.01.2013 - Trailer sentiment_very_dissatisfied 277

Surf 12 years ago 3,693,441 views ***Please visit my facebook page: Tobias Ilsanker Photography*** ***Have a look and watch my movies in vimeo = Tobias Ilsanker*** Nazare (Praia do Norte) was hit today by a massiv nord-west swell with a breeze of south-east wind! perfect conditions! McNamara was charging! Hundreds of photographers and audiences have probably seen their biggest swell... Music: Audiomachine - Akkadian Empire

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Most popular comments
for Big Wave Surfing Nazare Portugal 28.01.2013 - Trailer

francisco torres
francisco torres - 7 years ago
Coastline Tobi Tks
abeirabaixa - 10 years ago
Is it me, or are ants surfing around??!
abeirabaixa - 10 years ago
Bigger then this only in South Pole Glaciers, but that is not really a wave...
Anyway, ride and get a footage of it, please.
PT1139 - 11 years ago
Aside from this,Nazare is a really beautifull town anyone who visits it wont be dissapointed
bernardo - 11 years ago
look closely the guy in 0:13
Michael Rothermel
Michael Rothermel - 11 years ago
I just wet my pants.
rodrigues seabra
rodrigues seabra - 11 years ago
Portugal is the place :) big waves...good surf...great people...
LinkdispLZ - 11 years ago
Realmente um país tão pequeno mas tão rico em tantas coisas,sejam elas naturais,históricas,culturais,repleto de grandes personalidades mundiais em quase todos os campos. A alma de Portugal é do tamanho da sua gente. Há países com uma superficie imensa e uma população enorme que não têm o que nós temos. Pena nnem sempre darmos a valor á nossa terra ou até a nós mesmos.
Jerry 85032
Jerry 85032 - 11 years ago
Video seems great, but your musical choice forced me to click away after three seconds. Loud and pretentious.

10. comment for Big Wave Surfing Nazare Portugal 28.01.2013 - Trailer

Ricardo Rangel
Ricardo Rangel - 11 years ago
Im Portuguese and even have been a few times in this town (Nazareth).The first time i visited the North Beach was a day of "no waves" on the supposed entire Portuguese coast and decided to take a look and I was amazed by the power of the sea in this place so heres a tipDont fuck with the Cannon.. It is one of the best beachbreaks of Europe and the world without a doubt so All my respect to António Silva also a large Portuguese surfer who was next to the Garrett Macnamara to surf these Big Bombs!
MaaskD - 11 years ago
my hero.
Louis Cassano
Louis Cassano - 11 years ago
So cool
שובל חלק
שובל חלק - 11 years ago
abeirabaixa - 11 years ago
How big are the Nazaré waves?? According to the portuguese meteo institute, during the 2012/2013 winter season, the waves reached 44m (132ft) at Nazaré (measurements using GPS). And this was a normal winter. In exceptional storms the waves can be much bigger. Local fishermen do talk about out-of-this-world waves.
Aliodam Hughes
Aliodam Hughes - 11 years ago
Da shi cray
chrohnix - 11 years ago
*spoiler* they're big
theoo _barz
theoo _barz - 11 years ago
Ça fait flippé
arturo davila panebra
arturo davila panebra - 11 years ago
Adrenalina pura
JED TAYLOR - 12 years ago
pulling the success rate of big wave survivial comes to some basic changes.. Make the wet suit with a 3 to 5 minute air system in a soft pad pouch possibly in the skull design. the second would be to make a keflar suit much in the same as xxx bike suits. the last of the big three is the wave ride shallows. that is to cut path out of the wave at the point to take you back out of the shalloaws. Most of all. team skills and the bouy system placed within the suit. all the variable

20. comment for Big Wave Surfing Nazare Portugal 28.01.2013 - Trailer

Joe Mickey
Joe Mickey - 12 years ago
i have a bad conecting but i wanna watch this video because it my foavuer and i use play it at fanning isla
Walter Deambrogio
Walter Deambrogio - 12 years ago
Tobias, I cant watch your full video here in Argentina, do you know why?
