Brendan Weinstein -- Surfing the Mountain -- Wingsuit Proximity Flying in Zermatt

Taking $NANO donations at: xrb_1morm1nomg74xeworiza6qy1s7hzy9wwc6shtyt7a65zchkoeffdmhz1o99r Wingsuit terrain flying in Zermatt, Switzerland. Brendan Weinstein in the white suit filmed by Gregory Noonan. For more, follow:

Brendan Weinstein -- Surfing the Mountain -- Wingsuit Proximity Flying in Zermatt sentiment_very_dissatisfied 10

Surf 6 years ago 190,610 views

Taking $NANO donations at: xrb_1morm1nomg74xeworiza6qy1s7hzy9wwc6shtyt7a65zchkoeffdmhz1o99r Wingsuit terrain flying in Zermatt, Switzerland. Brendan Weinstein in the white suit filmed by Gregory Noonan. For more, follow:

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Most popular comments
for Brendan Weinstein -- Surfing the Mountain -- Wingsuit Proximity Flying in Zermatt

Ingrid Thoresen
Ingrid Thoresen - 6 years ago
for some peculiar reason, this video of him flying down, made me feel more relaxed.
Brendan Weinstein
Brendan Weinstein - 6 years ago
You get it.
A Human
A Human - 6 years ago
Really cool vid, susbcribed
Ash Anamaitez
Ash Anamaitez - 6 years ago
At first I thought this was a game / simulation
Adam Lanza
Adam Lanza - 6 years ago
>? ! ?<=#÷=
humayun891 - 6 years ago
Daily dose
Earumamaadu - 6 years ago
Can I do this without dying
T R U T H - 6 years ago
Nothing can top this experience.
Faisal Ahmed
Faisal Ahmed - 6 years ago
It's like flying like Superman
Arekku - 6 years ago
This looks so fun omg

10. comment for Brendan Weinstein -- Surfing the Mountain -- Wingsuit Proximity Flying in Zermatt

Ahmed Shaikh
Ahmed Shaikh - 6 years ago
Wow. Just wow.
LX15 - 6 years ago
What an experience.
Elaine Marie
Elaine Marie - 6 years ago
Sick! New sub.
I'm an old lady now, but if only this was around when I was young, I'd be all over it.
DDOI sent me.
Hyacinth - 6 years ago
its a flying squirrel
The Hh
The Hh - 6 years ago
So cool!
Steven Does Life
Steven Does Life - 6 years ago
How fast is this person going?
Osru - 6 years ago
the ambiance sounds so fucking amazing to my ears.
DrXIII - 6 years ago
How it REALLY feels to chew 5 Gum.
Peter Fehr
Peter Fehr - 6 years ago
How does this video not have more views?
Flav - 6 years ago

20. comment for Brendan Weinstein -- Surfing the Mountain -- Wingsuit Proximity Flying in Zermatt

BIGG SUPREEM - 6 years ago
why does this look like a video game benchmark?
Joep van Baren
Joep van Baren - 6 years ago
Finally the comment I was waiting for.
Memes n Shet
Memes n Shet - 6 years ago
1:15 golden mountains?
Are they made of copper?
Loki Cat
Loki Cat - 6 years ago
I thought this was a video game for a second ;-;
Chloroxite - 6 years ago
If anything it shows how impressively realistic our games look these days
CrispBag - 6 years ago
Loki Cat everyone did but are u sure it isn’t cuz I’m still stuck if it is
Samsung Nerd
Samsung Nerd - 6 years ago
Daily dose of Internet !!
Noel Ramos
Noel Ramos - 6 years ago
I'd leave scat everywhere.
Joaquin Moncayo
Joaquin Moncayo - 6 years ago
Anyone form daily dose of internet?
Craig - 6 years ago
Eli winx
Eli winx - 6 years ago
Right here
PiKey - 6 years ago
I always wonder, how much does these guys weight?
Captain Qwaz Caz
Captain Qwaz Caz - 6 years ago
I feel butter inside myself.
Stupixfied - 6 years ago
Who got here from daily dose of internet
Daily Dose Of Internet
Daily Dose Of Internet - 6 years ago
SoFast - 6 years ago
Ril Mon me too xd
Gd-Masterflames Road to 2,000
Gd-Masterflames Road to 2,000 - 6 years ago
Daily Dose Of Internet lol
Mr. Space!
Mr. Space! - 6 years ago
Lol I just watched your latest video
laciee - 6 years ago
Later :D.
allie c badcontentmaker
allie c badcontentmaker - 6 years ago
Samsung Nerd
Samsung Nerd - 6 years ago
Noel Ramos
Noel Ramos - 6 years ago
+Stupixfied same
Stupixfied - 6 years ago
I just finished watching the video lol
Alvinsland2 - 6 years ago
isthismyname - 6 years ago
Daily Dose Of Internet HI

30. comment for Brendan Weinstein -- Surfing the Mountain -- Wingsuit Proximity Flying in Zermatt

