Big Wave Carnage From Nazaré Mega Swell | Sessions

►Paddle over here to watch the latest XXL madness in surf: It’s been a winter of dangerously big swells, but this one took things to the next level. The surf world has been buzzing with news of mega-swells sprinting directly toward Nazaré. But this one shook the deep water buoys like none before. FOrecasters called for the day of the winter, maybe ever. A few pundits even dared to throw around the prospect of three-figure wave heights. Would the elusive 100-footer finally be ridden? _ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. Watch Red Bull TV: See into our world: Red Bull on Facebook: Red Bull on Twitter: Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: Subscribe to the Red Bulletin: Sign up for our Newsletter here:

Big Wave Carnage From Nazaré Mega Swell | Sessions sentiment_very_dissatisfied 316

Surf 8 years ago 1,412,804 views

►Paddle over here to watch the latest XXL madness in surf: It’s been a winter of dangerously big swells, but this one took things to the next level. The surf world has been buzzing with news of mega-swells sprinting directly toward Nazaré. But this one shook the deep water buoys like none before. FOrecasters called for the day of the winter, maybe ever. A few pundits even dared to throw around the prospect of three-figure wave heights. Would the elusive 100-footer finally be ridden? _ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. Watch Red Bull TV: See into our world: Red Bull on Facebook: Red Bull on Twitter: Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: Subscribe to the Red Bulletin: Sign up for our Newsletter here:

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Most popular comments
for Big Wave Carnage From Nazaré Mega Swell | Sessions

Joseph Stewart
Joseph Stewart - 7 years ago
that is huge
Vova Lis
Vova Lis - 7 years ago
lsdesignweb - 7 years ago
Just for one time stop with the music and let the ocean be soundtrack.
Red Bull you don need heavy hardcore music here, the wave is just enough
Matt Grillz
Matt Grillz - 7 years ago
Must be hard surfing with heavy balls of steel
Smellzke 209
Smellzke 209 - 7 years ago
Aneilia Chandersingh
Aneilia Chandersingh - 7 years ago
lmaooo dem people b rel mad to do that
zaam mustapha
zaam mustapha - 7 years ago
i dont think so women can do that
TheGoatgr - 7 years ago
name of song?
Patrizia - 7 years ago
Sta gente non sta bene....

10. comment for Big Wave Carnage From Nazaré Mega Swell | Sessions

Manuela Bonaldo
Manuela Bonaldo - 7 years ago
io sono basita !!
Yael Garfias
Yael Garfias - 7 years ago
Pinche mamada
Tahdit On
Tahdit On - 7 years ago
Finally big waves!
Deadsy Padilla
Deadsy Padilla - 7 years ago
These guys vs the white surfers...big difference. These guys don't talk.
J Bolo
J Bolo - 7 years ago
Came looking for Point Break comments, sadly disappointed
Gail Elsligar
Gail Elsligar - 7 years ago
Love the video, hate the music. Should of played ole school with the Beach Boys
Steve Tow
Steve Tow - 7 years ago
Music credits : a band that obviously likes Tool. And creates just enough variances to pretend they have never listened to a single Tool song.
Metal Force
Metal Force - 7 years ago
Dragon Crusher Wave!!!!
Aurelia Blasco
Aurelia Blasco - 7 years ago
Yo surfeo mejor noobs
Dani Carrizo
Dani Carrizo - 7 years ago
The name of the song?

