Brad Domke Skimboards Better Than You'll Ever Surf

You're right, that's not surfing. And no, it doesn't matter. Florida's Brad Domke has made a name for himself in the surf world, but not for riding a surfboard. He's surfing massive waves on a skimboard. No fins, no paddling, just step-offs from the jetski into bone crushing XXL surf. Feast your eyes on what might be the greatest surfing that's ever gone down, that isn't actually surfing. And big ups to Domke for sending it as he does best. The dude rips. _ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. Watch Red Bull TV: See into our world: Red Bull on Facebook: Red Bull on Twitter: Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: Subscribe to the Red Bulletin: Sign up for our Newsletter here:

Brad Domke Skimboards Better Than You'll Ever Surf sentiment_very_dissatisfied 167

Surf 9 years ago 925,099 views

You're right, that's not surfing. And no, it doesn't matter. Florida's Brad Domke has made a name for himself in the surf world, but not for riding a surfboard. He's surfing massive waves on a skimboard. No fins, no paddling, just step-offs from the jetski into bone crushing XXL surf. Feast your eyes on what might be the greatest surfing that's ever gone down, that isn't actually surfing. And big ups to Domke for sending it as he does best. The dude rips. _ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. Watch Red Bull TV: See into our world: Red Bull on Facebook: Red Bull on Twitter: Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: Subscribe to the Red Bulletin: Sign up for our Newsletter here:

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Most popular comments
for Brad Domke Skimboards Better Than You'll Ever Surf

FrankieCizzle - 6 years ago
Aaron Boyd
Aaron Boyd - 6 years ago
That tuck in at 0:35 is one of the sickest things I've ever seen.
Juan Martínez Ibáñez
Juan Martínez Ibáñez - 6 years ago
EXPENDABLE11010 1 - 6 years ago
wakeskating takes more skill
EXPENDABLE11010 1 - 6 years ago
comparing apples to oranges. hes getting towed into waves. lets see him go to a wave that surfers need to be towed in
Peter Cruttenden
Peter Cruttenden - 6 years ago
If a pro surfer rode like that they'd never get out of the first round.
MKK Properties
MKK Properties - 7 years ago
The board looks so sketch but fast as hell!
Paddy Scowen
Paddy Scowen - 7 years ago
Jesse Judah
Jesse Judah - 7 years ago
Way cooL brah!!

10. comment for Brad Domke Skimboards Better Than You'll Ever Surf

Tony MacSwayne
Tony MacSwayne - 7 years ago
Skimboard level - ultra grandmaster
Trail Weaks
Trail Weaks - 7 years ago
Was I the only one cracking up laughing the whole time?
Borya - 7 years ago
1:22 OMG
Jelly Donut
Jelly Donut - 7 years ago
This is so sick
JM AF - 7 years ago
Weird that surfers think this is amazing and then in the same breadth slag off bodyboarders who can do the same thing. This is amazing - and so is 90% of the wave riding on YouTube. Flipping brilliant.
杰Mustela Luminosa
杰Mustela Luminosa - 7 years ago
this is not allowed
Mile Zovko
Mile Zovko - 7 years ago
mehdi Jillabi
mehdi Jillabi - 7 years ago
triple overhead on a skim... wow!
Nevermind - 7 years ago
Great video and soundtrack. The kids crazy. A Spaceman.
Mike Domke
Mike Domke - 7 years ago
ha same last name!!

20. comment for Brad Domke Skimboards Better Than You'll Ever Surf

WhatsThis?Tv - 7 years ago
I skim and I doubt that anyone else out there can do this. Absolutely insane
Robson Humberto
Robson Humberto - 7 years ago
muito louco
softwar3UPDAT3 - 7 years ago
Carlos Corrales
Carlos Corrales - 7 years ago
his arms...
Janex T Mraz y
Janex T Mraz y - 7 years ago
Wow boy you're amazing
Luke - 7 years ago
here I am, surfing for 15 years thinking "yeah, I'm pretty good." Now there is this guy who surfs bigger waves, does better aerials and kick flips a fucking finless skim board inside a massive barrel. I'm going to sit on my thumb and rotate.
Mang Led McGee
Mang Led McGee - 7 years ago
I love to see the skim boarders tear it up, mad props
Ethan Mellein
Ethan Mellein - 7 years ago
where is that at 1:07 ?
DB POV - 6 years ago
Ethan Mellein Puerto Escondido
kalanidmb17 - 7 years ago
how to kook
Lloyd McGriff
Lloyd McGriff - 7 years ago
Wow !!! ***Wooot*** =D

30. comment for Brad Domke Skimboards Better Than You'll Ever Surf

ncsam 000000
ncsam 000000 - 7 years ago
that's not skim boarding! it's surfing lol
Asad Doeasdw
Asad Doeasdw - 7 years ago
Granted that Brad Domke is one of the most elite pro skimboarders of his time, i can say i definitely surf better than this a know many people who do as well. i dont want to take away from how difficult this is on a skimboard but he is being towed in which makes catching and pulling into waves a breeze, he did one passable turn which was a grab rail reverse that even lesser than amateur surfers can pull-off. he had to grab his rail for the front 360 at the end and he didn't project onto the face of the wave, he just aired at the back which ive seen kids do. trust me. a lot of people surf better then this guy who aren't even paid or sponsored. that said, not many people can skimboard better than him.
Whitenacho - 7 years ago
Brad Domke surfs way better than Kelly!
Mason Canner
Mason Canner - 7 years ago
This is insane!
J Sears
J Sears - 7 years ago
jeeze, I wanna start surfing, then I see this and I'm like, wow. smaller board, and you can rip same as a longboard? I gotta at least start with this
Ines Lloyd
Ines Lloyd - 7 years ago
josh mcdonald he can also use a long board then transfer to his skimboard
josh mcdonald
josh mcdonald - 7 years ago
J Sears you have to be towed into waves though.

