Butthole Surfers - Pepper

Couldn't believe someone hadn't uploaded an unscathed version of this song (the one with over a million views has a few skips). Well, I took the extra effort and got it for you. Anyway, the lyrics: Marky got with Sharon, Sharon got Cherise As she was sharin' Sharon's outlook on the topic of disease Mikey had a facial scar and Bobby was a racist They were all in love with dying, they were doing it in Texas Tommy played piano like a kid out in the rain And then he lost his leg in Dallas, he was dancing with a train They were all in love with dying They were drinking from a fountain That was pouring like an avalanche Coming down the mountain I don't mind the sun sometimes, the images it shows I can taste you on my lips and smell you in my clothes Cinnamon and sugary and softly spoken lies You never know just how to look through other people's eyes Some will die in hot pursuit in fiery auto crashes Some will die in hot pursuit while sifting through my ashes Some will fall in love with life and drink it from a fountain That is pouring like an avalanche, coming down the mountain I don't mind the sun sometimes, the images it shows I can taste you on my lips and smell you in my clothes Cinnamon and sugary and softly spoken lies You never know just how you look through other people's eyes (In Reverse: I don't mind the sun sometimes The images it shows You never know just how you look Through other people's eyes) Another Mikey took a knife while arguing in traffic Flipper died a natural death he caught a nasty virus Then there was the ever present football-player rapist They were all in love with dying, they were doing it in Texas Paulie caught a bullet but it only hit his leg While it should've been a better shot and got him in the head They were all in love with dying They were drinking from a fountain That was pouring like an avalanche Coming down the mountain I don't mind the sun sometimes, the images it shows I can taste you on my lips and smell you in my clothes Cinnamon and sugary and softly spoken lies You never know just how you look through other people's eyes

Butthole Surfers - Pepper sentiment_very_dissatisfied 4267

Surf 15 years ago 14,208,709 views

Couldn't believe someone hadn't uploaded an unscathed version of this song (the one with over a million views has a few skips). Well, I took the extra effort and got it for you. Anyway, the lyrics: Marky got with Sharon, Sharon got Cherise As she was sharin' Sharon's outlook on the topic of disease Mikey had a facial scar and Bobby was a racist They were all in love with dying, they were doing it in Texas Tommy played piano like a kid out in the rain And then he lost his leg in Dallas, he was dancing with a train They were all in love with dying They were drinking from a fountain That was pouring like an avalanche Coming down the mountain I don't mind the sun sometimes, the images it shows I can taste you on my lips and smell you in my clothes Cinnamon and sugary and softly spoken lies You never know just how to look through other people's eyes Some will die in hot pursuit in fiery auto crashes Some will die in hot pursuit while sifting through my ashes Some will fall in love with life and drink it from a fountain That is pouring like an avalanche, coming down the mountain I don't mind the sun sometimes, the images it shows I can taste you on my lips and smell you in my clothes Cinnamon and sugary and softly spoken lies You never know just how you look through other people's eyes (In Reverse: I don't mind the sun sometimes The images it shows You never know just how you look Through other people's eyes) Another Mikey took a knife while arguing in traffic Flipper died a natural death he caught a nasty virus Then there was the ever present football-player rapist They were all in love with dying, they were doing it in Texas Paulie caught a bullet but it only hit his leg While it should've been a better shot and got him in the head They were all in love with dying They were drinking from a fountain That was pouring like an avalanche Coming down the mountain I don't mind the sun sometimes, the images it shows I can taste you on my lips and smell you in my clothes Cinnamon and sugary and softly spoken lies You never know just how you look through other people's eyes

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Most popular comments
for Butthole Surfers - Pepper

Cak Redi
Cak Redi - 6 years ago
Only in the 90s you got a band by the name like Butthole Surfers on the Billboard charts.
Britton Reese
Britton Reese - 6 years ago
If you are a weak individual stay out of Texas
Von Vomit
Von Vomit - 6 years ago
My kid who is now 27 used to love this song when he was 5...sang the lyrics and all
Duffington - 6 years ago
I discovered this song on Pornhub
Emperor Palpatine
Emperor Palpatine - 6 years ago
Butthole Surfers ? 90s go home you drunk
Jose Garcia
Jose Garcia - 6 years ago
i wanna surf into ur butthole
Ashton Adair
Ashton Adair - 6 years ago
This was one of the results when I typed in “Sugar” for some reason.
bobby bruffett
bobby bruffett - 6 years ago
Tribute song to FBI Commander Roll and cia Stargate troops David morehouse,Joe moneagle fortmeade Maryland and Waldo canyon june28 2012 rain making in astral plane
Frisky Bottomsuuater
Frisky Bottomsuuater - 6 years ago
ok....now i have to go poop! Happy new year 2019!

10. comment for Butthole Surfers - Pepper

Patrick Geis
Patrick Geis - 6 years ago
Homefront - 6 years ago
Formally known as theTexas Butthole Surfers
Shruggz Da Str8-Faced Clown
Shruggz Da Str8-Faced Clown - 6 years ago
I forgot Erik Estrada was in this video!
dan simpson
dan simpson - 6 years ago
Johnson Terry
Johnson Terry - 6 years ago
Eric Estrada is there with the buttholes
DarkonXBL - 6 years ago
Chris Tenorio
Chris Tenorio - 6 years ago
This song came out when I was a senior in High School
Andjela 0808
Andjela 0808 - 6 years ago
Miss you River.
L.V. - 6 years ago
I always thought this was Beck...
onlinevideostash - 6 years ago
L.V. No this is just the song that inspired that beat in his hit.
edward a. larivee
edward a. larivee - 6 years ago
Vle176 so vle176 Badass communicator and commander in chief of staff us army vector control buddy cyril larivee edward anthony et pro tc 109

20. comment for Butthole Surfers - Pepper

austin corbin
austin corbin - 6 years ago
Thanks Daniel Tosh. Wouldn’t have heard this song if not for your stand up
David Mansfield
David Mansfield - 6 years ago
I believe this song is about heroin.
Cinnamon and sugary and softly spoken lies
My church pastor referred me to a pyramid scheme
My church pastor referred me to a pyramid scheme - 6 years ago
This is the band for nostalgic white people who brag about how much and what types of drugs they’ve done. Probably with tattoos on their arms and the dumb bitches have tattoos on their arms, neck, and titties.
sapper72783 - 6 years ago
Troll zero everyone else who don't give a fuck about his opinion one
philip heddles
philip heddles - 6 years ago
Anybody else think that ;; Every cunt that has anything to do with creating anything for , or on the internet , like this site ,,,Goes out of there way to hide info , create time wasting exercises , So they can giggle to yhemselves & think they are so smart , Well i hope they suffer a lifetime of cheating partners & unable to ever have children , ya puss riddled smegs ,,, Sincerly Phil
602crusher - 6 years ago
shit stain music of a young dumb generation. mostly democratic senators now.!!
Homem Aranha#Malakoi
Homem Aranha#Malakoi - 6 years ago
Saints Row The Third
BolgTheVillan - 6 years ago
14 mill views!!!? Has that been hacked!!?? Love the Butters.
Ben L
Ben L - 6 years ago
I don't mind the sun, sometimes
Joe Mama
Joe Mama - 6 years ago
Anyone here in 1935 Germany??
It's freaking amazing here!! I sure hope the Rothchilds don't wage war on us .
Stephen Rinderer
Stephen Rinderer - 6 years ago

30. comment for Butthole Surfers - Pepper

Reyyan Açıkgöz
Reyyan Açıkgöz - 6 years ago
Best band name ever
James Hutchison
James Hutchison - 6 years ago
Spit it out
Taylor Smith
Taylor Smith - 6 years ago
wow I haven't listened 2 them in so looong!!
Rilee Schwegel
Rilee Schwegel - 6 years ago
Coming from Chasing Mavericks anyone??
Scott Schechtel
Scott Schechtel - 6 years ago
I'm 50 today and remember this from the summer of 1996. Wow, where did the decades go???
ItzMikeOmg - 6 years ago
Come on people this is a direct steal of Loser by Beck.
Benjamin Majerik
Benjamin Majerik - 6 years ago
What all does the songs have in common with each other?
ItzMikeOmg - 6 years ago
+Benjamin Majerik Dont lie to our faces.
Benjamin Majerik
Benjamin Majerik - 6 years ago
ItzMikeOmg sounds nothing alike
morning star
morning star - 6 years ago
Kurt brought me here looking for boddah?
Dr. Mantis Toboggan, M.D.
Dr. Mantis Toboggan, M.D. - 6 years ago
This is one of those rare timeless songs that holds up extremely well.
Parker Doss
Parker Doss - 6 years ago
The best song Beck never wrote.
azmike1956 - 6 years ago
i know so many people who think music ended in the 70's, already dead!!
62 & still pushing it!
me mi
me mi - 6 years ago
MemeStealer115 - 6 years ago
one of the more stranger bands but that's what makes them cool in my book :D
Bepoo Squash
Bepoo Squash - 6 years ago
Paul Leary kind of looks like Rainn Wilson.
lee wicheard
lee wicheard - 6 years ago
never forget these amazing people that make great music fullstop
Koko Lee
Koko Lee - 6 years ago
I don't want fragrance, I meant panties. Want me to spell it. Please a n the information exchange s, happy?
Limp business
Limp business - 6 years ago
And they say that there's no difference between music then and music now, and that we just feel nostalgic for the times we listened to good music. I call that bullshit. In today's world, there's not one single artist who can come up with a song as strangely good as this one.
Jacob Haas
Jacob Haas - 6 years ago
The Bunghole surfers lol
Re1T0e1 - 6 years ago
Gorgeous song, really. Strange and wonderful.
Joe Blow
Joe Blow - 6 years ago
Panch (Eric Estrada)used to be known as cool but married with children then other shows turned him into a punchline for a joke
Tim Borum
Tim Borum - 6 years ago