Speeddemon3 - 6 years ago
OMG that incredible!
Konstantinos D. Bragas
Konstantinos D. Bragas - 6 years ago
what a Line!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! great video!!!!
Franciszek Sliwka
Franciszek Sliwka - 6 years ago
This was awesome! One of the best videos of 2018.
Ander Salvador
Ander Salvador - 6 years ago
I am waiting for the other´s guy camera. Dawn scary
Brendan Weinstein
Brendan Weinstein - 6 years ago
Boris - 6 years ago
Why do you want to kill yourself??? lol wtf
George Washington
George Washington - 6 years ago
boombapboom - 6 years ago
Cool, buts it’s been done before.
Zane Thorson
Zane Thorson - 6 years ago
Does it change your opinion on the video being cool?
CaikSlyce - 6 years ago
What's your point?
Brian Bostwick
Brian Bostwick - 6 years ago
Fucking sick, going so steep and fast it almost seems sped up compared to old school proxy flying.
broomsterm - 6 years ago
The commitment on this is incredible. From 0:02 to 1:02, there is no possibility for recovery. Dead if the slightest thing goes wrong. He'll be dead soon - but please keep the videos coming!
Johnathon Wheeler
Johnathon Wheeler - 6 years ago
You cunts are the reason he doesnt read comments
\ /
bashpr0mpt - 6 years ago
Weinstein? First Jew to participate in a sporting activity outside of mandatory high school physical ed? :O
Bill Marcy
Bill Marcy - 6 years ago
Lead with your head!
Дмитрий А
Дмитрий А - 6 years ago
пацана ваще ребята,молодцы
nautilus956 - 6 years ago
Annotations still show up even when turned off. I missed the last minute of the video due to 4 other recommended video pop-ups hiding what I wanted to watch. Awesome video, pathetic platform to express it. YouTube needs to wake up.
Lifeisawheelie - 6 years ago
I wanna ride my motorcycle to somewhere i can try this. It looks absolutely amazing. I've dreamt of commuting in a powered parachute. Just dreams. Bit this looks next level rem sleep gorgeous. Your video is featuref on liveleak, thats how i found it. Fyi :)
AK HAN - 6 years ago
Kında a my life
VegetaFH1 - 6 years ago
That guy is really comfortable with his skills, he can calculate velocity and tragetury really quickly and even uses leg motion to get the slitest change that he needs
Very skilled, extremely dangerious mind you but very skilled
Props to that glider
VegetaFH1 - 6 years ago
Nah, i cant spell... deal with it
broomsterm - 6 years ago
"tragetury"? "slitest"? "dangerious"? Do you not have a spell-checker? Jesus...
So I says to the guy, I says to him, I says,
So I says to the guy, I says to him, I says, - 6 years ago
what a suicidal idiot.
The Triggerati
The Triggerati - 6 years ago
Man, I hope the guy filming is concentrating on where he's going and not on the lower guy. That looks like a recipe for a disaster. I expect this is a lot like what it looks like coming in without a parachute.
John RossStar
John RossStar - 6 years ago
Now take it up a notch. Land in a net with no parachute.
Lonnie O
Lonnie O - 6 years ago
somebody did that except into carboard boxes...

50. comment for Brendan Weinstein -- Surfing the Mountain -- Wingsuit Proximity Flying in Zermatt

Easylearning - 6 years ago
You're going to die if you continue doing this. We will click back on your channel in a year or two, and all the messages will be saying RIP. It's very selfish for your family. But base jumpers are performing Darwin Awards.
LanceCampeau - 6 years ago
That's about as close to flying like a bird as one could get I suggest...
sno0p3r - 6 years ago
Camera perspective from both would be awesome
Mike Lee
Mike Lee - 6 years ago
Thanks GOD no shit music ruined this amazingly rare video!
Ashley Pomeroy
Ashley Pomeroy - 6 years ago
Oh yes. Adding music to these videos is all kinds of wrong. The footage is exciting enough.
Veldtian1 - 6 years ago
Only White Europeans do this.
Easylearning - 6 years ago
Only people stupid enough lol, since it is really dangerous.
withoutwroeirs - 6 years ago
How do you control elevation? And suddenly if required?
tweed187187 - 6 years ago
He's further away from the ground the the video depicts
The Triggerati
The Triggerati - 6 years ago
Not by much. He was cutting it really close.
timefilm - 6 years ago
Have you tried decelerating into a dead stop?
timefilm - 6 years ago
You're right, this is a video about people pretending to be trains
The Triggerati
The Triggerati - 6 years ago
Who's talking about birds?
timefilm - 6 years ago
Up an incline? Birds do it all the time.
The Triggerati
The Triggerati - 6 years ago
And survive uninjured. Some guys have crashed and lived, but barely.
timefilm - 6 years ago
Surely it can be done
The Triggerati
The Triggerati - 6 years ago
I want to see someone actually land without a parachute.
01DOGG01 - 6 years ago
Absolute fucking madness! I'll never understand how people can risk it all for a 2 minute thrill.

