Big Wave Surfing famous surfer Laird Hamilton 80-100 Feet
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Big Wave Surfing famous surfer Laird Hamilton 80-100 Feet January 2015 Big Wave Surfing Dick Dale Surf Music Garrett McNamara record holder 2015 Big Waves Garrett McNamara 100FT World Record - Dick Dale The Wedge Big Wave Surfin Big Waves Garrett McNamara 100FT https Big Wave Surfing world record Garrett McNamara Surfline TV Greatest Wipeouts Garrett McNamara: World's Biggest Wave Off the Coast of Portugal 2013 The Hawaiian surfer Garrett McNamara is said to have broken his own world record for the largest wave surfed when he caught a wave reported to be around 100ft off the coast of Nazaré, Portugal. If the claims are verified, it will mean that McNamara, who was born in Pittsfield, Massachusetts but whose family moved to Hawaii's North Shore when he was aged 11, has beaten his previous record, which was also set at Nazaré. When McNamara set that record in 2011, he was accompanied by fellow big-wave surfers Andrew Cotton and Alastair Mennie and at the time Mennie said that the conditions were "perfect" for McNamara whom he described as "inspiring". "Everything was perfect, the weather, the waves," Mennie said. "Cotty and I surfed two big waves of about 60ft and then, when Garrett was ready came a canyon wave of over 90ft. The jet ski was the best place to see him riding the biggest wave I've ever seen. It was amazing. Most people would be scared but Garrett was controlling everything in the critical part of the wave. It was an inspiring ride by an inspiring surfer." Speaking to the Observer in 2011 after his record-setting 90ft ride, McNamara explained: "We'd been invited by the government of Portugal to Nazaré to investigate it for a big wave competition. There is an underwater canyon 1,000ft deep that runs from the ocean right up to the cliffs. It's like a funnel. At its ocean end it's three miles wide but narrows as it gets closer to the shore and when there is a big swell it acts like an amplifier. "The harbour where the jetskis are kept is about five minutes' ride away. I can see it from my hotel window. You go out and it can be almost flat as you leave and ride along the coast. You start seeing the waves after about half a mile when you pass some rocks and turn a point. Then you are in the break. It's unique. The waves break into cliffs 300ft in height. You can't contemplate coming off because it would kill you."
10. comment for Big Wave Surfing famous surfer Laird Hamilton 80-100 Feet
20. comment for Big Wave Surfing famous surfer Laird Hamilton 80-100 Feet
It's called the internet!!
Patrick) ay that's what they used to call me
30. comment for Big Wave Surfing famous surfer Laird Hamilton 80-100 Feet
Early 1900's the basic principle of hydrofoil inspired Alexander Graham Bell to try and develop the hydrofoil boat. With his chief engineer met with Forlanini in Italy 1908. 54mph. 1919, 71mph. World record. The concepts are over a 100 yrs old. I hope this helps.
50. comment for Big Wave Surfing famous surfer Laird Hamilton 80-100 Feet
And his Father is BILLY Hamilton--Not "BOB" ...I've known billy since the late '70's, I dated his niece for a few years. is a Surf Legend, in his own right.
100. comment for Big Wave Surfing famous surfer Laird Hamilton 80-100 Feet
Unless your not professional and you die than you definitely wont feel alive
I can guarantee you grew up near a large body of ocean, ergo, your interest set was born and IF your physical is conducive---- a surfer is born.
There IS something primal about surfing that draws people in. No doubt, it is the same primal draw found in a lot of extreme sports. I found it in Jiu Jitsu... though, admittedly, I'd take a huge dude crushing my 110lb (lies.... 106lb) frame ANY DAY over this shit/shat.
But the factor(s) of being held down under, not being able to breathe, and getting knocked around with heavy weight, is another thing.
Yew, c'mon spring can't wait to surf!! lol
fuck this
harnessing wavepower would be creating electric energy from the waves. at least thats how i feel
Man, board, wave ...and his baggies of course. That's it. :-)
Just saw some practice routines way over on the shoulder.
Although I think they said the board was designed to ride unbroken swell.
