Chris Burkard: The joy of surfing in ice-cold water

"Anything that is worth pursuing is going to require us to suffer, just a little bit," says surf photographer Chris Burkard, as he explains his obsession with the coldest, choppiest, most isolated beaches on earth. With jawdropping photos and stories of places few humans have ever seen — much less surfed — he draws us into his "personal crusade against the mundane." TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more. Find closed captions and translated subtitles in many languages at Follow TED news on Twitter: Like TED on Facebook: Subscribe to our channel:

Chris Burkard: The joy of surfing in ice-cold water sentiment_very_dissatisfied 81

Surf 9 years ago 250,535 views

"Anything that is worth pursuing is going to require us to suffer, just a little bit," says surf photographer Chris Burkard, as he explains his obsession with the coldest, choppiest, most isolated beaches on earth. With jawdropping photos and stories of places few humans have ever seen — much less surfed — he draws us into his "personal crusade against the mundane." TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more. Find closed captions and translated subtitles in many languages at Follow TED news on Twitter: Like TED on Facebook: Subscribe to our channel:

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Most popular comments
for Chris Burkard: The joy of surfing in ice-cold water

Ryan Hewett
Ryan Hewett - 7 years ago
James Kolesnikovich
James Kolesnikovich - 7 years ago
If you have a thick wetsuit surfing in the coldest of waters isn't that bad tbh...
bob miller
bob miller - 7 years ago
I will sometimes lower the thermostat to 65, down from the usual 70....just to live on the edge.
niceii Dai
niceii Dai - 7 years ago
Fantastic photo!
Sai Krishna
Sai Krishna - 7 years ago
Nice talk!!
William Hanley
William Hanley - 7 years ago
True adventurist ,explorer, not the most humble pioneer though.what are you trying to accomplish here. to tell people to go do things and expand beyond there normal boundaries... that's positive stuff...Your high on yourself and confident,you love attention too.. your happy and found your calling and you want others to be happy too...,, ya that's it..oh,,, a motivational speaker,is that what this is all about.
Tristan Bell
Tristan Bell - 7 years ago
Chris has such an amazing talent and is willing to suffer in the most frigid conditions to get the shot... absolutely inspiring. He inspired me to start filming myself. check out my surf edit,
fukamoco - 7 years ago
mike wood
mike wood - 7 years ago
thats cute we surf the great lakes here in canada all winter

10. comment for Chris Burkard: The joy of surfing in ice-cold water

Breathtaking movie!
have a nice evening :o)
Did Ber
Did Ber - 7 years ago
Let's start with cold showers. Had a nice one yesterday n preparing for another this november afternoon. Cheers!
Karışık Kanal HD
Karışık Kanal HD - 7 years ago
ama içerikler ilgi çekici <3
Karışık Kanal HD
Karışık Kanal HD - 7 years ago
biraz düşünceli ol yav 8milion abonen var ne istiyon hop paralar gelsin diye 10 dk yapıyon videoları primde yapıyon yemezler
Karışık Kanal HD
Karışık Kanal HD - 7 years ago
bide türkçe konuş anlamıyom
Karışık Kanal HD
Karışık Kanal HD - 7 years ago
daha fazla konuşma ama 4 dakka fln olsun video sonra hoca bize ödev veriyo olmuyo böyle
Karışık Kanal HD
Karışık Kanal HD - 7 years ago
böyle devam et
Karışık Kanal HD
Karışık Kanal HD - 7 years ago
hll kardeşim tebrikler
Julianne Petersen
Julianne Petersen - 7 years ago
PostWarKids - 7 years ago
This guy is one of photography's greats