20. comment for Big Wave Carnage From Nazaré Mega Swell | Sessions

tye van niekerk
tye van niekerk - 7 years ago
What band is playing? They're awesome
7.62 full metal
7.62 full metal - 7 years ago
AAAAAAHHHH ..NAZARE......The gentle no nonsense method to free blocked bowels, works everytime, so good its guaranteed!
Sadja Setic
Sadja Setic - 7 years ago
Posiedon says hi
Lina Aerts
Lina Aerts - 7 years ago
Report turn classic orange outstanding shop together convey establishment arrive recall block legislation can.
akash parkar
akash parkar - 7 years ago
Respect the nature, The insane power of nature can destroy any thing ; any time; any where.
Edi Jack
Edi Jack - 7 years ago
Ok saya suka vidio ini sangat memuaskan suya sya suka suka suka
Edi Jack
Edi Jack - 7 years ago
Disnox - 7 years ago
Such a big jump at 1:30.
Andre Rovigatti
Andre Rovigatti - 7 years ago
What a noisy music !
Playzada Eman
Playzada Eman - 7 years ago
like or not is music :(
Disnox - 7 years ago
Music? For me it's only it's something that requires melody.
Mc Redstone Tutorials
Mc Redstone Tutorials - 7 years ago
I wonder if Aliens do this kind of shit on their own planets lol. Or if we just would look nuts to them
Mc Redstone Tutorials
Mc Redstone Tutorials - 7 years ago
Pappy Nice hahah good logic there.
Ugandan warrior
Ugandan warrior - 7 years ago
Pappy hahahahaha
Pappy - 7 years ago
Mc Redstone Tutorials . . . for certain they think we're nuts . no doubt .
that's why they don't contact us outright .
they be thinking . . . " oh hell no , humans ? no way . that species is messed up . "

30. comment for Big Wave Carnage From Nazaré Mega Swell | Sessions

Churchill - 7 years ago
Surfers have some balls because they risk their lives to the maximum.
GT500 VT
GT500 VT - 7 years ago
My god these guys are crazy I don’t even want to be sprayed with a cold garden hose.
Andrew Novak
Andrew Novak - 7 years ago
2:03 - I don't think he made it over...did he?
acreEDM - 7 years ago
1:30 "I believe I can fly :D"
Mohammad Sahidullah
Mohammad Sahidullah - 7 years ago
The naźare waves are 25ft waves.
Disnox - 7 years ago
Ahahah.....put some 75ft or more on it. Record is above 100ft.
Mohammad Sahidullah
Mohammad Sahidullah - 7 years ago
The massive waves look like big ramps.
ozzylaza - 7 years ago
Wow superheroes are real. Justice league in real time right here. Unbelivable.
Angel Blue
Angel Blue - 7 years ago
God MUST have a SPECIAL love for these fearless men to allow them to survive this!!!!!
Realquirky Videos
Realquirky Videos - 7 years ago
Thanks for an amazing compilation - is there a longer version of these rides .. where you see more of the beginning and end of the ride? .. with some space in between? Would be great to see these in more context .. identify the surfers with some commentary from them as well.
Playzada Eman
Playzada Eman - 7 years ago
Nazaré surfer´s nightmare
only the strongest can try to survive... welcome to Portugal!!!
Nathan Shute
Nathan Shute - 7 years ago
what music this is. I must know !!
James Bromley
James Bromley - 7 years ago
I want to see more of the rides and consequences
Phantom Libya
Phantom Libya - 7 years ago
dixie dragon
dixie dragon - 7 years ago
Huge massive Texas sized cajones aside it STILL takes a certain degree of mental instability to do this.
W V - 7 years ago
nice cg
João Portela
João Portela - 7 years ago
Are these the biggest in the world ?
David Puxou , Cortou & Raspou
David Puxou , Cortou & Raspou - 7 years ago
Grande Pedro Scooby
Yann Hartel
Yann Hartel - 7 years ago
dragon star
dragon star - 7 years ago
Se fosse eu se tive se ali via morrer
Chris H
Chris H - 7 years ago
The Hell of Nazare...OMG
Chris H
Chris H - 7 years ago
nazare is sooooo massive....just for profis...and also for them very, very dangerous....I stand at the beach and saw the waves...hugh, massive, big....Nonnenmacher, Bunkerwaves....this is an unbelievable spot....Okt/Nov and Feb/ time!
Beto Corrêa
Beto Corrêa - 7 years ago
Favor.. que banda é essa?

