Billabong surf trip: Maldives

Billabong sent the Summer 2012 Surf Capsule collection and the girls surf team to the Maldives. Here is what they came back with.

Billabong surf trip: Maldives sentiment_very_dissatisfied 127

Surf 12 years ago 858,973 views

Billabong sent the Summer 2012 Surf Capsule collection and the girls surf team to the Maldives. Here is what they came back with.

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Most popular comments
for Billabong surf trip: Maldives

John Jones
John Jones - 7 years ago
Surf ur heart out from Indiana
grahamjarman - 7 years ago
occy! also, the world needs women surfers to brighten it
lasonrisadelisa - 7 years ago
Cuidado con la compra por internet. Una atención al público pésima y una filosofía nefasta. Mi experiencia se resume en la realización de un pedido para regalar en un cumpleaños compuesto de una cartera (regalo principal), unas chanclas y un cinturón (las chanclas y el cinturón se compró para no pagar los costes de envío y así aprovechar el regalar alguna cosilla más). El día 1 de septiembre realizan el envío, el día 6 se recibe en mi domicilio con la sorpresa de que la cartera no esta, tan solo ha llegado las chanclas y el cinturón. Recibo un mensaje de billabong el mismo día de recepción del pedido (6 de septiembre) en el que se me informa que la cartera está sin stock. Me realizan un nuevo cobro sin yo dar permiso. Mando un mensaje con la intención de querer devolver la compra amén de que he quedado fatal con la persona del cumpleaños pues esperaba la cartera. La respuesta de billabong en resumen es que me joda, así son las cosas y no se puede hacer nada. Les hago llegar un nuevo mensaje el día 12 de septiembre, el cual no he recibido respuesta alguna.

Considero que deben de cambiar la política de envíos, y si se quedan sin stock, informar previamente al cliente antes de realizar el envío pues por lo menos dar minimamente la oportunidad de en este caso cambiar el modelo de la cartera o cancelar el pedido. Una empresa de este tipo debe de cuidar este tipo de cosas. Con esto han conseguido que no vuelva a comprar ningún producto de esta marca. Esto me da que pensar que Billabong tan solo busca el interés monetario sin cuidar el interés del cliente. Prima el dinero a toda costa.
Motaz Aziz
Motaz Aziz - 7 years ago
Amazing video
Find best travel deals for Maldives and worldwide on :
Brian Galvan
Brian Galvan - 7 years ago
nathaia sardou
nathaia sardou - 7 years ago
show demais!
bestvideos4ever1 - 7 years ago
Jonathan Stack
Jonathan Stack - 7 years ago
This isn't really a surf movie, surf movies have...surfing.
Broda Wolf
Broda Wolf - 7 years ago

10. comment for Billabong surf trip: Maldives

PLAYwithGregg - 8 years ago
Nice looking ladies. :)
Radomir Jovanovic
Radomir Jovanovic - 8 years ago
Teletabisi beskorisni
Zimam Manik
Zimam Manik - 8 years ago
Josh Randal
Josh Randal - 8 years ago
This is indeed a dream come true. The only suggestion I would make is that the sponsor and the team would greatly benefit from some modest silicone implants.
mark williams
mark williams - 8 years ago
wow. fucking amazing
Joao Pereira
Joao Pereira - 8 years ago
pico e esse!!!!!!!!
Nazeeh .m
Nazeeh .m - 8 years ago
Maldives is not a island of India asshole. Maldives is a country in the middle of Indian ocean. please do correct the thing she is saying in 0:09
Brenda princesa Lindaa
Brenda princesa Lindaa - 7 years ago
Nazeeh .m No one cares about your stupid insignificant country, who cares if Maldives is a country, an island? We go there to surf and see some exotic shit and that's all it's good for really
alcass25 - 8 years ago
She says an Island Off India, meaning off the coast of India.
fatbadboy329 - 8 years ago
The Maldives is a tropical nation in the Indian Ocean composed of 26 ring-shaped atolls, which are made up of more than 1,000 coral islands.
Nazeeh .m
Nazeeh .m - 8 years ago
así que no puedo entender lo que está diciendo
Nazeeh .m
Nazeeh .m - 8 years ago
sorry English please!
Maria Belen Muñoz
Maria Belen Muñoz - 8 years ago
negro de mierda que carajo insultas porque se equivoco ???
Joildo anjos de souza
Joildo anjos de souza - 8 years ago
maravilha olha so a muisica valeu mesmo
Joildo anjos de souza
Joildo anjos de souza - 8 years ago
bom dia as imagens maguinificas lindas de coracao
Joildo anjos de souza
Joildo anjos de souza - 8 years ago
lindo o surf e as gatas parabens