20. comment for Chris Burkard: The joy of surfing in ice-cold water

Riki Azzalin
Riki Azzalin - 8 years ago
This man is inspiration.
cormoran lee
cormoran lee - 8 years ago
Chris, well done cold water brother, I'm very proud, inspired and honored to have seen a glimpse of your spectacular experience. Thank you.
Danyo 89'
Danyo 89' - 8 years ago
Sometimes... I go out in the rain, when I'm in the water.
Erza Scarlet Art
Erza Scarlet Art - 8 years ago
I've always preferred remote areas than commercialized beaches and I'm glad I'm not the only one
jonasvm88 - 8 years ago
6:22 theres a guy on the bottom left thats like reeeaaally shocked.
HARDANCE - 9 years ago
Benji Brookes
Benji Brookes - 9 years ago
If this guy is just a water photographer why doesn't he wear a drysuit? Keeps your warmer
Civilized And Intelligent
Civilized And Intelligent - 9 years ago
Blue shirt and brown pants. Let the offspring of the haves be inspired by this one. Traveling around the world and "suffering" as he did... is equivalent to winning the lottery and choosing to spend it with quarters only.
victoriya pety
victoriya pety - 9 years ago
oh my god bring me there.
ktlynmariesmith - 9 years ago
This very talented man is a member of my church and I had the opportunity to hear this talk before he gave it. He is an amazing photographer and a great speaker! :)

30. comment for Chris Burkard: The joy of surfing in ice-cold water

Aniko Amália
Aniko Amália - 9 years ago
I'm taking swims in the North Sea for which very similarly ppl think am insane. But did research on it and it also actually is good for the muscles and the immune system after workouts and with the right hydration and nutrition. Yes I too got the cramps sometimes but nothing can be compared to it how much it energises me and in the same time relaxes. I am much faster after I'm out and in the icy sea I am not even freezing much. Just love it. I'm so glad to see ppl I feel alike, I feel we share this joy. Sure am too planning to surf too. <3
Neyssa - 9 years ago
Just beautiful!
worchab - 9 years ago
Does anyone know the song that plays in his video?
Tammo Klaassen
Tammo Klaassen - 9 years ago
Chris is such an inspiration. One thing watching his videos and reading his stories and interviews is that no matter what your every day life looks like you have to get away from it from time to time to really feel human and feel free again :)
Peter Buchanan
Peter Buchanan - 9 years ago
You've never been in pain ...what u say is utter bullshit my friend...
Rhianna Rose
Rhianna Rose - 7 years ago
Peter Buchanan jealous?
Rudi - 9 years ago
Great speech, exciting photographs, I could feel the temperature, very inspiring. Thumbs up.
Suchana Grg
Suchana Grg - 9 years ago
A true passion
Gosh ! I m in love with his photography :D
worchab - 9 years ago
longbeachboy57 - 9 years ago
TED used to be a great forum for excanging ideas. Now it has become a platform for nacissist.
Rhianna Rose
Rhianna Rose - 7 years ago
longbeachboy57 I hear jealousy
mandy pac
mandy pac - 9 years ago
7:20 Holy ...! That is probably the #scariest #reallife set of situations
Dre Anza
Dre Anza - 9 years ago
This is the most amazing TED talk I've ever seen.
Zakir Şıxlı
Zakir Şıxlı - 9 years ago
Big joy to watch and listen this talk while a hot day like today :)
Free Seeker
Free Seeker - 9 years ago
Let's realize that the Earth is an amazing place that needs our Care.  Thank you Chris for your efforts to capture it's beauty and teach us about ourselves.
Power is the disease.  Care is the Cure.
◄Join the Care Culture, because you Care. ♥
HyenaDip - 9 years ago
Man with too much money complains about travelling to wonderful places.

