Channel Surfing
Surf 12 years ago 4,410,686 views
Channel Surfing. When you take the risk and channel surf you never know what to expect will come on your TV. Watch as James tries to find something worth watching. Be Sure To Subscribe to Studio C ► Bring on the laughs! Sketch comedy for everyone. Watch Studio C on YouTube. Top 15 Most Viewed Studio C Videos: Season 7: Season 6: Season 5: Season 4: Season 3: Season 2: Season 1: Studio C YouTube Exclusives: Watch Studio C Mondays at 10pm ET/8pm MT on BYUtv or online here: Like Studio C on Facebook: Follow Studio C on Instagram: Follow Studio C on Twitter: Cast: Whitney Call, Mallory Everton, Jason Gray, Natalie Madsen, Stephen Meek, Matt Meese, James Perry, Jeremy Warner Director/DP: Nick Stentzel Producer: Jared Shores Producer: Diane Mayne Writer: Matt Meese Editor: "A. Todd Smith, Ryan Terry" Thanks for watching Channel Surfing- Studio C
Why is he eating chips when there are perfectly good donuts right on the table?
1. Baskin Robbin's Love Confession
2. Classic Movie Slap
3. Channel Surfing
And you got yourself a full length melodrama of the two's love story.
(Mixer sounds)-
Isn't that soothing? It make me want to-
Question my will to live."
10. comment for Channel Surfing
20. comment for Channel Surfing
30. comment for Channel Surfing
50. comment for Channel Surfing
"Your immortal soul! And you never called you never wrote you never even"
"Learned how to use a special rat toilet!"
Dirty Money!
Good acting and editing everyone!
100. comment for Channel Surfing
If I were him, i'd eat all the donuts!!!
“...Learned how to use a special rat toilet”
Really Jason? Come on keep up!
I died so many times XD
"Flour, eggs, and your immortal soul!"
"Don't despair, because very few have died in the proccess."
Top 5 places I'll never be
I already do
Give your spandex a little snap. Pretty soon you’re going to have a body as solid as-
This nation’s economy.
OK, I’m going to want my money back.
-An Australian army vehicle worth $74,000 has gone missing after being painted with camouflage
- Mayor of Juiceberry township to homeless: go home
-Mississippi's literacy program shows best results evr
-Utah Poison Control Center reminds everyone not to take poison
-U.S. scientists report that most earthquake damage is caused by shaking
-Federal agents raid gun shop; find weapons
-Kentucky mailman bites homeowner's dog
Well my grandmother isn’t arthritic so HA she won’t be beat
yeah that makes total sense :)
Qwerty: But I'm flaming passion intolerant!
Oh and 2:32
this nation's economy"
I hope that you buuuuuurn
"Your gluets! You feelin a good burn in there?"
It calls for flour,eggs,and YOUR IMMORTAL SOUL
Yeah simple
Chill down a bit xD
"Now take a whisk and really beat your arthritic grandmother. That's rich. Especially coming from the man who was raised by feral monkeys which contracted hepatitis. They of course had to be put down and now we're using the rats. One NASA authority said 'Sometimes, I cry in the shower.' Hah! You're not fooling anyone! All you've ever cared about is your glutes! You feeling a good burn in there? We're gonna start workin' your thighs, and rub em' down with some olive oil. That's nice. Now we're ready to put this into the oven (slap slap) along with tax payer's dollars. The president wanted it to be absolutely clear that he has no body hair! Some say yes, some say no, but don't be afraid to let it envelop you in its aroma. Now this recipe is simple, it calls for flour, eggs, and YOUR IMMORTAL SOUL! And we never heard from you, never called you, never wrote to you, never even learned how to use a special rat toilet! They can navigate complex mazes, and most surprisingly, they're gluten free. And if you don't have an electric mixer, you can just use FLAMING PASSION! Have you no shame? It absolutely SICKENS me to think that this is 20 pounds of human fat in a jar! And if you don't think you have the willpower to do it, don't despair, because very few have died in the process! The details of the program are vital to national security, so naturally, the white house will slap that smug look off your face! Ouch, that stings! I love you, ever since I heard you sing, your voice was like (blender sounds). Isn't that soothing? It makes me want to question my will to live! All you can do is give your spandex a little snap. Pretty soon you're gonna have a body as solid as this nation's economy. In conclusion, we'd like to thank you all for coming to this press conference and we hope that you burn for your sins. Don't you see? All I ever wanted was the flexibility of a Russian gymnast. Just remember, there's nothing more attractive to the ladies than a chocolate sculpture of Winston Churchill covered in dirty money! But it's over now. I'm never coming back. You can forward my mail to the cold heart of space. Thank you, and see you in Skinnytown! Population, you."
SEEMS LEGIT!!!???!?!?!?!?!
James was Eating Krispy Kreme!
"Federal agents raid gun shop, find weapons"
"An Australian army vehicle worth $74,000 has gone missing after being painted with camouflage"
"mayor of Juice berry township to homeless: Go home"
"Missippi's literacy program shows best test results evr"
"Utah poison control center reminds everyone not to take poison"
"Kentucky mailman bites homeowners dog"
that's all could find on the scrolling text under Matt.