That was insanely close to the ground.
Madcr0ws - 6 years ago
WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAH, my palms r getting sweaty just watching this. This experience must be the ultimate adrenaline rush! Damn I want to try this!!!!

So you got 1 chute to speed break and another main 1 for desending?
Meoff Jack
Meoff Jack - 6 years ago
One mistake, a stall or whatever and you are fucked.
asqarra ghula
asqarra ghula - 6 years ago
Smedley Butler
Smedley Butler - 6 years ago
thats not flying, it's falling with style
MrZcotty - 6 years ago
Thanks for not ruining it with shit music.
Johnathon Wheeler
Johnathon Wheeler - 6 years ago
I like said. Maybe turn the volume down and take an antidepressant.
ShiverMeTimbers - 6 years ago
awesome song very fitting.
johnfarmingdale - 6 years ago
Well that is the fastest way down the mountain, Nice! "Coming down the Mountian!" - Jane's Addiction :)
Space Alien
Space Alien - 6 years ago
Wow. I totally thought this video was a video game! Lol. I was totally sold on the idea that this was that wingsuit video game up until the very end when ya'll were under canopy and i heard you talking. And i still thought it was possibly a video game. Just the way it was filmed. The way the camera was all over the place its like when you move the joystick around all fast and stuff. Amazing video.
sdeluen - 6 years ago
Hate to say it man but your a dead man walking. But you probably know this. Don't stop doing what you love. However your sport has lost heaps of people in the last few years. Take care mate.
Worldconcepts - 6 years ago
Nice videos. But you could retire now while you're still alive. You have the videos now. No need to tempt fate.
Chris Webber
Chris Webber - 6 years ago
Lol your in crypto no wonder you are suicidal, balls of steel man! crazy fucker!
Brendan Weinstein
Brendan Weinstein - 6 years ago
Skin in the game? If anyone wants to write a smart contract using an oracle for my death within the next year, I'll gladly audit it and take on wagers at a minimum of $10k or more.
Sleepaid - 6 years ago
Insanely stupid way to get yourself killed.
action jackson
action jackson - 6 years ago
That’s incredible. Surely the other guy had a camera, too? Would love to see that
Jose Ocampo
Jose Ocampo - 6 years ago
Oldmanfunky - 6 years ago
Nothing more exciting then painting the side of a mountain with your face!
Ironsights - 6 years ago
Can you put the camera on the other guy?
KillJD - 6 years ago
Peace and love guys!
Toño G. A.
Toño G. A. - 6 years ago
If you use your f-ing brains, you would understand what a rhetorical question is. Of course you don´t, so here it is: A question were the speaker does not expect an answer. You are welcome, Einstein.
Brendan Weinstein
Brendan Weinstein - 6 years ago
Other perspective is up --
KillJD - 6 years ago
Such anger.
Gramald - 6 years ago
If you use your fing eyes, you can see he got 1. So a better question would be; Wy dont we get annything from that?..
C Smith
C Smith - 6 years ago
How do you know before you jump, you'll have enough forward speed to keep from hitting the ground?
Brian Bostwick
Brian Bostwick - 6 years ago
Because they are not flying anywhere near max glide of the wingsuit and are diving very steep to stay with the terrain, he could easily flare up off the terrain if he wanted.
Lifeisawheelie - 6 years ago
The same way a car driver approaching a turn at 100mph knows excactly how much to turn the wheel, to avoid splatting against the cliff face, or getting sent into the valley the direct route. No calculators needed. Plotting numbers on a screen mid air would make this way more impressive
The Triggerati
The Triggerati - 6 years ago
+C Smith Yeah what happens if there's an unexpected downdraft or some shit? This looks absolutely suicidal.
C Smith
C Smith - 6 years ago
Yea, I try to avoid watching stuff were people die, I saw one a while back were the guy hit the railing of a walkway over a gorge, he was only low maybe six inches.
Buzz Killington
Buzz Killington - 6 years ago
They are largely very skilled fliers, but ultimately they do not know that they will be able to avoid hitting the ground. Sadly, if you search "wingsuit flyer dies" on Google, it confirms this bleak reality.
C Smith
C Smith - 6 years ago
If they travel the same distance for every foot they fall, I suppose it could be figured out with math, but I don't think they could count on that.
noneyerbidness - 6 years ago
right? i have so many questions like this.
David Smith
David Smith - 6 years ago
Hi there, my name is David. I work for a television show and would love to speak to you about sharing your video on our television show. please email me at
fedepia84 - 6 years ago
mothr fckng sht holy mothr jesus
John Lawson
John Lawson - 6 years ago
Fuckin sick dude. I'm speechless
maulCS - 6 years ago
MRBS - 6 years ago
awesome guys
Andrew Garcia
Andrew Garcia - 6 years ago
Nice line! What kind of camera is that? Looks like a lot of distortion around the edges like a lens artifact or something.

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About Brendan Weinstein -- Surfing the Mountain -- Wingsuit Proximity Flying in Zermatt

The "Brendan Weinstein -- Surfing the Mountain -- Wingsuit Proximity Flying in Zermatt" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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