DC presents Robbie “Maddo” Maddison’s “Pipe Dream,” giving the world a chance to witness history being made as Maddo rides his dirt bike on the powerful and iconic waves of Tahiti. From his helmet to motocross boots, Maddo was dressed for FMX when he took his dirt bike into the unchartered saltwater terrain of the Pacific Ocean in French Polynesia. For nearly two years Robbie has been focused on making surfing on his motorbike a reality. His efforts paid off in Tahiti, where he rode the world famous waves at Teahupoo and Papara. For more visit: http://DCShoes.com/PipeDream http://Facebook.com/DCShoes http://Twitter.com/DCShoes http://Instagram.com/DCShoes #DCPipeDream Music available at: https://soundcloud.com/stereosaturated/sets/pipedream

DC SHOES: ROBBIE MADDISON'S "PIPE DREAM" sentiment_very_dissatisfied 5241

Surf 9 years ago 28,436,594 views

DC presents Robbie “Maddo” Maddison’s “Pipe Dream,” giving the world a chance to witness history being made as Maddo rides his dirt bike on the powerful and iconic waves of Tahiti. From his helmet to motocross boots, Maddo was dressed for FMX when he took his dirt bike into the unchartered saltwater terrain of the Pacific Ocean in French Polynesia. For nearly two years Robbie has been focused on making surfing on his motorbike a reality. His efforts paid off in Tahiti, where he rode the world famous waves at Teahupoo and Papara. For more visit: http://DCShoes.com/PipeDream http://Facebook.com/DCShoes http://Twitter.com/DCShoes http://Instagram.com/DCShoes #DCPipeDream Music available at: https://soundcloud.com/stereosaturated/sets/pipedream

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Most popular comments

SGT298 - 6 years ago
Gabriel Echeverria
Gabriel Echeverria - 6 years ago
Rirei Hiyake
Rirei Hiyake - 6 years ago
Mighty Mouse
Mighty Mouse - 6 years ago
That is awesome!!!!!!!!!
Ronak Singh
Ronak Singh - 6 years ago
When you are late for school
Martin Garrix
Martin Garrix - 6 years ago
Wow mi name is lucas exelente kem block
shea harry
shea harry - 6 years ago
Super awesome!! Shame he didn't catch a barrel tho
simisweetsumo 25
simisweetsumo 25 - 6 years ago
Mom get the camera
Travis Anthony
Travis Anthony - 6 years ago
Humans are amazing


snbg1 - 6 years ago
I absolutely love this video and this man's skill!
Bodhi Nesta Robert Nancarrow
Bodhi Nesta Robert Nancarrow - 6 years ago
Absolutely insane I love your motor cross
Repsol-Rips Rags
Repsol-Rips Rags - 6 years ago
How did you not sink with your obviously huge balls of steel...
Peace, Justice & Love
Peace, Justice & Love - 6 years ago
beyond epic
Luke Hernandez
Luke Hernandez - 6 years ago
Would have been cool if he pulled into that....
Saze - 6 years ago
Elvis Presley 2
Elvis Presley 2 - 6 years ago
bad ass Robby !!!!!!
Bradley Franklin
Bradley Franklin - 6 years ago
Absolutely amazing.
Jens Skou Furbo
Jens Skou Furbo - 6 years ago
I want one of those motor bikes!
RuLeZ1988 - 6 years ago
So these motorbikes are designed specifically for riding on water. Atleast you can see that the back tires have some kind of small fins sticking out to keep the speed and in the front there is some kind of board to keep the front up on the water. I would assume, that any professional motorbike rider could do it if trying it for one day ?


PresidentPrick - 6 years ago
Daryl Norrad
Daryl Norrad - 6 years ago
Really cool....what if you run out of fuel?
GasserGlass - 6 years ago
However they dont show him sinking 20 or more times, heh heh so fake
MarescialloCooper - 6 years ago
Come fa? È modificata o segue qualche principio della fisica?
southrichmondmallz - 6 years ago
I just got a boner ....
Tim Timmons
Tim Timmons - 6 years ago
J oKaY
J oKaY - 6 years ago
Why not?
Evan Barnes
Evan Barnes - 6 years ago
Dude's kind of an ass hat, nearly running over surfers and buzzing people with his fucking loud dirt bike on what looks like an otherwise tranquil, idyllic day. Cool concept though
Braulio Garcia
Braulio Garcia - 6 years ago
So sick!!!
Polar Ire
Polar Ire - 6 years ago
Didn't catch fish for 3 days after this


Harry Makongwa
Harry Makongwa - 6 years ago
He is the best....and amazing
NSCA12 - 6 years ago
THAT is a man in a mission!!! He has stones of Unobtainium.
Hobbes Tuttle
Hobbes Tuttle - 6 years ago
Lol .. One wonders why hes still wearing his helmet !
NATIVO MP - 6 years ago
Robert Roberts
Robert Roberts - 6 years ago
Simply, badass!
Anonymous Phucker
Anonymous Phucker - 6 years ago
wonder how many engines did they get wet filming this
Kevin Johnson
Kevin Johnson - 6 years ago
Look mom no life jacket!...wow
zmoney643 - 6 years ago
This dude is sick
420armando710 - 6 years ago
Simple, el mejor vídeo en la historia de youtube.
Mcgarty - 6 years ago
Madnessonman - 6 years ago
So what?
The ones to be impressed are surfers.
Not some asshole who cheats and uses a fucking noisy machine.
peter morales
peter morales - 6 years ago
imagine doing that with a cruiser
HADDAD JORDAN .1 - 6 years ago
What is the thing installed under the bike tires called? The thing that lets the bike be ridden on water?