50. comment for Butthole Surfers - Pepper

dwj1231 - 6 years ago
I love the song but they really should change their name. They would sell more albums.
Jared Beard
Jared Beard - 6 years ago
You care that much about someone who is that annoying? Shes yours pal
Wolfgang Rittner
Wolfgang Rittner - 6 years ago
Thank you Sir!
Wendy TheSmith
Wendy TheSmith - 6 years ago
Ervin Mcloud
Ervin Mcloud - 6 years ago
I always forget Eric Estrada is in this video
Elle F
Elle F - 6 years ago
A lot of weird shit came out of Texas in the 90s. Takes me back.
Moses Taylor
Moses Taylor - 6 years ago
Beck approved
LJ Rayburn
LJ Rayburn - 6 years ago
This song sucks. No wonder they never lasted lol.
ada wofford
ada wofford - 6 years ago
this is Loser by Beck
Benjamin Majerik
Benjamin Majerik - 6 years ago
ada wofford there nothing alike
Fridzo - 6 years ago
Pee pee
Jacob K
Jacob K - 6 years ago
I'm only 13 in 2018 and I love this band and not just this song I like humpty dumpty lsd album thats pretty good
ESP Electric Stitch's Paradigm
ESP Electric Stitch's Paradigm - 6 years ago
You never know just how you look through other people's eyes
theonlydogknees Dogknees
theonlydogknees Dogknees - 6 years ago
They beat Bush.
Haiku Automation
Haiku Automation - 6 years ago
Is that Les Claypool at 4:08 in this video?
Nemova - 6 years ago
I remember going absolutely nuts whenever this song came on MTV back in the day.
Donald Koller
Donald Koller - 6 years ago
I just discovered this today! Fucking awesome.
Ayliah X
Ayliah X - 6 years ago
I came back because reddit....
Butt head129
Butt head129 - 6 years ago
Beck? Loser? Anyone?
I Drink Therefore I Dram
I Drink Therefore I Dram - 6 years ago
Butt head129 Definitely! First thing I thought. x
Stephen Velez
Stephen Velez - 6 years ago
i think one of my favorite things about this song is that it reminds of shooting pool at chi-chi's (or was it chili's?) just outside of charlottesville with beloved, long lost co-workers.
Paige - 6 years ago
I was sitting on the couch being the "Dj" and my dad told me to put on butthole surfers, at first I was confused, and was like "uhh okay." But it is actually pretty good.
Nate Bee
Nate Bee - 6 years ago
I remember this clip as a kid, probably one of the greatest clips ever. No wonder I ended up a huge druggo
Lsd Bread
Lsd Bread - 6 years ago
rebecca Rodgers
rebecca Rodgers - 6 years ago
Dallas Texas! Thank you again
atruamerican - 6 years ago
My butthole, smells like pepper
Default - 6 years ago
Here from the radio.
Paul Jackson
Paul Jackson - 6 years ago
Who is the "ever present football player rapist" referring to?
Angelsfury - 6 years ago
One day you will understand and that day will be a journey for you.
chuck Core
chuck Core - 6 years ago
This song will never leave alternative radio
Mike Magoo
Mike Magoo - 6 years ago
funny thing is this band 35yr ahead of there time probly more
Mike Magoo
Mike Magoo - 6 years ago
almost 20yrs for me and never gets old orsome
20170712 112444
20170712 112444 - 6 years ago
I was in the grocery store today. I just shoved so-called people out of my way.
St.Chrispeenonem Stacey
St.Chrispeenonem Stacey - 6 years ago
St.Chrispeenonem Stacey
St.Chrispeenonem Stacey - 6 years ago
Willy Dafoe
Willy Dafoe - 6 years ago
Beck meets My Bloody Valentine.
Ronald Pevahouse
Ronald Pevahouse - 6 years ago
Føxtrøt - 6 years ago
I can smell you on my lips and taste you in my clothes
Scott Lyle
Scott Lyle - 6 years ago
Beck I'm a looser and this song are the same song
Angelsfury - 6 years ago
When you drop a lot of acid, yes. Also when I do that I've found that the geico commercial is exactly the same (but soooo totally low rent) as the rainbow connection song that Kermit sang.
Richard T. Hill
Richard T. Hill - 6 years ago
I forgot about this low-rent version of Beck.
Richard T. Hill
Richard T. Hill - 6 years ago
Angelsfury - 6 years ago
Yet, here you are.
Helping Entities
Helping Entities - 6 years ago
I love music like this....just...music
David Archer
David Archer - 6 years ago
"Then there was the ever present football player rapist."
terter - 6 years ago
I have never before felt such a disconnect between a band and one of their songs. As in... I absolutely hate the butthole surfers.... But this is just a fantastic song. I do not really know what to make of that.
Edward Davis
Edward Davis - 6 years ago
Woody haralson playing drumes lol
Edward Charles
Edward Charles - 6 years ago
jimmywoodfull - 6 years ago
Trippy pop.
quiksilvababe - 6 years ago
this song is still fucking great 2018 yall
Václav Skácel
Václav Skácel - 6 years ago
leigh smi5g
leigh smi5g - 6 years ago
I’m only 3 and I love this kind of music
Godspeed - 6 years ago
I fucking love this song, and have since I was a little kid in my dad's car when I first heard it on the radio
Jorge Rivera
Jorge Rivera - 6 years ago
I want to do mushrooms now
Minor Mac
Minor Mac - 6 years ago
Definitely sounds like beck.... or beck sounds like this. either way! I have heard that these guys' other music is pretty good. From what I've heard, the only reason they didnt get famous and mainstream was because no radio station would say their band name on air.
Mark D
Mark D - 6 years ago
Is that Eric Estrada around the 0:50 mark?
Minor Mac
Minor Mac - 6 years ago
looks like ba ba booey

100. comment for Butthole Surfers - Pepper

SuperDan - 6 years ago
who else thinks this sounds like Ava adore at the beginning then loser by beck
crypto sonny
crypto sonny - 6 years ago
omg . I miss this song, I love this song. good old college days. I use to call my girlfriend Pepper back in the days.
Bernard Hessley
Bernard Hessley - 6 years ago
Zøfi Plays!
Zøfi Plays! - 6 years ago
I love this song but

Why are they called Butthole Surfers
Neil Marshall
Neil Marshall - 6 years ago
You could google the answer. But no, you prefer we think you are one of the fools this song is about.