I just assumed that it could ride a breaking wave too.
Still - the guys a maverick for just being out there.
cgi and dump tanks plus green screen.
maybe max 50
No real "huge wave" here... They talk they talk, and the last wave is a "tiny" one in terms of "huge" waves.
this crazy haole...
I'd like to hear your opinion than trawl through biased websites personally.
ask his mates what he is like moron.
No shit Sherlock? I always thought that was Goofy's job!
I wanted to see the big wave!
And actually yes, it's "some kind of" surf...
Problem is I'm still waiting for the "huge" wave, we've seen none in this video, or more exactly, the last one is far to reach 80ft...
But those waves (not really shown in this doc) might first "know you out", then push you far below surface... Then you have to goes up if you're still conscious, and try to reach the bubble chamber where you can't float (maybe with a life jacket)...
The problem (even on "tiny" waves) is if you caught the first in the train, when you finally reach air to breath, you're in the impact zone of the next wave just making fun of you again... And again for the next wave... so on...
Takes away from an amazing career..
Largest measured Wave is 70 feet
Peahi (Jaws)
Peahi is THE place to be for big wave viewing in Maui. Waves at Peahi can regularly be over 60 ft., and at one point surfer Pete Cabrinha set the world-record here for largest wave ever ridden by dropping into a towering, 70 ft. monster in January of 2004.
I bet he can ;)
A vast sea of stars serves as the backdrop for the Main Title, followed by a rollup, which crawls into infinity.
War! The Republic is crumbling under attacks by the ruthless Sith Lord, Count Dooku. There are heroes on both sides. Evil is everywhere.
In a stunning move, the fiendish droid leader, General Grievous, has swept into the Republic capital and kidnapped Chancellor Palpatine, leader of the Galactic Senate.
As the Separatist Droid Army attempts to flee the besieged capital with their valuable hostage, two Jedi Knights lead a desperate mission to rescue the captive Chancellor. . . .
PAN DOWN to reveal a REPUBLIC ATTACK CRUISER. Continue to PAN with the Cruiser as TWO JEDI STARFIGHTERS enter and head toward an enemy Battle Cruiser. TRUCK with the Jedi Fighters as they maneuver in unison, dodging flack and enemy laser fire. R2-D2 is on Anakin's ship. R4-P17 is on Obi-Wan's ship. A giant space battle is revealed as the tiny Jedi ships continue their assault in a synchronous ballet.
OBI-WAN bounces through the flack with a frown. His ship rocks violently.
ANAKIN: There isn't a droid made that can out fly you, Master, and no other way to get to the Chancellor . . .
OBI-WAN: Look out, four droids inbound . . .
The TWO JEDI FIGHTERS swerve in unison as FOUR TRADE FEDERATION DROID DROP FIGHTERS attack. After several clever moves by the Jedi, two of the FEDERATION DROID DROP FIGHTERS collide with each other in a ball of flame.
OBI-WAN struggles to maintain control of his ship.
OBI-WAN: We've got to split them up.
ANAKIN: Break left, fly through the guns on that tower.
OBI-WAN flies to the left of a huge tower on a REPUBLIC CRUISER. The TWO DROID DROP FIGHTERS follow.
OBI-WAN: Easy for you to say . . . why am I always the bait?
ANAKIN: Don't worry. I'm coming around behind you.
OBI-WAN deftly maneuvers around a large Starship's superstructure, but the TWO DROID FIGHTERS stay on his tail, BLASTING him with intense laser fire.
OBI-WAN: Anakin, they're all over me!
ANAKIN: Dead ahead! Closing . . . lock onto him, Artoo . . .
ARTOO BEEPS his reply as ANAKIN swoops in for the kill. ANAKIN BLASTS one of the DROID DROP FIGHTERS. It EXPLODES.
ANAKIN: (continuing, laughs) We got him, Artoo!
ANAKIN BLASTS away at the second DROID DROP FIGHTER as ARTOO BEEPS an angry warning.
ANAKIN: I copy, Artoo.
OBI-WAN: I'm going down on the deck.