And where can i buy it from online ? Thanks
Em Meadows
Em Meadows - 6 years ago
Robby is so brave!
Mohamed Nasar R
Mohamed Nasar R - 6 years ago
Osm.... Dude
Federico Gaiotto
Federico Gaiotto - 6 years ago
Federico Gaiotto
Federico Gaiotto - 6 years ago
Jesus in motocross
Sandy  G
Sandy G - 6 years ago
Why wear a helmet? Jet skiers wear helmets in water?
Grizzly_Plays Games
Grizzly_Plays Games - 6 years ago
Pastrana be like “Wow”
中村勝彦 - 6 years ago
次はコレだな‹‹\(´ω` )/››‹‹\(  ´)/››‹‹\( ´ω`)/››


Jacob Greig
Jacob Greig - 6 years ago
He's got to be the best pirate I've ever seen
Andrew Dobson
Andrew Dobson - 6 years ago
TheUmbrellaCorpX7 - 6 years ago
Okay that lady was right. This is impressive.
First Last
First Last - 6 years ago
Fuck this kook
Dimitri Sanders
Dimitri Sanders - 6 years ago
Should be a sport
Steve Pabst
Steve Pabst - 6 years ago
I wanna see a Harley Hog go swimming ....lol
pedro alvez cruz
pedro alvez cruz - 6 years ago
is this real?
Arianna Meconi
Arianna Meconi - 6 years ago
È veeeero!!
Silat Melayu30
Silat Melayu30 - 6 years ago
Taco Bob
Taco Bob - 6 years ago
if and when you go down its all over you don't get back up I am sure of that.
Daniel O'Halloran
Daniel O'Halloran - 6 years ago
Do a jump
The shuvo
The shuvo - 6 years ago
just aaaaamazing
Anthony Allen
Anthony Allen - 6 years ago
Is that for real
nghiem huynh
nghiem huynh - 6 years ago
xe đẹp vãi
Jetty1502 - 6 years ago
Fuck DC
SealAngel - 6 years ago
Spun out stuff, must be a thrill to do that wow!
Animotion Designs
Animotion Designs - 6 years ago
Sharks be like wtf?
Yusuf Zulfi
Yusuf Zulfi - 6 years ago
What the fuck did I just witness?
Ls Vijay
Ls Vijay - 6 years ago
whaaaaaaaat ???? Riding bike on water???? Exxxcuse meeeee ,,, which Planet is this?? actually im from earth.
Baje Ruum
Baje Ruum - 6 years ago
Chita Nkhata
Chita Nkhata - 6 years ago
Breno Telles
Breno Telles - 6 years ago
Just a Random Dude
Just a Random Dude - 6 years ago
Andrew Andrew
Andrew Andrew - 6 years ago
That was fucking awesome
Jetty1502 - 6 years ago
I hope he ate shit get that 2-stroke piece of crap out of my ocean
Boogie Board Master
Boogie Board Master - 6 years ago
Jettylocal1502 oh ok I understand, I have bad days to and I get all grumpy. And get mad at pepole, I totally understand dude, and yeah it would b bad if he dump the bike in the water, I’m sorry normally I understand when people are having a bad day,it’s just hard to understand in the comments. I’ll back of now.
Jetty1502 - 6 years ago
Boogie Board Master alright I'm sorry I'm just in a bad mood today and I don't mean to take it out on you I don't even know you but I do know that if for some reason he eats s*** and that bike goes down in the water especially at teahupoo, that wouldn't be cool at all. The people that live there the indigenous people find that water sacred and imagine if he did dump the bike on accident all the crap they're going to have to go through to get it out of the water all the oil it's going to Spill the gas that's going to Spill the time it'll take all that is going to offend them even more than we've already offended them by trying to buy their land and put a resort on it. It is a privilege that they let us come there and enjoy that wave. Myself I've only been twice I've been surfing about 36 years now I used to Surf professionally from 14 till 25. So my beef is not with you it's with the fact that we're already taking advantage of them I just don't want to see another situation like John Rose who took over cloudbreak and took advantage of those people.
Boogie Board Master
Boogie Board Master - 6 years ago
Jettylocal1502 dude, chill, please the stuff that comes out of a 2 stroke using shit it’s not bad for the environment plus ujust your cylinder and shit won’t come out
Jetty1502 - 6 years ago
Boogie Board Master d**** I said our ocean I corrected myself secondly if you're too stupid to know the kind of s*** that comes out of the tailpipe of a two stroke engine then I can't help you you're just that dumb and yeah it is my opinion you're a f**** kook
Boogie Board Master
Boogie Board Master - 6 years ago
Jettylocal1502 boogie Boarding is not gay, that’s called your opinion, and the rest of what you said “I don’t give shit about 2 stroke or 4 stoke on ocean”, witch I don’t, give me 1 good reason why 2 strokes aren’t good for “YOUR” ocean.
Jetty1502 - 6 years ago
Boogie Board Master Fuck you speed bump! It's gay enough you bodyboard but to think it's cool to ride a 4 stroke 2 stroke I don't give a shit stroke in OUR ocean.........no wonder you ride prone
Boogie Board Master
Boogie Board Master - 6 years ago
Jettylocal1502 ???????? Your such a dumbass first of all it’s not your ocean second of all 2-strokes arnt crap.
Alvarete Arcocha
Alvarete Arcocha - 6 years ago
Groove Duude
Groove Duude - 6 years ago
Yeah, I m just surfing, see a wave coming, and I hear “Going Left! BBBBRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEERARARARARARAR!!!!!!!!!! WTF
Leonard McCreary
Leonard McCreary - 6 years ago
w. t. f.
Simon Fafard
Simon Fafard - 6 years ago
Cooper Templeton
Cooper Templeton - 6 years ago
so cool and just so good well done
Zhu the Baby Cockatoo CHANNEL
Zhu the Baby Cockatoo CHANNEL - 6 years ago
My Cockatoo would also have flown there.
Watch Her own Channel.
Lordar007 - 6 years ago
Прежде чем качественно пиарить бренд - посмотрите на свой товар. Ваши кеды DC Shoes убились через 1 месяц катания на лонгборде (КАТАНИЯ, БЛ#@ТЬ, А НЕ ТРЮКОВ). Порвалась подошва, по бокам отошла в местах сгиба + порвалась там ткань. За такую цену можно было бы понормальнее обувьсделать. Плюс разве что в удобной цепкой подошве и тем, что нога "дышит" в этой обуви
Anders Johansson
Anders Johansson - 6 years ago
Fakk jää!
Grady Morris
Grady Morris - 6 years ago
The last 10 seconds is the payoff!
jalan prather
jalan prather - 6 years ago
jalan prather
jalan prather - 6 years ago
What bich
Gustyar #39
Gustyar #39 - 6 years ago
Dorian - 6 years ago
Nick A
Nick A - 6 years ago
my pants are covered in semen
LegendLength - 6 years ago
1:25 what is this fucking idiot doing?
Francisco Gladiador Gladiador
Francisco Gladiador Gladiador - 6 years ago
D mais
M.Zahid Ramzan Zour
M.Zahid Ramzan Zour - 6 years ago
it is possible
JoãoLL 2010
JoãoLL 2010 - 6 years ago
É mentira
Галина Петрова
Галина Петрова - 6 years ago
Mo R.
Mo R. - 6 years ago
m j m
m j m - 6 years ago
Catch&Release Clearance Team
Catch&Release Clearance Team - 6 years ago
Hi! I work with Catch&Release, an agency that finds unique imagery online. We are interested in possibly licensing a few seconds of this video. Please email zoe[at]catchandrelease.tv I can give you more details about the offer. Thanks
Hey ,
Hey , - 6 years ago
God I would like to report a hacker on server Earth
Class A Living
Class A Living - 6 years ago
This doesnt look right >.0
The16thboyz - 6 years ago
There are floats connected to the wheels
Its5oclocksumwhere - 6 years ago
Fucking Amazballs!