the poor soul :''(
Rhianna Rose
Rhianna Rose - 7 years ago
Your just jealous
Tahir Razzaq
Tahir Razzaq - 7 years ago
This is the loser mentality is why he's where he's at and you're where you're at. Read his story and follow his IG. He hustles like crazy. Works on his business about 16 hours somedays and has made this living for himself. And when he was a surf Photographer when he was younger, he was dirt poor. So if you wanna make your life different, change your mindset.
mozzarox - 9 years ago
That's how he has made his money, there was a time when he did this without much money to support his family. Respect earned if you ask me.
Alec Lewis
Alec Lewis - 9 years ago
a mcdonalds of photography, it grosses me out. everything is staged, composed, plastic, fake.
these are not surf trips, these are sponsored and choreographed photography expiditions. 
there is also a belittlement of the regular traveler who doesnt get flown in via helichopter, an air of superiority which physicaly manifests in his pursed hands like he's a nobel laureate. 
"quit my job at 19" please... whatever job he had at 19, im sure it wasnt exactly a leap of faith to quit. parents are probably bank. 
p.s. i dont even surf.
fritz stammen
fritz stammen - 7 years ago
As someone who doesn't surf, I don't think you are in a position to criticize surf photography as a medium. For me, I would not care what company is sponsoring a trip I go on, because when you are in the water, that is not what is important. If you have ever been to a surf shoot you know that they are not choreographed, but fluid, just a person surfing and a person taking pictures. I too am bothered by this person's superior and psuedo-intellectual tone, but I find it to be common among all TED talks
Rhianna Rose
Rhianna Rose - 7 years ago
Alec Lewis your disappointing
Man of Water
Man of Water - 9 years ago
very inspiring, great speech
Carl Hopkinson
Carl Hopkinson - 9 years ago
And I wonder how many idiots are going to see this lunatic talk and go out and get themselves killed.
Rhianna Rose
Rhianna Rose - 7 years ago
Carl Hopkinson well I guess I'm one of them :) you're sad
Carl Hopkinson
Carl Hopkinson - 9 years ago
Another thing he might try is dipping super-gluing a beaker of dry ice over his naked
crotch and seeing how that interaction with nature goes....
Carl Hopkinson
Carl Hopkinson - 9 years ago
I think he should take a propane torch and slowly burn all his fingers off....that would given even DEEPER insight into the joy of pain.
Carl Hopkinson
Carl Hopkinson - 9 years ago
This fukcer IS crazy.

