Bodyboard vs Surf - Red Bull Tow Out Session

For more Surfing paddle over to Bodyboard vs Surf. This is the motivation behind the Red Bull Tow Out Session where Hugo Pinheiro and Vasco Ribeiro go head to head doing their thing. Between broken boards, some great aerials, and some rivalry, in the end only you will be able to decide who was more impressive. Bodyboard vs Surf. Este é o mote do Red Bull Tow Out Session realizado por Hugo Pinheiro e Vasco Ribeiro. Peniche foi o palco do confronto e como poderás ver valeu um pouco de tudo. Entre pranchas partidas, grandes áreos e alguma rivalidade, no fim apenas tu poderás decidir qual a melhor modalidade. Créditos musicais: Red Bull Content Pool Audio Library ( _____________________________________________________ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. Red Bull on Facebook: Red Bull on Twitter: Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: Subscribe to the Red Bulletin: Sign up for our Newsletter here:

Bodyboard vs Surf - Red Bull Tow Out Session sentiment_very_dissatisfied 149

Surf 12 years ago 862,493 views

For more Surfing paddle over to Bodyboard vs Surf. This is the motivation behind the Red Bull Tow Out Session where Hugo Pinheiro and Vasco Ribeiro go head to head doing their thing. Between broken boards, some great aerials, and some rivalry, in the end only you will be able to decide who was more impressive. Bodyboard vs Surf. Este é o mote do Red Bull Tow Out Session realizado por Hugo Pinheiro e Vasco Ribeiro. Peniche foi o palco do confronto e como poderás ver valeu um pouco de tudo. Entre pranchas partidas, grandes áreos e alguma rivalidade, no fim apenas tu poderás decidir qual a melhor modalidade. Créditos musicais: Red Bull Content Pool Audio Library ( _____________________________________________________ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. Red Bull on Facebook: Red Bull on Twitter: Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: Subscribe to the Red Bulletin: Sign up for our Newsletter here:

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Most popular comments
for Bodyboard vs Surf - Red Bull Tow Out Session

Kane Gibson
Kane Gibson - 7 years ago
I do prefer bodyboarding but no hate to surfing. As long as we're out there having fun then you can ride a wave with an inflatable matress
JM AF - 7 years ago
Have to admit it, think the sponger wins this one.
CPA Rede de Proteção
CPA Rede de Proteção - 7 years ago
Italo Orihuela
Italo Orihuela - 7 years ago
Bodyboard ForEVER from Peru<3
terreur rouge
terreur rouge - 7 years ago
Bodyboard win
GreatFratsby - 7 years ago
That'd be so fun to get towed in like that and just send it off the lip
Blah Blah
Blah Blah - 8 years ago
Must do!
Excite // Scootering
Excite // Scootering - 8 years ago
I love both the sports and I do both the sports in real life.
GRIMACE - 8 years ago
GRIMACE - 8 years ago
jk bodyboarder frog

10. comment for Bodyboard vs Surf - Red Bull Tow Out Session

BM - 8 years ago
There both sick, i am i bodyboarder myself and i dont care if i someone surfs
Geometry Black
Geometry Black - 8 years ago
Conor Sheridan
Conor Sheridan - 8 years ago
I love both. Even though I've done bodyboarding my whole life I just like to get a beater, go to wedge, and get smashed every wave
Samuel Jeavons
Samuel Jeavons - 8 years ago
intro was really well done
Milton Nieves
Milton Nieves - 8 years ago
Such a Fun video!
Sergio Lacave
Sergio Lacave - 8 years ago
Body is more funny in my opinion
Phat Snag
Phat Snag - 8 years ago
If you learn do to tricks then yeah
pirate 709
pirate 709 - 8 years ago
Ana Machado
Ana Machado - 8 years ago
bodyboard ever is more hard to do the moves ir air and fun
Swagenseller - 8 years ago
complete opposite surfing is like skating
i A
i A - 8 years ago
Ana Machado it's like skateboarding
Parker Jepson
Parker Jepson - 8 years ago
Surfing takes more skill but bodyboarding is easier in my opinion
JM AF - 8 years ago
Parker Jepson ummmm, you do realise that bodyboarders stand up as well? How does surfing take more skill?
Ana Machado
Ana Machado - 8 years ago
Parker Jepson is easy in white water , but in 10 + ft waves is hard .
and have more fair because you see the wave down-up
Harry Searles
Harry Searles - 8 years ago
Bodyboarding is more fun in my opinion

20. comment for Bodyboard vs Surf - Red Bull Tow Out Session

robbie7 - 8 years ago
Those waves look so fun to ride
Kosta Sechkar
Kosta Sechkar - 8 years ago
Robbie07 no they are closeup waves
Islem Maali
Islem Maali - 8 years ago
The Best ever is : BODYBOARD !!!! :P
JPMBful - 8 years ago
Sport vs Hobby - Red Bull Tow Out Session
Le Koala
Le Koala - 8 years ago
damon79 - 8 years ago
There are just certain things you can do on a bodyboard that you can't on a surfboard. I do both and feel closer with the wave on a stand up but love the air time on a punchy wedge when on a lid.
Ben Terronez
Ben Terronez - 8 years ago
Same here
Alvaro Ayala
Alvaro Ayala - 8 years ago
who get higher?
Forrest Gump ROLYAT
Forrest Gump ROLYAT - 8 years ago
I reckon Jeff Hubbard would punch the absolute fuck out of Jon Jon Florence
Ashley Zequeida
Ashley Zequeida - 8 years ago
I like bodyboard because i like the way the water hit my pennis when i catch the wave is like masturbating without using hands :v
Forrest Gump ROLYAT
Forrest Gump ROLYAT - 8 years ago
Thats what a soft cock weekend worrier long boarder would say.
Beñat Irazusta
Beñat Irazusta - 9 years ago
Pedro Sousa
Pedro Sousa - 9 years ago

30. comment for Bodyboard vs Surf - Red Bull Tow Out Session

EagleARMy - 9 years ago
Pretty much all much mates who surf, cant even bottom turn on a bodyboard. Surfing isn't even that hard so stop bragging about it.
Max Drewe
Max Drewe - 9 years ago
And then there is John John Florence
JM AF - 8 years ago
Max Drewe let's see how well JJF can stand on a bodyboard. Pretty sure he'd do it well, but not as well as Hubbard. People at the top of their game are all awesome.
Harold Finkle
Harold Finkle - 9 years ago
why is the bodyboarder wearing flippers??
Alvaro Ayala
Alvaro Ayala - 8 years ago
+Tom Facken Southwell haha haters.
Tom Facken Southwell
Tom Facken Southwell - 9 years ago
+Harold Finkle yep idiot.. its not just to paddle out, its to turn... and be stable
Joao Martins
Joao Martins - 9 years ago
+Harold Finkle for extra stability in the water? 
Harold Finkle
Harold Finkle - 9 years ago
im mean that its not like he is paddling into these waves. so why does he need flippers you fuck head
Tom Facken Southwell
Tom Facken Southwell - 9 years ago
+Harold Finkle IDIOT
Harold Finkle
Harold Finkle - 9 years ago
+Muhammad Afif he is getting towed into them by a jetski dock head
M Afif
M Afif - 9 years ago
+Harold Finkle noob. he needs to keep paddling when the wave comes, if he wears no flippers then he only gets weak propulsion and then wipeout
Phat Snag
Phat Snag - 9 years ago
+Joao Martins they wear them everywhere. It's just that why is he wearing them when he dosen't need to paddle onto waves?
Joao Martins
Joao Martins - 9 years ago
+Harold Finkle Bodyboarders always wear flippers here in Portugal, is that uncommon?
Lor00D - 9 years ago
And the winner is !!!! The jet ski
richard allen
richard allen - 9 years ago
surfmike21 - 9 years ago
I'm so amused that people think that bodyboarding looks better or cooler than surfing. Anybody can lay on a little piece of foam and ride onto shore... Surfing obviously requires more skill.. Anybody who disagrees with me is a KOOK.
JM AF - 8 years ago
surfmike21 ummmmmmm - you do realise that bodyboarders stand up as well? Not sure how surfing takes more skill. Admittedly bodyboarders tend to drop knee more often than they stand up - because standing up isn't possible with fins - but, personally I find it easier to stand on a surfboard than a bodyboard. A lot easier in fact.
Seb_s L
Seb_s L - 8 years ago
+John Boy yes
John Boy
John Boy - 8 years ago
Jamie O'Brien disagrees.
Isaac Groves
Isaac Groves - 9 years ago
+surfmike21 lying on a 'little piece of foam and riding onto shore' isn't bodyboarding though. Not anybody can properly ride a wave and complete tricks whilst doing it. You're the type of spud that make watermen look brainless dickless and uneducated.
Bobbyguydude - 9 years ago
Anyone with your logic is a KOOK
Darren Simpson
Darren Simpson - 9 years ago
Anyone know what that first song is called starting at 0:52?
Jabuh - 9 years ago
So does anyone land anything or...?
Lor00D - 9 years ago
+Corey Haagsma The bodyboarder pulls of loads of shit.
Rhys Boxsell
Rhys Boxsell - 9 years ago
Denes Carvalho Gomes
Denes Carvalho Gomes - 9 years ago
bodyboard em fortaleza énóiscompadre
Heavenly Air
Heavenly Air - 9 years ago
epic, i like the air revo action.
Bobbyguydude - 9 years ago
If you are hating on either sport then you aren't a true waterman. True waterman don't give a f about what you ride but about your skill. If you're a kook than you deserve to be treated like one no matter what sport. And have you ever seen a bodyboard hating on a surfer for surfing? I haven't. Have you seen a surfer hating on a bodyboarder for bodyboarding? Check this comment section. Surfing doesn't make you better than bodyboarders.
Tom Moore
Tom Moore - 8 years ago
Bobbyguydude I respect that bobbyguydude. I feel ya man
Ernest101au - 9 years ago
+Bobbyguydude Hate on a kook with an attitude. I'm 35, have a local beach.and I bodyboard I will barrel roll on top of a kook if they drop in on me and didn't pay attention to my previous surf etiquette lecture. Respect the locals. We know the break and have your best interests at heart..
Sam lenard
Sam lenard - 9 years ago
I surf and bodyboard I like all of it
Sam lenard
Sam lenard - 9 years ago
So true
Bobbyguydude - 9 years ago
I only hate them if they snake you or get in the way.
JadenYuki190 - 9 years ago
tru, I hate kooks
Lachlan Bull
Lachlan Bull - 9 years ago
I love both of them so I'm not fussed