ANAKIN: Good idea ... I need some room to maneuver.
OBI-WAN dives toward the surface of one of the larger TRADE FEDERATION BATTLESHIPS and is forced to fly through a maelstrom of laser flack. He skims the surface, followed by the DROID DROP FIGHTER, which is followed by ANAKIN.
ANAKIN: (continuing) Cut right. Do you hear me?! Cut right. Don't let him get a handle on you. Come on, Artoo, lock on! Lock on!
ARTOO BEEPS. The crosshairs merge on the DROID DROP FIGHTER.
OBI-WAN: Hurry up! I don't like this!
OBI-WAN flies through a narrow gap between two towers on a Battleship. The DROID DROP FIGHTER hits one of Obi-Wan's wings with a laser blast, and parts of the ship go flying around Obi-Wan's Astro Droid, ARFOUR.
OBI-WAN: (continuing) Ouch!
R-4 BEEPS a blue streak.
OBI-WAN: (continuing) Don't even try to fix it, Arfour. I've shut it down.
ANAKIN: We're locked on ... we've got him . . .
ANAKIN drops in behind the DROID DROP FIGHTER and blows him apart. ARTOO SQUEALS with delight.
ANAKIN: (continuing) Yeah! We got him . . . good going, Artoo.
OBI-WAN: Next time you're the bait . . . Now let's find the Command Ship and get on with it ...
R-4 BEEPS a blue streak.
ANAKIN: Lock onto them, Artoo. Master, General Grievous's ship is directly ahead.
ARTOO BEEPS a reply, and it reads out in Anakin's cockpit.
ANAKIN: (continuing) The one crawling with vulture droids.
OBI-WAN: I see it. Oh, this is going to be easy.
Ahead is a TRADE FEDERATION CRUISER with batlike DROID VULTURE FIGHTERS stalking around on the hull. The VULTURE FIGHTERS transform into flight configuration, lift off the CRUISER, and attack the JEDI STARFIGHTERS.
ANAKIN: Come on, Master.
OBI-WAN: Not this time. There's too much at stake. We need help. Odd Ball, do you copy?
ODD BALL: (OS) Copy, Red Leader.
OBI-WAN: Mark my position and form your squad up behind me . . .
ODD BALL: We're on your tail, General Kenobi. Set S-foils in attack position.
The protective ray shield lowers on the main hangar of the TRADE FEDERATION CRUISER, and six new DROID TRI-FIGHTERS emerge and join the DROID VULTURE FIGHTERS heading toward the Jedi. The JEDI STARFIGHTERS extend the stability foils on the ends of their wings.
ANAKIN: This is where the fun begins. Ten Vulture Droids straight ahead, coming down the left side.
ARTOO BEEPS a worried message.
OBI-WAN: Add five Tri-fighters on the right . . .
ANAKIN: I'm going head to head. See you.
OBI-WAN: Take it easy, Anakin.
Four Clone Fighters move into formation behind the Jedi.
ODD BALL: I'm on your right, Red Leader.
ANAKIN: Incoming!!
ARTOO SQUEALS as five DROID TRI-FIGHTERS pass by at high speed on the right.
OBI-WAN: Five more on the right!
Four more VULTURE DROID FIGHTERS pass at high speed from the left. All hell breaks loose. OBI-WAN and ANAKIN continue to fly in unison, backing up each other. ARTOO SQUEALS.
ANAKIN: Here we go.
The Jedi ships split up and make a quick loop around the DROID TRI-FIGHTERS, ending up behind them. BLASTING away. The DROID TRI-FIGHTERS EXPLODE.
OBI-WAN: I'm going high and right.
ANAKIN: Hang on. There are four more of them.
OBI-WAN: Stay with me . . . swing back and right . . . help me engage. Back off ... Let them pass between us.
ANAKIN: I'm coming around. I'm coming around on your tail.
OBI-WAN: All right, engage . . . and hurry. These droids are all over me like a rash.
In one incredible move, ANAKIN swings in behind the DROID TRI-FIGHTERS, blowing them away one by one until there is only one left. ARTOO CHIRPS.