Bastien Rehab
Bastien Rehab - 6 years ago
kartik barik
kartik barik - 6 years ago
the real hero.
john cook
john cook - 6 years ago
Were can I get a dirt bike like this
Álvaro Victor
Álvaro Victor - 6 years ago
Sensacional !!!
jason willy
jason willy - 6 years ago
STOUT CYCLES - 6 years ago
sha fiq
sha fiq - 6 years ago
Sawitra Vans
Sawitra Vans - 6 years ago
Verry good
Thrilling Torque
Thrilling Torque - 6 years ago
Unboxing de hoje
Unboxing de hoje - 6 years ago
Hey guys. I am saving money to buy my first motorcycle, so I just created a "gofundme" account.
Help me if you can!
Thanks for the support
LINK: https://www.gofundme.com/help-me-buying-my-first-motorcycle
WilliyogaLhafiz QQ
WilliyogaLhafiz QQ - 6 years ago
keren bangettt
bibek shrestha
bibek shrestha - 6 years ago
Why Is he wearing a helmet in water...
portogas ace
portogas ace - 6 years ago
wow !
john mcfadden
john mcfadden - 6 years ago
Awesome show
xquid DEAD
xquid DEAD - 6 years ago
Holy jesus
J Blob
J Blob - 6 years ago
I knew my dirtbikes would go anywhere... But I never thought about the water
antsolja - 6 years ago
guy martin couldnt hydroplane for 50ft and heres maddy going over waves and shit
Apple - 6 years ago
runs out of fuel in the middl of the ocean
Don Carbon
Don Carbon - 6 years ago
what a joke
I Ranftl
I Ranftl - 6 years ago
Omg cool!
PrivatePyle 762
PrivatePyle 762 - 6 years ago
God damn physics or some shit.
PrivatePyle 762
PrivatePyle 762 - 6 years ago
So that's how Jesus walked across water! Lol but for real that's really cool and it's crazy that Jesus walked on water.
Simonas Dailidė
Simonas Dailidė - 6 years ago
Nice trip!
jimmy xXx
jimmy xXx - 6 years ago
OMG...!!! o_O Nice Bro :D
AgRrRoYaL - 6 years ago
I think i saw a thing on his bike to make it float thumps up if you saw it
boen paps
boen paps - 6 years ago
Nice brooow
E Wilkie
E Wilkie - 6 years ago
extremely bogus
GLO LUVS MUSIC - 6 years ago
Wow! Amazing!
wolf42blade - 6 years ago
Does this mean this engineering can actually be able to apply to other vehicles ?
San Simeon Koizumi
San Simeon Koizumi - 7 years ago
That may be the single greatest thing I’ve ever seen
Giorgos K.
Giorgos K. - 7 years ago
I call hacks
tuanku Sambilan
tuanku Sambilan - 7 years ago
QuickBooksUpdate. Support
QuickBooksUpdate. Support - 7 years ago
QuickBooksUpdate. Support
QuickBooksUpdate. Support - 7 years ago
Muhammed Gouda
Muhammed Gouda - 7 years ago
Damn! this is incredible.
blastman8888 - 7 years ago
Amazing video how did I ever miss this one almost 3 years ago
Victor T
Victor T - 7 years ago
Better than kenblock many times
Thiago Oliveira Vasconcelos
Thiago Oliveira Vasconcelos - 7 years ago
Que doido
Hypee 47
Hypee 47 - 7 years ago
Dang no sharks eating me with dat motor bike ;u;
Austin Lerch
Austin Lerch - 7 years ago
I didn't realized I was holding my breath for the last 30 seconds of that video....
Pamela Sam
Pamela Sam - 7 years ago
Pamela Sam
Pamela Sam - 7 years ago
no9oooooooo not the tsumni
Jhony Salguerosa
Jhony Salguerosa - 7 years ago
Thia ih ensano
MotoCob - 7 years ago
well i think we have all seen it all...youtube can be over now..
Number 1
Number 1 - 7 years ago
In the end he didn't even make it... Fail..
DRAVID IN AIR - 7 years ago
Andrew Farkas
Andrew Farkas - 7 years ago
Really superb
Valentin MAGGOT
Valentin MAGGOT - 7 years ago
.... WTF
Minecraft NintendoBest
Minecraft NintendoBest - 7 years ago
You know when you think about peoples with their truck saying it can handle all terrain?
Welp Not this one.
Talk about an all terrain!
Apoyar sin limites Worldwide
Apoyar sin limites Worldwide - 7 years ago
That's sick !!!
menino louco
menino louco - 7 years ago
bobby hunter
bobby hunter - 7 years ago
Look it's a boat ..shark nah it's dirt bike
FrosT StreamZ
FrosT StreamZ - 7 years ago
Dude the freaking alligators are like he green he’s fast he’s my friend
Aziz Ismail
Aziz Ismail - 7 years ago
longlife 2 strok
LANGE DE PAULA - 7 years ago
Le Belfields
Le Belfields - 7 years ago
Beautiful images
Rocky Redneck
Rocky Redneck - 7 years ago
That looks like a BLAST 'n' A HALF! Especially where he's catchin' the wave and then riding out of the spray!
But unless I'm missing something, if he wipes out, or even stops - the bike is headin' straight for the bottom. Judging by the deep blue color, it looks like he's riding over some pretty deep water.
Levi Vanloozenoord
Levi Vanloozenoord - 7 years ago
Kai Be
Kai Be - 7 years ago
Great, now we have to deal with fucking trial bike noises out in the surf. UGH!!!/
Khim Young
Khim Young - 7 years ago
ross - 7 years ago
Three words: WHAT THE FUCK
Anit Singh
Anit Singh - 7 years ago
woah! Wow! Woaaouoaooaaoh ! monkey see, now monkey definitely do!
Doris Moser
Doris Moser - 7 years ago
who else here is a 2 stroke Bitch? =)  4 stroke is for pussy´s  =)
Vaden - 7 years ago
It's hard to find a gas station this way
Daniel de carvalho
Daniel de carvalho - 7 years ago
Incrivel nt-10
Derik Falkman
Derik Falkman - 7 years ago
1:25 .....kkkk
ed fletch
ed fletch - 7 years ago
Very Nice Sal!
Jeng Anik
Jeng Anik - 7 years ago
after watching this video is was searching Ebay for the paddle tyre & skies but to no avail lol
John Doe
John Doe - 7 years ago
It looks amazing. For someone with no knowledge in physics. I suppose.
Dumitru Frunze
Dumitru Frunze - 7 years ago
This is Impossible for a Car
soberpunk - 7 years ago
Well that bike is fucked. Saltwater and motors are a terrible combination.
-Rafael Schmitz
-Rafael Schmitz - 7 years ago
This Is Sensation
XIAAA PH - 7 years ago
no matter what some day ill try these shit dont matter how mutch time will take ill TRY
Imei Fares
Imei Fares - 7 years ago
أوروبا تنادي
darius bekker
darius bekker - 7 years ago
Start hitting waves as doubles
Valentin Gerresheim
Valentin Gerresheim - 7 years ago
klasse du geile sau
The Wrecking Machine
The Wrecking Machine - 7 years ago
Song name?
Bryan Roman
Bryan Roman - 7 years ago
Why are there so many Youtubers commenting this video?
Mikel Whois
Mikel Whois - 7 years ago
how would you keep it from getting oil all in the water?
David Somers
David Somers - 7 years ago
Man the graphics for the next GTA look stunning!
Antwan Filikian
Antwan Filikian - 7 years ago
This Blows snowmobiling Right Out Of The WATER !!! :) Nicely Done.
Extreme X
Extreme X - 7 years ago
Is that a boat bro
Dan Dannovan
Dan Dannovan - 7 years ago
Scott Wilson
Scott Wilson - 7 years ago
Viperlima ASL
Viperlima ASL - 7 years ago
Very cool. The images are incredible, wonderful and insane. Surreal!
Pavel Šroubek production
Pavel Šroubek production - 7 years ago
stunning movie
pjurkovi - 7 years ago
Roezer - 7 years ago
А если топливо кончится по среди океана?
markmartin97 - 7 years ago
I want THIS on gta online :v
Ron Pasa
Ron Pasa - 7 years ago
that is sick man
Zakycool_thegoodboy _99
Zakycool_thegoodboy _99 - 7 years ago
Soo Good
karl wills
karl wills - 7 years ago
1:47 racist
ahmet derin
ahmet derin - 7 years ago
gerçekmi fotoshop mu
Shazgang !
Shazgang ! - 7 years ago
This is basically gymkhana on a bike. But it's just boring

