Couch Surfing Perfect Pipeline | Jamie O'Brien
Surf 6 years ago 255,511 views
PIPE IS BACK! SUBSCRIBE TO JAMIE O'BRIEN: KOA'S CHANNEL: Follow Us: @whoisjob @koarothman @heimana_reynolds @kauluadams @conor_kennedy_ @tomocphoto Film: @alexanderthegrom @reardontim @tomocphoto Thumbnail: @connortrimble Edit: @alexanderthegrom Couch Surfing Perfect Pipeline | Jamie O'Brien
10. comment for Couch Surfing Perfect Pipeline | Jamie O'Brien
The respect for the ocean is over!!
What Job wants to show?
I am a white man, and i feel shame of Jobs actitudes!!
20. comment for Couch Surfing Perfect Pipeline | Jamie O'Brien
30. comment for Couch Surfing Perfect Pipeline | Jamie O'Brien
I've had No alcohol or drugs for almost 2 months now, surfing has kept me sane it can saves lives and keep people healthy, , keep up the good times, what a life yewwwwwww
Violets are blue
The part that you came for
Is 4:32
Random question
50. comment for Couch Surfing Perfect Pipeline | Jamie O'Brien
i enjoyed this so much , thanks
100. comment for Couch Surfing Perfect Pipeline | Jamie O'Brien
anyone else?
Total Log Jamm - Hea - veee
keep doing what do!
stoked in cornwall
From Gran Canaria
Staffan Carlén
Thank you! Sick video also
You're crazy! (In a good way)
I can' wait to get your 5'6 skipper! (Need to save first tho) but i'll get my own one day
Love your stuff, keep it up!