Bond Tsunami Surfing

007 escapes a tidal wave with a surfboard and bad special effects

Bond Tsunami Surfing sentiment_very_dissatisfied 220

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007 escapes a tidal wave with a surfboard and bad special effects

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Most popular comments
for Bond Tsunami Surfing

Luke Daley
Luke Daley - 7 years ago
Worst part of the movie bad CGI avalanche
Abishek Ravichandran
Abishek Ravichandran - 7 years ago
I admit it. When I was a kid, I thought this was the coolest movie scene ever.
Kenneth McCrindle
Kenneth McCrindle - 7 years ago
In the words of Comic Book Guy from the simpsons, Worst CGI Ever!!!!
Joseph - 7 years ago
The special effects are certainly outdated, but so are the special effects in "Moonraker."
Alexander Cooper
Alexander Cooper - 7 years ago
This made a Bond enthusiast cringe
Rob/Ashli Carrafa
Rob/Ashli Carrafa - 7 years ago
I have seen very few cgi or digital special effects like this that seamlessly blend into a movie. Even three years after this in Revenge of the Sith, it had terrible cgi. The opening scene in Quantum of Solace when Bond and the bad guy fall through the glass ceiling of the building and land on scaffolding. It stuck right out and distracted me from what could have been a really cool stunt. I saw The Last Jedi a few weeks ago and it even had some ridiculously bad cgi. If you cannot create something that blends smoothly into the film then why do it? What ever happened to doing things the old fashioned way and not being lazy? People were less critical of the special effects in movies thirty years ago because they appreciated or recognized the ingenuity and creativity put into it. There is nothing creative about amatuerish computer generated crap. If movies that are routinely raking in over a billion dollars cannot develop software capable of producing quality cgi, then it's obviously never going to work. Figure something else out!

Also, Toby Stephens acting was just as bad as the cgi in Die Another Day. He's about the worst villian in the Bond series.
Master Exploder
Master Exploder - 7 years ago
Tsunami mainly in 0:51 moment looks like a big blue jelly-like blob not water. Just like some other movies from that time (2002?), f.e Star Wars Attack of the Clones, CGI dated quite bad. Maybe it was great 15 years ago but now it just looks dated.
TheEgg185 - 7 years ago
This is one of the worst CGI I've ever seen.
Skippy the Magnificent
Skippy the Magnificent - 7 years ago
Granted I don't personally know how to do CGI, but you also don't see me trying to make a movie with CGI...

10. comment for Bond Tsunami Surfing

Grant Moore
Grant Moore - 7 years ago
Brosnan is the greatest Bond all time, he made this a good movie despite the ridiculousness
Kelly14UK - 7 years ago
Time to rethink the direction of Bond movies?
ijfharvey - 7 years ago
Why is the water opaque?
savedfaves - 7 years ago
da fuk
cielobuio - 7 years ago
I feel totally alone in thinking that all bond films after Sean Connery and Roger Moore totally suck.

It stopped being James Bond a long time ago......

Is there anyone out there in agreement ?
paramanjara - 7 years ago
Absolutely effin' terrible.
HD Film Tributes
HD Film Tributes - 7 years ago
Did they run out of money??
Jona Reahl
Jona Reahl - 7 years ago
Eh... wasn't that bad
teppolundgren - 7 years ago
Genius. Nobody does it worse.
justin whitworth
justin whitworth - 7 years ago
I've only seen GoldenEye and tommarow never dies but this cji is just fucking awful

20. comment for Bond Tsunami Surfing

Romulan2469 - 7 years ago
You would expect this sort of crap in a Japanese straight to video film, not a James Bond movie.
Romulan2469 - 7 years ago
That has to be some of the most fake shitty CGI I have EVER seen LMAO!
Jose Antonio
Jose Antonio - 7 years ago
whats this Fast & Furios bullshit?!
santiagobenites - 7 years ago
Possibly the worst GCI in history.
Paul R
Paul R - 7 years ago
I honestly didn't think the concept for this scene was bad, just the execution. If the CGI looked better, it could've worked.
Charles Rat
Charles Rat - 7 years ago
Paul R i agree because the scene has coherence w
Universo Musical
Universo Musical - 7 years ago
Ni un baby se las cree
kasra khatir
kasra khatir - 7 years ago
Me to Lee Tamahori : My god, You just killed JAMES BOND
Lee Tamahori: is that who he was ?
levidious - 7 years ago
I forgot why I didn't watch James Bond movies
Mambo91549 - 8 years ago
Just honestly, what in the name of God were the film makers thinking with having this appallingly laughable scene?! Now I'm no expert in the laws of physic's, but is it even possible to even windsurf down a giant water wave in that sort of fashion? Where you can jump around on different areas of the wave? It's just sounds and looks unbelievable. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't have the right balance and speed to stay on top of the water, and just fall into the waters as this is a tsunami. So for the lack of intelligence in the laws of physics, I can't take this scene seriously. Also the CGI looks so bad.
r h
r h - 8 years ago
Oh God, that was horrible

30. comment for Bond Tsunami Surfing

Laogalaxy - 8 years ago
This is so bad, that it becomes good by default.
kuhataparunks - 8 years ago
Mother of surfing....
Daz 88
Daz 88 - 8 years ago
Boulé-Racine Dominique
Boulé-Racine Dominique - 8 years ago
With the help of a parachute, a piece of a plane, and video effects that would embarrass a high school A/V club, James Bond surfs on what appears to be a hundred foot wave of arctic water in Die Another Day. This single scene has been cited as the death knell for Pierce Brosnan's Bond. It also sent the entire franchise back to the drawing board to reimagine the character. It took four years and the casting of Daniel Craig for the series to redeem itself from that time a James Bond movie looked like it was ripped from a PlayStation 2 video game cutscene. But we'll never forget. Your Bond died that day, Pierce. Make no mistake.