Man of Water
Man of Water - 9 years ago
love this ! a true waterman will ride anything without having to conform to  a side
JadenYuki190 - 9 years ago
Bodyboarding reminds me of scootering.. Except for the ocean
surfmike21 - 9 years ago
Lmfao best comment I've read so far
Bobbyguydude - 9 years ago
And you remind of some brat who hates bodyboarders for no reason.
Elisandro Costa
Elisandro Costa - 9 years ago
Muito bom
sergioman cruz
sergioman cruz - 9 years ago
LVBrother's - 8 years ago
Carlos Hernandez vas al gringo? yo igual xd
Carlos Hernandez
Carlos Hernandez - 8 years ago
puerto escondido lo mejor despues de El Gringo Arica CHILE eso si
Isaac Cutter
Isaac Cutter - 10 years ago
Both great sports, i prefer bodyboarding but i also enjoy surfing. Y cant surfers and nodyboarders get along. You're all out there enjoying the water. It shouldn't matter if your on foam or fiberglass!
Joey Byrne
Joey Byrne - 10 years ago
i feel like the jetski was the best
Matthew Albury
Matthew Albury - 10 years ago
and Lid wins, Yewwwwww
Go the LID
TheToasterStrudel - 10 years ago
In the end, you're both catching waves.

But I do bodyboarding. So screw stick monkeys that hate on it.

50. comment for Bodyboard vs Surf - Red Bull Tow Out Session

Casper Cameron
Casper Cameron - 10 years ago
i've seen insane airs from professional bodyboarders before, but this was crazy!!
Surfer phillip Island
Surfer phillip Island - 10 years ago
Bodyboarding is awesome and I like it better but surfings wicked as well
Xhale - 10 years ago
There both enjoying the same waves. Both win!
Fabian Gerrard
Fabian Gerrard - 10 years ago
What a friggin lame video. Jetski for sure scores that round. Boring.
AlexParker1981 - 10 years ago
SirDomin8r123 - 10 years ago
the bodyboarder looks hilarious. It looks like someone took a frog and threw it in the air
Tim Gradwell
Tim Gradwell - 7 years ago
thats where the term Frog on Toast comes from
سجاد الاسمر
سجاد الاسمر - 7 years ago
تلنلنلهرززدىؤ زلنامةمىل
سجاد الاسمر
سجاد الاسمر - 7 years ago
Seb_s L
Seb_s L - 8 years ago
It's still looks cool
carlos gonzalez
carlos gonzalez - 10 years ago
Pablo Moser
Pablo Moser - 10 years ago
bodyboarding has way cooler tricks than surfing just admit it guys
Fishing With Jed
Fishing With Jed - 7 years ago
jack 03 who happens to surf
jack 03
jack 03 - 7 years ago
fishing with jed yeh coming from a fisherman
Fishing With Jed
Fishing With Jed - 7 years ago
Pablo Moser yeah laying down is so much cooler than standing up which takes skill
vincent menudier
vincent menudier - 9 years ago
+Pablo Moser so true bro !!
Pablo Cid
Pablo Cid - 9 years ago
+Pablo Moser ikr!
Aniculaeasa Vlad
Aniculaeasa Vlad - 10 years ago
Y love surfing.
Austin Jones
Austin Jones - 10 years ago
they should've picked clay marzo, but he doesn't ride for red bull.
pandaaa22 - 10 years ago
what did they write on the car at the end?
Condominio pinheiros de moel
Condominio pinheiros de moel - 10 years ago
and they where happely ever after
Jake Cameron
Jake Cameron - 10 years ago
bodyboarding is way better the surfer in this video bailed out on like all the waves so the bodyboarder was better in this and bodyboarding is better!
Pablo Ferguson
Pablo Ferguson - 10 years ago
bodyboarding wins!!!!!!!!!
Peter Robinson
Peter Robinson - 10 years ago
jet ski wins that 1
Tom de Groot
Tom de Groot - 10 years ago
Jet skiing is more impressive :)
KahikohammaH - 10 years ago
The stigma needs to stop seriously. Surfers can do things bodyboarders cannot and vice versa
Terran Ablett
Terran Ablett - 10 years ago
hahaha isn't it funny how all the aggressive comments are from stand-ups :p cant we all just live in peace
Ezra cohen
Ezra cohen - 10 years ago
Fuck u
Jordan Baker
Jordan Baker - 10 years ago
sufers still get more pussy
jack 03
jack 03 - 7 years ago
but only for a one off tho
mathew oliver
mathew oliver - 10 years ago
they should've got jake stone out there on a bodyboard 
Frisy 96
Frisy 96 - 10 years ago
Body boarding is much better. just saying
Rayhan Hall
Rayhan Hall - 10 years ago
bodyboarder is way better gets way better air
GC BOOGER - 10 years ago
No, actually you wouldn't. A lot of surfers/bodyboarders are high school drop outs, young kids or just average people who don't give a shit about their punctuation and grammar on Youtube. 
Jackson Cortez
Jackson Cortez - 10 years ago
No, but you would expect someone to have the correct terminology down IF they had any aquatic ability
GC BOOGER - 10 years ago
+Jackson Cortez Because literary ability = aquatic ability ?? 
Jackson Cortez
Jackson Cortez - 10 years ago
You probably have no aquatic abilities by the way you speak; "...way better air..."
Mellamanpingu algo mas
Mellamanpingu algo mas - 10 years ago
bodyboard broke surf meeen yeahhhh
Jack Schreuder
Jack Schreuder - 10 years ago
both are excellent water sports to get into i personally prefer surfing
leilson rocha
leilson rocha - 10 years ago
bodyboard é fooooooooooooooodaa, valeu
bastian ian julio calderon
bastian ian julio calderon - 10 years ago
Volar o armonía ;)
Benjamen S.
Benjamen S. - 11 years ago
Why can't we be friends
IPaparazzi - 11 years ago
e viveram felizes para sempre ^^ rsrsrs
Rio Tana
Rio Tana - 11 years ago
Ahah the bodyboarder is gonna win when you're getting whipped into a heavy closeout every time, but who cares? They're both sick sports and haters from both sides can fuck offf
Tom Facken Southwell
Tom Facken Southwell - 10 years ago
were all having fun. thats all that matters :)
Fabrizio Van Marciano
Fabrizio Van Marciano - 11 years ago
Respect for both sports :) being physically able to do both these things is a gift we can't take for granted...
brendan gloyd
brendan gloyd - 11 years ago
bodyboard win
Arthur Oliveira
Arthur Oliveira - 11 years ago
Que final GAY
johnyboy6405 - 11 years ago
Bodyboard is such a stylish and beautiful sport...
EPICsound24 - 9 years ago
+johnyboy6405 said me..
Brandonn Zamudio
Brandonn Zamudio - 10 years ago
+IamJohnCitizen with cerebral damage
IamJohnCitizen - 11 years ago
said no one ever
joshua cooke
joshua cooke - 11 years ago
riley kawananakoa
riley kawananakoa - 11 years ago
the second bodyboard was black while the first was red.
jack 03
jack 03 - 7 years ago
the test results are in...