50. comment for Big Wave Carnage From Nazaré Mega Swell | Sessions

Jjhoop C
Jjhoop C - 7 years ago
Now I guess it's electric chair or death by nazare
JulianCls - 7 years ago
Really small waves
Jad Masri
Jad Masri - 7 years ago
Wow this is very dangers waves tsunami
Grab a meme on the go
Grab a meme on the go - 7 years ago
run boy run
natalia kioseva
natalia kioseva - 7 years ago
Аж вспотела пока смотрела
Murali Zayn
Murali Zayn - 7 years ago
They're Mountains...
José Miguel Castro Páez
José Miguel Castro Páez - 7 years ago
John - 7 years ago
Their balls are so big they act as a flotation device
Playzada Eman
Playzada Eman - 7 years ago
It's not possible, they are balls of steel!!!
Elizabeth Francis
Elizabeth Francis - 7 years ago
laird hamilton's dad called it having a third testicle
Raenan Blanco
Raenan Blanco - 7 years ago
I would have died just by watching this insane vid. Those are crazy waves 0.
SouPetri - 7 years ago
Monster waves!
WhatsThis?Tv - 7 years ago
love this video. great music
Speedy :D
Speedy :D - 7 years ago
Those waves are bigger than my future
Steve Carey
Steve Carey - 7 years ago
I wish they would have shown the whole wave so you could see if they made it or not.
Tyson Paulo
Tyson Paulo - 7 years ago
Rip 0:40 XD
Jack Britton
Jack Britton - 7 years ago
how In the world do you get past the Impact zone with these waves?
Cameron Webb
Cameron Webb - 7 years ago
andrea noviello
andrea noviello - 7 years ago
New app to share your outdoor sports
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Tyson Judd
Tyson Judd - 7 years ago
Live Forever SeaGods
Scissor Hanz
Scissor Hanz - 7 years ago
Just watching that made my balls suck DEEP into my stomach.
Now have to go take a fear-dump too -_-
22 A Day No Way
22 A Day No Way - 7 years ago
watch     22adaynoway
Dave C.
Dave C. - 7 years ago
Like trying to outrun the hand of God.
Wasili Bielmann
Wasili Bielmann - 7 years ago
Dave C. 77ekuu+=+1. @@
MrJakeJimmy - 7 years ago
Damn those are huge
cousium - 8 years ago
Ptin mais déjà quand y a une vague qui fait ma taille parfois je me fais mal, mais alors je comprend pas comment ils font pour survivre à ça :o
LittleNemo_ - 8 years ago
great video, but this music pick was a horrible choice.
Mario Gonzalez
Mario Gonzalez - 8 years ago
brianmathew09 - 8 years ago
BumpcHump Productions
BumpcHump Productions - 8 years ago
Hey everyone my friends and I are trying to get more views. We're not even close to as good as Red Bull but we post weekly videos about dirt bikes. Any feedback would be appreciated.
Jack N
Jack N - 8 years ago
That is awsome
FAFW REEE - 8 years ago
Imagine these guys on that planet in Interstellar
DeadeyeJoe37 - 8 years ago
I got to big are those waves? 30-40 ft? Seems like some of them are larger than that!
GuilhermeMFC - 7 years ago
They can get to 100ft. That's garret's mcnamara record in the same place.
C'REAL - 8 years ago
eazy, I can do that..
gallardo Vi
gallardo Vi - 8 years ago
Mi gusta OPORTO
Mi gusta OPORTO - 8 years ago
Nazare is amazing!
GiovanniHughes - 8 years ago
I Be Trollin' They Be Hatin'
I Be Trollin' They Be Hatin' - 8 years ago
My butt hole would be so puckered, if you put charcoal in  there you would have a diamond in a minute.
Sameul Jones
Sameul Jones - 8 years ago
whos the douchebag on the jetski what a greenhorn!
aaron flores
aaron flores - 8 years ago
that drove flying right next to the swell is pretty fucking dope too
Cmd Ctrl
Cmd Ctrl - 8 years ago
Damn I wish I grew up near a beach with surf-able waves <3, this looks fun as fuck!
Siward Beorn
Siward Beorn - 8 years ago
So cool! Difference between this an a drop in on a mountain on a snow board!!?? The Mountain chases you an then turns upside down!
peace love an light peeps
vincent - 8 years ago
pretty neat man...! wish I could do that...
Sebastian Glenn
Sebastian Glenn - 8 years ago
I wanna see someone surf this on a softop just for shits and giggles
Jay Biv
Jay Biv - 8 years ago
It's all fun and games until the sharks show up!
Ron Murphy
Ron Murphy - 7 years ago
Miguel Hannes
Miguel Hannes - 8 years ago
no shark attacks in Portugal. The waves attack you though...
Beatriz BG
Beatriz BG - 8 years ago
phapnui - 8 years ago
"May I have trouble?" dept.
Robert Stuhlsatz
Robert Stuhlsatz - 8 years ago
wow these guys are insane!!!! sic Clio
who plays that song in the clip???
Juan J. Castillo
Juan J. Castillo - 8 years ago
How a person can survive a wipe out of that swells? I mean, what techq. do they use to stay alive? Just curiousity
Willem - 7 years ago
Inflatable life jackets, and very efficient lungs.
Jared Greenwald
Jared Greenwald - 8 years ago
Hold your breath and pray.
Dominic Rocher
Dominic Rocher - 8 years ago
how the heck do these guys survive wiping out under such huge waves?!
Ray Sybert
Ray Sybert - 8 years ago
Ray Sybert
Ray Sybert - 8 years ago