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sysrq120 - 8 years ago
Did Mickie Mouse write this scene.
Ανδρέας Χούνδρης
Ανδρέας Χούνδρης - 8 years ago
i literally cannot see why everyone hates this, it looks legit, especially for 2002
Ανδρέας Χούνδρης
Ανδρέας Χούνδρης - 8 years ago
dude, i'm being 100% serious
AkAjjAcobsz - 8 years ago
Are you watching this on 240p? Then everything looks legit..
Ramzeis777 - 8 years ago
sweet randall
sweet randall - 8 years ago
sweet randall
sweet randall - 8 years ago
sweet randall
sweet randall - 8 years ago
sweet randall
sweet randall - 8 years ago
kenektik - 8 years ago
The moment James Bond jumped the shark... figuratively and possibly quite literally.
Great Western MGM
Great Western MGM - 8 years ago
So this is where it really went tits up for Bond, they were too much influenced by the Star Wars prequels
RSimusic - 8 years ago
so much cringe
RealGucci - 8 years ago
How does a movie like Casino Royale exist in the same franchise where THIS happend
kenektik - 8 years ago
The moment James Bond jumped the shark.
Ashley Pomeroy
Ashley Pomeroy - 8 years ago
I think it was the invisible car. I remember seeing this at the cinema and the audience was like "dafuq?".
kenektik - 8 years ago
I guess for the Pierce Brosnan bond movies.
insertusernamehere51 - 8 years ago
Personally I think the space laser battle in Moonraker jumped the shark long before this
Christian 681
Christian 681 - 8 years ago
If the effects budget hadn't run out, this wouldn't have been that bad.
Jack Sherak
Jack Sherak - 8 years ago
They should have employed the Sharknado effects team!
NSA shill
NSA shill - 8 years ago
best scene in the movie unfortunately
worldclass777 - 8 years ago
This has been dubbed as one of the worst bond stunt scenes of all time...this one belongs in the hall of shame for being utterly ridiculous and video game comical...

50. comment for Bond Tsunami Surfing

LegoMatt222 - 8 years ago
No wonder why the Bond Producers will put Lee Tamahori in the Director's Chair...
Ricki Loglisci
Ricki Loglisci - 8 years ago
Best Marvel hero
Jack - 8 years ago
+HowardMenken91 Give this man a medal!
Brian M. Gonzalez
Brian M. Gonzalez - 8 years ago
nice CGI lol
NathaN - 8 years ago
Interesting concept for an escape sequence, but my goodness, was it executed poorly.
James Barratt
James Barratt - 8 years ago
It looked so fake. The cgi shit. Really bad to have produced it under the bond name. Shame on them. Pierce was a shit bond too.
Owen Williams
Owen Williams - 8 years ago
What is the song used in this is scene?
IThinkAbout43 - 8 years ago
I wish they would make a "special edition" of Die another Day, with this scene getting the better CGI possible today. Because this scene just looks so unconvincing, while the rest of the movie is actually OK in my book. Over the top, sure, but a fine entry to the bond franchise.

Its really silly what they did with this scene. Compare this to the opening of the film, also a surfing scene, the opening is so much better!
FisicoKart1 - 9 years ago
Best. Scene. Ever.
okankyoto - 7 years ago
I'd rather watch Quantum than The Man With the Golden Gun. But its way too close to be comfortable...
SicParvisMagna123 - 8 years ago
I think most people agree Quantum of Solace isn't that bad compared to the rest of Brosnan's Bond films (bar Goldeneye). One or two of the old Bond films could give them a run for their money too.
Jack Bauer
Jack Bauer - 8 years ago
Die Another Day is probably universally designated as the worst Bond movie ever made, and Quantum of Solace takes 2nd-place. Also, they made the North Koreans look like a formidable fighting force in spite of their nuclear arsenal. In reality, the entire army has 30 minutes of fuel.
matrix86 - 8 years ago
Worst. CGI scene. Ever.
Darkangel Productions
Darkangel Productions - 9 years ago
This is up there with Jax Teller riding into that industrial truck.
qF I Leno
qF I Leno - 8 years ago
Ricardo Teles
Ricardo Teles - 9 years ago
Is this movie from 1975 or something? LMFAO #Iloveps1
Ricardo Teles
Ricardo Teles - 8 years ago
+Rocco siffredi I already do like a thousand times a day in a mirror I have pleasure doing it unlike u that doesnt even have a profile pic LOL
Rocco siffredi
Rocco siffredi - 8 years ago
Ricardo Teles
Ricardo Teles - 8 years ago
go watch hsm loser LMFAO
Rocco siffredi
Rocco siffredi - 8 years ago
Who cares about being adult my ass licling cock sucking motherfucking son of à bitch ?
Ricardo Teles
Ricardo Teles - 8 years ago
+Rocco siffredi "they see me trollin they hey hatin". Very adult from u.
Rocco siffredi
Rocco siffredi - 8 years ago
With à hashtag and à LMFAO ? Sounds like à kid to me.

33 y/o here.

See you.
Ricardo Teles
Ricardo Teles - 8 years ago
+Rocco siffredi Older than u I see. At least I get to understand sarcasm.
Rocco siffredi
Rocco siffredi - 8 years ago
Cgi in 1975 ? How old are you ? 8 ?
Jerry Armstrong
Jerry Armstrong - 9 years ago
impressive visual effects. was it done by ILM?
Rocco siffredi
Rocco siffredi - 8 years ago
Nasa computers.
SuperMageo - 9 years ago
what did you guys expect? Bond had to improvise! So he rode the giant wave in the arctic, with a piece of wreckage and a parachute :D it´s plausible
TJN - 9 years ago
It's not how bond did it, it's the cgi.
Anthony Perez
Anthony Perez - 9 years ago
The old 007 were known for it's crazy gadgets and effects but this is by far the worst I had ever seen and killed the movie for me!
irish91ify - 9 years ago
This looks even stupider when played in fast motion.
FL910 - 9 years ago
I don't remember this part in Ice Age
WimpyKelv12 - 9 years ago
This is actually one of my favourite moments of the whole franchise! It's epic and dramatic and the music is awesome!
DangerZone - 7 years ago
You're shit
Pete O
Pete O - 9 years ago
Bond died in this scene. Died. Dead.