<Using best horror movie narrator voice>
Once Upon a Time, Long ago....
<fade thru clouds to music venue>
A band was playing at a big concert. As their music was strange (to him) a member of the audience got close to the stage & abused the band by calling out " Your nothing but a bunch of Butthole Surfers" (aka faggots, homos, poo pushers).
This so amazed the lead singer that he stopped the band playing,
<spotlight from the heavens & angels singing moment>
and asked if they minded a name change.
..... And so the Butthole Surfers were born. Spawned from the shit pouring from a drunken rednecks mouth.
And all quality music lovers throughout the many lands did find joy in the album 'Hairway To Steven' and all lived in a gabby haze for the rest of time
<fade thru clouds to Zafi with a stunned WTF just happen there look>
the end.....
Joel Oreilly
Joel Oreilly - 6 years ago
I remember hearing this play very loudly at our Walmart from a Sirius XM satellite radio display!
Charles Bukowski
Charles Bukowski - 6 years ago
.....fuck yeah....Smoke weed.
hannibal sledge
hannibal sledge - 6 years ago
Read, "Our Band Could Be Your Life".
Michael Smith
Michael Smith - 6 years ago
Summer of '96.
Frank Brinkmann
Frank Brinkmann - 6 years ago
Listened to this, till my brain says "STOP!" And then I continued. Until today.
cam the cam man cam
cam the cam man cam - 6 years ago
texas is chill
Cursor - 6 years ago
Which pixel is Butthole Surfers?
Jeff Cranford
Jeff Cranford - 6 years ago
Dc Tsunami
Dc Tsunami - 6 years ago
4k people prefer salt
Greg 69rr
Greg 69rr - 6 years ago
I can taste you on my lips and smell you in my clothes. For some reason that phrase makes me horny
Dump Vidz
Dump Vidz - 6 years ago
Lead singer looks like 2018 Dave Grohl
Major Luchs
Major Luchs - 6 years ago
Major Luchs
Major Luchs - 6 years ago
Major Luchs
Major Luchs - 6 years ago
Major Luchs
Major Luchs - 6 years ago
Major Luchs
Major Luchs - 6 years ago
Koko Lee
Koko Lee - 6 years ago
big d
big d - 6 years ago
I'll be 50 here in a few months and I have to honstly say say that I have a pretty damn good head on my shoulders. I still listen to the music that
I listened to in high school, which is mostly Punk Rock . Bands like: Misfits, Ramones, Dead Kennedys, Circle Jerks, Suicidal Tendencies, Apathy,
Samhain, Social Distortion, Digital Sex, Avengers, Bad Brains, Toxic Reasons, Exploited, Flipper, Feederz, 7-Seconds, Agnostic Front, Goverment Issue,
T.S.O.L., R.A.F., R.K.L., D.R.I., S.N.F.U., K.G.B., G.B.H., D.O.A., J.F.A., A.M.Q.A., F.O.D., S.O.D., M.O.D., Y.O.T., C.O.C., M.D.C.,
Cro-Mags, Juicy Bananas, The Dudes, Cellophane Ceiling, Violent Femmes, The Plugz, Iggy Pop, Burning Sensations, No Mercy, Sex Pistols, Channel 3, Decendants, Bad Religion, Generation X, Billyclub, Black Flag, Necros, 1/2 Japanese, Christian Lunch, Souixsie & the Banshees, Verbal Assault, Arm-me
Echo & the Bunnymen, Bellychain, No Heroes, Nosferatu, Power of the Spoken Word, Dead Milkmen, Meatmen, Meat Puppets, Minor Threat, Raw Power, Parasites, Reverend Horton Heat, The Offs, Agent Orange, Reagan Youth, Jerry's Kds, Subhumans, Neptume Bloom, Fear, Squirrel Nut Zippers, Germs,
Cheetah Chrome Motherfuckers, Alien Sex Fiend, The Cramps, Adolescents, The Damned, Replacements, Butthole Surfers.... WHEW!! There's 83 of the
best bands ever!! I would list more but got other things to take care of!! If you have never heard of some of these bands & you like Punk, H.C., New Wave
or Alternative music , I suggest you check them out .I'm sure you will find more music from this list of bands that you'll wanna add to your collection!!
nSawyer - 6 years ago
I'm 17 and I look up to you guys. You're the reason why good music was so successful in the past.
TheSollyLama - 6 years ago
I'm 47 in a week. You and I have the same playlist.....cheers.
Red Scorpion 6
Red Scorpion 6 - 6 years ago
I get a never ending joy by blasting Sex Pistols at full volume while reminding my kids that this, THIS, is indeed your father's music. (you omitted "Lords of Acid", but I'll forgive you for that 'cause you got great taste in music)
lowell prince
lowell prince - 6 years ago
Jingle of a dogs collar-an all time favorite
TrueBlueEG8 - 6 years ago
Cos im a loser baby, so why dont you kill me
fruitypeebils - 6 years ago
such a unique song
Manda Miel
Manda Miel - 6 years ago
Gibby's dad, Mr. Peppermint, hosted a children's show in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. I used to dread ringing his groceries at the Greenville Avenue Whole Foods Market waaay back, because the man was a pro-snarler IRL. Wherever you are, Mr. Peppermint, I hope you're well-fed, giggling drunk, basking in T&A, and HAPPY ABOUT IT. <3
Cupla Mairtin Egal3
Cupla Mairtin Egal3 - 6 years ago
Tony Banana
Tony Banana - 6 years ago
did anyone ever you know
JJ one EIGHTY - 6 years ago
Hmm I wonder where Beck got his sound from?
Tommy Early
Tommy Early - 6 years ago
Really is a deep song.
CRUASSAN-FAN - 6 years ago
This is reminding me of a Beck, lol
Koko Lee
Koko Lee - 6 years ago
Rexerman89 - 6 years ago
Yikes! Another weird "Primus" band!
Dylan McCarty
Dylan McCarty - 6 years ago
They were all in love with dying they were doing it in texas
Wesley Hempoli
Wesley Hempoli - 6 years ago
brian cranston at 0:19
itookallthenames - 6 years ago
For 22 years I thought he was saying "Diane"
The Paranormal Chicken
The Paranormal Chicken - 6 years ago
Same like the girl
M C - 6 years ago
Damn dude, so did I.
itookallthenames - 6 years ago
when he says they were all in love with Diane. What was so special about her?
Venoxia - 6 years ago
cobalT - 6 years ago
Anyone here from Daniel Tosh's "People Pleaser" stand up?
F B - 6 years ago
W n B
Johnny Burnes
Johnny Burnes - 6 years ago
...I thought he always said "yippie jizzy chode".
Martin Ottesen
Martin Ottesen - 6 years ago
Kotton Sent me
PLEFROP - 6 years ago
BBogertTheBoss - 6 years ago
Tomos Halsey
Tomos Halsey - 6 years ago
I remember hearing this on the radio at some point in the past totally forgot about it.
FOFOKASHY - 6 years ago
Is this that dude from foo fighters?
Sean McClelland
Sean McClelland - 6 years ago
Who built what
John Kempf
John Kempf - 6 years ago
Have you ever tried looking through other peoples eyes ?
Hector Cabrera
Hector Cabrera - 6 years ago
Hesta Prynn did a cover of this
Tara Douma
Tara Douma - 6 years ago
Dude, awesome playlist. I love everything.
Ian Mansfield
Ian Mansfield - 6 years ago
Love best drug.......still in love 20 years later ....love crush..
UberLummox - 6 years ago
Surley I'm being unoriginal and it's already been commented on....but...it's .PONCH!!!!
Brillant video from a brilliant band. Thank you for the upload Mr. Jacob!
Liz Smith
Liz Smith - 6 years ago
Why do I see ash's totodile from pokemon dancing to this song
william melvin
william melvin - 6 years ago
they sampled becks loser and made it there own
william melvin
william melvin - 6 years ago
im a loser baby so why dont you kill me !! beck and gibby are friends gibby liked loser so much this is his take on it
Ties de Jong
Ties de Jong - 6 years ago
No, they didn't... are you stupid? The melody's are literally nothing like eachother...
Coherent Nonsense
Coherent Nonsense - 6 years ago
Jack dee
Helsa Chamberlin
Helsa Chamberlin - 6 years ago
Everything about this song is brilliant
Timothy Dingman
Timothy Dingman - 6 years ago
Seriously good poetry and of the moment. Thanks
Lucas James
Lucas James - 6 years ago
How good is this song! Seriously Underrated!
Inferno Lizard
Inferno Lizard - 6 years ago
Alright I'm the only one here from Saints Row The Third
G. Lu
G. Lu - 6 years ago
not bad
illegalrestricted - 6 years ago
i love gibbys fake guitar playing in this video dude strumming up by the 5th fret
Travis - 6 years ago
Yeah, that only works with acoustic guitars — or that is: when the left hand also is clamping down strings on higher frets.
arlene misola-deleon
arlene misola-deleon - 6 years ago
Dylan McCarty
Dylan McCarty - 6 years ago
Whata you gonna be ... the vagina floaters?
Chris Maze
Chris Maze - 6 years ago
Butthole and pepper should never be used in same sentence LMAO
Anthony Raspolic
Anthony Raspolic - 6 years ago
Watching in 1894?
Ties de Jong
Ties de Jong - 6 years ago
I'm watching in 2235, you must be a timetraveler too?
IMAWSOME 2727 - 6 years ago
Mike Sowder
Mike Sowder - 6 years ago
Why do we look for answers when we choose not to see?
Tara Gragg
Tara Gragg - 6 years ago
Texas is underated for it's rock music
spencer karszes
spencer karszes - 6 years ago
this song good yo
Brian Mackey
Brian Mackey - 6 years ago
Best song ever?
John Duncan
John Duncan - 6 years ago
Song is still dope after all these years.
Rudy Cepko
Rudy Cepko - 6 years ago
Did they get the one who did it?
Fuтuяе Sтяаиge
Fuтuяе Sтяаиge - 6 years ago
Here from Bill Burr. This song is awesome
Joannakathryn - 6 years ago
His dad was Mr. Peppermint.
Rick Toole
Rick Toole - 6 years ago
Wait is Bobby the football player racist or a rapist, like Bobby was star QB but raped people on the side (line).

I think it works, either way.
Anthony Ervin
Anthony Ervin - 6 years ago
He raped football players
Daniel V
Daniel V - 6 years ago
Rick Toole I hear rapist
Dan Orlovsky
Dan Orlovsky - 6 years ago
I remember this - but is their name REALLY Butthole Surfers?? Lol. How did I miss this?
K Comm
K Comm - 6 years ago
It is.....an antiquated Heroin reference I believe....
Danton Steele
Danton Steele - 6 years ago
oh ive seen that name so much.they prolly share insurance and party line talk on cell phones
T D - 6 years ago
Sharon got Cherise?
Matthew Boren
Matthew Boren - 6 years ago
Koko Lee
Koko Lee - 6 years ago
Ties de Jong
Ties de Jong - 6 years ago
For before you call me a sad pathetic loser out of nowhere, state why you are even this mad.
Ties de Jong
Ties de Jong - 6 years ago
What are you talking about? Can you please calm down for a second, you seem so atacked and offensive and it's slightly off-putting... what did I even say to upset you so much... would you mind no calling me a troll out of nowhere? It's sort of hurtful...

