Crowd Surfing, March 14, 2018 (All In!)

Tom Vasel takes a look at the world of Kickstarter, joined by several Kickstarter experts! Buy great games at Find more reviews and videos at

Crowd Surfing, March 14, 2018 (All In!) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 3

Surf 6 years ago 5,119 views

Tom Vasel takes a look at the world of Kickstarter, joined by several Kickstarter experts! Buy great games at Find more reviews and videos at

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Most popular comments
for Crowd Surfing, March 14, 2018 (All In!)

Jim Smith
Jim Smith - 6 years ago
Tom.... I am a "completist" by nature, and especially when it comes to board games. In the past, I have been a part to buying four(4) base copies of "Memoir 44", and at least three copies of all the expansions. WHY? I'm also a person who loves to create my own scenarios and campaigns... to my fractured way of thinking... the more mini's and boards/dice, the more options. i did this with "Operation Tannhauser"... there is simply NOTHING I don't have for the game. So when, recently, DVG games came out with "Warfighter, Pacific WWII" I jumped into overdrive and got the Captain's pledge... YES, it was uncomfortably expensive ($270.00) but being a fan of "Warfighter", I wanted every faction from the Australians , Chinese, plus the Marines and the japanese. I LIKE options... IF I back a Kickstarter, I usually back the expansions. Recently, I didn't get on the "Joan of Ark" offering... WHY? because I knew I couldn't afford all the expansions and mini's . I also think such can be said for "Batman". The price of over $300.00 was pretty oppressive, but I know I'm going to kick myself IF I don't have Red Hood and his gang. I'm pretty dedicated to the games on my shelves, from a small card game like "The Grizzled" to "Mansions of Madness", "This War of Mine", and even "Combat Infantry". * I also sometimes do a little game creation of my own, cannabalizing game parts to use with other components... it helps to have had four copies of Samurai Swords, A&A, and even RISK. Gamers are crazy, and there is no understanding them... count me in as one of them.
Seth Allison
Seth Allison - 6 years ago
Went all in on a few never feels worth it big one is Rising Sun I am just never going to play it enough for all the stuff that I got due to length/style of game. That is why did not back Batman it would have been all or nothing and it just did not look like that good of a game for all, nice minis but not the right game for me.
Michael Clevenger
Michael Clevenger - 6 years ago
Backing City of Gears, it looks incredible!!
Matthew Jeffery
Matthew Jeffery - 6 years ago
I’m a max level backer for a Diced... kind of wish I’d spent that money on some actual games...
Fake Account
Fake Account - 6 years ago
Uh Dinosaur Island KS. No mention?
NCTarheel55 - 6 years ago
I generally go all in due to convenience, if the game is as good as researched I don’t have to hunt them down.
Chris Leder
Chris Leder - 6 years ago
Thanks for the choice of CITY OF GEARS for Kickstarter of the Week, Tom! I appreciate your support of the game over the years!
Freddy Nehwon
Freddy Nehwon - 6 years ago
I agree about the Sorcerer's City coins. They are really nice.
Brandon Weavers
Brandon Weavers - 6 years ago
Does anyone else find the little dice guy in the thumbnail oddly creepy?

10. comment for Crowd Surfing, March 14, 2018 (All In!)

tpgr0ve - 6 years ago
Deadwood 1876 not mentioned, six figure kickstarter
Jared Orlando
Jared Orlando - 6 years ago
Galaxy Defenders bought everything....Big Regrets!!!
Juvi Goat
Juvi Goat - 6 years ago
Joan of Arc turned me off the all in whirlpool. I increased my pledge as they added content, up to the max. I really liked 90% of the content. But the amount of content, not the cost, became overwhelming, I tried sorting what to stay with and what to give up but I couldn't work it out. So I backed out of the whole thing. Best decision I've made that month.
C r s
C r s - 6 years ago
I cancel pledges all the time. Like you said, it's nothing personal. I pledge a game that looks cool, and probably day or two later decide that I don't really need that game. I have more than enough games, but the temptation from KS is too strong.
Antoni Van Ham
Antoni Van Ham - 6 years ago
Jamey i canseld one pledge ones but not because it is a bad game but i was asked for a groupspledge with the same game for a beter price. It is not always negative wy people cansel a pledge.
Petteri Heino
Petteri Heino - 6 years ago
I buy all, because i am not going to buy those 2000 games in year. I have reached a point in my collection where i can just play my all in games without thinking about buying a new game :)
calair2020 - 6 years ago
Hi! I am the collector type mentioned by Danny, so if I back a project, I simply cannot back any other level than all-in. Just like I like to pimp up my games with various mods. For this reason I regularly feel a bit "meh" when I see a game in one of the DT segments (this show or the crowdfunding segment of Suzanne in BGBreakfast) which I like, and you say "and you can get it for only $30", and then I go to the project page, and I see that the all-in pledge is $120, but by that time I have convinced myself that I need the game... Do not misunderstand me, I don't blame you or anyone, the statement is true, I just... Well. It is what it is.
I can say I never regret going all-in. If I like the game, it is clear why not, but if for some reason I do not like it, it is much easier to sell with all the extra and special bits and pieces.
All that said I still really appreciate when the pledge levels are clear and simple, when you have maybe 2 levels, one basic and one deluxe. Or, even better, when it is only one level. I always appreciate that the creators do not force me to grind my teeth and make the exact same decision again and again :)
scarrow - 6 years ago
One of my biggest regrets is Dark Souls and going in deeply, although it did kind of get me into board gaming in general.
KabukiKid - 6 years ago
I've very rarely gone all-in on Kickstarter games that you can't play first before buying, but when I have, I seem to go big. lol I went all-in for the Rising Sun Kickstarter. I even got the metal coins. I didn't go for the roll out mat, though. I also went all-in on the Wilson Wolfe Affair. I blame you for this one, Tom! lol It looks really spectacular, so I am still really hopeful it will be good. Finally, I went all-in on 7th Continent. Thank goodness my all-in choices have all been good games, so far. Time will tell regarding Wilson Wolfe! ;-)
VaultBoy - 6 years ago
I went all-in for Rising Sun, and am glad that I did. Having the matching plastic strongholds for the expansion clans is nice. Being able to add any of the content is also nice.