50. comment for Chris Burkard: The joy of surfing in ice-cold water

worchab - 9 years ago
Teri Adams
Teri Adams - 9 years ago
this is awesome
helmy elsaid
helmy elsaid - 9 years ago
helmy elsaid
helmy elsaid - 9 years ago
helmy elsaid
helmy elsaid - 9 years ago
Ryan Mattock
Ryan Mattock - 9 years ago
What a journeyman!
Surfing shots are spectacular. .
Vamsi Krishna
Vamsi Krishna - 9 years ago
Couldn't like any other video more this one, could be the best inspirational video too. Hats off to you man, You inspired me the most!
Alan Medina
Alan Medina - 9 years ago
So awesome
Farook Mamodeally
Farook Mamodeally - 9 years ago
Kevan Morin
Kevan Morin - 9 years ago
As a general advertising photographer -- I watched this in joy and I really hope one day to have this kind of passion for my future work. This was inspiring.
Ragnar Örn
Ragnar Örn - 9 years ago
RoninDee - 9 years ago
I'm freezing just watching this
Tarun Kumar
Tarun Kumar - 9 years ago
Awesome.. I was about to cry.. :)
Sleeper Face
Sleeper Face - 9 years ago
I'm 12 and I find these things very interesting
方子悦 - 9 years ago
MassDynamic - 9 years ago
in other words, OP is saying the Earth is getting overcrowded.
eddie scythe
eddie scythe - 9 years ago
guess it comes to the point where pure joy and excitement offset all else... and there's when you have the time of your live
Peter Kertesz
Peter Kertesz - 9 years ago
Awesome video!!
magdalena kaczowka
magdalena kaczowka - 9 years ago
Bellissime foto! Grazie!
Heros Heller
Heros Heller - 9 years ago
Great pics!
Calo Q.
Calo Q. - 9 years ago
God bless you man.
Nando N
Nando N - 9 years ago
Amazing story.
Bibek Gautam
Bibek Gautam - 9 years ago
I so envy you!
Nicolas Spycher
Nicolas Spycher - 9 years ago
TimmacTR - 9 years ago
Wow...breathtaking pictures..
Anders Axelsen
Anders Axelsen - 9 years ago
What an inspiration!
jed black
jed black - 9 years ago
People try to find meaning in life, it's in Jesus.
Jesus Saves Bro
Jesus Saves Bro - 7 years ago
Matti lituingen that's where your fate lies without Jesus
Jesus Saves Bro
Jesus Saves Bro - 7 years ago
Yeah boy!!!!
Matti lituingen
Matti lituingen - 9 years ago
When jesus was a baby i threw him an industrial furnace.
skinnyjohnsen - 9 years ago
I think a dry suit would have been better in those conditions. Stiffer perhaps, but it takes longer to freeze to death.
Grant B
Grant B - 9 years ago
vic gauthier
vic gauthier - 9 years ago
LandryattheBayou - 9 years ago
My new inspiration . . .
Ty Marshall
Ty Marshall - 9 years ago
Beauty And The Bear
Beauty And The Bear - 9 years ago
This was incredible. Gave me a different perspective on cold temperatures.... Still probably going to head south for the winter though. This man is truly "monk" of the cold. Bear
TheElephent Wrestler
TheElephent Wrestler - 9 years ago
Just amazing colors  of natures
James Dreger
James Dreger - 9 years ago
Ehh, all the benefits he mentioned were benefits of being in a remote place, not from cold water. Send me to an Abandoned tropical island (preferably one that somehow has all the creature comforts he says he avoids) and I'll be 10x happier than any of those places he showed.
Anthony Moya
Anthony Moya - 7 years ago
you missed the point. you dont surf i take it.
Compilation Guy
Compilation Guy - 8 years ago
His point is that the juxtaposition between joy and suffering is what enables joy in the first place. His point has nothing to do with location
James Dreger
James Dreger - 9 years ago
+Real Ramirez
Not really. I'm just saying the point carries over even where there are the creature comforts I love.
Real Ramirez
Real Ramirez - 9 years ago
Ehhh you missed the point
Malcolm Swoboda
Malcolm Swoboda - 9 years ago
"So, surf photographer, right?" Ohh my god, you cannot be more dudebro than that. Hahaha.
KODAI NODA - 9 years ago
Your experience was very moved me.
Daniel Sadjadian
Daniel Sadjadian - 9 years ago
Incredible and very inspirational. This has filled me with the confidence to continue working towards my dreams.
Tamere Enshort
Tamere Enshort - 9 years ago
amazing pictures.
Slap Stick
Slap Stick - 9 years ago
On a more pathetic level, I like to switch the shower water from hot to cold for a minute, just to get a bit of a jolt.
jonasvm88 - 8 years ago
+Slap Stick HAHAHAHAHAHA LOL. me too tho
sandraorchid - 8 years ago
we shower with cold water everyday here. no hot water available.
d1234 - 9 years ago
+Slap Stick you my friend are living on the edge!
Slap Stick
Slap Stick - 9 years ago
+Glowing Lights Official good luck. First time  I lasted 30 seconds under the cold. Then upto a minute. Now about four minutes which seems like forever. Then either shut it off or back to some warm. Afterwards, I feel great for the rest of the day. 
Learned Freedom
Learned Freedom - 9 years ago
+Slap Stick Alright, I'm going to try that of course, considering it's freaking hot outside at the moment;)
Slap Stick
Slap Stick - 9 years ago
+Glowing Lights Official I say GO FOR SHRINKAGE! Turn off the hot all at once and let the balls shrivel up into your guts!! Its exhilarating.
Learned Freedom
Learned Freedom - 9 years ago
+Jeremiah T
I won't stop doing it either, it's so awesome! :D
What has been working for me, though, is starting with a slightly higher temperature and then slowly decreasing it as part of a challenge:)
Jeremiah T
Jeremiah T - 9 years ago
For two years or so, I've been taking purely cold showers. I actually don't like taking warm showers anymore. The worst part is getting into the shower when it's cold, but after the shower you feel great. I always feel totally rejuvenated and relaxed when I finish. I recommend everyone to try it at least once. It's also has a ton of health benefits and is better for your skin and hair.
Mew Wew
Mew Wew - 9 years ago
+Slap Stick Sounds like a good idea to me, I'll do that
Learned Freedom
Learned Freedom - 9 years ago
I do that all the time, too haha :D
Royalty Free Music For Youtube Partner
Royalty Free Music For Youtube Partner - 9 years ago
A great video!
Carlo Frontini
Carlo Frontini - 9 years ago
So what's the point, he has an unconventional job?
Grozny Entertainment
Grozny Entertainment - 9 years ago
+Nick Breen the part where he was smiling while freezing to death is perhaps the point of this. This is an eye openier for me at least
Slap Stick
Slap Stick - 9 years ago
+Nick Breen You are joking. Nice try. 
Nick Breen
Nick Breen - 9 years ago
+Slap Stick
What goal?
Slap Stick
Slap Stick - 9 years ago
+Nick Breen Thats the point you   missed. No one "ran off." Should be obvious. This was all planned to achieve his goal.  Instead of "running off", think of it as taking initiative. 
Nick Breen
Nick Breen - 9 years ago
+Alexander Vincent
I have a problem with the lack of relevance of this presentation. Form a self help group if you want to feel happy.
AV C - 9 years ago
+Nick Breen Leave it to TED talk watchers to find a problem with happiness.
Nick Breen
Nick Breen - 9 years ago
+Slap Stick
I said not everyone can run off, if everyone did it would be a disaster. I am used to watching TED and learning something new about the latest ideas and technology, this is very like a TEDx presentation, sub par.
Nick Breen
Nick Breen - 9 years ago
+Albert Hu
Nice to see you agree that it's an ego trip. The hard truth is that people simply can't up sticks and run off to live the dream. Only those with an independent means can afford to do what this man done. Regarding ideas, there was none in this presentation, this was just a little boy excitedly telling people what he got up to recently.

