Channel Surfing

Channel Surfing. When you take the risk and channel surf you never know what to expect will come on your TV. Watch as James tries to find something worth watching. Be Sure To Subscribe to Studio C ► Bring on the laughs! Sketch comedy for everyone. Watch Studio C on YouTube. Top 15 Most Viewed Studio C Videos: Season 7: Season 6: Season 5: Season 4: Season 3: Season 2: Season 1: Studio C YouTube Exclusives: Watch Studio C Mondays at 10pm ET/8pm MT on BYUtv or online here: Like Studio C on Facebook: Follow Studio C on Instagram: Follow Studio C on Twitter: Cast: Whitney Call, Mallory Everton, Jason Gray, Natalie Madsen, Stephen Meek, Matt Meese, James Perry, Jeremy Warner Director/DP: Nick Stentzel Producer: Jared Shores Producer: Diane Mayne Writer: Matt Meese Editor: "A. Todd Smith, Ryan Terry" Thanks for watching Channel Surfing- Studio C

Channel Surfing sentiment_very_dissatisfied 369

Surf 12 years ago 4,410,686 views

Channel Surfing. When you take the risk and channel surf you never know what to expect will come on your TV. Watch as James tries to find something worth watching. Be Sure To Subscribe to Studio C ► Bring on the laughs! Sketch comedy for everyone. Watch Studio C on YouTube. Top 15 Most Viewed Studio C Videos: Season 7: Season 6: Season 5: Season 4: Season 3: Season 2: Season 1: Studio C YouTube Exclusives: Watch Studio C Mondays at 10pm ET/8pm MT on BYUtv or online here: Like Studio C on Facebook: Follow Studio C on Instagram: Follow Studio C on Twitter: Cast: Whitney Call, Mallory Everton, Jason Gray, Natalie Madsen, Stephen Meek, Matt Meese, James Perry, Jeremy Warner Director/DP: Nick Stentzel Producer: Jared Shores Producer: Diane Mayne Writer: Matt Meese Editor: "A. Todd Smith, Ryan Terry" Thanks for watching Channel Surfing- Studio C

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Most popular comments
for Channel Surfing

CrazyChaeli - 7 years ago
All you ever wanted was the flexibility of a Russian gymnast
Sir Bleach
Sir Bleach - 7 years ago
Nobody is asking the real question here.

Why is he eating chips when there are perfectly good donuts right on the table?
Kalea Bond
Kalea Bond - 7 years ago
Brooklyn Knighton
Brooklyn Knighton - 7 years ago
2:18 that was my favorite part
Asma Khairul Azman
Asma Khairul Azman - 7 years ago
I watched three sketches of Whitney and Jason in a romantically tense situation today. Wow. Put them in order:
1. Baskin Robbin's Love Confession
2. Classic Movie Slap
3. Channel Surfing
And you got yourself a full length melodrama of the two's love story.
Hey it's your boi exotic butters
Hey it's your boi exotic butters - 7 years ago
A body as stable as this nations economy
Hey it's your boi exotic butters
Hey it's your boi exotic butters - 7 years ago
Flour, eggs and your Immortal soul
PuppyWizard - 7 years ago
"Ever since I heard you sing your voice was like-
(Mixer sounds)-
Isn't that soothing? It make me want to-
Question my will to live."
TheHumphreyAndWesleyshow - 7 years ago
See you in skinny town, population YOU!

10. comment for Channel Surfing

B G - 7 years ago
You never even, learned how to use a special rat toilet
Brielle Fitzpatrick
Brielle Fitzpatrick - 7 years ago
I can't believe how well the channels lined up
NateTECM - 7 years ago
Jeffrey Bell
Jeffrey Bell - 7 years ago
BODY HAIR some say yes some say no
Jeffrey Bell
Jeffrey Bell - 7 years ago
με εγώ μεγάλο αγόρι -Owlfred The Owl-
με εγώ μεγάλο αγόρι -Owlfred The Owl- - 7 years ago
eggs, flour, and Y O U R I M M O R T A L S O U L
England is my religion
England is my religion - 7 years ago
This recipe calls for:
Ozan Kale
Ozan Kale - 7 years ago
Brendonian - 7 years ago
Now this recipe is simple. It calls for flour, eggs, and your immortal soul!
Noah Troxler
Noah Troxler - 7 years ago
I wonder what a turkey seasoned with eggs flour and YOUR IMMORTAL SOUL would taste like...

20. comment for Channel Surfing

Princess Frozen Fire
Princess Frozen Fire - 7 years ago
this has actually happed in my life
Master Awesome
Master Awesome - 7 years ago
"You never even (channel switch) learned how to use a special rat toilet"
ssfbt - 7 years ago
Mary me Rebecca!
White souls Claw
White souls Claw - 7 years ago
I watched this whole thing believing it was one story when each person said something it was a sentence to me. XD
KawaiiNekoLilly Le
KawaiiNekoLilly Le - 7 years ago
Put this in the oven and YOUR SOUL
Will Dunn
Will Dunn - 7 years ago
Tv is the best
Elizabeth Lawson
Elizabeth Lawson - 7 years ago
“Utah poison control center reminds everyone not to take poison” lol love that headline
Celestial Skies
Celestial Skies - 7 years ago
The most impressive part is that he didn't come across half the channels showing commercials
Danica Clanton
Danica Clanton - 7 years ago
I like the Divine Comedy one better but this has better effects
OpticPlayz - 7 years ago
Natalie looks so fat oh my lord
Isabel Calvi-Freeman
Isabel Calvi-Freeman - 7 years ago
OpticPlayz well sometimes it’s best to just not say anything at all. Now let us stop arguing and continue with our lives
OpticPlayz - 7 years ago
It is, so what? It's the truth.
Isabel Calvi-Freeman
Isabel Calvi-Freeman - 7 years ago
OpticPlayz That’s really rude

30. comment for Channel Surfing

Kaylin Lugo
Kaylin Lugo - 7 years ago
I wish these were combined into one Chanel so I could laugh my head off
Havenna Chheng
Havenna Chheng - 7 years ago
That he has no

GameNtheory *
GameNtheory * - 7 years ago
“Naturally the White House will slap that smug look off your face.” I C someone has a case of the Mondays
Jarom Toy
Jarom Toy - 7 years ago
Who else is literally dying of laughter XD XD XD
Oakridge Equestrian
Oakridge Equestrian - 7 years ago
Lori Ahlers
Lori Ahlers - 7 years ago
Coverd in what pls don't reply
TKDGirl 2016
TKDGirl 2016 - 7 years ago
choco cat
choco cat - 7 years ago
sub to Studio C!
bieZoml - 7 years ago
Amber Halversen
Amber Halversen - 7 years ago
Can't decide which one was funnier. "The recipe is simple. It calls for flour, eggs, and YOUR IMMORTAL SOUL" or "You'll have a body as solid as this nation's economy." XD
Hannah Is A Nerd
Hannah Is A Nerd - 7 years ago
Flower, Eggs, and YOUR IMMORTAL SOUL!
Kylie Carroll
Kylie Carroll - 7 years ago
Those headlines are hilarious!
BadWolf739 - 7 years ago
if you don't have a mixer you can use FLAMING PASSION!
Julia Mary
Julia Mary - 7 years ago
This recipe is simple. All it needs is flour, butter, and YOUR IMMORTAL SOUL
Brian Phan
Brian Phan - 7 years ago
Now take a whisk and really beat your arthritic grandmother. That's rich especially coming from the man who was raised by feral monkeys which contracted hepatitis. They of course had to be put down and now we're using the rats. One NASA authority said, "Sometimes, I cry in the shower." Ha! You're not fooling anyone. All you've ever cared was your glutes. You feeling a good burn in there? Now we're gonna start working your thighs and rubbing down with some olive oil. That's nice. Now we're ready to put this in the oven along with taxpayer's dollars. The president wanted it to be absolutely clear that he has no body hair. Some say yes. Some say no. But don't be afraid to let it envelop you in its aroma. Now this recipe is simple, it calls for flour,eggs, and your immortal soul! And we never heard from you! You never called, you never wrote, you never even learned how to use a special rat toilet. They can navigate complex mazes and most surprisingly they're gluten free. And if you don't have an electric mixer, you can just use flaming passion! Have you no shame! It absolutely sickens me to think that this 20 pounds of human fat in a jar. And you think that you don't have the willpower to do it, don't despair because very few have died in the process. The details of this program are vital to national security so naturally the White House will slap that smug look off your face. Ouch that stings. I love you. Ever since I heard you sing your voice was like (blender noise). Isn't that soothing, it makes wanna question my will to live. All you can do is give your spandex a little snap. Pretty soon you'll have a body as this nation's economy. In conclusion, we'd like to thank you all for coming to this press conference and we hope that you burn for your sins. Don't you see, all I ever wanted was the flexibility of a Russian gymnast. Just remember, there's nothing more attractive to the ladies than a chocolate sculpture of Winston Churchill covered in dirty money, but it's over now. I'm never coming back. You can forward my mail to the cold heart of space. Thank you, and see you in skinny town. Population? You.
Birthdaygirl 29877
Birthdaygirl 29877 - 7 years ago
My favorite part is the rat tolait
Over Heat Sims
Over Heat Sims - 7 years ago
At first i didnt get it
Jennifer Beckstead
Jennifer Beckstead - 7 years ago
Did anyone else notice the magic donuts at the beginning
Matthew Yi
Matthew Yi - 7 years ago
Does anyone have a immortal soul or flaming balls of passion i can borrow, I need that cake
TacoCat_ SUPREME - 7 years ago
U.S. scientists confirm that most earthquake damage is caused by shaking