ur not colour blind!
Julio Conde
Julio Conde - 11 years ago
Jetski wins :)
Joao Victor
Joao Victor - 10 years ago
accept the reality :)
Joao Victor
Joao Victor - 10 years ago
the same way bodyboard would win
Mark Denny
Mark Denny - 11 years ago
and in the end, bodyboarders are still gay
Sean MacDonald
Sean MacDonald - 9 years ago
+Jack Denny yes someones sexuality hinges on whether or not they stand up and what board they ride
jake johnson
jake johnson - 10 years ago
+Bryony Higginson Not only is that hypocritical, you look like a fucking infant with that horrific spelling. If YOU'RE going to insult someone, please, do better.
Bryony Higginson
Bryony Higginson - 10 years ago
And in the end it turns out your the gay bodyboader that can't even keep your mouth shut
Troy Lombardo
Troy Lombardo - 10 years ago
i do both bodyboading and surfing, im sponsered for both, it depends on the conditions, but bodyboarding is not gay at all
Troy Innes
Troy Innes - 10 years ago
+arec colon-aldeguer  yip, I body board, surf and skate and they all have their time and place
arec colon-aldeguer
arec colon-aldeguer - 10 years ago
+richy4123 whens the last time you seen somebody do a kickflip?  better yet, have you ever done a kickflip?  
LynxJinx - 10 years ago
you're probably a beginner surfer that can't surf but thinks he can, faggot.
Timmy O'Tool
Timmy O'Tool - 10 years ago
+Chris Brown look up Julian Wilson's Sushi Roll... 
Jacob Romer
Jacob Romer - 10 years ago
do u surf 
NoahJsevEN - 10 years ago
Well sir... I do bodyboarding and surfing..... nothing gay about that...
JM Moura
JM Moura - 10 years ago
An you're still a wanker.
jake johnson
jake johnson - 11 years ago
+richy4123 Well considering you can stand up on a bodyboard and do EVERYTHING you can on a surfboard that holds no weight. Infact we can do even more standing on one because we can spin and do pop shuv-its. Look up stand up bodyboarding if you don't believe me.
Jacob Romer
Jacob Romer - 11 years ago
u suck dicks for a living 
Chuck Norris
Chuck Norris - 11 years ago
in the end youre still a huge fucking faggot +Jack Denny 
Richy Sb
Richy Sb - 11 years ago
+Chris Brown that means nothing on a bodyboard considering the skill differences (i surf) for eg, you can kick flip on surfboard but can't on a bodyboard like the back flip
Chris Brown
Chris Brown - 11 years ago
How is that exactly? he did a backflip haha the surfer did a few spins and cutbacks...
José Germano
José Germano - 11 years ago
Awesome! Top bodyboarding...
Duarte nunes
Duarte nunes - 11 years ago
Jordan Massaneia
Jordan Massaneia - 11 years ago
Muito legal
Stoon 7alazoon
Stoon 7alazoon - 11 years ago
Mauricio Amorim
Mauricio Amorim - 11 years ago
bodyboard , very good !
Carlos Estrela
Carlos Estrela - 11 years ago
Henry Drummond
Henry Drummond - 11 years ago
nothing really coool about bodyboarding your just lying down
Jake Flores
Jake Flores - 11 years ago
NiCoLoCor - 11 years ago
go BB!
play_straight - 11 years ago
badtrollsrbad - 11 years ago
i didn't know that the red power ranger surfed???
Hayd - 11 years ago
bodyboarding by far...
Tom Constable
Tom Constable - 11 years ago
Jet Ski!
Charles Deshoux
Charles Deshoux - 11 years ago

