Cinematic FPV Drone Mountain Surfing in the Alps - Mind the Gap -
Surf 5 years ago 2,623 views
On the way up I found this gap. Did not know it was there. Very tempting to fly trough, but the risk was to high. Do you love the Mountains and the scenery as much as I do? Frame: TBS source one 7inch, Gopro mount: Motors: Ion Raaange 2506-1250kv Battery: 3000mah, S5 (18650 self-made packs) Props: HQ 7035 tri blades FPV cam: Runcam swift RR edition FC : Radix FC from BrainFPV ESC: Hobbywing 4:1, 45a VTX: TBS Unify Pro HV 5.8ghz VTX Antenna: Singularity from TrueRC RX: Taranis X9D Plus with TBS Crossfire (Full version), with Mox Antenna from TrueRC GS: Furious Dock King Groundstation with TrueRC 5.8GHz X²-AIR Antenna and Antenna (Clover leave) EV200d Googles Hero 7 with hypersmooth
Hab mir auch einen 7zöller zusammengeschraubt (Du hast mich angesteckt;) ) und nun benötige ich noch einen passenden Akku. Fliegst Du VTC6? Und wieso eigentlich nicht 6s?
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