50. comment for Channel Surfing

TacoCat_ SUPREME - 7 years ago
Lisha Sebastian -21
Lisha Sebastian -21 - 7 years ago
Seriously, these people are more than talented!
Isabel Calvi-Freeman
Isabel Calvi-Freeman - 7 years ago
Lisha Sebastian -21 do you copy and paste this onto every studio c video?
ST177 - 7 years ago
"It calls for flour, eggs, and"
"Your immortal soul! And you never called you never wrote you never even"
"Learned how to use a special rat toilet!"
Brittany Eagon
Brittany Eagon - 7 years ago
Andrew Dailey
Andrew Dailey - 7 years ago
"An Australian army vehicle worth $74000 has gone missing after being painted with camouflage" lol the headliners
Recruit Bear
Recruit Bear - 7 years ago
"And your," "Immortal soul!!!!"
Meredith Leo
Meredith Leo - 7 years ago
can i have a donut???
DizzyDog Gaming
DizzyDog Gaming - 7 years ago
and most surprisingly, they're gluten free!
DizzyDog Gaming
DizzyDog Gaming - 7 years ago
now, this recipe is simple it calls for flour, eggs, and, your imortal soul!
ConOr Murray
ConOr Murray - 7 years ago
Yesss Jason
Camryn - 7 years ago
This recipe is very simple it only requires egg, flour, and YOUR IMMORTAL SOUL!!! I laughed so hard
Ty Gibbons
Ty Gibbons - 7 years ago
Studio c I love you guys you are the best and super funny
Whibbly the Noodle
Whibbly the Noodle - 7 years ago
Flower eggs and, your immortal soul
LimaBean - 7 years ago
I don't know how to use a rat toilet, either.
Thacylla Silva
Thacylla Silva - 7 years ago
When you realize the A plus Drama students cheated and used this skit for their "original script".... wow I'm a bit salty
Christopher Rizzo
Christopher Rizzo - 7 years ago
We never heard from u, u never called, u never wrote,u never even-Learned how 2 use a special rat toilet
Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson - 7 years ago
malories face when she said, "and its gluten free!"
G Pettus
G Pettus - 7 years ago
Whitney has a great smokey eye though, amirite?
Vozhd - 7 years ago
This is absolute gold
Raffaella Torsiello
Raffaella Torsiello - 7 years ago
this was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sea Emperor Leviathan
Sea Emperor Leviathan - 7 years ago
A chocolate statue of Winston Churchill covered in
Dirty Money!
Nathan Hayden
Nathan Hayden - 7 years ago
Does anyone else want to actually see the full versions of all the clips? Just me? Okay...
Rosalee - 7 years ago
I would love a chocolate sculpture covered in money.
Speedz Racing
Speedz Racing - 7 years ago
I only figured it out when it stayed “Now the president wants it to be clear that he has no*switches channel*BODY HAIR.”
EpicalGG121 - 7 years ago
I ❤️ studio c
toota and susu play roblox
toota and susu play roblox - 7 years ago
Everysince i heard u sing your voice was gdffsh vhjsdhdwgztdtg
stevenuniverseilovelapis - 7 years ago
2:06 if you turn on captions it says "ouch Nazis love you"
Kabeer Kishore
Kabeer Kishore - 7 years ago
Ana Talamas
Ana Talamas - 7 years ago
All i can say for this sketch is


Mariah V
Mariah V - 7 years ago
I'm wearing Jeremy's shorts right now...
Grayce Curby
Grayce Curby - 7 years ago
DaGuy - 7 years ago
"Pretty soon you're going to have a body as solid as - this Nations economy" That's pretty soft..
I'm Your Annoying Geeky Fangirl Friend :D
I'm Your Annoying Geeky Fangirl Friend :D - 7 years ago
One NASA authority said- "Sometimes I cry in the shower."
Kara-Faith Wright
Kara-Faith Wright - 7 years ago
"This recipe is simple, it calls for flour, eggs, and your immortal soul"
Jaklshot - 7 years ago
WE NEED A SEQUEL! Like if you agree
Rowsters' Vlogs
Rowsters' Vlogs - 7 years ago
This is the quality stuff I subscribed for!
TJ8046 - 7 years ago
1:11 "US scientists report that most earthquake damage is caused by shaking."
VCI - 7 years ago
Who wrote this sketch?
Xochitl Markey
Xochitl Markey - 7 years ago
I just realized he grabbed the remote control from the chip bag....
Marquis de Lafayette
Marquis de Lafayette - 7 years ago
Me thought. Honestly.
Marquis de Lafayette
Marquis de Lafayette - 7 years ago
ijk7 - 7 years ago
Excellent writing Mat!
Good acting and editing everyone!
Alayna Marie
Alayna Marie - 7 years ago
Why was his remote inside the chip bag?
JaBomb MC
JaBomb MC - 7 years ago
Who is watching 2018?
ZillaKillaGaming - 7 years ago
Where can u buy immortal souls for the chicken...Whole Foods??
Sebastian Gomez
Sebastian Gomez - 7 years ago
Lol the headline said that "U.S scientists have found out that most damage from earthquakes occur because of shaking"
uni corn21
uni corn21 - 7 years ago
in conclusion we’d like to thank you all for coming to this press conference and we hope you burn for your sins.
Ravenclaw Lunartic
Ravenclaw Lunartic - 7 years ago
at 0:20 is it bad that I thought of Heathers and that was Veronica and JD survived
marsh mellow
marsh mellow - 7 years ago
This is thee best one ever. serious
DemonQueen_ Of_Fandoms
DemonQueen_ Of_Fandoms - 7 years ago
I’m triggered he never ate a donut those looked good
SuperMinecraftMe - 7 years ago
I keep coming back to this sketch, and there’s still no sequel. Why?????

100. comment for Channel Surfing

jett4090 jett4090
jett4090 jett4090 - 7 years ago
See u in skinny town
LTC Filming
LTC Filming - 7 years ago
Wait.He had DONUTS.

If I were him, i'd eat all the donuts!!!
Shannon Crosby
Shannon Crosby - 7 years ago
“You never even...”
“...Learned how to use a special rat toilet”
Really Jason? Come on keep up!
Kevin T
Kevin T - 7 years ago
19th "Last One"
Rachel Norris
Rachel Norris - 7 years ago
“..and, if you don’t have an electric mixer, you can just use FLAMING PASSION”
Oropo wants Oreos
Oropo wants Oreos - 7 years ago
Why are there only three channels?
Jeremy Chen
Jeremy Chen - 7 years ago
Raghav Vats
Raghav Vats - 7 years ago
Pause at 1:30 and look at the black strip on the bottom of your screen
Carey Taliaferro
Carey Taliaferro - 7 years ago
My favorite sketch so far!
rover was here .REESES PUFFS
rover was here .REESES PUFFS - 7 years ago
It calls for flour eggs and YOUR EXTERNAL SOUL
Sparkle Chang
Sparkle Chang - 7 years ago
Captain neck beard!!!
Son Nguyen
Son Nguyen - 7 years ago
“If you don’t have the will power don’t despair” “very few people have died in the process” lol
Son Nguyen
Son Nguyen - 7 years ago
“It’s time to put this in the oven with” “ the tax payers daughters” lol
Adelle Frei
Adelle Frei - 7 years ago
Angel Woodings
Angel Woodings - 7 years ago
"soon you'll have a body as solid as this nations economy"
LimaBean - 7 years ago
Pfft! Who DOESN'T know how to use a rat toilet?
Fa Ro
Fa Ro - 7 years ago
why is the sky blue
Dana Leung
Dana Leung - 7 years ago
Mal's recipes seem hard, we need taxes, immortal souls and dirty moneyAlso Steven's face seemed a bit creepy
Life full of Hobbies
Life full of Hobbies - 7 years ago
Mean comment
Hosifina and Kit's World
Hosifina and Kit's World - 7 years ago
This is the first video I watched of your channel
Prassy Heart
Prassy Heart - 7 years ago
I watch this over and over
geekout16 - 7 years ago
Crossing seeing Jeremy in spandex leading a workout off my bucket list. This was hilarious!!!!!
Elizabeth J. Browning
Elizabeth J. Browning - 7 years ago
"Now take a whisk and really beat your arthritic grandmother. That's rich, especially coming from the man who was raised by feral monkeys, which contracted hepatitis. They of course had to be put down, and now we're using the rats. One NASA authority said; Sometimes I cry in the shower. Ha! Your not fooling anyone. All you've ever cared about is your glutes! You feeling a good burn in there? Now we're going to start working your thighs, and rub them down with some olive oil. That's nice. Now we're ready to put this in the oven, along with taxpayers dollars. The president wanted it to be absolutely clear that he ha no body hair. Some say yes. Some say no. But don't be afraid to let it envelope you in it's aroma. Now this recipe is simple. It calls for flour, eggs, and your immortal soul! And we never heard from you! You never called. You never wrote. You never even learned to use a special rat toilet. They can navigate complex mazes, and most surprisingly, there gluten free! And, if you don't have an electric mixer, you can just use flaming passion! Have you no shame? It absolutely sickens me to think that, this is twenty pounds of human fat in a jar. And if you think that you don't have the willpower to do it, don't despair, because very few have died in the process. The details of the program are vital to national security, so naturally the White House will slap that smug look off your face! Ouch that stings! I love you. Ever since I heard you sing, your voice was like *ajsdfhlaksjdfhalksjh*. Isn't that soothing? It makes me want to question my will to live. All you can do is give your spandex a little snap. Pretty soon your going to have a body as solid as this nations economy. In conclusion we would like to thank you all for coming to this press conference and we hope that you burn for you sins. All I ever wanted was the flexibility of a Russian Gymnast. Just remember, there's nothing more attractive to the ladies than a chocolate sculpture of Winston Churchill covered in dirty money! But it's all over now. I'm never coming back, you can forward my mail to the cold heart of space. Thank you and see you in Skinnytown, population you!
PKL Nerf
PKL Nerf - 7 years ago
"You never even learned how to use - A special rat toilet" lol I died!
Finn Shepherd
Finn Shepherd - 7 years ago
Ye dirty money!
Kayla Benefeito
Kayla Benefeito - 7 years ago
That was hilarious!!!!!
Collie Production
Collie Production - 7 years ago
Flower, eggs and YOUR IMMORTAL SOUL