CoastlineTobi - 12 years ago
Hi Will, here it is! sorry for the delay! have fun watching it! :)
fritshits65 - 12 years ago
Thanks Pierre ( and others) for this info!!!!....STAY UP!! ;-)
The7Vulcan7 - 12 years ago
WoW! Great!
Peter Lange
Peter Lange - 12 years ago
subscribe me, and i will subscribe you!
Will GO
Will GO - 12 years ago
I had the same problem as five card did not working in the US
FiveCardArmy - 12 years ago
I just tried to watch the new video and it says its not available for the US?
PhilOtd - 12 years ago
What are you doing! I am Russian. Big fan of surfing! And the full video is banned for Russia!!! Killing me!!!
Lexo Coworking
Lexo Coworking - 12 years ago
Fantástico. Só mesmo em Portugal! O Melhor Pais do Mundo.

30. comment for Big Wave Surfing Nazare Portugal 28.01.2013 - Trailer

lavilladanais93 - 12 years ago
Vue que quand tu est à pied c est super haut alors les vagues c est un truc de ouf
Luke Malloy
Luke Malloy - 12 years ago
Deff not 90ft that between 40-50, hate when people exaggerate
Introvert - 12 years ago
these been going on for a while?
lavilladanais93 - 12 years ago
Nuno "NX" Vieira - 12 years ago
The north canyon with 5000 meters deep
Introvert - 12 years ago
so whats causing the 100 footers?
brad90007 - 12 years ago
So pitted...
Teodulf - 12 years ago
Will there ever be a "full" video/movie/clip? (For what is this trailer?)
graph390 - 12 years ago
It all depends Luck is a big factor
Cyrus Dehmand
Cyrus Dehmand - 12 years ago
Cyrus Dehmand
Cyrus Dehmand - 12 years ago
if you whips out on a wave this big, would it be certain death?
roly - 12 years ago
. .respect my bro! . . that was freaking all yours. . . well done !
odurandina - 12 years ago
done so you buy the DVD. nothing against Mac, and it looks like a thrill a minute, but, there's something about putting all the emphasis on the 'world record' voucher -- all for a wave that almost nearly doesn't break..... when people are hanging it out on the big slab waves.
OoHERiTAGEoO - 12 years ago
This is what happens when Chuck Norris takes a swim in the ocean.
dsfe ewefd
dsfe ewefd - 12 years ago
in a trailer for a movie it the same thing dipshit
Mr Robot
Mr Robot - 12 years ago
Show the wave
Lombo71 - 12 years ago
anybody else see the jet skier get knocked off at 0:13?
Sandra Freitas
Sandra Freitas - 12 years ago
Made in Portugal baby!
derwos - 12 years ago
It's irritating (causing annoyance, impatience, or mild anger). You ought to trust the native speaker.
usat42 - 12 years ago
poxy poxy poxy ,,,he was maybe on the wave at some stage ,,,a shot of the beach / shore would be good ,,,but i'm guessing a surfer gets on stands up then cuts back ,,,,,nawh this video aint as good as watching paint dry ,,,,

50. comment for Big Wave Surfing Nazare Portugal 28.01.2013 - Trailer

clarkewi - 12 years ago
Izzy Gifford
Izzy Gifford - 12 years ago
its a trailer so its supposed to look like that. Thanks
redhed cute
redhed cute - 12 years ago
It a frigin TRAILER morons. Do some reading in the vid description.
raed roor
raed roor - 12 years ago
وربي مجانين
Jacques Retief
Jacques Retief - 12 years ago
Second that.