Skim boarding is meant to start at the shore and then carve into a wave and ride it.
Surfers 2 The Rescue Ocean Rescue
Surfers 2 The Rescue Ocean Rescue - 7 years ago
too sick !
kids place on channel 9
kids place on channel 9 - 7 years ago
redbird whisky gives my hotdog wings mang.
fightrrrrr - 7 years ago
This is pure sickness. Impressive
chrissarnecki - 7 years ago
it's the Rodney Mullen equation, making the seemingly impossible look easy
Daniel Eicher
Daniel Eicher - 7 years ago
beat video on YouTube!
Jeremy B
Jeremy B - 7 years ago
Wow .. very impressive!!
Fuckin legit .... bravo
Evan Tansimore
Evan Tansimore - 7 years ago
theLegend27? Is that you..?
Earl Vaughn
Earl Vaughn - 7 years ago
Its surfing with a small finless board
J M - 7 years ago
1:07 So pitted.
Henry Wilson
Henry Wilson - 7 years ago
wellfuckyoumr - 7 years ago
Too many Indy grabs, other than that, this shit is pretty awesome.
Ryan Ortiz
Ryan Ortiz - 7 years ago
anyone know the name of the song?
Andy Davis
Andy Davis - 7 years ago
He went animal dude.
Michael Epperson
Michael Epperson - 7 years ago
the joke's on you Brad. I can't even surf!
Dan Stennis
Dan Stennis - 7 years ago
WHO DISLIKED THIS?! This was awesome!

50. comment for Brad Domke Skimboards Better Than You'll Ever Surf

Abel Cuevas
Abel Cuevas - 7 years ago
not impressed at all! I could do this blind folded, with one arm tied behind my back while eating a sandwich. .. lol
First Name Last Name
First Name Last Name - 7 years ago
What an obnoxious title to a video.
capowacko - 7 years ago
well I've been surfing for over 40 fricken years and I can ride just about anything. And I have to agree he does. Damn , he's fricken amazing ! He's quite literally in a league of his own, that right monster barrel at Puerto , Holy Frijoli !
thooke222 - 7 years ago
essentially surfing ... with a skim board
Steve Carmien
Steve Carmien - 7 years ago
hell ya.....
Donald Trump
Donald Trump - 7 years ago
Marc Batero Espejo
Marc Batero Espejo - 7 years ago
that is just phenomenal skill!
Midnight042 - 7 years ago
This is sooo sick!!
Mathieu RICHARD - 7 years ago
what's this song please ?
Caleb Hensley
Caleb Hensley - 7 years ago
Jesse21 - 7 years ago
dudes insane! awesome
Zach - 7 years ago
Waves this size on a board that size. Mad Skill.
Tennis Rich
Tennis Rich - 7 years ago
nice jams as well. you people are un friggin believable. take on the god damn OCEAN. with your board... like night skiing down hill in a blizzard when the mt house rang the civil defence alarm so you could tell what way was down... soaked n stoked
Andrew Davis
Andrew Davis - 7 years ago
Can he get out to all the waves on his own or does he need a jet ski?
Ines Lloyd
Ines Lloyd - 7 years ago
josh mcdonald or a board transfers
josh mcdonald
josh mcdonald - 7 years ago
Andrew Davis Skim boards can't catch a wave like a surf board. He either was towed or he caught them by skimming to then from the shore and carving up them.
Riccardo Cella
Riccardo Cella - 7 years ago
best video of surf evere
BLACK05GO1 - 7 years ago
Skim boards are so sketchy. Simply amazing riding waves that large on a skim board.
merk alert tv
merk alert tv - 7 years ago
Dam I remember when we used to varnish a piece of plywood the day before we went to the beach.
Graham Matthew
Graham Matthew - 7 years ago
Louis C Pher
Louis C Pher - 7 years ago
crazypolite - 7 years ago
1:20 surfing at the sewage plant?
Jasper Leckie
Jasper Leckie - 7 years ago
Sunny Bolden
Sunny Bolden - 7 years ago
Bad Ass? - I think so
Steve Carey
Steve Carey - 7 years ago
"Brad Domke Skimboards Better Than You'll Ever Surf"
After watching this video... yeah, he does.
Daniel Worley
Daniel Worley - 7 years ago
Dwayne Paoner
Dwayne Paoner - 7 years ago
Obviously photoshopped.....
MrHog10 - 7 years ago
Mind blown. WOW BAD A$$
fastfingersfunk - 7 years ago
damn. superhuman.
Cam - 7 years ago
This guys out here popping shove its on a skimboard!!
Cam - 7 years ago
So I think it's fucking cool I thought that was implied..
jahnniii - 7 years ago
Mario Negrini
Mario Negrini - 7 years ago
Any reference for this soundtrack?
Chicken Lips
Chicken Lips - 7 years ago
maurizio collu
maurizio collu - 7 years ago
When i drink red bull i can't sleep
fernysyoutube - 7 years ago
Floyd Outdoors
Floyd Outdoors - 7 years ago
wouldnt he lose alot of boards doing that?
John A
John A - 7 years ago
Holy SMACK!!! S I C K ! ! !
pedallin raw
pedallin raw - 7 years ago
Proper surfing a real surfer ☺️
Martin Marshall
Martin Marshall - 7 years ago
anyone selling top of the range surf boards boasting the best new technology?? good luck....
Scott Thompson
Scott Thompson - 7 years ago
What!!!!!!? That was sick -- Way better than I can surf for sure. Haha.
Joey Stroschein
Joey Stroschein - 7 years ago
Fuckin rips wild!!!
Je Suis Hulk
Je Suis Hulk - 7 years ago
looks like a wave of shit fluid
isurid1 - 7 years ago
RedPanda FPV
RedPanda FPV - 7 years ago
Wow! Never thought I'd see someone busting pop shuvits on the front of a MASSIVE wave. This guy is the man. He's got enough balance, core strength and ball sack to spare for like 80% of the earths population.
Fitchie23 - 7 years ago
he certainly does
2ndEarth - 7 years ago
I want to know, who are the 88 miserable souls who watch this video and decide to dislike it? As a surfer, I saw things he did in that water that I never seen before in my life.
22 A Day No Way
22 A Day No Way - 7 years ago
watch     22adaynoway
Marc Jager
Marc Jager - 7 years ago
WOW... that really deserves the word * EPIC*
End of the Earth Vans
End of the Earth Vans - 7 years ago
Kid could probably surf a pizza box through that barrel. F your thrusters and quads.
iamEAGLE - 7 years ago
Tony hawk of the ocean
Harrison McCormik
Harrison McCormik - 7 years ago
When the thumbnail isn't clickbait 1:22
What world am I in
Jman the Lasser
Jman the Lasser - 7 years ago
Can everyone plz sub I am trying to hit 1000 by end of month cause my dad said he would by me GoPro
Cristian - 7 years ago
This is the future