I died so many times XD
Angelina Stewart
Angelina Stewart - 7 years ago
so yes
Talia Richer
Talia Richer - 7 years ago
"All I ever wanted was the flexibility of a Russian gymnast!"
"Flour, eggs, and your immortal soul!"
"Don't despair, because very few have died in the proccess."
Whitney Fosu
Whitney Fosu - 7 years ago
I thought they said foreign slide 2 3
Bella lobo
Bella lobo - 7 years ago
Omg! I saw a nostalgia critic video and I could of swore I heard thid video I heard Matt's, Jason's and Jeremy's voice
Kick'in It
Kick'in It - 7 years ago
Eat your Mallerie-Made pie.
Sancha Fung
Sancha Fung - 7 years ago
Best studio C video ever!
Jon YT
Jon YT - 7 years ago
go back up and watch the video
fortunate fool
fortunate fool - 7 years ago
The News Reports scrolling through are from a talk by John Bytheway
Darth Porg
Darth Porg - 7 years ago
this is there best sketch
jammy 52528
jammy 52528 - 7 years ago
"See you in Skinny Town"
Top 5 places I'll never be
Zach Smith
Zach Smith - 7 years ago
"Pretty soon you'll have a body as solid as this nations economy"

I already do
A Red Panda Named Noodles
A Red Panda Named Noodles - 7 years ago
“Eggs, flour and YOUR IMMORTAL SOUL!”
Addycake1234567 - 7 years ago
Make a channel surfing 2
First Name Last Name
First Name Last Name - 7 years ago
SynergyRayzer - 7 years ago
where the ads?
TheDragonOtaku - 7 years ago
BreLPS - 7 years ago
"The president wanted to make it absolutely clear that he has no body hair! Some say yes, some say no, but don't be afraid to let it envelop you in it's aroma. Now this recipe is simple, it calls for eggs, bacon, and your immortal soul! And we never heard from you, you never called, you never wrote, you never even learned how to use a special rat toilet." LOL X"D
ZARA BOON - 7 years ago
All you can do is-
Give your spandex a little snap. Pretty soon you’re going to have a body as solid as-
This nation’s economy.

OK, I’m going to want my money back.
AGJourneyAdventures - 7 years ago
Every time flipping through the channels is more entertaining than the actual shows.
Faith Carmen
Faith Carmen - 7 years ago
and beat your arthritic grandmother
Maddie Clark
Maddie Clark - 7 years ago
"see you in skinnytown!! population, you." aahhahhaha
maria Horst
maria Horst - 7 years ago
All the news headings from the NASA interview:)
-An Australian army vehicle worth $74,000 has gone missing after being painted with camouflage
- Mayor of Juiceberry township to homeless: go home
-Mississippi's literacy program shows best results evr
-Utah Poison Control Center reminds everyone not to take poison
-U.S. scientists report that most earthquake damage is caused by shaking
-Federal agents raid gun shop; find weapons
-Kentucky mailman bites homeowner's dog
Angelina Aranki
Angelina Aranki - 7 years ago
0:33 really beat your arthritic grandmother

Well my grandmother isn’t arthritic so HA she won’t be beat
Aditi Goyal
Aditi Goyal - 7 years ago
A body as solid as .... this nation's economy
yournormalpjofangirl - 7 years ago
Did anyone else notice that James keeps his remote in the chip bag
UnicornSparkle Monsta
UnicornSparkle Monsta - 7 years ago
"See you in skinny town" your gonna have to wait a while to see me there.
UnicornSparkle Monsta
UnicornSparkle Monsta - 7 years ago
It absolutely sickens me to know that this 20 pounds of human fat in a jar!!!
Iam Notarobot
Iam Notarobot - 7 years ago
2:11 Nazi
GalakStari - 7 years ago
"Isn't that soothing? It makes me want to-"   "-Question my will to live!"
Danielle Holzer
Danielle Holzer - 7 years ago
So funny I want to channel surf now and do that
Arianne Milosavljevic
Arianne Milosavljevic - 7 years ago
"Don't you see, all I ever wanted was... the flexibility of a Russian gymnast! LOL I died!
Beat Broz
Beat Broz - 7 years ago
The president wanted it to be clear that he has no BODY HAIR
Slyfox 9
Slyfox 9 - 7 years ago
"all you've ever cared about is
AJ Videos
AJ Videos - 7 years ago
If you don’t have an electric mixer you just use FLAMING PASSION!!!!
AJ Videos
AJ Videos - 7 years ago
This recipe is simple, it calls for flour, eggs and your immortal soul!
AJ Tomecek
AJ Tomecek - 7 years ago
I made a horrible (and messy) mistake of trying to eat cereal while watching this
Abigail M. Reed
Abigail M. Reed - 7 years ago
So me and my sister both got summoned for jury duty a couple months back and the judge reminded us but so much of an older Matt Meese that we were having hard time not cracking up every time he talked...
Indu Mukherjee
Indu Mukherjee - 7 years ago
0:45 lol missippi’s literacy program shows best test results ever you spelled Mississippi wrom
Azza Siddiqui
Azza Siddiqui - 7 years ago
as solid as this nation's economy
Azza Siddiqui
Azza Siddiqui - 7 years ago
flours, eggs, and YOUR IMMORTAL SOUL
Swiftstream TheKitty
Swiftstream TheKitty - 7 years ago
This worried me...kinda...
Sarah Bishop
Sarah Bishop - 7 years ago
I bet voldemort would like this recipe: flour eggs and YOUR IMMORTAL SOUL!!! mmmm, maybe i should make it for him, do you think he'll share?
Sarah Bishop
Sarah Bishop - 7 years ago
Nothings more attractive to the ladies than a chocolate sculpture of winston churchill covered in dirty money, sounds right
Audrey Surette
Audrey Surette - 7 years ago
So funny coudent stop laughing
Ellie Largent
Ellie Largent - 7 years ago
"Don't you see? All i've ever wanted was---the FLEXIBILITY OF A RUSSIAN GYMNAST!"

yeah that makes total sense :)
Bronco Mojo
Bronco Mojo - 7 years ago
see you in skinny town
Bronco Mojo
Bronco Mojo - 7 years ago
covered in DIRTY money!
Spegnag Maglorious
Spegnag Maglorious - 7 years ago
Me: Oh yes, I'm going to the store to get some rat toilets, They're gluten free!
Qwerty: But I'm flaming passion intolerant!
Spegnag Maglorious
Spegnag Maglorious - 7 years ago
Oh and by the way, it was confirmed that the earthquake damage was caused by shaking.
zz - 7 years ago
This is hilarious
Sarah & Lizzie Marlin
Sarah & Lizzie Marlin - 7 years ago
Flour, eggs, and your immortal soul
Ketha Gail Line
Ketha Gail Line - 7 years ago
Hahaha “your voice sounds like. ZZzzZzzzzz
Jake Dickensheets
Jake Dickensheets - 7 years ago
Will someone please show the whole sentence
Zack Smith
Zack Smith - 7 years ago
All I ever wanted was

Elizabeth Inkwell
Elizabeth Inkwell - 7 years ago
Now what you need to do is stir that until it’s about the consistency of a cloud- I’m pleased to announce NASA’s new space program which will send a family of rats- Yes, Veronica, It’s true. Your Ex-husband is still alive and living in Cairo- 4 and slide 2 3 4 and reach 2 3 4 and slide 2 3 4- Now take a whisk and really beat- Your arthritic Grandmother. That’s rich! Especially coming from the man who was raised by- Barrel monkeys which contracted hepatitis. They of course had to be put down and now we’re using the rats. One NASA authority said- sometimes I cry in the shower. Ha! You’re not fooling anyone. All you’ve ever cared about is- Your gluteus! You feelin’ a good burn in there? Now we’re gonna start working your thighs- And rub em’ down with some olive oil. That’s nice. Now we’re ready to put this in the oven along with- Tax payers dollars. The president wanted to be absolutely clear that he has no- Body hair! Some say yes, some say no. But don’t be afraid- Let it envelope you in it’s aroma. Now this recipe is simple. It calls for flour, eggs and- Your immortal soul! And we never heard from you. You never called, you never wrote you never even- Learned how to use a special rat toilet. They can navigate complex mazes and most surprisingly- They’re gluten free. And, if you don’t have an electric mixer you can just use- Flaming passion! Have you no shame? It absolutely sickens me to think that- This is 20 pounds of you in fat in a jar and if you think that you don’t have the willpower to do it, Don’t despair! Because- Very few have died in the process. The details of the program are vital to national security so naturally the white house- Will slap that smug look off your face!- Ouch! That stings. I- Love you. Ever since I heard you sing your voice is like- * Blender sounds *- Isn’t that soothing? It makes me want to- question my will to live. All you can do is- Give your spandex a little snap. Pretty soon you’re going to have a body as solid as- This nations economy. In conclusion we’d like to thank you all for coming to this press conference. We hope that you- Burn for your sins. Don’t you see? All I ever wanted was- the flexibility of a Russian gymnast! Just remember that there’s nothing more attractive to the ladies then- A chocolate sculpture of Winston Churchill cover in- Dirty money. But it’s all over now. I’m never coming back. You can forward my mail to- the cold heart of space. Thank you, and- See you in skinny town. Population? You.
gsus luvs u
gsus luvs u - 7 years ago
“You never even...learned how to use a special rat toilet.” I had to pause it, I was laughing so hard
Noah Raikes
Noah Raikes - 7 years ago
2:05 best bit

