Body Surfers at "The Wedge" on 6-7-2013 10 to 15 ft+ Waves, Newport Beach, CA
Surf 11 years ago 137,789 views
For more incredible giant wave videos, check out "Waves of Gigantic Size": Video posted on 6-7-2013 from "The Wedge" in Newport Beach, CA. First southern swell of 2013. This place is known for it's incredible break off the jetty which forces the wave to almost double the height. Body surfers and body boarders rule this place. There is a time set for Surfboards. Flags on the lifeguard stands determine what is allowed at any particular time. Yellow flag means experienced only with proper equipment. if it's a yellow flag with a black ball , that means body surfers and body boarders only. Red flag means very big and rough surf. Video was taken with an iPad 3 with telephoto lens on a tripod and an iPhone. I use to body surf this place in 1960. Very erratic wave when it gets over 12 feet.
who would bother?
i'm gonna go finish the dishes....
10. comment for Body Surfers at "The Wedge" on 6-7-2013 10 to 15 ft+ Waves, Newport Beach, CA
20. comment for Body Surfers at "The Wedge" on 6-7-2013 10 to 15 ft+ Waves, Newport Beach, CA
Try to lay more on your side (hollower waves) in your lay-out. Or your back and shoulders.
Iron Crotch Chi Gung.
Frankly - it rarely looks fun enough for me to want ANY. Bodysurf versus other options should be left to the good judgment of those who enter the water.
Is Mavericks any less dangerous? No. But, at least I don't generally have to get STATE approval (or at least acknowledgement) before claiming whatz MINE, in the fashion of my choosing - while in that locale.
It'z a political issue. Check the movie "Dirty Old Wedge" - it tells much of the story. Often quite well.
May (?3)1st to October 10AM-5PM is Balled.
The word has a fraternal significance. It is also a regime followed at many more crowded beaches in the SoCal Summer. Most BlackBall allows Boogies - Wedge is unique in that respect - to my knowledge.
Boomers, near La Jolla Cove, has a similar stricture against Floatation devices - but 24/7/365.
On O'ahu - Point Panic is similarly zoned. Where, if you like surf Sandy's...we like laugh. Pipeline is according to Terry Ahue - "Blackball'D wit BLACKSHORTZ". So apparently there are other wayz.
At certain times of the day only body surfers are allowed to body surf this spot called the Wedge. They do have times for the surfers and they are many videos showing the surfers and bodyboarders.
Thanks for watching,
30. comment for Body Surfers at "The Wedge" on 6-7-2013 10 to 15 ft+ Waves, Newport Beach, CA
@ 8'-9' Hawaiian, or lower tides with more S - SE swells it starts to offer more shape. Even "easy" roll-ins. Full freights can have great shape. But the speed and unrelenting nature make them the 'unridden realm' for most Bodysurfers. Not all tho'.
50. comment for Body Surfers at "The Wedge" on 6-7-2013 10 to 15 ft+ Waves, Newport Beach, CA