100. comment for Brad Domke Skimboards Better Than You'll Ever Surf

Symphony Farm
Symphony Farm - 7 years ago
uh shove it on the face of the wave?....ridiculous...spinning on the face of the wave?....ridiculous
Louis Bianchino
Louis Bianchino - 7 years ago
holy shit that was crazy
Reedah5Jamz - 7 years ago
when you think that tumbnail is photoshoped but actually watch the video 0_0 yup that's me.
Vitopa13 - 8 years ago
Thought that thumbnail was fake..... Surprised when it wasn't.
doublestrokeroll - 8 years ago
I was going to type reflexively.....

"maybe...but it's still NOT a surfboard....(na na na).."

Before I watched the video.

stickyfingaz - 8 years ago
01:23 sick photo oppppp!
David Penprase
David Penprase - 8 years ago
that's crazy a bottom turn on a skimboard??
luis fernando moncada peña
luis fernando moncada peña - 8 years ago
buena tío.
Ricardo Baez
Ricardo Baez - 8 years ago
what's the name of that song ?
keonizzz - 8 years ago
Nice, Chris Taloa (wonton) stand up boogie throws buckets
DGK - 8 years ago
dapete - 8 years ago
When he spins off of those tiny shore waves, does he land in about 1' of water?
Ab The Kid
Ab The Kid - 8 years ago
dapete yes some times less
john mazuera
john mazuera - 8 years ago
Big spin pop shovs reverts on 20foot waves......that sh*t cray
John Watts
John Watts - 8 years ago
"Brad Domke skimboards better than you'll ever surf" at first i was like "fuck you brad domke" then I saw the video and I was like "fuck me brad domke, fuck my girl, fuck my dog, you deserve it"
joe mcbride
joe mcbride - 7 years ago
Honestly one of the best comments I've seen in a while
JM AF - 8 years ago
John Watts I'm not sure the dog will be received as a gift.
DGSB 76 - 8 years ago
Wow. I love the way he can pick up speed so easily. Ditto that he can nearly fall off, but then manages to regain his balance in a slightly different way to other traditional surfers
0:27 for a lovely in-wave shot.
Tristan Bradford
Tristan Bradford - 8 years ago
saffron grech
saffron grech - 8 years ago
wow that huge wave you surfed was amazing!! Great job
Jordan Larson
Jordan Larson - 8 years ago
HEAVY omg. That was BIG wave surfing..... on a skim board.... Doing tricks...... WHAT
TheCptawesum - 8 years ago
what's this song
Joel Hodgson
Joel Hodgson - 8 years ago
At least I don't need a jetski to catch all my waves
Ines Lloyd
Ines Lloyd - 7 years ago
Joel Hodgson lol he also does board transfers and still he's surfing with a skim board that has no fins
Allanrpsx - 7 years ago
Joel Hodgson yeah this guy blows
_JRL_ - 7 years ago
Joel Hodgson dumbass
719Moto Mx
719Moto Mx - 8 years ago
dude this is sick I never would have thought riding waves on a skim board was even possible
Fug Babylon
Fug Babylon - 8 years ago
This is cool but wave riding via shortboard surfing is the most efficient way! Notice how the skim boarders have to make that stupid arm circle swinging motion while on bigger wave just to stay balanced cuz the balance on that sucks cuz there's no skegs. AND ITS SKIMBOARDING not SURFING
Kegan Blay
Kegan Blay - 8 years ago
How does he get on the waves when the JetSki isn't their
DB POV - 6 years ago
He doesnt lol
buu naahtz
buu naahtz - 8 years ago
Kegan blay he doesnt
Elze77 - 8 years ago
Dat big spin. Hmmmmm
LIQUID COOLER - 8 years ago
at 1:23 ! !! woooww
leonardo ferlinghetti
leonardo ferlinghetti - 8 years ago
Get a surf board
Matt M.
Matt M. - 8 years ago
Wobble d wobble
ליאם ב י
ליאם ב י - 8 years ago
תחת בךופיק
Lee Van voorst
Lee Van voorst - 8 years ago
What's is the song
Gonçalo Carvalhais
Gonçalo Carvalhais - 8 years ago
Wanton Bishops - “Shake”
Chris F
Chris F - 8 years ago
Grantastic - 8 years ago
My question is how does he even find his skin board of he wipes out?
James Best
James Best - 8 years ago
Not better than I'll ever surf,but is trick
Pacific Dynamic Builders
Pacific Dynamic Builders - 8 years ago
Then why are we not watching you video?
drewbehr - 8 years ago
This is the gnarliest video. So hard what he is doing.
FAST///M3 - 8 years ago
WOW!!!!!! one FKIN BAD ASS!!!! BROTHER....
Ronsonmobile - 8 years ago
goes to show you only need a few inches of board to ride a wave
Sean Kearns
Sean Kearns - 7 years ago
Ronsonmobile ...and a jet ski
Mike Z
Mike Z - 8 years ago
nothing else to say but epic... you shred my good sir
Pavlo Mishyn
Pavlo Mishyn - 8 years ago
next time - surfing on iron ;)
but really, amazing video
G William
G William - 8 years ago
Brad Domke doesn't even skimboard as well as I skimboard.
papapetad - 8 years ago
That looks incredible. The angle of the board and overall style is an absolute feast for the eyes. Those bottom turns are epic!
awsomegamer1 Lucia
awsomegamer1 Lucia - 8 years ago
Brad Domkes jet ski is better than mine