I have no idea what your original comment is supposed to be about, you are raving and screaming about a topic not clarified before... can you say what you are the 'victim' off, and how being a victim of it is an excuse to take your anger out on the band... All I said was that i'm confsued by what you're trying to say, and how insanely aggresive and insulting you are for practically no reason... all you said in your comment are horrible and sick swears about a topic not specified earlier... could you PLEASE clarify why you are being such a sociopath right now?

It's scary how insulting you are, writing a comment that long which holds no value then to degrade the people who made the video.

You should google the definition of a troll before you start to throw the word around.
Ties de Jong
Ties de Jong - 6 years ago
Wow, man... um.. you seem like a person who has a lot of unresolved issues you've got to work out... and the Youtube comment section of a niche song made by an artist named 'the butthole surfers' In fact, guesing from how violently agressive and out of nowhere your comment is... I really suggest seeking help before you'll do something you'll regret... I literally have no what you're talking about, you're just on a rage spree man, can you just calm down for a second to talk like a civil and responsbile adult? Great, now let's talk this out.
D. Weiss
D. Weiss - 6 years ago
"Then there was the ever-present football player rapist" — ole Gibby predicted Kavanaugh many, many years ago.
Al Moist honest
Al Moist honest - 6 years ago
Now can I have a strawberry tart to go please?
Al Moist honest
Al Moist honest - 6 years ago
Mountain Dew! Yeah whooooo! Do the Dew! Did you Pepsi that coming?
Marvin Brown
Marvin Brown - 6 years ago
Beck in a form of a band
Shinji Kataoka
Shinji Kataoka - 6 years ago
Assholes are us. Go fuck yourself
Barry Hayes
Barry Hayes - 6 years ago
This song rocks
Nicole Terlesky
Nicole Terlesky - 6 years ago
After trying to wind down after a hard day's work I want to say thanks for not just posting this video but posting the lyrics as well. Appreciate it!
dem0n0maniac - 6 years ago
Wait, was that Erik Estrada?
Tom Claughton
Tom Claughton - 6 years ago
I'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me
Bobble Head
Bobble Head - 6 years ago
Just heard this song on the radio and fell in love
David Tuminello
David Tuminello - 6 years ago
I loved this song when I was 18ish. It had an impact on me because I had always heard that they were in connection to RHCP. The vibe is angelic. Watching now at 42? This was so cutting edge in retrospect.
stacyblue1980 - 6 years ago
3.9K people are pure evil..
Miss Heather
Miss Heather - 6 years ago
Love your video! I started sharing this Killfish and the Man video at 124 views. It's a damn good song and video. If you have not seen it or shared it yet- consider it. 1000 people need to have seen this by Christmas. Why? For no reason except it's good! <3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eiMMJ8SayHI
ad am
ad am - 6 years ago
remidns me of beck - loser
Dilligaf? - 6 years ago
I've heard all kinds of music of all different genres and over the past 40 years been a fan of a lot of subversive stuff, but I keep coming back to this and Revolting Cocks.
Manuel Riedel
Manuel Riedel - 6 years ago
he lost his leg in dallas, he was dancin with the train.lets dance
b kisl
b kisl - 6 years ago
Kinda resembles Beck. Or Beck resembles them.....
Bacil Smith
Bacil Smith - 6 years ago
he looks like dave grohl
Brian Patrick
Brian Patrick - 6 years ago
Shawn Mullins copied this with Rockabye
Snatchedpotential - 6 years ago
I heard this on Rock 90. This plays on the radio, y'know.
Electronic Adventures
Electronic Adventures - 6 years ago
1989-1994 The last, great gasp of rock and roll. Alas, all good things must come to an end. RIP rock and roll. The world may never see the like of you again.
Ties de Jong
Ties de Jong - 6 years ago
A great song, in my opinion.
sethaaron - 6 years ago
Got that minivan minivan sadness hot tip don't dance with a fucking train
xcvx16 - 6 years ago
Who knows how these guys got a record contract. Dumb and Dumber is the only reason I ever heard this song.
Call Me AfterWords
Call Me AfterWords - 6 years ago
90s shit! Classic!
Chuck Wesner
Chuck Wesner - 6 years ago
Hall of Fame for Megadeth anthatx Slayer Exodus Pantera Dimebag Darrell rest in peace Quiet Riot AC DC Dio Randy roads Jeff henamen Hall of Fame for scorpions
Derek Allen
Derek Allen - 6 years ago
Play this at my funeral.
Choas Rose
Choas Rose - 6 years ago
Cause It's all about that Funny Farm Freshness.
Will Kennedy
Will Kennedy - 6 years ago
They had the potential to be a great 90s band
Stephen Velez
Stephen Velez - 6 years ago
i love this song. i also love erik estrada.
cactuscal11 - 6 years ago
Awesome indeed!
Snake 777
Snake 777 - 6 years ago
Why am I finding this Now???!