Glad he's back.
Supermovies - 9 years ago
I looks like this movie came out in 1990
bigbrogiant4 - 8 years ago
Even bad 1990 movies had more dignity than this.
Supermovies - 9 years ago
+Michael Faircloth I know but the special effects look cheap as hell.
Michael Faircloth
Michael Faircloth - 9 years ago
hughesms - 9 years ago
I remember facepalming like crazy when this happened in the cinema
Robert Clary
Robert Clary - 9 years ago
Pierce Brosnan just could not play this role, and hokey scenes like this nearly ruined the whole franchise.
Kazuto Kirigaya
Kazuto Kirigaya - 9 years ago
Icebergs and water look like something from a Disney movie
gaudiofan - 9 years ago
i can't believe this scene was actually shown in theaters.
TwilightVomit - 9 years ago
how to kill a franchise
Cyke101 - 9 years ago
Jeeze, this makes the Daniel Craig films look like non-fiction documentaries.
Dean Konstantian
Dean Konstantian - 9 years ago
The very lowest point is the entire franchise. Worst bond film ever, don't know how this rate higher than quantum????? Anyone??
Conor Sullivan
Conor Sullivan - 9 years ago
Well.. at least it's more fun than Quantum, I miss Pierce and fun OTT Bond now!
Michael Faircloth
Michael Faircloth - 9 years ago
Honestly I like it better than Quantum
Andrew Gibson
Andrew Gibson - 9 years ago
did they use a zx81 for the graphics
김성훈 - 9 years ago
WoW~ Bad CG~
Fright Nick
Fright Nick - 9 years ago
Good movie but not so good scene.
NS - 9 years ago
Honestly I'd be totally down for the over the top campiness and fun of this scene if it didn't look so horrible. This green screening is REALLY laughable
NS - 9 years ago
+Samniss Arandeen Yeah, and I'm not even a big fan of Roger Moore. Campy bond can be fun, but I prefer to keep it on a Goldfinger level. 
Samniss Arandeen
Samniss Arandeen - 9 years ago
+Big Brother Gaming It certainly harks back to the Roger Moore era of ridiculous situations and Moore getting out of them with Bondian ease. The laughable green screen and the terrible CGI just ruin it, though.
Geoffrey Payne
Geoffrey Payne - 9 years ago
I will admit that the scene right after this with the car chase on the giant lake of ice is pretty epic though... that looks so frickin fun!
Charles Rat
Charles Rat - 7 years ago
Geoffrey Payne Die Another Day is one of the funniest Bond films i ever seen !
Geoffrey Payne
Geoffrey Payne - 9 years ago
I just watched this in Blu-ray, and it actually looks a lot better here in 360p... in 1080 p it looks ridiculous... not to mention the first surfing scene, which, if you know anything about big wave surfing, they would have had to have someone tow them in on jet skis on that big of a wave, especially with boards that small, and there is no motive why they would have had to do that other than it looking cool.
Michael Chinn
Michael Chinn - 9 years ago
I'm done with life
Craven Morehead
Craven Morehead - 9 years ago
I'll say it right now....Pierce Brosnan was the worst Bond.
Venomous Vince
Venomous Vince - 9 years ago
He's my favorite Bond and I thought he did a great job, it's just most of the movies he was in weren't very good
RetlocLive - 9 years ago
Oops, not Goldfinger. I meant Goldeneye. lol
aidsbrigade - 9 years ago
+RetlocLive he was in goldfinger? So he was like 70 in this scene?
RetlocLive - 9 years ago
He was fine in Goldfinger.

His other 3 movies on the other hand...
Fright Nick
Fright Nick - 9 years ago
+Craven Morehead Really? Worse than Craig?
Hugh Burgess // Adjacent Radio
Hugh Burgess // Adjacent Radio - 9 years ago
James Detwiler
James Detwiler - 9 years ago
jumping the shark? Bond said "nah, f that, we're kitejumping an ice wave, and outrunning a laser beam redirected from the sun, while driving in our invisible car
Erik Heini
Erik Heini - 9 years ago
is this supposed to be an Ice Age crossover?
borron karla
borron karla - 9 years ago
Crichjo32 - 9 years ago
This is up there with Legolas running up falling stones, as most embarrassing moment in the cinema.
Upcycle Shoes
Upcycle Shoes - 7 years ago
Peter Jackson had years to prepare for LoTR. With the Hobbit, he was shooting it off the hip.
Install Gentoo
Install Gentoo - 7 years ago
That one was cool.
DrunkenWizardBattle - 8 years ago
my favourite bit in the book
Assiman - 8 years ago
Legolas vs Elephant was far worse
blebleh999 - 8 years ago
Prometheus. -theron running to avoid being smashed by GIANT cheerios ring.... straight like kayote in roadrunner....
Pedro Reinaldo
Pedro Reinaldo - 9 years ago
+Crichjo32 you got add some fast and furious moments to that list
konohahurricane07 - 9 years ago
+Crichjo32 Legolas did surf down a flight of stairs on an Uruk shield while shooting arrows in the original to be fair.
darkchamberofdark666 - 9 years ago
+Crichjo32 Actually Legolas is an elf and in LOTR elves are lighter than humans(It's all in the lore). Which is why 1. He walks on top of the snow after Saruman's spell while the rest is sunken in there 2. He can jump/climb on arrows on a giant elephant without them breaking.
So at least Legolas has an excuse.
Crichjo32 - 9 years ago
+homer blair I know, can't believe it's from the same man who made LoTR. It's like a completely different world that has silly cartoon physics, rather than the gritty and graceful fantasy action of LoTR.
Crichjo32 - 9 years ago
+homer blair The Hobbit Battle of the Five Armies. You can probably find that moment on Youtube.
Parker - 9 years ago
Makes Avatar look like the Avatar cartoon, amazing.
Jim - 9 years ago
Nintendo Power Glove? Anyone?
Charles Rat
Charles Rat - 7 years ago
Jim its Gustav Graves arm
Sylvan Zarwell
Sylvan Zarwell - 9 years ago
The score is trying so hard for this to be a cool moment.  It isn't.
ToughGuyver1 - 9 years ago
Worst quick-time event scene ever! xD
Tael64 - 9 years ago
+ToughGuyver1 Introducing Die Another Day for the SEGA CD!
ToughGuyver1 - 9 years ago
+Moidem Grunderkraumpf
Computer-generated imagery is a cancer that eats the seriousness in a live-action movie.
A real action movie has to use practical effects, especially a true Bond-movie.
That's what intelligent people pay money for, they want to watch a analog live-action movie not a digital full-motion-video sequence of a video game.
The Adventurer
The Adventurer - 9 years ago
+Moidem Grunderkraumpf The score is the only good part of this scene.
Mats Tenor
Mats Tenor - 9 years ago
Dafuq? It's a Bond movie and this shit comes why???
Etalex - 9 years ago
+ToughGuyver1 Well, some things in movies are impossible to do with practical effects. Meaning some CG has to be used. A good movie should mix CG and practical effects.
Etalex - 9 years ago
+ToughGuyver1 Well, Jurassic Park did CGI well.
Mats Tenor
Mats Tenor - 9 years ago
Yes. The effects of Superman 1 and 2 also holds up... a ilttle
ToughGuyver1 - 9 years ago
Or Star Wars Episode IV - VI
But only the early versions of them not this digital enhanced bullshit, of course.
Mats Tenor
Mats Tenor - 9 years ago
Yes. Look at ol' fashion Kubrick. He made 2001 a space odyssey. It was effects that still holds up!
ToughGuyver1 - 9 years ago
If movie companies can't or won't invest in believable special effects, they shouldn't do them.
And CGI belongs into video games not live-action movies, same goes for digital post production, it makes movies look cheesy and unnatural.
Everything has to be practical in live-action movies.
Mats Tenor
Mats Tenor - 9 years ago
ToughGuyver1 - 9 years ago
+Mats Tenor
Because a lot of dumb people like to watch CGI in live-action movies and even pay for it, that's why.
Joseph Tomlin
Joseph Tomlin - 10 years ago
hat music is it
valar - 10 years ago
root2ohm - 10 years ago
This is more gay than Justin Bieber
William Garrick
William Garrick - 10 years ago
Well i can have you to know you might think how bad they are and confusing but there all awsome he has good action but still they might be a little bit goofy to tell you the truth
Janine Murdock
Janine Murdock - 10 years ago
He goes through all that, lands up on the cliff, parachute drags him backwards into a jutting bit of ice, he cracks his head and falls unconscious, dying a couple of hours later from the resulting concussion and internal hemorrhaging.
William Garrick
William Garrick - 10 years ago
I really dont know why do so many people have to hate this bond film its on of the best and i dont even know why so many people have to hate on pierce brosnan as a james bond actor he is one of the best james bond actors and here is the order of the pierce brosnan james bond movies 1st goldeneye 2nd die another day 3rd tomorrow never dies and 4th the world is not enough
irish91ify - 9 years ago
Because it sucks and scenes such as this one are examples of how none of brosnans bond movies after GoldenEye were as truly great as GoldenEye.
Noah Lach
Noah Lach - 9 years ago
+William Garrick Watch this and then Casina Royale which came after it. The difference in quality is mind blowing.
Nick Wilhelm Jo
Nick Wilhelm Jo - 10 years ago
One of the best Bond actors is not saying much I think. He's better than Roger Moore. Hmm that's it in my opinion. Goldeneye is great though :)
Janine Murdock
Janine Murdock - 10 years ago
I think you could make an argument that these later Brosnan films had vanished so far into the land of pure camp that they were fun on that level, but as films on their own?  God no, they were completely awful.
Pickleman - 10 years ago
that move at the end defied physics so badly, its bloody beautiful
Writer Shard
Writer Shard - 9 years ago
+Snag Prophet They probably were down on time. Given that this was so long ago, they probably had to spend ridiculous amounts of time just doing this one shitty scene.
Snag Prophet
Snag Prophet - 9 years ago
+Pickleman Did they just stop caring during editing? They could've easily fixed that landing with a few cuts.
Jericho - 10 years ago
Pierce was God Bond. You could throw anything at him and he would come out on top. 
Misaka Mikoto
Misaka Mikoto - 7 years ago
Mami's mammaries.
Alex Sutherland
Alex Sutherland - 10 years ago
Goldeneye God Mode