SephirothXTR - 8 years ago
Amazing !!!
Mike Diesel
Mike Diesel - 8 years ago
so steezy
Daniel M. O.
Daniel M. O. - 8 years ago
Psychopath on a board!
UBF Underground Boxing Federation
UBF Underground Boxing Federation - 8 years ago
i thought that was clickbait. nope. 100% bad ass.
sethhh - 8 years ago
how does he go so far without sinking? I can barely get 3 meters and sink
Luke George
Luke George - 8 years ago
sethhh probably weighs 60kg ringing wet and speed helps keep the board bouyant that's why he got taxi'd from a jetski
beyblastic2002 - 8 years ago
it's all about speed and having a foam board if you have a wood board it's only made for sand riding while foams are made for you to get out and catch a wave , it takes longer to sink
Sean O'Brieon
Sean O'Brieon - 8 years ago
....magic fairy dust...
Joe Andrew Turner
Joe Andrew Turner - 8 years ago
skimboards dont have fins that would be hard to surf
Samartha Saksena
Samartha Saksena - 8 years ago
red bull fucking loves this song
robert roussett
robert roussett - 8 years ago
shit, i just saw he's already sponsored by red bull; well i hope other companys take a look at this guy. would love to see him at the the wedge. just incredible athleticism and coordination...rr
Sean O'Brieon
Sean O'Brieon - 8 years ago
You are in Love, Robbie....**
robert roussett
robert roussett - 8 years ago
damn, that guy can shred...and on a skimboard...never seen THAT done before. more power to badass brad...i hope he gets endorsements like , "red bull," etc. just so much energy. thank you for the clip and nice pulsing soundtrack...rr
Sean O'Brieon
Sean O'Brieon - 8 years ago
No worries...I will get some more footage of him together soon...cheers for tha positive feedback...l
Andrew White
Andrew White - 8 years ago
nasty nasty nasty .. that is incredibly hard.. he just bounces off the wave back onto his fucking skimboard
Jared Greenwald
Jared Greenwald - 7 years ago
Yeah I was thinking the same thing, I've never seen anything like it.
Carlos Collares Meirelles
Carlos Collares Meirelles - 8 years ago!! =O
Sean O'Brieon
Sean O'Brieon - 8 years ago
Wil Sargisson
Wil Sargisson - 8 years ago
Imagine being Kainoa McGee, drop-kneeing 20 foot faces at Pipeline on his bodyboard.
CelestialOtter - 8 years ago
That's skimboarding for ya ;)
TomNook77 - 8 years ago
Wish I could have grown up by the ocean.
Rob - 7 years ago
TomNook77 Why so Fukushima radiation would radiate your nutsack? Ill pass...
Zob Rombie
Zob Rombie - 7 years ago
John Shackleton Money.
Billie Boag
Billie Boag - 8 years ago
Mic Spaffy Millard nah man it's fucking awesome
John Shackleton
John Shackleton - 8 years ago
What's stopping you from growing old at the ocean then?
Mic Spaffy Millard
Mic Spaffy Millard - 8 years ago
no you dont growing up by the ocean is overrated
John Watts
John Watts - 8 years ago
This dude is a fucking anomaly
DSF Repairs
DSF Repairs - 8 years ago
TomNook77 I did I still can't do that. Lol
Bodyboarding Today
Bodyboarding Today - 8 years ago
Do it on a Bodyboard!
SupremacyGaming - 8 years ago
That's dope
paul roche
paul roche - 8 years ago
savage!!! :)
Philly - 8 years ago
I laughed when I saw the caption, then watched the video...sick
Nathan Lisiecki
Nathan Lisiecki - 8 years ago
William Seifert
William Seifert - 8 years ago
That was so epic
Jacquie Walton
Jacquie Walton - 8 years ago
Logan Brosnahan
Logan Brosnahan - 8 years ago
That was dope!
Jason Kadlec
Jason Kadlec - 8 years ago
Whaaa tha faaaaaahk?
SZAK - 8 years ago
Okay, using a skimboard to surf is sick. Pop shove it while surfing on a skimboard...nasty. If this dude starts pulling off kickflips and sh*, I will absolutely lose my sh*!
Lex Boogie
Lex Boogie - 6 years ago
Skimboarders are already doing kick flips. But I agree, if it was done while surfing it's pretty much over for the sport.
Cube930 - 6 years ago
SZAK if he does a kickflip its all over, every surfer and skimboarder will quit
SUP richie
SUP richie - 8 years ago
put him in Kellys wave pool
Christine Wrench
Christine Wrench - 8 years ago
Does seem make all our endless talk about fin shapes and rail profiles a little bit of a wankfest.
Jack Schreuder
Jack Schreuder - 7 years ago
blyndrotor they have thier massive duck fins to apply drag If they need
blyndrotor - 7 years ago
And body boarders have known for many years you don't need fins for control.
Ben Hollinger
Ben Hollinger - 7 years ago
who needs a rail when you can hang 2 off the back of your sheet of plywood
kostas benis
kostas benis - 7 years ago
flawless logic
Lanky Daze
Lanky Daze - 7 years ago
Arturo Dickson
Arturo Dickson - 8 years ago
this should be top comment XD
Priceless Duffy
Priceless Duffy - 8 years ago
Bernard Krzyżowski
Bernard Krzyżowski - 8 years ago