Read more
Generation Tech
Generation Tech - 7 years ago
i wonder how many bikes they lost doing this
Nicholas Erlewine
Nicholas Erlewine - 7 years ago
am i the only one watching this still
nevalyn sarita
nevalyn sarita - 7 years ago
Meister Potato
Meister Potato - 7 years ago
ride on water. made my day!!!
zZSh0rtY - 7 years ago
das ja mal richtig fett
IBISMK2 - 7 years ago
4000 haters..
Johann 17
Johann 17 - 7 years ago
wow amazing :o
michael berry
michael berry - 7 years ago
riding a dirtbike on water thats impos..... how?
DnWarrior - 7 years ago
This is awesome and very amazing!!!
Robby Wilski
Robby Wilski - 7 years ago
If he slips it will be hard to get the bike back. It's about time I saw this video, not fair.
darrell beets
darrell beets - 7 years ago
Hey man put the song avici levels under this video just happened to have it on, and it was like a ment to be moment I'd definitely recommend u to take a look at it. Amazing vid grtzz from Holland
Fernando Canseco
Fernando Canseco - 7 years ago
Wath coll
Will El Fishawy
Will El Fishawy - 7 years ago
This video is fuckin legendary
dalex 4.40
dalex 4.40 - 7 years ago
esta locooooooooooo
Connor Wants Khabib in Saskatchewan Youtuber
Connor Wants Khabib in Saskatchewan Youtuber - 7 years ago
OMG could I convert my 450?
OJG Gaming 1
OJG Gaming 1 - 7 years ago
Crazy insane
Rajzors - 7 years ago
Jesus its u?
Marcus Trevor
Marcus Trevor - 7 years ago
Honestly one of the coolest videos ever
Lachlan Cooper
Lachlan Cooper - 7 years ago
Notice how Robbie maddison is Australain
sk8tillyoudie 83
sk8tillyoudie 83 - 7 years ago
I love all the idiots commenting on how he's ruining the ocean are you guys that dumb do you not realize that millions of boats drive through the ocean everyday drive through that same river that's the same spot where he's at are you that ignorant it just amazes me they literally pump oil out of the ocean you idiots boats run on gas and oil just like a dirt bike idiots.
Marcus Smithnuss
Marcus Smithnuss - 7 years ago
Bruh theres a floater on the bike plus the wheels are desighned to push water
Aguila legendari
Aguila legendari - 7 years ago
pillas una red con la moto y la as liao
Aguila legendari
Aguila legendari - 7 years ago
Xezbeth - 7 years ago
Zhu the Baby Cockatoo CHANNEL
Zhu the Baby Cockatoo CHANNEL - 7 years ago
My Cockatoo likes this nature ! Likes speed!
Gabriel  Henrique Vianna da Silva
Gabriel Henrique Vianna da Silva - 7 years ago
flamenco sobre to
flamenco sobre to - 7 years ago
Buaaa increible
dank cheese74
dank cheese74 - 7 years ago
The new jet ski
Tyler Randolph
Tyler Randolph - 7 years ago
We had these in the 80's. Wet Bikes. They never really caught on but were still neat to see once in a while.
Adam Shuemaker
Adam Shuemaker - 7 years ago
I can't believe this is the same Robbie I know.
Brentan Llewellyn
Brentan Llewellyn - 7 years ago
how about just putting better glue on ya shoes.
ive brought 10 pairs.
I'd really like to buy 20 more.
it aint that hard.
cj etis
cj etis - 7 years ago
Motor Jeusus :D
Mad Radzi Majid
Mad Radzi Majid - 7 years ago
shooting in fiji .. i like this
Laura Durham
Laura Durham - 7 years ago
Budgjvyygjgjgufgchgddh is hid
dualsport rider
dualsport rider - 7 years ago
Can he use waves as like a double
rullakebab - 7 years ago
PogChamp in the chat
김성엽 - 7 years ago
This is hydro wheel
neo stiv
neo stiv - 7 years ago
That clothing is useless there. NIce approach but still I'll go with the jetsky.
Paul Kravets
Paul Kravets - 7 years ago
hopefully we are not damaging reefs and stuff
eric campbell
eric campbell - 7 years ago
what happens if you fall off does the bike sink?
Pete Hellicar
Pete Hellicar - 7 years ago
Nature be like WTF!!
sawan baretha
sawan baretha - 7 years ago
He'll yeah
christopfer obando
christopfer obando - 7 years ago
abubakar haruna
abubakar haruna - 7 years ago
totally insane right
Your Mom Said This
Your Mom Said This - 7 years ago
That ending tho
Your Mom Said This
Your Mom Said This - 7 years ago
That is so sick
leo luo
leo luo - 7 years ago
I don't want to be run over by motorbike when i swimming :p
andrew mthembu
andrew mthembu - 7 years ago
SwagBuster - 7 years ago
Is this the real life?
Alexander Soto
Alexander Soto - 7 years ago
Demasiado pichudo ese toque
Yussuf Rahman
Yussuf Rahman - 7 years ago
demi Allah hade pisan. PANUTAN!
9 9
9 9 - 7 years ago
Sergio Henrique
Sergio Henrique - 7 years ago
I dont buy this moto for any Money!! Pure salt! kkkkkkkkk!!!! Motorcicles in water and surfboards in the mud!!!What hapens whit the word? Boys are girls, and girls are boys, mens live like childrens and childrens have to studies like mens!!!Oh, please Korea, send the bombs soon!!!
FullFledged2010 - 7 years ago
Isn't that cheating?
R&A - 7 years ago
Pull in SON !!!
AlphaGO! - 7 years ago
When you do not have enough money to buy a boat :v
adrian poenya
adrian poenya - 7 years ago
Its spartpark where there is a sale.
mmaarkooss - 7 years ago
we need more of this. film as soon as possible and upload it
Manisha gaikwad
Manisha gaikwad - 7 years ago
Roberto Luiz Rossi
Roberto Luiz Rossi - 7 years ago
Mr. Wolf
Mr. Wolf - 7 years ago
There is just one law on the water with the bike. DO NOT STOP !!
Jayarajan Rajesh
Jayarajan Rajesh - 7 years ago
ruddersmoke - 7 years ago
I'm guessing there's not much of a turn radius capability
A.J Thomas
A.J Thomas - 7 years ago
Riding a motorcross on water? Fricken insane!
Adrian Andoniu
Adrian Andoniu - 7 years ago
That kind of motorbike was used in Triple X Return of Xander Cage
mrpalaces - 7 years ago
Nice, now you can truly trasverse the planet in a bike.
Illumi Anymo
Illumi Anymo - 7 years ago
This looks sooo fudge up:) Love it:)
Will - 7 years ago
Pastrana has been doing this for years. Why are they acting as though they've invented something?
Will - 7 years ago
This comment section is cancer.
Narada Gomes
Narada Gomes - 7 years ago
Good work
John Lanc
John Lanc - 7 years ago
Probably the coolest thing I have seen on Youtube yet.
motarded johns 3
motarded johns 3 - 7 years ago
just WOW