Oh and 2:32
DarkMarauder11 - 7 years ago
This is what happens when you play Madlib with 4 different topics mixed together.
Ivor Panno
Ivor Panno - 7 years ago
Actually, it happened to my dad
Lord_Of_The_Flies _
Lord_Of_The_Flies _ - 7 years ago
"And soon you'll have a body as solid as" "-This nation's economy..."
Jeremiah Bermudez
Jeremiah Bermudez - 7 years ago
On the news it said 8:40 pm and no joke I watched this at 8:40 pm
Emma Bennett
Emma Bennett - 7 years ago
"pretty soon your gonna have a body as solid as
this nation's economy"
louiemeister - 7 years ago
All u care about is ur gluten LOL
Abigail Kelly
Abigail Kelly - 7 years ago
I hope that you buuuuuurn
Gummi Swag
Gummi Swag - 7 years ago
Do more like this
Jaelynn Lovegood
Jaelynn Lovegood - 7 years ago
do another one like this studio c!!
Lauren Hyde
Lauren Hyde - 7 years ago
And, if you don't have an electric mixer you can just use...
Spencer Brokering
Spencer Brokering - 7 years ago
I just can’t get past Jeremy’s leggings
banana 101
banana 101 - 7 years ago
Lol he pulled the remote out of the bag of potato chips
EmilY *3*
EmilY *3* - 7 years ago
"All you ever cared about was"
"Your gluets! You feelin a good burn in there?"
wajahath elahi
wajahath elahi - 7 years ago
Who was just amazed by Whitney acting, I was indulge in her act......I wanna see her working in daily soaps
Clarisa Ramos
Clarisa Ramos - 7 years ago
How to bake a cake:
It calls for flour,eggs,and YOUR IMMORTAL SOUL
Reese M
Reese M - 7 years ago
Kazi Taslima Ruma
Kazi Taslima Ruma - 7 years ago
Now , this recipe is simple . It calls for flour eggs and your IMMORTAL SOUL
Yeah simple
Villafanusa 123
Villafanusa 123 - 7 years ago
Your body is as strong as our nations economy! Lol. #SubToStudioC
Cyprusball - 7 years ago
your body will be as stable as this nation's economy lol so it sux
SlipperyCats - 7 years ago
It requires flour, eggs, and your IMMORTAL SOAL

Chill down a bit xD
Mr. Joefran
Mr. Joefran - 7 years ago
A body as solid as this nation economy is not a very solid body
Elyse Morris
Elyse Morris - 7 years ago
so funny I'm laughing so hard HAHAHA
Mason and Colin
Mason and Colin - 7 years ago
hello person randomly scrolling through the comments
Solcoolman - 7 years ago
Don’t despair because only a few people died.
gentlegoose2 - 7 years ago
TJ8046 - 7 years ago
Ever since I heard you sing, your voice was like hditeuGrofoyeoydJEtorywityieKETEUND8w5dyk
Annie Dang
Annie Dang - 7 years ago
I died laughing!!!
Ice cream Gamer
Ice cream Gamer - 7 years ago
The souls of the innocent .
Ava Matthews
Ava Matthews - 7 years ago
Flour, eggs, and YOUR IMMORTAL SOUL
Anime Satan
Anime Satan - 7 years ago
He needs cable
Charlotte Aldridge
Charlotte Aldridge - 7 years ago
omg this is so funny I loved it haha
Noah Raikes
Noah Raikes - 7 years ago
“What attracts the girls is cake covered in money.” Key Tip to a happy relationship..
Elysia Roberts
Elysia Roberts - 7 years ago
Full script of the TV

"Now take a whisk and really beat your arthritic grandmother. That's rich. Especially coming from the man who was raised by feral monkeys which contracted hepatitis. They of course had to be put down and now we're using the rats. One NASA authority said 'Sometimes, I cry in the shower.' Hah! You're not fooling anyone! All you've ever cared about is your glutes! You feeling a good burn in there? We're gonna start workin' your thighs, and rub em' down with some olive oil. That's nice. Now we're ready to put this into the oven (slap slap) along with tax payer's dollars. The president wanted it to be absolutely clear that he has no body hair! Some say yes, some say no, but don't be afraid to let it envelop you in its aroma. Now this recipe is simple, it calls for flour, eggs, and YOUR IMMORTAL SOUL! And we never heard from you, never called you, never wrote to you, never even learned how to use a special rat toilet! They can navigate complex mazes, and most surprisingly, they're gluten free. And if you don't have an electric mixer, you can just use FLAMING PASSION! Have you no shame? It absolutely SICKENS me to think that this is 20 pounds of human fat in a jar! And if you don't think you have the willpower to do it, don't despair, because very few have died in the process! The details of the program are vital to national security, so naturally, the white house will slap that smug look off your face! Ouch, that stings! I love you, ever since I heard you sing, your voice was like (blender sounds). Isn't that soothing? It makes me want to question my will to live! All you can do is give your spandex a little snap. Pretty soon you're gonna have a body as solid as this nation's economy. In conclusion, we'd like to thank you all for coming to this press conference and we hope that you burn for your sins. Don't you see? All I ever wanted was the flexibility of a Russian gymnast. Just remember, there's nothing more attractive to the ladies than a chocolate sculpture of Winston Churchill covered in dirty money! But it's over now. I'm never coming back. You can forward my mail to the cold heart of space. Thank you, and see you in Skinnytown! Population, you."
Ellie Cohen
Ellie Cohen - 7 years ago
Nathan David Covey
Nathan David Covey - 7 years ago
this is one of the best
Nathan David Covey
Nathan David Covey - 7 years ago
all you ever cared for is your glutes
Nathan David Covey
Nathan David Covey - 7 years ago
I love this one
WolfPixelGames 56776
WolfPixelGames 56776 - 7 years ago
Pnn? Da flip
I'm person
I'm person - 7 years ago
I just realized the channel for the NASA thing is C-Spam
Dman9987ish - 7 years ago
One NASA authority said sometimes I cry in the shower
SEEMS LEGIT!!!???!?!?!?!?!
Benji_ Bails
Benji_ Bails - 7 years ago
I am eating and almost puked when the human fat part
Yondoth - 7 years ago
I was just staring at those donuts. I haven't eaten a good donut in a while.
Lizzy D'Elia
Lizzy D'Elia - 7 years ago
"U.S. scientists report that most earthquake damage is caused by shaking."
Dinowoobie - 7 years ago
lol lol lol lol
Kaylie Dettmers
Kaylie Dettmers - 7 years ago
Isn’t that soothing? It makes me want to QUESTION MY WILL TO LIVE
Imlitheal - 7 years ago
Did You See that???

James was Eating Krispy Kreme!
The Chainlink Fence Studios
The Chainlink Fence Studios - 7 years ago
"U.S. Scientists report that most earthquake damage is caused by shaking"
"Federal agents raid gun shop, find weapons"
"An Australian army vehicle worth $74,000 has gone missing after being painted with camouflage"
"mayor of Juice berry township to homeless: Go home"
"Missippi's literacy program shows best test results evr"
"Utah poison control center reminds everyone not to take poison"
"Kentucky mailman bites homeowners dog"
that's all could find on the scrolling text under Matt.
DON'T SUB TO ME I DARE YOU - 7 years ago
Ever since you sing your voice is like blender sounds
Ryan Folmer
Ryan Folmer - 7 years ago
So naturally the White House WILL SLAP THAT SMUG LOOK OFF YOUR FACE.
Keira Martin
Keira Martin - 7 years ago
This is so funny
Teminq - 7 years ago
They are talking about rats
Kyla Reid
Kyla Reid - 7 years ago
"It makes me wanna give your little spandex a snap!"
Rebecca M. Sun
Rebecca M. Sun - 7 years ago
Sanjay Ad
Sanjay Ad - 7 years ago