Dafuq Iswrong
Dafuq Iswrong - 12 years ago
don't be mad :) obvious amateurs are obvious ^^
imaswinginlad - 12 years ago
not irritating, frustrating. and like it or not, it's been done on purpose.
imaswinginlad - 12 years ago
what do you mean "it tells the viewer nothing"? do you have the impression that the movie's gonna be about hunting in northern sweden or about the nuclear program in france? it tells only what's necessary: big waves and surf. that's called building expectations, and in this perspective i don't think i'm gonna be mistaken about the content of the video. do you?
john howard howard
john howard howard - 12 years ago
Américo Ramos Samissomar
Américo Ramos Samissomar - 12 years ago
Come To Portugal...And Ride The Big Blue...A New Age Aquarius Sensation !...
elementalfunk - 12 years ago
The two top comments are complete opposites. I hear this is how black holes are started.
gpiriquito - 12 years ago
The beauty of Portugal! Visit the best surf country in Europe!
gpiriquito - 12 years ago
BVP Films
BVP Films - 12 years ago
Wow!!!! That's funkin' craaaazy... Freakin mavericks!!!! I'm lovin this - FEARLESS..!!!
Rémi Valeriano
Rémi Valeriano - 12 years ago
Tonadid nique ta race de mort ! Si ta un probleme avec le portugal commente meme pas fils 2 put.. Viva Portugal <3
nobu ichino
nobu ichino - 12 years ago
Gregory Whoee
Gregory Whoee - 12 years ago
今井真人 - 12 years ago
maria castro hernadez
maria castro hernadez - 12 years ago
Esas olas son verdaderas?????
tono tyan
tono tyan - 12 years ago
Mychael Hamner
Mychael Hamner - 12 years ago
Everyone at East Los Surf Co. thinks that this is just off the chart epic insane!
Merril Seal
Merril Seal - 12 years ago
They call it superb insanity, sane and sober problems
bianca ioia
bianca ioia - 12 years ago
Omg super scary and car car
mickey ray
mickey ray - 12 years ago
Unbelievable that anyone would even surf those waves. Crazy
TheEditing4Fun: Inovando o Conhecimento ;D
TheEditing4Fun: Inovando o Conhecimento ;D - 12 years ago
Stephen Spaulding
Stephen Spaulding - 12 years ago
Over 1 million hits already? Nice work bro.
SARAH O - 12 years ago
What happens when they fall off and get dumped?
Wickeez - 12 years ago
Meh, i do this every morning...
TheVingadorT - 12 years ago
Congratulations for that amazing Scam. Made even me belive in the beguining.
USmadeInChina - 12 years ago
next task : surf on tsunami !
Metamorphosis Cabeleireiros
Metamorphosis Cabeleireiros - 12 years ago
hanalunnana - 12 years ago
movies at
Health Inspector
Health Inspector - 12 years ago
This guy takes sh*tload amout of steroid to reduce the size of his balls because if he doesn't he couldn't surf anymore due to the massive size of his original balls of steel
Shase007 - 12 years ago
sweeT thanks
isaybuckedy - 12 years ago
Music is a good addition, the ridiculous speed of the cuts is not.
isaybuckedy - 12 years ago
Shazam tells me it is Audiomachine - "Akkadian Empire"
Shase007 - 12 years ago
Anyone know the name of the song?
pokies100 - 12 years ago
great music
S Ball
S Ball - 12 years ago
Bob Bytchen
Bob Bytchen - 12 years ago
Your video editing blows mate. Woulda been nice to actually see someone RIDE the wave instead of a million cuts of nothing...
NKLifts - 12 years ago
you just did. 49 seconds.
Maayan Chen
Maayan Chen - 12 years ago
i'm so afraid from the see that for me it is unbelivable and amaising(ps.sorry abaut my posible wrigting mistakes.i am better at speeking.
fabbbbbbb - 12 years ago
that's why it's called a trailer
paul li
paul li - 12 years ago
That's amazing man
Muserings - 12 years ago
Pretty amazing .....but you can see me pants surfing on their own if you try "pants on holiday" or click on muserings above.
dylan - 12 years ago
FFS can you stay on the same clip for more than a second?
hermitdate - 12 years ago
Jesus christ. Let us see the fucking footage rather than jump cutting like that. I can't see the scale of the waves from this POS editing.
TiagoCupido Luis
TiagoCupido Luis - 12 years ago
Medina Bebidas
Medina Bebidas - 12 years ago
Kickex Silver
Kickex Silver - 12 years ago
Is this based on a true story?