Oh well . Better late than never.
Lsd Bread
Lsd Bread - 6 years ago
Robert Electric
Robert Electric - 6 years ago
well done indeed!
Rachel C
Rachel C - 6 years ago
When this came out, this was my favorite song. 2018 still love it.
jurriaan Adema
jurriaan Adema - 6 years ago
Rugged Lemmings
Rugged Lemmings - 6 years ago
Truly one of the greatest songs ever written. Don't know what else I can say: this song is fucking perfect.
Nikahlya O
Nikahlya O - 6 years ago
Lee Jackson is a nice fucking guy.
Bernard Ingram
Bernard Ingram - 6 years ago
Love you man...freaking awesome. Thanks bud!
Cleveland Browns Highlights
Cleveland Browns Highlights - 6 years ago
TBH Im 13 but this is way better than most rap songs these days...
Ron Criswell
Ron Criswell - 6 years ago
Chewing chocolate...
Ron Criswell
Ron Criswell - 6 years ago
Wow the memories....
Kenneth Busler
Kenneth Busler - 6 years ago
Took my 20 years to learn that they weren't all in love with Diane.
McBastard Tv
McBastard Tv - 6 years ago
I actually know the song but the rest of this band music seriously sucks
Wolfman0706 - 6 years ago
+Let It Be Known That or a prostitute...
Wolfman0706 - 6 years ago
I saw many buttholes that year
Jessie Dahl
Jessie Dahl - 6 years ago
and she prob thought, "ok loser" cause you know, old ppl were young at one point too and they know whats up
Let It Be Known
Let It Be Known - 6 years ago
+Tara Gragg yes, i miss them
Tara Gragg
Tara Gragg - 6 years ago
Fucked Ticketmaster by getting in on one paid ticket. Then used it thrice. Front row. Good old days
Keyboardstalker - 6 years ago
I was being sarcastic.
Let It Be Known
Let It Be Known - 6 years ago
+Keyboardstalker cool how?
Keyboardstalker - 6 years ago
Wow you’re so cool
Let It Be Known
Let It Be Known - 6 years ago
+Dra Law Tell her we can meet up at the next Butthole Surfers reunion show
Dra Law
Dra Law - 6 years ago
My mom's looking for you.
Let It Be Known
Let It Be Known - 6 years ago
+tgrfan42069 You got that right! I don't think i offended her, but then again, you never know just how you look through other people's eyes
tgrfan42069 - 6 years ago
the pride oozing out of you was pouring like an avalanche coming down the mountain
James Roach
James Roach - 6 years ago
+Let It Be Known lol don't forget skatenigs lol
James Roach
James Roach - 6 years ago
I mean... They used to be a punk band... at least you didn't have to say "1 admission for Rapeman?"
Ashley R
Ashley R - 6 years ago
I wish people knew and recognized super awesome music like this.
Magicaparanoia - 6 years ago
im stoned from just listening to this
James Mata
James Mata - 6 years ago
Uuuuuuuuuuuuu... Okay?
Jasun Anderson
Jasun Anderson - 6 years ago
I had to remove my like sorry
Ian Mansfield
Ian Mansfield - 6 years ago
Just had method shot......
macaryl95 - 6 years ago
I get stoned off stoner metal and no one believes me...
Nature Nanny
Nature Nanny - 6 years ago
Magicaparanoia you are not alone
DanfromtheHills - 6 years ago
So is all of Los Angels.
Stephen Velez
Stephen Velez - 6 years ago
Greg Meyer
Greg Meyer - 6 years ago
Did Beck rip this off?
Valqara Targaryan
Valqara Targaryan - 6 years ago
IWeNoLonger BelieveLiars
IWeNoLonger BelieveLiars - 6 years ago
The band name is in absolutely horrible poor taste, but the song is a catchy tune. See jahtruth.ent
WyoColo Experience
WyoColo Experience - 6 years ago
This song makes me sneeze! Yuck, yuck, yuck.
Andrew T
Andrew T - 6 years ago
"The butthole surfers say it's better to regret something you did, than something you didn't do"
sammy hagar
sammy hagar - 6 years ago
Franklin Gillette
Franklin Gillette - 6 years ago
Cutting edge!
Gristle Von Raben
Gristle Von Raben - 6 years ago
I hope you don't mind, but I saved it to my halloween music playlist
djstlawrence G
djstlawrence G - 6 years ago
wannabe punx
dgodgo67 - 6 years ago
Nice....Brings me back in the days that you could listen too good music on mtv..........(alternative nation for example)
Don Rogers
Don Rogers - 6 years ago
Being the old guy I am... This song reaches me. Instead of mustard sandwiches, I would take 1 piece of bread, slather it with butter. 1 scoop of sugar. Sprinkle with as much cinnamon as I could stand. Squish all into a ball, and enjoy.
Tim Duddy
Tim Duddy - 6 years ago
Great song.
6string42 - 6 years ago
I remember sitting by the radio for hours waiting for this song to come on so I could record it on a cassette!
zvczvcvzxcv - 6 years ago
And then the DJ missed the post and talked over it.
Mick Jones
Mick Jones - 6 years ago
So many mixtapes....
monicapyle - 6 years ago
Haha I did the same thing. Only it was Cake's song, "The Distance"
John Ricker
John Ricker - 6 years ago
We had the radio and MTV now we have youtube
Jeff Stanford
Jeff Stanford - 6 years ago
I did
The Original Gamer
The Original Gamer - 6 years ago
That explains the terrible audio quality.
Derringer Bow
Derringer Bow - 6 years ago
Those were the days lol. Sometimes the stupid dj would start talking before the song was over
MrsSunshyineBrown - 6 years ago
Omg those days...lmfao
Yasser Al-Quasmi
Yasser Al-Quasmi - 6 years ago
Been there done that
Adriana Munoz
Adriana Munoz - 6 years ago
Agh. I miss that.
Walter Kurtz
Walter Kurtz - 6 years ago
I sometimes miss the 90's.
Everything about the decade was just too good compared to now.
Too many valuable memories of being young and dumb at times.
At the right years.
Walter Kurtz
Walter Kurtz - 6 years ago
Pope missopan
Pope missopan - 6 years ago
The first song i ever heard of Butthole Surfers.. Talk about getting a good introduction..
Brett Deinum
Brett Deinum - 6 years ago
College 95'
Stu Pidazzo
Stu Pidazzo - 6 years ago
Q sent me
OddCrafter - 6 years ago
What an oddly mesmerizing song.
DeplorableDreg - 6 years ago
Austin Texas originals
Kevin Smith
Kevin Smith - 6 years ago
christ this is sooo goood
Rob Cruickshank
Rob Cruickshank - 6 years ago
I keep seeing Erik Estrada in this video. Do I need glasses?
Choose A Better Name
Choose A Better Name - 6 years ago
is that Dave Grohl's stoner twin lmfao
blootoober - 6 years ago
cool that this song 'put them on the map' but... there are so many other great tunes. basically everything pre-96 is better if ya ask me.
Reddit Moderator AMA
Reddit Moderator AMA - 6 years ago
Pecos Hank
E F - 6 years ago
... he lost his leg in Dallas he was dancin with a train. Have you ever done that? If not, you must.
Ht LegiT
Ht LegiT - 6 years ago
He should've had lil pump on this
Johnny Kwallz
Johnny Kwallz - 6 years ago
Wow! Can’t believe I found this again randomly! Brings me back
akawater - 6 years ago
OMG! Thank you for sharing!! I haven’t heard this in years! Wow!
oxy 75
oxy 75 - 6 years ago
Pouring like an avalanche coming down the mountain!
Tom theKat
Tom theKat - 6 years ago
Youtube unlocking music to the masses ☺
Janet Yak
Janet Yak - 6 years ago
Most awasome!
Mauricio Leos
Mauricio Leos - 6 years ago
I like this song.
TheDude4077 - 6 years ago
Honestly y'all, this sounds exactly like Loser. No disrespect to the band, and I'm well aware they were around way before Beck, but still this sounds almost identical to Loser.
Billy Willy
Billy Willy - 6 years ago
Beck is a biter???
Jason McDaniel
Jason McDaniel - 6 years ago
Funny alternate lyrics
I don't mind the sun sometimes and images it shows but I straight beat those guys out thier pantyhose
big ok
big ok - 6 years ago
clicked because butthole surfers in the title
Wayne Fike
Wayne Fike - 6 years ago
They were all in love with dying
the-sassy-blacksmith - 6 years ago
So is the song butthole surfers by pepper?
Ir is the song pepper by butthole surfers .
Cuz whichever it is id believe it either way
This Is not My Name
This Is not My Name - 6 years ago
Searched for this song and suddenly "Jeffrey Dahmer- Serial Killer Documentary" showed-up in my YouTube recommendations.
Dave Hoch
Dave Hoch - 6 years ago
Butthole Surfers Kick Ass
Blizzard 91
Blizzard 91 - 6 years ago
Sounds a bit like bloodhoundgang
Maisy Mae
Maisy Mae - 6 years ago
Awe , ❤❤❤
Kaine Man
Kaine Man - 6 years ago
Key-Key Joy
Key-Key Joy - 6 years ago
Brilliant! Visually, musically, and then some. Oh my goodness,I do declare I have the vapors...SWOON!!!!
Michael Burns
Michael Burns - 6 years ago
Thinking of and missing Texas.
Megan Evans
Megan Evans - 6 years ago
I recorded this on tape. Waited for it to come on the radio all day and ran to the Sony boom box to press record. Anyone else?
yveslo lou
yveslo lou - 6 years ago
One of my favorite CDs the Butthole Surfers
Jezebel the Jeep
Jezebel the Jeep - 6 years ago
I didn't know kylo ren was in a band!
Blitzgodminecraft Arengod
Blitzgodminecraft Arengod - 6 years ago
Cool song
Zippy - 6 years ago
Some will die in pursuit while sifting through this comment.
Jacob Mesman
Jacob Mesman - 6 years ago
Aren't we all Butthole surfers? lol
Obscurity Stunt
Obscurity Stunt - 6 years ago
love how the guitar often sounds like it's backwards but that's how they play it live
Terence Esterhuizen
Terence Esterhuizen - 6 years ago
Chasing Mavericks
Honor in Treason
Honor in Treason - 6 years ago
I forgot how much I like this song!
705 - 6 years ago
Fuck this ad
Enrique Villareal
Enrique Villareal - 6 years ago
Odd song but catchy.
Dennis Sweeney
Dennis Sweeney - 6 years ago
I saw them at Ritz with the lunachicks miss those days
ᗪᗩᑎK ᗷ0T
ᗪᗩᑎK ᗷ0T - 6 years ago
This songs about cocaine
Lili Ducky
Lili Ducky - 6 years ago
Mikey got with Sharon, Sharon got Sheriee
She was sharin' Sharon's outlook on the topic of disease
Mikey had a facial scar and Bobby was a racist
They were all in love dying they were doin' it in Texas
Tommy played piano like a kid out in the rain
Then he lost his leg in Dallas he was dancin' with the train
They were all in love with dying they were drinkin' from a fountian
That is pouring like an avalance coming down the mountian
I don't mind the sun sometimes the images it shows
I can taste you on my lips and smell you in my clothes
Cinnamon and sugary and softly spoken lies
You never know just how you look through other people's eyes
Some will die in hot pursuit and firey auto crashes
Some will die in hot pursuit while sifting through my ashes
Some will fall in love with life and drink it from a fountian
That is pouring like and avalance coming down the mountian
I don't mind the sun sometimes the images it shows
I can taste you on my lips and smell you in my clothes
Cinnamon and sugary and softly spoken lies
You never know just how you look through other people's eyes
Another Mikey took a knife while arguing in traffic
Flipper died a natural death he caught a nasty virus
Then there was the ever-present football player rapist
They were all in love with dying they were doin' it in Texas
Holly caught a bullet but it only hit his leg
While it should have been a better shot he got him in the head
They were all in love with dying they were drinkin' from a fountian
That was pouring like an avalance coming down the mountian
I don't mind the sun sometimes the images it shows
I can taste you on my lips and smell you in my clothes
Cinnamon and sugary and softly spoken lies
You never know just how you look through other people's eyes
Ronald Burgess
Ronald Burgess - 6 years ago
Erik Estrada AKA Mailbox Head Marco making a cameo.
Calvin Weeder
Calvin Weeder - 6 years ago
I liked it better when it was called Jim Carroll
Brandi Lee
Brandi Lee - 6 years ago
2018!!! Who's here?
Orso Bartoli
Orso Bartoli - 6 years ago
Bon souvenir au zenith de montpellier
Fini dans les backstages avec eux et ce qui va bien....
Merci mr crase
Jennifer Reed
Jennifer Reed - 6 years ago
The moral of the story is, You never know just how you look through other peoples eyes.
Itsmorefuntocompute - 6 years ago
I am the 90s.
John Hauk
John Hauk - 6 years ago
Bobby was a racist...they were all in love with dying they were doing it in Texas...your picks are priceless...
Herman's brother Charlie
Herman's brother Charlie - 6 years ago
Mouth wax my surfboard
Innaman Joubert
Innaman Joubert - 6 years ago
Beck's Beer brought me here.This was either a warning to the world of George WTF Bush or inspired school shootings.
Zachary Louis Zamfino
Zachary Louis Zamfino - 6 years ago
I thinking of the grooviest woman ever to walk this earth my grandmother.
onebas music
onebas music - 6 years ago
@@listen to more music of Butthole Surfers>>>