Rickson D'avila Ma
Rickson D'avila Ma - 7 years ago
I already like going to the sea and I love bikes ... and I think I had seen everything life had to offer me ... nothing!
marl morl
marl morl - 7 years ago
MegaSHOT - 7 years ago
SKYFOX - 7 years ago
Does more vidio of this type, walking on several beaches around the world, to see the face of the hundred people understand nothing of what is happening?
hell criminal
hell criminal - 7 years ago
insane surfboard wheels and some high power waow
Rhyke Pontinela
Rhyke Pontinela - 7 years ago
I remember this part at xXx returns
YOO 503
YOO 503 - 7 years ago
This is why aliens want to visit us
matt - 7 years ago
Looking back at this after 2 years, I just want to say that there are so many amazing and gorgeous shots in this video. <3 (This stunt still blows my mind to this day lol)
pankaj pawar
pankaj pawar - 7 years ago
big wooooooooooooooooooooooooow
Dan Ivanov
Dan Ivanov - 7 years ago
How do they prevent the bike from sinking when he has to wait for a wave ?
Vsevolod Novopashin
Vsevolod Novopashin - 7 years ago
OnyX_ 05
OnyX_ 05 - 7 years ago
hold my beer
Logan MacArthur
Logan MacArthur - 7 years ago
Nah this dudes using the "vehicles drive on water" cheat
Thelolgamer 5566
Thelolgamer 5566 - 7 years ago
i have seen this before
melvin james
melvin james - 7 years ago
hell yeah!! ,. POINT BLAMK period!! Go to fuckin
melvin james
melvin james - 7 years ago
go fukin go bro
Dallin Caudle
Dallin Caudle - 7 years ago
Holy shit dude
Timo Tolvanen
Timo Tolvanen - 7 years ago
BlueStahli DeepFocus
BlueStahli DeepFocus - 7 years ago
holly crap gta don't have this
Joe Moore
Joe Moore - 7 years ago
Cool job
Adam Becker
Adam Becker - 7 years ago
Do you even waterbike bro?
embed rio
embed rio - 7 years ago
Beautiful nature
Jarrett Brooks
Jarrett Brooks - 7 years ago
Fucking insane he is!!!!!!
Ariadna reyes
Ariadna reyes - 7 years ago
vas a a cerotrovideo con otro carro
Ariadna reyes
Ariadna reyes - 7 years ago
vas a acerotrovideo
ecky1965 - 7 years ago
The more I look the more I am impressed
Sarphendon - 7 years ago
My Homemade
My Homemade - 7 years ago
P A I〆〆B O S
P A I〆〆B O S - 7 years ago
Crazy idea but that is awesome
winney d
winney d - 7 years ago
Legends say hes still rippin.
Fallen - 7 years ago
Nice treads!
Fallen - 7 years ago
I know how he managed to do that...
Carlos Lopez54
Carlos Lopez54 - 7 years ago
If he would've jumped one of the fucking waves he would be completely defying the law of physics
Sudhesh Sankar KK
Sudhesh Sankar KK - 7 years ago
Dope stuff
Will of .S
Will of .S - 7 years ago
Me: Mom i got hit by a bike while i was surfing on the ocean!!
Mom: Damn it.! Are u on drugs again?
Gerardo Viola
Gerardo Viola - 7 years ago
ape cros
Legitplasma - 7 years ago
When you're done with every trail on land so you say fuck it and go on sea
enrique carrion
enrique carrion - 7 years ago
que Niveelllllll Ohhhh
Новый пользователь
Новый пользователь - 7 years ago
крутяк! мурашки по коже!
dhoyt902 - 7 years ago
they probably cut it off right at the end because he ate massive shit
Mr.Alex Diaz
Mr.Alex Diaz - 7 years ago
Dude Perfect liked this video
Cameron Karr
Cameron Karr - 7 years ago
How to survive a tsunami
Cameron Karr
Cameron Karr - 7 years ago
WOW! half Dirt Bike half Jetski
WoOsKii 1
WoOsKii 1 - 7 years ago
seems like every time I see some crazy new bar setting (dirt bike) thing, it's on a 2 stroke.
clancy remondstephen
clancy remondstephen - 7 years ago
is this real
Tegoh Franceour
Tegoh Franceour - 7 years ago
Pizza Goat
Pizza Goat - 7 years ago
That's the most kick ass thing I've ever seen
Obviouslyataco - 7 years ago
Bush league
Meides - 7 years ago
türkiyeden sosisler
nader absy
nader absy - 7 years ago
Joe Dirt
Joe Dirt - 7 years ago
Anal with odum ????
discoverydavid - 7 years ago
Pipe dream...time to put the crack pipe down then because that's fucked up.
iwannabeacry - 7 years ago
level: Jesus
ɅƝȺЯĊHƔ ƵΣƊ - 7 years ago
this guy snakes your wave.... what do you do?
Rupert Evans
Rupert Evans - 7 years ago
This is such an epic video
Aditya Raj
Aditya Raj - 7 years ago
superb... no words... good bro... my best video .. superb Superb
Pedro Silva
Pedro Silva - 7 years ago
caramba iso e muito louco irado
Al Fol
Al Fol - 7 years ago
Yegor Petrov
Yegor Petrov - 7 years ago
This is the definition of epic.
Primitive Sense
Primitive Sense - 7 years ago
i was literally screaming so loud my neighbor started to yell
Nolacross70 - 7 years ago
Zandra Brookshire
Zandra Brookshire - 7 years ago
you are the beast at that hi
Z3LUK4 - 7 years ago
I will advertise you
Z3LUK4 - 7 years ago
Hello, I have used your video for a compilation
Thank you in advance.
Владимир Ветров
Владимир Ветров - 7 years ago
rexi mendez
rexi mendez - 7 years ago
fuckin modders!
Ernie Bolado
Ernie Bolado - 7 years ago
One way to beat tsunami.
Benemago - 7 years ago
No me lo creo :O lo mas increíble que e visto en tiempo en youtube!
Ramon Martinez
Ramon Martinez - 7 years ago
coolest thing I seen all day!
Jeremy Robertson
Jeremy Robertson - 7 years ago
NZ KID - 7 years ago
never fails to impress
delon gaming
delon gaming - 7 years ago
kaya boleh tau itu pake apa ajah ban bisa gitu
George Clark
George Clark - 7 years ago
Who needs a JetSki ;)
NCSReuploads - 7 years ago
gta online hackers be like
zaqyah abdtalib
zaqyah abdtalib - 7 years ago
hly shit wtf? its look fun i gonna try it lol
Film Overlay
Film Overlay - 7 years ago
Nick Chartrand
Nick Chartrand - 7 years ago
Is sometimes the pipe brown and other time chrome?
Red Radar
Red Radar - 7 years ago
i wanna try that now where do i get one of those bikes???
ArtificialImPulse - 7 years ago
Anyone else screaming in their head at the fact that so much Salt water is touching the bike??!?! Corrosion for days
Savvy Xavi
Savvy Xavi - 7 years ago
Is that a Honda or a Yamaha?
Savvy Xavi
Savvy Xavi - 7 years ago
It's a 3 tuneforks.
Isan Chumy
Isan Chumy - 7 years ago
FlyinCameras Mike
FlyinCameras Mike - 7 years ago
Sean Bertino
Sean Bertino - 7 years ago
i wanna be i wanna be like.. ROBBIE.