Me: That's NOT a very solid body
"Your arthritic grandmother!"
I am pleased to announce Nasas new space program which will send a family of rats.
Yes Veronica, it’s true, your ex-husband is alive and living in Kyro.
Four and slide two three four and reach two three four and side two three four
Now take a whisk and really beat your arthritic grandmother.
That’s rich, especially coming from a man who was raised by feral monkeys, which contracted hepatitis. They of course had to be put down and now we’re using the rats. One NASA authority said, “sometimes, I cry in the shower.”
Hah! You’re not fooling anyone! All you’ve ever cared about is your glutes! You feeling a good burn in there? Now we’re going to start working your thighs. Now rub ‘me down with some olive oil. That’s nice. Now we’re ready to put this in the oven along with tax payer’s dollars. The president wants to make it absolutely clear that he has no body hair. Some say yes, some say no. But don’t be afraid, let it envelop you in it’s aroma. Now this recipe is simple. It calls for flour, eggs, and your immortal soul.
And we never heard from you. You never called, you never wrote, you never even learned how to use a special rat toilet. They can navigate complex mazes, and most surprisingly, they’re gluten free. And if you don’t have an electric mixer, you can just use flaming passion! Have you no shame? It absolutely sickens me to think that this is 20 pounds of human fat in a jar. And if you don’t think you have the willpower to do it, don’t be afraid, because very few have died in the process. The details of the program are vital to national security, so naturally, the White House will smack that smug look off your face!
Ouch, that stings. I love you. Ever since I heard you sing, your voice was like VRMRMEMMRMRMRRRRRRRM . Isn’t that soothing? It makes me want to question my will to live.
All you can do is give your spandex a little snap. Pretty soon you’re going to have a body as solid as this nations economy. In conclusion we’d like to thank you for coming to this press conference and we hope that you burn for your sins. Don’t you see? All I ever wanted was the flexibility of a Russian gymnast. Just remember, there’s nothing more attractive to the ladies than a chocolate sculpture of Winston Churchill, covered in dirty money. But it’s over now, I’m never coming back. You can forward my mail to the cold heart of space. Thank you and see you in skinny town, population you.
Yep, pretty much me when I try to sing.
"It all started when I watched daytime TV"
This line is my absolute favourite!
Seems normal
Jeremy's spandex crotch bulge
Put a TV remote in a chip bag.
new trend
"This nation's economy."
Pretty weak workout then.
-mailman bites homeowners dog
-Mayor of township says to homeless: go home
Missipi's literacy program shows best test results ever
-Utah poison control center advises everyone not to take poison
-U.s Scientists report that earthquake damage is caused by shaking
-federal agents raid gun shop, find weapons
an Australian army vehicle worth 74,000 has gone missing after painted camo
well I guess I'm gonna be extremely obese
Now, what you need to do, is stir that until it's about the consistency of a cloud. I'm pleased to announce, NASA's new space program, which will send a family of rats.. yes Veronica, it's true. Your ex-husband is still alive and living in Kiro (is that how it's spelled?) -Four and slide-two-three-four and reach-two-three-four and slide-two-three-four... Now take a whisk and really beat, your arthritic grandmother. That's rich! Especially coming from the man who was raised by feral monkeys which contracted hepatitis. They of course had to be put down and now we're using the rats. One NASA authority said: "Sometimes, sniff I cry in the shower" HA! You're not fooling anyone! All you've ever cared about is YOUR GLUTS! You feeling a good burn in there? Now we're gonna start working your thighs and rub them down with some olive oil. That's nice, now we're ready to put this in the oven, along with tax payers dollars. The president wanted it to be absolutely clear that he has no body hair! Some say yes, some say no, but don't be afraid to let it envelope you in it's aroma. Now this recipe is simple, it calls for flour, eggs, and YOUR IMMORTAL SOUL! And we never heard from you! You never called! You never wrote! You never even learned how to use a special rat toilet. They can navigate complex mazes, and most surprisingly they're gluten-free. And if you don't have an electric mixer you can just use FLAMING PASSION! Have you no shame! It absolutely sickens me to think that this is 20 lbs of human fat in a jar. And if you think that you don't have the will power to do it, don't despair! Because very few have died in the process. The details of the program are vital to national security, so naturally the White House will slap that smug look off your face! clatter OUCH that stings. I love you. Ever since I heard you sing your voice was like sound of a blender isn't that soothing? It makes want to question my will to live. All you can do is give your spandex a little snap, pretty soon you'll have a body as solid as this nation's economy. In conclusion we'd like to thank you all for coming to this press conference and we hope that you BURN FOR YOU SINS. Don't you see? All I ever wanted was the flexibility of a Russian gymnast! Just remember, there's nothing more attractive to the ladies than a chocolate sculpture of Winston Churchill, covered in DIRTY MONEY! But it's over now, I'm never coming back, you can forward my mail to the cold heart of space. Thank you, and see you in skinny town, population: you.