jean-yves paquet
jean-yves paquet - 6 years ago
I have a baseball cap signed by John John Florence when he was 15. Now he is two time WSL wold champion. I am a butthole surfer LOL
Tester Of Sound
Tester Of Sound - 6 years ago
R.I.P Mtv
TheBoyOffTheBlock , Prezi
TheBoyOffTheBlock , Prezi - 6 years ago
Mtv days
Nikki Mcdonald
Nikki Mcdonald - 6 years ago
Seriously underrated band ..2018 and this song still KICKS azz
kid vicious
kid vicious - 6 years ago
class of 98.
DISTRESS - 6 years ago
My butthole hurts
hahni - 6 years ago
This song really reminds me of Jim Carroll's "People Who Died." I'm sure somebody else has mentioned this.
Mr. Big Muff
Mr. Big Muff - 6 years ago
Renz star
Renz star - 6 years ago
Audio quality is shit.
Darrell Latham
Darrell Latham - 6 years ago
Seriously one of the most-under rated bands ever.
Sam L
Sam L - 6 years ago
ITV cycling
Jon Cortana
Jon Cortana - 6 years ago
Omgz Bobby was a racist
Charles Calflooking
Charles Calflooking - 6 years ago
I can taste you on my lips.
Jakepancakez 2K4
Jakepancakez 2K4 - 6 years ago
I seen this music video once when me and my sisters including my mom were in Target
Hectic Hive
Hectic Hive - 6 years ago
Why does the name "Butthole Surfers" sound like the name of a South Park episode to me??? XD
Chance Allen
Chance Allen - 6 years ago
great song
Alexander Chippel
Alexander Chippel - 6 years ago
Ain't that the guy who player the mad batter in Gotham?
Zilda Peixoto
Zilda Peixoto - 6 years ago
José Mayer Mel Lisboa presença de Anita minissérie tv globo 90, ou fábrica 5 TV gazeta. Últimos anos princess até 91 92 depois virou mandhalla. Fechou em 94 depois virou lost, em outro ponto. 93 94 95...não lembro direito. Tinha aeroanta tb.
Zilda Peixoto
Zilda Peixoto - 6 years ago
Presença de anti
A mini.as
Tb globo José ma_÷

