Bodyboard vs Surf - Red Bull Tow Out Session
Surf 12 years ago 862,493 views
For more Surfing paddle over to Bodyboard vs Surf. This is the motivation behind the Red Bull Tow Out Session where Hugo Pinheiro and Vasco Ribeiro go head to head doing their thing. Between broken boards, some great aerials, and some rivalry, in the end only you will be able to decide who was more impressive. Bodyboard vs Surf. Este é o mote do Red Bull Tow Out Session realizado por Hugo Pinheiro e Vasco Ribeiro. Peniche foi o palco do confronto e como poderás ver valeu um pouco de tudo. Entre pranchas partidas, grandes áreos e alguma rivalidade, no fim apenas tu poderás decidir qual a melhor modalidade. Créditos musicais: Red Bull Content Pool Audio Library ( _____________________________________________________ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. Red Bull on Facebook: Red Bull on Twitter: Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: Subscribe to the Red Bulletin: Sign up for our Newsletter here:
10. comment for Bodyboard vs Surf - Red Bull Tow Out Session
and have more fair because you see the wave down-up
20. comment for Bodyboard vs Surf - Red Bull Tow Out Session
30. comment for Bodyboard vs Surf - Red Bull Tow Out Session
Go the LID
But I do bodyboarding. So screw stick monkeys that hate on it.
50. comment for Bodyboard vs Surf - Red Bull Tow Out Session
ur not colour blind!
100. comment for Bodyboard vs Surf - Red Bull Tow Out Session