What's the name of this song??????
Jefferso Pereira
Jefferso Pereira - 8 years ago
Muito loco
Mike Dobbs
Mike Dobbs - 8 years ago
That is a very valid YouTube Title...
Mate D.
Mate D. - 8 years ago
shake- the wanton bishops
Tisha Reneshe
Tisha Reneshe - 9 years ago
Living for Now
Living for Now - 9 years ago
For all you wondering, the song is by The Wanton Bishops and is called "Shake"
bruno azeredo
bruno azeredo - 9 years ago
sam McDonald
sam McDonald - 9 years ago
you guys use the same song...
sam McDonald
sam McDonald - 9 years ago
+Living for Now thanks
Living for Now
Living for Now - 9 years ago
+sam McDonald the song is called "shake" by the wanton bishops
mazmonsters - 9 years ago
joemobumtwizzler - 9 years ago
hahaha that's insane :) good work!!
LeFoxi - 9 years ago
Song ?
LeFoxi - 8 years ago
+Mate D. Thank You :)
Mate D.
Mate D. - 8 years ago
+LaZyEpiC (Dคภร Lค Lยภє!) shake- the wanton bishops
guccik123 - 9 years ago
Holly crap
Maria José Garcia
Maria José Garcia - 9 years ago
Please, nobody knows the song?
Christina L
Christina L - 8 years ago
+maria jose garcia np anytime x
Maria José Garcia
Maria José Garcia - 8 years ago
+Wolfpack Gals
Thanks Wolf!. I didn't know The Wanton Bishops. I like them!
Christina L
Christina L - 8 years ago
Shake- the wanton bishops
Bonnie Ruth
Bonnie Ruth - 9 years ago
INSANE I don't know how people like him actually exist.
Erik Danielsen
Erik Danielsen - 9 years ago
does anybody know the name of the song??
Maria José Garcia
Maria José Garcia - 8 years ago
Erik after......moņths we have the answer: Shake!!!
Christina L
Christina L - 8 years ago
Shake- the wanton bishops
Maria José Garcia
Maria José Garcia - 9 years ago
+Erik Danielsen I'm just in this moment asking the same to myself and looking the comments to find the answer... 3 weeks and nobody answer you... i'll try again
Móveis Rústicos Império dos Móveis
Móveis Rústicos Império dos Móveis - 9 years ago
Matthew Lear
Matthew Lear - 9 years ago
ricky duke
ricky duke - 9 years ago
I feel like tow skimming waves kinda defeats the purpose. Like why not just surf then
josh mcdonald
josh mcdonald - 7 years ago
ricky duke Skim Boards ride way different than surf boards. Whole different feeling and you can do tricks on it like a shove it
zattack98 - 9 years ago
Jonathan dobbs
Jonathan dobbs - 9 years ago
He's good, but the tittle was wrong........ I surf better than he skim boards.... Just saying...
Asad Doeasdw
Asad Doeasdw - 7 years ago
i believe it. i definitely surf better than this a know many people who do as well. he is being towed in which makes catching and pulling into waves a breeze, he did one passable turn which was a grab rail reverse that even lesser than amateur surfers can pull-off. he had to grab his rail for the front 360 at the end and he didn't project onto the face of the wave, he just aired at the back which ive seen kids do. trust me. a lot of people surf better then this guy who aren't even paid or sponsored.
Stand Over Man
Stand Over Man - 8 years ago
haha this guy can surf better then you will ever.
David Phillips
David Phillips - 8 years ago
+Jonathan dobbs I doubt it. Your video proof?
Nicolas Ruvalcaba
Nicolas Ruvalcaba - 9 years ago
This guy clearly doesn't realize that this is impossible..
Ben Hollinger
Ben Hollinger - 7 years ago
So many impossible things happen in this video.
Carl Harverson
Carl Harverson - 9 years ago
Isn't this a bit like riding a tricycle on a giant half pipe?
Spencer - 9 years ago
Yeah or a longboard in a skatepark
Mscar 760
Mscar 760 - 9 years ago
Totally insane how did you survive 1:20 ?
Nick Noskill
Nick Noskill - 9 years ago
So this video starts off like every other skimboard video with some decent air off a decent shore break and then......... Mind blown.
Cameron Conner
Cameron Conner - 9 years ago
Very Cool
Nathan James
Nathan James - 9 years ago
no fins.
Tyler E
Tyler E - 9 years ago
How dose he drop in
Jordan McLaughlin
Jordan McLaughlin - 9 years ago
how many boards do you think he's lost?
Freaky Links
Freaky Links - 9 years ago
ok ok ok; he skimboards better like I surf ! But very very  much better lol
Surfistão Rei
Surfistão Rei - 9 years ago
quando essas ondas grandes cai em cima, o sufista continua de pé na prancha ou ele cai na hora? se cair a onda deve sufocar um pouco
The Plaank
The Plaank - 9 years ago
only 3 words: DOPE AS FUCK!
clarkewi - 9 years ago
Love it.
Alfa Niner
Alfa Niner - 9 years ago
OMFG 1:06 is a freight train.
shackhound - 9 years ago
Remarkable and astonishing.
TrapBum - 9 years ago
surfing is cool and all, but skimboarding is much better :D
rchalmers3 - 9 years ago
It looked like he struggled to set an edge going backside. Is that the Achilles heel of skim boarding vs surfing?