100. comment for Bond Tsunami Surfing

Machinedead - 10 years ago
Bond needs to be over the top like this, not on-foot chases through London metro and suspenseful poker games, gthat's not why we like Bond movies
irish91ify - 9 years ago
No he doesn't. Austin powers does maybe but not bond. Suspenseful poker games and on foot realistic chases through the subway are exactly what bond needed after this disaster of a movie.
mememaster - 9 years ago
+Machinedead I think you're getting Sean Connery mixed up with Mike Myers.
Starscream91 - 9 years ago
+Machinedead Sean Connery isn't over the top, except maybe Diamonds Are Forever. Your perceptions are off.
Machinedead - 9 years ago
I think Sean Connery and I think 'over the top'. If you deny this then you are lying to yourself
Starscream91 - 9 years ago
+Machinedead Gonna have to be more specific. When you say "old Bond movie" I think Sean Connery but you think Roger Moore.
Will Brock
Will Brock - 9 years ago
different times call for different styles
Machinedead - 9 years ago
looks at all the old Bond movie, they're completely over the top in plot and action, the new Bond movies are just run of the mill modern actionthriller, super serious Bond movies are lame....
Will Brock
Will Brock - 10 years ago
the realism is what the series is known for, this was just too much
PotatoPeeler - 10 years ago
One day all movies will have effects this mind blowing . . .
Aaron Benedetti
Aaron Benedetti - 10 years ago
This film was good regardless. The ones after SUCK
Starscream91 - 9 years ago
+Aaron Benedetti Ritalin makes you smarter you fucking dumbass. If you want to insult someone's intelligence by using a druggie insult you should refer to a downer like weed, heroin, or booze. Idiot.
hoho330 - 10 years ago
You seem like a bit of a dick, but I'm going to make my point anyway. If you prefer the sillier tone of the older Bond films thats fine, no one is going to take those movies away from you. But I think you're being a bit ridiculous saying that there's a 'right' way to do Bond. The new movie's are just a different take on the character.
Andrew St. Clair
Andrew St. Clair - 10 years ago
+Aaron Benedetti Well, if we be entirely fair, Sean Connery didn't fit the part. There was a bit of a backlash when he was cast. That being said, he fits it more than Brosnan, Moore and Lazenby.
Aaron Benedetti
Aaron Benedetti - 10 years ago
+Andrew St. Clair True but you completely ignored the fact that Daniel Craig doesn't fit the character at all.
Andrew St. Clair
Andrew St. Clair - 10 years ago
+Aaron Benedetti Because, when I think of something realistic, I think of the opening chase scene in Casino Royale. Or water fight scene in Skyfall. Or how about the opening of Quantum of Solace? Those are the most realistic things I've ever seen in my life. It could all totally happen.
Aaron Benedetti
Aaron Benedetti - 10 years ago
Daniel Craig can't even play the character of bond properly you retards. Bond is suave, not some typical tough guy asshole. You people are stupid its just a regular boring action film now. If I wanted to watch something realistic I'd go and look out my window or something you cunts.
Aaron Benedetti
Aaron Benedetti - 10 years ago
fags fine watch your new shitty bond films. Some dude has loads of water? SHIT! wait is that even illegal? The Daniel Craig bond films are fucking terrible.
seamac206 - 10 years ago
I'm with you. The over the top drama and character development is absolutely dreadful.
Andrew St. Clair
Andrew St. Clair - 10 years ago
+Aaron Benedetti James Bond escaping from danger is one of the most important things - possibly the most important thing in the Bond film series. When Bond's way to escape from danger is by turning the world into a massive cartoon, it's kind of a big deal.
Ken Britton
Ken Britton - 10 years ago
This is equivalent to Indiana Jones nuking the fridge.
Aaron Benedetti
Aaron Benedetti - 10 years ago
+Andrew St. Clair it was only a short scene its not that big of a deal
Andrew St. Clair
Andrew St. Clair - 10 years ago
+Aaron Benedetti Then maybe they should do one of the following two things. Either do a good job at it, and make sure that the entire scene doesn't look like it belongs in an Ice Age movie, or don't put something so stupid into the movie.
Ken Britton
Ken Britton - 10 years ago
I never said he was, you dummy. 
Aaron Benedetti
Aaron Benedetti - 10 years ago
+Ken Britton James Bond isn't supposed to be realistic you pleb.
Ken Britton
Ken Britton - 10 years ago
+Aaron Benedetti "Its not exactly like they can get the guy to surf down a tidal wave with a giant fucking laser chasing him"