I wish I'd have gone all-in with Conan, because a lot of the content that was planned for retail never made it. For that reason, I'm going all-in with Batman.

I went all-in with the first board game that I Kickstartered, Machine of Death, and that was mistake. But, that's also me just not enjoying the core game, let alone needing all the extras.

In general, though, I find it pretty easy to avoid the all-in. I find that CMON games like Rum & Bones, Arcadia Quest, and Zombicide are especially easy to avoid an all-in on, because the amount of content you use per game would take forever to use it all. The more content they create for these games, the less value I see in the Kickstarter Exclusives as well. It's hard for me to understand why anyone would bother with an all-in on these games.

20. comment for Crowd Surfing, March 14, 2018 (All In!)

Shingotink - 6 years ago
The price of going all in on Batman is the only thing holding me back. Right now I plan on backing and adding only the versus expansion.
RedEyedGhost - 6 years ago
@Tom: I'm a kickstarter creator's favorite type of backer - a completionist. I do regret going all-in on Rising Sun; that game is just not my cup of tea. Also regret going all-in on The Terminator Board Game; I'm starting to wonder if it will ever get delivered (and have already written it off, so if it does get delivered I will be pleasantly surprised). Downfall gives me mild feeling of regret, mostly because it's not nearly as deluxified as I wanted it to be (TMG didn't run that campaign as well as they normally do and alienated a lot of backers)

I'm really excited about City of Gears, and I hope they hit the unique player sculpts for the minis at $250K. Hopefully your enthusiasm about the game can push them over that mark as there's now only about 26 hours left in the campaign.
Jason Wayne Speicher
Jason Wayne Speicher - 6 years ago
Among the stars is one i wish i'd not gotten everything, it's paralyzed me from playing it ever. My belief is if it's done like that it needs to be accessible.
james winter
james winter - 6 years ago
I really hate the idea of kickstarter only game. I understand why they are doing but it would be nice to go I like this game and would like to buy more expansions for once i realize if i really like the game. It blows me away they won't even sell anything off their website or am I wrong about this.
Vidager - 6 years ago
I love playing board games and I love collecting as well. However, I've also gotten over the hurdle of not wanting to cull anything. I aggressively cull games of my lowest rating, and am much more careful about what I back in KS. When I back on KS I tend to go all-in more from the collectors side of me rather than the board gamer side. Looking back over the KS's I've gone all-in on, I've tended to play with all that content as well. So I guess it has paid off either way.
Jimmy - 6 years ago
It wasn't for a board game but a video game but I bought the collector edition for Guild Wars 2 and that's the only "All in" I regret having done.
Eyal Itsik
Eyal Itsik - 6 years ago
Mysthea looks fantastic, and Tabula have been extremely friendly
Philippe Gaboury
Philippe Gaboury - 6 years ago
I'll usually add extensions that are exclusive in some way. I believe Rum and Bones worked this way by adding a single unique kickstarter exclusive figurine to some extensions. Otherwise, I would prefer to wait.
TheDarktater - 6 years ago
Happy I went all-in on Rising Sun, wish I hadn't on Dwar7s Fall.
oneanotherstudios - 6 years ago
I've gone "All-in" on a few of KS projects and they worked out okay. I am only tempted by games whose overall package/theme/game play really appeals to me AND it's coming from a creator/company I trust. Probably will be going all-in on Batman because I like the system and trust Monolith to provide the quality I desire. I'm NOT pre-ordering the Harry Potter Miniature Adventure Game by Knight Models (which was announced for KS then changed to a pre-order) because I don't trust I'll get the quality and gameplay I desire. I backed Conan at just the core-box level, and later regretted not going all-in (I've since purchased most of the remaining material, but at a higher-than-KS price). Overall I feel a backer considering an all-in pledge needs to be especially diligent to research the game being produced as well as the company/people behind it, otherwise disappointment is more probable. As always with KS, don't pledge what you can't afford to lose.  :-)

30. comment for Crowd Surfing, March 14, 2018 (All In!)

Danny Palm
Danny Palm - 6 years ago
Tom, I think there's a dichotomy between us as gamers, and us as collectors. Many of us are a little of both. So, going "all in" may be more for the collectors in us than the gamers, which means that whether we play with the content or not might not be so relevant in that regard.

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