100. comment for Big Wave Surfing Nazare Portugal 28.01.2013 - Trailer

austindorf83 - 12 years ago
That's friggan scary.
eva simpson
eva simpson - 12 years ago
Been to that exact beach. 2 days later went to one on the same coast and almost drowne
kidkollide - 12 years ago
Waves were big, I think. Hard to tell when it switched every bloody second. I'll use my imagination to fill in the rest....:)
Lisa O'Sullivan
Lisa O'Sullivan - 12 years ago
Biggest waves ever
XecutorAdun - 12 years ago
LOL! Starcraft Heart of the Swarm music :P
Aboud broad
Aboud broad - 12 years ago
my favorite waves
joaodesouzaleao leao
joaodesouzaleao leao - 12 years ago
JOAO LEAO Esse cara é muito louco
lenamatt98 - 12 years ago
wow that's really cool!!!
fanny rojas
fanny rojas - 12 years ago
riptorn - 12 years ago
Marothi Kalushi
Marothi Kalushi - 12 years ago
You think you will buy I know you won't. Rumble young man rumble... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GarlicPudding - 12 years ago
The dramatic music was actually a chorus of angels cheering these guys on. Because they're better surfers than God Himself! >:D
Zachary Paulus
Zachary Paulus - 12 years ago
It's a trailer.
JinNOSify - 12 years ago
I lied.
Mark Star
Mark Star - 12 years ago
Lutz Eichholz
Lutz Eichholz - 12 years ago
i understand your concern. but in a teaser it is apropriate.
Mitch Parr
Mitch Parr - 12 years ago
Surely someone out there on the day recorded more footage than this? Come on its the holy grail of surfing and you're telling me no one else filmed this?
Abdur-Rasheed Bulbulia
Abdur-Rasheed Bulbulia - 12 years ago
awesome stuff but its like skateboarding in the Krugerpark
La Verónica
La Verónica - 12 years ago
ZphykTESHD - 12 years ago
now there is a fucking video worth going viral! this is the shit that takes some big ass fucking balls
Alex ander
Alex ander - 12 years ago
Chuck Norris would do the same thing except with just barefoot, no surfing board.
nudibanches - 12 years ago
Chuck Norris sees bigger waves in his bath.
Chainsaw04 - 12 years ago
dat swell.
angelface22322 - 12 years ago
Nah! The book is much better.
wordreet - 12 years ago
How many times did my brain say "Holy crap!" as I watched that amazing moment? :~D
Ilir Nano
Ilir Nano - 12 years ago
Smart guy at 0:35. Dove in the water in order to avoid getting engulfed or raised up and slammed down by the wave. It can be backbreaking.
destine child
destine child - 12 years ago
great. movies at
Pingqiang WU
Pingqiang WU - 12 years ago
Israel Ferrer
Israel Ferrer - 12 years ago
DidakDelight - 12 years ago
I was there in 03 & it was that big too. Breaks so close to the shore that no one ever imagined surfing it. Awesome
Stefan Windell
Stefan Windell - 12 years ago
I used to ride wave...... till I took an arrow to the knee
Lochlan - 12 years ago
Contrary to popular belief the waves in the video weren't caused by the wind or the tides, but by the ocean attempting to reclaim the void left by the weight of those guys balls
wetdogs40 - 12 years ago
Servus inutilis
Servus inutilis - 12 years ago
123 havaianos não gostaram. Temos pena. Este canhão é nosso.
Nada Ahmed
Nada Ahmed - 12 years ago
poppy ayulestari
poppy ayulestari - 12 years ago
Real wave real surfing and real dangerous awesome
ZxKaboom - 12 years ago
Audiomachine - Akkadian Empire its in the descriptionsbuddy ;D
tamaji kent
tamaji kent - 12 years ago
trying to kill himself.
nomoreheroes93 - 12 years ago
How sick would've that looked with a GoPRO...
hanalunnana - 12 years ago
great wave. watch movies at
Lessie Mitch
Lessie Mitch - 12 years ago
wooooooooooah.... and I thought getting pounded by 30+ waves was something to deal with... that shyte is crazy wicked surfing! GM... you da BOMB!