I'm going to stop you right there. If that sentence doesn't explain to you why this movie sucks, then I feel sorry for you. 
Aaron Benedetti
Aaron Benedetti - 10 years ago
+Andrew St. Clair
Its not exactly like they can get the guy to surf down a tidal wave with a giant fucking laser chasing him WITHOUT CGI! Use some common sense. Its alot different than just getting a car frame under water.
Andrew St. Clair
Andrew St. Clair - 10 years ago
+Aaron Benedetti And I'm glad that you agree that Bond is meant to be over-the-top, hence, the opening chase scene from Casino Royale. Unless something in your mind tells you that that scene was completely plausible.
Andrew St. Clair
Andrew St. Clair - 10 years ago
+Aaron Benedetti I remember the submarine car. I remember it not being CG, that's for sure.
Aaron Benedetti
Aaron Benedetti - 10 years ago
I'm sorry was it too over the top? Remember the submarine car in THE OLD FILM? Bond is meant to be over the top. He always had TONS of gadgets. In the new film his top secret advanced gadgetry is a fucking defib.... Your the one on drugs, how much Ritalin you been taking you boring wanker?
shavp - 10 years ago
stay off drugs  lol
Adaśko Kowalski
Adaśko Kowalski - 10 years ago
Remember watching this in the cinema in 2002... I thought that the real enemy of James Bond is Eon Productions :)
Will Brock
Will Brock - 10 years ago
no it was the director
Billy Pancake
Billy Pancake - 10 years ago
Who the fuck pays these directors and writers
Joe Marranca
Joe Marranca - 10 years ago
Every Bond actor had a film that was inferior, Sean's was YOLT and DAF (even tho DAF is a guilty pleasure of mine) George's film was great but his Bond was a bit off the mark. Roger's films in the 80s were all cheesy and forgetable, Pierce's was obvisouly DAD, and even Craig's QOS was terrible, possibly the worst Bond outing of the whole series (just my opinion) because of the wasted opportunities with a vendetta for Vesper. The ending was done in a smart fashion in QOS where they could continue on this "Vesper Conquest" angle or act like it was over which they did. Anyways I like this film but Halle Berry and Terrible CGI just drag it down, along with the self indulgent referances for the franchises 40th anniversary. Pierce is my favorite Bond, and GoldenEye is my favorite Bond film aswell.
Charles Rat
Charles Rat - 7 years ago
Joe Marranca no i think TND is worst than DAD
Grayson Vaughn
Grayson Vaughn - 10 years ago
I still don't understand why people hate on Quantum of Solace so much. Obviously it's the worst of the Craig era, but I don't consider it a terrible movie. Not great, but not terrible. 
Powderwombat - 10 years ago
How can you not like any Moore films yet like Die Another Day? This movie almost killed the franchise. LTK being out of the ordinary is what makes it so good, I don't see how saying "it doesn't follow the same formula as the others" is a negative against it. Die Another Day is formulaic and it's garbage.
Joe Marranca
Joe Marranca - 10 years ago
+Joe Marranca By "him" I meant Leiter
Joe Marranca
Joe Marranca - 10 years ago
Also Dalton's LTK was good but a bit out of the ordinary for a 007 venture, if only a KGB agent or a former Western Intellegence agent killed him, the vendetta angle wouldve been awesome. The whole drug ring plot to me was a bit like "Scarface meets James Bond"
33hegemon - 10 years ago
The stuntman was insane to actually do this! 
Denis Virtualmix
Denis Virtualmix - 9 years ago
+33hegemon Do you see? That's only CGI, and is one of the worst CGI effects ever in a movie.
Roni Vornanen
Roni Vornanen - 10 years ago
It's full gci no tsunami, no surfing and no stuntman...
Pickleman - 10 years ago
oh you
Jake K
Jake K - 10 years ago
When I was a lot younger the first experience I had with the Bond series was when I first played GoldenEye and The World Is Not Enough on the Nintendo 64. Both of those games are fantastic. Then I watched the actual movies (Pierce Brosnan series) and all of them were outstanding, except Die Another Day was just "ok". Then I saw all of the bond movies and I must say Sean Connery, Pierce Brosnan, and Daniel Craig are my favorite Bond actors. Casino Royale and Skyfall are 2 of my all time favorites.   
THOMAS SODOMIZER - 10 years ago
God this looks like complete shit. Looks like some cut scene from some 90s command and conquer game. Horrible!
ABE SuperKiteDay
ABE SuperKiteDay - 10 years ago
omg I forgot this!
Lee Jones
Lee Jones - 10 years ago
This is not jumping the shark this is jumping the waves or jumping the icebergs it's that bad the low point of the whole James Bond series 
Glory - 10 years ago
I wasn't even involved in the making of the movie yet I still feel ashamed.
tg72211 - 11 years ago
The low point of the entire Bond series right here.
Nicholas Gagnon
Nicholas Gagnon - 11 years ago
Still this one scene is better than anything Quantum of Solace.
Alex Sutherland
Alex Sutherland - 10 years ago
And a better romance than Twilight.
Andrew St. Clair
Andrew St. Clair - 10 years ago
Nope. Quantum of Solace was easily better than anything in this movie, or any of Brosnan's movies after Goldeneye.
James P Schuetze
James P Schuetze - 11 years ago
PierceBrosnanXXX - 11 years ago
mmm the first 30 minutes of the film are a masterpiece, specially the TORTURE SCENE , that was awesome, but this cgi was a total piece of shit, still this film got alot of rave reviews so is a middle of the way film not as bad but also not as good as many people say.. but at least is not "Quantum of Shit" even Craig say  "he was fucked" in that film...
Andrew St. Clair
Andrew St. Clair - 10 years ago
Ummm.... this film got mixed reviews. Quantum of Solace actually got better reviews than this one did.
Racin' Mason
Racin' Mason - 11 years ago
It's not Brosnan's fault if he's handed a bad script, has an idiot director and shitty CGI specialists. Look at Goldeneye and Tomorrow Never Dies, both are his two best films and in my top ten all time Bond films
WonPorky - 7 years ago
Tomorrow Never Dies is a terrible film.
Essess Nine
Essess Nine - 10 years ago
+Jules Christopher The movies are okay (flawed though fairly entertaining), but the theme songs to Tomorrow Never Dies and The World is Not Enough are top notch.