100. comment for Big Wave Carnage From Nazaré Mega Swell | Sessions

Mill Sacker
Mill Sacker - 8 years ago
0:42 !
Kasey McDowell
Kasey McDowell - 8 years ago
How many people went to the hospital in this session?
sky works
sky works - 8 years ago
Crazy, did anyone die ?
Fancy Motherfucker
Fancy Motherfucker - 8 years ago
Big Wednesday
Darren Kinney
Darren Kinney - 8 years ago
they should have played that song wipe out to go along with this vid
2287rna - 8 years ago
it's starting to white cap out there
Serj Hunter
Serj Hunter - 8 years ago
7-GOLD-BARS-7 - 8 years ago
i would be the first to tank up some oxygen on my back ready for when needed. i dont understand why they dont strap small compressed oxygen tubes to their forearms with a mouth piece to bite to release the oxygen into their mouth while under water. Would make sense to invent that SAFETY DEVICE
Aramil4 - 8 years ago
7-GOLD-BARS-7 potentially a good idea, but I'd be careful about inhaling too much in an environment of such changing pressures (with some bad luck you inhale to the max just as the huge wave is above you, just to have your lungs explode 2 seconds later as pressure radically drops when the wave rolls away and brings you closer to the surface).
evilhomer - 8 years ago
Their enormous testicles help them keep a low center of gravity.
Dave Smith
Dave Smith - 7 years ago
they double up as floatation devices for when they get dragged under for 60+ seconds
helidevil123 - 8 years ago
Soundtrack? Loving the grit!
NC DOZER - 8 years ago
whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let's get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta'aurc. From what i can gather, he commands the siege dancers from an imperial land tank just outside of rubicon. he's well protected, but with the right team we can PUNCH through those defenses, take this beast out and break their grip on Freehold.
Luigi Bagnasco
Luigi Bagnasco - 8 years ago
Lurgs - 8 years ago
Insane. Death on a stick out there
ThePandaahBear - 8 years ago
I met the recordholder of the highest wave there ones!
CalvinsOfficial - 8 years ago
Alain Duckers
Alain Duckers - 8 years ago
These waves are higher than most hills in my country...
Alex Slazer
Alex Slazer - 8 years ago
What the fuck
Java_niss - 8 years ago
just redbull things as usual
Glennford Loja
Glennford Loja - 8 years ago
DENMONKEY - 8 years ago
I'm conflicted, I think these guys are idiots but think the riders in the TT are brilliant. why is that ?
Junior J
Junior J - 8 years ago
Is this actually surfing or more racing..... racing for your life before you get slammed to death. Guys are nuts
Ben W
Ben W - 8 years ago
How many died?
husseltoo - 8 years ago
DeathToCockroaches - 8 years ago
Isto é o mar que move o nosso bacalhau cuaralho!
Tom Cunnington
Tom Cunnington - 8 years ago
loving how Beartooth is the song choice.. singing lyrics in my head.
BigErn_Mccraken - 8 years ago
Paddling into that wave just seems so..... stupid.
2468 Antanaxis
2468 Antanaxis - 8 years ago
Did I create these waves when I was taking a bath oh... sorry
Ethan Arrowood
Ethan Arrowood - 8 years ago
Plays Beartooth without the lyrics -_-
big city
big city - 8 years ago
What was that shit at the 1 minute mark, fall into that hell of a hole.
XxKPOPxX - 8 years ago
This is the heaviest surfing I've ever watched!!!