Dan Beyool
Dan Beyool - 9 years ago
go hit teahupoo dude!!
DB POV - 6 years ago
He already did... and nazare as well!
hayden brooke
hayden brooke - 9 years ago
He did lol check out wsl big wave awards channel
smallfaucet - 9 years ago
360 shove it in front of a barrel? damn!!!
dash dash
dash dash - 9 years ago
Lars T
Lars T - 9 years ago
This guy is crazy!
Faith & Action
Faith & Action - 9 years ago
NO WAY!!!!
Lindsay Kay
Lindsay Kay - 9 years ago
+Tom Phillpotts
Tom Phillpotts
Tom Phillpotts - 9 years ago
Unreal skills.
Lindsay Kay
Lindsay Kay - 9 years ago
That is sick on so many levels, and so expressive.
Zoe Inches
Zoe Inches - 9 years ago
Wow just wow, that is awesome!!!!!!!!
805skatepals - 9 years ago
+Jake Tapper
On air 27
On air 27 - 9 years ago
pieter de vries
pieter de vries - 9 years ago
anyone else notice he looks like a blonde john travolta from pulp fiction?
Josh Lewis
Josh Lewis - 9 years ago
This dude has got to have some ridiculous balance cutting like that on a skim board. Maybe it's like wakeskating except your going a lot faster and its 1000 times as slick. Respect.
on88keys - 9 years ago
victoria skimboards
Christophe L
Christophe L - 9 years ago
WOW so drifty and rowdy! I love it!
JR_113 - 9 years ago
Dudes an animal
johnnykR9 - 9 years ago
1:10 - 1:15  WOW!
Maurice Samuels
Maurice Samuels - 9 years ago
Good luck
Serge Gnabry
Serge Gnabry - 9 years ago
fingers crossed redbull do some more coverage of skimboarding..
KK Woolsey
KK Woolsey - 9 years ago
this video was freaking awesome!! I watched it 3 times. dudes a savage. thumbs up
trey surf
trey surf - 9 years ago
Skimboarding god
thebarrochannel - 9 years ago
this is fucking rad
how you get back to the shore from there though??
Huddles Caceres
Huddles Caceres - 9 years ago
+thebarrochannel The wave brings him there
thebarrochannel - 9 years ago
holy fuck
I'll be shitting my board shorts out there.
MyFacefaceface - 9 years ago
+thebarrochannel i know right!!! those jet-skis leave him out there everytime. he actually does an interview and complains about it.
Keith Bloemendaal
Keith Bloemendaal - 9 years ago
kloudlicker - 9 years ago
song name?
Nectar K
Nectar K - 9 years ago
What's the track and band on this spot?
QweMartiny - 9 years ago
This guy just needs to learn how to kickflip and he'll revolutionize surf forever
Stand Over Man
Stand Over Man - 8 years ago
+Serge Gnabry been done many times in wave skimming too.
Stand Over Man
Stand Over Man - 8 years ago
he can kickflip a lot of skimmers kickflip reguarly
Serge Gnabry
Serge Gnabry - 9 years ago
of course, DB skimboards is an extremely small company and if I recall most of the competitions/coverage they get is all from themselves. they've done a lot for the sport
QweMartiny - 9 years ago
I had no idea
Serge Gnabry
Serge Gnabry - 9 years ago
+QweMartiny the kickflip has actually been around for some time in flatland skimboarding, pretty sure the trick is in a fair few DB Skimboard edits
Darrell Tasman Roberts
Darrell Tasman Roberts - 9 years ago
King of gnarly! Holy shit balls!
Tomas Gandy
Tomas Gandy - 9 years ago
That was epic, make another video of this guy, he's awesome
On air 27
On air 27 - 9 years ago
+Tomas Gandy this isn´t made by redbull.