Jacob Maguire
Jacob Maguire - 11 years ago
@kobebeef415 well besides his blonde hair I think he nailed it.
kobebeef415 - 11 years ago
+tehsnipatres208 i think craig sucks need a black haired guy
Jacob Maguire
Jacob Maguire - 11 years ago
It's funny because people were hating on Tomorrow Never Dies and I don't really see why I thought it was really good. Same thing with The World Is Not Enough I thought that was great as well. But then again I grew up playing the Nintendo 64 game. In general though I think Brosnan was one of the best bond actors next to Craig.
Jack Reilly
Jack Reilly - 11 years ago
nearly killed the franchise luckily casino royale rescued it  
lbonini1gaming - 11 years ago
Is it bad I'm excited to watch this film on Syfy over Thanksgiving?
ButtSolution - 11 years ago
I love how this scene accentuates his multiple chins.
wpm - 11 years ago
God damn as cheesy as it is, I'll be damned if I didn't smile when he crests the wave and comes into shot, right as the music climaxes. James Bond is supposed to be ridiculous and cheesy.
Daz 88
Daz 88 - 11 years ago
That is so cringeworthy at 1:11. They shoulda cut that out but it was a shit bond movie anyway so meh wouldn't make much difference.
YippieKiYay101 - 11 years ago
That soundtrack though......
SweetDick Willie
SweetDick Willie - 11 years ago
I think the invisible car was just as questionable, also Jinx, and that damn invisible car! Also John Cleese turned Bond into Manuel from Fawlty Towers!
MyJoJob - 11 years ago
this looks like fucking spy kids.
Mike J
Mike J - 11 years ago
I still can't believe that people criticise this film purely because of this scene. I mean really, can't anybody just see past the special effects and actually enjoy the decent movie it really is?
Lithoxene - 11 years ago
Dodges a tsunami with ease, yet can't free himself from a parasail.
Nick Schmidt
Nick Schmidt - 11 years ago
I thought it was good.. :\
DomCook22 - 11 years ago
Love the music in this scene.
Dazen Cobalt
Dazen Cobalt - 11 years ago
Pierce went out on such a bad note with die another day
MrEriklenn - 11 years ago's like they looked at all the goofiness of the Roger Moore movies and said "Challenge Accepted"
onerustybucket - 11 years ago
"Global warming is a terrible thing." Yeah, because it causes terrible CGI and domestic abuse of the suspension of disbelief.
HungryLikeT3hW00t - 11 years ago
0:34 I don't remember the movie much, but are those dudes bowing for that guy's lame joke?
Rowan Charlton
Rowan Charlton - 11 years ago
First half of this film was classic Bond
MajBlood - 11 years ago
World is Not Enough is actually a good movie.
lenkalamari - 11 years ago
CGI doesn't age, if it looks bad now it was bad from the start. chances are we just didn't know any better.
Ottofuse88 - 11 years ago
The man with the golden gun is 1 of the best... along with octopussy, although ur others r true, but dnt 4get quantum of solace lol
Zarakye - 11 years ago
No. That award goes to Octopussy, A view to a kill, Man with the golden gun, and the world is not enough.
grkpektis - 11 years ago
This didn't jump the shark, it raped the shark and it's children burned it alive then ate it
DANATANLOVER - 11 years ago
Ashley Pomeroy
Ashley Pomeroy - 11 years ago
My word, it's as bad as I remember. Not just the quality of the CGI - the direction, too, just a mixture of CGI shots of a little puppet man interspersed with close-ups of Pierce Brosnan's puffy face and dyed hair as he obviously stands on a wooden platform in a studio.
MrThestig8 - 12 years ago
First time I saw this scene, I thought it was badass. That music. Now...ugh.
WonPorky - 12 years ago
Batman and Robin with Bond.
Busk & Benke
Busk & Benke - 12 years ago
My god, Craig is wonderful as Bond. Hes just making him look moore realistic!
Rene Valdez
Rene Valdez - 12 years ago
Funny. Craig plays Bond almost exactly the way Ian Fleming wrote him.
joshw0071 - 12 years ago
its werid Die Another Day was my frist bond film that i ever saw and got me into the Franchise. and a lot of people hate on this film.
Sharpedo43 - 12 years ago
I don't see what's wrong with this scene. Is it the altered quality?
MrKajithecat - 12 years ago
This is like a Saturday morning cartoon physics
Worst Gen
Worst Gen - 12 years ago
Die Another Day doesn't exist, ok people? No one saw anything.
abingleyboy - 12 years ago
Cgi can ruin a film & this is really bad cgi, but all cgi in a lee tamahori movie is awful, the car crash in along came a spider is cartoonish, then Next with nick cage had rotten cgi, when i see lee tamahori's name on a film i always expect that unrealistic cgi to pop up mind you m:i 4 had some ropey cgi where a building in russia explodes, & its cartoon ahoy!! In the future it will look worse than hokey special effects of the 70s & 80s.
Andrew Amundrud
Andrew Amundrud - 12 years ago
My cat did the cgi for this movie - true story.
A Sneakerhead In Belgium
A Sneakerhead In Belgium - 12 years ago
Man this cgi bullcrap is terrible at best but that background music was the best of brosnan's films imo :o XD
baddaboomb - 12 years ago
I can almost hear pierce brosnan saying 'think of the paycheque, think of the paycheque' over and over as he filmed this scene. You can see it in his eyes.
GreyCat - 12 years ago
Still a fantastic movie though
James Bond
James Bond - 12 years ago
I think Die Another Day ment well. Its like the Diamonds Are Forever of Sean Connery's era for Pierce Brosnan. Its my favorite Brosnan film. CGI was becoming more prevalent in film at the time and they really wanted to make use of it in this Bond film. Die Another Day is very entertaining. Whether the CGI has aged well or not its still one of the funnest Bond films. At least its not boring. It could of been worse. I don't think it deserves the crap it gets. It makes a statement the early 2000's.
TheDonutdragon - 12 years ago
Worst CGI ever in a bond movie.
hombrear - 12 years ago
I'm ashamed of myself for actually enjoying this movie... but i can't help it :(
Rafael Silva
Rafael Silva - 12 years ago
You can say whatever you want to, but at least Die Another Day had one of the hottest Bond girls.
Fernando Yanmar
Fernando Yanmar - 12 years ago
lone wolf mcquaid couldnt have done better...