100. comment for Bodyboard vs Surf - Red Bull Tow Out Session

Jonathan Fajardo González
Jonathan Fajardo González - 11 years ago
after the surfboard is done the bodyboarder still rides ;)
Pablo dos Santos
Pablo dos Santos - 11 years ago
bodyboard winner :D
Pablo dos Santos
Pablo dos Santos - 11 years ago
bodyboard tem mais manobras desculpa aew
MoogArt70 - 11 years ago
see some crazy landings in: " comportamentos de risco - bodyboard "
Max Gaud
Max Gaud - 11 years ago
Joao Torres
Joao Torres - 11 years ago
Tropa hugo pinheiro :) boas ondas
Dave Tax
Dave Tax - 11 years ago
AMYAS Seek Truth
AMYAS Seek Truth - 11 years ago
bodyboard <3<3<3<3<3
Daniel Knappe
Daniel Knappe - 11 years ago
No need to be launched in. Only way I'd be impressed is by seeing em drop in on theyre own
ilan lansonneur
ilan lansonneur - 11 years ago
bodyboard <3
Matt Boniface
Matt Boniface - 11 years ago
not really
Leonardo Daniel Salazar Gamboa
Leonardo Daniel Salazar Gamboa - 11 years ago
that song is?
Mike Hawk
Mike Hawk - 11 years ago
thank god that surf board broke... theres no way that full board would have fit in that car...
Rodrigo Azan
Rodrigo Azan - 11 years ago
o surfista virou bodyboarder foi isso kkkkkkkkk
Elite Baseball
Elite Baseball - 11 years ago
its a lot harder to do airs in surfing than bodyboarding
jack 03
jack 03 - 7 years ago
but its also lot easier to go and type comments about it rather than actually doing it
xXSurfingNetworkHD - 11 years ago
xXSurfingNetworkHD - 11 years ago
im a surfer but that bodyboarder was AWESOME
eleyan -bibic
eleyan -bibic - 11 years ago
like if you love bodyboard
1080famous - 11 years ago
Surfing will always be much cooler
Joel Fonseca
Joel Fonseca - 11 years ago
que boss
Charlytrip - 11 years ago
I prefer.. Jet skiiiiiii !!! héhé
Antonio Ferreira
Antonio Ferreira - 11 years ago
kkkkkk Show Bro.
jose leon
jose leon - 11 years ago
bodyboard yeahhhhh!!!
rollingimge99 - 11 years ago
Bodyboarding is better !!! haha they should have picked a better surfer
Eleno Genehr
Eleno Genehr - 11 years ago
Muito bom!
spacedoughnut - 11 years ago
i've been body boarding for about 2-3 years but before i surfed for about 2-3 years. i dont drop in on any won you are right surfers have 1st pick but not all body boarders are rude
ZOWZAH INC - 11 years ago
i dont think you should stick to one water sport
Jake Bennett
Jake Bennett - 11 years ago
thumbs up if u think surfer is the best
jack 03
jack 03 - 7 years ago
u have no thumbs up...
Jake Bennett
Jake Bennett - 11 years ago
thumbs up if u think bodyboarder is the best
Victor Baucor
Victor Baucor - 11 years ago
surf !
Brock Young
Brock Young - 11 years ago
Fabian Fonseca
Fabian Fonseca - 11 years ago
Try to do some good tricks with no practice. I do both and believe they both are really different sports and that both requires same amount of dedication and skill. Bless.
Jonas Rocha
Jonas Rocha - 11 years ago
Bodyboard Brasil \0/ Estilo Suicida =D
Bear Hunt
Bear Hunt - 11 years ago
Air mofo time bitches.
campos756 - 11 years ago
I like Bodyboard! ;)
Yacine Rahai
Yacine Rahai - 11 years ago
wheere did they leave the Golf ?
TheDannyog - 11 years ago
lachlan.I think before spouting off u should read who we were all responding too aka mr dukestah.and perhaps read the comments he left you have completely got the wrong end of the stick mate and have jumped in with a completely random response.
Lachlan McRobert
Lachlan McRobert - 11 years ago
What the fuck does it matter? Is he enjoying himself? Oh. He is?! Great! Leave it alone - I'm a surfer and a bodyboarder - in my opinion it doesn't matter what you ride- The ocean is for anyone to enjoy, how ever they want to enjoy it, You're the typical Australian surfer fuck head with the attitude of a territorial seagull and the mind of a wall nut. Show some respect for lids because I bet you respect and support Australian rules football but soccer has been around for a lot longer than that
Muarkuss - 11 years ago
Anyone can bodyboard with little to no practice. Way less fun too.
JM AF - 8 years ago
Muarkuss do you even realise that bodyboarders stand up as well? Weird comment. Personally I find it much easier to stand on a surfboard than a 42 inch bodyboard! How long does it take the average person to stand up and ride an unbroken wave in surfing? 2 or 3 hours. Maybe a bit quicker or slower depending on coordination.
xXNaaTeeXx - 11 years ago
the best is skateboarding no this shit
joe nickels
joe nickels - 11 years ago
bodyboarder is the best
ryan sambueno
ryan sambueno - 11 years ago
bodyboard is better
Ryan Simalchik
Ryan Simalchik - 11 years ago
how am I hating on the wave riding? im hating on the kids who have never surfed a day in their life and fucking comment on every post saying how easy surfing is, shit pisses me off when you have to surf for years and years to become halfway decent. and fyi, the person who snakes the kook, is the kook or " koooooook" in your book
Jones Rocha Lima
Jones Rocha Lima - 11 years ago
Felipe Yudi
Felipe Yudi - 11 years ago
jetskii wins
Santiago Leitao
Santiago Leitao - 11 years ago
Surfing at SuperTubos !
alex miñon lage
alex miñon lage - 11 years ago
Bodyboard for the win
Jordan Whale
Jordan Whale - 11 years ago
dasired1995 - 11 years ago
Hey jaiden sullivan, i'd like to see a body surfer take on an 80ft wave and we can call it even
ALEX CLAPP - 11 years ago
Melissa Herrmann
Melissa Herrmann - 11 years ago
whoever talks shit on theses guys ur the fucking kook
nope - 11 years ago
from someone who has never done either but is going to some day. Surfing is all balance and coordination. Body boarding is like a hobby. Your just riding it until you shoot up and ragdoll out. surfing wins.
Chris Ryan
Chris Ryan - 11 years ago
fuckin kooks!! sponges belong in the sink!!
hiphoppin9 - 11 years ago
ur mum? if she can do ars's and cant stand up on a surfboard thats backwards as hell. cause i can surf easy and im a bodyboarder who cant do that
Hayd - 11 years ago
fuck that looks like fun...
Jackson Stockdale
Jackson Stockdale - 11 years ago
i never thought of it that way. i don't really have anything against body boarders unless they drop in on someone , but now that i heard you put it that way i understand why it happens so much, but i still think everyone should take a good look at everyone else before they start paddling, bodyboarder or surfer
Jaiden Sullivan
Jaiden Sullivan - 11 years ago
Fucking stupid surfing kooks. You's have no respect for bodyboarders and most of you's are shitcunts anyway. All you surfers do is snake drop in on people and not land anything. You reckon inverts and air reverses are easy where's your video of you doing them on some chunky 4ft shories . Fuck you shark bait cunts. Go stick your surfboards in your bfs assholes.
mr76dukestah - 11 years ago
HAHAHAHA okkkkkk x) im done LOL
Carl Nagle
Carl Nagle - 11 years ago
then as a surfer u should know that u cant not land something on a bodyboard. they just hold onto their esky lids till they pop back out. my mum can do a.r.s's and inverts on a body board. bet she couldnt even get my 5'8 rubble onto a wave let alone stand up haha. didnt help that red bull used a shit surfer tho
kurtOPL wick
kurtOPL wick - 11 years ago
I know, whats this computer nerd shit talkin wanna be surfer gettin all agro for. comedy haha. im not even gonna feed into his shit anymore. sick vid! boogie and stick gettin sick ones! launching! cant we all just get along ha. face it, theres just as many kook surfers as boogs. funny, i get respect from all the best around so cal. its called dont be a kook, know what your doing, and being good helps.
kurtOPL wick
kurtOPL wick - 11 years ago
by the way you just pissed off alot of people in oside. i dont think you know who your fucking with and who i role with. gangbang oside all homie. keep watching my vid. maybe you'll learn something haha.
kurtOPL wick
kurtOPL wick - 11 years ago
haha you watched my video. whos the fag now. lets see yours you fuckin kook!!?? where you from home boy?
Thomas Gouvignon
Thomas Gouvignon - 11 years ago
you're all faggots arguing over nothing. ERMAGERD IMA KICK YO ASS CAUSE UR LEIK A KOOK AND STUFF
mr76dukestah - 11 years ago
you wouldn't be a problem. ive had to fight kooks before. and i like how that surfer cut you off in your gay ass video (waste of a trip to hawaii btw knee boarding the best waves in the world LOL) . ill do the same thing and then beat the shit out of you
mr76dukestah - 11 years ago
first of all ocean side is a shit hole, now i see why your so upset. i would be too if i lived there. but id happily come down there to beat your ass. i dont use a leash bro ill swim over and punch you the fuck out haha
kurtOPL wick
kurtOPL wick - 11 years ago