Shredding pure dark matter!!
neil moore
neil moore - 8 years ago
it's like being chased by all the ocean!!!!
nyyght7 - 8 years ago
Love the jump clips! fucking awesome, wow you should pitch this to MTV!
This could be revolutionary!
nyyght7 - 8 years ago
tyvek, a "jump clip" refers to when a video editor doesn't show the entire action of the subject, but jumps to the next clip.
tyvek05 - 8 years ago
you make this sound as if its new..... dude this type of surfing has been covered on tv for the last 20-25 years now.
Eratiik - 8 years ago
That's fucking badass. Kudos guys. That's some epic shit right there.
Kas Kahea
Kas Kahea - 8 years ago
Holy hell!!!!
Jimmy Munoz
Jimmy Munoz - 8 years ago
digging the beartooth
Moose Knuckle
Moose Knuckle - 8 years ago
Mad respect!!! WoW!!!
TurkeyJerky 345
TurkeyJerky 345 - 8 years ago
St. Mark
St. Mark - 8 years ago
it looks like an avalanche
Wander Almeida
Wander Almeida - 8 years ago
Brazilian nuts! Vai Brasil!
Derek Jimenez
Derek Jimenez - 8 years ago
Has someone flown a drone through a barrel yet?
Rhett Bushman
Rhett Bushman - 8 years ago
Be sick if they  had some POV shots from the surfers
Blake Ate My Console
Blake Ate My Console - 8 years ago
ima sit ma black as at home
Borborygmi - 8 years ago
That moment when the safety jetski crashed in front of a wave..
Der Übermensch
Der Übermensch - 8 years ago
I m better.
shinrazed03 - 8 years ago
thats not a wave. its a fucking tsunami
Lino Galdin
Lino Galdin - 8 years ago
How do they not drown as soon as their board hits the water? Those balls must be heavy.
ADRIAN SCOTT - 8 years ago
Fair play - respect!
seanautube - 8 years ago
Reminds me of some of the stories from Riding Giants.
strange tamer
strange tamer - 8 years ago
The wave macnamara won the Guinness work record for was nowhere near as big as his nazare bomb
Garett90210 - 8 years ago
and what are you doing with your life?
Adventure Fix Media
Adventure Fix Media - 8 years ago
So sick!
virtualfilmlot - 8 years ago
Why cut away so fast? Every shot. Awful editing.
Brajgl - 8 years ago
Water-zorbing :D
Jack Parker
Jack Parker - 8 years ago
I just made a GoPro ski edit from my trip to Snowbird, check it out!
SUP richie
SUP richie - 8 years ago
wave crumbles, but steep. not like mavericks, or chopes, or waimea. so when waves are caught,ppl can now add that to there surf story. "brah the wave was BIg like Waimea, nah nah more like a Nazare' style."
lolipoppornbitch - 8 years ago
Insane :D
Edmund Snyder
Edmund Snyder - 8 years ago
The best big wave out there, hands down. Thing just keeps building and breaking
MUTE8 - 8 years ago
men riding mountains
PoopStinkPie - 8 years ago
Ya I'd rather sit on the sand sipping a cold drink talking to some hunnies
Danny G
Danny G - 8 years ago
PoopStinkPie Boring af
Eratiik - 8 years ago
I'd do this shit....If I had the balls and skill lol. but I don't so il settle with talking to hairy faced chicks with you lol.
Jabroney - 8 years ago
PoopStinkPie it's Portugal. don't the bunnies there have mustaches?
PoopStinkPie - 8 years ago
Bballguy1121 haha you have absolutely no idea who I am and what I'm like.... asshole. :)
Bballguy1121 - 8 years ago
PoopStinkPie fuck you sound like a dickhead
PoopStinkPie - 8 years ago
Sam Ireland hmm. maybe you my friend but once a lady is talking to me.... she's there to stay
Sam Ireland
Sam Ireland - 8 years ago
PoopStinkPie that sounds good and all, right up until the bloke surfing walks out of the sea with his fucking huge titanium balls and steals your drink and hunnies. Then he finally kicks sand in your face for shits and gigs.
Jonny Gomes
Jonny Gomes - 8 years ago
Proud to be Portuguese! Nazare is not just about the waves, beautiful beaches!
San Diego POV