gordongecko1975 - 12 years ago
I don't think that both movies are bad. But they crossed a line in terms of believable action.
GameStation3 - 12 years ago
If that was true then why did that movie get positive reviews from critics?
jack - 12 years ago
Let's just forget this ever happened.
Dan Hassan
Dan Hassan - 12 years ago
"Global warming is a terrible thing" - I guess my first instinct would be to bow sheepishly as well.
tvmattkc - 12 years ago
It makes Quantum of Solace look like Dr. No. It makes Diamonds Are Forever look like Casino Royale.
DrinkWater22 - 12 years ago
Die Another Day makes Moonraker look like Goldfinger. It makes A View to a Kill look like Thunderball. It makes The Man with the Golden Gun look like From Russia With Love. I think you get the point.
Steve B
Steve B - 12 years ago
At least Pierce Brosnan pretty much admits this scene is stupid now lol
Eric Ferrier
Eric Ferrier - 12 years ago
The Harrier scene from True Lies looks more realistic than this! (And True Lies is the best Bond film ever)
SuperKing604 - 12 years ago
Worlds not enough was worse, some of the older ones are very cringe worthy
TheSlimifyD - 12 years ago
this feels like the longest old spice advert ever :\
SonicsJoe2013 - 12 years ago
This was cheezy and awesome at the same time
Mrster - 12 years ago
Gamecube graphics.
cossack9991 - 12 years ago
this has green screen written all over it...
TheRapDude - 12 years ago
Die Another Day
Thomas Jiang
Thomas Jiang - 12 years ago
Oh God I didn't remember how dumb this movie was! This scene looked so fake, the actual tsunami didn't look that bad, but Bond just didn't did not blend in well at all!
SlothMachines - 12 years ago
@Libraloco73 Also, Brosnan had nothing to do with how bad this film was. Excluding Goldeneye (same director as Casino Royale), he's a good actor who was given bad Bond films.
SlothMachines - 12 years ago
@Libraloco73 Don't forget that just 6 years ago there was a massive backlash against Craig from taking over the part. Online petitions and tons of slander against Casino Royale. I bet everyone felt silly once they actually saw it.
fg - 12 years ago
That looked fake as shit.
Spaceman2921 - 12 years ago
Say what you want about this scene, that music is FUCKING AMAZING.
AliveSigns - 12 years ago
This truly was the Batman & Robin of Bond films.
Anthony Stokes
Anthony Stokes - 12 years ago
I don't know maybe if it was in higher quality and better directed it could've been a little exciting in a campy way
Evan T
Evan T - 12 years ago
Good riddance to the Brosnan era...overblown, overstuffed, underwritten and underwhelming. Thank goodness for Daniel Craig.
mememaster - 12 years ago
All that's missing is a shark to jump.
mrlavabeast - 12 years ago
Easily the lowest point in the entire Bond franchise. An abomination of a movie.
Mad-Man With A Box Productions
Mad-Man With A Box Productions - 12 years ago
@katten838 it must be crap then.
azblstr - 12 years ago
Too realistic....
Leandro Cerqueira
Leandro Cerqueira - 12 years ago
Worst Bond moment ever!
gordongecko1975 - 12 years ago
This movie is the 'Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull' equivalent of the James Bond series.
Ricardo Warner
Ricardo Warner - 12 years ago
The idiot director said he wanted bond to embrace cgi, George Lucas and Michael Bay were his inspiration., and this this the result....
huxley971 - 12 years ago
@huxley971 Finally someone who agrees with me
DrowningGiraffe - 12 years ago
Bond actually fought a giant squid in the Dr. No novel lol.
kingofpointless - 12 years ago
Now that's what I call jumping the shark!
MrBurgundy76 - 12 years ago
LOLLLLLLL are you fucking kidding me LOLLLLLLLLL
rouxou - 12 years ago
DarrenBonJovi - 12 years ago
.......................just coming!
LeEpidemic - 12 years ago
lol Bronans worst scene
rmccaw7 - 12 years ago
every beloved run has to have one. Look at anything - Bond, Star Wars, Indy, etc.
rmccaw7 - 12 years ago
Bronhom makes everything bearable
rmccaw7 - 12 years ago
Rushil N
Rushil N - 12 years ago
Surfing a giant wave full of icebergs? Piece of cake.
spacemonkey95 - 12 years ago
Hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! Great reference. I wonder how many other people will get that. :D
Chrisi313 - 12 years ago
What an embarrassing scene.
Biomechanoid - 12 years ago
The Batman and Robin of the Bond series.
DarrenBonJovi - 12 years ago
"Then maybe you shouldnt be surfing heeeeeerrrrrreee!!!!!!"
WarriorBoy - 12 years ago
That there's people who think this is better than Quantum of Solace blows my mind.
Charizarzar - 12 years ago
That would've made more sense if you'd said "I am a huge Bond fan". Lol.
MOLE - 12 years ago
As comic store guy would say "WORST CGI EVER"
reservoirfrog1 - 12 years ago
Poor Bronholm.
huxley971 - 12 years ago
@Moorkan Ettadi Ok the cgi is crap, but what he does is pretty cool I think
Moorkan Ettadi
Moorkan Ettadi - 12 years ago
its becuase wat he does is ridiculous and also the cgi is shitty
Steve B
Steve B - 12 years ago
I love this scene. Its so hilarious. Poor Pierce :p
huxley971 - 12 years ago
Why do people hate this scene?
huxley971 - 12 years ago
Ok I really loved this scene
timothyt0102 - 12 years ago
Dang "good" CGI. Must have got a company to do it on a cheapo contract. :P
TheDefiant - 12 years ago
This is bad!
Stenbrotsgatan - 12 years ago
Totally agree. I've seen all Bond films in the cinema from Goldeneye (although I was a Bond fan from around 1989) and when I first saw this I felt ashamed and wanted to crawl under my seat. They just killed 40 years of Bond stunt history with this! It was so BAD and unbelievably was the first time I wanted to leave the cinema!
Stenbrotsgatan - 12 years ago
This movie did not bomb at all. It made 432 million World Wide.
MrSpetanink - 12 years ago
really? an ad?
kristopherm3 - 12 years ago
Wow just to think that a film could be worse than Octopussy or Never Say Never Again!
SP84Fanatic - 12 years ago
Fonzie jumped the shark; Bond rode the wave.
BaubleRob - 12 years ago
rockworm503 - 12 years ago
LOL after this movie... and People are still saying the Daniel Craig Bond movies are the worst. WTF.
duffeknol - 12 years ago
Even for back then, these special effects were atrocious.