wow got some nerve little punk ass kook kid. surfers and boogies are kooks. theres kooks everywhere. You sound like someone that i would consider a green light. dont even look just burn your kook ass. come to oside pier. ill show you with my fist whos a kook. actually dont ever get near oside
slippybannana wool
slippybannana wool - 11 years ago
If you think the bodyboarder did better, you better think twice. Body boarding ur holding onto a light board and you dont have to stand up. Surfing, takes more skill. You are on a heavy board on a wave trying to stand up. Definetly surfing wins.
TheDannyog - 11 years ago
I dont need to make assumptions just by reading what u right i can tell u dont know f all and so can everyone else here ur pissing off your just an angry little kid, time to grow up. The simple fact is if u were a half decent surfer u wouldnt need to worry what everyone else was doing ud be closing them out. kook
mr76dukestah - 11 years ago
i live 2 blocks from the water in avila beach CA. and i surf every single day if i can. so fuck off
mr76dukestah - 11 years ago
how are you gonna make assumptions about me when you have no idea who i am? i surf every single day if i can before work or school, which is why im tired of body boarders. im in the water at 7 am almost every morning, whether its summer winter whatever so stfu. and i dont give attitude in the line up i give respect and get respect unlike the kooks im talking about. get off youtube old man LOL
ProtatoeWoW - 11 years ago
Guys it doesnt matter which is better they both take skill. In the end it takes guts to be out in big surf ive been scared before in 9ft and it didnt matter if you surfed or bodyboarded what mattered is how not to get fucked up and to have fun, thats what its all about right? Even kooks....
TheDannyog - 11 years ago
Just goes to show how little u know saying surfers get 1st pick of waves wat planet u from mate.Ill say at this point im a surfer not sponger and have been for past 22 years before kooks like u came along because u thought it was the fashionable sport to do.U prob go surf about 3 times in the summer and tell everyone ur a surfer.i see thousands like u during the warm weather on my locals. all the gear no idea.u give tht attitude on the line up u aint gonna be allowed a wave all day.idiot
mr76dukestah - 11 years ago
thats cause surfers get first pick of waves, especially the locals. and okkk pal whatever you say. i think ur just butthurt cause you wish you knew how to surf, instead of laying on a piece of sponge. wow takes a whole lot of skill
oscar gallagher
oscar gallagher - 11 years ago
b-boarder wins
TheDannyog - 11 years ago
mr dukestah ur full of shit lets be honest eh.its clear u have alot to say backed with very little knowledge.u cannot brand all spongers as rude because u may have experienced 1. its more like hes probably sat there giving way to u paddling for every ripple and been so pissed off giving way to ur lack of skill hes decided to shut u out.Go back to town.
Ori Dumont
Ori Dumont - 11 years ago
<3 i like
mr76dukestah - 11 years ago
ur comment has shown me how ignorant you really are. theres so much more to surfing than just standing up and turning its an art. u just lay down on a piece of sponge and turn. u clearly know very little about borrowing a waves energy to create art. just keep doin ur thing and getting in peoples way
Alex Grazioso
Alex Grazioso - 11 years ago
Institutionalized Films
Institutionalized Films - 11 years ago
why does the bodyboarder use fins if he is towed?
Nick Verrill
Nick Verrill - 11 years ago
Why's he wearing a helmet he looks like a kook!!!
volcanaustin246 - 11 years ago
bodyboarding itself (especially on prone) is far more demanding on the body than surfing largely because the sponger's core is being used more to steer in the heavy swell. Drop-knee, for me, its weird. I think the Bodyboarder here won over the stand up rider. More air, less bail.
John Melville
John Melville - 11 years ago
Body Boarders drop-in on surfers.... You have to be in a different position to catch a wave on a body board - most surfers are lined up and paddling in when we (body boarders) are lifted by the face and drop in - so its just how we catch waves that causes problems. We wait for the wave to pick us up - and surfers are paddling in. That means we line up closer to the beach and closer to the break point - so you only see us then. Good BB'er have good etiquette - or you get thrashed in the line up
transam6x6 - 11 years ago
oh I didn't realize I was talking to mr76douchestah, the comedy historian. How old exactly is "extremely old"? Are we talking black Michael Jackson? Revolutionary War? BC? Dinosaurs? Big Bang? Enlighten me jizz vacuum.
mr76dukestah - 11 years ago
in my experience bodyboarders are rude and always drop in on surfers and have no etiquette out in the water. careful where you piss the local surfers off.. and btw your just laying down on a piece of styrofoam. its pretty god damn lame just being honest
mr76dukestah - 11 years ago
the irony being that that joke in itself is extremely old. FAIL
transam6x6 - 11 years ago
2002 called, they want their punchline back
mr76dukestah - 11 years ago
HAHAHAHA butt hurtttttttttt
AquaCentauri - 11 years ago
most good bodyboarders who are older usually won't be out unless its like hollow 6ft+.. the majority will stand up the rest of the time.. but i still get frustrated on a stick in small waves regardless..
offshoregamer - 11 years ago
bodyboarder wins for sure
José Alexandre Faria Aguiar
José Alexandre Faria Aguiar - 11 years ago
onde foi isso?
samdelamotte - 11 years ago
you must be a highly intelligent person then Surfer1924123
Cameron Shearer
Cameron Shearer - 11 years ago
Why are the comments all about people being butt hurt over 2 different sports?
Max B.
Max B. - 11 years ago
With all due respect to the bodyboarding, I still think it's not a grown up man's sport.
kurtOPL wick
kurtOPL wick - 11 years ago
from the moto kook haha. lets see you barney
kurtOPL wick
kurtOPL wick - 11 years ago
kurtOPL wick
kurtOPL wick - 11 years ago
Ok, lets see your footage. I bet you rip so hard. Yeah right, put your money where your mouth is. Post some of you surfing. to bad your the kooook huh little pussy boy. You type on youtube, but lets see you! until keep your fucking mouth shut bitch. Yeah check my vid. type in Geeeeeee Shiiyyyytttt. Bodyboarding like any sport takes skill. Probably even more to DropKnee, wheres yours.
kurtOPL wick
kurtOPL wick - 11 years ago
try doing a fucking air revo on a bodyboard. The only people that can hate on sick wave riding are fucking barnyard kooks like you, your what i call a green light in the line up. don't even hesitate to snake the kooooook!
maykol carbajal
maykol carbajal - 11 years ago
satanssoldiersrule - 11 years ago
That surfer got made piss. 'Yeah ill tow in and do a sick cut back, the same move surfers do on every wave' - meanwhile the bodyboarders doing 12 foot inverts and full rotation backflips. No contest.
Mattia Camossi
Mattia Camossi - 11 years ago
Two really different sports, but both are really cool and i honestly think that in this video bodyboard wins (I'm a surfer)
Ryan Simalchik
Ryan Simalchik - 11 years ago
you cant even compare the level of skill that it takes to do an air on a surfboard to a boogie boarder air. keep dragging your dick across the wave boogie fag
Sasha Banks #boss
Sasha Banks #boss - 11 years ago
Booger fag
mr76dukestah - 11 years ago
lol oh im sorry are you butt hurt cause i pointed out how gay body boarding is? LOL and ive been surfing for 9 years actually. you kooks always get in the way and dont know anything about etiquette and respect
Hurley Cape town
Hurley Cape town - 11 years ago
I really dont think the were competing just having an amazing time ripping together .
Hurley Cape town
Hurley Cape town - 11 years ago
Mmm Jordi smith vs Sasha specker , go South africa !, Jordi is the king of air and Sasha owns .
Hurley Cape town
Hurley Cape town - 11 years ago
remove wave and we have you!
Hurley Cape town
Hurley Cape town - 11 years ago
cool story bra , i bet you have never caught a wave in your life .
Lori Armstrong
Lori Armstrong - 11 years ago
~~~><((☼))^< ~ killer ~ ♥
mr76dukestah - 11 years ago
too bad body boarding is for kooks. its like winning the special olympics you're still retarded
Alberto Gallardo
Alberto Gallardo - 11 years ago
Es un tópico no
Alberto Gallardo
Alberto Gallardo - 11 years ago
De verdad se odian
Scott Allenbach
Scott Allenbach - 11 years ago
sponge borders pppfffttttttt waste of wave space
jack 03
jack 03 - 7 years ago
sorta like u in the comments
DSD MEDIA - 11 years ago
So epic :)
André Leiria
André Leiria - 11 years ago
stupid contest