ARTOO lets out a HOWL as ANAKIN accelerates past the last DROID TRI-FIGHTER, slams on his brakes, flips the Fighter around, and BLASTS the Fighter from the front. ARTOO BEEPS frantically as they fly through the debris of the destroyed ships. ANAKIN looks behind him.
ANAKIN: How many back there. Artoo? (Artoo beeps) Three . . . (continuing) Four . . . that's not good.
OBI-WAN: Anakin, you have four on your tail.
ANAKIN: I know. I know!
OBI-WAN: Four more closing from your left.
ANAKIN: I know. I know!
OBI-WAN: Break right and go high.
ANAKIN: I'm going low and left.
Obi-Wan shakes his head.
OBI-WAN: (to himself) He still has much to learn.
ANAKIN swoops low and skims across a TRADE FEDERATION BATTLESHIP, dodging flack as ARTOO bounces along, trying to get out a sentence.
ANAKIN: Hang on, Artoo. Obi-Wan, do you copy? I'm going to pull them through the needle . . .
OBI-WAN: Too dangerous. First Jedi rule: "Survive."
ANAKIN: Sorry, no choice. Come down here and thin them out a little.
OBI-WAN drops in behind the DROID VULTURE FIGHTERS chasing Anakin. ARFOUR BEEPS to OBI-WAN.
OBI-WAN: Just keep me steady . . . hold on ... not yet. . . now break left.
OBI-WAN fires as he swings across the back of the VULTURE DROIDS, BLASTING four of them away. ANAKIN heads for a trench along the surface of one of the Trade Federation Battleships. He flies into the trench, which ends in a conning tower with a small slit between two main struts.
OBI-WAN: (continuing) You'll never get through there, Anakin. It's too tight.
ARTOO BEEPS nervously.
ANAKIN: Easy, Artoo . . . we've done this before.
OBI-WAN: Use the Force, think yourself through, the ship will follow.
ARTOO SQUEALS in a panic. On the view screen Artoo's squeal reads out, "WE'RE NOT GOING TO MAKE IT."
ANAKIN: Wrong thought, Artoo.
ANAKIN slips through the narrow gap. The trailing VULTURE DROID FIGHTERS CRASH.
ANAKIN: (continuing) I'm through.
OBI-WAN continues to fire on the VULTURE DROID FIGHTERS, driving them into the EXPLOSION.
A CLONE fighter is hit and explodes, spewing debris. The CLONE PILOT spins off into space.
Finally, OBI-WAN peels off and swings around, pulling up alongside ANAKIN. CLONE FIGHT SQUAD SEVEN battles the DROIDS.
ODD BALL: There are too many of them.
CLONE PILOT 2: I'm on your wing. Break left. Break left. They're all over me. Get them off my . . .
ANAKIN: I'm going to go help them out!
OBI-WAN: No, no! They are doing their job so we can do ours. Head for the Command Ship!
Another CLONE fighter is hit, bursts into flames, and spins off into space. A VULTURE DROID FIGHTER raises its head to locate its target and fires missiles at them.
ANAKIN: Missiles! Pull up!
ANAKIN and OBI-WAN break right and left, and the missiles follow them. ANAKIN does a barrel roll spin, causing the missiles following him to collide and EXPLODE. Two missiles continue to chase OBI-WAN. He banks sharply to the right, then to the left, causing one of the missiles to overshoot.
OBI-WAN: They overshot us . . .
The second missile streaks next to Obi-Wan’s Fighter and EXPLODES. Obi-Wan's ship rocks, and R-4, SCREAMS as the Starfighter rips through the explosion. Debris flies all around them.
ANAKIN: They're coming around!
OBI-WAN: All right, Arfour. No, no. Nothing too fancy.
ANAKIN: Surge all power units. Artoo! Stand by the reverse thrusters.
ANAKIN spins his starfighter. The missiles spin and collide.
ANAKIN: We got 'em. Artoo!
Two missiles continue to track Obi-Wan.
OBI-WAN: Flying is for droids.