Al123 - 12 years ago
Didn't even get his hair wet. This is the absolute nadir of the Bond franchise.
Shinkicker64 - 12 years ago
Terrible special effects
SethHesio - 12 years ago
So freakin' stupid.
CrashJakFan1994 - 12 years ago
I like the music in this scene, but the rest...
Rafael Fyen
Rafael Fyen - 13 years ago
Radical! Bodacious!
Daniel Callus
Daniel Callus - 13 years ago
0:28 best grunt ever
Alex McConnell
Alex McConnell - 13 years ago
I... do not remember this scene at all.
Se7enBeatleofDoom - 13 years ago
@nmarchan I want to play that game! :D
jdogsguitar - 13 years ago
@tikkj James Bond wasn't supposed to be cheesy. Read the books and he was a ruthless killer with class. Sean Connery started out with a couple jokes just because he is Sean Connery being suave & that's what he did. But then it just got ridiculous, even though I enjoyed the movies nonetheless. When it comes to what James Bond is supposed to be like, I think Casino Royale. A new agent Bond who can make mistakes but makes up for them with results. Quantum was just a poor movie as a whole.
tikkj - 13 years ago
@jdogsguitar Which makes it a Jason Bourne movie rather than James Bond. James Bond is *supposed* to be cheesy. The old bad guys had lazers on the moon and piranha tanks. In Quantum of Solace the bad guy threatens to cut off a third of Bolivias water supply. Realistic sure, but not James Bond.
cfu66 - 13 years ago
It could happen...
David Curry
David Curry - 13 years ago
and to think, this wasnt the dumbest scene in the movie
DANATANLOVER - 13 years ago
What a cool-looking video game. Waitaminute...that's from the ACTUAL MOVIE?!
jdogsguitar - 13 years ago
@stbays Idk I think it's arguable that Casino Royale is the most realistic and cunning Bond movie (if not a possible best.) There's not really any gadgets and he is played quiet and lethal.
Jarrah White
Jarrah White - 13 years ago
shudder, even on a small screen this looks awful.
Jarrah White
Jarrah White - 13 years ago
@Ironarm011 I'll watch Casino Royale 1967 again three times before I watch Die Another Day again.
AmaralRaul - 13 years ago
wich OST is this music,from the tsunami?there was a name,but i can´t find it
Ironarm011 - 13 years ago
Brilliant james bond movie? You guys are kidding right?
bbboooommmm - 13 years ago
When you deviate that far from the original literary concept, you might as well just say fuck it and go all the way—throw a pirate ship and a giant ice squid in there and make that tsunami really dangerous.
YippieKiYay101 - 13 years ago
the cgi aint even that bad bit over the top but i like it especially the music!
yankeescf04 - 13 years ago
@KiggeSand Probably because the CGI is so unbelievably atrocious.
KiggeSand - 13 years ago
I really can't see why this scene is so hated, the bond-films was allways meant to be unrealistic and over the top, Pierce Brosnas fleeing from a madman with space weapons while sufing on a tsunami wave with all that ice, that is just brilliant :D
Foale - 13 years ago
Like this comment if you watched this video after reading Vic Armstrong's book.
Joseph Grutt
Joseph Grutt - 13 years ago
@iknownothing34 I think it really depends on the perspective you enter these films with. I've really come to believe, minus Goldeneye, that the Bond films had become parodies of itself a long time ago. So, if you go into these movies taking them seriously, of course you're gonna hate this one and many others. On the other hand, if you accept their quasi parody nature, you laugh and you have a good time.
Jarrah White
Jarrah White - 13 years ago
I honestly thought I was watching in game footage from Nightfire when I first saw this in the cinema.
kaktus316 - 13 years ago
Dumbest thing I've ever seen. James Bond was a pussy.
TheReivax27 - 13 years ago
@achillesfury Are you kidding me ? Chuck Norris, couldn't find his sunglasses so he travelled to the sun and slap that bitch to make it turn around earth, which created a solar eruption , which created the lazer we can see on this NASA footage... c'mon, read some books !!!
Jim Peterson
Jim Peterson - 13 years ago
Worst CGI ever.
gunfighter964 - 13 years ago
worst. bond moment. ever!
Cameron Koller
Cameron Koller - 13 years ago
So, if you're on top of a giant wave, it's always a good idea to go in FRONT of it instead of moving behind it to safety...
Albin - 13 years ago
Indeed it is brilliant. Brilliantly stupid.
achillesfury - 13 years ago
Chuck Norris went into the movie, chopped off a slice of glacier and drop kicked it through the Tsunami for Mr. Bond to escape. moral of the movie? you did it again, Chuck Norris
Berengier817 - 13 years ago
Actually this is kite boarding, completely different than surfing. And is it me or does that bad guy only speak in puns?
enigma19833 - 14 years ago
Worst Bond movie EVA.
Harry Mayo
Harry Mayo - 14 years ago
Oh gawd. This scene's only redeeming feature is Toby Stephens' half-decent global warming line.
Baptize - 14 years ago
Too Much CGI is bad for ya
jack - 14 years ago
bad puns...bad action sequences...horrible effects...HOW COULD SOMEONE LIKE THIS MOVIE?
StevenRH - 15 years ago
And then they get mad when Indiana Jones survives a nuclear blast by trapping himself inside a fridge..
Christos Argiros
Christos Argiros - 15 years ago
me and my dad laughed when i was a kid at how ridiculous this looked
Sean Willets
Sean Willets - 15 years ago
0:03 cracks me up. Terrible puns are terrible. Oh yea and this movie is ridiculous.
CanboSlice321 - 15 years ago
fix0the0spade - 15 years ago
Worst Bond Movie ever, besides this one have any of the other films actually used greenscreen? I don't get why they did it, especially when the surfing bit at the beginning looked amazing (best bits of the film all before the opening credits, ouch).
StrawberryCaptain - 15 years ago
well... at least the music was good
Chester Copperpot
Chester Copperpot - 16 years ago
that was the worst cgi, and green screen i have ever seen... tim and eric amazing show.
Miss Stasi
Miss Stasi - 16 years ago
wow. this smells like digital shit.
Louis-Félix Boulanger
Louis-Félix Boulanger - 16 years ago
disgusting... what a shame
Daniel Gimenes
Daniel Gimenes - 16 years ago
hahaha what a piece of shit

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