Hayya’s World
Hayya’s World - 7 years ago
I since I heard you sing, your voice was like..... Giant Blender Sound
Ryanne Barstow
Ryanne Barstow - 7 years ago
Definitely one of my favorite studio C's. :D
Amanda L
Amanda L - 7 years ago
"Pretty soon you're gonna have a body as solid as.... This nation's economy"
Me: That's NOT a very solid body
Sophia Houg
Sophia Houg - 7 years ago
I watched this so many times that I memorized all the words.
Cole Megaw
Cole Megaw - 7 years ago
Federal agents raide gun shop, find weapons
Casey Wellington
Casey Wellington - 7 years ago
I'm not sure I want a body as solid as this nation's economy...
kainui penaloza
kainui penaloza - 7 years ago
All you can do is give your spandex a little snap, and pretty soon you'll have a body as solid as This nation's economy. (Then if you pause at 2:26 it says, AN AUSTRALIAN ARM VEHICLE WORTH $74,00 HAS GONE MISSING AFTER BEING PAINTED WITH CAMOUFLAGE xD Ya get it? LOL xD)
will dude
will dude - 7 years ago
Never Called Never, Learned how to use a special rat toilet
Shots Fired
Shots Fired - 7 years ago
ZeldaCat349 - 7 years ago
Watch the headliner at the bottom of the confrence!
Makayla Xiong
Makayla Xiong - 7 years ago
7:54 lol
Westley Roberts
Westley Roberts - 7 years ago
That wasn’t actually 20 pounds of fat, it looked more like muscle, fat is more.
GalaxyFire0852 - 7 years ago
The president wanted it to be clear he had no... BODY HAIR
GalaxyFire0852 - 7 years ago
Someone put all these lines together.
Tori D'Ascenzo
Tori D'Ascenzo - 7 years ago
PLEASE make a part 2 of this!
Adeleigh Ward
Adeleigh Ward - 7 years ago
Studio c is too. Funny.
Jon-Fredrik Nielsen
Jon-Fredrik Nielsen - 7 years ago
LeeAhnna Kenny
LeeAhnna Kenny - 7 years ago
I do this exact thing literally all the time. It doesn’t flow as well but sometimes it’s still funny
Ninja Nolan
Ninja Nolan - 7 years ago
Pretty soon you'll have a body as strong as the nation's economy? Wow you'd be weak!
Josephine Versoza
Josephine Versoza - 7 years ago
This is one of those videos that would absolutely break my heart if ever it inexplicably disappeared from youtube
Lauryn Clague
Lauryn Clague - 7 years ago
Oh MY gOsh i love this
burpple - 7 years ago
It calls for flour, eggs, and YOUR IMMORTAL SOUL.
Vienna Riter
Vienna Riter - 7 years ago
I got it about 30 seconds in
Chocolate Chip
Chocolate Chip - 7 years ago
"And really beat-"
"Your arthritic grandmother!"
ItsHelga Boi
ItsHelga Boi - 7 years ago
If you don't have an electric mixer, you can just use FLAMING PASSION!!!!!
Zee Hardt
Zee Hardt - 7 years ago
That's not a very solid body-not as solid as that burn tho
Eleanor Bootman
Eleanor Bootman - 7 years ago
Steven's face... lol. i love this!
Mike Costa
Mike Costa - 7 years ago
What an incredible mashup
Danger Hunters
Danger Hunters - 7 years ago
one nasa authority said: sometimes, i cry in the shower. Hah! you're not fooling anyone! all you've ever cared about is your glutes! You feeling a good burn in there? Now were gonna start working your thighs. And rub 'em down with some olive oil. that's nice. Now we're ready to put 'em down in the oven, along with, tax payers dollars.
Ryan Bowman
Ryan Bowman - 7 years ago
Galaxy Bunnies
Galaxy Bunnies - 7 years ago
All you can do is give your spandex a little snap...yep that sounds about right
Miranda Hart
Miranda Hart - 7 years ago
One NASA authority said: Sometimes, I cry in the shower.
Ali Fiataruolo
Ali Fiataruolo - 7 years ago
Watch it and then go back to the beginning, just speed it up
1ceWizard 0108
1ceWizard 0108 - 7 years ago
Scott sterling works for nasa?
DogCatProductions - 7 years ago
Green Hyena
Green Hyena - 7 years ago
Are ther suposed to be lots of tipos in th nus bar att the botom
attaboy - 7 years ago
was there no adds for the lobster bisque ads or good eats
That one Star Wars Nerd
That one Star Wars Nerd - 7 years ago
Natalie’s face at 2:35 ....
Kiler Bee
Kiler Bee - 7 years ago
Just Wtf
yournormalpjofangirl - 7 years ago
Now, what you need to do is stir that until it’s about the consistency of a cloud.

I am pleased to announce Nasas new space program which will send a family of rats.

Yes Veronica, it’s true, your ex-husband is alive and living in Kyro.

Four and slide two three four and reach two three four and side two three four

Now take a whisk and really beat your arthritic grandmother.

That’s rich, especially coming from a man who was raised by feral monkeys, which contracted hepatitis. They of course had to be put down and now we’re using the rats. One NASA authority said, “sometimes, I cry in the shower.”

Hah! You’re not fooling anyone! All you’ve ever cared about is your glutes! You feeling a good burn in there? Now we’re going to start working your thighs. Now rub ‘me down with some olive oil. That’s nice. Now we’re ready to put this in the oven along with tax payer’s dollars. The president wants to make it absolutely clear that he has no body hair. Some say yes, some say no. But don’t be afraid, let it envelop you in it’s aroma. Now this recipe is simple. It calls for flour, eggs, and your immortal soul.

And we never heard from you. You never called, you never wrote, you never even learned how to use a special rat toilet. They can navigate complex mazes, and most surprisingly, they’re gluten free. And if you don’t have an electric mixer, you can just use flaming passion! Have you no shame? It absolutely sickens me to think that this is 20 pounds of human fat in a jar. And if you don’t think you have the willpower to do it, don’t be afraid, because very few have died in the process. The details of the program are vital to national security, so naturally, the White House will smack that smug look off your face!

Ouch, that stings. I love you. Ever since I heard you sing, your voice was like VRMRMEMMRMRMRRRRRRRM . Isn’t that soothing? It makes me want to question my will to live.

All you can do is give your spandex a little snap. Pretty soon you’re going to have a body as solid as this nations economy. In conclusion we’d like to thank you for coming to this press conference and we hope that you burn for your sins. Don’t you see? All I ever wanted was the flexibility of a Russian gymnast. Just remember, there’s nothing more attractive to the ladies than a chocolate sculpture of Winston Churchill, covered in dirty money. But it’s over now, I’m never coming back. You can forward my mail to the cold heart of space. Thank you and see you in skinny town, population you.
DatCatLovva - 7 years ago
whos watching this in 2015!
Blue Lemon
Blue Lemon - 7 years ago
It took me a minute to realize what happened after the Visio ended
#Hufflepuff Life
#Hufflepuff Life - 7 years ago
Ha! Jason and Whitney are always doing the dramatic ones​!
UnamusedDeathGod - 7 years ago
all you've ever cared for is YOUR GLUTES
Abby Tsai
Abby Tsai - 7 years ago
this is hilarious
Zafara - 7 years ago
"Ever since I heard you sing your voice was like-"
Yep, pretty much me when I try to sing.
mollymiccee - 7 years ago
Umm this is one of my favorites and it's 5 years later... oh well!
JakeTheSnake - 7 years ago
At a therapist

"It all started when I watched daytime TV"
Chelnah the Egghead
Chelnah the Egghead - 7 years ago
“...and you never even—learned how to use a special rat toilet.” That is possibly my favorite line.
falcon youtube
falcon youtube - 7 years ago
This sketch is a classic
Shadow Kitten16
Shadow Kitten16 - 7 years ago
Is no one going to say anything about the remote being in the chip packet?
gem's gems
gem's gems - 7 years ago
I can't decide what the best line is
Esta Blish Breaking
Esta Blish Breaking - 7 years ago
A nasa authority said sometimes I cry in the shower. Ha! youre not fooling anyone, all you care about is your glutes
EddyMXVD - 7 years ago
Part 2! Part 2! Part 2! Part 2! Part 2!
Hey it's your boi exotic butters
Hey it's your boi exotic butters - 7 years ago
Give your spandex a little snap soon youll have a body as solid as this nations econmy and we hope you burn for your sins
Gizzmarph - 7 years ago
Pastel Cookie
Pastel Cookie - 7 years ago
Anya L
Anya L - 7 years ago
All you’ve ever cared about is YOUR GLUETS!
superbDOG46-Chan - 7 years ago
Wow according to this video, ByuTV is everywhere!
Mal 1:
Mal 1: - 7 years ago
Dove Cameron Fan 1:43
Dove Cameron Fan
Dove Cameron Fan - 7 years ago
Mal 1: when?
E_ExPic - 7 years ago
And if you don't have an electric mixer, you can just use FLAMING PASSION
This line is my absolute favourite!
Khalil Williams
Khalil Williams - 7 years ago
“Pretty soon you’re gonna have a body as solid as—this nation’s economy.”