% ?÷
) ) €#; ¥@)
Chaise! - 6 years ago
Buddy 713
Buddy 713 - 6 years ago
Is it just me or did Metallica use the blue and the gold backdrops for they garage inc. Album photos?
mark johnston
mark johnston - 6 years ago
No one under 25 knows this songs bad as
augustuslook - 6 years ago
right here bro 19
James Ryder
James Ryder - 6 years ago
I remember when they came to my city in the 90s during my concert phase and a friend of mine from High School threw his watch face at the band after the strap had broken off. Long story short it hit the singer in the face, he proceeded to cuss the audience out and bitch about the city and stormed off stage. Saw the news story later on MTV news with Kurt Loder lol.. good times.
Brock Newmo'z
Brock Newmo'z - 6 years ago
Beavis & Butthead Double dip made this song a magical experience for me like 20 years ago. I don't do acid anymore but I'm grateful to have the memories of how I first understood how truly gifted & highly evolved artistic expression thru music creatiion is , lLegit. My Soundtrack ' Nirvana . Queen, MJ , Creedence, & the Eagles - LED made Pink Floyd feel straight up unearthly. You Feel me...
SAPPER J - 6 years ago
2018 Check in!
yo what's up Boii
yo what's up Boii - 6 years ago
So what genre of music would this be?
Chris Miller
Chris Miller - 6 years ago
I love black people. Everyone should own a few.
Mr. White
Mr. White - 6 years ago
Kill yourself, subhuman.
Mr. White
Mr. White - 6 years ago
Get raped, subhuman.
Sinister Mephisto
Sinister Mephisto - 6 years ago
I'm so glad we are not in the 90's and grunge is dead
Zer0dog - 6 years ago
great band name
618sam - 6 years ago
Was this song on a soundtrack? Besides Chasing Mavericks (I’ve never seen, just googled)... I could’ve sworn it was, but I can’t find anything on the Net.
Martin C
Martin C - 6 years ago
"Cinnamon and sugary, and softly spoken lies..."
Keith Barron
Keith Barron - 6 years ago
I miss Mr. Peppermint. :(
Bhatt Hole
Bhatt Hole - 6 years ago
240p whoops 4k's ass!
Ihate people
Ihate people - 6 years ago
Exactly... Genius!
Alan Gilby
Alan Gilby - 6 years ago
...i know bobby,...and he's not a racist, because he hates everyone equally..
militarycat - 6 years ago
big d
big d - 6 years ago
That's right!! Me too!! I don't single anyone out, I hate everybody!! I think you're all equally worthless!! lol
Steve Fannin
Steve Fannin - 6 years ago
Alan Gilby I’m not a bigot I just fucking hate everyone.
broccolitoad - 6 years ago
how did i find spn here
Wood Gecko
Wood Gecko - 6 years ago
electronic music or rock band?! cool shiz
Gavin O'Connoll
Gavin O'Connoll - 6 years ago
THANK YOU for posting !!
byron2521 - 6 years ago
Graham Page
Graham Page - 6 years ago
12 million viewers cant be wrong
Percy Barbarossa
Percy Barbarossa - 6 years ago
@ 1:35 it's Lee Ving of FEAR
private LTZ
private LTZ - 6 years ago
I am expecting beck...
Jason, Christopher Capps
Jason, Christopher Capps - 6 years ago
JASON Society
Skunk69 x
Skunk69 x - 6 years ago
Poncherello!!!!  Following a salary dispute with NBC in the fall of 1981, Estrada was briefly replaced by Olympic Gold Medalist and actor Bruce Jenner.  P.S.  I'm talking about the 80's show C.H.I.P.'s for those who don't know.
Jason Perez
Jason Perez - 6 years ago
Awesome song....90s had great music
hubhub1254 - 6 years ago
the 240 make it ever better
WithMercyAforethought - 6 years ago
well hey, these Sun Images worked out pretty Great-- what a pleasant surprise
L. A.
L. A. - 6 years ago
2018 listening !
Jason Beene
Jason Beene - 6 years ago
cool song.
Hairynutz - 6 years ago
Reminds me of high school. Fkn good times
Elijah Miller
Elijah Miller - 6 years ago
Yup. Much better version. Thanks yo
C.Pillangò - 6 years ago
I am grunge too
Janna Stevens
Janna Stevens - 6 years ago
tool anyone? how bota kaleidoscope
Janna Stevens
Janna Stevens - 6 years ago
eye wood in a heart beat
Nik Satt
Nik Satt - 6 years ago
scroll past
scroll past - 6 years ago
"butthole surfers"
babyglave - 6 years ago
Love this! Really a super great group of artists. Got to work with Gibby on Phallus in Wonderland, one of GWAR's first forays into movie-making, many years ago. A memorable experience to say the least. I know Brockie was super grateful for Gibby's time ,energy and contribution to the film and to future projects inspired by the example of a few of his heroes, the legendary Butthole Surfers. The Buttholes are a gift to music and the arts. I'm very grateful.
jwilkcom - 6 years ago
And she got a desie. I can smell you on my lip's
Km73386 S
Km73386 S - 6 years ago
Beck lifted this!!!!
Communism Works Because I Say It Does
Communism Works Because I Say It Does - 6 years ago
Butthole Surfers having incredibly dark lyrics with a song structured similar to Loser by Beck. Nice
Karen Elise Oogjen Biserni
Karen Elise Oogjen Biserni - 6 years ago
The group is giving itself a really degrading name and video: The music is great, they should call themselves something else like: Faomies; with a nicer clip like something rallyu..
Neil Marshall
Neil Marshall - 6 years ago
<Using best horror movie narrator voice>
Once Upon a Time, Long ago....
<fade thru clouds to music venue>
A band was playing at a big concert. As their music was strange (to him) a member of the audience got close to the stage & abused the band by calling out " Your nothing but a bunch of Butthole Surfers" (aka faggots, homos, poo pushers). This so amazed the lead singer that he stopped the band playing,
<spotlight from the heavens & angels singing moment>
and asked if they minded a name change. ..... And so the Butthole Surfers were born. Spawned from the shit pouring from a drunken rednecks mouth.
And all quality music lovers throughout the many lands did find joy in the album 'Hairway To Steven' and all lived in a gabby haze for the rest of time
<fade thru clouds to Karen with a stunned WTF just happen there look>
the end.....
Ties de Jong
Ties de Jong - 6 years ago
Let them take their own creative decisions, don't tell them what they should think they should do for their band...
carrier32 - 6 years ago
shut the fuck up
arron coates
arron coates - 6 years ago
Agamemnon Butterscotch
Agamemnon Butterscotch - 6 years ago
I don't see how someone could surf on a butthole.
Frosty_The_Mememan - 6 years ago
the only fucking reason this song was popular was because of "saints row: the third" and it was popular to the public
Daniel Griffith
Daniel Griffith - 6 years ago
Dave Brown
Dave Brown - 6 years ago
....you never know just how you look through other peoples eyes....
Hell yes i am a lucky mofo who was born in 197D3
Helene McGreevy
Helene McGreevy - 6 years ago
Drums are funky.
Connor Tustian
Connor Tustian - 6 years ago
This should song=pure art
Nathaniel Fort
Nathaniel Fort - 6 years ago
I love this song but can anyone explain what the video is about?
Josh Barnacle
Josh Barnacle - 6 years ago
oh wow i love beck
Justin Y.
Justin Y. - 6 years ago
Personally I like it better at 1.25 speed
Leah Calleja
Leah Calleja - 6 years ago
Who taped songs on their tape deck, and pressed play and rewind multiple times to write the lyrics?
Misha - 6 years ago
Erik Estrada ! Yummy !!!
Cuix - 6 years ago
Literally the only good song this group ever put out
Silver - 6 years ago
Cuix they literally have atleast four classic albums you just aint ready for extreme hardcore noise punk that their other stuff is lol
Silver - 6 years ago
Cuix wrong
ladyi7609 - 6 years ago
The only decent musical artist to come out of my podunk hometown, ladies and gents.
Sporkenstein - 6 years ago
What the hell is Eric Estrada doing in this video?
Cee Dasun
Cee Dasun - 6 years ago
Yep, only the best wear upper lip nest!!!
Nemo's Tepid Sweep
Nemo's Tepid Sweep - 6 years ago
Cooking brain cells in my pressure cooker studio. Love coalesces with occupation.
John Welsh
John Welsh - 6 years ago
The Butthole Surfers kick ass!
Jean Mombach
Jean Mombach - 6 years ago
Tá e os videos em hd????
dumpy - 6 years ago
Is that Jay Chandresekhar about halfway through?
Nick Heitzeberg
Nick Heitzeberg - 6 years ago
Great tune
Paulbyron Desfosses
Paulbyron Desfosses - 6 years ago
buthole surfers say's 12, 311,445 views .... usually never more than 2 million .... 2:48pm 6/15/2018 ... june third wee
twowayyo11 - 6 years ago
Smiley King
Smiley King - 6 years ago
Brittany Davis yeah? It’s 2019 right now
Brittany Davis
Brittany Davis - 6 years ago
Smiley King
Smiley King - 6 years ago
Still goin in 2019
MavenDeo - 6 years ago
Yes, that is the year. Good job.
Dr. Mantis Toboggan, M.D.
Dr. Mantis Toboggan, M.D. - 6 years ago
Soon to be 2019.
Angel Black
Angel Black - 6 years ago
+Wayne Fike looking for likes.
Esoteric Brain
Esoteric Brain - 6 years ago
Hell yeah!
Wayne Fike
Wayne Fike - 6 years ago
twowayyo11 whats your point?
Aultun white
Aultun white - 6 years ago
some of their stuff in nonsensical .....then tunes like this are pure genius....maybe they're idiot savants!!
Ben Brackin
Ben Brackin - 6 years ago
This would have ruined Dave Grohls career, if he'd made this with the foo fighters.
J. Baked
J. Baked - 6 years ago
Yesss imma kill myself to this song (:
007galaxie - 6 years ago
Great Song \m/
Clyde Rembrandt
Clyde Rembrandt - 6 years ago
What's this video about? Is it some deep metaphor that I'm missing?
sqwidink1 - 6 years ago
Dave grohl
doc Phunk
doc Phunk - 6 years ago
Urban ledgand states if it wasn't for this band Scott weiland won't have had a heroine addiction and might still be alive.
malotschino - 6 years ago
forgot to record the bass - created a classic
Edmlover97 - 6 years ago
Omgg this was my jammmm
First born unicorn
First born unicorn - 6 years ago
But why were they doin it in Texas?
ben eller
ben eller - 6 years ago
its been a while hearing this one.
Reay Morrow
Reay Morrow - 6 years ago
Gibby Hayes... That's all that needs to be said.
Deimos Station
Deimos Station - 6 years ago
I've read about this band the first (and last) time in 1993 on a rock magazine of that time, they were doing demos, but despite the atypical features, they were having a good reputation. I'm actually listen to them only NOW in 2018 for the very first time, a song almost ten years old. This is kinda kinky.
NecessaryEvil4Life! - 6 years ago
auto: butthole surfers ml.ai.aiy.py
jeffery weigand
jeffery weigand - 6 years ago
dude is on fox now....once great band that went into the fucking shit.....on all levels...
Shanin Mehle
Shanin Mehle - 6 years ago
Mountain dew? Lol
pietra kaplan
pietra kaplan - 6 years ago
I now a lot off buthole suffers my silfe men boy I shere due
pietra kaplan
pietra kaplan - 6 years ago
dame rhite a lot off them Huh lol Dame rhite
Dani California
Dani California - 6 years ago
closely related to loser
The mojowizzard
The mojowizzard - 6 years ago
3:00 one of the shortest and most awesome, sickest, feedback filled ,underated guitar solos ever recorded....then it ends. badass!!! I keep hitting my own 3:00 lol
Anthony Davis
Anthony Davis - 6 years ago
i used to listen to this on radio with sublime and sometimes they'd play Nas's "If I Ruled the World (Imagine that)"
J.B. Browning
J.B. Browning - 6 years ago
Reminds me of when I was falling like an avalanche coming down the mountain. Huh.
Twistandturnsgaming - 6 years ago
Do they surf buttholes?
Geoff TuckFrump
Geoff TuckFrump - 6 years ago
Erik Estrada AKA Ponch from CHiP’s was in this one.
J Hutson
J Hutson - 6 years ago
I thought this was remove from my playlist due to copyright bullshit...
Amy Bartosik
Amy Bartosik - 6 years ago
Why is he limping?
7mt7 - 6 years ago
best band name ever!
Dark Starr
Dark Starr - 6 years ago
Is it just me or does the lead singer bare a striking resemblance to Captain Morgan??
George Acosta
George Acosta - 6 years ago
This, Under The Bridge, and Meatloaf's something about yellow snow is my childhood mornings to a T, musically.
Robin Lauver
Robin Lauver - 6 years ago
I love all music......they doin their part?
TheTechCguy - 6 years ago
This song's got that early 90s feel even though it was in the mid 90s when it was made.
Keegan McDuffee
Keegan McDuffee - 6 years ago
To be honest this song has been a mystery to me since like 4 or 5 years ago, I never really could figure out what it meant, and it turns out Im not the only one who still doesn't
Cris Whetstone
Cris Whetstone - 6 years ago
Erik Estrada at 3:41?
MamaBear Kitchen
MamaBear Kitchen - 6 years ago
This song wasn't on it.. But Independent Worm Saloon is one of my most treasured albums.
Corey McCurry
Corey McCurry - 6 years ago
There are only 2 chords in this entire song. Arguably, you could say there's only one.
amber Dobbs
amber Dobbs - 6 years ago
Buthole surfers, negative land, flaming lips. I feel badly for kids these days that weren't born in the late 70's early 80's. They don't know what good music is, original creative music. They have nickel back & neon trees...barf.
Charles Calflooking
Charles Calflooking - 6 years ago
And smell you in my clothes.
Charles Calflooking
Charles Calflooking - 6 years ago
I can taste you on my lips.
ThrashySugarMeant Girl
ThrashySugarMeant Girl - 6 years ago
Thank you Kurt!
Jason Cougar
Jason Cougar - 6 years ago
Uou do know the whole band liked men aka butt hole surfers.
Augusta Vaughan
Augusta Vaughan - 6 years ago
James Kelly. Was it cool when you sprayed m ne cause you were mad about being a wom an beater
Chin Chin
Chin Chin - 6 years ago
What is the song even about? I love it but I can't make sense of the lyrics.
Brittany Decker
Brittany Decker - 6 years ago
This song never gets old
Joe Son
Joe Son - 6 years ago
new coke commercial ripped off the first verse of this song
frisbee212 - 6 years ago
That guys dad was Mr. Peppermint
War Torn Heart
War Torn Heart - 6 years ago
Imagine Gibby And Kurt Cobain in rehab together.
War Torn Heart
War Torn Heart - 6 years ago
i love how they gave the video a Dallas feel just using an old font, b+w film & lighting.
Aron Pursche-Morales
Aron Pursche-Morales - 6 years ago
Lord I'd love to hear Monster Magnet cover this...
Sharon Owens
Sharon Owens - 6 years ago
°they were all in love with dying °
cassie corgan
cassie corgan - 6 years ago
Why does this song scare me
SH18 - 6 years ago
youtube autoplay on, wow I have not heard these guys in a while :D, 5/10/2018
Joseph Shaw
Joseph Shaw - 6 years ago
They can surf on my butt anyday!!!! I miss the 90s!!!!! One of the many songs I love from that era!!!! Grunge baby!!! Seattle Sound!!!!
Marybeth Wiggins
Marybeth Wiggins - 6 years ago
Aka: brown eyed kings.
Brian Royer
Brian Royer - 6 years ago
Thanx Jacob
Aaron Roberson
Aaron Roberson - 6 years ago
I always get this song and "loser" by beck mixed up
Dark 6
Dark 6 - 6 years ago
Love this jam stands the test of time
Tiresias - 6 years ago
Dark 6 the sands of time*
TerriD D
TerriD D - 6 years ago
Omg love this song! Enrike Estrada!! My love..no mi amor!! How many decades now you'd think that the police officials would have so much more advanced knowledge and techniques developed to do away with the drugs cartels. They just aren't smart enough obviously...if trump paid them millions maybe that would motivate them to take out all drug lords seriously if you have the money armorments and manpower we could easily hunt down and take out all drug cartels and prevent them from rising again. Hydrogen is still an option in the cartels mountains
Wyatt's ALL-N-1
Wyatt's ALL-N-1 - 6 years ago
3.5k can sift through the ashes...
thehoustonstrangler2 - 6 years ago
its what Dave Grohl looks like now
Vince B
Vince B - 6 years ago
Ginny’s my homie true gentleman. Loves the left handed cigarettes
Sid Finster
Sid Finster - 6 years ago
This song is the 90's offshoot of the classic 80's song "People Who Died" by Jim Carroll. Same theme and sentiment.
K. R.
K. R. - 6 years ago
Thank You Guys...lol
The Italian Snob
The Italian Snob - 6 years ago
The omnipresent football player rapist
cody bailey
cody bailey - 6 years ago
I drive a horse drawn carriage and take thalidomide. I dont eat any new world crops like tomatoes or corn. I had the plague once. I dont know what antibiotics are.
I'm only into old things but I'm young. This makes me so cool. Were cool becuase we like old things. Let's go to old songs on YouTube and brag about how we only like old things. Becuase it makes us cooler.
Joseph P
Joseph P - 6 years ago
Wow! The music sounds so much like Beck- "Loser"
Dave Andrews
Dave Andrews - 6 years ago
Only retarded fucks could NOT like this!!
Margaret2332 - 6 years ago
Lyrics - Butthole Surfers - Pepper - - - Marky got with Sharon, Sharon got Cherise - She was sharin' Sharon's outlook on the topic of disease - Mikey had a facial scar and Bobby was a racist - They were all in love dying they were doin' it in Texas - Tommy played piano like a kid out in the rain then he lost his leg in Dallas he was dancin' with the train - They were all in love with dying they were drinkin' from a fountain - That is pouring like an avalanche coming down the mountain - I don't mind the sun sometimes the images it shows - I can taste you on my lips and smell you in my clothes - Cinnamon and sugary and softly spoken lies - You never know just how you look through other people's eyes - Some will die in hot pursuit and fiery auto crashes - Some will die in hot pursuit while sifting through my ashes - Some will fall in love with life and drink it from a fountain - That is pouring like and avalanche coming down the mountain - I don't mind the sun sometimes the images it shows - I can taste you on my lips and smell you in my clothes - Cinnamon and sugary and softly spoken lies - You never know just how you look through other people's eyes - Another Mikey took a knife while arguing in traffic - Flipper died a natural death he caught a nasty virus - Then there was the ever-present football player rapist they were all in love with dying they were doin' it in Texas - Paulie caught a bullet but it only hit his leg - While it should have been a better shot he got him in the head - They were all in love with dying they were drinkin' from a fountain - That was pouring like an avalanche coming down the mountain - I don't mind the sun sometimes the images it shows - I can taste you on my lips and smell you in my clothes - Cinnamon and sugary and softly spoken lies - You never know just how you look through other people's eyes - - - Songwriters: Brad Delson / Chester Charles Bennington / Dave Farrell / Joseph Hahn / Mike Shinoda / Robert G. Bourdon - - -
Gary Guentzel
Gary Guentzel - 6 years ago
Cory Martin
Cory Martin - 6 years ago
That was your sandwich. Fool.
Greg Wagner
Greg Wagner - 6 years ago
Erik Estrada!
Sarah McGregor
Sarah McGregor - 6 years ago
Well thank you Jacob Gray for the extra effort! I for one appreciate it!
Michael Marko
Michael Marko - 6 years ago
This is my antimoral anthem.
Joshua Kline
Joshua Kline - 6 years ago
I was old enough to remember when those morons at Wal Mart edited the album cover when they took the blood out. They got in big trouble for doing that
RussianVideoVlogGuy - 6 years ago
Butthole surfers - ween precursor
They were all in love with dying
They were drinking from a fountain
That was pouring like an avalanche
Coming down the mountain