20. comment for Billabong surf trip: Maldives

ryry50001 - 8 years ago
what are the surfers names?
B Nash
B Nash - 8 years ago
is this about surfing or an advertisement about a hotel get to surfing
RangerOfAlcyone - 8 years ago
The 'melting pot' is just a spurious genocidal SCAM to extinguish White People with interracial relationships. The 'melting pot' is WRONG, White Genocide was the plan ALL ALONG! Resist White Genocide.
love sashaG
love sashaG - 8 years ago
I love the surfer girl . I think they were sexy , pretty, adorable , cool , and it's not because they use bikini and also shows a portion of their body . but seen from the lives of those who love the sea , the waves and of course also with surfing . the way they walk , talk , their style is simple but cool .the point is i love the surfer girl.:D
Syd - 8 years ago
Everyone who wants to know the name of the song around 14:20ish it's by the Lab Partner's and it's called Back's Against the Wall :]
Ana Possolini
Ana Possolini - 9 years ago
Se inscrevam no meu canal, comento sobre futebol e SURF
charlie Campuzan
charlie Campuzan - 9 years ago
Where you guys from?
Joao Havelange
Joao Havelange - 9 years ago
Maldives is a country
Jmikey - 9 years ago
Are there any heterosexual girl surfers?
Jmikey - 9 years ago
+Randsurfer oh no good luck
Randsurfer - 9 years ago
You said 'girl'.
Jmikey - 9 years ago
+Randsurfer i said female
Randsurfer - 9 years ago
+Jmikey I think Sunny Garcia is hetero.
annasandstrom82 - 9 years ago
+Jmikey no
francesco chilelli
francesco chilelli - 9 years ago

30. comment for Billabong surf trip: Maldives

Le Chat
Le Chat - 9 years ago
ok they're just so awesome !!
Teck Koon Lim
Teck Koon Lim - 9 years ago
Maldives is not just an island, it's an archipelago and island country in the Indian Ocean. Southwest of India and Sri Lanka.
Lyn Jessecca
Lyn Jessecca - 9 years ago
I just enjoy this video so much.
Tony Carroll
Tony Carroll - 9 years ago
+Lyn Jessecca me Too its just Goshhh ?>>>>>
Di Ponta
Di Ponta - 9 years ago
Herbert Añari Ramirez
Herbert Añari Ramirez - 9 years ago
Luz Lopez
Luz Lopez - 10 years ago
Philippe Juncker
Philippe Juncker - 10 years ago
When are women going to be given more credit for being fucking awesome surfers in the way they're presented in videos? 

Why the tanning/foody montage? Why would you open the surfing with a random dude? Come on..
Lucas J
Lucas J - 9 years ago
Women's surfing is getting more credit slowly. The reason why their was footage of eating etc is because women's surfing is branded much more toward the "it's a lifestyle" side of things compared to the men's. Personally though I prefer this approach and even when I watch "men's" surf videos, I much prefer the free surf stuff to the contests
NorthOCkook - 10 years ago
0:49 was just awkward
Abuse of mainstream media can harm your mind!
Abuse of mainstream media can harm your mind! - 10 years ago
Just seen shocking footage from the Maldives: SALAFIST government, sharia law including death sentence for minors! Journalists almost beaten to death for asking questions about bribery......  DO NOT SUPPORT THIS GOVERNMENT BY BRINGING YOUR MONEY TO THE MALDIVES!
bobbie joe shmo
bobbie joe shmo - 10 years ago
0:25 Divine.......
birdman bl
birdman bl - 10 years ago
wonderful piece
ignacio acuña pereira
ignacio acuña pereira - 10 years ago
verry verry nice I like me so much the video 
and the places is so beautiful you are in other planet the water a lot places is perfect 
the surf is magic
aubrey x
aubrey x - 10 years ago
André Paiva
André Paiva - 7 years ago
Minha Pica na sua xoxota
Ar Sou
Ar Sou - 7 years ago
flylikeabutterflystinglikeabee - 10 years ago
I didn't think i'd watch the whole video....totally worth the 17:37 min of my life walked away with some great songs for me underwater playlist.
Brian Rapp
Brian Rapp - 10 years ago
1997 Brian rapp longhaired surfkid longboarder waterways surfed becons with Tony hussain Brian filmed cortney conaloge at newport 56st jetty big and glassy lefts canyonlocalfilmscom
Radley Watler
Radley Watler - 10 years ago
she says the icy blue water isnt found anywhere else on earth, but its almost everywhere 
andre chagas
andre chagas - 10 years ago
ivan alahi garcía pioquinto
ivan alahi garcía pioquinto - 10 years ago
Nick P
Nick P - 11 years ago
whats that awesome song at the end she was singing?
Mohamed Rushwan
Mohamed Rushwan - 11 years ago
One of the women in the video states that #Maldives is an island of #India - What ?????
Matt Baynes
Matt Baynes - 11 years ago
OFF India. 