San Diego POV - 8 years ago
1:04 Bodysurfer slab? Or bodyboarder. Choose your means of death.
San Diego POV
San Diego POV - 8 years ago
They should make a video solely on how the surfers paddle out in conditions this big with a first-person view with Gopros.
Sam Wells
Sam Wells - 7 years ago
PatriotPigeon said or done by no one in history. Swam across oceans lmfao idiot
Ukuleleyas LOL
Ukuleleyas LOL - 7 years ago
Jet ski
Miguel Hannes
Miguel Hannes - 8 years ago
This is the one place that doesn't have a channel, it's a massive beachbreak mess!
mr anderson
mr anderson - 8 years ago
There's a few dudes paddling out in this very video. There's a group of 4 of them paddling over a wave towards the end.
Twed j8
Twed j8 - 8 years ago
Places like these have channels so its not to hard
PatriotPigeon - 8 years ago
I mean if you want something like that then just watch videos of those people that swim across whole oceans. That's really all it would be, a lot of hard swimming and diving under the waves. It's an impressive physical feat, but really not that entertaining to watch.
San Diego POV
San Diego POV - 8 years ago
San Diego POV
San Diego POV - 8 years ago
Yes, but some DO paddle out, I know for a fact at Mavericks, they didn't have jetskis to rent in the old days, and they paddled out with their guns.
MUTE8 - 8 years ago
movie begins with "they don't paddle out" movie ends
PatriotPigeon - 8 years ago
They use a jetski.
Itzsasha xD
Itzsasha xD - 8 years ago
yesterday you Said tommorow...JUST DO IT
Marat Latypov
Marat Latypov - 8 years ago
Это когда такие волны были? Пару недель назад был в Назарэ.
tyfo show
tyfo show - 8 years ago
Those dudes need dumptrucks to carry their balls around in.....
Playzada Eman
Playzada Eman - 7 years ago
It's not possible, they are balls of steel!!!
Andrew Novak
Andrew Novak - 7 years ago
tyfo show Too right. Monstrosities.
Jjhoop C
Jjhoop C - 7 years ago
greenhouse Productions mavericks and jaws right
greenhouse Productions
greenhouse Productions - 8 years ago
wrong dude. pipeline an puereto Escondido has
PONO 800008
PONO 800008 - 8 years ago
tyfo show this place took the most lives of surfers
Marc LaVine
Marc LaVine - 8 years ago
Satori Graphics
Satori Graphics
Satori Graphics - 8 years ago
lol damn straight, this vid is too gnarly
Chad Worthy
Chad Worthy - 8 years ago
Their enormous sacks actually make great flotation devices.
XxKPOPxX - 8 years ago
tyfo show - Amen to that!
Palpa - 8 years ago
1:21 this dude got rekt by that wave pritty bad
rodrigo ferreira
rodrigo ferreira - 8 years ago
achille295 - 7 years ago
Haha bora :D!!
Paulo Ecletik
Paulo Ecletik - 7 years ago
Eai Igor como vai o aluguer do cu? Espero que faça bom negócio.
Peter Leash
Peter Leash - 7 years ago
Antes Manuel do que Igor.
Peter Leash
Peter Leash - 7 years ago
Antes Manuel que Igor que mais parece nome de electrodoméstico.
Victor Alves
Victor Alves - 7 years ago
Igor Almeida
Igor Almeida - 7 years ago
rodrigo ferreira kkkkk ainda não! Acho que estou com sorte hahahaa
rodrigo ferreira
rodrigo ferreira - 7 years ago
eai igor já foi roubado hoje ?
Igor Almeida
Igor Almeida - 7 years ago
Nick Wancho
Nick Wancho - 8 years ago
who thumbs that down. this shit is insane
Miguel Hannes
Miguel Hannes - 8 years ago
lol you do realize bodyboarders are the locals of Praia do Norte. Garrett Mcnamara as huge praise for them as they taught him alot about the place. Just search youtube and you'll see bodyboarders with 20-25ft swell surfing nazaré paddling in no jetskis, and they started 20 years ago
MUTE8 - 8 years ago
Nick Wancho
Rubmaster - 8 years ago
fabio viana
fabio viana - 8 years ago
brazilian storm porrrrra
Ben Ben
Ben Ben - 8 years ago
Huli (CH)
Huli (CH) - 8 years ago