Princess108 - 7 years ago
When you only care about rubbing your thighs down with olive oil#struggle
KingAndrewIsPan 0_0
KingAndrewIsPan 0_0 - 7 years ago
I do this all the time!
Sofia Budimlic
Sofia Budimlic - 7 years ago
Lol Jason's face at 1:27
xXElderStormXx 09
xXElderStormXx 09 - 7 years ago
0:16 Mail man bites home owners dog!
Bryn Tyler
Bryn Tyler - 7 years ago
This is absolutely awesome.
Lucas Alexander
Lucas Alexander - 7 years ago
Why slap the chicken ;-;
Drew Stock
Drew Stock - 7 years ago
look at Stephen on the left
Halie Conrad
Halie Conrad - 7 years ago
lol the way theyr put together is comidy golden. p.s. STOP ADDS PLEAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111
Andrea Crystal
Andrea Crystal - 7 years ago
Aaron England
Aaron England - 7 years ago
lol that was so funny
SM Studio
SM Studio - 7 years ago
Now this recipe is simple, it calls for Flour, Eggs and- YOUR IMMORTAL SOUL!!
Seems normal
Madelyn Thornton
Madelyn Thornton - 7 years ago
my favorite
Madelyn Thornton
Madelyn Thornton - 7 years ago
Super Nova
Super Nova - 7 years ago
James only has 4 channels on his tv
Ana S
Ana S - 7 years ago
spandex, one word: OUCH!
Darth Porg
Darth Porg - 7 years ago
Darth Porg
Darth Porg - 7 years ago
"now were ready to put this in the oven with""tax payers dollars"
Comedy Wolf
Comedy Wolf - 7 years ago
I died when it said "you never even learned how to use a special rat toilet"
Abby Trussell
Abby Trussell - 7 years ago
Wow... This was only the 3rd EVER full episode of Studio C and it's still so amazing!!
JOLIE LAGUNA - 7 years ago
flour, eggs your immortal soul.... is that the recipe for soul soup?
JEBEDIAH RINE - 7 years ago
0:40 It says Missippi instead of Mississippi at the bottom.
Thorite Gem
Thorite Gem - 7 years ago
(*Insert quote from the sketch here*)
Hannah K
Hannah K - 7 years ago
Someone needs to write the like not lyrics but words
Slow Person
Slow Person - 7 years ago
Don't mind me I'm just looking back at the first studio c video I ever saw
Ryan Clay
Ryan Clay - 7 years ago
My all-time favorite skit!
Katie Toast
Katie Toast - 7 years ago
List of things I can't unsee:
Jeremy's spandex crotch bulge
Lukeis Harisen
Lukeis Harisen - 7 years ago
Put a TV remote in a chip bag.
new trend
Jay Mehta
Jay Mehta - 7 years ago
Pretty soon you'll have a body a solid as - this nation's economy.
Jay Mehta
Jay Mehta - 7 years ago
You never called, you never wrote, you never even - learned how to use a special rat toilet.
Daynay Love
Daynay Love - 7 years ago
Natalie Kemp
Natalie Kemp - 7 years ago
LOL "Now we're ready to put this into the oven with TAX PAYERS DOLLARS"LOL
Janella Renner
Janella Renner - 7 years ago
"Pretty soon you're going to have a body as solid as--"
"This nation's economy."
Pretty weak workout then.
Gray SIX
Gray SIX - 7 years ago
Sequel please!!!!!
Leo the Lion
Leo the Lion - 7 years ago
I would really like to see the entire season of that drama with Whitney and Jason.
Andrew Gaming
Andrew Gaming - 7 years ago
This is literally mad libs
Isaiah Mclawhorn
Isaiah Mclawhorn - 7 years ago
Who is wondering why he only has 4 channels
rhys d
rhys d - 7 years ago
All the headlines on the news channel:

-mailman bites homeowners dog
-Mayor of township says to homeless: go home
Missipi's literacy program shows best test results ever
-Utah poison control center advises everyone not to take poison
-U.s Scientists report that earthquake damage is caused by shaking
-federal agents raid gun shop, find weapons
an Australian army vehicle worth 74,000 has gone missing after painted camo
Allison H
Allison H - 7 years ago
One NASA authority said, " I cry in the shower sometimes!"
Morgan Thompson
Morgan Thompson - 7 years ago
I love James' beard
Katie Croxall
Katie Croxall - 7 years ago
Aydin Greenwood
Aydin Greenwood - 7 years ago
girls would like a chocolate sculpture coverd in money
Cambi - 7 years ago
Pretty soon you're gonna have a body as solid as this nation's economy...Well looks like I'm never gonna have a good body
Cambi - 7 years ago
And if you don't think you have to willpower to do it don't despair because very few have died in the process...I'm that very few
Tara Todd
Tara Todd - 7 years ago
This video is still one of my favorites from +Studio C and I watch it whenever I have a bad dayXD
DemonQueen_ Of_Fandoms
DemonQueen_ Of_Fandoms - 7 years ago
"And rub em down with some olive oil. *Thats nice*. Now we're ready to put this into the oven, along with--tax payers dollars"
Boe Flint
Boe Flint - 7 years ago
311 is a
Boe Flint
Boe Flint - 7 years ago
Kazimir N.
Kazimir N. - 7 years ago
Mad libs irl
Ron Bartolo
Ron Bartolo - 7 years ago
Uh. Do you get flaming passion in the cooking isle of the walmart or the romance isle at the movie store?
AlAx - 7 years ago
2 of those people are from the purple bed commercials
LinuxBear - 7 years ago
Pretty soon you're gonna have a body as solid as this nations economy!

well I guess I'm gonna be extremely obese
Vinny Avalos
Vinny Avalos - 7 years ago
If you don't think you can do it, don't disair, very few humans have died in this process.
Vinny Avalos
Vinny Avalos - 7 years ago
We never heard from you, you never called, you never learned how to USE A SPECIAL RAT TOILET.
jonathan foster
jonathan foster - 7 years ago
Put it in the oven with tax payers dollars!!!! XD
jonathan foster
jonathan foster - 7 years ago
Also, "completely clear that he has no.. BODY HAIR XDDDDD
Owen Demilio
Owen Demilio - 7 years ago
lol this is so funny!!!! I'm laughing so hard right now!!! lololollololo so amazing original! keep up the good work lo,
Rainbow Eyes
Rainbow Eyes - 7 years ago
My cheeks hurt from laughing so much
LightningBoltLibby CupcatLBL
LightningBoltLibby CupcatLBL - 7 years ago
You never called, you never wrote, you never even learned how to use a special rat toilet.
Asael De Athína
Asael De Athína - 7 years ago
Thank you all for coming to this press conference and we hope you all BURN FOR YOUR SINS
Weeb x Woo
Weeb x Woo - 7 years ago
"All you've ever cared about is YOU GLUTS!" XDDD
Sasha Yurevna
Sasha Yurevna - 7 years ago
Now, what you need to do, is stir that until it's about the consistency of a cloud. I'm pleased to announce, NASA's new space program, which will send a family of rats.. yes Veronica, it's true. Your ex-husband is still alive and living in Kiro (is that how it's spelled?) -Four and slide-two-three-four and reach-two-three-four and slide-two-three-four... Now take a whisk and really beat, your arthritic grandmother. That's rich! Especially coming from the man who was raised by feral monkeys which contracted hepatitis. They of course had to be put down and now we're using the rats. One NASA authority said: "Sometimes, sniff I cry in the shower" HA! You're not fooling anyone! All you've ever cared about is YOUR GLUTS! You feeling a good burn in there? Now we're gonna start working your thighs and rub them down with some olive oil. That's nice, now we're ready to put this in the oven, along with tax payers dollars. The president wanted it to be absolutely clear that he has no body hair! Some say yes, some say no, but don't be afraid to let it envelope you in it's aroma. Now this recipe is simple, it calls for flour, eggs, and YOUR IMMORTAL SOUL! And we never heard from you! You never called! You never wrote! You never even learned how to use a special rat toilet. They can navigate complex mazes, and most surprisingly they're gluten-free. And if you don't have an electric mixer you can just use FLAMING PASSION! Have you no shame! It absolutely sickens me to think that this is 20 lbs of human fat in a jar. And if you think that you don't have the will power to do it, don't despair! Because very few have died in the process. The details of the program are vital to national security, so naturally the White House will slap that smug look off your face! clatter OUCH that stings. I love you. Ever since I heard you sing your voice was like sound of a blender isn't that soothing? It makes want to question my will to live. All you can do is give your spandex a little snap, pretty soon you'll have a body as solid as this nation's economy. In conclusion we'd like to thank you all for coming to this press conference and we hope that you BURN FOR YOU SINS. Don't you see? All I ever wanted was the flexibility of a Russian gymnast! Just remember, there's nothing more attractive to the ladies than a chocolate sculpture of Winston Churchill, covered in DIRTY MONEY! But it's over now, I'm never coming back, you can forward my mail to the cold heart of space. Thank you, and see you in skinny town, population: you.

Well that took forever, hope you enjoyed it. Feel free to copy and paste this to group chats with your own edits ;-P.