50. comment for Billabong surf trip: Maldives

Independenza Records
Independenza Records - 11 years ago
After that one...go to Maldives for a ride party
PassionPeche56 - 11 years ago
nice video
Bruno Kalaf
Bruno Kalaf - 11 years ago
Aloha ...Woohoo
Vanessa R
Vanessa R - 11 years ago
these girls are gonna get eaten by sharks.
iLiveOnFijiTime - 11 years ago
I wanna be a shark. Nom nom nom nom. :) 
zifran zippo
zifran zippo - 11 years ago
Chris Ryan
Chris Ryan - 11 years ago
its amazing how good chicks are shredding these days..
Hillel BESNARD - 11 years ago
I like her feets !!
Hillel BESNARD - 11 years ago
I want be married with elessa !!
She's so cute so gorgeous, and good surf !
I will meet billabong team and congratulation her girls amazing ! 
Savage Inc.
Savage Inc. - 11 years ago
Very Nice!
ronaldo cesar
ronaldo cesar - 11 years ago
altas ondas
Kdawg24 - 11 years ago
This is the greatest thing nice job billabong amazing video
koreaflyfisher - 11 years ago
Caucasians only in non Caucasian environment....
chilledspace - 11 years ago
Don't know why anyone would dislike this upload. Oh yeah, Jealousy.
cutes gloss
cutes gloss - 11 years ago
no i think shes on rip curl or roxy
Maxine Simard
Maxine Simard - 11 years ago
I wanna be able to surf like them <3
Madeline M
Madeline M - 11 years ago
3:40 they finally jump in the water!
Christian charles
Christian charles - 11 years ago
I will go there and if I possibly die their, I will die with no regrets.
Maria Pia
Maria Pia - 11 years ago
Amazing video! Thanks!
Anne Vanderwoude
Anne Vanderwoude - 11 years ago
is alana blachard on this team?
Gabbaman24 - 11 years ago
The sixth girl
Sarah Jackson
Sarah Jackson - 11 years ago
That's Justine
Gabbaman24 - 11 years ago
Anyone knows the name of the girl at 1:50???
tacioii - 11 years ago
arjun pande
arjun pande - 11 years ago
p c goyal jaisalmer
p c goyal jaisalmer - 11 years ago
Paradise in the world just got here
David O'Hara
David O'Hara - 11 years ago
Anyone know the song at 3:46?
Pedro Strom
Pedro Strom - 11 years ago
who knows where it is exactly ... where aRE THE MALDIVES WAVES ?
Pierre Sulilatu
Pierre Sulilatu - 11 years ago
wow ... amazing
Olatz Surf
Olatz Surf - 11 years ago
wish i was there!
ShankYouSir777 - 11 years ago
Wow. Some people just have it so hard...
Tiago Pombo
Tiago Pombo - 12 years ago
"Maldives, an island of India"? Serious? You couldn't get the first sentence right? Through how many people did this pass until being public? Can you fire them please? Can someone brief the teams about where they are going, specially which country? And no one noticed that? It's in the Indian Ocean, not in India.
Elizabeth Nelson
Elizabeth Nelson - 12 years ago
i wish this was my life. love you girls <3
Juliet Vye
Juliet Vye - 12 years ago
Mathias Miguez
Mathias Miguez - 12 years ago
beautiful life
dwd ded
dwd ded - 12 years ago
These girls r cool i dnt kno them but they surf ill and travel the worldddd i wanna taglalog and surf wit them
noxiouseels - 12 years ago
Before you judge her, make sure that you are perfect.
Jully Molina
Jully Molina - 12 years ago
This girls are surfers, not models.
abdessamad saad
abdessamad saad - 12 years ago
Very Nice Trip (y)
weed puller
weed puller - 12 years ago
weed puller
weed puller - 12 years ago
Diego Arbbrucezze
Diego Arbbrucezze - 12 years ago
Iana Nonan
Iana Nonan - 12 years ago
Stop copying Tahiti
Iana Nonan
Iana Nonan - 12 years ago
wow they are so hot
497jaydee - 12 years ago
Looks like a dream scenario.
Carys Boulton
Carys Boulton - 12 years ago
@Tristin're a fuckwit
tristin deinsac
tristin deinsac - 12 years ago
ripcurl has hotter girls..
Bryce Ava Wettstein
Bryce Ava Wettstein - 12 years ago
We really enjoyed it and appreciate anything that presents us girls surfing. One suggestion if we may - next time cut in at least one full length ride instead of just cutting from turn to turn so we can appreciate the wave and break in a macro sense, and show at least one wave riddent in real time instead of every single cut in slow motion so we can get a sense of speed. Occy was a nice touch! Normally we don't tolerate boys crashing girls surf movies very well:)
60O09 - 12 years ago
Maldives is not an island of India!!!
infamoushambe - 12 years ago
this is where i live and how i wish i get more of these waves
fancytv - 12 years ago
Che sogno ragazze!!! What a dream girls!!!! This is life!!!!!!!!

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The "Billabong surf trip: Maldives" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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