Chris Burkard: The joy of surfing in ice-cold water
Surf 9 years ago 250,572 views
"Anything that is worth pursuing is going to require us to suffer, just a little bit," says surf photographer Chris Burkard, as he explains his obsession with the coldest, choppiest, most isolated beaches on earth. With jawdropping photos and stories of places few humans have ever seen — much less surfed — he draws us into his "personal crusade against the mundane." TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more. Find closed captions and translated subtitles in many languages at Follow TED news on Twitter: Like TED on Facebook: Subscribe to our channel:
10. comment for Chris Burkard: The joy of surfing in ice-cold water
Breathtaking movie!
have a nice evening :o)
20. comment for Chris Burkard: The joy of surfing in ice-cold water
30. comment for Chris Burkard: The joy of surfing in ice-cold water
Gosh ! I m in love with his photography :D
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the poor soul :''(
these are not surf trips, these are sponsored and choreographed photography expiditions.
there is also a belittlement of the regular traveler who doesnt get flown in via helichopter, an air of superiority which physicaly manifests in his pursed hands like he's a nobel laureate.
"quit my job at 19" please... whatever job he had at 19, im sure it wasnt exactly a leap of faith to quit. parents are probably bank.
p.s. i dont even surf.
crotch and seeing how that interaction with nature goes....
50. comment for Chris Burkard: The joy of surfing in ice-cold water
#surf #trickontv
Surfing shots are spectacular. .
Not really. I'm just saying the point carries over even where there are the creature comforts I love.
I won't stop doing it either, it's so awesome! :D
What has been working for me, though, is starting with a slightly higher temperature and then slowly decreasing it as part of a challenge:)
What goal?
I have a problem with the lack of relevance of this presentation. Form a self help group if you want to feel happy.
I said not everyone can run off, if everyone did it would be a disaster. I am used to watching TED and learning something new about the latest ideas and technology, this is very like a TEDx presentation, sub par.
Nice to see you agree that it's an ego trip. The hard truth is that people simply can't up sticks and run off to live the dream. Only those with an independent means can afford to do what this man done. Regarding ideas, there was none in this presentation, this was just a little boy excitedly telling people what he got up to recently.
"Sure, it can be unpleasant to work in extreme temperatures and risk death, but all the suffering that he went through just makes his experiences more meaningful"
What work? He went surfing and took photos for gods sake. All the suffering he went through..... really? In a world of real suffering you choose to admire this self inflicted suffering, in fact I did not see suffering in this at all, I seen a guy having a ball with helicopters and surfing, please point out the suffering for me.
Do you know what TED stands for?
He gets on a public forum and tells us what he likes to do. Thats it.
We learn nothing and nothing is achieved.
It is great that he can afford to not work and have a full time hobby but what on earth has this to do with TED? Biggest question is what is his point? What is this other than an ego massage?
What was this about exactly?
What has this added to the great book of human knowledge and achievements?
TED once was an event people could learn about the latest developments in technology and medicine. Now it is just a platform for people like this guy to tell us how awesome he is at going on holiday.
100. comment for Chris Burkard: The joy of surfing in ice-cold water