Melody Byrd
Melody Byrd - 7 years ago
CherryChunga Hotdogs
CherryChunga Hotdogs - 7 years ago
Thank you for coming, and we all hope you burn for your sins.
Cutecat300 - 7 years ago
a body as solid as THIS NATIONS ECONOMY!
good luck with that body...
Georgia Holton
Georgia Holton - 7 years ago
I just love Stephens face in the back Of Jeremy's workout show!!!!!
Anthony Cooper
Anthony Cooper - 7 years ago
"Sometimes I cry in the shower." NASA authority - 2012
Unikitty Unicorn
Unikitty Unicorn - 7 years ago
Toxic - 7 years ago
Adam and Stacy got the day off I guess
Jane Sharp
Jane Sharp - 7 years ago
Now what you need to do is stir that until it's about the consistency of
a cloud-I am pleased to announce NASA's  new space program, which will
send a family of rats-Yes Veronica, it's true, your ex husband is still
alive, and living in Cairo-and slide two three four, and reach, two,
three, four-now take a whisk, and really beat-your arthritic
grandmother. That's rich, especially coming from the man who was raised
by-feral monkeys, which contracted hepatitis, they of course, had to be
put down and now were using the rats. One NASA authority said-sometimes,
i cry in the shower. Hah! Your now fooling anyone. All you've ever
cared about is-Your glutes! Feeling a good burn in there? Now were going
to start working your thighs- and rub em down with some olive oil.
That's nice. Now we're ready to put this in the oven, along
with-Taxpayers dollars. The president wanted it to be absolutely no-body
hair! Some way yes, some say no, but don't be afraid to -let it envelop
you in its aroma. Now this recipe is simple. It calls for eggs, flour,
and-your immortal soul! And we never heard from you, you never called,
you never wrote, you never even-learned how to use a special rat toilet.
They can navigate complex mazes, and most surprisingly-they're gluten
free. And, if you don't have an electric mixer, you can just use-flaming
passion, have you no shame? It absolutely sickens me to think that-this
is 20 pounds of human fat in a jar. And if you don't think you have the
willpower to do it, don't despair because-very few have died in the
process. The details of the program are vital to national security, so
naturally the White House-will smack that smug look of your face!-Ouch
that stinks. I-love you. Ever since I heard you sing it was
like-*blender sounds-isn't that soothing? It makes me want to-question
my will to live. All you can do is-give your spandex a little snap.
Pretty soon your going to have a body as solid as-this nation's economy.
In conclusion we thank you all for coming to this press conference and
hope you-burn for your sins. Don't you see? All I ever wanted was-the
flexibility of a Russian gymnast! And remember, there's nothing more
attractive to the ladies then-a chocolate statue of Winston Churchill,
covered in-dirty money! But it's over now. I'm never coming back. You
can forward my mail to-the cold heart of space. Thank you, and-see you
in skinny-town. Population: you.
Joseph Freeman
Joseph Freeman - 7 years ago
0:39 they spelled Mississippi wrong.
Joseph Freeman
Joseph Freeman - 7 years ago
but I sill like the video.
coolpixels - 7 years ago
1:08 the president wanted it to be absolutely clear that he had no body hair
Robin Jackson
Robin Jackson - 7 years ago
Videos for people
Videos for people - 7 years ago
You stole this idea from an article in mad magazine during the 60s, studio c! I am ashamed! I thought you could come up with your own ideas! DISLIKE!
Marissa Gross
Marissa Gross - 7 years ago
Who else wants to watch that soap opera?
ira buchholz
ira buchholz - 7 years ago
Matthew Boyce
Matthew Boyce - 7 years ago
Did anybody else red the comments on the new channel at the bottom of the page?
Matthew Boyce
Matthew Boyce - 7 years ago
Craft Mineum
Craft Mineum - 7 years ago
"Pretty soon your going to have the body as sturdy as the governments economy"

That doesn't seem very strong
Craft Mineum
Craft Mineum - 7 years ago
Now we're ready to put it in the oven along with tax payers dollars

Sounds about right

I've seen presidents do it
red planes
red planes - 7 years ago
Isn't that soothing..? It makes me wanna- QUESTION MY WILL TO LIVE
Darkscarlet 101
Darkscarlet 101 - 7 years ago
Look up Bob Smiley On How To Watch TV, come back after the whole video and tell me if you enjoyed that
Amanda Stevens
Amanda Stevens - 7 years ago
"Now we're ready to put this in the oven, along with taxpayer's dollars."
Winter Days
Winter Days - 7 years ago
It calls for eggs flour and your immortal soul
Sorry I don't have all the ingredients
I ran out of eggs ;)
Trenton Moyer
Trenton Moyer - 7 years ago
blazin' awesome
blazin' awesome - 7 years ago
blazin' awesome
blazin' awesome - 7 years ago
blazin' awesome
blazin' awesome - 7 years ago
Bacon Doesthings
Bacon Doesthings - 7 years ago
Makayla Pierce
Makayla Pierce - 7 years ago
This is just like me
sneaky alarm clock
sneaky alarm clock - 7 years ago
ever since i heard you sing, your voice was like VVVVVVVVVGGGGGGGGGGGVVVVVVV
Ryan Petersen
Ryan Petersen - 7 years ago
Just take that ugly look of ur face...ouch that stings I....luv u
Aromas2504 - 7 years ago
So obviously the White House will want to slap your sinful face!!!!!!
Clarisa Ramos
Clarisa Ramos - 7 years ago
Sometimes I cry in the shower and all you care about is "your GLUTS"
Aminath Rashidha
Aminath Rashidha - 7 years ago
Omg lolololol
darkspyro77 - 7 years ago
Somebody needs to animate this.
Marcus Tsai
Marcus Tsai - 7 years ago
The Righteous Shogun
The Righteous Shogun - 7 years ago
you should do something like this again
cheyanne bb8
cheyanne bb8 - 7 years ago
James watching tv is me every day
Sparrow C.
Sparrow C. - 7 years ago
If you read the scrolling text on the bottom at 1:51 it says federal agents raid a gun shop, find weapons.
James Brook
James Brook - 7 years ago
Now, what you need to do is stir that until it is about the consistency of a cloud—I'm pleased to announce NASA's new space program. Which will send a family of rats—Yes, Veronica. It's true. Your ex-husband is still alive and living in Cairo—Four and slide! Two three! Four and reach! Two three! Four and slide! Two three! Four—

Now take a whisk and really beat your arthritic grandmother. That's rich! Especially coming from the man who was raised by feral monkies which contracted hepatitis. They, of course, had to be put down and now we're using the rats. One NASA authority said, "Sometimes... I cry in the shower." Ha! You're not fooling anyone. All you've ever cared about is your glutes! You feeling a good burn in there? Now we're gonna start working your thighs and rub 'em down with some olive oil. That's nice. Now we're ready to put this in the oven. Along with tax payer's dollars. The president wanted it to be absolutely clear that he has no body hair! Some say yes. Some say no, but don't be afraid to let it envelop you in its aroma. Now this recipe is simple. It calls for flour, eggs, and your immortal soul, and we never heard from you. You never called. You never wrote. You never even learned out to use a special rat toilet. They can navigate complex mazes and, most surprisingly, they're gluten free, and, if you don't have an electric mixer, you can just use flaming passion! Have you no shame?! It absolutely sickens me to think that this is twenty pounds of human fat in a jar, and if you think that you don't have the will power to do it, don't despair! Because very few have died in the process. The details of the program are vital to national security, so, naturally, the White House will slap that smug look off your face! SLAP! Ouch, that stings! I love you. Ever since I heard you sing your voice was like A blender Isn't that soothing? It makes me wanna question my will to live. All you can do is give your spandex a little snap. Pretty soon you're going to have a body as solid as this nation's economy. In conclusion, we'd liked to thank you all for coming to this press conference and we hope that you burn for your sins! Don't you see? All I ever wanted was the flexibility of a Russian gymnast! Just remember, there's nothing more attractive to the ladies than a chocolate sculpture of Winston Churchill covered in dirty money, but it's over now. I'm never coming back. You can forward my mail to the cold heart of space. Thank you and see you in Skinny Town! Population: You!

I just spent ten minutes writing down the script for no reason.
Bastion BeatDown
Bastion BeatDown - 7 years ago
You've never learned to us a RAT TOILET b(^_^)d
FoxPyro - 7 years ago
Ever since i heard you sing your voice was like VVVVR VRRRRVRRR VRR VVRR isn't that soothing?
#1gamer - 7 years ago
Cloud B
Cloud B - 7 years ago
This was honestly a masterpiece
XxKawaii GamerX3xX
XxKawaii GamerX3xX - 7 years ago
Lol I just wanna do this on my tv just to see how it will go! XD wouldn't you?.... :|
Volcano eruption 2000
Volcano eruption 2000 - 7 years ago
omg this never gets old there should be a part 2
Kittycatcupcake - 7 years ago
This is my favorite episode XP
Miner217 - 7 years ago
you will have a body as solid as this nation's economy.
"But I want to be able to walk"
C. W. Johnson Jr
C. W. Johnson Jr - 7 years ago
Please do a follow up using footage from actual Studio C sketches
kayraevids - 7 years ago
My favorite person is Matt
Joseph Johnston
Joseph Johnston - 7 years ago
You never even learned how to use a special rat toilet.
Joseph Johnston
Joseph Johnston - 7 years ago
Slide two three four and reach two three four, now take a whisk, and beat your arthritic grandma.
LightningBoltLibby CupcatLBL
LightningBoltLibby CupcatLBL - 7 years ago
That's rich, especially coming from the man raised be feral monkeys with hepatitis

ha, your not fooling anyone, all you care about is your glutes!

Now were ready to put this in the oven along with taxpayers dollars.

You never called, you never wrote, you never even learned to use a special rat toilet.