chek the domke´s / exile channel
SUP richie
SUP richie - 9 years ago
Need for Speed!
Kris Van Melle
Kris Van Melle - 9 years ago
Holy shit!
Richard Ingalls
Richard Ingalls - 9 years ago
Yes! This dude is a Master. Whoa.
Bruz 123
Bruz 123 - 9 years ago
this man is an inspiration to people everywhere.
Brent Hendriksen
Brent Hendriksen - 9 years ago
where is that?
ULOOKN - 9 years ago
13 people just don't understand.
Matt G
Matt G - 9 years ago
windsurfer912 - 9 years ago
Get this guy to the wedge at newport beach CA asap! He shreds
stanleyperth - 9 years ago
Holy crap ......
Stärke - 9 years ago
That dark brown wave... wtf this guy is insane!!!
RedKB - 9 years ago
Brad Domke is awesome!
1FinalChance - 7 years ago
Super late response but, odd seeing you here.
Sean O'Brieon
Sean O'Brieon - 8 years ago
Liam Marguglio
Liam Marguglio - 8 years ago
ikr LOL I used to cube but now that i saw this thats funny
TeaWaddle -
TeaWaddle - - 8 years ago
me either
h e c c
h e c c - 8 years ago
Woah! Didn't expect to see you here!
iamEAGLE - 9 years ago
Tony hawks in the ocean! Respect.
thats it, im buying a fucking skimboard
Mans Tank
Mans Tank - 9 years ago
More of this please!
san Zhandy
san Zhandy - 9 years ago
Mantap pisan euy
Thompson BMX
Thompson BMX - 9 years ago
Props to skimboarders everywhere.
End of the Earth Vans
End of the Earth Vans - 7 years ago
What about the sponge boarders and their flappy fins though??#spongelivesmatter
MexElf - 9 years ago
Pause at 1:24 rip
Jung und Dumm
Jung und Dumm - 9 years ago
lol the treshuv
J. Scaffnetti
J. Scaffnetti - 9 years ago
Freak of nature!!!!!!! Insane!!
Dylan R.
Dylan R. - 9 years ago
If sharks werent an issue id be all over this sport
Banana Bro
Banana Bro - 9 years ago
Sub me PLZ tanks
Jan Geleijnse
Jan Geleijnse - 9 years ago
what type of skimboard is that?
Man of Water
Man of Water - 9 years ago
chargin ! would be cool to see domke surfing
Gmaine - 9 years ago
HOorey SHet, this kid RIps. I approve
808supa43 - 9 years ago
OnCam31 - 9 years ago
best thing ive seen in a long time
SeanSuknaic - 9 years ago
Was skim boarding a lot at the beach this weekend haha at least I thought I was
Ben Counsell
Ben Counsell - 9 years ago
Yet I would still rather surf and I can do both
Daniel Estrada
Daniel Estrada - 9 years ago
Lmao this dude is fucking shredding that bitch! woah!!!!
CK_32 - 9 years ago