YuDanny8 - 12 years ago
That looks fun!
Sergio Linares
Sergio Linares - 12 years ago
fucking ittttttttttttttt, amazing
OmegaPirate - 12 years ago
I cringed when he wipes out! It's bad enough on a 6ft wave...
Pepe beast
Pepe beast - 12 years ago
Le dicen hiperactividad pero se ve que se les va la olla por mucho que intentan hacerlos guapos.En eso consiste esta sociedad y trampear a los que pueden querer para que se igualen con drogas,estudios,...Especializarlos cuando pierden o si no les quieren para que a ellas es vicien.A las retras son a las que dejan comer y dar,como a ellos.Dar a los que nacieron de un aborto llegar a lo más alto,pero a mi no me quieren.Los médicos deben ser los homos que odian a las intolerantes.
Sushi Production
Sushi Production - 12 years ago
Holyyy shiiiiiiiiiiiit
Gui Bruges
Gui Bruges - 12 years ago
What is the name of the song that you used in the video?
16Kyoshi - 12 years ago
Now all it needs is some big waves :D
guillaume chassot
guillaume chassot - 12 years ago
WATCH " gc iw " thanks
fat pig 789
fat pig 789 - 12 years ago
Person below me failed because 3ft in 1m so 30ft is 10m and 90ft is 30m
Evan Black
Evan Black - 12 years ago
Yep! This Guy Was Definitely On Bath Salts!
StolenLobster - 12 years ago
Great Video ;) Thanks for the Good "image" you show from my Beloved PORTUGAL...a peacefull, Charming, and Wellcoming people, Where you can eat the BEST fish in the world and enjoy peace in a Natural environement .. Be Welcome !
Dinamytes - 12 years ago
jacob boertlein
jacob boertlein - 12 years ago
BALTIMORE WAS INSAIN A FEW NIGHTS AGO!!!!! Type in "laxsohard319" and watch my video of the streets of Baltimore the other night. I have never seen any thing like it. It was crazy!!! RAVENS !!!!!
Carlos Lourenço
Carlos Lourenço - 12 years ago
Eric van Hall
Eric van Hall - 12 years ago
Incredible images! Just a pity the editing is so hectic... I would really have liked to have seen a few shots for a bit more time. Guess I'll have to wait for the full movie.
Magnus Mackay
Magnus Mackay - 12 years ago
What's with the language, lukey022?
peter Konigs
peter Konigs - 12 years ago
Very nice.
prjktz - 12 years ago
0:11 dammit, so scary
Iberia Warg
Iberia Warg - 12 years ago
Di no al geNOcidio blanco! Antirracista es una palabra en clave para antiblanco.
Ted Judah
Ted Judah - 12 years ago
The wave that was so widely reported (and repeated) as 90 ft last year was, after reviewed by "experts" to be 77 ft. The problem with this the film of this spot is the high vantage point which makes the bottom of the wave ambiguous. The use of telephoto lenses is fine but compresses the perspective and distorts the scene. A straight on photo with the camera at the surfer's elevation is required to get an accurate wave measurement. That said - last years "90 footer" was not 90'.
Xadrez da Vida
Xadrez da Vida - 12 years ago
Music Box - Don Vito
Music Box - Don Vito - 12 years ago
Zack Mocky
Zack Mocky - 12 years ago
Alan Keys is a one cum hungry faggot.
Andredias164 - 12 years ago
90 legs? ft=foot
Catalin Mot
Catalin Mot - 12 years ago
you mean 90 legs? how much is that in the rest of the world metric system?
Isa Rivas
Isa Rivas - 12 years ago
Impresionante!! muy bueno Tobi
1nm1 - 12 years ago
What is the name of the song and who is it by?