"Sure, it can be unpleasant to work in extreme temperatures and risk death, but all the suffering that he went through just makes his experiences more meaningful"

What work? He went surfing and took photos for gods sake. All the suffering he went through..... really? In a world of real suffering you choose to admire this self inflicted suffering, in fact I did not see suffering in this at all, I seen a guy having a ball with helicopters and surfing, please point out the suffering for me.
Slap Stick
Slap Stick - 9 years ago
+Albert Hu Well said. The speaker makes himself a bit of a target by being different. Its more interesting to see how some commenters casually dismiss this. I think its out of fear. 
Albert Hu
Albert Hu - 9 years ago
+Nick Breen Technology Entertainment Design. Notice their motto is also "Ideas worth spreading" and they explained in their mission statement that ideas have the power "to change attitudes, lives and, ultimately, the world." This is not exclusive to ideas that benefit people through technology, business and social entrepreneurship, but also through spirituality. There's a lot to gain from hearing this speech. This is not just merely an ego trip, but the speaker is sharing his approach to living that is missing in many people's lives. There is a lot of confusion surrounding the topic of how to achieve lasting happiness. The default advice that society keeps telling people is to do well in school, get a job, save up for retirement so they can truly live like a millionaire at the age of 65. What the speaker is proposing is the idea that fulfillment is not always found in the comfort of following the well traveled path, but in the boundary between safety and danger, outside of one's comfort zone. Sure, it can be unpleasant to work in extreme temperatures and risk death, but all the suffering that he went through just makes his experiences more meaningful. Understand that the speaker's message is not made for everyone, but is to benefit people who are open to changing their attitudes and lifestyles to achieve more fulfilling experiences. Just take it or leave it.
Nick Breen
Nick Breen - 9 years ago
+Slap Stick
Do you know what TED stands for?
Slap Stick
Slap Stick - 9 years ago
+Nick Breen  Whats this bullshit about learning? You don't have to "learn something" everytime you watch a video. You can "appreciate" his amazing photography. Most photographers are garbage. This guy is exceptional and highly in demand all over the world. You can also be inspired if thats what you are looking for. You can also just sit back and enjoy the story. Shall we continue? Whats the purpose of all this hatred? 
Nick Breen
Nick Breen - 9 years ago
+Slap Stick
He gets on a public forum and tells us what he likes to do. Thats it.
We learn nothing and nothing is achieved.
It is great that he can afford to not work and have a full time hobby but what on earth has this to do with TED? Biggest question is what is his point? What is this other than an ego massage?
Slap Stick
Slap Stick - 9 years ago
+Nick Breen I mean the jealousy is just oozing in the comment section.  
Nick Breen
Nick Breen - 9 years ago
+Slap Stick Does he want an award perhaps? He went for selfish reasons, he got cold because he chose to be cold. This is a man with an obsession for playing at the beach telling us nothing in particular whilst feeling rather proud of himself.
What was this about exactly?
What has this added to the great book of human knowledge and achievements?

