Surf 9 years ago 58,026 views
Subscribe Now: Follow me on Instagram: @danthedirector For enquiries mail me on: A film by Dan Mace Edited by: Dan Mace and Bryn North A huge thanks to Ben Brown, Bryn North, Ryan Frame, Kyle Miljof, Gary Kaatze and Nadine Van Asbeck for all the awesomeness and supplying footage. The series ‘Hump of Happiness’ is about creating something fun and different every Wednesday in order to contribute to positive films uploaded to youtube as well as to inspire people to get out there and do something rad. This week I decided to take a bunch of mates and hit the dunes for a ‘Tow Surfing Session’. I hope you enjoy. If you have any questions just pop them in the comment section below! See you next week. Music Main Track: Gomia - Stupid (Fulgeance Remix) Title Card Track: GRZ - Parody Walking Gear: Panasonic GH4 Sony FS700 Canon 5D MKiii A set of Canon primes Editing Software: Adobe Premiere Pro and After effects
10. comment for CAR SURFING
20. comment for CAR SURFING
Hit me up if you go to the Dunes again. I've got some proper sandboards and secret spots where we can go play around
30. comment for CAR SURFING
I miss you!
I know you're both busy people, but it would be awesome if you and Ben would meet up again for more adventures!
50. comment for CAR SURFING
Keep up the good work!
However, what was with the consistency of the quality? I can see you used a 4k drone for some of the shots and they look great! But some of the other shots do not seem to be as sharp. Did you use a filter on these?
Thanks Dan for inspiring me to weekly videos of my own! :)
100. comment for CAR SURFING
The cinematography is bright, I enjoyed every second of this video!
It is amazing!
it was obviously a delightful romp. I 'm remember when u did the footage w/ Ben Brown. it was so rad back then - it still is!
thanks for today HoH - keep 'em comin' ;-)
Also very very nice montage bru.
give it a go down kom beach man!
Oh Dan this video is so old, I remember when i was watching this on Ben's vlog :)
Thanks for inspiring me to do weekly videos of my own. You are such a chill guy and your endless creativity is so inspirational. x
Please don't ride a car right on a beach ! It's a sensitive place, this will only encourage other people to do this by ignorance (already too many surfers parking their car right on the sand 6ft from the sea...)! Beaches and dunes should be preserved, by riding a car on it you are damaging it... I don't know about those particular places in the vid but such behaviour leads to crushing turtle eggs,plants,small grass (that keeps the dune together) etc... No flaming intended, I usually love your work. Peace !
Always enjoy your work regardless! Keep up the excellent work!