HoReCa Asocijacija Kragujevac
HoReCa Asocijacija Kragujevac - 12 years ago
fuck, I'm having photosensitive epilepsy seizure.
startvideonow - 12 years ago
89 persons don't know how to swim
BHGPDE - 12 years ago
John Johny
John Johny - 12 years ago
Surfing is fucking gay
Robert Downey
Robert Downey - 12 years ago
Appalling68 - 12 years ago
Hey CoastlineTobi, do you always pull someone's comment when they positively post about your video but use the expression "f**kin-A"? What's up with that? Not sure how well you grasp English (assume you are Portuguese) but "F**kin-A" is an expression generally equivalent with "wow" or "sick" or "gnarly" or maybe even "oh shit!". Why did you censor this??
gulinost - 12 years ago
go watch some cartoons
shoedoctor11 - 12 years ago
I'm sure Patrick swayze surfed a bigger wave at the end of point break
Tommaso Amici
Tommaso Amici - 12 years ago
Vidas Widdo
Vidas Widdo - 12 years ago
The operator of a garbage.
ximinezcardinal - 12 years ago
amazing shots and annoying cut of the video
Andredias164 - 12 years ago
btw your face is familiar.
Pedro Vinagre
Pedro Vinagre - 12 years ago
Waiting for the full video them. Because It's an Awsome begining( the Trailer) and Anwasome WAVE, With an Awsome exploti!!!!
filmcorrect - 12 years ago
Awesome :O
CrAzYRiCaN1 - 12 years ago
hahahah you seem mad buddy
Luka Jay
Luka Jay - 12 years ago
Looking foreward to see this full Video!!!
Helder Pereira
Helder Pereira - 12 years ago
but you believe in professional or a friend who says things without knowing? I'm not perfect but I live in Portugal and I see waves every day my dear friend ;)
DavidKimFX - 12 years ago
@ 0:38-0:39, then again @ 0:42-0:44. A 100-foot wave... at a 45-degree angle. So more like 50-foot wave.
Burnt Rubber
Burnt Rubber - 12 years ago
Bad shot. Where's the 100 footer?
No Law
No Law - 12 years ago
This is madness!
Kilo Man
Kilo Man - 12 years ago
omg thats to scary i wouldn't kno witch way to go i would just drop :)
Subtracting - 12 years ago
typical youtube editor
goolug - 12 years ago
John Popejoy
John Popejoy - 12 years ago
Unusually inspiring, but oh so "dificil"
Carlos Ferreira
Carlos Ferreira - 12 years ago
It is super cool to see our older and smaller brothr country making big waves! Portugal, o grande anao!
Nuno Silva
Nuno Silva - 12 years ago
Great trailer of an Historic day! Tobi when do we have the full movie???? :)
Lenzp - 12 years ago
It is a pity that the video has too fast cuts. Before I can see what is happing - cut - next pictures.
Budgetbomber - 12 years ago
Andrew Gillird
Andrew Gillird - 12 years ago
How big was it?
Julie Brondeel
Julie Brondeel - 12 years ago
okay I get it now :)
Pedro4490 - 12 years ago
I thought I was going to die and I was all shacky. It was really like a tsunami! No kidding. Almost no water around and all of a sudden I'm on an island, and the island is shkring!!!
Andredias164 - 12 years ago
you are wrong then...the biggest wave ever surfed was in this beach in 2011 and it was measured as 90ft... that waves happen because of the Nazare canyon.
speedwayman100 - 12 years ago
yeah it was all fluff
Pedro4490 - 12 years ago
it seems these days we had big waves in Portugal. Even here in the North, I was last night rockpolling during low-tide but a huge wave struck the coast I almost pissed my pants. all of a sudden the rock I was in became a small rocky islet and I moved up to escape the water with currents and rocks all around, luckily I know the sea, and i controlled myself and waited. I dont know how these guys have the courage to ride these waves.
raileft - 12 years ago
which wave at what time during the video we are talking about?
Julie Brondeel
Julie Brondeel - 12 years ago
I'm bad at guessing then.