my fuckin hero
rod mact
rod mact - 7 years ago
You can't just end it like that, and expect everyone to accept it. For anyone with any curiosity at all it's a complete piss-off. I will never buy anything from DC because of this arrogant slap in the face.
AIWITHF - 7 years ago
- Look I have a waterproof Watch !
- No big deal
Legostarwars the clone wars Continues
Legostarwars the clone wars Continues - 7 years ago
all im just going to say is that i ate way 2 much and i am really full and thats it
NIFTY DRIFTY Gaming - 7 years ago
i have a pipe dream !! ;-)
TedTheAtheist - 7 years ago
I have a feeling he doesn't want to stop in the water, unlike a jetski...
Kebab Remover
Kebab Remover - 7 years ago
Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla - 7 years ago
barrel man
barrel man - 7 years ago
is this rosbeg co Donegal?
Tanwish Naik
Tanwish Naik - 7 years ago
Im here bcoz of salman bhai thums up ad....
ahmad muaz
ahmad muaz - 7 years ago
how if he fall in the water
Red_Jacket - 7 years ago
Bae: Come over!

Me: I can’t you live across the Pacific!

Bae: But I’m home alone ;)

Me: Puts on sunglasses Hold me beer Pirates of the Caribbean music plays
Garrett Sarchet
Garrett Sarchet - 7 years ago
if you look at the thumb nail it looks like robbie is wearing a star wars helmet
Jason Heilman - Dream Project VLOG
Jason Heilman - Dream Project VLOG - 7 years ago
JOAO VITOR vivi - 7 years ago
RYAN RUTH - 7 years ago
Every video should be filmed like this
TheKidGamez - 7 years ago
HOLY SHIT!!! Impossible
Ike Ozurumba
Ike Ozurumba - 7 years ago
when a trailer/commercial brings you here from another video you know youve done well!! that music though!!!!
Kynys - 7 years ago
ohh no.. i try do like this and r.i.p motorcross
AtomicsDonger /Pahati22
AtomicsDonger /Pahati22 - 7 years ago
jesus on motorcycle
AtomicsDonger /Pahati22
AtomicsDonger /Pahati22 - 7 years ago
jesus really lives motor
Ethan Irons
Ethan Irons - 7 years ago
J Brand
J Brand - 7 years ago
motocross Jesus ?
J Brand
J Brand - 7 years ago
what damage did the salt water do ?
James Badham
James Badham - 7 years ago
Any surfer hates this guy. He and his oil-spewing rev machine don't belong in the ocean.
Khoi Nguyen
Khoi Nguyen - 7 years ago
Jesus rides Motocross!
sksahid sksahid
sksahid sksahid - 7 years ago
IRON10671 - 7 years ago
Hey, USA! i caming for you... eron-don-don
Mason Titus
Mason Titus - 7 years ago
Josef Chatts
Josef Chatts - 7 years ago
This is so fake
Elianehjbh É Gabi José Jesus no abraaoPinto
Elianehjbh É Gabi José Jesus no abraaoPinto - 7 years ago
quem dera eu Teumamoto
Сергей Макоткин
Сергей Макоткин - 7 years ago
хочу себе такой , где можно купить ?
R. Sathyaseelan Ramankuttysathyaseelan
R. Sathyaseelan Ramankuttysathyaseelan - 7 years ago
awesome bg music...
where can I get it.The original?
Leo Brazz
Leo Brazz - 7 years ago
Mees Tekstra
Mees Tekstra - 7 years ago
Piraten of the caribbean : Madisons revenge
petra smith
petra smith - 7 years ago
(3guys on canoe): our life is sucks.. me : it's my new hangout..
petra smith
petra smith - 7 years ago
(3guys on canoe): our life is sucks.. me : it's my new hangout..
petra smith
petra smith - 7 years ago
(3guys on canoe): our life is sucks.. me : it's my new hangout..
Shawn Thompson
Shawn Thompson - 7 years ago
3 Of us i rate "pipe dreams " 0-100. 99 smft, 100 randyCox, Mitchell 100 let's see u fly next rC.
Jenny Menzel
Jenny Menzel - 7 years ago
OMG Amazing
Jorginho Lista
Jorginho Lista - 7 years ago
you are fantastic!
cynthia taylor
cynthia taylor - 7 years ago
this is fake
Ems Ems
Ems Ems - 7 years ago
WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!!?
canal variedades
canal variedades - 7 years ago
no memes no
no memes no - 7 years ago
DC is killing the reef
WeRideLikeThis - 7 years ago
friend hey, i bet you cant ride that there dirt bike in the waves
me: hold my beer