Suddenly, OBI-WAN shudders, and his ship starts to plummet toward the surface of the Trade Federation Cruiser. The trailing missiles fly into what looks like debris, and detonate. Five silver balls fly out of the debris and attach themselves to the ship. The balls pop open, revealing SMALL BUZZDROIDS that begin to crawl across the surface like spiders.
OBI-WAN: (continuing) I'm hit! Anakin?
ANAKIN: I see them . . . Buzz Droids.
The BUZZ DROIDS crawl across Obi-Wan's ship and start to tear it apart. SPARKS ERUPT where the BUZZ DROIDS break into the wiring. One of the BUZZ DROIDS goes after ARFOUR.
OBI-WAN: Arfour, be careful. You have one . . .
ARFOUR's head gets ripped off and flies away.
OBI-WAN: Oh dear. They're shutting down all the controls.
ANAKIN: Move to the right so I can get a clear shot at them.
OBI-WAN: The mission. Get to the Command Ship. Get the Chancellor! I'm running out of tricks here.
ANAKIN moves into position just off Obi-Wan's left side and angles his ship so his guns are pointing at the DROIDS crawling over Obi-Wan’s Starfighter. ANAKIN fires and vaporizes the TWO BUZZ DROIDS, along with the left wing of Obi-Wan's ship.
OBI-WAN: (continuing) In the name of ...
ANAKIN: Steady . . . steady . . .
OBI-WAN: Anakin, hold your fire . . . hold your fire. You're not helping here.
ANAKIN: I agree, bad idea. Swing right . . . ease over . . . steady . . .
OBI-WAN: Wait . . . wait . . . I can't see a thing! My cockpit's fogging. They're all over me, Anakin.
ANAKIN: Move to the right.
OBI-WAN: Hold on, Anakin. You're going to get us both killed! Get out of here. There's nothing more you can do.
ANAKIN: I'm not leaving without you, Master.
ANAKIN moves his ship next to OBI-WAN's and tries to physically knock the BUZZ DROIDS off. There are five left. He manages to get one off, but badly dents OBI-WAN's ship in the process. One of the BUZZ DROIDS tears apiece off of the front of Obi-Wan's ship. Flames burst out, and more smoke billows out, obscuring the Jedi's view.
ANAKIN knocks off three of the BUZZ DROIDS and the fourth crawls out onto Anakin's ship and starts attacking ARTOO. ARTOO fights the BUZZ DROID.
OBI-WAN: Blast it ... I can't see . . . my controls are gone.
ANAKIN: Get 'em, Artoo. Watch out!
OBI-WAN: Artoo, hit the buzz droid's center eye.
ARTOO extends an arm and aims a stream of electricity at the swerving BUZZ DROID. The BUZZ DROID is hit squarely in the eye and falls off the ship.
sqrt(24.4m *(9.81m/s^2)*2) = 21.9m/s
An engine becomes necessary to both propel and stabilize you. There are large ripples that cause a lightweight board to wobble. Therefore the engine both enables you to catch the wave, because without it you could't, and it makes the pathway a bit smoother so the ripples don't slow you down too much or destabilize the board and make it impossible to move quickly.
Simple gravity just doesn't move you fast enough because the distance you have to travel down the wave is so long.
No reason to say it's not surfing, it just becomes necessary with waves that big.
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The man has no fear but I will tell you this
Give him a few drinks and he turns homo
One night all the surfers gathered for a huge fire on the beach at Cortes and that's when Laird grabbed for my cock and when he got it he wouldn't let go
"Just let me suck it" he kept saying
Fucking faggot ...after he was done I told him how sick he made me and that he gave shit head ...fucking queer I hate that knob gobbler
I wiped and the undertow smashed me into the reef...coral ripped open my nutsack and one of my testicles was hanging out when they rescued me
I was in the hospital for 4 weeks and have pics of Laird there visiting me
I have the top comment on a Teahupoo video on here because the surfing accident I suffered was famous in the papers
I was in Sydney have tryed it tvo of my teeths got falen of a smash
from a board . inBondibeach.but did not regreted it.