Ricardo Martins
Ricardo Martins - 12 years ago
Julie Brondeel
Julie Brondeel - 12 years ago
I don't know :) A friend of mine was there when that swell arrived and he talked about 25-30 ft. Don't even know if he's right but this doesn't look like 100ft .. And I never saw those big waves in real life. I need to see more images of these waves. Are you perfect then? :)
Helder Pereira
Helder Pereira - 12 years ago
25 - 30 ft lol u kidding girl you do not know what to say
HatTube - 12 years ago
they all seem huge but which wave was the 100foot... wave? also another video from that day vimeo(dot)com/58479789
edelamare2010 - 12 years ago
I saw the still image on a brazilian website and I can guarantee to you Patrick it dwarfs the other famous wave G Mac caught in Nazare.ftt is without a doubt over than 100Ft
Rogerio Nogueira
Rogerio Nogueira - 12 years ago
Amazing!!! Aloha...
dking5454 - 12 years ago
any chance you could skip the "dramatics" and shitty music - it isn't THAT dramatic or that good, anyway - and just show the surfers surfing... FROM START TO FINISH !!! truth be told, all I saw was water !
Rodrigo G
Rodrigo G - 12 years ago
They are completely insane!
Patrick Smith
Patrick Smith - 12 years ago
It's over 78ft for sure which is the current world record. My early estimate is 84ft. Just need a better still image to pinpoint the bottom of the wave.
BootL3gK1ng - 12 years ago
holy shit!
Patrick Smith
Patrick Smith - 12 years ago
As a professional photographer and former surfer with some excellent knowledge on this subject I say this is a new world record wave. My early estimate is 84ft but after a closer look that may change slightly. Regardless I definitely believe it is over 78ft. Congratulations and most likely won the big wave contest in only Jan.
rishie - 12 years ago
You spelled massive wrong....
Richard Clark
Richard Clark - 12 years ago
disgustingly amazing
marcos monrroe
marcos monrroe - 12 years ago
Julie Brondeel
Julie Brondeel - 12 years ago
people are saying this is a 100ft wave, but I don't know... It doesn't like THAT big. I think 25-30 ft would be more accurate. Or not..
Corey Fatarse
Corey Fatarse - 12 years ago
Surfing is more than a is a way of life, a spiritual connection with the ocean. Which means they can't show you the footage unless you pay them for it. Just lol at the corporation known as McNamara traveling the World on your dime.
kalkx - 12 years ago
Hi! When are you uploading the whole video? Best regards
AyyLmao - 12 years ago
Nathan Wise
Nathan Wise - 12 years ago
what a joke! Why make a trailer? Not everything has to be Chasing Mavericks with the hype. Otherwise you get the let down that follows that movie. --Paddle, Paddle, Paddle, Little Grom
droquesteni - 12 years ago
small swell :/
Pedro Tomás
Pedro Tomás - 12 years ago
Não te preocupes, nem te chateies, eu falo a minha lingua! E é sem dúvida alguma, a que eu mais adoro falar!
São Neto
São Neto - 12 years ago
iworkforbudlight - 12 years ago
-Coming soon -Commenting soon also Aloha
Jotaluz - 12 years ago
Grande video!!!
krisbriz - 12 years ago
freire330 - 12 years ago
então vê lá se falas a tua língua. A música é: Audio Machine - Akkadian Empire
Sarah Wild
Sarah Wild - 12 years ago
Hi. Could you please contact me about this video. We are doing a story on it for New Zealands biggest news website please contact us. Cheers. Marcus Wild.
Solange Rodrigues
Solange Rodrigues - 12 years ago
HardwareAddiction - 12 years ago
mother of god..
Pedro Tomás
Pedro Tomás - 12 years ago
I'm Portuguese, and Portugal is indeed amazing!! What is the name of the music of the video??
Xirukah - 12 years ago
It's Portugal.. I'm proud to be portuguese. Search for a video Portugal Pumping... You'll see the same beach, but with bodyboarders. Sick Waves..
Jesse - 12 years ago
coming soon? wow disliking this shit
Iliass Souhnoun
Iliass Souhnoun - 12 years ago
Audiomachine - Akkadian Empire ;)
beyondthismeatsuit - 12 years ago
Marcio Ar
Marcio Ar - 12 years ago
wheres link with the whole clip?
Thomas Quéré
Thomas Quéré - 12 years ago
Oh My God !!!!!!!