TED once was an event people could learn about the latest developments in technology and medicine. Now it is just a platform for people like this guy to tell us how awesome he is at going on holiday.
Slap Stick
Slap Stick - 9 years ago
+Carlo Frontini Lets start with -hes a highly skilled photographer with an amazing sense of composition. Or how bout, lets all get off our butts and experience parts of this world that are beyond our everyday experience. Shall we continue with more points?
Shane Virtue
Shane Virtue - 9 years ago
Awesome journey and beautiful shots in our world we no nothing about. Thank you.
John Daus
John Daus - 9 years ago
got add ice surfing to the bucket list!
Marek Novotny
Marek Novotny - 9 years ago
Yet another amazing Ted Talk.
Lindsay Benton
Lindsay Benton - 9 years ago
I am a huge Ted Talks fan and I love the photos you post on Instagram Chris. Sometimes they look so magnificant I have to remind myself they are real places. Your an artist and explorer. Great talk. Keep doing what you do.
DEBORAH JAMES - 9 years ago
Thank-you so much. Nothing with meaning is easy....Lower Definition
Chris Lambert
Chris Lambert - 9 years ago
Beautiful photos, and well spoken story.
Max Boileau
Max Boileau - 9 years ago
So incredible! Chris is my favorite photographer!
TestMeatDollSteak - 9 years ago
To each their own. Freezing cold temperatures and swimming in large open bodies of water are two of my least favorite things on Earth.

100. comment for Chris Burkard: The joy of surfing in ice-cold water

Peter Velzen
Peter Velzen - 9 years ago
i am afraid common pain makes you aware off nothing but the pain itself. . .
Peter Velzen
Peter Velzen - 9 years ago
so is pain
Real Ramirez
Real Ramirez - 9 years ago
+Peter Velzen haha I get you, fear is a survival instinct 
Peter Velzen
Peter Velzen - 9 years ago
I don't need to be cured.Recklesness also has a cure. . .
Peter Velzen
Peter Velzen - 9 years ago
I didn't try at all. as I said: I am aftraid!
Real Ramirez
Real Ramirez - 9 years ago
+Peter Velzen seems like you didn't try hard enough then
Peter Velzen
Peter Velzen - 9 years ago
Atually you I right, but I didn't mean that small an amount of pain, I meant real horrible horrifying pain.
Slap Stick
Slap Stick - 9 years ago
+Peter Velzen So, you've never trained for a sport, or for a more cerebral competition, or fasted while being aware that their is a goal at the end. Difficult to believe.
Peter Velzen
Peter Velzen - 9 years ago
When acute intense pain comes, their often is no individuel perception. And thinking kind of stops, as the pain is all that you are concious off. I adivse anyone to saty ayway form pain.unnless there is grea benefit to be gained..
writerconsidered - 9 years ago
+Peter Velzen The key is what the pain is about and how you manage and interpret the pain. In short it is an individual perspective of the pain not the pain itself.
Daniil Dimitrov
Daniil Dimitrov - 9 years ago
I know this guy from instagram wow :D
Pineapple29 - 9 years ago
that was very cool and truly inspiring
Achyut Ram
Achyut Ram - 9 years ago
Pun intended? :P
Portentous Lad
Portentous Lad - 9 years ago
"but most of all What ICY joy" :)
Christopher Robertson
Christopher Robertson - 9 years ago
Misery and pain are strange sorts of friends. Great talk though.
Jumatarto - 9 years ago
Amazing.. Why ho Why do Corporations want to Destroy this Beautiful Earth.
Zepherian - 9 years ago
+Jumatarto Because they don't know that you can just surf the cold wave...
John MK
John MK - 9 years ago
Chris burkard you are a legend
Samuel Aldama
Samuel Aldama - 9 years ago
I do love these videos

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작은 도미노 조각이 커다란 도미노를 넘어 뜨립니다. 외국의 도미노를 주제로 한 축제의 현장 입니다. 도미노 파도는 시간과 공간을 넘어 계속적으로 이어질 수 있음을 보여 줍니다. (A small domino...

About Chris Burkard: The joy of surfing in ice-cold water

The "Chris Burkard: The joy of surfing in ice-cold water" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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