If you don't have an electric mixer you can just use FLAMING PASSION

my fave lines in the video lol it's long
Natalia - 7 years ago
all you can do is give your spandex a little snap soon your going to have a body as solid as the nations economy
Jesse Reuss
Jesse Reuss - 7 years ago
Any one else watching in 2017
Awesomeness05 - 7 years ago
Now we're ready to put this in the oven, along with taxpayers' dollars. Sounds about right...
Mini BEAST - 7 years ago
Utah Poison Control reminds everyone not to take poison.
Mayor of Juiceberry Township to homeless: Go home.
Missipi's literacy program shows best test results evr.
U.S. scientists report that most earthquake damage is caused by shaking.
Federal agents raid gun shop, find weapons.
...Mailman bites homeowners dog.

slow clap
TastyCookie 45
TastyCookie 45 - 7 years ago
This video requires a sequel, 5 billion views and YOUR IMMORTAL SOUL!
Misty Wolf
Misty Wolf - 7 years ago
TastyCookie 45
TastyCookie 45 - 7 years ago
Please do a sequel
TheKatDoesDat - 7 years ago
very soon, you'll have a body as solid as our nation's economy. we hope you BURN FOR YOUR SINS.
Bassel Ghoury
Bassel Ghoury - 7 years ago
i really love the idea of all of studio c's videos
BenDaHuman / / Animates
BenDaHuman / / Animates - 7 years ago
It uses Flour, eggs, and YOUR IMMORTAL SOUL!
Incognito Burrito
Incognito Burrito - 7 years ago
You never Called you never Wrote you never even learned to use a special Rat Toilet. How did they Know?
MaxOfFewTrades - 7 years ago
Can some one script this episode for me?
Eden Jeffries
Eden Jeffries - 7 years ago
Hey y'all
TJ Odegaard
TJ Odegaard - 7 years ago
thats the same unitard jeremy wore in stage directions
Becky Short
Becky Short - 7 years ago
ur voice sounded like (blender)
Russell Cavan Chew
Russell Cavan Chew - 7 years ago
so funny
Recneps - 7 years ago
A body as solid as this nations economy. Must be pretty fat.
MK Deel
MK Deel - 7 years ago
Best skit EVER
Drew Weitkunat
Drew Weitkunat - 7 years ago
federal agents raid gun store, find weapons
Jennifer Smith
Jennifer Smith - 7 years ago
The look on the guys face at 3:08
SM Studio
SM Studio - 7 years ago
This new recipe calls for flour, eggs and YOUR IMMORTAL SOUL

Well I should find a new tv, mines broke
Joseph Grimer
Joseph Grimer - 7 years ago
This has to be in the top 10 best sketches of Studio C
Valpas Kankaristo
Valpas Kankaristo - 7 years ago
They recycled the same bottom text for 1:28 that they already used at 1:07... I expected better of Studio C
Bayley Leyshon
Bayley Leyshon - 7 years ago
Isn't that soothing? It really makes me wanna question my will to live
Dubdub007 - 7 years ago
best studio c episode ever
Magic_The _Cat12
Magic_The _Cat12 - 7 years ago
"Just remember, there's nothing more attractive to the ladies than a chocolate sculpture of Winston Churchill covered in DIRTY MONEY!"
- my new senior year quote
Portland Griz
Portland Griz - 7 years ago
Haha I love it
Xslasher71 - 7 years ago
We would like to thank you all for this press conference and we hope that you BURN FOR YOUR SINS
Nothing wrong with that
Hunter Froisland
Hunter Froisland - 7 years ago
"Now take a whisk and really beat... your arthritic grandmother" This is gonna be good
Goldie - 7 years ago
You can forward my mail to the cold heart of space
Yup, that's right. I'm moving to Mars.
TheSavagePig - 7 years ago
sub 2 me
One Lovely Girl
One Lovely Girl - 7 years ago
so naturally the White House will slap that smug look off your face-
Ouuuch, that stings! I-
Love you! ever since I heard you sign your voice was like-
isn't that soothing?
the classic fight between brother and sister.
ZZ* - 7 years ago
Somehow this reminds me of the game where you just pick the words offered by your keyboard's predictive text. Sometimes it's just gibberish, but then other times it works out into coherent but ridiculous sentences.
Geoffrey Li
Geoffrey Li - 7 years ago
What channel is this on?
Yuckannn 1374
Yuckannn 1374 - 7 years ago
And we hope that you BURN FOR YOUR SINS
Erin Rodgers
Erin Rodgers - 7 years ago
Studio c please comment on my post please!!!!!!!!!!!
Matthew Zhou
Matthew Zhou - 7 years ago
"All you even cared about are... Your gluts!"
Haiyan Li
Haiyan Li - 7 years ago
All you ever cared about is... YER GLUTES
Alec - 7 years ago
this is the only video on youtube that ive seen that makes me laugh
malak hamad
malak hamad - 7 years ago
i heard u sing and you sounded like bdbxjfkxhndxkifndhdkxmxnrn
Rachel Dannheisser
Rachel Dannheisser - 7 years ago
This needs a sequel
And even mabye become a series of mabye 5 or 6 episodes
This is awesome
Dayne Jones
Dayne Jones - 7 years ago
OMG this is so funny
THE COMADY SISTERS sisters - 7 years ago
Katherine Kauffman
Katherine Kauffman - 7 years ago
Stephen's expression is hilarious.
Katherine Kauffman
Katherine Kauffman - 7 years ago
Pretty soon you'll have a body as solid as this nation's economy.
Guess that body won't be very solid...
Tyler Nguyen
Tyler Nguyen - 7 years ago
This would be a great show
Emperor Waffle
Emperor Waffle - 7 years ago
Wait. Was the remote in the chips bag?
Liliana Hernandez
Liliana Hernandez - 7 years ago
The thing I kept focus on is those delicious donuts.
Joshua HG
Joshua HG - 7 years ago
2:23 What economy?
Addison Fox fam
Addison Fox fam - 7 years ago
Ahh that's stings I love you. Yep
Addison Fox fam
Addison Fox fam - 7 years ago
All you cared about is your GLUTES. That sounds right
EggAbyss - 7 years ago
Isn't that soothing? It makes me want to question my will to live.

Me everyday.
Cthulu Muramasa
Cthulu Muramasa - 7 years ago
Ever since I heard you sing it was like blender sounds play
Naked Truth
Naked Truth - 7 years ago
Who else stumbled across this video and couldn't stop watching it in its entirety, then strolled down to read the comments?
Isa Byrd
Isa Byrd - 7 years ago
rusian gymnast
Melissa Martin
Melissa Martin - 7 years ago
This is my favorite episode of studio c
Jambuuu - 7 years ago
Probably one of my favorite Studio C sketches.
Alec - 7 years ago
this is my favorite studio c vid.
A. Lias
A. Lias - 7 years ago
I'm wondering just how many times they laughed during editing.
Amelie Kenchington
Amelie Kenchington - 7 years ago
ah yes a chocolate sculpture of Winston Churchill covered in dirty money
Amelie Kenchington
Amelie Kenchington - 7 years ago
0:56 use your glutes!
Olyfortissia - 7 years ago
Flour, eggs and
The Almighty Unitato
The Almighty Unitato - 7 years ago
I've watched this episode like a trillion times!!! XD
All That JAZZ
All That JAZZ - 7 years ago
ChickenLicken same, love this one. But that is James on the couch.
The Almighty Unitato
The Almighty Unitato - 7 years ago
Also I love how Stephen is just sitting there and he has no idea whats happening!!!
TheKatDoesDat - 7 years ago
Ziyadahon Rakhimova
Ziyadahon Rakhimova - 7 years ago
I like how every show was like covered in- then the next show was like dirty money
Alena Vo
Alena Vo - 7 years ago
One of my favorite things about this sketch is that even as James switches the channels over and over again, the viewer can still tell what's going on on each channel and each line just fits so nicely with the next. This one will always be a classic :)
Christian Kaye
Christian Kaye - 7 years ago
channel surfing part 2
Jack McManus
Jack McManus - 7 years ago
My favorite video ever!
Morgan Thompson
Morgan Thompson - 7 years ago
you can forward my mail to........... THE COLD HEART OF SPACE
Nicole Katz
Nicole Katz - 7 years ago
I love Steven in the background
animation universe
animation universe - 7 years ago
Ricci Hall
Ricci Hall - 7 years ago
Your immortal soul
Andrew Crowe
Andrew Crowe - 7 years ago
Please make another
Alanna Howden
Alanna Howden - 7 years ago
"Pretty soon you'll have a body as solid as this nation's economy"
Katie Quill
Katie Quill - 7 years ago
Mmm! That recipe sounds good, but uh....can u tell me where to get an immortal soul?
ThatGuyWithTheReallyLongName - 7 years ago
At first I didn't understand this.
Andy Wu
Andy Wu - 7 years ago
The best one
Katie Johnson
Katie Johnson - 7 years ago
Is anyone else reading the news banner at the bottom of matts part? OMG
Yangven - 7 years ago
That was wild from start to end.
Andrew Zhou
Andrew Zhou - 7 years ago
So good
Cody Wingard
Cody Wingard - 7 years ago
Wahll THAT was the shortest press meeting ever
Shama the Savage Llama
Shama the Savage Llama - 7 years ago
Matt's part was my favorite
Shama the Savage Llama
Shama the Savage Llama - 7 years ago
I was watching this and my sister was in the other room and at the end she gave me the weirdest look
LtD_03 - 7 years ago
Somebody Who's name is Jeff
Somebody Who's name is Jeff - 7 years ago
My favorite part: the president wanted to make it clear that he had no BODY HAIR!!!

And: all you ever cared about is YOUR GLUTS
Abigail Vo
Abigail Vo - 7 years ago
You never called you never wrote you never even learned to use a special rat toilet
doug farquharson
doug farquharson - 7 years ago
~the news bar going across the screen~
Lily Green Princesses
Lily Green Princesses - 7 years ago
don't be afraid because only some have died in the process
Meredith Hall
Meredith Hall - 7 years ago
Ha your not fooling anyone all you care about is your gluts

Best line #i subscribed
Jessica Scolari
Jessica Scolari - 7 years ago
The president wanted you to know he has no chest hair lol
BowFire5 - 7 years ago
"One NASA scientist said (click) sometimes I cry in the shower"
"That's rich! All you cared about is (click) your glutes!"
Reba Zimmerle
Reba Zimmerle - 7 years ago
Read the scrolling text in the NASA news cast part-- it's hilarious! "Federal agents raid gun shop-- find weapons" " Utah poison control center reminds everyone not to take poison" LOL

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