Mamo - 12 years ago
Fucking jump cuts and fucking shit music ruins it! Fuck off wanker cunt video ass-wipe douchebag.
Rui Oliveira
Rui Oliveira - 12 years ago
Too many viewpoint on this video. Too many changes ! Bad video
Rokas Petrošius
Rokas Petrošius - 12 years ago
Great content, horrible editing, looking forward to see rather raw version of the video.from few angles.
Garrett Martin
Garrett Martin - 12 years ago
Wow, the line up looks pretty empty.. Ha.
Jose Leitao
Jose Leitao - 12 years ago
Wow! Amazing!
jmf - 12 years ago
fritshits65: nothing to do with climate change. check nazaré canyon on wikipedia to find the answer for your question. abraços de portugal.
funkiestni66a - 12 years ago
maaaaan, i noticed that too, but im not scared :D im laughting as hell :D
artichoke15 - 12 years ago
I've only got to 0:14 and the tow guy on the jetski getting tossed off looks scares me
Paddy Manning
Paddy Manning - 12 years ago
What is the backing music? Gorgeous clip, utterly exciting
eNirex kot
eNirex kot - 12 years ago
amazingggggg i want surf :)
Daniel Oliveira
Daniel Oliveira - 12 years ago
The waves always been there, during the winter. mostly November.
André Ratinho
André Ratinho - 12 years ago
this is call NAZARÉ, just it!
Jorge Orge
Jorge Orge - 12 years ago
no it is not... it's Portugal...
Jake - 12 years ago
That wave is ridiculous, I'd hate to cop a beatdown from that thing..
AndrewOverload - 12 years ago
I can't be the only one laughing at the guy "lemuring" off of the jetski at :13
João Gomes
João Gomes - 12 years ago
@PureDIGITALMaui Portugal is Portugal. Basque country exists in Spain and France. I'm sure you're aware that they are different countries...
Richard James
Richard James - 12 years ago
Seems to me the editing does what a teaser / trailer should do: makes me want to see more!
dopy - 12 years ago
did anyone go down on to the balcony in front of the lighthouse?
GabKoost - 12 years ago
Tsunamis are for little girls.
fritshits65 - 12 years ago
UNREAL surf!!!....been @cabo San Vincente....but tell me plse ; HOW come Nazzare is amongst da place with da biggest waves???...has Climate Change put Pipe-line from the first spot???...Waimea is and will always be George Downing, Wally Froiseth, Woody Brown and Buzzy Trent , Aikau , Hamilton , Bradshaw area!!....wherever we all go ; these are the One & Only Kings of Big Wave Riding!!!!
Chris Hannant
Chris Hannant - 12 years ago
That was extremely frustrating to watch
Dan-K - 12 years ago
its so big its missing an E
PureDIGITALMaui - 12 years ago
whatabout da clip left at the end after all that black hahahaha its ok, they learning im sure. it is the basque country. aloha
redleg18739 - 12 years ago
That's when the dude was underwater...
kersez - 12 years ago
Second half of that video was INCREDIBLE!
word112 - 12 years ago
kemal batu
kemal batu - 12 years ago
Storno Kasse Drei
Storno Kasse Drei - 12 years ago
Holy Fuck!
gporter.seadog - 12 years ago
Outrageous riding. Great footage. Tobi, please update the clip. It goes black from :50 to 1:37
Zlia BR
Zlia BR - 12 years ago
Depois do record de surfar uma ondinha de 27,5 metros (2011), também na Praia do Norte, em Nazaré, Portugal - Que coragem e habilidade!
dragSD - 12 years ago
Amazing place to go surf!! Only the strongest survive !
Fábio Mestrinho
Fábio Mestrinho - 12 years ago
Boa noite. Grande trailer. Esqueces -te de fechar o projeto ao segundo 50, fica mais de um minuto sem imagens e depois aparece no fim uma imagem que devia de estar esquecida na timeline. Abraço e bom trabalho
nakata09 - 12 years ago
Simplesmente ... Nazaré!
Irene Cordeiro
Irene Cordeiro - 12 years ago

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