Nathaniel Mauldin
Nathaniel Mauldin - 11 years ago
in ur dreams
8dragonboyy - 11 years ago
quite butthurt , i see.
K10 Santos
K10 Santos - 11 years ago
haha i never see the surfer land any thing give them a chance we dont want to smash them surfers
DANIELCERONCROS - 11 years ago
RKL - 11 years ago
i do both, i prefer bodyboarding when it comes down to it. baseless assumptions. pathetic.
FusionZ38 - 11 years ago
i think ure too fat to try surf ....because surf is very very hard
unnortonsnooze - 11 years ago
Exacly. Supertubos, Peniche. PORTUGAL!
unnortonsnooze - 11 years ago
Proud for these two PORTUGUESE riders. Awesome performing, awesome coverage! PORTUGAL!
appleZac - 11 years ago
class from all riders, camera crew, pilots and directors. Great work! Guessing its the RB phantom camera...performing very well. Fav moves are the bodyboarding backfips... style and commitment through the move... CLASS!
Mellamanpingu algo mas
Mellamanpingu algo mas - 11 years ago
mmm...Kelly Slater vs Ben Player :D
Teihotua Tuuhia
Teihotua Tuuhia - 11 years ago
PLC le vrai!!bodyboard ze best!!
Kathleen Delulio
Kathleen Delulio - 11 years ago
this is exactly like scootering and skating
Xismon fit
Xismon fit - 11 years ago
body boarde e o melhor the best word
Tanguy Defaux
Tanguy Defaux - 11 years ago
C est vraiment bien ce qu il font
jose cabañas
jose cabañas - 11 years ago
Kelly slater vs. Jeff Hubbard...
jack 03
jack 03 - 7 years ago
kelly slater vs mike stewart
Catarina G
Catarina G - 11 years ago
that's not true, bodyboard also takes time and skill
Ryan Simalchik
Ryan Simalchik - 11 years ago
This is just dumb. Doing an air on a surfboard is so much harder than a boogie board, sorry but im not impressed by the boogie boarder at all
jack 03
jack 03 - 7 years ago
notice how nobody is impressed with ur comment
John Macchiaverna Jr.
John Macchiaverna Jr. - 11 years ago
That's analogous to comparing rollerblading with skateboarding. The body boards should be able to take advantage of the situation more so the the surfer.
SprayAndSnow - 11 years ago
surf and body is prefect for me.
Jeremy Pitt
Jeremy Pitt - 11 years ago
I hate people who hate on sports they don't do. Go die you are making me so freaking angry.
Walshy9494 - 11 years ago
Yeah those carves were heaps sick :/
TheDiegorojas2000 - 11 years ago
Surf wins bodyboard is for pussys
dr3w78 - 11 years ago
John John vs PLC Slater vs Stewart
Kerry Schrage
Kerry Schrage - 11 years ago
Jeff Hubbard over PLC
Andrew Schrader
Andrew Schrader - 11 years ago
difference between riding white wash on a boogie vs throwing up aerials
Micah Kanei
Micah Kanei - 11 years ago
Kelly Slater vs Jeff Hubbard
Keenan Chatar
Keenan Chatar - 11 years ago
i have a question to all the arguments about which is better between surfers and bodyboarders.....why not both? =D
Francisco Quezada
Francisco Quezada - 11 years ago
Callan Blount
Callan Blount - 11 years ago
Well that settles it. If you have a jetski, do bodyboarding.
Jake Cann
Jake Cann - 11 years ago
Fuck off hahahaha
Palmira Deniz
Palmira Deniz - 11 years ago
olacas joder
Kenso takeshi
Kenso takeshi - 11 years ago
Zulukauai - 11 years ago
If he threw my board, his would be snapped n in the trash.
dakine400 - 11 years ago
yes any one can boogie board but surfing takes time and skill!
dakine400 - 11 years ago
the waves are shit! funny thing is the surfer could have grabbed a boogy board and done the same thing! but the booger could not grab a surf board and even stand up! so surfer always wins! still shit waves get a real wave!
julio peña
julio peña - 11 years ago
El bodyboarder vuela más carajo !!! la parte
Brandon Lay
Brandon Lay - 11 years ago
the jet ski won
Alastair Coldwell
Alastair Coldwell - 11 years ago
I surf a bit but mainly bodyboard. Both sports have a difficulty curve. However, initially bodyboarding is more forgiving to grom's. You can master the basics quickly but truly mastering the sport is another thing entirely. It's like any endeavor in life, wanna have fun? Sure bodyboarding will get you there, so will surfing. Ive bodyboarded for 12 years and I am still learning. Those air reverses are just dreams in my head!
christiansvideos - 11 years ago
haha so bodyboarding defines a person as a homosexual. You sure have this world figured out buddy.
HaLeY IsAaK - 11 years ago
i think the jet ski wins :)
LeroyRifkin - 11 years ago
bodyboarders are gay. its science
watsit man
watsit man - 11 years ago
Surfers and bodyborders are like skaters and scooter rats
Luke Fincher
Luke Fincher - 11 years ago
that jet skier tho! lol
MeloLX - 11 years ago
Eu acho que nao era, mas nao tenho a certeza :/ I dont think it was but I'm not sure :/
MeloLX - 11 years ago
That is true, and especially now a days. Every day there is more ocean then land so there is plenty of space!
Thomas Scott
Thomas Scott - 11 years ago
Holy mother of wetsuit.
SeiNj - 11 years ago
it was obvious who the surfer is
Harry - 11 years ago
sickest video
Marek Aureliusz
Marek Aureliusz - 11 years ago
ocean587 - 11 years ago
bodyboarders.... pathetic excuse for a sport
Vicente Coco
Vicente Coco - 11 years ago
Sorry surfers but the bodyboarder completely killed it!!!
isaac jones
isaac jones - 11 years ago
yeah i think that both are cool
Ericxnegley - 11 years ago
if you can make a vid to prove it dumb ass
William Reseigh
William Reseigh - 11 years ago
im 11 and i can do all of that same stuff in SHOREBREAK.
Hunter Johnson
Hunter Johnson - 11 years ago
Any form of waveriding deserves respect.
giant regrigerator
giant regrigerator - 11 years ago
i dont think you understand sarcasm...
wilson alfredo
wilson alfredo - 11 years ago
uau bate bwee
Micah Kanei
Micah Kanei - 11 years ago
That statement was invalid, please try again... Like he said, have some respect. Kook !
mateo modestini
mateo modestini - 11 years ago
Teodulf - 11 years ago
haha good one :D
taviog8 - 11 years ago
if you cant body board you can't surf. spongers suck!
daniel gallardo
daniel gallardo - 11 years ago
bodyboard win
futuremid22 - 11 years ago
they are both so sick!! surfers look like flys when they air and bodyboarders look like frogs
Pedro - 11 years ago
VellaNegra - 11 years ago
had to be Jeff Hubbard vs kelly slater, there would be the myths of each mode ..
taiha99 - 11 years ago
0:52 Why is he looking down where he's crotch is?
conor27 - 11 years ago
hard to be good at
surf usa
surf usa - 11 years ago
True that brotha ahahah YO subcribe to my channel please! I will return the favor.
daniel carrera
daniel carrera - 11 years ago
They make it look so easy is bodyboarding easy I really wanna try it out
dudeitsivan - 11 years ago
Well that's one way to make the most out of closed-out wind waves
MaestroMcFresh - 11 years ago
Surfers > Spongers and its scientifically proven that surfers get more pussy 98% of the time
Hugo Davey
Hugo Davey - 11 years ago
well said, its surfes like you that we need more of
Guilherme Silva
Guilherme Silva - 11 years ago
mynameismuddywaters - 11 years ago
so, you're tellin me it's harder to balance laying down than standing up?..................... RETARD
Joe Gillespie
Joe Gillespie - 11 years ago
but you have to admit you grind your teeth when they take your wave
duke3037 - 11 years ago
bodyboarding shits all over surfing.
tommy shred
tommy shred - 11 years ago
i think the jet skier won
giant regrigerator
giant regrigerator - 11 years ago
Jon Trollvolta
Jon Trollvolta - 11 years ago
The surfer should have been Chippa Wilson.. Look him up, his airs are insane!!
mynameismuddywaters - 11 years ago
are you retarded?
Christian Candelaspr
Christian Candelaspr - 11 years ago
the sould put a better surfer like john john or jordy this guy barely surfs
Christian Candelaspr
Christian Candelaspr - 11 years ago
bodyboarding is a crime!!!!
thom tficamos
thom tficamos - 11 years ago
CptBaggins - 11 years ago
that is one hectic shorebreak
giant regrigerator
giant regrigerator - 11 years ago
because its totally easier to land an air on a surfboard than on a bodyboard...
KillingSpree126 - 11 years ago
yo, does anyone know the names of these songs?
sandro ferrer
sandro ferrer - 11 years ago
muito iradoo esse video parabens ....... aereos mortaissssss
Charles Deshoux
Charles Deshoux - 11 years ago
Tiago Ponte
Tiago Ponte - 11 years ago
that's what I call a troll baiting title.
Aaron Rademaker
Aaron Rademaker - 11 years ago
i would love to surf thare , only a little close to the beatch
Arnefilms - 11 years ago
Or just take the jetski
Fortune's Paradise
Fortune's Paradise - 11 years ago
[Insert comment here about helmet safety and how helmets are cool even though I didn't watch the video to see how funny the helmet looked and that's what you were referring to]
Patricio Ignacio cubillos carcamo