Well that took forever, hope you enjoyed it. Feel free to copy and paste this to group chats with your own edits ;-P.
good luck with that body...
a cloud-I am pleased to announce NASA's new space program, which will
send a family of rats-Yes Veronica, it's true, your ex husband is still
alive, and living in Cairo-and slide two three four, and reach, two,
three, four-now take a whisk, and really beat-your arthritic
grandmother. That's rich, especially coming from the man who was raised
by-feral monkeys, which contracted hepatitis, they of course, had to be
put down and now were using the rats. One NASA authority said-sometimes,
i cry in the shower. Hah! Your now fooling anyone. All you've ever
cared about is-Your glutes! Feeling a good burn in there? Now were going
to start working your thighs- and rub em down with some olive oil.
That's nice. Now we're ready to put this in the oven, along
with-Taxpayers dollars. The president wanted it to be absolutely no-body
hair! Some way yes, some say no, but don't be afraid to -let it envelop
you in its aroma. Now this recipe is simple. It calls for eggs, flour,
and-your immortal soul! And we never heard from you, you never called,
you never wrote, you never even-learned how to use a special rat toilet.
They can navigate complex mazes, and most surprisingly-they're gluten
free. And, if you don't have an electric mixer, you can just use-flaming
passion, have you no shame? It absolutely sickens me to think that-this
is 20 pounds of human fat in a jar. And if you don't think you have the
willpower to do it, don't despair because-very few have died in the
process. The details of the program are vital to national security, so
naturally the White House-will smack that smug look of your face!-Ouch
that stinks. I-love you. Ever since I heard you sing it was
like-*blender sounds-isn't that soothing? It makes me want to-question
my will to live. All you can do is-give your spandex a little snap.
Pretty soon your going to have a body as solid as-this nation's economy.
In conclusion we thank you all for coming to this press conference and
hope you-burn for your sins. Don't you see? All I ever wanted was-the
flexibility of a Russian gymnast! And remember, there's nothing more
attractive to the ladies then-a chocolate statue of Winston Churchill,
covered in-dirty money! But it's over now. I'm never coming back. You
can forward my mail to-the cold heart of space. Thank you, and-see you
in skinny-town. Population: you.
That doesn't seem very strong
Sounds about right
I've seen presidents do it
Sorry I don't have all the ingredients
I ran out of eggs ;)
Now take a whisk and really beat your arthritic grandmother. That's rich! Especially coming from the man who was raised by feral monkies which contracted hepatitis. They, of course, had to be put down and now we're using the rats. One NASA authority said, "Sometimes... I cry in the shower." Ha! You're not fooling anyone. All you've ever cared about is your glutes! You feeling a good burn in there? Now we're gonna start working your thighs and rub 'em down with some olive oil. That's nice. Now we're ready to put this in the oven. Along with tax payer's dollars. The president wanted it to be absolutely clear that he has no body hair! Some say yes. Some say no, but don't be afraid to let it envelop you in its aroma. Now this recipe is simple. It calls for flour, eggs, and your immortal soul, and we never heard from you. You never called. You never wrote. You never even learned out to use a special rat toilet. They can navigate complex mazes and, most surprisingly, they're gluten free, and, if you don't have an electric mixer, you can just use flaming passion! Have you no shame?! It absolutely sickens me to think that this is twenty pounds of human fat in a jar, and if you think that you don't have the will power to do it, don't despair! Because very few have died in the process. The details of the program are vital to national security, so, naturally, the White House will slap that smug look off your face! SLAP! Ouch, that stings! I love you. Ever since I heard you sing your voice was like A blender Isn't that soothing? It makes me wanna question my will to live. All you can do is give your spandex a little snap. Pretty soon you're going to have a body as solid as this nation's economy. In conclusion, we'd liked to thank you all for coming to this press conference and we hope that you burn for your sins! Don't you see? All I ever wanted was the flexibility of a Russian gymnast! Just remember, there's nothing more attractive to the ladies than a chocolate sculpture of Winston Churchill covered in dirty money, but it's over now. I'm never coming back. You can forward my mail to the cold heart of space. Thank you and see you in Skinny Town! Population: You!
I just spent ten minutes writing down the script for no reason.
"But I want to be able to walk"
ha, your not fooling anyone, all you care about is your glutes!
Now were ready to put this in the oven along with taxpayers dollars.
You never called, you never wrote, you never even learned to use a special rat toilet.
If you don't have an electric mixer you can just use FLAMING PASSION
my fave lines in the video lol it's long
Mayor of Juiceberry Township to homeless: Go home.
Missipi's literacy program shows best test results evr.
U.S. scientists report that most earthquake damage is caused by shaking.
Federal agents raid gun shop, find weapons.
...Mailman bites homeowners dog.
slow clap
Well I should find a new tv, mines broke
- my new senior year quote
Nothing wrong with that
Yup, that's right. I'm moving to Mars.
Ouuuch, that stings! I-
Love you! ever since I heard you sign your voice was like-
isn't that soothing?
the classic fight between brother and sister.
And even mabye become a series of mabye 5 or 6 episodes
This is awesome
Guess that body won't be very solid...
Me everyday.
And: all you ever cared about is YOUR GLUTS
Best line #i subscribed
"That's rich! All you cared about is (click) your glutes!"