This kid deserves free RedBulls for LIFE!!
Alex Brumfield
Alex Brumfield - 9 years ago
skimboarding finally getting its recognition that it deserves, plus by one of the best skimboarders of all time.
Conn Stoddart
Conn Stoddart - 9 years ago
Almost as good as me aye... nah this is sick asf
ohhroach - 9 years ago
More of brad domke and skimboarding redbull!
ohhroach - 9 years ago
Stoked he finally got a redbull spot! Well deserved.
RyanBCreative - 9 years ago
he must lose a lot of boards
Jaden Johnson
Jaden Johnson - 9 years ago
that was awesome!! make another video of this guy!!
Carlos Andrés
Carlos Andrés - 9 years ago
rmc421 - 9 years ago
so sick and real ballsy. I've always loved skim boarding but i feel like not starting from shore takes out half the challenge
exdee - 9 years ago
the amount of skimboards lost in the making of this video will always be remembered.
Ray - 7 years ago
MTB Trail Weaks was relaxed and still "died"
Trail Weaks
Trail Weaks - 7 years ago
Thought it was funny I died laughing
fightrrrrr - 7 years ago
tyvek05 it was a joke. Relax, you'll live longer
edgy 12 year old
edgy 12 year old - 7 years ago
maybe you stop being an uptight little bitch next time before commenting.......
tyvek05 - 7 years ago
you mean the exact amount of ZERO.   I can garuntee you that no skimboards were lost making this video.  they do float you know,  and they are about 1000% tougher than surfboards, so they don't break like surf boards do.   come on man, use that thing between your ears next time before commenting.......
Rodrigo Heckel
Rodrigo Heckel - 9 years ago
OxyTease - 9 years ago
This is amazing ! :O
Pan Ghan
Pan Ghan - 9 years ago
Itz thiz real life??
swainer25 - 9 years ago
This is amazing, skimming is actually fuckin hype. More please redbull?
Luigi Bagnasco
Luigi Bagnasco - 9 years ago
End of the road dudes...
saltlife316 - 9 years ago
MikeBoucherVIDS - 9 years ago
That looks so fun!!!
Francisco Milla
Francisco Milla - 9 years ago
perfect song for the video
Claudiu Dorner Freiner
Claudiu Dorner Freiner - 9 years ago
+Kirill Ivasenko great work
Kirill Aksenov
Kirill Aksenov - 9 years ago
+Claudiu Dorner Freiner The Wanton Bishops - Shake (found it only in iTunes)
Claudiu Dorner Freiner
Claudiu Dorner Freiner - 9 years ago
+Francisco Milla What is the name of the song?
Olivier C
Olivier C - 9 years ago
How weird noboby is commenting that skimboards are for kids ;)
A Lake of Mistake
A Lake of Mistake - 9 years ago
So video games were originally created for kids but adults use them all the time and it became normal. Now there are a ton of adult skimboarders.
Breaker Man
Breaker Man - 9 years ago
+Olivier C I totally agree. Felt the same feeling plus a huge WOUAAAAHO for sure damn this "usually for kids" board is definitely skyed-up to the limits by a skilled pro. Definitely like your com :). Same feeling when I watch three-wheeler videos
Olivier C
Olivier C - 9 years ago
+swainer25 No problem :)
swainer25 - 9 years ago
+Olivier C Wow I am so sorry, I totally misread that! Like bro honestly, take my sincere apology. I both skim and longboard so im so used to catching shit. Its nice to see someone that understands. I now see what you meant and I really am sorry man!
Olivier C
Olivier C - 9 years ago
+swainer25 You misunderstood me, I respect all sports, was just saying that this guy got mad skills and because of this no one dared saying such thing. The same way we always get skateboarders trashing longboards etc.
swainer25 - 9 years ago
+Olivier C Clearly someones not a boarder. If you've ever tried it and werent just ignorant you'd say otherwise. Respect the sport
Brendan Sharp
Brendan Sharp - 9 years ago
I'm going to perfectly honest I'm 15 years turning 16 and I'm a kid and I'm like 99% sure no kid my age could shred that well on a skimboard
Matthew Penner
Matthew Penner - 9 years ago
Looks like a lot of fun. I would be scared of getting attacked by a shark even though I hear the chances are pretty low
elpoint00 - 9 years ago
+mattpenner420 it depends where you're going to surf. In some placesthe chances are zero
thebarrochannel - 9 years ago
+mattpenner420 Thats the thing , the chances are low but still once you fear them , the fear just controls you at all times and you cant surf in peace. I stopped because of my stupid fear (which can become a reality)
Rory Pascarelli
Rory Pascarelli - 9 years ago
+mattpenner420 your more likely to die on a toilet :), btw nice car on your profile my favorite
luki bae
luki bae - 9 years ago
What is the Name of this Song ?
Joar Ulrich
Joar Ulrich - 9 years ago
Sarude dandstorm
Rokas S
Rokas S - 9 years ago
dirtbiker145 - 9 years ago
That's flipping nuts.
Commander Geronimo
Commander Geronimo - 9 years ago
ZackGoes - 9 years ago
what the fuck that is crazy
KjWa13 - 9 years ago
daaammnn this goes goes hard!
lolipoppornbitch - 9 years ago
rad tard ! :D hh awsome !
John Wright
John Wright - 9 years ago
At first i was like yeah right he can , then i watched and now i totally agree :)
Roman Izaboss
Roman Izaboss - 9 years ago
Bet he would surf the shit out of a Alaia!
Movie Captain
Movie Captain - 9 years ago
chili24137 - 9 years ago
My god he's a maniac
jose velasquez
jose velasquez - 9 years ago
Thank You
Thank You - 9 years ago
what an artist !
Claudiu Dorner Freiner
Claudiu Dorner Freiner - 9 years ago
what is the name of this song??
Jefferson Medina
Jefferson Medina - 9 years ago
longboarderjefafa - 9 years ago
Emmett - 9 years ago
we need more from this kid on the channel!
Janex T Mraz y
Janex T Mraz y - 7 years ago
ATs Channel
ATs Channel - 9 years ago
Holy shit that was nuts!
Morpheen999 - 9 years ago
I'll bet this guy has also done some skate boarding!
Orbit puke Lissop
Orbit puke Lissop - 7 years ago
yeah pretty sure about that
Bonafide Hustler
Bonafide Hustler - 9 years ago
Dude....that brown wave. Wtf!
mohamed Firaaq
mohamed Firaaq - 7 years ago
Nevermind - 7 years ago
Bonafide Hustler Brown wave is literally sucking up the bottom. Ala the Wedge.
Sean O'Brieon
Sean O'Brieon - 8 years ago
....that's local council sewerage policy for ya....
Chris Langdon
Chris Langdon - 9 years ago
that is how Willy Wonka stirs his chocolate
mdb94 - 9 years ago
+Bonafide Hustler That's what happens after big storms
eric Burtron
eric Burtron - 9 years ago
elvinodidflow - 9 years ago
+Bonafide Hustler I hade just flushed my toilet.
eric Burtron
eric Burtron - 9 years ago
+Bonafide Hustler Puerto Escondido, the mexican big brown wave.
cal iwinski
cal iwinski - 9 years ago
Billy Reich
Billy Reich - 9 years ago
This is crazy
Harry Elsworth
Harry Elsworth - 9 years ago
Subscribe to Harry Elsworth for a chance to win a white PS4
Nicholas Pellatt
Nicholas Pellatt - 9 years ago
AntiBot420 - 9 years ago

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