CS:S Surf - surf_our + bonuses showcase
Surf 6 years ago 1,443 views
Showcasing not_a_zombie's brand new surf map - surf_our! More info below. _______________________________ CS:S download: https://gamebanana.com/maps/199345 CS:GO download: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1334447540&searchtext= Thanks to the following for help with the video: Map surfed by Morning. B1 and B2 surfed by not_a_zombie. B3 and B4 surfed by SyStM_. Tier: 5 Stages: Linear Bonuses: 4 Maxvelocity: 3500 B1: Hardex B2: not_a_zombie B3: Xtra_Festive B4: malt Song: GRiZ - You Got To Change (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flEuf7twzzs)
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