Patricio Ignacio cubillos carcamo - 11 years ago
name song ?
pomier théo
pomier théo - 11 years ago
super bon rider
Jonathan Garisch
Jonathan Garisch - 11 years ago
Beautifully done.
SSonyv - 11 years ago
Surfing is better. js.
marko308 - 11 years ago
Lay on a skateboard and do any trick, it's still gay. Bodyboarding is the fat chick of the ocean. It feels good but it hurts t watch
Matt Whelan
Matt Whelan - 11 years ago
Thats insane!
Kerry Schrage
Kerry Schrage - 11 years ago
Air reverses at 2:07
Luke Hugo
Luke Hugo - 11 years ago
No matter how good you are at body boarding it still looks pretty weird haha
PukingPirate - 11 years ago
Thank you Red Bull! :)
n3pty - 12 years ago
Nick Plumb
Nick Plumb - 12 years ago
what Beach?
Da Shelter
Da Shelter - 12 years ago
there were no body surfers there. The correct term is pro bodyboarder and there are a lot.
EscrotoDeMorsa - 12 years ago
if someone do something because they want to be cool then poor boy.... only trash people do that.
EscrotoDeMorsa - 12 years ago
en caso de votar al mas guay ya sabemos donde tira la balanza... ya que muchos sólo conocen 1 el otro les parece o un juego de niños o vete a saber....
EscrotoDeMorsa - 12 years ago
Define style. I can think the same of surf. To much stupidity in comments of this video.... omg. 2013 and still people thinking what big enterprises of surf wants to the people think. Also i can say watching your avatar, snowboard has no style, and ski rape all snowboarders......
EscrotoDeMorsa - 12 years ago
Try dk and then came here to say exactly what you said. Try make a ARS, try to make and air reverse, try make a backflip, try to take a wave with 2m lip 1m tube and so on. Asshole. You are the fucking classic marketing sticker surfer.
cooppster11 - 12 years ago
-what do you do for a livning? - Oh I'm a pro body surfer - What the fuck
Jason - 12 years ago
William Richards
William Richards - 12 years ago
Thanks, I surfed there once. Amazing waves!
Smitty Productions
Smitty Productions - 12 years ago
I was just about to say the same thing
Alfredo Peixoto
Alfredo Peixoto - 12 years ago
bom trabalho, voces os dois estao de parabens, o video esta altamente.
Brian Alaman
Brian Alaman - 12 years ago
Body boarder could throw a double backflip for sure
Joe Demes
Joe Demes - 12 years ago
Anyone know who the song at 2:25 is by?
K-ribou u
K-ribou u - 12 years ago
bakedwithrealchez - 12 years ago
its like skiing and snowboarding, skating and bmx. they are all dope in there own way stop hatin
Seabiscuit231 - 12 years ago
Just watch the video...
FlyMoviePRO Portugal
FlyMoviePRO Portugal - 12 years ago
feanorwerm - 12 years ago
I'm sure you've put this across every surfer and bodyboarder in the world. I'd like to see all surfers and bodyboarders try and bodysurf well. That's the real thing.
feanorwerm - 12 years ago
It was cool to rip on bodyboarders when they were all kids developing a young sport. Now they're growing up, having to be a lot fitter to maintain levels of performance that surfers just don't need as they get older. Riding heavier waves, flipping out of bowls surfers can't hit. Don't seem to get the hassles they used to. Wonder why.
Nonoctis - 12 years ago
I agree with you bro, as a bodyboarder, the only people I see making fun about us are my friends, and they're just joking, because after all, we're all surfers in the ocean
noofriends - 12 years ago
#spongedaily sponge 4 lyfe
Alex Cerroti
Alex Cerroti - 12 years ago
Best vid in ages
schmucksta - 12 years ago
say it to there face. see what happens, SPOUNGE FOR LIFE!!!
Jonny Baker
Jonny Baker - 12 years ago
The 2nd song is awesome, can we get a name?
marko308 - 12 years ago
The hardest part of bodyboarding is telling your parents your Gay
Douglas Matos
Douglas Matos - 12 years ago
que video animal,os dois quebraram a vala!que shoow
Boogie Mate
Boogie Mate - 12 years ago
Ok Thank You Jet Ski & RB for this big BOOST!
nicholas francis
nicholas francis - 12 years ago
I bet you can usually only take a dick
Pascal la Cascade
Pascal la Cascade - 12 years ago
jetski win :-)
FriendsOfNone - 12 years ago
bodyboarder won this round
jake johnson
jake johnson - 12 years ago
Only douchebags try and look "cool"
jake johnson
jake johnson - 12 years ago
Where do you idiots get this? MOST bodyboarders surf and also bodysurf. Don't be a naive fuck. And just cause you can hold on and go straight doesn't mean you can "bodyboard" just like grandma riding the longboard doesn't mean shes a surfer.
Kyle C
Kyle C - 12 years ago
all surfers can bodyboard, but bodyboarders usually can only bodyboard
Chandler Farber
Chandler Farber - 12 years ago
Raphael Nogueira
Raphael Nogueira - 12 years ago
sorry, but bodyboard wins !
UncleT0ny - 12 years ago
well i dont surf nor do i bodyboard so no need to personalize it
lanson94 - 12 years ago
And the drop knee style ?
Álvaro Sánchez
Álvaro Sánchez - 12 years ago
Brieuc Le Gall
Brieuc Le Gall - 12 years ago
Bodyboard !
Mesec Moon
Mesec Moon - 12 years ago
DAMN! it looks like a frog vs. the surfer :P
Nuria Arias Fernández
Nuria Arias Fernández - 12 years ago
¿Cómo váis a comparar entre un bodyboarder y un surfista? Los dos se tiran al agua, pero de distinta forma, con distintas maniobras , muchas horas de entreno, dificultad... es como si comparáis futbol con baloncesto, los dos se juegan con balón pero de diferente forma. Obviamente cada persona votará con lo que más se identifique si práctica alguno de los dos, o con el caracterizado como más "guay" para quien no practique.
William Richards
William Richards - 12 years ago
Was this at Peniche?
Luke Rickeard
Luke Rickeard - 12 years ago
Bodyboarder obviously!
kaYboi8o8 - 12 years ago
They are towing out for big airs.
Andy Jakubek
Andy Jakubek - 12 years ago
Craig H
Craig H - 12 years ago
hahahahahahahahaha your ignorance ammuses me
vgama - 12 years ago
Supertubos - Peniche
Noah Boudart
Noah Boudart - 12 years ago
Cool video redbull!
corey daglish
corey daglish - 12 years ago
says the guy who rides a mountain board, your a pleb!
JeromeJJ85 - 12 years ago
ElefanteTriste - 12 years ago
E viveram felizes para sempre.
Orfen - 12 years ago
joeskienz - 12 years ago
Epic!!! Thanks for the video Red Bull. Arguing about the Surfer vs Bodyboarder rivalry is for retards. Each one is epic and applicable for different conditions and circumstances. The best surfer is the one having the most fun!
joeskienz - 12 years ago
Because it's called "tow out", and not "tow in" ;)
StorrorBlog - 12 years ago
sea wins
Inner Rhythm
Inner Rhythm - 12 years ago
Bodyboarder hands down!
PureDIGITALMaui - 12 years ago
they shud cpmpare a short boarder n a hawaiian standup bodyboarder haha !!
Helder Pereira
Helder Pereira - 12 years ago
yap Peniche
Helder Pereira
Helder Pereira - 12 years ago
Andrew Fleming
Andrew Fleming - 12 years ago
song list?
Andrew - 12 years ago
no one has ever made body boarding look so cool!!
kaYboi8o8 - 12 years ago
real surfers and lots of them exist, have high regards and much RESPECT for bodyboarders. It's always those clueless idiot fake surfers who show no respect and its sad cause when im bodyboarding i dont see any of you kooks disrespecting us, i only see you on the internet where you can hide.
Ruben Nap
Ruben Nap - 12 years ago
hiphoppin9 - 12 years ago
also its for kids, so why is red bull dealing with it? the biggest drink company there is basically hahaha you just crack me up fucker!
hiphoppin9 - 12 years ago
bodyboarding is actually respected dumbass, that's why some pro surfers classify bodyboarders as surfers. theres a vid of pro surfers talking about mike stewart and they all have mad respect for him for a reason. your just simple minded and think you know about a subject your just ignorant about. haha your a joke. prob lose waves to bodyboarders and that's why you don't like em. have a good day pussy (:
UncleT0ny - 12 years ago
haha bodysurfing doesnt even compare. ones for kids, the other one is actually respected. this is similar to people who go to the snow and wear snowskates thinking they're cool
Matthieu Libeert
Matthieu Libeert - 12 years ago
Love the video-editing! great work!
LeGardienDesEtoiles - 12 years ago
Surf= pretty cool!! Bodysurf=ridiculous!!
George Mcnabb
George Mcnabb - 12 years ago
its a shame the aerial footage was so crap
Daniel Gabriel
Daniel Gabriel - 12 years ago
Que praia é esta?
Adam Ran
Adam Ran - 12 years ago
Fran Alfaro
Fran Alfaro - 12 years ago
whats the name of the song?
Matt Walter
Matt Walter - 12 years ago
Agreed... they should comepare surfing tow ins too Skim tow ins... Surfing to body board doesnt really make sense to compare them... completely different
Andy Steeds
Andy Steeds - 12 years ago
They are both different sports, you can't compare them
Doobi5151 - 12 years ago