Why is this so funny to me every time I hear it.
Mr. Lince
Mr. Lince - 6 years ago
mickton shrimpton
mickton shrimpton - 6 years ago
back in the day ,when everyone was trying to sound like Beck
golf-freq - 6 years ago
What the actual fuck. I was in my prime when this song hit the "air waves". I had forgotten, now I remember. I smoked lots of pot back then. I had, now, remembered that, now. Er, yeah.
David Henson
David Henson - 6 years ago
Yeah, all cops are evil, and louder means truer.
Robert Smith II
Robert Smith II - 6 years ago
haven't heard this in ages and the other day the course popped in my head
why? - 6 years ago
Butthole surfers for life
Heather Curran
Heather Curran - 6 years ago
Fantastic!!!!! I am reliving US3 and branvan3000 and yet forgot this amazing band. Thanks!
Britton Reese
Britton Reese - 6 years ago
wooooooooooo Texarkana Texas here..............fresh off the bong
Stephanie Schaeffer
Stephanie Schaeffer - 6 years ago
Ponch!! Lol
James O'Quinn
James O'Quinn - 6 years ago
Riot cops as backup dancers and Erik Estrada, awesome.
Matthew Coolness
Matthew Coolness - 6 years ago
Eric Castrada will dress up in that stupid cop uniform and do any piece of shit for a buck. I've seen him in countless pieces of shit like this.
Deftones Dsm
Deftones Dsm - 6 years ago
On of my favorotes from the 90s.. story telling through a song. I love it. Too bad they couldnt recreate it
Joseph - 6 years ago
If there was a theme song for the DFW metroplex this would be it
thereve - 6 years ago
Fack. I thought this was Beck for the longest time.
Jake Porsley
Jake Porsley - 6 years ago
heh buttholes
Eric Twente
Eric Twente - 6 years ago
How bad ass is it that Erik Estrada is in the video??!!! I had forgotten about that!!
ebony1442 - 6 years ago
A bit of trivia: Gibby Haynes, lead vocalist of the Butthole Surfers, is the son of Jerry Haynes, formerly of Ft. Worth, Texas. In addition to a number of other roles, Jerry Haynes is best known (at least in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area) as Mr. Peppermint, the host of "Peppermint Place," which was the local version of "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood" for many years.
mr Poing
mr Poing - 6 years ago
Gotta love a bit of butthole :)
occams99 - 6 years ago
I was forced to testify on Luther's behalf which resulted in an official exoneration of his activities so I immediately consulted with jesus through a hole in the cat's skull and he told me that Gibbby Haynnes was the
Jay Lord
Jay Lord - 6 years ago
The 90s was my 60s generation that my parents had
Jay Lord
Jay Lord - 6 years ago
Although cake is way better than this or beck put together
Aron Anderson
Aron Anderson - 6 years ago
Ahhhh the memories
Jeff Sims
Jeff Sims - 6 years ago
feel good music love it
Jace Desengel
Jace Desengel - 6 years ago
oh i should mention, i made MS stop dropping on a planet. a half team of 6, no longer dropped there after the first match with them.
Anne Marie Stepanovic
Anne Marie Stepanovic - 6 years ago
You never know just how you look thru other peoples eyes....
Republic of Ravenswood
Republic of Ravenswood - 6 years ago
One of the best songs ever written, in my humble opinion
Jay Antone
Jay Antone - 6 years ago
No bullshit heard this song as a kid because my mom wouldn’t let me grow up listening to shitty music
Josh Irwin
Josh Irwin - 6 years ago
The song is about Heroin. It scares me on how long I listened to it over the years and never thought about it...
Daniel Owens
Daniel Owens - 6 years ago
I can't believe Mike, Chester (rip) and Hahn had parts in writing this before LP had even formed
Maximus Autizmus
Maximus Autizmus - 6 years ago
Pepper was in my room last night sacrificing goats on my ceiling fan
Nick Fiscina
Nick Fiscina - 6 years ago
Here it is guys one of the most underrated over bitten rock groups there ever was motherfukers came far and wide to steal these people style just look at Rob Zombie
DvDgway - 6 years ago
3,300 people are not in love with life and drinking from a fountain and downvoted this video
missmaroon44 - 6 years ago
DvDgway ...............32
SkinBoy04 - 6 years ago
Patrick Howie not all Americans are dumb.
Patrick Howie
Patrick Howie - 6 years ago
Prob cause those ppl are uber dumb, or just Americans
K Comm
K Comm - 6 years ago
I love this comment more than Coco Puffs.
Fox D
Fox D - 6 years ago
On the bright side, they're not dead in Texas.
Rob Ore
Rob Ore - 6 years ago
Actually I down-vote because the audio quality makes this sound like a broken fart gun, try this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2XLjnLdqRY
Nick Brennan
Nick Brennan - 6 years ago
MTV 1990 to 1995 ya um!
Calling Bullshit
Calling Bullshit - 6 years ago
fuck yes i think i found a gem
Jace - 6 years ago
Thanks man
sqwidink1 - 6 years ago
Gibby Clark

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About Butthole Surfers - Pepper

The "Butthole Surfers - Pepper" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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