I would piss myself...those are freaking tsunamis
Alek Martell
Alek Martell - 7 years ago
Jitana1 yeah the one johhny test surfed
Jitana1 - 8 years ago
tyvek05 I think he meant the stereotypical tsunami everyone dreams about
2468 Antanaxis
2468 Antanaxis - 8 years ago
David Kavalcenti dude it's called a shorebreak
tyvek05 - 8 years ago
those are not tsunamis,  they are just waves.  you probably want to go look up the definition of tsunami....
David Kavalcenti
David Kavalcenti - 8 years ago
tsunami's are smaller, those waves are insane...
Kas Kahea
Kas Kahea - 8 years ago
Huli (CH)lol! No shit man. Whew!! Fucking nuts
Masaharu Morimoto
Masaharu Morimoto - 8 years ago
Radical dude!!!! those wave look gnarly!
Dima D
Dima D - 8 years ago
maniacs in action, impressive indeed
Joey Nice
Joey Nice - 8 years ago
I am going here. TO WATCH
vapin scoundrel
vapin scoundrel - 8 years ago
bet the drone footage is sick!
LezionGod - 8 years ago
Anyone know the music?
RetroRevival13 - 7 years ago
i dont think it would go to well with smooth jazz now would it...
Dave Smith
Dave Smith - 7 years ago
I find it interesting how bigwave surfing and other extreme videos go hand-in-hand with hard-rock and heavy metal ... I'd love to read a NewScientist article about that relationship
SACTT - 8 years ago
LezionGod Beartooth- Burnout.... its on their "aggressive" album
Xx-Dylandu51-xX - 8 years ago
C'est pas de la vague de tapette
Xx-Dylandu51-xX - 8 years ago
Avec ta photo de koala mdr
lukas. - 8 years ago
Xx-Dylandu51-xX ftg tapette
spencer - 8 years ago
How many of them died?
Ultrabright 19
Ultrabright 19 - 7 years ago
Probably 0.
kolai - 7 years ago
If anybody died they wouldn’t have continued surfing.
Brad Bergsma
Brad Bergsma - 7 years ago
3 hurted on the head...and 2 dieded i think..
Giraffa Camelopardalis
Giraffa Camelopardalis - 7 years ago
Around 17.
Jan Nelle
Jan Nelle - 8 years ago
Wow, just wow !
Sim3n Game
Sim3n Game - 8 years ago
AJ Lott
AJ Lott - 8 years ago
Jeez that's insane
Dede 230
Dede 230 - 8 years ago
very radical extreme
Gan Fall S
Gan Fall S - 8 years ago
Brazil representing
Dano - 8 years ago
Is the song music from Beartooth?
philgit123 - 8 years ago
Dano yea its "burnout" on aggressive album
JakeStanleyTravel - 8 years ago
Red Bull videos are such an insiration for me!! I do short films of different travel experiences all over the world, i really try to entain people by my content and show them how beautiful this world is, if ur interested then please check me out :))
JakeStanleyTravel - 8 years ago
Stride Tide
Stride Tide - 8 years ago
wow that guy was riding the barrel getting pitted so pitted like that ////
chloet88 - 7 years ago
PoopStinkPie QUIH-BANG!
PoopStinkPie - 8 years ago
Stride Tide and I was like woahhhhh and he was like woaaahhhh
Koi Nation
Koi Nation - 8 years ago
wow I'm earlier than a teen pregnancy
vaughnisha Burnett
vaughnisha Burnett - 7 years ago
Koi Nation not bag
Namie Garcia
Namie Garcia - 7 years ago
Koi Nation ikkk
Faenor - 8 years ago
What happened to the 0:38 guys
Winstan - 8 years ago
That is fucking terrifying.
Doppelxchromosom1 - 8 years ago
Brit Bong
Brit Bong - 8 years ago
thought that said "big wave carnage from nazi!
The Wanderer
The Wanderer - 8 years ago
Then stop watching surfing videos and take an English class.
Cian Greer
Cian Greer - 8 years ago
Kasper Ringdal
Kasper Ringdal - 8 years ago
not first
Seb Rider
Seb Rider - 8 years ago
Rayane Abs
Rayane Abs - 8 years ago
Koi Nation
Koi Nation - 8 years ago
Bodyboard algerien 6th*
Mazza TV
Mazza TV - 8 years ago
Griffin 37
Griffin 37 - 8 years ago
Bot William aka RUSSIA
Bot William aka RUSSIA - 8 years ago

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