me you dropped my beer
WeRideLikeThis - 7 years ago
who remembers the myth busters doing a thing on can bikes ride on water and calling it plausible, my dad and i when, put a sand tyre on the back and a ski on either side of the forks and she'll be right mate. FUCKING LOOK AT THIS!!!!
Shinn Asuka
Shinn Asuka - 7 years ago
now i'm in the right side of YOUTUBE..
fatdog - 7 years ago
ハスラー - 7 years ago
これある一定の速度以下だと 沈没するのかな?w
Daj mi suba a zostaniesz milionerem
Daj mi suba a zostaniesz milionerem - 7 years ago
he is cheater
dendorovium - 7 years ago
simisweetsumo 25
simisweetsumo 25 - 7 years ago
um cheat codes anyone??
Snofts Cunha
Snofts Cunha - 7 years ago
que filha da puta!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
KING KALIKush - 7 years ago
That HAM
KING KALIKush - 7 years ago
That Chit HAM
Jetson White
Jetson White - 7 years ago
RoadKillzine - 7 years ago
Get that noisy polluting, lazy shit out of the sea... fuck right off with it dick-head
Landon Romero
Landon Romero - 7 years ago
Movidyk Condori Mamani
Movidyk Condori Mamani - 7 years ago
Asu mare
Nicholas Shilzony
Nicholas Shilzony - 7 years ago
black cat
black cat - 7 years ago
what it is called
Lourdes de Oliveira
Lourdes de Oliveira - 7 years ago
Believe! That's all there is to it...haha!
Jackson Rocha
Jackson Rocha - 7 years ago
Globo da morte
EROL MotoVlogs
EROL MotoVlogs - 7 years ago
Hacker noob >:o
Ceejay Vue
Ceejay Vue - 7 years ago
I have the same problem in school, I try to wear my heeleys in the hallways but bitches get so wet I start to hydroplane.
Dallas Paul-Sykes
Dallas Paul-Sykes - 7 years ago
Can it jump
пМунавир Гилязов
пМунавир Гилязов - 7 years ago
Наши Ханты Лянторские на урале с коляской по болотам через ручьи вот это Экстрим сам на заднем сиденье на рыбалку ночью
Gerardo Guerrero
Gerardo Guerrero - 7 years ago
yea a 4 stroke could never di something like this
Ricci Kiri
Ricci Kiri - 7 years ago
muddrider 09
muddrider 09 - 7 years ago
I want to try to so bad and I would but I'm not the type of guy to have enough money to buy as many bikes as they want I can barely maintain keeping my bike fixed when it breaks so it wouldn't be a good idea to try this
Андрей Апанов
Андрей Апанов - 7 years ago
Adi Tri
Adi Tri - 7 years ago
GTA Cheat Drive on water vehicle
TGS Potato
TGS Potato - 7 years ago
very mlg
Raden Tardjo
Raden Tardjo - 7 years ago
So you actually can surfing on a motorcycle in the real world? Tought that was just in a movie, i'll try with my scooter tommorow and do exactly like this guy did.could be awesome
xaris tpt
xaris tpt - 7 years ago
cheat in real life
Mc Vero
Mc Vero - 7 years ago
ma è morto?
Antonio Spedicato
Antonio Spedicato - 7 years ago
minkia fighissimo!!
Seghalord Robles
Seghalord Robles - 7 years ago
What kind of bike is that
สละ ฐานวิเศษ
สละ ฐานวิเศษ - 7 years ago
JESUS RAMIREZ - 7 years ago
Chanchal Ghosh
Chanchal Ghosh - 7 years ago
GOD - HOW 'S THAT possible.?
Sà Mi
Sà Mi - 7 years ago
Song's name pleaase
Sà Mi
Sà Mi - 7 years ago
Song's name pleaase
Phu Nguyen
Phu Nguyen - 7 years ago
that 30 seconds panic >>fix ,, with a remote control life jacket co2 , extra bigger than one he wore.
Aslam uddin
Aslam uddin - 7 years ago
what is the soundtrack??
Andjar Gunawan
Andjar Gunawan - 7 years ago
thumbs up!!!!
Leonard R
Leonard R - 7 years ago
Paddle tires ftw!
Messias Rufino
Messias Rufino - 7 years ago
filé irado...
AMStorm - 7 years ago
Hold my beer i can do t.....
Brian Benson
Brian Benson - 7 years ago
Just when you thought the new triple x movie was full of shit....
Romeu Da Silva Pereira
Romeu Da Silva Pereira - 7 years ago
Bela maneira de viajar !
xtscarface M
xtscarface M - 7 years ago
I wonder if i could get away from cops easier with a bike like this
xtscarface M
xtscarface M - 7 years ago
Thats some amazing stuff
David Shaw
David Shaw - 7 years ago
Neato, fellas!
Erwin Brebes
Erwin Brebes - 7 years ago
yang bagus dong
Pat C.
Pat C. - 7 years ago
Mods active:

Wall hacks
Aim Bot
God Mode
Paint Ball Mode
Nelson Wilkins
Nelson Wilkins - 7 years ago
Wtf that was sick
tamatea maitere
tamatea maitere - 7 years ago
In teahupoo
МОЗГ В АРЕНДУ - 7 years ago
Наш Китай !
Наш Китай ! - 7 years ago
Brody T12
Brody T12 - 7 years ago
This is amazing I want to do it so bad
BAIXADA REGGAE - 7 years ago
Tinha que ser sufista .Estilo de vida show.
Márcia Maria
Márcia Maria - 7 years ago
zvb asfx"
Matthew Schindler
Matthew Schindler - 7 years ago
this video never ceases to amaze me
ganimede europe
ganimede europe - 7 years ago
James Cassidy
James Cassidy - 7 years ago
HF This Is LiTT!!!!
Joshua Bloomfield
Joshua Bloomfield - 7 years ago
Is that thing retested ?
Михаил Куляев
Михаил Куляев - 7 years ago
Интересно сколько раз был утоплен этот мотоцикл пока снимали ролик :))))))))))
Google User
Google User - 7 years ago
Breaking news Robbie madison admits its fake it was all shot on green screen
Melkor Ar Soutil
Melkor Ar Soutil - 7 years ago
すしらーめんりくくんらぶ - 7 years ago
How can make this???
This is fantastic!!!!
jessica mcgregor
jessica mcgregor - 7 years ago
Whats next...back flip on water
lovestheh20 - 7 years ago
Dirf Bifing! Ding Dong Boys style - those guys were the true pioneers to this sport (those who watched human giant from MTV years ago will get it)
Gus Pur
Gus Pur - 7 years ago
really awesome
thamy bolvierh
thamy bolvierh - 7 years ago
gustavo Martinez
gustavo Martinez - 7 years ago
Pinta Surya
Pinta Surya - 7 years ago
I'll make my dreams come true[LIVE]
Joe Becht
Joe Becht - 7 years ago
this gives me a great idea, i'm gonna fly a 4 stroke out of a plane with wings attached and when I get close enough to the ground i'm gonna detach the wings and land
Quagigitymire - 7 years ago
Ahhh, fuck you! The second I saw this in the xXx movie preview I said to myself how fucking dumb does this movie expect me to be, how damn much do they think I am willing to chalk up to it be a movie, not reality? Just like when they flipped the car, used a crane to knock off the what must have been a multiple kiloton nuclear bomb off the bottom of the car as it flew 100's of feet in the air, then landed gracefully without so much as a scuffed rim or scratch in the paint in the 3rd Transporter movie, one can only take so much bullshit before the movie is ruined. And now I see this so called dirt biker who's obviously superman in disguise pulling this shit?
For real, though, this is unbelievable had it not been filmed like this showing how real it is. Some amazing shit right here.
leslie yu
leslie yu - 7 years ago
what the name of motorbike, please
Blondet Pierre-Stanislas
Blondet Pierre-Stanislas - 7 years ago
Candide Thônex
Jason Beasley
Jason Beasley - 7 years ago
it dope
Wellington Macedo
Wellington Macedo - 7 years ago
Espetacular, muito louco.
Алёшка УС
Алёшка УС - 7 years ago
Я в аххуе!!!
Celengaar - 7 years ago
holy shit was that real?
My Vloglife
My Vloglife - 7 years ago
Me When I Late To School
Jorgittogamer 2327
Jorgittogamer 2327 - 7 years ago
demasiadi divertido ese video
Daver Son
Daver Son - 7 years ago
Surfers going "Fucking bikers!"
NJIF - 7 years ago
What music is that?
ascended_mortal Instagram
ascended_mortal Instagram - 7 years ago
oski1128 - 7 years ago
Does someone have any idea where to buy those parts? i mean back and front skids and this back tire?
Young Master
Young Master - 7 years ago
my god just wow words have failed me
Danilo Pires
Danilo Pires - 7 years ago
Esse vídeo é o mais foda que eu já vi! Incrível!
PsykoWheels - 7 years ago
Xxx return of the xander brought me here.
gianni arduino
gianni arduino - 7 years ago
cess guardate a minuto 1:18 l'espansione e arruginita ma a l minuto 1:30 torna cromata e splendente e che cazzo però quella moto e praticamente impossibile fare tutto quel tratto di mare tutto in una volta e si vede anche nel video
Lucas Kibler
Lucas Kibler - 7 years ago
Wow. That is fucking COOL.
Andres Ocampo
Andres Ocampo - 7 years ago
F P - 7 years ago
alexia cabrera
alexia cabrera - 7 years ago
I love you
Chuck Finley
Chuck Finley - 7 years ago
you know how hard it must be to balance and turn on that
Gisely youtube
Gisely youtube - 7 years ago
Fake. A moto nem treme o guidão quando a onda explode hahahaEngraçado que só tem clipe profissional. Se fosse verdade já teriam filmado em câmera amadora é smaths pelas praias.
FlmxFilms - 7 years ago
Subscribe to my channel of mx weekly videos
Net 777
Net 777 - 7 years ago
Toni Aznar G
Toni Aznar G - 7 years ago
Toni Aznar G
Toni Aznar G - 7 years ago
Bonito destrozo de la naturaleza, el paisaje y la calma del entorno. DECEPCIONANTE!!!!!!!
Leo Bernal
Leo Bernal - 7 years ago
No destruyo nada, el mar tranquilo para nada porque como pudiste ver habia gente ahi.
Toni Aznar G
Toni Aznar G - 7 years ago
De como destroza el río con la moto, de como destroza los caminos, de como destroza la tranquilidad del mar...de todo eso hablo, Leo
Leo Bernal
Leo Bernal - 7 years ago
Toni Aznar G de que hablas?
Scotty Nguyen's 80s Mullet
Scotty Nguyen's 80s Mullet - 7 years ago
Haha fuck goatboaters
Nathan Newnham
Nathan Newnham - 7 years ago
People swimming be like '"he is fucking hacking"
livardo - 7 years ago
Wait, this shit is real? I just saw xXx and we all thought it was some made up bullshit.
gear geezer
gear geezer - 7 years ago
Good lord!! The last thing I want to see in the water while I'm surfing is a dirt bike!
Jake Willis
Jake Willis - 7 years ago
Robbie Maddison saved money on his car insurance and now he feels... EPIC.
CR7 AinulMaRdiAna
CR7 AinulMaRdiAna - 7 years ago
KTM machine?
Александр Варначев
Александр Варначев - 7 years ago
Это мощь!
Fasching Marvin
Fasching Marvin - 7 years ago
thaht is so nice its Not fake
Mario Zea
Mario Zea - 7 years ago

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