was that at supertubos?
Vanessa Rivera
Vanessa Rivera - 12 years ago
Miren ->\HGTtd
Vanessa Rivera
Vanessa Rivera - 12 years ago
Miren ->\OgHgL
Wund4z - 12 years ago
bodyboarding! Fucking crazy arials!
Alf Diaz
Alf Diaz - 12 years ago
I used "Shazam" and it says that the song is "Show me Love" by Michael Mind (I'm not pretty sure, but that is the answer)
Brendan Smith
Brendan Smith - 12 years ago
Bodyboarder...... no contest
ohhroach - 12 years ago
bodyboarder wins but so much more dangerous for the surfer he could get impaled
CorxoLoco - 12 years ago
Bodyboard!!! Visit
Charlie Catt
Charlie Catt - 12 years ago
Where was that?!?? They were magnificent waves out there!
ohhroach - 12 years ago
late night surf videos ... i always regret it in the morning when my alarm goes off
RepublicOfRhythm - 12 years ago
well that was sick
Gab Dagorne
Gab Dagorne - 12 years ago
walif walif
walif walif - 12 years ago
seanbrennanseymour - 12 years ago
good stuff getting behind the boogie redbull! lets get onto being a major sponsor to!
tubbedrx2 - 12 years ago
idiot !!! lol snapped board and didnt pull 1 trick hahahahaha chump not trumped ;)
liam portelli
liam portelli - 12 years ago
Haha you can see the number plate
Virsaglibari - 12 years ago
esky lid wins.
Ewan Donnachie
Ewan Donnachie - 12 years ago
Sick clip!!
Levi Henry
Levi Henry - 12 years ago
Surfing trumps bodyboarding...every time...
NJCFTWVIDEOS - 12 years ago
i vote jetski
donkeyshowjoe - 12 years ago
TheGarrettBackstrom - 12 years ago
Woa, Redbull has actually stepped up there game big time in the film department. These videos are just as good, if not better, than Devinsupertramp. Redbull....keep it up, GOOD SHIT
Carlos Caceres
Carlos Caceres - 12 years ago
Hell yeah bodyboard the best for me... I wanna go to the beach right now...
Douglas Santos
Douglas Santos - 12 years ago
Bodyboard LifeStyle ! :D
The standup didn't land one fucking air.
Austin patrick
Austin patrick - 12 years ago
Jetski dude wins
IlIlIlIl - 12 years ago
I don't care what you have to say, Bodyboard is still better.
IlIlIlIl - 12 years ago
miloabc123 - 12 years ago
jet-skier wins!
sammir airam
sammir airam - 12 years ago
Bodyboard wins easy
Agustin Gonzalez
Agustin Gonzalez - 12 years ago
BODYBOARD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Connor Brashier
Connor Brashier - 12 years ago
Thumbs up fer Surfing. Way harder and takes way more skill. ;)
Nacho J Huerta
Nacho J Huerta - 12 years ago
Bodyboards ganaaaa..!!
Luís Livro
Luís Livro - 12 years ago
P O R T U G A L <3
BluexPresents - 12 years ago
very cool. enjoyed this one a lot :D
Cole Herndon
Cole Herndon - 12 years ago
Please do this again this is awesome!
Liam Murphy
Liam Murphy - 12 years ago
I wan t to see that body oarder go to jaws
Logan Bak
Logan Bak - 12 years ago
Why are they getting towed in on small waves and so close to shore .
Connor Sokol
Connor Sokol - 12 years ago
id like to see them switch sports then compete :)
Logan Bak
Logan Bak - 12 years ago
Surfing is not! It's awesome
RICO1 ART - 12 years ago
surfing is overated
Hector Manrique
Hector Manrique - 12 years ago
Finally Red Bull shows some bodyboard.
Joshua Cooper
Joshua Cooper - 12 years ago
he did the same thing over and over!
Alcuadrado - 12 years ago
Good waves and good editing ;)
Harry de winton
Harry de winton - 12 years ago
whats the second SONG ???
benekaiwi1 - 12 years ago
Der Chakalaka sucks dick for nickels.
benekaiwi1 - 12 years ago
Der Chakalaka is a kook.
luisgemeolda - 12 years ago
Thumbs up for sufing !! The best sport in the universe!
Christaan Deibner
Christaan Deibner - 12 years ago
Great video! Check out my channel and subscribe, comment, like, share. Advice is greatly appreciated!
joaco mendia
joaco mendia - 12 years ago
Pedro Pereira
Pedro Pereira - 12 years ago
yes it´s true, hugo Pinheiro is like street racer. hahah
Ulysse Guillet
Ulysse Guillet - 12 years ago
bmw vs volkswagen
Xinaida - 12 years ago
ucha vida gente... coisa linda né.... olokuuuu meuuuuu
Mr. Burger
Mr. Burger - 12 years ago
I can't describe how much i love this video. The shots are great, the athletes very skilled and the editing is stunning. Thank you for this piece of art, red bull!
Julio - 12 years ago
He's a good rider but you could choose one better... He never close a tricks (surf)
Dan Perkins
Dan Perkins - 12 years ago
the bmw sounded like a srt4 neon w/ straight pipe!
GrinchLord - 12 years ago
you're still gonna play with that argument? back to school little boy. also, blacks, women and gays have rights these days. welcome to the future.
Tony_tm - 12 years ago
On the back of the car it means "And they lived happily ever after." You're welcome.
leistungep3 - 12 years ago
The bodyboarder definitely won that one.
Le Vincent
Le Vincent - 12 years ago
Music please ???!!!
Danny Dingo
Danny Dingo - 12 years ago
I want to see somebody that rips at both
Jin Salamack
Jin Salamack - 12 years ago
redbull get sponjahhz now! cheeeeee
francisco javier flores torres
francisco javier flores torres - 12 years ago
i like :D
Vastus ll
Vastus ll - 12 years ago
ooouuuooouuu - 12 years ago
I live in the alps but I gotta say bodyboarding looks better here!
Der Chakalaka
Der Chakalaka - 12 years ago
Sirfing! Surfing! Surfing! Bodyboard is for Pussis!
coisasetal7 - 12 years ago
Portugal Pro Vasco Ribeiro vs Hugo Pinheiro
ISBVlog - 12 years ago
Amazing! Huge air from both pros!
Benedict Runge
Benedict Runge - 12 years ago
Tairua4life - 12 years ago
they both great. But get out of my way guttsliders
Joel McMath
Joel McMath - 12 years ago
I always wondered what I looked like on my boogy board.....
Rúbenfbp - 12 years ago
FlyMoviePRO Portugal
FlyMoviePRO Portugal - 12 years ago
those were done by FlyMoviePRO
futuremlbplayer10 - 12 years ago
sponger definately dominated
Starastin - 12 years ago
my grandpa used to do this sport and it was called - flyingfrogboarding
WhosPeacee - 12 years ago
I think he forgot his car
rosswahoo0 - 12 years ago
bodyboard will always win in aerial maneuvers like this, unless you strap the surfboard to his feet.
samuel boissonneault
samuel boissonneault - 12 years ago
bodyboarding is hilarious xD
Alex Díez
Alex Díez - 12 years ago
Is not faire thoes waves are for bodyboarding but not surfing
Alex Díez
Alex Díez - 12 years ago
Is not favor,
Esteban Sleuwaegen
Esteban Sleuwaegen - 12 years ago
go bodyboards !!!
ŦҜŘ24 - 12 years ago
Bodyboards and Surfboards are both AWESOME!
Nonny1992 - 12 years ago
he is looking like a frog xD
1sanich - 12 years ago
серф уже устарел с ног до головы.
KYRM09 - 12 years ago
Bunch of close out waves
motordude1234 - 12 years ago
thumbs up for bodyboarding
MrTommylouis - 12 years ago
bodyboard <3 LIKES !
hansertoson - 12 years ago
Surfboard or Bodyboard ? I take the Jet Ski !
jorge vizcaino
jorge vizcaino - 12 years ago
funkyd20 - 12 years ago
Please go sub my channel!!
Englishfingers - 12 years ago
Surfboard snapped... bodyboard wins!
MrDestructomatt - 12 years ago
Exploding frogs again
kilpatrickfilms - 12 years ago
both is good in every sport there is the argument which is better surfing or bodyboarding, Snowboarding or skiing, skateboarding or bmx, parkour or freerunning and the biggest argument Table Tenis or Tenis ok maybe not that one but just enjoy whatever you are doing :)
Hans Rodith Knudsen
Hans Rodith Knudsen - 12 years ago
Tim Vlek
Tim Vlek - 12 years ago
Love the second aerial shot of them running to the surf!
Cr8vSA - 12 years ago
Bodyboarders can fly, surfers just try
Leo Appel
Leo Appel - 12 years ago
Very cool
Stef Pelgrims
Stef Pelgrims - 12 years ago
Nice videos! keep up the great work!
fred edwards
fred edwards - 12 years ago
im shit at both :)
AEFilms - 12 years ago
Thank you very much! :D
AEFilms - 12 years ago
Erik Mennes
Erik Mennes - 12 years ago
stunman95 - 12 years ago
name of song tell me some1 plz
FragEdits - 12 years ago
Deserve way more subscribers!! Guys help them out!!!
WOLFgamingcs - 12 years ago
sick vid red bull ;)
Tuti Fruti
Tuti Fruti - 12 years ago
Body wins!
VIktor S
VIktor S - 12 years ago
u deserve more subscribers!!!
RAGGATANGEL - 12 years ago
Henrik van Straten
Henrik van Straten - 12 years ago
like For bodyboard!!
ImViqe - 12 years ago
Really nice videos!!
AEFilms - 12 years ago
We are just some guys from sweden that loves to make Videos and put them on youtube it can be everything from MX, BMX & SKATE videos + much more. We film and editing everything by ourself!! We would really appreciate if you could subscribe to our channel!

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About Bodyboard vs Surf - Red Bull Tow Out Session

The "Bodyboard vs Surf - Red Bull Tow Out Session" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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